blob: 13d96c3292685ec91f343b79ec7324a9e90a980c [file] [log] [blame]
## Copyright (c) 2017, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
## This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
## the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
## was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
## obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
## Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
## PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
endif ()
endif ()
# Parses test/test-data.sha1 and writes captured file names and checksums to
# $out_files and $out_checksums as lists.
function (make_test_data_lists test_data_file out_files out_checksums)
if (NOT test_data_file OR NOT EXISTS "${test_data_file}")
message(FATAL_ERROR "Test info file missing or empty (${test_data_file})")
endif ()
# Read $test_data_file into $files_and_checksums. $files_and_checksums becomes
# a list with an entry for each line from $test_data_file.
file(STRINGS "${test_data_file}" files_and_checksums)
# Iterate over the list of lines and split it into $checksums and $filenames.
foreach (line ${files_and_checksums})
string(FIND "${line}" " *" delim_pos)
math(EXPR filename_pos "${delim_pos} + 2")
string(SUBSTRING "${line}" 0 ${delim_pos} checksum)
string(SUBSTRING "${line}" ${filename_pos} -1 filename)
list(FIND AOM_TEST_DATA_FILE_NAMES ${filename} list_index)
if (NOT ${list_index} EQUAL -1)
# Include the name and checksum in output only when the file is needed.
set(checksums ${checksums} ${checksum})
set(filenames ${filenames} ${filename})
endif ()
endforeach ()
list(LENGTH filenames num_files)
list(LENGTH checksums num_checksums)
if (NOT checksums OR NOT filenames OR NOT num_files EQUAL num_checksums)
message(FATAL_ERROR "Parsing of ${test_data_file} failed.")
endif ()
set(${out_checksums} ${checksums} PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${out_files} ${filenames} PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction ()
# Appends each file name in $test_files to $test_dir and adds the result path to
# $out_path_list.
function (expand_test_file_paths test_files test_dir out_path_list)
foreach (filename ${${test_files}})
set(path_list ${path_list} "${test_dir}/${filename}")
endforeach ()
set(${out_path_list} ${path_list} PARENT_SCOPE)
endfunction ()
function (check_file local_path expected_checksum out_needs_update)
if (EXISTS "${local_path}")
file(SHA1 "${local_path}" file_checksum)
else ()
set(${out_needs_update} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
return ()
endif ()
if ("${file_checksum}" STREQUAL "${expected_checksum}")
unset(${out_needs_update} PARENT_SCOPE)
else ()
set(${out_needs_update} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
return ()
endif ()
message("${local_path} up to date.")
endfunction ()
# Downloads data from $file_url, confirms that $file_checksum matches, and
# writes it to $local_path.
function (download_test_file file_url file_checksum local_path)
message("Downloading ${file_url} ...")
file(DOWNLOAD "${file_url}" "${local_path}"
EXPECTED_HASH SHA1=${file_checksum})
message("Download of ${file_url} complete.")
endfunction ()