blob: 80e1e0c577f3f91bc98676b32d8272536ead7aca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2001-2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#if !defined(_entcode_H)
#define _entcode_H (1)
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "av1/common/odintrin.h"
/*Set this flag 1 to enable a "reduced overhead" version of the entropy coder.
This uses a partition function that more accurately follows the input
probability estimates at the expense of some additional CPU cost (though
still an order of magnitude less than a full division).
In classic arithmetic coding, the partition function maps a value x in the
range [0, ft] to a value in y in [0, r] with 0 < ft <= r via
y = x*r/ft.
Any deviation from this value increases coding inefficiency.
To avoid divisions, we require ft <= r < 2*ft (enforcing it by shifting up
ft if necessary), and replace that function with
y = x + OD_MINI(x, r - ft).
This counts values of x smaller than r - ft double compared to values larger
than r - ft, which over-estimates the probability of symbols at the start of
the alphabet, and under-estimates the probability of symbols at the end of
the alphabet.
The overall coding inefficiency assuming accurate probability models and
independent symbols is in the 1% range, which is similar to that of CABAC.
To reduce overhead even further, we split this into two cases:
1) r - ft > ft - (r - ft).
That is, we have more values of x that are double-counted than
In this case, we still double-count the first 2*r - 3*ft values of x, but
after that we alternate between single-counting and double-counting for
the rest.
2) r - ft < ft - (r - ft).
That is, we have more values of x that are single-counted than
In this case, we alternate between single-counting and double-counting for
the first 2*(r - ft) values of x, and single-count the rest.
For two equiprobable symbols in different places in the alphabet, this
reduces the maximum ratio of over-estimation to under-estimation from 2:1
for the previous partition function to either 4:3 or 3:2 (for each of the
two cases above, respectively), assuming symbol probabilities significantly
greater than 1/32768.
That reduces the worst-case per-symbol overhead from 1 bit to 0.58 bits.
The resulting function is
e = OD_MAXI(2*r - 3*ft, 0);
y = x + OD_MINI(x, e) + OD_MINI(OD_MAXI(x - e, 0) >> 1, r - ft).
Here, e is a value that is greater than 0 in case 1, and 0 in case 2.
This function is about 3 times as expensive to evaluate as the high-overhead
version, but still an order of magnitude cheaper than a division, since it
is composed only of very simple operations.
Because we want to fit in 16-bit registers and must use unsigned values to do
so, we use saturating subtraction to enforce the maximums with 0.
Enabling this reduces the measured overhead in ectest from 0.805% to 0.621%
(vs. 0.022% for the division-based partition function with r much greater
than ft).
It improves performance on ntt-short-1 by about 0.3%.*/
/*OPT: od_ec_window must be at least 32 bits, but if you have fast arithmetic
on a larger type, you can speed up the decoder by using it here.*/
typedef uint32_t od_ec_window;
#define OD_EC_WINDOW_SIZE ((int)sizeof(od_ec_window) * CHAR_BIT)
/*Unsigned subtraction with unsigned saturation.
This implementation of the macro is intentionally chosen to increase the
number of common subexpressions in the reduced-overhead partition function.
This matters for C code, but it would not for hardware with a saturating
subtraction instruction.*/
#define OD_SUBSATU(a, b) ((a)-OD_MINI(a, b))
/*The number of bits to use for the range-coded part of unsigned integers.*/
#define OD_EC_UINT_BITS (4)
/*The resolution of fractional-precision bit usage measurements, i.e.,
3 => 1/8th bits.*/
#define OD_BITRES (3)
/*See entcode.c for further documentation.*/
OD_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT uint32_t od_ec_tell_frac(uint32_t nbits_total,
uint32_t rng);