[NORMATIVE] Dropped frame handling in the decoder

This will liklely be normative behavior as far as the setup
of the reference buffers and order hints are concerned, but
whether we initialize missing buffers as gray or not is
probably not.


Change-Id: If50be93b15050bca73e5bee707385ceb4b0bf91c
diff --git a/av1/decoder/decodeframe.c b/av1/decoder/decodeframe.c
index cfb87d3..2a9aa5e 100644
--- a/av1/decoder/decodeframe.c
+++ b/av1/decoder/decodeframe.c
@@ -2702,20 +2702,32 @@
         // Read order hint from bit stream
         unsigned int frame_offset =
             aom_rb_read_literal(rb, cm->seq_params.order_hint_bits_minus1 + 1);
         // Get buffer index
         int buf_idx = cm->ref_frame_map[ref_idx];
         assert(buf_idx < FRAME_BUFFERS);
-        if (buf_idx == -1) {
+        if (buf_idx == -1 ||
+            frame_offset != frame_bufs[buf_idx].cur_frame_offset) {
+          if (buf_idx >= 0) {
+            lock_buffer_pool(pool);
+            decrease_ref_count(buf_idx, frame_bufs, pool);
+            unlock_buffer_pool(pool);
+          }
           // If no corresponding buffer exists, allocate a new buffer with all
           // pixels set to neutral grey.
           buf_idx = get_free_fb(cm);
-          aom_alloc_frame_buffer(
-              &frame_bufs[buf_idx].buf, cm->seq_params.max_frame_width,
-              cm->seq_params.max_frame_height, cm->subsampling_x,
-              cm->subsampling_y, cm->use_highbitdepth, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
-              cm->byte_alignment);
+          lock_buffer_pool(pool);
+          if (aom_realloc_frame_buffer(
+                  &frame_bufs[buf_idx].buf, cm->seq_params.max_frame_width,
+                  cm->seq_params.max_frame_height, cm->subsampling_x,
+                  cm->subsampling_y, cm->use_highbitdepth, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
+                  cm->byte_alignment,
+                  &pool->frame_bufs[buf_idx].raw_frame_buffer, pool->get_fb_cb,
+                  pool->cb_priv)) {
+            unlock_buffer_pool(pool);
+            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
+                               "Failed to allocate frame buffer");
+          }
+          unlock_buffer_pool(pool);
           set_planes_to_neutral_grey(cm, xd, 0);
           cm->ref_frame_map[ref_idx] = buf_idx;