blob: 60c5bbb598d26dcb08cb84db3fb69163d7746ee3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "av1/common/reconintra.h"
#include "test/acm_random.h"
#include "test/clear_system_state.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
class TestParam {
TestParam(int width, int height, int dst_stride_padding,
int ref_stride_padding, int border, aom_bit_depth_t bd, bool is_hbd,
int top_available, int right_unavailable, int left_available,
int bottom_unavailable)
: width_(width), height_(height), dst_stride_padding_(dst_stride_padding),
ref_stride_padding_(ref_stride_padding), border_(border), bd_(bd),
is_hbd_(is_hbd), top_available_(top_available),
right_unavailable_(right_unavailable), left_available_(left_available),
bottom_unavailable_(bottom_unavailable) {}
int Width() const { return width_; }
int Height() const { return height_; }
int DstStridePadding() const { return dst_stride_padding_; }
int RefStridePadding() const { return ref_stride_padding_; }
int Border() const { return border_; }
aom_bit_depth_t BitDepth() const { return bd_; }
bool IsHighBitDepth() const { return is_hbd_; }
int TopAvailable() const { return top_available_; }
int RightUnavailable() const { return right_unavailable_; }
int LeftAvailable() const { return left_available_; }
int BottomUnavailable() const { return bottom_unavailable_; }
bool operator==(const TestParam &other) const {
return Width() == other.Width() && Height() == other.Height() &&
DstStridePadding() == other.DstStridePadding() &&
RefStridePadding() == other.RefStridePadding() &&
Border() == other.Border() && BitDepth() == other.BitDepth() &&
IsHighBitDepth() == other.IsHighBitDepth() &&
TopAvailable() == other.TopAvailable() &&
RightUnavailable() == other.RightUnavailable() &&
LeftAvailable() == other.LeftAvailable() &&
BottomUnavailable() == other.BottomUnavailable();
int width_;
int height_;
int dst_stride_padding_;
int ref_stride_padding_;
int border_;
aom_bit_depth_t bd_;
bool is_hbd_;
int top_available_;
int right_unavailable_;
int left_available_;
int bottom_unavailable_;
struct TestParamHash {
size_t operator()(const TestParam &p) const {
// Arbitrary primes of 17 and 19 for initial value and multiplier.
size_t result = 17 + std::hash<int>{}(p.Width());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.Height());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.DstStridePadding());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.RefStridePadding());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.Border());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(static_cast<int>(p.BitDepth()));
result = result * 19 + std::hash<bool>{}(p.IsHighBitDepth());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.TopAvailable());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.RightUnavailable());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.LeftAvailable());
result = result * 19 + std::hash<int>{}(p.BottomUnavailable());
return result;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TestParam &test_arg) {
return os << "TestParam { width:" << test_arg.Width()
<< " height:" << test_arg.Height()
<< " ref_padding:" << test_arg.RefStridePadding()
<< " dst_padding:" << test_arg.DstStridePadding()
<< " border:" << test_arg.Border() << " bd:" << test_arg.BitDepth()
<< " is_hbd:" << test_arg.IsHighBitDepth()
<< " top_available:" << test_arg.TopAvailable()
<< " right_unavailable:" << test_arg.RightUnavailable()
<< " left_available:" << test_arg.LeftAvailable()
<< " bottom_unavailable:" << test_arg.BottomUnavailable() << " }";
constexpr int NUM_SAMPLED = 200;
// Random sample testing, for faster test suite execution.
std::unordered_set<TestParam, TestParamHash> GetSampledParams() {
libaom_test::ACMRandom rnd;
std::unordered_set<TestParam, TestParamHash> params;
while (params.size() < NUM_SAMPLED) {
if (params.size() % 10000 == 0) {
std::cout << params.size() << std::endl;
const int block = rnd.Rand8() % BLOCK_SIZES_ALL;
const int w = block_size_wide[block];
const int h = block_size_high[block];
const int dst_padding = 16 * (rnd.Rand8() % 3);
const int ref_padding = 16 * (rnd.Rand8() % 3);
const int border = 4 * (1 + rnd.Rand8() % 4);
const int top_available = rnd.Rand8() % (border + 4);
const int right_unavailable = rnd.Rand8() % w;
const int left_available = rnd.Rand8() % (border + 4);
const int bottom_unavailable = rnd.Rand8() % h;
const bool is_hbd = rnd.Rand8() % 2;
if (!is_hbd) {
params.insert(TestParam(w, h, dst_padding, ref_padding, border,
AOM_BITS_8, false, top_available,
right_unavailable, left_available,
// 0 == 8-bit, 1 == 10-bit, 2 == 12-bit.
const int depth = rnd.Rand8() % 3;
const aom_bit_depth_t bd =
(depth == 0) ? AOM_BITS_8 : (depth == 1 ? AOM_BITS_10 : AOM_BITS_12);
params.insert(TestParam(w, h, dst_padding, ref_padding, border, bd, true,
top_available, right_unavailable, left_available,
return params;
class IntrapredExtensionTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<TestParam> {
virtual ~IntrapredExtensionTest() {}
virtual void SetUp() override {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
const int bytes = p.IsHighBitDepth() ? sizeof(uint16_t) : sizeof(uint8_t);
int height = p.Height() + p.Border();
const int ref_size = height * RefStride() * bytes;
ref_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(aom_memalign(16, ref_size));
const int dst_size = height * DstStride() * bytes;
dst_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(aom_memalign(16, dst_size));
virtual void TearDown() override {
// Return a pointer to the start of the reference. The border region is
// negative offset.
const uint8_t *Ref() const {
const int offset = RefStride() * GetParam().Border() + GetParam().Border();
if (GetParam().IsHighBitDepth()) {
return CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(ref_) + offset;
return ref_ + offset;
// Return a pointer to the start of the destination buffer. The border region
// is negative offset.
uint8_t *Dst() const {
const int offset = DstStride() * GetParam().Border() + GetParam().Border();
if (GetParam().IsHighBitDepth()) {
return CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(dst_) + offset;
return dst_ + offset;
int RefStride() const {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
return p.Width() + p.Border() + p.RefStridePadding();
int DstStride() const {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
return p.Width() + p.Border() + p.DstStridePadding();
int Base() const {
switch (GetParam().BitDepth()) {
case AOM_BITS_8: return 128;
case AOM_BITS_10: return 512;
case AOM_BITS_12: return 2048;
default: EXPECT_TRUE(false); return 0;
void ExtendBorder() {
const TestParam &param = GetParam();
av1_extend_intra_border(Ref(), RefStride(), Dst(), DstStride(),
param.TopAvailable(), param.RightUnavailable(),
param.LeftAvailable(), param.BottomUnavailable(),
param.Width(), param.Height(), param.Border(),
param.BitDepth(), param.IsHighBitDepth());
void Randomize() {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
int height = p.Height() + p.Border();
const int ref_size = height * RefStride();
const int dst_size = height * DstStride();
if (!p.IsHighBitDepth()) {
for (int i = 0; i < ref_size; ++i) {
ref_[i] = rnd_.Rand8();
for (int i = 0; i < dst_size; ++i) {
dst_[i] = rnd_.Rand8();
uint16_t *ref16 = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(ref_);
for (int i = 0; i < ref_size; ++i) {
ref16[i] = rnd_.Rand16() & ((1 << p.BitDepth()) - 1);
uint16_t *dst16 = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(dst_);
for (int i = 0; i < dst_size; ++i) {
dst16[i] = rnd_.Rand16() & ((1 << p.BitDepth()) - 1);
// The two buffers should be equal for the given width/height.
void ExpectBufEq(const uint8_t *buf1, int buf1_stride, const uint8_t *buf2,
int buf2_stride, int width, int height) const {
EXPECT_GE(width, 0);
EXPECT_GE(height, 0);
if (GetParam().IsHighBitDepth()) {
const uint16_t *buf16_1 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(buf1);
const uint16_t *buf16_2 = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(buf2);
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
memcmp(buf16_1 + j * buf1_stride, buf16_2 + j * buf2_stride,
width * sizeof(uint16_t)));
} else {
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
0, memcmp(buf1 + j * buf1_stride, buf2 + j * buf2_stride, width));
// All values in thein the rectangle of width/height should
// equal the value.
void ExpectBufEqVal(int val, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_stride, int width,
int height) const {
EXPECT_GE(width, 0);
EXPECT_GE(height, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < height; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < width; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(val, GetValue(buf + buf_stride * j + i));
int GetValue(const uint8_t *ptr) const {
if (GetParam().IsHighBitDepth()) {
} else {
return *ptr;
uint8_t *ref_;
uint8_t *dst_;
libaom_test::ACMRandom rnd_;
TEST_P(IntrapredExtensionTest, MainBlockUntouched) {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
// Allocate enough for either 8-bit or 16-bit pipeline.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> copy(
new uint8_t[p.Width() * p.Height() * sizeof(uint16_t)]);
for (int j = 0; j < p.Height(); ++j) {
if (p.IsHighBitDepth()) {
memmove(copy.get() + j * p.Width() * sizeof(uint16_t),
CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(Dst()) + j * DstStride(),
p.Width() * sizeof(uint16_t));
} else {
memmove(copy.get() + j * p.Width(), Dst() + j * DstStride(), p.Width());
if (p.IsHighBitDepth()) {
ExpectBufEq(Dst(), DstStride(), CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(copy.get()), p.Width(),
p.Width(), p.Height());
} else {
ExpectBufEq(Dst(), DstStride(), copy.get(), p.Width(), p.Width(),
TEST_P(IntrapredExtensionTest, TopRows) {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
// Special case that no row is available. Base value is used.
if (p.TopAvailable() == 0) {
ExpectBufEqVal(Base() - 1, Dst() - p.Border() * DstStride(), DstStride(),
p.Width(), p.Border());
// The rows that could be copied, should be copied.
const int valid_height = AOMMIN(p.Border(), p.TopAvailable());
const int valid_width = p.Width() - p.RightUnavailable();
ExpectBufEq(Dst() - valid_height * DstStride(), DstStride(),
Ref() - valid_height * RefStride(), RefStride(), valid_width,
// The rows should be extended to the right, if data is missing.
for (int j = 1; j <= valid_height; ++j) {
int val = GetValue(Dst() - j * DstStride() + valid_width - 1);
ExpectBufEqVal(val, Dst() - j * DstStride() + valid_width, DstStride(),
p.Width() - valid_width, 1);
// Missing rows should be copied from the last valid row.
for (int j = valid_height + 1; j <= p.Border(); ++j) {
ExpectBufEq(Dst() - valid_height * DstStride(), DstStride(),
Dst() - j * DstStride(), DstStride(), p.Width(), 1);
TEST_P(IntrapredExtensionTest, LeftCols) {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
// Special case that no col is available. Base value is used.
if (p.LeftAvailable() == 0) {
ExpectBufEqVal(Base() + 1, Dst() - p.Border(), DstStride(), p.Border(),
// The columns that could be copied, should be copied.
const int valid_height = p.Height() - p.BottomUnavailable();
const int valid_width = AOMMIN(p.Border(), p.LeftAvailable());
ExpectBufEq(Dst() - valid_width, DstStride(), Ref() - valid_width,
RefStride(), valid_width, valid_height);
// The columns should be extended down, if data is missing.
for (int j = valid_height; j < p.Height(); ++j) {
for (int i = 1; i <= valid_width; ++i) {
int last_good = GetValue(Dst() + (valid_height - 1) * DstStride() - i);
EXPECT_EQ(last_good, GetValue(Dst() + j * DstStride() - i));
// Missing columns should be copied from the last valid column.
for (int j = 0; j < p.Height(); ++j) {
int last_good = GetValue(Dst() + j * DstStride() - valid_width);
ExpectBufEqVal(last_good, Dst() + j * DstStride() - p.Border(), DstStride(),
p.Border() - valid_width, 1);
TEST_P(IntrapredExtensionTest, TopLeftCorner) {
const TestParam &p = GetParam();
// Special case -- no data available.
if (p.LeftAvailable() == 0 || p.TopAvailable() == 0) {
ExpectBufEqVal(Base() - 1, Dst() - p.Border() * DstStride() - p.Border(),
DstStride(), p.Border(), p.Border());
// Any data that can be copied, should be copied.
int viable_corner =
AOMMIN(p.TopAvailable(), AOMMIN(p.Border(), p.LeftAvailable()));
ExpectBufEq(Dst() - viable_corner * DstStride() - viable_corner, DstStride(),
Ref() - viable_corner * RefStride() - viable_corner, RefStride(),
viable_corner, viable_corner);
// Any data missing on the left side should be extended from existing data.
for (int j = 1; j <= viable_corner; ++j) {
int last_good = GetValue(Dst() - j * DstStride() - viable_corner);
ExpectBufEqVal(last_good, Dst() - j * DstStride() - p.Border(), DstStride(),
p.Border() - viable_corner, 1);
// Any rows missing should be copied from the last good row.
uint8_t *last_good_row = Dst() - viable_corner * DstStride() - p.Border();
for (int j = viable_corner + 1; j <= p.Border(); ++j) {
ExpectBufEq(last_good_row, DstStride(),
Dst() - j * DstStride() - p.Border(), DstStride(), p.Border(),
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(IntrapredExtensionTests, IntrapredExtensionTest,
} // namespace