Add support of libvmaf v2.x for tune=vmaf*

Removed libvmaf v1.x's code;
Replaced libvmaf_rc's functions with libvmaf 2.0's.

baseline=psnr, 150 frames, cpu-used=3, vbr
data set=hdres                      PSNR    SSIM    VMAF    VMAF_NEG
tune=vmaf                            --      --    -36.5%     --
tune=vmaf_neg                       11.9%   6.0%   -22.6%    -8.6%
tune=vmaf_with_preprocessing         --      --    -35.2%     --
tune=vmaf_without_preprocessing      7.4%   7.5%    -2.9%    -2.7%
data set=midres_bd10                PSNR    SSIM    VMAF    VMAF_NEG
tune=vmaf                            --      --    -33.1%     --
tune=vmaf_neg                       10.0%   4.2%   -22.7%   -10.2%
tune=vmaf_with_preprocessing         --      --    -30.5%     --
tune=vmaf_without_preprocessing      4.2%   3.7%    -3.5%    -3.0%

Please note that there are some issues in libvmaf that multi-threading
VMAF calculations cannot be enabled.

Change-Id: Ic94cedbc3719dbbd341b3dcccec758b68a42b71c
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 8ebe580..b731c54 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -507,42 +507,18 @@
-  endif()
-        pkg_check_modules(VMAF_RC REQUIRED libvmaf_rc)
-        target_link_libraries(aom
-                              PRIVATE ${VMAF_RC_LDFLAGS} ${VMAF_RC_LIBRARIES})
-        target_include_directories(aom PRIVATE ${VMAF_RC_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-        if(VMAF_RC_CFLAGS)
-          append_compiler_flag("${VMAF_RC_CFLAGS}")
-        endif()
-      else()
-        message(FATAL_ERROR "CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC error: pkg-config not found.")
-      endif()
-    else()
-        pkg_check_modules(VMAF REQUIRED libvmaf)
-      else()
-        find_library(VMAF_LIBRARIES vmaf)
-        find_path(VMAF_INCLUDE_DIRS libvmaf.h PATH_SUFFIXES libvmaf)
-          message(STATUS "Found VMAF library: ${VMAF_LIBRARIES}")
-          message(STATUS "Found VMAF include: ${VMAF_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
-        else()
-          message(FATAL_ERROR "VMAF library not found.")
-        endif()
-      endif()
-      target_link_libraries(aom PRIVATE ${VMAF_LDFLAGS} ${VMAF_LIBRARIES})
+      pkg_check_modules(VMAF REQUIRED libvmaf)
+      target_link_libraries(aom
+                            PRIVATE ${VMAF_LDFLAGS} ${VMAF_LIBRARIES} -static)
       target_include_directories(aom PRIVATE ${VMAF_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+    else()
+      message(FATAL_ERROR "CONFIG_TUNE_VMAF error: pkg-config not found.")
     set_target_properties(aom PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)
diff --git a/ b/
index a458f52..c4e7e6c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
 Please note that the default VMAF model
 will be used unless you set the following flag when running the encoder:
diff --git a/aom_dsp/vmaf.c b/aom_dsp/vmaf.c
index 4165343..219e278 100644
--- a/aom_dsp/vmaf.c
+++ b/aom_dsp/vmaf.c
@@ -12,9 +12,6 @@
 #include "aom_dsp/vmaf.h"
 #include <assert.h>
-#include <libvmaf.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <string.h>
@@ -24,10 +21,7 @@
 #include <unistd.h>
-#include <libvmaf/libvmaf.rc.h>
+#include <libvmaf/libvmaf.h>
 #include "aom_dsp/blend.h"
 #include "aom_ports/system_state.h"
@@ -36,162 +30,18 @@
-typedef struct FrameData {
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source;
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted;
-  int frame_set;
-  int bit_depth;
-} FrameData;
-// A callback function used to pass data to VMAF.
-// Returns 0 after reading a frame.
-// Returns 2 when there is no more frame to read.
-static int read_frame(float *ref_data, float *main_data, float *temp_data,
-                      int stride, void *user_data) {
-  FrameData *frames = (FrameData *)user_data;
-  if (!frames->frame_set) {
-    const int width = frames->source->y_width;
-    const int height = frames->source->y_height;
-    assert(width == frames->distorted->y_width);
-    assert(height == frames->distorted->y_height);
-    if (frames->source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
-      const float scale_factor = 1.0f / (float)(1 << (frames->bit_depth - 8));
-      uint16_t *ref_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(frames->source->y_buffer);
-      uint16_t *main_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(frames->distorted->y_buffer);
-      for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-        for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
-          ref_data[col] = scale_factor * (float)ref_ptr[col];
-        }
-        ref_ptr += frames->source->y_stride;
-        ref_data += stride / sizeof(*ref_data);
-      }
-      for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-        for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
-          main_data[col] = scale_factor * (float)main_ptr[col];
-        }
-        main_ptr += frames->distorted->y_stride;
-        main_data += stride / sizeof(*main_data);
-      }
-    } else {
-      uint8_t *ref_ptr = frames->source->y_buffer;
-      uint8_t *main_ptr = frames->distorted->y_buffer;
-      for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-        for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
-          ref_data[col] = (float)ref_ptr[col];
-        }
-        ref_ptr += frames->source->y_stride;
-        ref_data += stride / sizeof(*ref_data);
-      }
-      for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
-        for (int col = 0; col < width; ++col) {
-          main_data[col] = (float)main_ptr[col];
-        }
-        main_ptr += frames->distorted->y_stride;
-        main_data += stride / sizeof(*main_data);
-      }
-    }
-    frames->frame_set = 1;
-    return 0;
-  }
-  (void)temp_data;
-  return 2;
-void aom_calc_vmaf(const char *model_path, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
-                   const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted, const int bit_depth,
-                   double *const vmaf) {
-  aom_clear_system_state();
-  const int width = source->y_width;
-  const int height = source->y_height;
-  FrameData frames = { source, distorted, 0, bit_depth };
-  char *fmt = bit_depth == 10 ? "yuv420p10le" : "yuv420p";
-  double vmaf_score;
-  const int ret =
-      compute_vmaf(&vmaf_score, fmt, width, height, read_frame,
-                   /*user_data=*/&frames, (char *)model_path,
-                   /*log_path=*/NULL, /*log_fmt=*/NULL, /*disable_clip=*/1,
-                   /*disable_avx=*/0, /*enable_transform=*/0,
-                   /*phone_model=*/0, /*do_psnr=*/0, /*do_ssim=*/0,
-                   /*do_ms_ssim=*/0, /*pool_method=*/NULL, /*n_thread=*/0,
-                   /*n_subsample=*/1, /*enable_conf_interval=*/0);
-  if (ret) vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to compute VMAF scores.");
-  aom_clear_system_state();
-  *vmaf = vmaf_score;
-void aom_calc_vmaf_multi_frame(void *user_data, const char *model_path,
-                               int (*rd_frm)(float *ref_data, float *main_data,
-                                             float *temp_data, int stride_byte,
-                                             void *user_data),
-                               int frame_width, int frame_height, int bit_depth,
-                               double *vmaf) {
-  aom_clear_system_state();
-  char *fmt = bit_depth == 10 ? "yuv420p10le" : "yuv420p";
-  int log_path_length = snprintf(NULL, 0, "vmaf_scores_%d.xml", getpid()) + 1;
-  char *log_path = malloc(log_path_length);
-  snprintf(log_path, log_path_length, "vmaf_scores_%d.xml", getpid());
-  double vmaf_score;
-  const int ret =
-      compute_vmaf(&vmaf_score, fmt, frame_width, frame_height, rd_frm,
-                   /*user_data=*/user_data, (char *)model_path,
-                   /*log_path=*/log_path, /*log_fmt=*/NULL, /*disable_clip=*/0,
-                   /*disable_avx=*/0, /*enable_transform=*/0,
-                   /*phone_model=*/0, /*do_psnr=*/0, /*do_ssim=*/0,
-                   /*do_ms_ssim=*/0, /*pool_method=*/NULL, /*n_thread=*/0,
-                   /*n_subsample=*/1, /*enable_conf_interval=*/0);
-  FILE *vmaf_log = fopen(log_path, "r");
-  free(log_path);
-  log_path = NULL;
-  if (vmaf_log == NULL || ret) {
-    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to compute VMAF scores.");
-  }
-  int frame_index = 0;
-  char buf[512];
-  while (fgets(buf, 511, vmaf_log) != NULL) {
-    if (memcmp(buf, "\t\t<frame ", 9) == 0) {
-      char *p = strstr(buf, "vmaf=");
-      if (p != NULL && p[5] == '"') {
-        char *p2 = strstr(&p[6], "\"");
-        *p2 = '\0';
-        const double score = atof(&p[6]);
-        if (score < 0.0 || score > 100.0) {
-          vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to compute VMAF scores.");
-        }
-        vmaf[frame_index++] = score;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  fclose(vmaf_log);
-  aom_clear_system_state();
-void aom_init_vmaf_model_rc(VmafModel **vmaf_model, const char *model_path) {
+void aom_init_vmaf_model(VmafModel **vmaf_model, const char *model_path) {
   if (*vmaf_model != NULL) return;
   VmafModelConfig model_cfg;
   model_cfg.flags = VMAF_MODEL_FLAG_DISABLE_CLIP; = "vmaf";
-  model_cfg.path = (char *)model_path;
-  if (vmaf_model_load_from_path(vmaf_model, &model_cfg)) {
+  if (vmaf_model_load_from_path(vmaf_model, &model_cfg, model_path)) {
     vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to load VMAF model.");
-void aom_close_vmaf_model_rc(VmafModel *vmaf_model) {
+void aom_close_vmaf_model(VmafModel *vmaf_model) {
@@ -221,8 +71,9 @@
-void aom_init_vmaf_context_rc(VmafContext **vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
-                              bool cal_vmaf_neg) {
+void aom_init_vmaf_context(VmafContext **vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
+                           bool cal_vmaf_neg) {
+  // TODO(sdeng): make them CLI arguments.
   VmafConfiguration cfg;
   cfg.log_level = VMAF_LOG_LEVEL_NONE;
   cfg.n_threads = 0;
@@ -233,41 +84,82 @@
     vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to init VMAF context.");
-  if (vmaf_use_features_from_model(*vmaf_context, vmaf_model)) {
-    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to load feature extractors from VMAF model.");
-  }
   if (cal_vmaf_neg) {
     VmafFeatureDictionary *vif_feature = NULL;
-    vmaf_feature_dictionary_set(&vif_feature, "vif_enhn_gain_limit", "1.0");
-    if (vmaf_use_feature(*vmaf_context, "float_vif", vif_feature)) {
+    if (vmaf_feature_dictionary_set(&vif_feature, "vif_enhn_gain_limit",
+                                    "1.0")) {
+      vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to set vif_enhn_gain_limit.");
+    }
+    if (vmaf_model_feature_overload(vmaf_model, "float_vif", vif_feature)) {
       vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to use feature float_vif.");
     VmafFeatureDictionary *adm_feature = NULL;
-    vmaf_feature_dictionary_set(&adm_feature, "adm_enhn_gain_limit", "1.0");
-    if (vmaf_use_feature(*vmaf_context, "float_adm", adm_feature)) {
+    if (vmaf_feature_dictionary_set(&adm_feature, "adm_enhn_gain_limit",
+                                    "1.0")) {
+      vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to set adm_enhn_gain_limit.");
+    }
+    if (vmaf_model_feature_overload(vmaf_model, "adm", adm_feature)) {
       vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to use feature float_adm.");
   VmafFeatureDictionary *motion_force_zero = NULL;
-  vmaf_feature_dictionary_set(&motion_force_zero, "motion_force_zero", "true");
-  if (vmaf_use_feature(*vmaf_context, "float_motion", motion_force_zero)) {
+  if (vmaf_feature_dictionary_set(&motion_force_zero, "motion_force_zero",
+                                  "1")) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to set motion_force_zero.");
+  }
+  if (vmaf_model_feature_overload(vmaf_model, "float_motion",
+                                  motion_force_zero)) {
     vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to use feature float_motion.");
+  if (vmaf_use_features_from_model(*vmaf_context, vmaf_model)) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to load feature extractors from VMAF model.");
+  }
-void aom_close_vmaf_context_rc(VmafContext *vmaf_context) {
+void aom_close_vmaf_context(VmafContext *vmaf_context) {
   if (vmaf_close(vmaf_context)) {
     vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to close VMAF context.");
-void aom_calc_vmaf_at_index_rc(VmafContext *vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
-                               const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
-                               const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted,
-                               int bit_depth, int frame_index, double *vmaf) {
+void aom_calc_vmaf(VmafModel *vmaf_model, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
+                   const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted, int bit_depth,
+                   bool cal_vmaf_neg, double *vmaf) {
+  VmafContext *vmaf_context;
+  aom_init_vmaf_context(&vmaf_context, vmaf_model, cal_vmaf_neg);
+  const int frame_index = 0;
+  VmafPicture ref, dist;
+  if (vmaf_picture_alloc(&ref, VMAF_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, bit_depth, source->y_width,
+                         source->y_height) ||
+      vmaf_picture_alloc(&dist, VMAF_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, bit_depth,
+                         source->y_width, source->y_height)) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to alloc VMAF pictures.");
+  }
+  copy_picture(bit_depth, source, &ref);
+  copy_picture(bit_depth, distorted, &dist);
+  if (vmaf_read_pictures(vmaf_context, &ref, &dist,
+                         /*picture index=*/frame_index)) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to read VMAF pictures.");
+  }
+  if (vmaf_read_pictures(vmaf_context, NULL, NULL, 0)) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to flush context.");
+  }
+  vmaf_picture_unref(&ref);
+  vmaf_picture_unref(&dist);
+  vmaf_score_at_index(vmaf_context, vmaf_model, vmaf, frame_index);
+  aom_close_vmaf_context(vmaf_context);
+void aom_read_vmaf_image(VmafContext *vmaf_context,
+                         const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
+                         const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted, int bit_depth,
+                         int frame_index) {
   VmafPicture ref, dist;
   if (vmaf_picture_alloc(&ref, VMAF_PIX_FMT_YUV420P, bit_depth, source->y_width,
                          source->y_height) ||
@@ -284,8 +176,19 @@
-  vmaf_score_at_index(vmaf_context, vmaf_model, vmaf, frame_index);
-#endif  // CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC
+double aom_calc_vmaf_at_index(VmafContext *vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
+                              int frame_index) {
+  double vmaf;
+  if (vmaf_score_at_index(vmaf_context, vmaf_model, &vmaf, frame_index)) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to calc VMAF scores.");
+  }
+  return vmaf;
+void aom_flush_vmaf_context(VmafContext *vmaf_context) {
+  if (vmaf_read_pictures(vmaf_context, NULL, NULL, 0)) {
+    vmaf_fatal_error("Failed to flush context.");
+  }
diff --git a/aom_dsp/vmaf.h b/aom_dsp/vmaf.h
index d9da223..3ba8c8d 100644
--- a/aom_dsp/vmaf.h
+++ b/aom_dsp/vmaf.h
@@ -15,33 +15,28 @@
 #include <stdbool.h>
 #include "aom_scale/yv12config.h"
 typedef struct VmafContext VmafContext;
 typedef struct VmafModel VmafModel;
-void aom_init_vmaf_context_rc(VmafContext **vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
-                              bool cal_vmaf_neg);
-void aom_close_vmaf_context_rc(VmafContext *vmaf_context);
+void aom_init_vmaf_context(VmafContext **vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
+                           bool cal_vmaf_neg);
+void aom_close_vmaf_context(VmafContext *vmaf_context);
-void aom_init_vmaf_model_rc(VmafModel **vmaf_model, const char *model_path);
-void aom_close_vmaf_model_rc(VmafModel *vmaf_model);
+void aom_init_vmaf_model(VmafModel **vmaf_model, const char *model_path);
+void aom_close_vmaf_model(VmafModel *vmaf_model);
-void aom_calc_vmaf_at_index_rc(VmafContext *vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
-                               const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
-                               const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted,
-                               int bit_depth, int frame_index, double *vmaf);
-void aom_calc_vmaf(const char *model_path, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
+void aom_calc_vmaf(VmafModel *vmaf_model, const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
                    const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted, int bit_depth,
-                   double *vmaf);
+                   bool cal_vmaf_neg, double *vmaf);
-void aom_calc_vmaf_multi_frame(
-    void *user_data, const char *model_path,
-    int (*read_frame)(float *ref_data, float *main_data, float *temp_data,
-                      int stride_byte, void *user_data),
-    int frame_width, int frame_height, int bit_depth, double *vmaf);
-#endif  // CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC
+void aom_read_vmaf_image(VmafContext *vmaf_context,
+                         const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
+                         const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *distorted, int bit_depth,
+                         int frame_index);
+double aom_calc_vmaf_at_index(VmafContext *vmaf_context, VmafModel *vmaf_model,
+                              int frame_index);
+void aom_flush_vmaf_context(VmafContext *vmaf_context);
 #endif  // AOM_AOM_DSP_VMAF_H_
diff --git a/av1/av1_cx_iface.c b/av1/av1_cx_iface.c
index 5cfde3a..2171415 100644
--- a/av1/av1_cx_iface.c
+++ b/av1/av1_cx_iface.c
@@ -177,25 +177,25 @@
   0,              // gf_min_pyr_height
   5,              // gf_max_pyr_height
   AOM_TUNE_PSNR,  // tuning
-  "/usr/local/share/model/vmaf_v0.6.1.pkl",  // VMAF model path
-  10,                                        // cq_level
-  0,                                         // rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct
-  0,                                         // rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct
-  0,                                         // gf_cbr_boost_pct
-  0,                                         // lossless
-  1,                                         // enable_cdef
-  1,                                         // enable_restoration
-  0,                                         // force_video_mode
-  1,                                         // enable_obmc
-  3,                                         // disable_trellis_quant
-  0,                                         // enable_qm
-  DEFAULT_QM_Y,                              // qm_y
-  DEFAULT_QM_U,                              // qm_u
-  DEFAULT_QM_V,                              // qm_v
-  DEFAULT_QM_FIRST,                          // qm_min
-  DEFAULT_QM_LAST,                           // qm_max
-  1,                                         // max number of tile groups
-  0,                                         // mtu_size
+  "/usr/local/share/model/vmaf_v0.6.1.json",  // VMAF model path
+  10,                                         // cq_level
+  0,                                          // rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct
+  0,                                          // rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct
+  0,                                          // gf_cbr_boost_pct
+  0,                                          // lossless
+  1,                                          // enable_cdef
+  1,                                          // enable_restoration
+  0,                                          // force_video_mode
+  1,                                          // enable_obmc
+  3,                                          // disable_trellis_quant
+  0,                                          // enable_qm
+  DEFAULT_QM_Y,                               // qm_y
+  DEFAULT_QM_U,                               // qm_u
+  DEFAULT_QM_V,                               // qm_v
+  DEFAULT_QM_FIRST,                           // qm_min
+  DEFAULT_QM_LAST,                            // qm_max
+  1,                                          // max number of tile groups
+  0,                                          // mtu_size
   AOM_TIMING_UNSPECIFIED,       // No picture timing signaling in bitstream
   0,                            // frame_parallel_decoding_mode
   1,                            // enable dual filter
@@ -540,15 +540,6 @@
-  if (extra_cfg->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN) {
-    ERROR(
-        "This error may be related to the wrong configuration options: try to "
-        "set -DCONFIG_TUNE_VMAF=1 and -DCONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC=1 at the time CMake"
-        " is run.");
-  }
   RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, timing_info_type, AOM_TIMING_UNSPECIFIED,
@@ -2249,9 +2240,9 @@
     av1_apply_encoding_flags(cpi_lap, flags);
-  aom_init_vmaf_model_rc(&cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model,
-                         cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.vmaf_model_path);
+  aom_init_vmaf_model(&cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model,
+                      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.vmaf_model_path);
   // Handle fixed keyframe intervals
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encoder.c b/av1/encoder/encoder.c
index 7203ff9..c37ed29 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/encoder.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/encoder.c
@@ -1079,10 +1079,7 @@
       cpi->vmaf_info.last_frame_vmaf[i] = -1.0;
     cpi->vmaf_info.original_qindex = -1;
     cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model = NULL;
@@ -2506,7 +2503,7 @@
   if (!cpi->sf.hl_sf.disable_extra_sc_testing)
     av1_determine_sc_tools_with_encoding(cpi, q);
   if (oxcf->tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN) {
     av1_vmaf_neg_preprocessing(cpi, cpi->unscaled_source);
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encoder_alloc.h b/av1/encoder/encoder_alloc.h
index 57ab2f2..ef24a31 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/encoder_alloc.h
+++ b/av1/encoder/encoder_alloc.h
@@ -202,10 +202,7 @@
   cpi->vmaf_info.rdmult_scaling_factors = NULL;
-  aom_close_vmaf_model_rc(cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model);
+  aom_close_vmaf_model(cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model);
diff --git a/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c b/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c
index f5b6129..36af861 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@
 #include "aom_ports/system_state.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/extend.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/rdopt.h"
 #include "config/aom_scale_rtcd.h"
 static const double kBaselineVmaf = 97.42773;
@@ -294,38 +292,27 @@
 static AOM_INLINE double cal_approx_vmaf(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                         VmafContext *vmaf_context,
-                                         int *vmaf_cal_index,
                                          double source_variance,
                                          YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const source,
                                          YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const sharpened) {
   const int bit_depth = cpi->;
+  const bool cal_vmaf_neg =
+      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN;
   double new_vmaf;
-  aom_calc_vmaf_at_index_rc(vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, source,
-                            sharpened, bit_depth, *vmaf_cal_index, &new_vmaf);
-  (*vmaf_cal_index)++;
-  aom_calc_vmaf(cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.vmaf_model_path, source, sharpened,
-                bit_depth, &new_vmaf);
+  aom_calc_vmaf(cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, source, sharpened, bit_depth,
+                cal_vmaf_neg, &new_vmaf);
   const double sharpened_var = frame_average_variance(cpi, sharpened);
   return source_variance / sharpened_var * (new_vmaf - kBaselineVmaf);
 static double find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-    VmafContext *vmaf_context, int *vmaf_cal_index,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const source, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const blurred,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const sharpened, double best_vmaf,
-    const double baseline_variance, const double unsharp_amount_start,
-    const double step_size, const int max_loop_count, const double max_amount) {
+    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const source,
+    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const blurred, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const sharpened,
+    double best_vmaf, const double baseline_variance,
+    const double unsharp_amount_start, const double step_size,
+    const int max_loop_count, const double max_amount) {
   const double min_amount = 0.0;
   int loop_count = 0;
   double approx_vmaf = best_vmaf;
@@ -335,11 +322,7 @@
     unsharp_amount += step_size;
     if (unsharp_amount > max_amount || unsharp_amount < min_amount) break;
     unsharp(cpi, source, blurred, sharpened, unsharp_amount);
-    approx_vmaf = cal_approx_vmaf(cpi,
-                                  vmaf_context, vmaf_cal_index,
-                                  baseline_variance, source, sharpened);
+    approx_vmaf = cal_approx_vmaf(cpi, baseline_variance, source, sharpened);
   } while (approx_vmaf > best_vmaf && loop_count < max_loop_count);
@@ -358,13 +341,6 @@
   const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
   const int width = source->y_width;
   const int height = source->y_height;
-  VmafContext *vmaf_context;
-  aom_init_vmaf_context_rc(
-      &vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model,
-      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN);
-  int vmaf_cal_index = 0;
   YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG sharpened;
   memset(&sharpened, 0, sizeof(sharpened));
@@ -375,56 +351,32 @@
   double unsharp_amount;
   if (unsharp_amount_start <= step_size) {
     unsharp_amount = find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop(
-        cpi,
-        vmaf_context, &vmaf_cal_index,
-        source, blurred, &sharpened, 0.0, baseline_variance, 0.0, step_size,
-        max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
+        cpi, source, blurred, &sharpened, 0.0, baseline_variance, 0.0,
+        step_size, max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
   } else {
     double a0 = unsharp_amount_start - step_size, a1 = unsharp_amount_start;
     double v0, v1;
     unsharp(cpi, source, blurred, &sharpened, a0);
-    v0 = cal_approx_vmaf(cpi,
-                         vmaf_context, &vmaf_cal_index,
-                         baseline_variance, source, &sharpened);
+    v0 = cal_approx_vmaf(cpi, baseline_variance, source, &sharpened);
     unsharp(cpi, source, blurred, &sharpened, a1);
-    v1 = cal_approx_vmaf(cpi,
-                         vmaf_context, &vmaf_cal_index,
-                         baseline_variance, source, &sharpened);
+    v1 = cal_approx_vmaf(cpi, baseline_variance, source, &sharpened);
     if (fabs(v0 - v1) < 0.01) {
       unsharp_amount = a0;
     } else if (v0 > v1) {
       unsharp_amount = find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop(
-          cpi,
-          vmaf_context, &vmaf_cal_index,
-          source, blurred, &sharpened, v0, baseline_variance, a0, -step_size,
-          max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
+          cpi, source, blurred, &sharpened, v0, baseline_variance, a0,
+          -step_size, max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
     } else {
       unsharp_amount = find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop(
-          cpi,
-          vmaf_context, &vmaf_cal_index,
-          source, blurred, &sharpened, v1, baseline_variance, a1, step_size,
-          max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
+          cpi, source, blurred, &sharpened, v1, baseline_variance, a1,
+          step_size, max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
-  aom_close_vmaf_context_rc(vmaf_context);
   return unsharp_amount;
 void av1_vmaf_neg_preprocessing(AV1_COMP *const cpi,
                                 YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const source) {
@@ -452,7 +404,6 @@
 void av1_vmaf_frame_preprocessing(AV1_COMP *const cpi,
                                   YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const source) {
@@ -654,93 +605,6 @@
-typedef struct FrameData {
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source, *blurred;
-  int block_w, block_h, num_rows, num_cols, row, col, bit_depth;
-} FrameData;
-// A callback function used to pass data to VMAF.
-// Returns 0 after reading a frame.
-// Returns 2 when there is no more frame to read.
-static int update_frame(float *ref_data, float *main_data, float *temp_data,
-                        int stride, void *user_data) {
-  FrameData *frames = (FrameData *)user_data;
-  const int width = frames->source->y_width;
-  const int height = frames->source->y_height;
-  const int row = frames->row;
-  const int col = frames->col;
-  const int num_rows = frames->num_rows;
-  const int num_cols = frames->num_cols;
-  const int block_w = frames->block_w;
-  const int block_h = frames->block_h;
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source = frames->source;
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *blurred = frames->blurred;
-  const int bit_depth = frames->bit_depth;
-  const float scale_factor = 1.0f / (float)(1 << (bit_depth - 8));
-  (void)temp_data;
-  stride /= (int)sizeof(*ref_data);
-  for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
-    float *ref, *main;
-    ref = ref_data + i * stride;
-    main = main_data + i * stride;
-    if (source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
-      uint16_t *src;
-      src = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(source->y_buffer) + i * source->y_stride;
-      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
-        ref[j] = main[j] = scale_factor * (float)src[j];
-      }
-    } else {
-      uint8_t *src;
-      src = source->y_buffer + i * source->y_stride;
-      for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
-        ref[j] = main[j] = (float)src[j];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (row < num_rows && col < num_cols) {
-    // Set current block
-    const int row_offset = row * block_h;
-    const int col_offset = col * block_w;
-    const int block_width = AOMMIN(width - col_offset, block_w);
-    const int block_height = AOMMIN(height - row_offset, block_h);
-    float *main_buf = main_data + col_offset + row_offset * stride;
-    if (source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
-      uint16_t *blurred_buf = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(blurred->y_buffer) +
-                              row_offset * blurred->y_stride + col_offset;
-      for (int i = 0; i < block_height; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < block_width; ++j) {
-          main_buf[j] = scale_factor * (float)blurred_buf[j];
-        }
-        main_buf += stride;
-        blurred_buf += blurred->y_stride;
-      }
-    } else {
-      uint8_t *blurred_buf =
-          blurred->y_buffer + row_offset * blurred->y_stride + col_offset;
-      for (int i = 0; i < block_height; ++i) {
-        for (int j = 0; j < block_width; ++j) {
-          main_buf[j] = (float)blurred_buf[j];
-        }
-        main_buf += stride;
-        blurred_buf += blurred->y_stride;
-      }
-    }
-    frames->col++;
-    if (frames->col >= num_cols) {
-      frames->col = 0;
-      frames->row++;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  } else {
-    return 2;
-  }
 void av1_set_mb_vmaf_rdmult_scaling(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
   AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
   const int y_width = cpi->source->y_width;
@@ -776,7 +640,6 @@
   gaussian_blur(bit_depth, &resized_source, &blurred);
   YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG recon;
   memset(&recon, 0, sizeof(recon));
   aom_alloc_frame_buffer(&recon, resized_y_width, resized_y_height, 1, 1,
@@ -786,26 +649,11 @@
   aom_yv12_copy_frame(&resized_source, &recon, 1);
   VmafContext *vmaf_context;
-  aom_init_vmaf_context_rc(
-      &vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model,
-      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN);
-  double *scores = aom_malloc(sizeof(*scores) * (num_rows * num_cols));
-  memset(scores, 0, sizeof(*scores) * (num_rows * num_cols));
-  FrameData frame_data;
-  frame_data.source = &resized_source;
-  frame_data.blurred = &blurred;
-  frame_data.block_w = resized_block_w;
-  frame_data.block_h = resized_block_h;
-  frame_data.num_rows = num_rows;
-  frame_data.num_cols = num_cols;
-  frame_data.row = 0;
-  frame_data.col = 0;
-  frame_data.bit_depth = bit_depth;
-  aom_calc_vmaf_multi_frame(&frame_data, cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.vmaf_model_path,
-                            update_frame, resized_y_width, resized_y_height,
-                            bit_depth, scores);
+  const bool cal_vmaf_neg =
+      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN;
+  aom_init_vmaf_context(&vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, cal_vmaf_neg);
+  unsigned int *sses = aom_malloc(sizeof(*sses) * (num_rows * num_cols));
+  memset(sses, 0, sizeof(*sses) * (num_rows * num_cols));
   // Loop through each 'block_size' block.
   for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
@@ -820,11 +668,10 @@
       uint8_t *const blurred_buf =
           blurred.y_buffer + row_offset_y * blurred.y_stride + col_offset_y;
-      unsigned int sse;
       cpi->fn_ptr[resized_block_size].vf(orig_buf, resized_source.y_stride,
-                                         blurred_buf, blurred.y_stride, &sse);
+                                         blurred_buf, blurred.y_stride,
+                                         &sses[index]);
       uint8_t *const recon_buf =
           recon.y_buffer + row_offset_y * recon.y_stride + col_offset_y;
       // Set recon buf
@@ -839,10 +686,8 @@
                      resized_block_w, resized_block_h, 0.0);
-      double vmaf;
-      aom_calc_vmaf_at_index_rc(vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model,
-                                &resized_source, &recon, bit_depth, index,
-                                &vmaf);
+      aom_read_vmaf_image(vmaf_context, &resized_source, &recon, bit_depth,
+                          index);
       // Restore recon buf
       if (cpi->common.seq_params.use_highbitdepth) {
@@ -856,13 +701,18 @@
                      resized_source.y_stride, recon_buf, recon.y_stride,
                      resized_block_w, resized_block_h, 0.0);
-      const double vmaf = scores[index];
+    }
+  }
+  aom_flush_vmaf_context(vmaf_context);
+  for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
+      const int index = row * num_cols + col;
+      const double vmaf = aom_calc_vmaf_at_index(
+          vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, index);
       const double dvmaf = kBaselineVmaf - vmaf;
       const double mse =
-          (double)sse / (double)(resized_y_width * resized_y_height);
+          (double)sses[index] / (double)(resized_y_width * resized_y_height);
       double weight;
       const double eps = 0.01 / (num_rows * num_cols);
       if (dvmaf < eps || mse < eps) {
@@ -879,11 +729,8 @@
-  aom_close_vmaf_context_rc(vmaf_context);
-  aom_free(scores);
+  aom_close_vmaf_context(vmaf_context);
+  aom_free(sses);
@@ -1094,23 +941,23 @@
   return qindex;
 static AOM_INLINE double cal_approx_score(
-    AV1_COMP *const cpi, VmafContext *vmaf_context, int vmaf_cal_index,
-    double src_variance, double new_variance, double src_score,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon_sharpened) {
+    AV1_COMP *const cpi, double src_variance, double new_variance,
+    double src_score, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src,
+    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon_sharpened) {
   double score;
   const uint32_t bit_depth = cpi->;
-  aom_calc_vmaf_at_index_rc(vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, src,
-                            recon_sharpened, bit_depth, vmaf_cal_index, &score);
+  const bool cal_vmaf_neg =
+      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN;
+  aom_calc_vmaf(cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, src, recon_sharpened, bit_depth,
+                cal_vmaf_neg, &score);
   return src_variance / new_variance * (score - src_score);
 static double find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop_neg(
-    AV1_COMP *const cpi, VmafContext *vmaf_context, double src_variance,
-    double base_score, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const ref,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src_blurred,
+    AV1_COMP *const cpi, double src_variance, double base_score,
+    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon,
+    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const ref, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src_blurred,
     YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon_blurred,
     YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src_sharpened,
     YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon_sharpened, FULLPEL_MV *mvs,
@@ -1120,7 +967,6 @@
   int loop_count = 0;
   double approx_score = best_score;
   double unsharp_amount = unsharp_amount_start;
-  int vmaf_cal_index = 3;
   do {
     best_score = approx_score;
@@ -1130,9 +976,8 @@
     unsharp(cpi, src, src_blurred, src_sharpened, unsharp_amount);
     const double new_variance =
         residual_frame_average_variance(cpi, src_sharpened, ref, mvs);
-    approx_score =
-        cal_approx_score(cpi, vmaf_context, vmaf_cal_index++, src_variance,
-                         new_variance, base_score, src, recon_sharpened);
+    approx_score = cal_approx_score(cpi, src_variance, new_variance, base_score,
+                                    src, recon_sharpened);
   } while (approx_score > best_score && loop_count < max_loop_count);
@@ -1143,11 +988,11 @@
 static double find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_neg(
-    AV1_COMP *const cpi, VmafContext *vmaf_context,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon,
-    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const ref, double base_score,
-    const double unsharp_amount_start, const double step_size,
-    const int max_loop_count, const double max_filter_amount) {
+    AV1_COMP *const cpi, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const src,
+    YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const recon, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const ref,
+    double base_score, const double unsharp_amount_start,
+    const double step_size, const int max_loop_count,
+    const double max_filter_amount) {
   FULLPEL_MV *mvs = NULL;
   const double src_variance =
       residual_frame_average_variance(cpi, src, ref, mvs);
@@ -1181,32 +1026,28 @@
   unsharp(cpi, src, &src_blurred, &src_sharpened, unsharp_amount_start);
   const double variance_start =
       residual_frame_average_variance(cpi, &src_sharpened, ref, mvs);
-  const double score_start =
-      cal_approx_score(cpi, vmaf_context, 1, src_variance, variance_start,
-                       base_score, src, &recon_sharpened);
+  const double score_start = cal_approx_score(
+      cpi, src_variance, variance_start, base_score, src, &recon_sharpened);
   const double unsharp_amount_next = unsharp_amount_start + step_size;
   unsharp(cpi, recon, &recon_blurred, &recon_sharpened, unsharp_amount_next);
   unsharp(cpi, src, &src_blurred, &src_sharpened, unsharp_amount_next);
   const double variance_next =
       residual_frame_average_variance(cpi, &src_sharpened, ref, mvs);
-  const double score_next =
-      cal_approx_score(cpi, vmaf_context, 2, src_variance, variance_next,
-                       base_score, src, &recon_sharpened);
+  const double score_next = cal_approx_score(cpi, src_variance, variance_next,
+                                             base_score, src, &recon_sharpened);
   double unsharp_amount;
   if (score_next > score_start) {
     unsharp_amount = find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop_neg(
-        cpi, vmaf_context, src_variance, base_score, src, recon, ref,
-        &src_blurred, &recon_blurred, &src_sharpened, &recon_sharpened, mvs,
-        score_next, unsharp_amount_next, step_size, max_loop_count,
-        max_filter_amount);
+        cpi, src_variance, base_score, src, recon, ref, &src_blurred,
+        &recon_blurred, &src_sharpened, &recon_sharpened, mvs, score_next,
+        unsharp_amount_next, step_size, max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
   } else {
     unsharp_amount = find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_loop_neg(
-        cpi, vmaf_context, src_variance, base_score, src, recon, ref,
-        &src_blurred, &recon_blurred, &src_sharpened, &recon_sharpened, mvs,
-        score_start, unsharp_amount_start, -step_size, max_loop_count,
-        max_filter_amount);
+        cpi, src_variance, base_score, src, recon, ref, &src_blurred,
+        &recon_blurred, &src_sharpened, &recon_sharpened, mvs, score_start,
+        unsharp_amount_start, -step_size, max_loop_count, max_filter_amount);
@@ -1216,7 +1057,6 @@
   return unsharp_amount;
-#endif  // CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC
 void av1_update_vmaf_curve(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
   YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source = cpi->source;
@@ -1225,19 +1065,12 @@
   const GF_GROUP *const gf_group = &cpi->gf_group;
   const int layer_depth =
       AOMMIN(gf_group->layer_depth[gf_group->index], MAX_ARF_LAYERS - 1);
   double base_score;
-  VmafContext *vmaf_context;
-  aom_init_vmaf_context_rc(
-      &vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model,
-      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN);
-  aom_calc_vmaf_at_index_rc(vmaf_context, cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, source,
-                            recon, bit_depth, 0, &base_score);
+  const bool cal_vmaf_neg =
+      cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN;
+  aom_calc_vmaf(cpi->vmaf_info.vmaf_model, source, recon, bit_depth,
+                cal_vmaf_neg, &base_score);
   cpi->vmaf_info.last_frame_vmaf[layer_depth] = base_score;
-  aom_calc_vmaf(cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.vmaf_model_path, source, recon, bit_depth,
-                &cpi->vmaf_info.last_frame_vmaf[layer_depth]);
-#endif  // CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC
   if (cpi->common.seq_params.use_highbitdepth) {
     assert(source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH);
     assert(recon->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH);
@@ -1248,7 +1081,6 @@
         (double)aom_get_y_sse(source, recon);
   if (cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN) {
     YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *last, *next;
     get_neighbor_frames(cpi, &last, &next);
@@ -1256,10 +1088,8 @@
         get_layer_value(cpi->vmaf_info.last_frame_unsharp_amount, layer_depth);
     const int max_loop_count = 5;
     cpi->vmaf_info.last_frame_unsharp_amount[layer_depth] =
-        find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_neg(
-            cpi, vmaf_context, source, recon, last, base_score,
-            best_unsharp_amount_start, 0.025, max_loop_count, 1.01);
+        find_best_frame_unsharp_amount_neg(cpi, source, recon, last, base_score,
+                                           best_unsharp_amount_start, 0.025,
+                                           max_loop_count, 1.01);
-  aom_close_vmaf_context_rc(vmaf_context);
-#endif  // CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC
diff --git a/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.h b/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.h
index 01c3068..4625fb9 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.h
+++ b/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.h
@@ -36,10 +36,8 @@
   // Stores the origial qindex before scaling.
   int original_qindex;
   // VMAF model used in VMAF caculations.
   VmafModel *vmaf_model;
 } TuneVMAFInfo;
 typedef struct AV1_COMP AV1_COMP;
@@ -48,9 +46,7 @@
 void av1_vmaf_frame_preprocessing(AV1_COMP *cpi, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source);
 void av1_vmaf_neg_preprocessing(AV1_COMP *cpi, YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source);
 void av1_set_mb_vmaf_rdmult_scaling(AV1_COMP *cpi);
diff --git a/build/cmake/aom_config_defaults.cmake b/build/cmake/aom_config_defaults.cmake
index 2680b91..e075d49 100644
--- a/build/cmake/aom_config_defaults.cmake
+++ b/build/cmake/aom_config_defaults.cmake
@@ -115,7 +115,6 @@
 set_aom_config_var(DECODE_HEIGHT_LIMIT 0 "Set limit for decode height.")
 set_aom_config_var(DECODE_WIDTH_LIMIT 0 "Set limit for decode width.")
 set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_TUNE_VMAF 0 "Enable encoding tuning for VMAF.")
-set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_USE_VMAF_RC 0 "Use libvmaf_rc tune for VMAF_NEG.")
 set_aom_config_var(CONFIG_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI 0
                    "Enable encoding tuning for Butteraugli.")
 set_aom_config_var(STATIC_LINK_JXL 0 "Statically link the JPEG-XL library.")