Initial WebM release
diff --git a/configure b/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3083343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+## Copyright (c) 2010 The VP8 project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+## Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license and patent
+## grant that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+## tree. All contributing project authors may be found in the AUTHORS
+## file in the root of the source tree.
+#source_path="`dirname \"$0\"`"
+. "${source_path}/build/make/"
+ show_help_pre
+ cat << EOF
+Advanced options:
+ ${toggle_libs} don't build libraries
+ ${toggle_examples} don't build examples
+ --libc=PATH path to alternate libc
+ ${toggle_fast_unaligned} don't use unaligned accesses, even when
+ supported by hardware [auto]
+ ${toggle_codec_srcs} in/exclude codec library source code
+ ${toggle_debug_libs} in/exclude debug version of libraries
+ ${toggle_eval_limit} enable limited evaluation build
+ ${toggle_md5} support for output of checksum data
+ ${toggle_static_msvcrt} use static MSVCRT (VS builds only)
+ ${toggle_vp8} VP8 codec support
+ ${toggle_psnr} output of PSNR data, if supported (encoders)
+ ${toggle_mem_tracker} track memory usage
+ ${toggle_eval_limit} decoder limitted to 500 frames
+ ${toggle_postproc} postprocessing
+ ${toggle_multithread} multithreaded encoding and decoding.
+ ${toggle_spatial_resampling} spatial sampling (scaling) support
+ ${toggle_realtime_only} enable this option while building for real-time encoding
+ ${toggle_runtime_cpu_detect} runtime cpu detection
+ Codecs can be selectively enabled or disabled individually, or by family:
+ --disable-<codec>
+ is equivalent to:
+ --disable-<codec>-encoder
+ --disable-<codec>-decoder
+ Codecs available in this distribution:
+#restore editor state '
+ local family;
+ local last_family;
+ local c;
+ local str;
+ for c in ${CODECS}; do
+ family=${c%_*}
+ if [ "${family}" != "${last_family}" ]; then
+ [ -z "${str}" ] || echo "${str}"
+ str="$(printf ' %10s:' ${family})"
+ fi
+ str="${str} $(printf '%10s' ${c#*_})"
+ last_family=${family}
+ done
+ echo "${str}"
+ show_help_post
+# all_platforms is a list of all supported target platforms. Maintain
+# alphabetically by architecture, generic-gnu last.
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv5te-linux-rvct"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv5te-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv5te-symbian-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv5te-wince-vs8"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv6-darwin-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv6-linux-rvct"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv6-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv6-symbian-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv6-wince-vs8"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} iwmmxt-linux-rvct"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} iwmmxt-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} iwmmxt-wince-vs8"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} iwmmxt2-linux-rvct"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} iwmmxt2-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} iwmmxt2-wince-vs8"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv7-darwin-gcc" #neon Cortex-A8
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv7-linux-rvct" #neon Cortex-A8
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} armv7-linux-gcc" #neon Cortex-A8
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} mips32-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} ppc32-darwin8-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} ppc32-darwin9-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} ppc64-darwin8-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} ppc64-darwin9-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} ppc64-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-darwin8-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-darwin8-icc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-darwin9-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-darwin9-icc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-linux-icc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-solaris-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-win32-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-win32-vs7"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86-win32-vs8"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86_64-darwin9-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86_64-linux-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86_64-solaris-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} x86_64-win64-vs8"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} universal-darwin8-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} universal-darwin9-gcc"
+all_platforms="${all_platforms} generic-gnu"
+# all_targets is a list of all targets that can be configured
+# note that these should be in dependency order for now.
+all_targets="libs examples docs"
+# all targets available are enabled, by default.
+for t in ${all_targets}; do
+ [ -f ${source_path}/${t}.mk ] && enable ${t}
+# check installed doxygen version
+doxy_version=$(doxygen --version 2>/dev/null)
+if [ ${doxy_major:-0} -ge 1 ]; then
+ doxy_version=${doxy_version#*.}
+ doxy_minor=${doxy_version%%.*}
+ doxy_patch=${doxy_version##*.}
+ [ $doxy_major -gt 1 ] && enable doxygen
+ [ $doxy_minor -gt 5 ] && enable doxygen
+ [ $doxy_minor -eq 5 ] && [ $doxy_patch -ge 3 ] && enable doxygen
+# install everything, by default
+enabled doxygen && php -v >/dev/null 2>&1 && enable install_docs
+enable install_bins
+enable install_libs
+enable install_srcs
+enable optimizations
+enable fast_unaligned #allow unaligned accesses, if supported by hw
+enable md5
+enable spatial_resampling
+enable multithread
+[ -d ${source_path}/../include ] && enable alt_tree_layout
+for d in vp8; do
+ [ -d ${source_path}/${d} ] && disable alt_tree_layout;
+if ! enabled alt_tree_layout; then
+# development environment
+[ -d ${source_path}/vp8 ] && CODECS="${CODECS} vp8_encoder vp8_decoder"
+# customer environment
+[ -f ${source_path}/../include/vp8cx.h ] && CODECS="${CODECS} vp8_encoder"
+[ -f ${source_path}/../include/vp8dx.h ] && CODECS="${CODECS} vp8_decoder"
+[ -f ${source_path}/../lib/*/*mt.lib ] && soft_enable static_msvcrt
+CODECS="$(echo ${CODECS} | tr ' ' '\n')"
+CODEC_FAMILIES="$(for c in ${CODECS}; do echo ${c%_*}; done | sort | uniq)"
+ arm
+ mips
+ x86
+ x86_64
+ ppc32
+ ppc64
+ armv5te
+ armv6
+ armv7
+ iwmmxt
+ iwmmxt2
+ mips32
+ mmx
+ sse
+ sse2
+ sse3
+ ssse3
+ altivec
+ vpx_ports
+ stdint_h
+ alt_tree_layout
+ pthread_h
+ sys_mman_h
+ external_build
+ install_docs
+ install_bins
+ install_libs
+ install_srcs
+ debug
+ gprof
+ gcov
+ rvct
+ gcc
+ msvs
+ pic
+ big_endian
+ codec_srcs
+ debug_libs
+ fast_unaligned
+ mem_manager
+ mem_tracker
+ mem_checks
+ md5
+ dequant_tokens
+ dc_recon
+ new_tokens
+ eval_limit
+ runtime_cpu_detect
+ postproc
+ postproc_generic
+ multithread
+ psnr
+ encoders
+ decoders
+ static_msvcrt
+ spatial_resampling
+ realtime_only
+ extra_warnings
+ werror
+ install_docs
+ install_bins
+ install_libs
+ install_srcs
+ debug
+ gprof
+ gcov
+ pic
+ optimizations
+ ccache
+ runtime_cpu_detect
+ libs
+ examples
+ libc
+ fast_unaligned
+ codec_srcs
+ debug_libs
+ md5
+ dequant_tokens
+ dc_recon
+ new_tokens
+ eval_limit
+ postproc
+ postproc_generic
+ multithread
+ psnr
+ static_msvcrt
+ mem_tracker
+ spatial_resampling
+ realtime_only
+process_cmdline() {
+ for opt do
+ optval="${opt#*=}"
+ case "$opt" in
+ --disable-codecs) for c in ${CODECS}; do disable $c; done ;;
+ *) process_common_cmdline $opt
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+post_process_cmdline() {
+ local c
+ # If the codec family is disabled, disable all components of that family.
+ # If the codec family is enabled, enable all components of that family.
+ log_echo "Configuring selected codecs"
+ for c in ${CODECS}; do
+ disabled ${c%%_*} && disable ${c}
+ enabled ${c%%_*} && enable ${c}
+ done
+ # Enable all detected codecs, if they haven't been disabled
+ for c in ${CODECS}; do soft_enable $c; done
+ # Enable the codec family if any component of that family is enabled
+ for c in ${CODECS}; do
+ enabled $c && enable ${c%_*}
+ done
+ # Set the {en,de}coders variable if any algorithm in that class is enabled
+ for c in ${CODECS}; do
+ enabled ${c} && enable ${c##*_}s
+ done
+process_targets() {
+ enabled child || write_common_config_banner
+ enabled universal || write_common_target_config_h ${BUILD_PFX}vpx_config.h
+ # TODO: add host tools target (obj_int_extract, etc)
+ # For fat binaries, call configure recursively to configure for each
+ # binary architecture to be included.
+ if enabled universal; then
+ # Call configure (ourselves) for each subarchitecture
+ for arch in $fat_bin_archs; do
+ BUILD_PFX=${arch}/ toolchain=${arch} $self --child $cmdline_args || exit $?
+ done
+ fi
+ # The write_common_config ( logic is deferred until after the
+ # recursive calls to configure complete, becuase we want our universal
+ # targets to be executed last.
+ write_common_config_targets
+ enabled universal && echo "FAT_ARCHS=${fat_bin_archs}" >>
+ # Calculate the default distribution name, based on the enabled features
+ local cf
+ local DIST_DIR=vpx
+ for cf in $CODEC_FAMILIES; do
+ if enabled ${cf}_encoder && enabled ${cf}_decoder; then
+ DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-${cf}"
+ elif enabled ${cf}_encoder; then
+ DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-${cf}cx"
+ elif enabled ${cf}_decoder; then
+ DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-${cf}dx"
+ fi
+ done
+ enabled debug_libs && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-debug"
+ enabled codec_srcs && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-src"
+ ! enabled postproc && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-nopost"
+ ! enabled multithread && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-nomt"
+ enabled eval_limit && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-eval"
+ ! enabled install_docs && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-nodocs"
+ DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-${tgt_isa}-${tgt_os}"
+ case "${tgt_os}" in
+ win*) enabled static_msvcrt && DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}mt" || DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}md"
+ DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-${tgt_cc}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ -f "${source_path}/build/make/" ]; then
+ local ver=`"$source_path/build/make/" --bare $source_path`
+ DIST_DIR="${DIST_DIR}-${ver}"
+ fi
+ enabled child || echo "DIST_DIR?=${DIST_DIR}" >>
+ enabled child || echo "CONFIGURE_ARGS?=${CONFIGURE_ARGS}" >>
+ #
+ # Write makefiles for all enabled targets
+ #
+ for tgt in libs examples docs solution; do
+ local tgt_fn="$tgt-$"
+ if enabled $tgt; then
+ echo "Creating makefiles for ${toolchain} ${tgt}"
+ write_common_target_config_mk $tgt_fn ${BUILD_PFX}vpx_config.h
+ #write_${tgt}_config
+ fi
+ done
+process_detect() {
+ if [ -z "$CC" ]; then
+ echo "Bypassing toolchain for environment detection."
+ enable external_build
+ check_header() {
+ log fake_check_header "$@"
+ header=$1
+ shift
+ var=`echo $header | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/_/g'`
+ disable $var
+ case $header in
+ stdio.h)
+ true;
+ ;;
+ *)
+ local result=false
+ for d in "$@"; do
+ [ -f "${d##-I}/$header" ] && result=true && break
+ done
+ ${result:-true}
+ esac && enable $var
+ }
+ check_ld() {
+ true
+ }
+ fi
+ check_header stdio.h || die "Unable to invoke compiler: ${CC} ${CFLAGS}"
+ check_ld <<EOF || die "Toolchain is unable to link executables"
+int main(void) {return 0;}
+ # check system headers
+ check_header stdint.h
+ check_header pthread.h
+ check_header sys/mman.h
+ check_header vpx_ports/vpx_integer.h -I${source_path} && enable vpx_ports
+process_toolchain() {
+ process_common_toolchain
+ # Handle universal binaries for this architecture
+ case $toolchain in
+ universal-darwin*)
+ local darwin_ver=${tgt_os##darwin}
+ fat_bin_archs="$fat_bin_archs ppc32-${tgt_os}-gcc"
+ # Intel
+ fat_bin_archs="$fat_bin_archs x86-${tgt_os}-${tgt_cc}"
+ if [ $darwin_ver -gt 8 ]; then
+ fat_bin_archs="$fat_bin_archs x86_64-${tgt_os}-${tgt_cc}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Enable some useful compiler flags
+ if enabled gcc; then
+ enabled werror && check_add_cflags -Werror
+ check_add_cflags -Wall
+ check_add_cflags -Wdeclaration-after-statement
+ check_add_cflags -Wdisabled-optimization
+ check_add_cflags -Wpointer-arith
+ check_add_cflags -Wtype-limits
+ check_add_cflags -Wcast-qual
+ enabled extra_warnings || check_add_cflags -Wno-unused
+ fi
+ if enabled icc; then
+ enabled werror && check_add_cflags -Werror
+ check_add_cflags -Wall
+ check_add_cflags -Wpointer-arith
+ # ICC has a number of floating point optimizations that we disable
+ # in favor of deterministic output WRT to other compilers
+ add_cflags -fp-model precise
+ fi
+ # Enable extra, harmless warnings. These might provide additional insight
+ # to what the compiler is doing and why, but in general, but they shouldn't
+ # be treated as fatal, even if we're treating warnings as errors.
+ -Wdisabled-optimization
+ -Winline
+ "
+ --remarks
+ "
+ if enabled extra_warnings; then
+ for w in ${EXTRA_WARNINGS}; do
+ check_add_cflags ${w}
+ enabled gcc && enabled werror && check_add_cflags -Wno-error=${w}
+ done
+ fi
+ # ccache only really works on gcc toolchains
+ enabled gcc || soft_disable ccache
+ if enabled mips; then
+ enable dequant_tokens
+ enable dc_recon
+ fi
+ # Enable the postbuild target if building for visual studio.
+ case "$tgt_cc" in
+ vs*) enable msvs
+ enable solution
+ vs_version=${tgt_cc##vs}
+ all_targets="${all_targets} solution"
+ INLINE=__inline
+ FORCEINLINE=__forceinline
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Other toolchain specific defaults
+ case $toolchain in x86*|ppc*|universal*) soft_enable postproc;; esac
+process "$@"
+cat <<EOF > ${BUILD_PFX}vpx_config.c
+static const char* const cfg = "$CONFIGURE_ARGS";
+const char *vpx_codec_build_config(void) {return cfg;}