Implement global motion parameter computation

This computes global motion parameters between 2 frames by
matching corresponding points using FAST feature and then
fitting a model using RANSAC.

Change-Id: Ib6664df44090e8cfa4db9f2f9e0556931ccfe5c8
diff --git a/vp10/encoder/corner_match.c b/vp10/encoder/corner_match.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b19d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vp10/encoder/corner_match.c
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+ *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
+ *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
+ *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
+ *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
+ *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "vp10/encoder/corner_match.h"
+#define MATCH_SZ 15
+#define MATCH_SZ_BY2 ((MATCH_SZ - 1) / 2)
+#define SEARCH_SZ 9
+#define SEARCH_SZ_BY2 ((SEARCH_SZ - 1) / 2)
+#define THRESHOLD_NCC 0.80
+static double compute_variance(unsigned char *im, int stride, int x, int y,
+                               double *mean) {
+  double sum = 0.0;
+  double sumsq = 0.0;
+  double var;
+  int i, j;
+  for (i = 0; i < MATCH_SZ; ++i)
+    for (j = 0; j < MATCH_SZ; ++j) {
+      sum += im[(i + y - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride + (j + x - MATCH_SZ_BY2)];
+      sumsq += im[(i + y - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride + (j + x - MATCH_SZ_BY2)] *
+               im[(i + y - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride + (j + x - MATCH_SZ_BY2)];
+    }
+  var = (sumsq * MATCH_SZ_SQ - sum * sum) / (MATCH_SZ_SQ * MATCH_SZ_SQ);
+  if (mean) *mean = sum / MATCH_SZ_SQ;
+  return var;
+static double compute_cross_correlation(unsigned char *im1, int stride1, int x1,
+                                        int y1, unsigned char *im2, int stride2,
+                                        int x2, int y2) {
+  double sum1 = 0;
+  double sum2 = 0;
+  double cross = 0;
+  double corr;
+  int i, j;
+  for (i = 0; i < MATCH_SZ; ++i)
+    for (j = 0; j < MATCH_SZ; ++j) {
+      sum1 += im1[(i + y1 - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride1 + (j + x1 - MATCH_SZ_BY2)];
+      sum2 += im2[(i + y2 - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride2 + (j + x2 - MATCH_SZ_BY2)];
+      cross +=
+          im1[(i + y1 - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride1 + (j + x1 - MATCH_SZ_BY2)] *
+          im2[(i + y2 - MATCH_SZ_BY2) * stride2 + (j + x2 - MATCH_SZ_BY2)];
+    }
+  corr = (cross * MATCH_SZ_SQ - sum1 * sum2) / (MATCH_SZ_SQ * MATCH_SZ_SQ);
+  return corr;
+static int is_eligible_point(double pointx, double pointy, int width,
+                             int height) {
+  return (pointx >= MATCH_SZ_BY2 && pointy >= MATCH_SZ_BY2 &&
+          pointx + MATCH_SZ_BY2 < width && pointy + MATCH_SZ_BY2 < height);
+static int is_eligible_distance(double point1x, double point1y, double point2x,
+                                double point2y, int width, int height) {
+  const int thresh = (width < height ? height : width) >> 4;
+  return ((point1x - point2x) * (point1x - point2x) +
+          (point1y - point2y) * (point1y - point2y)) <= thresh * thresh;
+static void improve_correspondence(unsigned char *frm, unsigned char *ref,
+                                   int width, int height, int frm_stride,
+                                   int ref_stride,
+                                   correspondence *correspondences,
+                                   int num_correspondences) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0; i < num_correspondences; ++i) {
+    double template_norm =
+        compute_variance(frm, frm_stride, (int)correspondences[i].x,
+                         (int)correspondences[i].y, NULL);
+    int x, y, best_x = 0, best_y = 0;
+    double best_match_ncc = 0.0;
+    for (y = -SEARCH_SZ_BY2; y <= SEARCH_SZ_BY2; ++y) {
+      for (x = -SEARCH_SZ_BY2; x <= SEARCH_SZ_BY2; ++x) {
+        double match_ncc;
+        double subimage_norm;
+        if (!is_eligible_point((int)correspondences[i].rx + x,
+                               (int)correspondences[i].ry + y, width, height))
+          continue;
+        if (!is_eligible_distance(
+                (int)correspondences[i].x, (int)correspondences[i].y,
+                (int)correspondences[i].rx + x, (int)correspondences[i].ry + y,
+                width, height))
+          continue;
+        subimage_norm =
+            compute_variance(ref, ref_stride, (int)correspondences[i].rx + x,
+                             (int)correspondences[i].ry + y, NULL);
+        match_ncc = compute_cross_correlation(
+                        frm, frm_stride, (int)correspondences[i].x,
+                        (int)correspondences[i].y, ref, ref_stride,
+                        (int)correspondences[i].rx + x,
+                        (int)correspondences[i].ry + y) /
+                    sqrt(template_norm * subimage_norm);
+        if (match_ncc > best_match_ncc) {
+          best_match_ncc = match_ncc;
+          best_y = y;
+          best_x = x;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    correspondences[i].rx += (double)best_x;
+    correspondences[i].ry += (double)best_y;
+  }
+  for (i = 0; i < num_correspondences; ++i) {
+    double template_norm =
+        compute_variance(ref, ref_stride, (int)correspondences[i].rx,
+                         (int)correspondences[i].ry, NULL);
+    int x, y, best_x = 0, best_y = 0;
+    double best_match_ncc = 0.0;
+    for (y = -SEARCH_SZ_BY2; y <= SEARCH_SZ_BY2; ++y)
+      for (x = -SEARCH_SZ_BY2; x <= SEARCH_SZ_BY2; ++x) {
+        double match_ncc;
+        double subimage_norm;
+        if (!is_eligible_point((int)correspondences[i].x + x,
+                               (int)correspondences[i].y + y, width, height))
+          continue;
+        if (!is_eligible_distance((int)correspondences[i].x + x,
+                                  (int)correspondences[i].y + y,
+                                  (int)correspondences[i].rx,
+                                  (int)correspondences[i].ry, width, height))
+          continue;
+        subimage_norm =
+            compute_variance(frm, frm_stride, (int)correspondences[i].x + x,
+                             (int)correspondences[i].y + y, NULL);
+        match_ncc =
+            compute_cross_correlation(
+                frm, frm_stride, (int)correspondences[i].x + x,
+                (int)correspondences[i].y + y, ref, ref_stride,
+                (int)correspondences[i].rx, (int)correspondences[i].ry) /
+            sqrt(template_norm * subimage_norm);
+        if (match_ncc > best_match_ncc) {
+          best_match_ncc = match_ncc;
+          best_y = y;
+          best_x = x;
+        }
+      }
+    correspondences[i].x += best_x;
+    correspondences[i].y += best_y;
+  }
+int determine_correspondence(unsigned char *frm, int *frm_corners,
+                             int num_frm_corners, unsigned char *ref,
+                             int *ref_corners, int num_ref_corners, int width,
+                             int height, int frm_stride, int ref_stride,
+                             double *correspondence_pts) {
+  // TODO(sarahparker) Improve this to include 2-way match
+  int i, j;
+  correspondence *correspondences = (correspondence *)correspondence_pts;
+  int num_correspondences = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < num_frm_corners; ++i) {
+    double best_match_ncc = 0.0;
+    double template_norm;
+    int best_match_j = -1;
+    if (!is_eligible_point(frm_corners[2 * i], frm_corners[2 * i + 1], width,
+                           height))
+      continue;
+    template_norm = compute_variance(frm, frm_stride, frm_corners[2 * i],
+                                     frm_corners[2 * i + 1], NULL);
+    for (j = 0; j < num_ref_corners; ++j) {
+      double match_ncc;
+      double subimage_norm;
+      if (!is_eligible_point(ref_corners[2 * j], ref_corners[2 * j + 1], width,
+                             height))
+        continue;
+      if (!is_eligible_distance(frm_corners[2 * i], frm_corners[2 * i + 1],
+                                ref_corners[2 * j], ref_corners[2 * j + 1],
+                                width, height))
+        continue;
+      subimage_norm = compute_variance(ref, ref_stride, ref_corners[2 * j],
+                                       ref_corners[2 * j + 1], NULL);
+      match_ncc = compute_cross_correlation(frm, frm_stride, frm_corners[2 * i],
+                                            frm_corners[2 * i + 1], ref,
+                                            ref_stride, ref_corners[2 * j],
+                                            ref_corners[2 * j + 1]) /
+                  sqrt(template_norm * subimage_norm);
+      if (match_ncc > best_match_ncc) {
+        best_match_ncc = match_ncc;
+        best_match_j = j;
+      }
+    }
+    if (best_match_ncc > THRESHOLD_NCC) {
+      correspondences[num_correspondences].x = (double)frm_corners[2 * i];
+      correspondences[num_correspondences].y = (double)frm_corners[2 * i + 1];
+      correspondences[num_correspondences].rx =
+          (double)ref_corners[2 * best_match_j];
+      correspondences[num_correspondences].ry =
+          (double)ref_corners[2 * best_match_j + 1];
+      num_correspondences++;
+    }
+  }
+  improve_correspondence(frm, ref, width, height, frm_stride, ref_stride,
+                         correspondences, num_correspondences);
+  return num_correspondences;