Merge dering/clpf rdo and filtering

* Dering and clpf were merged into a single pass.
* 32x32 and 128x128 filter block sizes for clpf were removed.
* RDO for dering and clpf merged and improved:
  - "0" no longer required to be in the strength selection
  - Dering strength can now be 0, 1 or 2 bits per block

              LL    HL
PSNR:       -0.04 -0.01
PSNR HVS:   -0.27 -0.18
SSIM:       -0.15 +0.01
CIEDE 2000: -0.11 -0.03
APSNR:      -0.03 -0.00
MS SSIM:    -0.18 -0.11

Change-Id: I9f002a16ad218eab6007f90f1f176232443495f0
24 files changed