Use adative number of frames in temporal filtering

Temporal filtering uses a sequence of frames to filter a target frame.
Before this CL, the number of filtering frames is fixed as
`arnr_max_frames` (commonly set as 7).

This CL adaptively changes the number of frames used for filtering. In
particular, if the target frame is with low noise level, we will
increase the number of filtering frames. The reason is that we would
like the filtered frame to fuse context information from more frames
such that it can provide better predictions for more frames in the
following encoding process. Also, using more frames is beneficial for
de-noising. However, we will not increase the number of frames if the
target frame is with high noise level. The reason is that temporal
filtering is based on motion search. Large noise will hinder the search
engine from finding the proper block, and further harm the filtering

NOTE 1: This adaptive change of number of frames is applicable to both
Key Frames and ARFs. However, we treat them a little bit differently.
More concretely, when the `q` is small enough (especially for lossless
compression), we will NOT increase the number of frames for Key Frame
filtering. The reason is that AV1 does not support adding an overlay to
the Key Frame. Over-filtering may cause the visual quality drop of the
Key Frame. On the contrary, AV1 supports adding an overlay to ARFs.
Hence, it will be much safer to use more frames for ARF filtering.

NOTE 2: When user sets `arnr_max_frames` as 1 to disable temporal
filtering, the number of frames will NOT be changed (i.e., will be kept
as 1). This CL only takes effect when temporal filtering is active.

NOTE 3: The performance drop on lowres2 and midres2 under speed-1 might
be brought back by tuning the hyper-parameters in CL:

Experimental results:

Under Speed-4 (two-pass mode):
          avg PSNR   ovr PSNR     SSIM
ugc360p     -0.498     -0.681   -0.622
lowres      -0.266     -0.358   -0.314
lowres2      0.088      0.047    0.025
midres      -0.043     -0.139   -0.082
midres2      0.019     -0.024   -0.006
hdres       -0.356     -0.446   -0.301
hdres2      -0.029     -0.064   -0.032

Under Speed-1 (two-pass mode):
          avg PSNR   ovr PSNR     SSIM
ugc360p     -0.428     -0.570   -0.531
lowres      -0.212     -0.296   -0.290
lowres2      0.199      0.162    0.124
midres      -0.121     -0.122   -0.031
midres2      0.118      0.091    0.109
hdres       -0.390     -0.485   -0.375
hdres2       0.002     -0.037   -0.040


Change-Id: I6d36de6b5dc8e085a262d6e1487f5ed4098ade75
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encode_strategy.c b/av1/encoder/encode_strategy.c
index 3f01b4e..ba896e6 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/encode_strategy.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/encode_strategy.c
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@
       frame_params->frame_type == KEY_FRAME &&
       oxcf->enable_keyframe_filtering && !is_stat_generation_stage(cpi) &&
       !frame_params->show_existing_frame &&
-      cpi->rc.frames_to_key > TF_NUM_FILTERING_FRAMES_FOR_KEY_FRAME &&
+      cpi->rc.frames_to_key > cpi->oxcf.arnr_max_frames &&
       !is_lossless_requested(oxcf) && oxcf->arnr_max_frames > 0;
   if (apply_filtering) {
     const double y_noise_level = av1_estimate_noise_from_single_plane(
diff --git a/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c b/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c
index 12d9f60..2f8bb0b4 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c
@@ -295,8 +295,6 @@
                                const int mb_col, const int num_planes,
                                const struct scale_factors *scale,
                                const MV *subblock_mvs, uint8_t *pred) {
-  assert(num_planes >= 1 && num_planes <= MAX_MB_PLANE);
   // Information of the entire block.
   const int mb_height = block_size_high[block_size];  // Height.
   const int mb_width = block_size_wide[block_size];   // Width.
@@ -660,6 +658,15 @@
   return (frame_length + mb_length - 1) / mb_length;
+// Helper function to get `q` used for encoding.
+static INLINE int get_q(const AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  const FRAME_TYPE frame_type =
+      (cpi->common.current_frame.frame_number > 1) ? INTER_FRAME : KEY_FRAME;
+  const int q = (int)av1_convert_qindex_to_q(
+      cpi->rc.avg_frame_qindex[frame_type], cpi->common.seq_params.bit_depth);
+  return q;
 typedef struct {
   int64_t sum;
   int64_t sse;
@@ -701,10 +708,7 @@
   const int is_high_bitdepth = is_frame_high_bitdepth(frame_to_filter);
   // Quantization factor used in temporal filtering.
-  const FRAME_TYPE frame_type =
-      (cpi->common.current_frame.frame_number > 1) ? INTER_FRAME : KEY_FRAME;
-  const int q_factor = (int)av1_convert_qindex_to_q(
-      cpi->rc.avg_frame_qindex[frame_type], cpi->common.seq_params.bit_depth);
+  const int q_factor = get_q(cpi);
   // Factor to control the filering strength.
   const int filter_strength = cpi->oxcf.arnr_strength;
@@ -843,7 +847,8 @@
 // Setups the frame buffer for temporal filtering. Basically, this fuction
 // determines how many frames will be used for temporal filtering and then
-// groups them into a buffer.
+// groups them into a buffer. This function will also estimate the noise level
+// of the to-filter frame.
 // Inputs:
 //   cpi: Pointer to the composed information of input video.
 //   filter_frame_lookahead_idx: The index of the to-filter frame in the
@@ -853,57 +858,97 @@
 //   frames: Pointer to the frame buffer to setup.
 //   num_frames_for_filtering: Number of frames used for filtering.
 //   filter_frame_idx: Index of the to-filter frame in the setup frame buffer.
+//   noise_levels: Pointer to the noise levels of the to-filter frame, estimated
+//                 with each plane (in Y, U, V order).
 // Returns:
 //   Nothing will be returned. But the frame buffer `frames`, number of frames
 //   in the buffer `num_frames_for_filtering`, and the index of the to-filter
 //   frame in the buffer `filter_frame_idx` will be updated in this function.
+//   Estimated noise levels for YUV planes will be saved in `noise_levels`.
 static void tf_setup_filtering_buffer(const AV1_COMP *cpi,
                                       const int filter_frame_lookahead_idx,
                                       const int is_second_arf,
                                       YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG **frames,
                                       int *num_frames_for_filtering,
-                                      int *filter_frame_idx) {
-  int num_frames = 0;          // Number of frames used for filtering.
-  int num_frames_before = -1;  // Number of frames before the to-filter frame.
-  int filter_frame_offset;
+                                      int *filter_frame_idx,
+                                      double *noise_levels) {
+  // Number of frames used for filtering. Set `arnr_max_frames` as 1 to disable
+  // temporal filtering.
+  int num_frames = AOMMAX(cpi->oxcf.arnr_max_frames, 1);
+  int num_before = 0;  // Number of filtering frames before the to-filter frame.
+  int num_after = 0;   // Number of filtering frames after the to-filer frame.
+  const int lookahead_depth =
+      av1_lookahead_depth(cpi->lookahead, cpi->compressor_stage);
+  // Number of buffered frames before the to-filter frame.
+  const int max_before = filter_frame_lookahead_idx < -1
+                             ? -filter_frame_lookahead_idx + 1
+                             : filter_frame_lookahead_idx + 1;
+  // Number of buffered frames after the to-filter frame.
+  const int max_after = lookahead_depth - max_before;
+  // Estimate noises for each plane.
+  const struct lookahead_entry *to_filter_buf = av1_lookahead_peek(
+      cpi->lookahead, filter_frame_lookahead_idx, cpi->compressor_stage);
+  assert(to_filter_buf != NULL);
+  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *to_filter_frame = &to_filter_buf->img;
+  const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(&cpi->common);
+  for (int plane = 0; plane < num_planes; ++plane) {
+    noise_levels[plane] = av1_estimate_noise_from_single_plane(
+        to_filter_frame, plane, cpi->common.seq_params.bit_depth);
+  }
+  // Get quantization factor.
+  const int q = get_q(cpi);
+  // Adjust number of filtering frames based on noise and quantization factor.
+  // Basically, we would like to use more frames to filter low-noise frame such
+  // that the filtered frame can provide better predictions for more frames.
+  // Also, when the quantization factor is small enough (lossless compression),
+  // we will not change the number of frames for key frame filtering, which is
+  // to avoid visual quality drop.
+  int adjust_num = 0;
+  if (num_frames == 1) {  // `arnr_max_frames = 1` is used to disable filtering.
+    adjust_num = 0;
+  } else if (filter_frame_lookahead_idx < 0 && q <= 10) {
+    adjust_num = 0;
+  } else if (noise_levels[0] < 0.5) {
+    adjust_num = 6;
+  } else if (noise_levels[0] < 1.0) {
+    adjust_num = 4;
+  } else if (noise_levels[0] < 2.0) {
+    adjust_num = 2;
+  }
+  num_frames = AOMMIN(num_frames + adjust_num, lookahead_depth + 1);
   if (filter_frame_lookahead_idx == -1) {  // Key frame.
-    num_frames_before = 0;
-    filter_frame_offset = filter_frame_lookahead_idx;
+    num_before = 0;
+    num_after = AOMMIN(num_frames - 1, max_after);
   } else if (filter_frame_lookahead_idx < -1) {  // Key frame in one-pass mode.
-    num_frames_before = num_frames - 1;
-    filter_frame_offset = -filter_frame_lookahead_idx;
+    num_before = AOMMIN(num_frames - 1, max_before);
+    num_after = 0;
   } else {
-    // Set `arnr_max_frames` as 1 to disable temporal filtering.
-    num_frames = cpi->oxcf.arnr_max_frames;
-    if (is_second_arf) {  // Only use 2 neighbours for the second ARF.
-      num_frames = AOMMIN(num_frames, 3);
-    }
-    if (num_frames > cpi->rc.gfu_boost / 150) {
-      num_frames = cpi->rc.gfu_boost / 150;
-      num_frames += !(num_frames & 1);
-    }
-    num_frames_before = AOMMIN(num_frames >> 1, filter_frame_lookahead_idx + 1);
-    const int lookahead_depth =
-        av1_lookahead_depth(cpi->lookahead, cpi->compressor_stage);
-    const int num_frames_after =
-        AOMMIN((num_frames - 1) >> 1,
-               lookahead_depth - filter_frame_lookahead_idx - 1);
-    num_frames = num_frames_before + 1 + num_frames_after;
-    filter_frame_offset = filter_frame_lookahead_idx;
+    num_frames = AOMMIN(num_frames, cpi->rc.gfu_boost / 150);
+    num_frames += !(num_frames & 1);  // Make the number odd.
+    // Only use 2 neighbours for the second ARF.
+    if (is_second_arf) num_frames = AOMMIN(num_frames, 3);
+    num_before = AOMMIN(num_frames >> 1, max_before);
+    num_after = AOMMIN(num_frames >> 1, max_after);
-  *num_frames_for_filtering = num_frames;
-  *filter_frame_idx = num_frames_before;
+  num_frames = num_before + 1 + num_after;
   // Setup the frame buffer.
+  const int filter_frame_offset = filter_frame_lookahead_idx < -1
+                                      ? -filter_frame_lookahead_idx
+                                      : filter_frame_lookahead_idx;
   for (int frame = 0; frame < num_frames; ++frame) {
-    const int lookahead_idx = frame - num_frames_before + filter_frame_offset;
+    const int lookahead_idx = frame - num_before + filter_frame_offset;
     struct lookahead_entry *buf = av1_lookahead_peek(
         cpi->lookahead, lookahead_idx, cpi->compressor_stage);
-    frames[frame] = (buf == NULL) ? NULL : &buf->img;
+    assert(buf != NULL);
+    frames[frame] = &buf->img;
+  *num_frames_for_filtering = num_frames;
+  *filter_frame_idx = num_before;
+  assert(frames[*filter_frame_idx] == to_filter_frame);
 // A constant number, sqrt(pi / 2),  used for noise estimation.
@@ -987,18 +1032,12 @@
   int num_frames_for_filtering = 0;
   int filter_frame_idx = -1;
+  double noise_levels[MAX_MB_PLANE] = { 0 };
   tf_setup_filtering_buffer(cpi, filter_frame_lookahead_idx, is_second_arf,
                             frames, &num_frames_for_filtering,
-                            &filter_frame_idx);
-  // Estimate noise.
-  const int bit_depth = cpi->common.seq_params.bit_depth;
-  const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(&cpi->common);
-  double noise_levels[MAX_MB_PLANE] = { 0 };
-  for (int plane = 0; plane < num_planes; ++plane) {
-    noise_levels[plane] = av1_estimate_noise_from_single_plane(
-        frames[filter_frame_idx], plane, bit_depth);
-  }
+                            &filter_frame_idx, noise_levels);
+  assert(num_frames_for_filtering > 0);
+  assert(filter_frame_idx < num_frames_for_filtering);
   // Set showable frame.
   if (filter_frame_lookahead_idx >= 0) {
@@ -1009,19 +1048,16 @@
   // Do filtering.
   const int is_key_frame = (filter_frame_lookahead_idx < 0);
-  FRAME_DIFF diff = { 0, 0 };
-  if (num_frames_for_filtering > 0 && frames[0] != NULL) {
-    // Setup scaling factors. Scaling on each of the arnr frames is not
-    // supported.
-    // ARF is produced at the native frame size and resized when coded.
-    struct scale_factors sf;
-    av1_setup_scale_factors_for_frame(
-        &sf, frames[0]->y_crop_width, frames[0]->y_crop_height,
-        frames[0]->y_crop_width, frames[0]->y_crop_height);
-    diff =
-        tf_do_filtering(cpi, frames, num_frames_for_filtering, filter_frame_idx,
-                        is_key_frame, TF_BLOCK_SIZE, &sf, noise_levels);
-  }
+  // Setup scaling factors. Scaling on each of the arnr frames is not
+  // supported.
+  // ARF is produced at the native frame size and resized when coded.
+  struct scale_factors sf;
+  av1_setup_scale_factors_for_frame(
+      &sf, frames[0]->y_crop_width, frames[0]->y_crop_height,
+      frames[0]->y_crop_width, frames[0]->y_crop_height);
+  const FRAME_DIFF diff =
+      tf_do_filtering(cpi, frames, num_frames_for_filtering, filter_frame_idx,
+                      is_key_frame, TF_BLOCK_SIZE, &sf, noise_levels);
   if (is_key_frame) {  // Key frame should always be filtered.
     return 1;
@@ -1048,7 +1084,7 @@
     const int q = av1_rc_pick_q_and_bounds(cpi, &cpi->rc, cpi->oxcf.width,
                                            cpi->oxcf.height, group_idx,
                                            &bottom_index, &top_index);
-    const int ac_q = av1_ac_quant_QTX(q, 0, bit_depth);
+    const int ac_q = av1_ac_quant_QTX(q, 0, cpi->common.seq_params.bit_depth);
     const float threshold = 0.7f * ac_q * ac_q;
     if (!is_second_arf) {
diff --git a/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h b/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h
index 7bb5f12..3adbf85 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h
+++ b/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h
@@ -82,7 +82,6 @@
                                             const int bit_depth);
 #define TF_QINDEX 128  // Q-index used in temporal filtering.
 // Performs temporal filtering if needed.
 // NOTE: In this function, the lookahead index is different from the 0-based
 // real index. For example, if we want to filter the first frame in the