blob: c7153105d004896d302ddd80dd69387af272339d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved.
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config/aom_config.h"
#include "config/aom_version.h"
#include "aom/aomcx.h"
#include "aom/aom_encoder.h"
#include "aom/aom_external_partition.h"
#include "aom/aom_image.h"
#include "aom/internal/aom_codec_internal.h"
#include "aom_dsp/flow_estimation/flow_estimation.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
#include "aom_scale/yv12config.h"
#include "aom_util/aom_pthread.h"
#include "av1/av1_cx_iface.h"
#include "av1/av1_iface_common.h"
#include "av1/common/av1_common_int.h"
#include "av1/common/enums.h"
#include "av1/common/scale.h"
#include "av1/encoder/bitstream.h"
#include "av1/encoder/enc_enums.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encoder_alloc.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encoder_utils.h"
#include "av1/encoder/ethread.h"
#include "av1/encoder/external_partition.h"
#include "av1/encoder/firstpass.h"
#include "av1/encoder/lookahead.h"
#include "av1/encoder/rc_utils.h"
#include "av1/arg_defs.h"
#include "common/args_helper.h"
struct av1_extracfg {
unsigned int usage; // Same as g_usage in aom_codec_enc_cfg_t
int cpu_used;
unsigned int enable_auto_alt_ref;
unsigned int enable_auto_bwd_ref;
unsigned int noise_sensitivity;
unsigned int sharpness;
unsigned int static_thresh;
unsigned int row_mt;
unsigned int fp_mt;
unsigned int tile_columns; // log2 number of tile columns
unsigned int tile_rows; // log2 number of tile rows
unsigned int auto_tiles;
unsigned int enable_tpl_model;
unsigned int enable_keyframe_filtering;
unsigned int arnr_max_frames;
unsigned int arnr_strength;
unsigned int min_gf_interval;
unsigned int max_gf_interval;
unsigned int gf_min_pyr_height;
unsigned int gf_max_pyr_height;
aom_tune_metric tuning;
const char *vmaf_model_path;
const char *partition_info_path;
unsigned int enable_rate_guide_deltaq;
const char *rate_distribution_info;
aom_dist_metric dist_metric;
unsigned int cq_level; // constrained quality level
unsigned int rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct;
unsigned int rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct;
unsigned int gf_cbr_boost_pct;
unsigned int lossless;
unsigned int enable_cdef;
unsigned int enable_restoration;
unsigned int force_video_mode;
unsigned int enable_obmc;
unsigned int disable_trellis_quant;
unsigned int enable_qm;
unsigned int qm_y;
unsigned int qm_u;
unsigned int qm_v;
unsigned int qm_min;
unsigned int qm_max;
unsigned int num_tg;
unsigned int mtu_size;
aom_timing_info_type_t timing_info_type;
unsigned int frame_parallel_decoding_mode;
int enable_dual_filter;
unsigned int enable_chroma_deltaq;
AQ_MODE aq_mode;
DELTAQ_MODE deltaq_mode;
int deltaq_strength;
int deltalf_mode;
unsigned int frame_periodic_boost;
aom_tune_content content;
aom_color_primaries_t color_primaries;
aom_transfer_characteristics_t transfer_characteristics;
aom_matrix_coefficients_t matrix_coefficients;
aom_chroma_sample_position_t chroma_sample_position;
int color_range;
int render_width;
int render_height;
aom_superblock_size_t superblock_size;
unsigned int single_tile_decoding;
int error_resilient_mode;
int s_frame_mode;
int film_grain_test_vector;
const char *film_grain_table_filename;
unsigned int motion_vector_unit_test;
unsigned int fpmt_unit_test;
unsigned int cdf_update_mode;
int enable_rect_partitions; // enable rectangular partitions for sequence
int enable_ab_partitions; // enable AB partitions for sequence
int enable_1to4_partitions; // enable 1:4 and 4:1 partitions for sequence
int min_partition_size; // min partition size [4,8,16,32,64,128]
int max_partition_size; // max partition size [4,8,16,32,64,128]
int enable_intra_edge_filter; // enable intra-edge filter for sequence
int enable_order_hint; // enable order hint for sequence
int enable_tx64; // enable 64-pt transform usage for sequence
int enable_flip_idtx; // enable flip and identity transform types
int enable_rect_tx; // enable rectangular transform usage for sequence
int enable_dist_wtd_comp; // enable dist wtd compound for sequence
int max_reference_frames; // maximum number of references per frame
int enable_reduced_reference_set; // enable reduced set of references
int enable_ref_frame_mvs; // sequence level
int allow_ref_frame_mvs; // frame level
int enable_masked_comp; // enable masked compound for sequence
int enable_onesided_comp; // enable one sided compound for sequence
int enable_interintra_comp; // enable interintra compound for sequence
int enable_smooth_interintra; // enable smooth interintra mode usage
int enable_diff_wtd_comp; // enable diff-wtd compound usage
int enable_interinter_wedge; // enable interinter-wedge compound usage
int enable_interintra_wedge; // enable interintra-wedge compound usage
int enable_global_motion; // enable global motion usage for sequence
int enable_warped_motion; // sequence level
int allow_warped_motion; // frame level
int enable_filter_intra; // enable filter intra for sequence
int enable_smooth_intra; // enable smooth intra modes for sequence
int enable_paeth_intra; // enable Paeth intra mode for sequence
int enable_cfl_intra; // enable CFL uv intra mode for sequence
int enable_directional_intra; // enable directional modes for sequence
int enable_diagonal_intra; // enable D45 to D203 intra modes for sequence
int enable_superres;
int enable_overlay; // enable overlay for filtered arf frames
int enable_palette;
int enable_intrabc;
int enable_angle_delta;
float noise_level;
int noise_block_size;
int enable_dnl_denoising;
unsigned int chroma_subsampling_x;
unsigned int chroma_subsampling_y;
int reduced_tx_type_set;
int use_intra_dct_only;
int use_inter_dct_only;
int use_intra_default_tx_only;
int enable_tx_size_search;
int quant_b_adapt;
unsigned int vbr_corpus_complexity_lap;
AV1_LEVEL target_seq_level_idx[MAX_NUM_OPERATING_POINTS];
// Bit mask to specify which tier each of the 32 possible operating points
// conforms to.
unsigned int tier_mask;
// min_cr / 100 is the target minimum compression ratio for each frame.
unsigned int min_cr;
COST_UPDATE_TYPE coeff_cost_upd_freq;
COST_UPDATE_TYPE mode_cost_upd_freq;
COST_UPDATE_TYPE mv_cost_upd_freq;
COST_UPDATE_TYPE dv_cost_upd_freq;
unsigned int ext_tile_debug;
unsigned int sb_multipass_unit_test;
// Total number of passes. If this number is -1, then we assume passes = 1 or
// 2 (passes = 1 if pass == AOM_RC_ONE_PASS and passes = 2 otherwise).
int passes;
int fwd_kf_dist;
LOOPFILTER_CONTROL loopfilter_control;
// Indicates if the application of post-processing filters should be skipped
// on reconstructed frame.
unsigned int skip_postproc_filtering;
// the name of the second pass output file when passes > 2
const char *two_pass_output;
const char *second_pass_log;
// Automatically determine whether to disable several intra tools
// when "--deltaq-mode=3" is true.
// Default as 0.
// When set to 1, the encoder will analyze the reconstruction quality
// as compared to the source image in the preprocessing pass.
// If the recontruction quality is considered high enough, we disable
// the following intra coding tools, for better encoding speed:
// "--enable_smooth_intra",
// "--enable_paeth_intra",
// "--enable_cfl_intra",
// "--enable_diagonal_intra".
int auto_intra_tools_off;
int strict_level_conformance;
int kf_max_pyr_height;
int sb_qp_sweep;
static const struct av1_extracfg default_extra_cfg[] = {
0, // cpu_used
1, // enable_auto_alt_ref
0, // enable_auto_bwd_ref
0, // noise_sensitivity
0, // sharpness
0, // static_thresh
1, // row_mt
0, // fp_mt
0, // tile_columns
0, // tile_rows
0, // auto_tiles
1, // enable_tpl_model
1, // enable_keyframe_filtering
7, // arnr_max_frames
5, // arnr_strength
0, // min_gf_interval; 0 -> default decision
0, // max_gf_interval; 0 -> default decision
0, // gf_min_pyr_height
5, // gf_max_pyr_height
AOM_TUNE_PSNR, // tuning
"/usr/local/share/model/vmaf_v0.6.1.json", // VMAF model path
".", // partition info path
0, // enable rate guide deltaq
"./rate_map.txt", // rate distribution input
AOM_DIST_METRIC_PSNR, // dist_metric
10, // cq_level
0, // rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct
0, // rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct
0, // gf_cbr_boost_pct
0, // lossless
1, // enable_cdef
1, // enable_restoration
0, // force_video_mode
1, // enable_obmc
3, // disable_trellis_quant
0, // enable_qm
DEFAULT_QM_Y, // qm_y
DEFAULT_QM_U, // qm_u
DEFAULT_QM_V, // qm_v
DEFAULT_QM_LAST, // qm_max
1, // max number of tile groups
0, // mtu_size
AOM_TIMING_UNSPECIFIED, // No picture timing signaling in bitstream
0, // frame_parallel_decoding_mode
1, // enable dual filter
0, // enable delta quant in chroma planes
NO_AQ, // aq_mode
DELTA_Q_OBJECTIVE, // deltaq_mode
100, // deltaq_strength
0, // delta lf mode
0, // frame_periodic_boost
AOM_CICP_CP_UNSPECIFIED, // CICP color primaries
AOM_CICP_TC_UNSPECIFIED, // CICP transfer characteristics
AOM_CICP_MC_UNSPECIFIED, // CICP matrix coefficients
AOM_CSP_UNKNOWN, // chroma sample position
0, // color range
0, // render width
0, // render height
1, // this depends on large_scale_tile.
0, // error_resilient_mode off by default.
0, // s_frame_mode off by default.
0, // film_grain_test_vector
NULL, // film_grain_table_filename
0, // motion_vector_unit_test
0, // fpmt_unit_test
1, // CDF update mode
1, // enable rectangular partitions
1, // enable ab shape partitions
1, // enable 1:4 and 4:1 partitions
4, // min_partition_size
128, // max_partition_size
1, // enable intra edge filter
1, // frame order hint
1, // enable 64-pt transform usage
1, // enable flip and identity transform
1, // enable rectangular transform usage
1, // dist-wtd compound
7, // max_reference_frames
0, // enable_reduced_reference_set
1, // enable_ref_frame_mvs sequence level
1, // allow ref_frame_mvs frame level
1, // enable masked compound at sequence level
1, // enable one sided compound at sequence level
1, // enable interintra compound at sequence level
1, // enable smooth interintra mode
1, // enable difference-weighted compound
1, // enable interinter wedge compound
1, // enable interintra wedge compound
1, // enable_global_motion usage
1, // enable_warped_motion at sequence level
1, // allow_warped_motion at frame level
1, // enable filter intra at sequence level
1, // enable smooth intra modes usage for sequence
1, // enable Paeth intra mode usage for sequence
1, // enable CFL uv intra mode usage for sequence
1, // enable directional intra mode usage for sequence
1, // enable D45 to D203 intra mode usage for sequence
1, // superres
1, // enable overlay
1, // enable palette
1, // enable intrabc
1, // enable angle delta
0, // noise_level
32, // noise_block_size
1, // enable_dnl_denoising
0, // chroma_subsampling_x
0, // chroma_subsampling_y
0, // reduced_tx_type_set
0, // use_intra_dct_only
0, // use_inter_dct_only
0, // use_intra_default_tx_only
1, // enable_tx_size_search
0, // quant_b_adapt
0, // vbr_corpus_complexity_lap
}, // target_seq_level_idx
0, // tier_mask
0, // min_cr
COST_UPD_SB, // coeff_cost_upd_freq
COST_UPD_SB, // mode_cost_upd_freq
COST_UPD_SB, // mv_cost_upd_freq
COST_UPD_SB, // dv_cost_upd_freq
0, // ext_tile_debug
0, // sb_multipass_unit_test
-1, // passes
-1, // fwd_kf_dist
LOOPFILTER_ALL, // loopfilter_control
0, // skip_postproc_filtering
NULL, // two_pass_output
NULL, // second_pass_log
0, // auto_intra_tools_off
0, // strict_level_conformance
-1, // kf_max_pyr_height
0, // sb_qp_sweep
10, // cpu_used
1, // enable_auto_alt_ref
0, // enable_auto_bwd_ref
0, // noise_sensitivity
0, // sharpness
0, // static_thresh
1, // row_mt
0, // fp_mt
0, // tile_columns
0, // tile_rows
0, // auto_tiles
0, // enable_tpl_model
0, // enable_keyframe_filtering
7, // arnr_max_frames
5, // arnr_strength
0, // min_gf_interval; 0 -> default decision
0, // max_gf_interval; 0 -> default decision
0, // gf_min_pyr_height
5, // gf_max_pyr_height
AOM_TUNE_PSNR, // tuning
"/usr/local/share/model/vmaf_v0.6.1.json", // VMAF model path
".", // partition info path
0, // enable rate guide deltaq
"./rate_map.txt", // rate distribution input
AOM_DIST_METRIC_PSNR, // dist_metric
10, // cq_level
300, // rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct
0, // rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct
0, // gf_cbr_boost_pct
0, // lossless
1, // enable_cdef
0, // enable_restoration
0, // force_video_mode
0, // enable_obmc
3, // disable_trellis_quant
0, // enable_qm
DEFAULT_QM_Y, // qm_y
DEFAULT_QM_U, // qm_u
DEFAULT_QM_V, // qm_v
DEFAULT_QM_LAST, // qm_max
1, // max number of tile groups
0, // mtu_size
AOM_TIMING_UNSPECIFIED, // No picture timing signaling in bitstream
0, // frame_parallel_decoding_mode
0, // enable dual filter
0, // enable delta quant in chroma planes
NO_DELTA_Q, // deltaq_mode
100, // deltaq_strength
0, // delta lf mode
0, // frame_periodic_boost
AOM_CICP_CP_UNSPECIFIED, // CICP color primaries
AOM_CICP_TC_UNSPECIFIED, // CICP transfer characteristics
AOM_CICP_MC_UNSPECIFIED, // CICP matrix coefficients
AOM_CSP_UNKNOWN, // chroma sample position
0, // color range
0, // render width
0, // render height
1, // this depends on large_scale_tile.
0, // error_resilient_mode off by default.
0, // s_frame_mode off by default.
0, // film_grain_test_vector
NULL, // film_grain_table_filename
0, // motion_vector_unit_test
0, // fpmt_unit_test
1, // CDF update mode
0, // enable rectangular partitions
0, // enable ab shape partitions
0, // enable 1:4 and 4:1 partitions
4, // min_partition_size
128, // max_partition_size
0, // enable intra edge filter
0, // frame order hint
0, // enable 64-pt transform usage
1, // enable flip and identity transform
1, // enable rectangular transform usage
0, // dist-wtd compound
3, // max_reference_frames
0, // enable_reduced_reference_set
0, // enable_ref_frame_mvs sequence level
0, // allow ref_frame_mvs frame level
0, // enable masked compound at sequence level
0, // enable one sided compound at sequence level
0, // enable interintra compound at sequence level
0, // enable smooth interintra mode
0, // enable difference-weighted compound
0, // enable interinter wedge compound
0, // enable interintra wedge compound
0, // enable_global_motion usage
0, // enable_warped_motion at sequence level
0, // allow_warped_motion at frame level
0, // enable filter intra at sequence level
0, // enable smooth intra modes usage for sequence
0, // enable Paeth intra mode usage for sequence
0, // enable CFL uv intra mode usage for sequence
1, // enable directional intra mode usage for sequence
1, // enable D45 to D203 intra mode usage for sequence
0, // superres
0, // enable overlay
1, // enable palette
0, // enable intrabc
0, // enable angle delta
0, // noise_level
32, // noise_block_size
1, // enable_dnl_denoising
0, // chroma_subsampling_x
0, // chroma_subsampling_y
0, // reduced_tx_type_set
0, // use_intra_dct_only
0, // use_inter_dct_only
1, // use_intra_default_tx_only
1, // enable_tx_size_search
0, // quant_b_adapt
0, // vbr_corpus_complexity_lap
}, // target_seq_level_idx
0, // tier_mask
0, // min_cr
COST_UPD_OFF, // coeff_cost_upd_freq
COST_UPD_OFF, // mode_cost_upd_freq
COST_UPD_OFF, // mv_cost_upd_freq
COST_UPD_OFF, // dv_cost_upd_freq
0, // ext_tile_debug
0, // sb_multipass_unit_test
-1, // passes
-1, // fwd_kf_dist
LOOPFILTER_ALL, // loopfilter_control
0, // skip_postproc_filtering
NULL, // two_pass_output
NULL, // second_pass_log
0, // auto_intra_tools_off
0, // strict_level_conformance
-1, // kf_max_pyr_height
0, // sb_qp_sweep
struct aom_codec_alg_priv {
aom_codec_priv_t base;
aom_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg;
aom_rational64_t timestamp_ratio;
aom_codec_pts_t pts_offset;
unsigned char pts_offset_initialized;
AV1EncoderConfig oxcf;
unsigned char *cx_data;
size_t cx_data_sz;
size_t pending_cx_data_sz;
aom_image_t preview_img;
aom_enc_frame_flags_t next_frame_flags;
aom_codec_pkt_list_decl(256) pkt_list;
unsigned int fixed_kf_cntr;
// BufferPool that holds all reference frames.
BufferPool *buffer_pool;
// lookahead instance variables
BufferPool *buffer_pool_lap;
FIRSTPASS_STATS *frame_stats_buffer;
// Number of stats buffers required for look ahead
int num_lap_buffers;
STATS_BUFFER_CTX stats_buf_context;
bool monochrome_on_init;
static inline int gcd(int64_t a, int b) {
int remainder;
while (b > 0) {
remainder = (int)(a % b);
a = b;
b = remainder;
return (int)a;
static void reduce_ratio(aom_rational64_t *ratio) {
const int denom = gcd(ratio->num, ratio->den);
ratio->num /= denom;
ratio->den /= denom;
// Called by encoder_encode() only. Must not be called by encoder_init()
// because the `error` paramerer will be destroyed by aom_codec_enc_init_ver()
// after encoder_init() returns an error. See the "IMPORTANT" comment in
// aom_codec_enc_init_ver().
static aom_codec_err_t update_error_state(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, const struct aom_internal_error_info *error) {
const aom_codec_err_t res = error->error_code;
if (res != AOM_CODEC_OK)
ctx->base.err_detail = error->has_detail ? error->detail : NULL;
return res;
// This function deep copies a string src to *dst. For default string we will
// use a string literal, and otherwise we will allocate memory for the string.
static aom_codec_err_t allocate_and_set_string(const char *src,
const char *default_src,
const char **dst,
char *err_detail) {
if (!src) {
snprintf(err_detail, ARG_ERR_MSG_MAX_LEN,
"Null pointer given to a string parameter.");
if (*dst && strcmp(src, *dst) == 0) return AOM_CODEC_OK;
// If the input is exactly the same as default, we will use the string
// literal, so do not free here.
if (*dst != default_src) {
aom_free((void *)*dst);
if (default_src && strcmp(src, default_src) == 0) {
// default_src should be a string literal
*dst = default_src;
} else {
size_t len = strlen(src) + 1;
char *tmp = aom_malloc(len * sizeof(*tmp));
if (!tmp) {
snprintf(err_detail, ARG_ERR_MSG_MAX_LEN,
"Failed to allocate memory for copying parameters.");
memcpy(tmp, src, len);
*dst = tmp;
return 0;
#undef ERROR
#define ERROR(str) \
do { \
ctx->base.err_detail = str; \
} while (0)
#define RANGE_CHECK(p, memb, lo, hi) \
do { \
if (!((p)->memb >= (lo) && (p)->memb <= (hi))) \
ERROR(#memb " out of range [" #lo ".." #hi "]"); \
} while (0)
#define RANGE_CHECK_HI(p, memb, hi) \
do { \
if (!((p)->memb <= (hi))) ERROR(#memb " out of range [.." #hi "]"); \
} while (0)
#define RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(p, memb) \
do { \
if (!!((p)->memb) != (p)->memb) ERROR(#memb " expected boolean"); \
} while (0)
static aom_codec_err_t validate_config(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
const aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
const struct av1_extracfg *extra_cfg) {
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, g_w, 1, 65536); // 16 bits available
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, g_h, 1, 65536); // 16 bits available
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_forced_max_frame_width, 65536); // 16 bits available
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_forced_max_frame_height, 65536); // 16 bits available
if (cfg->g_forced_max_frame_width) {
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_w, cfg->g_forced_max_frame_width);
if (cfg->g_forced_max_frame_height) {
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_h, cfg->g_forced_max_frame_height);
// To avoid integer overflows when multiplying width by height (or values
// derived from width and height) using the int type, impose a maximum frame
// area (width * height) of 2^30.
const unsigned int max_frame_width =
cfg->g_forced_max_frame_width ? cfg->g_forced_max_frame_width : cfg->g_w;
const unsigned int max_frame_height = cfg->g_forced_max_frame_height
? cfg->g_forced_max_frame_height
: cfg->g_h;
const int64_t max_frame_area = (int64_t)max_frame_width * max_frame_height;
if (max_frame_area > (1 << 30)) {
ERROR("max_frame_area out of range [..2^30]");
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, g_timebase.den, 1, 1000000000);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, g_timebase.num, 1, 1000000000);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_profile, MAX_PROFILES - 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_target_bitrate, 2000000);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_max_quantizer, 63);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_min_quantizer, cfg->rc_max_quantizer);
RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(extra_cfg, lossless);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, aq_mode, AQ_MODE_COUNT - 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, deltaq_mode, DELTA_Q_MODE_COUNT - 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, deltalf_mode, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, frame_periodic_boost, 1);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_end_usage, AOM_VBR, AOM_Q);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_undershoot_pct, 100);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_overshoot_pct, 100);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct, 100);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_dropframe_thresh, 100);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_lag_in_frames, MAX_LAG_BUFFERS);
if (cfg->g_usage == AOM_USAGE_ALL_INTRA) {
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, g_lag_in_frames, 0);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, kf_max_dist, 0);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, min_gf_interval, MAX_LAG_BUFFERS - 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, max_gf_interval, MAX_LAG_BUFFERS - 1);
if (extra_cfg->max_gf_interval > 0) {
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, max_gf_interval,
AOMMAX(2, extra_cfg->min_gf_interval), (MAX_LAG_BUFFERS - 1));
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, gf_min_pyr_height, 5);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, gf_max_pyr_height, 5);
if (extra_cfg->gf_min_pyr_height > extra_cfg->gf_max_pyr_height) {
"gf_min_pyr_height must be less than or equal to "
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_resize_mode, RESIZE_MODES - 1);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_resize_denominator, SCALE_NUMERATOR,
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_resize_kf_denominator, SCALE_NUMERATOR,
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, rc_superres_mode, AOM_SUPERRES_AUTO);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_superres_denominator, SCALE_NUMERATOR,
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_superres_kf_denominator, SCALE_NUMERATOR,
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_superres_qthresh, 1, 63);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, rc_superres_kf_qthresh, 1, 63);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, cdf_update_mode, 2);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, motion_vector_unit_test, 2);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, fpmt_unit_test, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, sb_multipass_unit_test, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, ext_tile_debug, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, enable_auto_alt_ref, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, enable_auto_bwd_ref, 2);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, cpu_used, 0,
(cfg->g_usage == AOM_USAGE_REALTIME) ? 11 : 9);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, noise_sensitivity, 6);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, superblock_size, AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64,
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, large_scale_tile, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, single_tile_decoding, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, enable_rate_guide_deltaq, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, row_mt, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, fp_mt, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, tile_columns, 6);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, tile_rows, 6);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, auto_tiles, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, monochrome, 1);
if (cfg->large_scale_tile && extra_cfg->aq_mode)
"Adaptive quantization are not supported in large scale tile "
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, sharpness, 7);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, arnr_max_frames, 15);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, arnr_strength, 6);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, cq_level, 63);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, g_bit_depth, AOM_BITS_8, AOM_BITS_12);
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, g_input_bit_depth, 8, 12);
if (cfg->g_pass >= AOM_RC_SECOND_PASS) {
const size_t packet_sz = sizeof(FIRSTPASS_STATS);
const int n_packets = (int)(cfg-> / packet_sz);
const FIRSTPASS_STATS *stats;
if (cfg->rc_twopass_stats_in.buf == NULL)
ERROR("rc_twopass_stats_in.buf not set.");
if (cfg-> % packet_sz)
ERROR(" indicates truncated packet.");
if (cfg-> < 2 * packet_sz)
ERROR("rc_twopass_stats_in requires at least two packets.");
stats =
(const FIRSTPASS_STATS *)cfg->rc_twopass_stats_in.buf + n_packets - 1;
if ((int)(stats->count + 0.5) != n_packets - 1)
ERROR("rc_twopass_stats_in missing EOS stats packet");
if (extra_cfg->passes != -1 && cfg->g_pass == AOM_RC_ONE_PASS &&
extra_cfg->passes != 1) {
ERROR("One pass encoding but passes != 1.");
if (extra_cfg->passes != -1 && (int)cfg->g_pass > extra_cfg->passes) {
ERROR("Current pass is larger than total number of passes.");
if (cfg->g_profile == (unsigned int)PROFILE_1 && cfg->monochrome) {
ERROR("Monochrome is not supported in profile 1");
if (cfg->g_profile <= (unsigned int)PROFILE_1 &&
cfg->g_bit_depth > AOM_BITS_10) {
ERROR("Codec bit-depth 12 not supported in profile < 2");
if (cfg->g_profile <= (unsigned int)PROFILE_1 &&
cfg->g_input_bit_depth > 10) {
ERROR("Source bit-depth 12 not supported in profile < 2");
if (cfg->rc_end_usage == AOM_Q) {
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, use_fixed_qp_offsets, 1);
} else {
if (cfg->use_fixed_qp_offsets > 0) {
ERROR("--use_fixed_qp_offsets can only be used with --end-usage=q");
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, color_primaries, AOM_CICP_CP_BT_709,
AOM_CICP_CP_EBU_3213); // Need to check range more precisely to
// check for reserved values?
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, transfer_characteristics, AOM_CICP_TC_BT_709,
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, matrix_coefficients, AOM_CICP_MC_IDENTITY,
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, color_range, 0, 1);
/* Average corpus complexity is supported only in the case of single pass
* VBR*/
if (cfg->g_pass == AOM_RC_ONE_PASS && cfg->rc_end_usage == AOM_VBR)
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, vbr_corpus_complexity_lap,
else if (extra_cfg->vbr_corpus_complexity_lap != 0)
"VBR corpus complexity is supported only in the case of single pass "
"VBR mode.");
if (extra_cfg->tuning == AOM_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI) {
"This error may be related to the wrong configuration options: try to "
"set -DCONFIG_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI=1 at the time CMake is run.");
if (extra_cfg->tuning >= AOM_TUNE_VMAF_WITH_PREPROCESSING &&
extra_cfg->tuning <= AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN) {
"This error may be related to the wrong configuration options: try to "
"set -DCONFIG_TUNE_VMAF=1 at the time CMake is run.");
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, dist_metric, AOM_DIST_METRIC_PSNR,
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, timing_info_type, AOM_TIMING_UNSPECIFIED,
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, film_grain_test_vector, 0, 16);
if (extra_cfg->lossless) {
if (extra_cfg->aq_mode != 0)
ERROR("Only --aq_mode=0 can be used with --lossless=1.");
if (extra_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq)
ERROR("Only --enable_chroma_deltaq=0 can be used with --lossless=1.");
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, max_reference_frames, 3, 7);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, enable_reduced_reference_set, 0, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, chroma_subsampling_x, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, chroma_subsampling_y, 1);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, disable_trellis_quant, 3);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, coeff_cost_upd_freq, 0, 3);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, mode_cost_upd_freq, 0, 3);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, mv_cost_upd_freq, 0, 3);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, dv_cost_upd_freq, 0, 3);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, min_partition_size, 4, 128);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, max_partition_size, 4, 128);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, min_partition_size, extra_cfg->max_partition_size);
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_OPERATING_POINTS; ++i) {
const int level_idx = extra_cfg->target_seq_level_idx[i];
if (!is_valid_seq_level_idx(level_idx) &&
level_idx != SEQ_LEVEL_KEEP_STATS) {
ERROR("Target sequence level index is invalid");
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, deltaq_strength, 0, 1000);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, loopfilter_control, 3);
RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(extra_cfg, skip_postproc_filtering);
RANGE_CHECK_HI(extra_cfg, enable_cdef, 3);
RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(extra_cfg, auto_intra_tools_off);
RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(extra_cfg, strict_level_conformance);
RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(extra_cfg, sb_qp_sweep);
RANGE_CHECK(extra_cfg, kf_max_pyr_height, -1, 5);
if (extra_cfg->kf_max_pyr_height != -1 &&
extra_cfg->kf_max_pyr_height < (int)extra_cfg->gf_min_pyr_height) {
"The value of kf-max-pyr-height should not be smaller than "
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t validate_img(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
const aom_image_t *img) {
switch (img->fmt) {
case AOM_IMG_FMT_YV12:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_NV12:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I420:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_YV1216:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I42016: break;
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I444:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I44416:
if (ctx->cfg.g_profile == (unsigned int)PROFILE_0 &&
!ctx->cfg.monochrome) {
ERROR("Invalid image format. I444 images not supported in profile.");
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I422:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I42216:
if (ctx->cfg.g_profile != (unsigned int)PROFILE_2) {
ERROR("Invalid image format. I422 images not supported in profile.");
"Invalid image format. Only YV12, NV12, I420, I422, I444 images are "
if (img->d_w != ctx->cfg.g_w || img->d_h != ctx->cfg.g_h)
ERROR("Image size must match encoder init configuration size");
if (ctx->extra_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI) {
if (img->bit_depth > 8) {
ERROR("Only 8 bit depth images supported in tune=butteraugli mode.");
if (img->mc != 0 && img->mc != AOM_CICP_MC_BT_709 &&
img->mc != AOM_CICP_MC_BT_601 && img->mc != AOM_CICP_MC_BT_470_B_G) {
"Only BT.709 and BT.601 matrix coefficients supported in "
"tune=butteraugli mode. Identity matrix is treated as BT.601.");
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static int get_image_bps(const aom_image_t *img) {
switch (img->fmt) {
case AOM_IMG_FMT_YV12:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_NV12:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I420: return 12;
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I422: return 16;
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I444: return 24;
case AOM_IMG_FMT_YV1216:
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I42016: return 24;
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I42216: return 32;
case AOM_IMG_FMT_I44416: return 48;
default: assert(0 && "Invalid image format"); break;
return 0;
// Set appropriate options to disable frame super-resolution.
static void disable_superres(SuperResCfg *const superres_cfg) {
superres_cfg->superres_mode = AOM_SUPERRES_NONE;
superres_cfg->superres_scale_denominator = SCALE_NUMERATOR;
superres_cfg->superres_kf_scale_denominator = SCALE_NUMERATOR;
superres_cfg->superres_qthresh = 255;
superres_cfg->superres_kf_qthresh = 255;
static void set_auto_tiles(TileConfig *const tile_cfg, unsigned int width,
unsigned int height, unsigned int threads) {
int tile_cols_log2 = 0;
int tile_rows_log2 = 0;
if (threads < 2) return;
// Avoid small tiles because they are particularly bad for coding.
// Use no more tiles than the number of threads. Aim for one tile per
// thread. Using more than one thread inside one tile could be less
// efficient. Using more tiles than the number of threads would result
// in a compression penalty without much benefit.
const uint32_t kMinTileArea = 128 * 128;
const uint32_t kMaxTiles = 32;
uint32_t frame_area = width * height;
uint32_t tiles = (frame_area + kMinTileArea - 1) / kMinTileArea;
if (tiles > kMaxTiles) {
tiles = kMaxTiles;
if (tiles > threads) {
tiles = threads;
int tiles_log2 = (int)log2(tiles);
// If the frame width is equal or greater than the height, use more tile
// columns than tile rows.
if (width >= height) {
tile_cols_log2 = (tiles_log2 + 1) / 2;
tile_rows_log2 = tiles_log2 - tile_cols_log2;
} else {
tile_rows_log2 = (tiles_log2 + 1) / 2;
tile_cols_log2 = tiles_log2 - tile_rows_log2;
tile_cfg->tile_columns = tile_cols_log2;
tile_cfg->tile_rows = tile_rows_log2;
static void update_default_encoder_config(const cfg_options_t *cfg,
struct av1_extracfg *extra_cfg) {
extra_cfg->enable_cdef = (cfg->disable_cdef == 0) ? 1 : 0;
extra_cfg->enable_restoration = (cfg->disable_lr == 0);
extra_cfg->superblock_size =
(cfg->super_block_size == 64) ? AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64
: (cfg->super_block_size == 128) ? AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_128X128
extra_cfg->enable_warped_motion = (cfg->disable_warp_motion == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_dist_wtd_comp = (cfg->disable_dist_wtd_comp == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_diff_wtd_comp = (cfg->disable_diff_wtd_comp == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_dual_filter = (cfg->disable_dual_filter == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_angle_delta = (cfg->disable_intra_angle_delta == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_rect_partitions = (cfg->disable_rect_partition_type == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_ab_partitions = (cfg->disable_ab_partition_type == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_1to4_partitions = (cfg->disable_1to4_partition_type == 0);
extra_cfg->max_partition_size = cfg->max_partition_size;
extra_cfg->min_partition_size = cfg->min_partition_size;
extra_cfg->enable_intra_edge_filter = (cfg->disable_intra_edge_filter == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_tx64 = (cfg->disable_tx_64x64 == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_flip_idtx = (cfg->disable_flip_idtx == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_masked_comp = (cfg->disable_masked_comp == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_interintra_comp = (cfg->disable_inter_intra_comp == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_smooth_interintra = (cfg->disable_smooth_inter_intra == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_interinter_wedge = (cfg->disable_inter_inter_wedge == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_interintra_wedge = (cfg->disable_inter_intra_wedge == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_global_motion = (cfg->disable_global_motion == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_filter_intra = (cfg->disable_filter_intra == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_smooth_intra = (cfg->disable_smooth_intra == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_paeth_intra = (cfg->disable_paeth_intra == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_cfl_intra = (cfg->disable_cfl == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_obmc = (cfg->disable_obmc == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_palette = (cfg->disable_palette == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_intrabc = (cfg->disable_intrabc == 0);
extra_cfg->disable_trellis_quant = cfg->disable_trellis_quant;
extra_cfg->allow_ref_frame_mvs = (cfg->disable_ref_frame_mv == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_ref_frame_mvs = (cfg->disable_ref_frame_mv == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_onesided_comp = (cfg->disable_one_sided_comp == 0);
extra_cfg->enable_reduced_reference_set = cfg->reduced_reference_set;
extra_cfg->reduced_tx_type_set = cfg->reduced_tx_type_set;
static void set_encoder_config(AV1EncoderConfig *oxcf,
const aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
struct av1_extracfg *extra_cfg) {
if (cfg->encoder_cfg.init_by_cfg_file) {
update_default_encoder_config(&cfg->encoder_cfg, extra_cfg);
TuneCfg *const tune_cfg = &oxcf->tune_cfg;
FrameDimensionCfg *const frm_dim_cfg = &oxcf->frm_dim_cfg;
TileConfig *const tile_cfg = &oxcf->tile_cfg;
ResizeCfg *const resize_cfg = &oxcf->resize_cfg;
GFConfig *const gf_cfg = &oxcf->gf_cfg;
PartitionCfg *const part_cfg = &oxcf->part_cfg;
IntraModeCfg *const intra_mode_cfg = &oxcf->intra_mode_cfg;
TxfmSizeTypeCfg *const txfm_cfg = &oxcf->txfm_cfg;
CompoundTypeCfg *const comp_type_cfg = &oxcf->comp_type_cfg;
SuperResCfg *const superres_cfg = &oxcf->superres_cfg;
KeyFrameCfg *const kf_cfg = &oxcf->kf_cfg;
DecoderModelCfg *const dec_model_cfg = &oxcf->dec_model_cfg;
RateControlCfg *const rc_cfg = &oxcf->rc_cfg;
QuantizationCfg *const q_cfg = &oxcf->q_cfg;
ColorCfg *const color_cfg = &oxcf->color_cfg;
InputCfg *const input_cfg = &oxcf->input_cfg;
AlgoCfg *const algo_cfg = &oxcf->algo_cfg;
ToolCfg *const tool_cfg = &oxcf->tool_cfg;
const int is_vbr = cfg->rc_end_usage == AOM_VBR;
oxcf->profile = cfg->g_profile;
oxcf->max_threads = (int)cfg->g_threads;
switch (cfg->g_usage) {
case AOM_USAGE_REALTIME: oxcf->mode = REALTIME; break;
case AOM_USAGE_ALL_INTRA: oxcf->mode = ALLINTRA; break;
default: oxcf->mode = GOOD; break;
// Set frame-dimension related configuration.
frm_dim_cfg->width = cfg->g_w;
frm_dim_cfg->height = cfg->g_h;
frm_dim_cfg->forced_max_frame_width = cfg->g_forced_max_frame_width;
frm_dim_cfg->forced_max_frame_height = cfg->g_forced_max_frame_height;
frm_dim_cfg->render_width = extra_cfg->render_width;
frm_dim_cfg->render_height = extra_cfg->render_height;
// Set input video related configuration.
input_cfg->input_bit_depth = cfg->g_input_bit_depth;
// guess a frame rate if out of whack, use 30
input_cfg->init_framerate = (double)cfg->g_timebase.den / cfg->g_timebase.num;
if (cfg->g_pass >= AOM_RC_SECOND_PASS) {
const size_t packet_sz = sizeof(FIRSTPASS_STATS);
const int n_packets = (int)(cfg-> / packet_sz);
input_cfg->limit = n_packets - 1;
} else {
input_cfg->limit = cfg->g_limit;
input_cfg->chroma_subsampling_x = extra_cfg->chroma_subsampling_x;
input_cfg->chroma_subsampling_y = extra_cfg->chroma_subsampling_y;
if (input_cfg->init_framerate > 180) {
input_cfg->init_framerate = 30;
dec_model_cfg->timing_info_present = 0;
// Set Decoder model configuration.
if (extra_cfg->timing_info_type == AOM_TIMING_EQUAL ||
extra_cfg->timing_info_type == AOM_TIMING_DEC_MODEL) {
dec_model_cfg->timing_info_present = 1;
dec_model_cfg->timing_info.num_units_in_display_tick = cfg->g_timebase.num;
dec_model_cfg->timing_info.time_scale = cfg->g_timebase.den;
dec_model_cfg->timing_info.num_ticks_per_picture = 1;
} else {
dec_model_cfg->timing_info_present = 0;
if (extra_cfg->timing_info_type == AOM_TIMING_EQUAL) {
dec_model_cfg->timing_info.equal_picture_interval = 1;
dec_model_cfg->decoder_model_info_present_flag = 0;
dec_model_cfg->display_model_info_present_flag = 1;
} else if (extra_cfg->timing_info_type == AOM_TIMING_DEC_MODEL) {
dec_model_cfg->num_units_in_decoding_tick = cfg->g_timebase.num;
dec_model_cfg->timing_info.equal_picture_interval = 0;
dec_model_cfg->decoder_model_info_present_flag = 1;
dec_model_cfg->display_model_info_present_flag = 1;
oxcf->pass = cfg->g_pass;
// For backward compatibility, assume that if extra_cfg->passes==-1, then
// passes = 1 or 2.
if (extra_cfg->passes == -1) {
if (cfg->g_pass == AOM_RC_ONE_PASS) {
oxcf->passes = 1;
} else {
oxcf->passes = 2;
} else {
oxcf->passes = extra_cfg->passes;
// Set Rate Control configuration.
rc_cfg->max_intra_bitrate_pct = extra_cfg->rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct;
rc_cfg->max_inter_bitrate_pct = extra_cfg->rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct;
rc_cfg->gf_cbr_boost_pct = extra_cfg->gf_cbr_boost_pct;
rc_cfg->mode = cfg->rc_end_usage;
rc_cfg->min_cr = extra_cfg->min_cr;
rc_cfg->best_allowed_q =
extra_cfg->lossless ? 0 : av1_quantizer_to_qindex(cfg->rc_min_quantizer);
rc_cfg->worst_allowed_q =
extra_cfg->lossless ? 0 : av1_quantizer_to_qindex(cfg->rc_max_quantizer);
rc_cfg->cq_level = av1_quantizer_to_qindex(extra_cfg->cq_level);
rc_cfg->under_shoot_pct = cfg->rc_undershoot_pct;
rc_cfg->over_shoot_pct = cfg->rc_overshoot_pct;
rc_cfg->maximum_buffer_size_ms = is_vbr ? 240000 : cfg->rc_buf_sz;
rc_cfg->starting_buffer_level_ms = is_vbr ? 60000 : cfg->rc_buf_initial_sz;
rc_cfg->optimal_buffer_level_ms = is_vbr ? 60000 : cfg->rc_buf_optimal_sz;
// Convert target bandwidth from Kbit/s to Bit/s
rc_cfg->target_bandwidth = 1000 * cfg->rc_target_bitrate;
rc_cfg->drop_frames_water_mark = cfg->rc_dropframe_thresh;
rc_cfg->vbr_corpus_complexity_lap = extra_cfg->vbr_corpus_complexity_lap;
rc_cfg->vbrbias = cfg->rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct;
rc_cfg->vbrmin_section = cfg->rc_2pass_vbr_minsection_pct;
rc_cfg->vbrmax_section = cfg->rc_2pass_vbr_maxsection_pct;
// Set Toolset related configuration.
tool_cfg->bit_depth = cfg->g_bit_depth;
tool_cfg->cdef_control = (CDEF_CONTROL)extra_cfg->enable_cdef;
tool_cfg->enable_restoration =
(cfg->g_usage == AOM_USAGE_REALTIME) ? 0 : extra_cfg->enable_restoration;
tool_cfg->force_video_mode = extra_cfg->force_video_mode;
tool_cfg->enable_palette = extra_cfg->enable_palette;
// FIXME(debargha): Should this be:
// tool_cfg->enable_ref_frame_mvs = extra_cfg->allow_ref_frame_mvs &
// extra_cfg->enable_order_hint ?
// Disallow using temporal MVs while large_scale_tile = 1.
tool_cfg->enable_ref_frame_mvs =
extra_cfg->allow_ref_frame_mvs && !cfg->large_scale_tile;
tool_cfg->superblock_size = extra_cfg->superblock_size;
tool_cfg->enable_monochrome = cfg->monochrome;
tool_cfg->full_still_picture_hdr = cfg->full_still_picture_hdr != 0;
tool_cfg->enable_dual_filter = extra_cfg->enable_dual_filter;
tool_cfg->enable_order_hint = extra_cfg->enable_order_hint;
tool_cfg->enable_interintra_comp = extra_cfg->enable_interintra_comp;
tool_cfg->ref_frame_mvs_present =
extra_cfg->enable_ref_frame_mvs & extra_cfg->enable_order_hint;
// Explicitly disable global motion in a few cases:
// * For realtime mode, we never search global motion, and disabling
// it here prevents later code from allocating buffers we don't need
// * For large scale tile mode, some of the intended use cases expect
// all frame headers to be identical. This breaks if global motion is
// used, since global motion data is stored in the frame header.
// eg, see test/, which checks that all frame headers
// are the same.
tool_cfg->enable_global_motion = extra_cfg->enable_global_motion &&
cfg->g_usage != AOM_USAGE_REALTIME &&
tool_cfg->error_resilient_mode =
cfg->g_error_resilient | extra_cfg->error_resilient_mode;
tool_cfg->frame_parallel_decoding_mode =
// Set Quantization related configuration.
q_cfg->using_qm = extra_cfg->enable_qm;
q_cfg->qm_minlevel = extra_cfg->qm_min;
q_cfg->qm_maxlevel = extra_cfg->qm_max;
q_cfg->quant_b_adapt = extra_cfg->quant_b_adapt;
q_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq = extra_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq;
q_cfg->aq_mode = extra_cfg->aq_mode;
q_cfg->deltaq_mode = extra_cfg->deltaq_mode;
q_cfg->deltaq_strength = extra_cfg->deltaq_strength;
q_cfg->use_fixed_qp_offsets =
cfg->use_fixed_qp_offsets && (rc_cfg->mode == AOM_Q);
q_cfg->enable_hdr_deltaq =
(q_cfg->deltaq_mode == DELTA_Q_HDR) &&
(cfg->g_bit_depth == AOM_BITS_10) &&
(extra_cfg->color_primaries == AOM_CICP_CP_BT_2020);
tool_cfg->enable_deltalf_mode =
(q_cfg->deltaq_mode != NO_DELTA_Q) && extra_cfg->deltalf_mode;
// Set cost update frequency configuration.
oxcf->cost_upd_freq.coeff = (COST_UPDATE_TYPE)extra_cfg->coeff_cost_upd_freq;
oxcf->cost_upd_freq.mode = (COST_UPDATE_TYPE)extra_cfg->mode_cost_upd_freq;
// Avoid MV cost update for allintra encoding mode.
oxcf-> = (cfg->kf_max_dist != 0)
? (COST_UPDATE_TYPE)extra_cfg->mv_cost_upd_freq
oxcf->cost_upd_freq.dv = (COST_UPDATE_TYPE)extra_cfg->dv_cost_upd_freq;
// Set frame resize mode configuration.
resize_cfg->resize_mode = (RESIZE_MODE)cfg->rc_resize_mode;
resize_cfg->resize_scale_denominator = (uint8_t)cfg->rc_resize_denominator;
resize_cfg->resize_kf_scale_denominator =
if (resize_cfg->resize_mode == RESIZE_FIXED &&
resize_cfg->resize_scale_denominator == SCALE_NUMERATOR &&
resize_cfg->resize_kf_scale_denominator == SCALE_NUMERATOR)
resize_cfg->resize_mode = RESIZE_NONE;
// Set encoder algorithm related configuration.
algo_cfg->enable_overlay = extra_cfg->enable_overlay;
algo_cfg->disable_trellis_quant = extra_cfg->disable_trellis_quant;
algo_cfg->sharpness = extra_cfg->sharpness;
algo_cfg->arnr_max_frames = extra_cfg->arnr_max_frames;
algo_cfg->arnr_strength = extra_cfg->arnr_strength;
algo_cfg->cdf_update_mode = (uint8_t)extra_cfg->cdf_update_mode;
// TODO(any): Fix and Enable TPL for resize-mode > 0
algo_cfg->enable_tpl_model =
resize_cfg->resize_mode ? 0 : extra_cfg->enable_tpl_model;
algo_cfg->loopfilter_control = extra_cfg->loopfilter_control;
algo_cfg->skip_postproc_filtering = extra_cfg->skip_postproc_filtering;
// Set two-pass stats configuration.
oxcf->twopass_stats_in = cfg->rc_twopass_stats_in;
if (extra_cfg->two_pass_output)
oxcf->two_pass_output = extra_cfg->two_pass_output;
oxcf->second_pass_log = extra_cfg->second_pass_log;
// Set Key frame configuration.
kf_cfg->fwd_kf_enabled = cfg->fwd_kf_enabled;
kf_cfg->auto_key =
cfg->kf_mode == AOM_KF_AUTO && cfg->kf_min_dist != cfg->kf_max_dist;
kf_cfg->key_freq_min = cfg->kf_min_dist;
kf_cfg->key_freq_max = cfg->kf_max_dist;
kf_cfg->sframe_dist = cfg->sframe_dist;
kf_cfg->sframe_mode = cfg->sframe_mode;
kf_cfg->enable_sframe = extra_cfg->s_frame_mode;
kf_cfg->enable_keyframe_filtering = extra_cfg->enable_keyframe_filtering;
kf_cfg->fwd_kf_dist = extra_cfg->fwd_kf_dist;
// Disable key frame filtering in all intra mode.
if (cfg->kf_max_dist == 0) {
kf_cfg->enable_keyframe_filtering = 0;
kf_cfg->enable_intrabc = extra_cfg->enable_intrabc;
oxcf->speed = extra_cfg->cpu_used;
// TODO(yunqingwang, any) In REALTIME mode, 1080p performance at speed 5 & 6
// is quite bad. Force to use speed 7 for now. Will investigate it when we
// work on rd path optimization later.
if (oxcf->mode == REALTIME && AOMMIN(cfg->g_w, cfg->g_h) >= 1080 &&
oxcf->speed < 7)
oxcf->speed = 7;
// Set Color related configuration.
color_cfg->color_primaries = extra_cfg->color_primaries;
color_cfg->transfer_characteristics = extra_cfg->transfer_characteristics;
color_cfg->matrix_coefficients = extra_cfg->matrix_coefficients;
color_cfg->color_range = extra_cfg->color_range;
color_cfg->chroma_sample_position = extra_cfg->chroma_sample_position;
// Set Group of frames configuration.
// Force lag_in_frames to 0 for REALTIME mode
gf_cfg->lag_in_frames = (oxcf->mode == REALTIME)
? 0
: clamp(cfg->g_lag_in_frames, 0, MAX_LAG_BUFFERS);
gf_cfg->enable_auto_arf = extra_cfg->enable_auto_alt_ref;
gf_cfg->enable_auto_brf = extra_cfg->enable_auto_bwd_ref;
gf_cfg->min_gf_interval = extra_cfg->min_gf_interval;
gf_cfg->max_gf_interval = extra_cfg->max_gf_interval;
gf_cfg->gf_min_pyr_height = extra_cfg->gf_min_pyr_height;
gf_cfg->gf_max_pyr_height = extra_cfg->gf_max_pyr_height;
// Set tune related configuration.
tune_cfg->tuning = extra_cfg->tuning;
tune_cfg->vmaf_model_path = extra_cfg->vmaf_model_path;
tune_cfg->content = extra_cfg->content;
if (cfg->large_scale_tile) {
tune_cfg->film_grain_test_vector = 0;
tune_cfg->film_grain_table_filename = NULL;
} else {
tune_cfg->film_grain_test_vector = extra_cfg->film_grain_test_vector;
tune_cfg->film_grain_table_filename = extra_cfg->film_grain_table_filename;
tune_cfg->dist_metric = extra_cfg->dist_metric;
oxcf->noise_level = extra_cfg->noise_level;
oxcf->noise_block_size = extra_cfg->noise_block_size;
oxcf->enable_dnl_denoising = extra_cfg->enable_dnl_denoising;
// Temporal denoiser is for nonrd pickmode so disable it for speed < 7.
// Also disable it for speed 7 for now since it needs to be modified for
// the check_partition_merge_mode feature.
if (cfg->g_bit_depth == AOM_BITS_8 && oxcf->speed > 7) {
oxcf->noise_sensitivity = extra_cfg->noise_sensitivity;
} else {
oxcf->noise_sensitivity = 0;
// Set Tile related configuration.
tile_cfg->num_tile_groups = extra_cfg->num_tg;
// In large-scale tile encoding mode, num_tile_groups is always 1.
if (cfg->large_scale_tile) tile_cfg->num_tile_groups = 1;
tile_cfg->mtu = extra_cfg->mtu_size;
tile_cfg->enable_large_scale_tile = cfg->large_scale_tile;
tile_cfg->enable_single_tile_decoding =
(tile_cfg->enable_large_scale_tile) ? extra_cfg->single_tile_decoding : 0;
if (extra_cfg->auto_tiles) {
set_auto_tiles(tile_cfg, cfg->g_w, cfg->g_h, cfg->g_threads);
extra_cfg->tile_columns = tile_cfg->tile_columns;
extra_cfg->tile_rows = tile_cfg->tile_rows;
} else {
tile_cfg->tile_columns = extra_cfg->tile_columns;
tile_cfg->tile_rows = extra_cfg->tile_rows;
tile_cfg->tile_width_count = AOMMIN(cfg->tile_width_count, MAX_TILE_COLS);
tile_cfg->tile_height_count = AOMMIN(cfg->tile_height_count, MAX_TILE_ROWS);
for (int i = 0; i < tile_cfg->tile_width_count; i++) {
tile_cfg->tile_widths[i] = cfg->tile_widths[i];
for (int i = 0; i < tile_cfg->tile_height_count; i++) {
tile_cfg->tile_heights[i] = cfg->tile_heights[i];
tile_cfg->enable_ext_tile_debug = extra_cfg->ext_tile_debug;
if (tile_cfg->enable_large_scale_tile) {
// The superblock_size can only be AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64 or
// AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_128X128 while tile_cfg->enable_large_scale_tile = 1.
// If superblock_size = AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_DYNAMIC, hard set it to
// AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64(default value in large_scale_tile).
if (extra_cfg->superblock_size != AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64 &&
extra_cfg->superblock_size != AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_128X128)
tool_cfg->superblock_size = AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64;
// Set reference frame related configuration.
oxcf->ref_frm_cfg.max_reference_frames = extra_cfg->max_reference_frames;
oxcf->ref_frm_cfg.enable_reduced_reference_set =
oxcf->ref_frm_cfg.enable_onesided_comp = extra_cfg->enable_onesided_comp;
oxcf->row_mt = extra_cfg->row_mt;
oxcf->fp_mt = extra_cfg->fp_mt;
// Set motion mode related configuration.
oxcf->motion_mode_cfg.enable_obmc = extra_cfg->enable_obmc;
oxcf->motion_mode_cfg.enable_warped_motion = extra_cfg->enable_warped_motion;
if (cfg->g_usage == AOM_USAGE_REALTIME && oxcf->speed >= 7 &&
oxcf->tune_cfg.content == AOM_CONTENT_SCREEN) {
// TODO(marpan): warped motion is causing a crash for RT mode with screen
// in nonrd (speed >= 7), for non-realtime build.
// Re-enable/allow when the issue is fixed.
oxcf->motion_mode_cfg.enable_warped_motion = 0;
oxcf->motion_mode_cfg.allow_warped_motion = 0;
} else {
oxcf->motion_mode_cfg.allow_warped_motion =
(extra_cfg->allow_warped_motion & extra_cfg->enable_warped_motion);
oxcf->motion_mode_cfg.allow_warped_motion =
(cfg->g_usage == AOM_USAGE_REALTIME && oxcf->speed >= 7)
? false
: (extra_cfg->allow_warped_motion & extra_cfg->enable_warped_motion);
// Set partition related configuration.
part_cfg->enable_rect_partitions = extra_cfg->enable_rect_partitions;
part_cfg->enable_ab_partitions = extra_cfg->enable_ab_partitions;
part_cfg->enable_1to4_partitions = extra_cfg->enable_1to4_partitions;
part_cfg->min_partition_size = extra_cfg->min_partition_size;
part_cfg->max_partition_size = extra_cfg->max_partition_size;
// Set intra mode configuration.
intra_mode_cfg->enable_angle_delta = extra_cfg->enable_angle_delta;
intra_mode_cfg->enable_intra_edge_filter =
intra_mode_cfg->enable_filter_intra = extra_cfg->enable_filter_intra;
intra_mode_cfg->enable_smooth_intra = extra_cfg->enable_smooth_intra;
intra_mode_cfg->enable_paeth_intra = extra_cfg->enable_paeth_intra;
intra_mode_cfg->enable_cfl_intra = extra_cfg->enable_cfl_intra;
intra_mode_cfg->enable_directional_intra =
intra_mode_cfg->enable_diagonal_intra = extra_cfg->enable_diagonal_intra;
intra_mode_cfg->auto_intra_tools_off = extra_cfg->auto_intra_tools_off;
// Set transform size/type configuration.
txfm_cfg->enable_tx64 = extra_cfg->enable_tx64;
txfm_cfg->enable_flip_idtx = extra_cfg->enable_flip_idtx;
txfm_cfg->enable_rect_tx = extra_cfg->enable_rect_tx;
txfm_cfg->reduced_tx_type_set = extra_cfg->reduced_tx_type_set;
txfm_cfg->use_intra_dct_only = extra_cfg->use_intra_dct_only;
txfm_cfg->use_inter_dct_only = extra_cfg->use_inter_dct_only;
txfm_cfg->use_intra_default_tx_only = extra_cfg->use_intra_default_tx_only;
txfm_cfg->enable_tx_size_search = extra_cfg->enable_tx_size_search;
// Set compound type configuration.
comp_type_cfg->enable_dist_wtd_comp =
extra_cfg->enable_dist_wtd_comp & extra_cfg->enable_order_hint;
comp_type_cfg->enable_masked_comp = extra_cfg->enable_masked_comp;
comp_type_cfg->enable_diff_wtd_comp =
extra_cfg->enable_masked_comp & extra_cfg->enable_diff_wtd_comp;
comp_type_cfg->enable_interinter_wedge =
extra_cfg->enable_masked_comp & extra_cfg->enable_interinter_wedge;
comp_type_cfg->enable_smooth_interintra =
extra_cfg->enable_interintra_comp && extra_cfg->enable_smooth_interintra;
comp_type_cfg->enable_interintra_wedge =
extra_cfg->enable_interintra_comp & extra_cfg->enable_interintra_wedge;
// Set Super-resolution mode configuration.
if (extra_cfg->lossless || cfg->large_scale_tile) {
} else {
superres_cfg->superres_mode = cfg->rc_superres_mode;
superres_cfg->superres_scale_denominator =
superres_cfg->superres_kf_scale_denominator =
superres_cfg->superres_qthresh =
superres_cfg->superres_kf_qthresh =
if (superres_cfg->superres_mode == AOM_SUPERRES_FIXED &&
superres_cfg->superres_scale_denominator == SCALE_NUMERATOR &&
superres_cfg->superres_kf_scale_denominator == SCALE_NUMERATOR) {
if (superres_cfg->superres_mode == AOM_SUPERRES_QTHRESH &&
superres_cfg->superres_qthresh == 255 &&
superres_cfg->superres_kf_qthresh == 255) {
superres_cfg->enable_superres =
(superres_cfg->superres_mode != AOM_SUPERRES_NONE) &&
if (!superres_cfg->enable_superres) {
if (input_cfg->limit == 1) {
// still picture mode, display model and timing is meaningless
dec_model_cfg->display_model_info_present_flag = 0;
dec_model_cfg->timing_info_present = 0;
oxcf->save_as_annexb = cfg->save_as_annexb;
// Set unit test related configuration.
oxcf->unit_test_cfg.motion_vector_unit_test =
oxcf->unit_test_cfg.sb_multipass_unit_test =
oxcf->border_in_pixels =
(oxcf->kf_cfg.key_freq_max == 0), BLOCK_128X128);
memcpy(oxcf->target_seq_level_idx, extra_cfg->target_seq_level_idx,
oxcf->tier_mask = extra_cfg->tier_mask;
oxcf->partition_info_path = extra_cfg->partition_info_path;
oxcf->enable_rate_guide_deltaq = extra_cfg->enable_rate_guide_deltaq;
oxcf->rate_distribution_info = extra_cfg->rate_distribution_info;
oxcf->strict_level_conformance = extra_cfg->strict_level_conformance;
oxcf->kf_max_pyr_height = extra_cfg->kf_max_pyr_height;
oxcf->sb_qp_sweep = extra_cfg->sb_qp_sweep;
AV1EncoderConfig av1_get_encoder_config(const aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg) {
AV1EncoderConfig oxcf;
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = default_extra_cfg[0];
set_encoder_config(&oxcf, cfg, &extra_cfg);
return oxcf;
static aom_codec_err_t encoder_set_config(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
const aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg) {
aom_codec_err_t res;
int force_key = 0;
if (cfg->g_w != ctx->cfg.g_w || cfg->g_h != ctx->cfg.g_h) {
if (cfg->g_lag_in_frames > 1 || cfg->g_pass != AOM_RC_ONE_PASS)
ERROR("Cannot change width or height after initialization");
// Note: function encoder_set_config() is allowed to be called multiple
// times. However, when the original frame width or height is less than two
// times of the new frame width or height, a forced key frame should be
// used. To make sure the correct detection of a forced key frame, we need
// to update the frame width and height only when the actual encoding is
// performed. cpi->last_coded_width and cpi->last_coded_height are used to
// track the actual coded frame size.
if (ctx->ppi->cpi->last_coded_width && ctx->ppi->cpi->last_coded_height &&
ctx->ppi->cpi->last_coded_height, cfg->g_w,
cfg->g_h) ||
((int)cfg->g_w > ctx->ppi->cpi->last_coded_width) ||
((int)cfg->g_h > ctx->ppi->cpi->last_coded_height))) {
force_key = 1;
if (ctx->monochrome_on_init && cfg->monochrome == 0) {
// TODO(aomedia:3465): Allow this case to work without requiring re-init
// of encoder.
ERROR("Cannot change to monochrome = 0 after init with monochrome");
// Prevent increasing lag_in_frames. This check is stricter than it needs
// to be -- the limit is not increasing past the first lag_in_frames
// value, but we don't track the initial config, only the last successful
// config.
if (cfg->g_lag_in_frames > ctx->cfg.g_lag_in_frames)
ERROR("Cannot increase lag_in_frames");
// Prevent changing lag_in_frames if Lookahead Processing is enabled
if (cfg->g_lag_in_frames != ctx->cfg.g_lag_in_frames &&
ctx->num_lap_buffers > 0)
ERROR("Cannot change lag_in_frames if LAP is enabled");
res = validate_config(ctx, cfg, &ctx->extra_cfg);
if (res == AOM_CODEC_OK) {
ctx->cfg = *cfg;
set_encoder_config(&ctx->oxcf, &ctx->cfg, &ctx->extra_cfg);
// On profile change, request a key frame
force_key |= ctx->ppi->seq_params.profile != ctx->oxcf.profile;
bool is_sb_size_changed = false;
av1_change_config_seq(ctx->ppi, &ctx->oxcf, &is_sb_size_changed);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->ppi->num_fp_contexts; i++) {
av1_change_config(ctx->ppi->parallel_cpi[i], &ctx->oxcf,
if (ctx->ppi->cpi_lap != NULL) {
av1_change_config(ctx->ppi->cpi_lap, &ctx->oxcf, is_sb_size_changed);
if (force_key) ctx->next_frame_flags |= AOM_EFLAG_FORCE_KF;
return res;
static aom_fixed_buf_t *encoder_get_global_headers(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx) {
return av1_get_global_headers(ctx->ppi);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_get_quantizer(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
int *const arg = va_arg(args, int *);
if (arg == NULL) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
*arg = av1_get_quantizer(ctx->ppi->cpi);
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_get_quantizer64(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
int *const arg = va_arg(args, int *);
if (arg == NULL) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
*arg = av1_qindex_to_quantizer(av1_get_quantizer(ctx->ppi->cpi));
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_get_loopfilter_level(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
int *const arg = va_arg(args, int *);
if (arg == NULL) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
*arg = ctx->ppi->cpi->common.lf.filter_level[0];
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_get_baseline_gf_interval(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
int *const arg = va_arg(args, int *);
if (arg == NULL) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
*arg = ctx->ppi->p_rc.baseline_gf_interval;
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t update_encoder_cfg(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx) {
set_encoder_config(&ctx->oxcf, &ctx->cfg, &ctx->extra_cfg);
av1_check_fpmt_config(ctx->ppi, &ctx->oxcf);
bool is_sb_size_changed = false;
av1_change_config_seq(ctx->ppi, &ctx->oxcf, &is_sb_size_changed);
for (int i = 0; i < ctx->ppi->num_fp_contexts; i++) {
AV1_COMP *const cpi = ctx->ppi->parallel_cpi[i];
struct aom_internal_error_info *const error = cpi->common.error;
if (setjmp(error->jmp)) {
error->setjmp = 0;
return error->error_code;
error->setjmp = 1;
av1_change_config(cpi, &ctx->oxcf, is_sb_size_changed);
error->setjmp = 0;
if (ctx->ppi->cpi_lap != NULL) {
AV1_COMP *const cpi_lap = ctx->ppi->cpi_lap;
struct aom_internal_error_info *const error = cpi_lap->common.error;
if (setjmp(error->jmp)) {
error->setjmp = 0;
return error->error_code;
error->setjmp = 1;
av1_change_config(cpi_lap, &ctx->oxcf, is_sb_size_changed);
error->setjmp = 0;
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t update_extra_cfg(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
const struct av1_extracfg *extra_cfg) {
const aom_codec_err_t res = validate_config(ctx, &ctx->cfg, extra_cfg);
if (res == AOM_CODEC_OK) {
ctx->extra_cfg = *extra_cfg;
return update_encoder_cfg(ctx);
return res;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_cpuused(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.cpu_used = CAST(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_auto_alt_ref(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_auto_alt_ref = CAST(AOME_SET_ENABLEAUTOALTREF, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_auto_bwd_ref(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_auto_bwd_ref = CAST(AOME_SET_ENABLEAUTOBWDREF, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_noise_sensitivity(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.noise_sensitivity = CAST(AV1E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_sharpness(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.sharpness = CAST(AOME_SET_SHARPNESS, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_static_thresh(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.static_thresh = CAST(AOME_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_row_mt(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
unsigned int row_mt = CAST(AV1E_SET_ROW_MT, args);
if (row_mt == ctx->extra_cfg.row_mt) return AOM_CODEC_OK;
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.row_mt = row_mt;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_tile_columns(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
// If the control AUTO_TILES is used (set to 1) then don't override
// the tile_columns set via the AUTO_TILES control.
if (ctx->extra_cfg.auto_tiles) {
ERROR("AUTO_TILES is set so AV1E_SET_TILE_COLUMNS should not be called.");
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
unsigned int tile_columns = CAST(AV1E_SET_TILE_COLUMNS, args);
if (tile_columns == extra_cfg.tile_columns) return AOM_CODEC_OK;
extra_cfg.tile_columns = tile_columns;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_tile_rows(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
// If the control AUTO_TILES is used (set to 1) then don't override
// the tile_rows set via the AUTO_TILES control.
if (ctx->extra_cfg.auto_tiles) {
ERROR("AUTO_TILES is set so AV1E_SET_TILE_ROWS should not be called.");
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
unsigned int tile_rows = CAST(AV1E_SET_TILE_ROWS, args);
if (tile_rows == extra_cfg.tile_rows) return AOM_CODEC_OK;
extra_cfg.tile_rows = tile_rows;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_tpl_model(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const unsigned int tpl_model_arg = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_TPL_MODEL, args);
if (tpl_model_arg) {
ERROR("TPL model can't be turned on in realtime only build.");
extra_cfg.enable_tpl_model = tpl_model_arg;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_keyframe_filtering(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_keyframe_filtering =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_arnr_max_frames(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.arnr_max_frames = CAST(AOME_SET_ARNR_MAXFRAMES, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_arnr_strength(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.arnr_strength = CAST(AOME_SET_ARNR_STRENGTH, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t handle_tuning(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
struct av1_extracfg *extra_cfg) {
if (extra_cfg->tuning == AOM_TUNE_SSIMULACRA2) {
if (ctx->cfg.g_usage != AOM_USAGE_ALL_INTRA) return AOM_CODEC_INCAPABLE;
// Enable QMs as they've been found to be beneficial for images, when used
// with an alternative QM formula (see aom_get_qmlevel_allintra()).
extra_cfg->enable_qm = 1;
// We can turn on loop filter sharpness, as frames do not have to serve as
// references to others.
extra_cfg->sharpness = 7;
// CDEF_ALL has been found to blur images at high quality QPs, so let's use
// a version that adapts on QP.
extra_cfg->enable_cdef = CDEF_ADAPTIVE;
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_tuning(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.tuning = CAST(AOME_SET_TUNING, args);
aom_codec_err_t err = handle_tuning(ctx, &extra_cfg);
if (err != AOM_CODEC_OK) return err;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_cq_level(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.cq_level = CAST(AOME_SET_CQ_LEVEL, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.rc_max_inter_bitrate_pct =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_rc_gf_cbr_boost_pct(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.gf_cbr_boost_pct = CAST(AV1E_SET_GF_CBR_BOOST_PCT, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_lossless(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.lossless = CAST(AV1E_SET_LOSSLESS, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_cdef(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_cdef = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CDEF, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_restoration(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const unsigned int restoration_arg = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_RESTORATION, args);
if (restoration_arg) {
ERROR("Restoration can't be turned on in realtime only build.");
extra_cfg.enable_restoration = restoration_arg;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_force_video_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.force_video_mode = CAST(AV1E_SET_FORCE_VIDEO_MODE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_obmc(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const unsigned int obmc_arg = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_OBMC, args);
if (obmc_arg) {
ERROR("OBMC can't be enabled in realtime only build.");
extra_cfg.enable_obmc = obmc_arg;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_disable_trellis_quant(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.disable_trellis_quant = CAST(AV1E_SET_DISABLE_TRELLIS_QUANT, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_qm(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_qm = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_QM, args);
if (extra_cfg.enable_qm) {
ERROR("QM can't be enabled with CONFIG_QUANT_MATRIX=0.");
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_qm_y(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.qm_y = CAST(AV1E_SET_QM_Y, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_qm_u(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.qm_u = CAST(AV1E_SET_QM_U, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_qm_v(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.qm_v = CAST(AV1E_SET_QM_V, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_qm_min(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.qm_min = CAST(AV1E_SET_QM_MIN, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_qm_max(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.qm_max = CAST(AV1E_SET_QM_MAX, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_num_tg(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.num_tg = CAST(AV1E_SET_NUM_TG, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_mtu(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.mtu_size = CAST(AV1E_SET_MTU, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_timing_info_type(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.timing_info_type = CAST(AV1E_SET_TIMING_INFO_TYPE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_dual_filter(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_dual_filter = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_DUAL_FILTER, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_chroma_deltaq(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_chroma_deltaq = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CHROMA_DELTAQ, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_rect_partitions(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_rect_partitions =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_ab_partitions(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_ab_partitions = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_AB_PARTITIONS, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_1to4_partitions(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_1to4_partitions =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_min_partition_size(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.min_partition_size = CAST(AV1E_SET_MIN_PARTITION_SIZE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_max_partition_size(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.max_partition_size = CAST(AV1E_SET_MAX_PARTITION_SIZE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_intra_edge_filter(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_intra_edge_filter =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_order_hint(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_order_hint = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_ORDER_HINT, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_tx64(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_tx64 = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_TX64, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_flip_idtx(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_flip_idtx = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_FLIP_IDTX, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_rect_tx(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_rect_tx = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_RECT_TX, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_dist_wtd_comp(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_dist_wtd_comp = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_DIST_WTD_COMP, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_max_reference_frames(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.max_reference_frames = CAST(AV1E_SET_MAX_REFERENCE_FRAMES, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_reduced_reference_set(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_reduced_reference_set =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_ref_frame_mvs(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_ref_frame_mvs = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_REF_FRAME_MVS, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_allow_ref_frame_mvs(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.allow_ref_frame_mvs = CAST(AV1E_SET_ALLOW_REF_FRAME_MVS, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_masked_comp(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_masked_comp = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_MASKED_COMP, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_onesided_comp(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_onesided_comp = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_ONESIDED_COMP, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_interintra_comp(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_interintra_comp =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_smooth_interintra(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_smooth_interintra =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_diff_wtd_comp(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_diff_wtd_comp = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_DIFF_WTD_COMP, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_interinter_wedge(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_interinter_wedge =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_interintra_wedge(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_interintra_wedge =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_global_motion(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const int global_motion_arg = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_GLOBAL_MOTION, args);
if (global_motion_arg) {
ERROR("Global motion can't be enabled in realtime only build.");
extra_cfg.enable_global_motion = global_motion_arg;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_warped_motion(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const int warped_motion_arg = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_WARPED_MOTION, args);
if (warped_motion_arg) {
ERROR("Warped motion can't be enabled in realtime only build.");
extra_cfg.enable_warped_motion = warped_motion_arg;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_allow_warped_motion(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.allow_warped_motion = CAST(AV1E_SET_ALLOW_WARPED_MOTION, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_filter_intra(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_filter_intra = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_FILTER_INTRA, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_smooth_intra(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_smooth_intra = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_SMOOTH_INTRA, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_directional_intra(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_directional_intra =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_diagonal_intra(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_diagonal_intra = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_DIAGONAL_INTRA, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_paeth_intra(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_paeth_intra = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_PAETH_INTRA, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_cfl_intra(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_cfl_intra = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CFL_INTRA, args);
if (extra_cfg.enable_cfl_intra) {
ERROR("cfl can't be turned on in realtime only build.");
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_superres(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_superres = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_SUPERRES, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_overlay(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_overlay = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_OVERLAY, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_palette(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_palette = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_PALETTE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_intrabc(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_intrabc = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_INTRABC, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_angle_delta(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_angle_delta = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_ANGLE_DELTA, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_error_resilient_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.error_resilient_mode = CAST(AV1E_SET_ERROR_RESILIENT_MODE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_s_frame_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.s_frame_mode = CAST(AV1E_SET_S_FRAME_MODE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_frame_parallel_decoding_mode(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.frame_parallel_decoding_mode =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_single_tile_decoding(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.single_tile_decoding = CAST(AV1E_SET_SINGLE_TILE_DECODING, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_aq_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.aq_mode = CAST(AV1E_SET_AQ_MODE, args);
// Skip AQ mode if using fixed QP for current frame.
if (ctx->ppi->cpi->rc.use_external_qp_one_pass) extra_cfg.aq_mode = 0;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_reduced_tx_type_set(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.reduced_tx_type_set = CAST(AV1E_SET_REDUCED_TX_TYPE_SET, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_intra_dct_only(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.use_intra_dct_only = CAST(AV1E_SET_INTRA_DCT_ONLY, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_inter_dct_only(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.use_inter_dct_only = CAST(AV1E_SET_INTER_DCT_ONLY, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_intra_default_tx_only(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.use_intra_default_tx_only =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_tx_size_search(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_tx_size_search = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_TX_SIZE_SEARCH, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_quant_b_adapt(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.quant_b_adapt = CAST(AV1E_SET_QUANT_B_ADAPT, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_vbr_corpus_complexity_lap(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.vbr_corpus_complexity_lap =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_coeff_cost_upd_freq(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.coeff_cost_upd_freq = CAST(AV1E_SET_COEFF_COST_UPD_FREQ, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_mode_cost_upd_freq(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.mode_cost_upd_freq = CAST(AV1E_SET_MODE_COST_UPD_FREQ, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_mv_cost_upd_freq(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.mv_cost_upd_freq = CAST(AV1E_SET_MV_COST_UPD_FREQ, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_dv_cost_upd_freq(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.dv_cost_upd_freq = CAST(AV1E_SET_DV_COST_UPD_FREQ, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_vmaf_model_path(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const char *str = CAST(AV1E_SET_VMAF_MODEL_PATH, args);
const aom_codec_err_t ret = allocate_and_set_string(
str, default_extra_cfg[0].vmaf_model_path, &extra_cfg.vmaf_model_path,
if (ret != AOM_CODEC_OK) return ret;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_partition_info_path(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const char *str = CAST(AV1E_SET_PARTITION_INFO_PATH, args);
const aom_codec_err_t ret = allocate_and_set_string(
str, default_extra_cfg[0].partition_info_path,
&extra_cfg.partition_info_path, ctx->ppi->error.detail);
if (ret != AOM_CODEC_OK) return ret;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_enable_rate_guide_deltaq(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_rate_guide_deltaq =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_rate_distribution_info(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const char *str = CAST(AV1E_SET_RATE_DISTRIBUTION_INFO, args);
const aom_codec_err_t ret = allocate_and_set_string(
str, default_extra_cfg[0].rate_distribution_info,
&extra_cfg.rate_distribution_info, ctx->ppi->error.detail);
if (ret != AOM_CODEC_OK) return ret;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_film_grain_test_vector(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.film_grain_test_vector =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_film_grain_table(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const char *str = CAST(AV1E_SET_FILM_GRAIN_TABLE, args);
if (str == NULL) {
// this parameter allows NULL as its value
extra_cfg.film_grain_table_filename = str;
} else {
ERROR("film_grain removed from realtime only build.");
const aom_codec_err_t ret = allocate_and_set_string(
str, default_extra_cfg[0].film_grain_table_filename,
&extra_cfg.film_grain_table_filename, ctx->ppi->error.detail);
if (ret != AOM_CODEC_OK) return ret;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_denoise_noise_level(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.noise_level =
((float)CAST(AV1E_SET_DENOISE_NOISE_LEVEL, args)) / 10.0f;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_denoise_block_size(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.noise_block_size = CAST(AV1E_SET_DENOISE_BLOCK_SIZE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_enable_dnl_denoising(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.enable_dnl_denoising = CAST(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_DNL_DENOISING, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_deltaq_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const DELTAQ_MODE deltaq_arg = CAST(AV1E_SET_DELTAQ_MODE, args);
if (deltaq_arg > NO_DELTA_Q) {
ERROR("Delta Q mode can't be enabled in realtime only build.");
extra_cfg.deltaq_mode = deltaq_arg;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_deltaq_strength(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.deltaq_strength = CAST(AV1E_SET_DELTAQ_STRENGTH, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_deltalf_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.deltalf_mode = CAST(AV1E_SET_DELTALF_MODE, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_min_gf_interval(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.min_gf_interval = CAST(AV1E_SET_MIN_GF_INTERVAL, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_max_gf_interval(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.max_gf_interval = CAST(AV1E_SET_MAX_GF_INTERVAL, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_gf_min_pyr_height(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.gf_min_pyr_height = CAST(AV1E_SET_GF_MIN_PYRAMID_HEIGHT, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_gf_max_pyr_height(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.gf_max_pyr_height = CAST(AV1E_SET_GF_MAX_PYRAMID_HEIGHT, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_frame_periodic_boost(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.frame_periodic_boost = CAST(AV1E_SET_FRAME_PERIODIC_BOOST, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_enable_motion_vector_unit_test(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.motion_vector_unit_test =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_enable_fpmt_unit_test(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.fpmt_unit_test = CAST(AV1E_SET_FP_MT_UNIT_TEST, args);
ctx->ppi->fpmt_unit_test_cfg = (extra_cfg.fpmt_unit_test == 1)
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_enable_ext_tile_debug(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.ext_tile_debug = CAST(AV1E_ENABLE_EXT_TILE_DEBUG, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_target_seq_level_idx(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
const int val = CAST(AV1E_SET_TARGET_SEQ_LEVEL_IDX, args);
const int level = val % 100;
const int operating_point_idx = val / 100;
if (operating_point_idx < 0 ||
operating_point_idx >= MAX_NUM_OPERATING_POINTS) {
char *const err_string = ctx->ppi->error.detail;
snprintf(err_string, ARG_ERR_MSG_MAX_LEN,
"Invalid operating point index: %d", operating_point_idx);
ctx->base.err_detail = err_string;
extra_cfg.target_seq_level_idx[operating_point_idx] = (AV1_LEVEL)level;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_tier_mask(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.tier_mask = CAST(AV1E_SET_TIER_MASK, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_min_cr(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.min_cr = CAST(AV1E_SET_MIN_CR, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_enable_sb_multipass_unit_test(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.sb_multipass_unit_test =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_enable_sb_qp_sweep(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.sb_qp_sweep = CAST(AV1E_ENABLE_SB_QP_SWEEP, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_external_partition(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
AV1_COMP *const cpi = ctx->ppi->cpi;
aom_ext_part_funcs_t funcs = *CAST(AV1E_SET_EXTERNAL_PARTITION, args);
aom_ext_part_config_t config;
// TODO(chengchen): verify the sb_size has been set at this point.
config.superblock_size = cpi->common.seq_params->sb_size;
const aom_codec_err_t status =
av1_ext_part_create(funcs, config, &cpi->ext_part_controller);
return status;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_loopfilter_control(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.loopfilter_control = CAST(AV1E_SET_LOOPFILTER_CONTROL, args);
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_skip_postproc_filtering(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
// Skipping the application of post-processing filters is allowed only
// for ALLINTRA mode.
if (ctx->cfg.g_usage != AOM_USAGE_ALL_INTRA) return AOM_CODEC_INCAPABLE;
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
extra_cfg.skip_postproc_filtering =
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_rtc_external_rc(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
ctx->ppi->cpi->rc.rtc_external_ratectrl =
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_quantizer_one_pass(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
const int qp = CAST(AV1E_SET_QUANTIZER_ONE_PASS, args);
if (qp < 0 || qp > 63) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg = &ctx->cfg;
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;
cfg->rc_min_quantizer = cfg->rc_max_quantizer = qp;
extra_cfg.aq_mode = 0;
ctx->ppi->cpi->rc.use_external_qp_one_pass = 1;
return update_extra_cfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_bitrate_one_pass_cbr(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
AV1_PRIMARY *const ppi = ctx->ppi;
AV1_COMP *const cpi = ppi->cpi;
AV1EncoderConfig *oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
if (!is_one_pass_rt_params(cpi) || oxcf->rc_cfg.mode != AOM_CBR ||
cpi->ppi->use_svc || ppi->num_fp_contexts != 1 || ppi->cpi_lap != NULL) {
const int new_bitrate = CAST(AV1E_SET_BITRATE_ONE_PASS_CBR, args);
ctx->cfg.rc_target_bitrate = new_bitrate;
oxcf->rc_cfg.target_bandwidth = new_bitrate * 1000;
set_primary_rc_buffer_sizes(oxcf, ppi);
av1_new_framerate(cpi, cpi->framerate);
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_max_consec_frame_drop_cbr(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
AV1_PRIMARY *const ppi = ctx->ppi;
AV1_COMP *const cpi = ppi->cpi;
const int max_consec_drop = CAST(AV1E_SET_MAX_CONSEC_FRAME_DROP_CBR, args);
if (max_consec_drop < 0) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
cpi->rc.max_consec_drop = max_consec_drop;
cpi->rc.drop_count_consec = 0;
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_max_consec_frame_drop_ms_cbr(
aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx, va_list args) {
AV1_PRIMARY *const ppi = ctx->ppi;
AV1_COMP *const cpi = ppi->cpi;
const int max_consec_drop_ms =
if (max_consec_drop_ms < 0) return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
// max_consec_drop_ms will be converted to frame units inside encoder
// based on framerate (which can change dynamically).
ctx->oxcf.rc_cfg.max_consec_drop_ms = max_consec_drop_ms;
cpi->rc.drop_count_consec = 0;
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_svc_frame_drop_mode(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
AV1_PRIMARY *const ppi = ctx->ppi;
AV1_COMP *const cpi = ppi->cpi;
cpi->svc.framedrop_mode = CAST(AV1E_SET_SVC_FRAME_DROP_MODE, args);
if (cpi->svc.framedrop_mode != AOM_LAYER_DROP &&
cpi->svc.framedrop_mode != AOM_FULL_SUPERFRAME_DROP)
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t ctrl_set_auto_tiles(aom_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args) {
unsigned int auto_tiles = CAST(AV1E_SET_AUTO_TILES, args);
if (auto_tiles == ctx->extra_cfg.auto_tiles) return AOM_CODEC_OK;
struct av1_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->extra_cfg;