blob: 82ab1b20108fbee6a8e315ee773e6d82dab353f6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved.
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
#include "aom_dsp/psnr.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
static inline void check_reset_rc_flag(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
RATE_CONTROL *rc = &cpi->rc;
PRIMARY_RATE_CONTROL *const p_rc = &cpi->ppi->p_rc;
if (cpi->common.current_frame.frame_number >
(unsigned int)cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers) {
if (cpi->ppi->use_svc) {
} else {
if (rc->avg_frame_bandwidth / 3 > (rc->prev_avg_frame_bandwidth >> 1) ||
rc->avg_frame_bandwidth < (rc->prev_avg_frame_bandwidth >> 1)) {
rc->rc_1_frame = 0;
rc->rc_2_frame = 0;
p_rc->bits_off_target = p_rc->optimal_buffer_level;
p_rc->buffer_level = p_rc->optimal_buffer_level;
static inline void set_primary_rc_buffer_sizes(const AV1EncoderConfig *oxcf,
AV1_PRIMARY *ppi) {
PRIMARY_RATE_CONTROL *p_rc = &ppi->p_rc;
const RateControlCfg *const rc_cfg = &oxcf->rc_cfg;
const int64_t bandwidth = rc_cfg->target_bandwidth;
const int64_t starting = rc_cfg->starting_buffer_level_ms;
const int64_t optimal = rc_cfg->optimal_buffer_level_ms;
const int64_t maximum = rc_cfg->maximum_buffer_size_ms;
p_rc->starting_buffer_level = starting * bandwidth / 1000;
p_rc->optimal_buffer_level =
(optimal == 0) ? bandwidth / 8 : optimal * bandwidth / 1000;
p_rc->maximum_buffer_size =
(maximum == 0) ? bandwidth / 8 : maximum * bandwidth / 1000;
// Under a configuration change, where maximum_buffer_size may change,
// keep buffer level clipped to the maximum allowed buffer size.
p_rc->bits_off_target =
AOMMIN(p_rc->bits_off_target, p_rc->maximum_buffer_size);
p_rc->buffer_level = AOMMIN(p_rc->buffer_level, p_rc->maximum_buffer_size);
static inline void config_target_level(AV1_COMP *const cpi,
AV1_LEVEL target_level, int tier) {
AV1EncoderConfig *const oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
SequenceHeader *const seq_params = cpi->common.seq_params;
TileConfig *const tile_cfg = &oxcf->tile_cfg;
RateControlCfg *const rc_cfg = &oxcf->rc_cfg;
// Adjust target bitrate to be no larger than 70% of level limit.
const BITSTREAM_PROFILE profile = seq_params->profile;
const double level_bitrate_limit =
av1_get_max_bitrate_for_level(target_level, tier, profile);
const int64_t max_bitrate = (int64_t)(level_bitrate_limit * 0.70);
rc_cfg->target_bandwidth = AOMMIN(rc_cfg->target_bandwidth, max_bitrate);
// Also need to update cpi->ppi->twopass.bits_left.
TWO_PASS *const twopass = &cpi->ppi->twopass;
FIRSTPASS_STATS *stats = twopass->stats_buf_ctx->total_stats;
if (stats != NULL)
cpi->ppi->twopass.bits_left =
(int64_t)(stats->duration * rc_cfg->target_bandwidth / 10000000.0);
// Adjust max over-shoot percentage.
rc_cfg->over_shoot_pct = 0;
// Adjust max quantizer.
rc_cfg->worst_allowed_q = 255;
// Adjust number of tiles and tile columns to be under level limit.
int max_tiles, max_tile_cols;
av1_get_max_tiles_for_level(target_level, &max_tiles, &max_tile_cols);
while (tile_cfg->tile_columns > 0 &&
(1 << tile_cfg->tile_columns) > max_tile_cols) {
const int tile_cols = (1 << tile_cfg->tile_columns);
while (tile_cfg->tile_rows > 0 &&
tile_cols * (1 << tile_cfg->tile_rows) > max_tiles) {
// Adjust min compression ratio.
const int still_picture = seq_params->still_picture;
const double min_cr =
av1_get_min_cr_for_level(target_level, tier, still_picture);
rc_cfg->min_cr = AOMMAX(rc_cfg->min_cr, (unsigned int)(min_cr * 100));
/*!\brief Function to test for conditions that indicate we should loop
* back and recode a frame.
* \ingroup rate_control
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure
* \param[in] high_limit Upper rate threshold
* \param[in] low_limit Lower rate threshold
* \param[in] q Current q index
* \param[in] maxq Maximum allowed q index
* \param[in] minq Minimum allowed q index
* \return Indicates if a recode is required.
* \retval 1 Recode Required
* \retval 0 No Recode required
static inline int recode_loop_test(AV1_COMP *cpi, int high_limit, int low_limit,
int q, int maxq, int minq) {
const RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
const AV1EncoderConfig *const oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
const int frame_is_kfgfarf = frame_is_kf_gf_arf(cpi);
int force_recode = 0;
if ((rc->projected_frame_size >= rc->max_frame_bandwidth) ||
(cpi->sf.hl_sf.recode_loop == ALLOW_RECODE) ||
(frame_is_kfgfarf &&
(cpi->sf.hl_sf.recode_loop == ALLOW_RECODE_KFARFGF))) {
// TODO(agrange) high_limit could be greater than the scale-down threshold.
if ((rc->projected_frame_size > high_limit && q < maxq) ||
(rc->projected_frame_size < low_limit && q > minq)) {
force_recode = 1;
} else if (cpi->oxcf.rc_cfg.mode == AOM_CQ) {
// Deal with frame undershoot and whether or not we are
// below the automatically set cq level.
if (q > oxcf->rc_cfg.cq_level &&
rc->projected_frame_size <
(((int64_t)rc->this_frame_target * 7) >> 3)) {
force_recode = 1;
return force_recode;
static inline double av1_get_gfu_boost_projection_factor(double min_factor,
double max_factor,
int frame_count) {
double factor = sqrt((double)frame_count);
factor = AOMMIN(factor, max_factor);
factor = AOMMAX(factor, min_factor);
factor = (200.0 + 10.0 * factor);
return factor;
static inline int get_gfu_boost_from_r0_lap(double min_factor,
double max_factor, double r0,
int frames_to_key) {
double factor = av1_get_gfu_boost_projection_factor(min_factor, max_factor,
const int boost = (int)rint(factor / r0);
return boost;
static inline double av1_get_kf_boost_projection_factor(int frame_count) {
double factor = sqrt((double)frame_count);
factor = AOMMIN(factor, 10.0);
factor = AOMMAX(factor, 4.0);
factor = (75.0 + 14.0 * factor);
return factor;
static inline int get_regulated_q_overshoot(AV1_COMP *const cpi,
int is_encode_stage, int q_low,
int q_high, int top_index,
int bottom_index) {
const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
const RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
av1_rc_update_rate_correction_factors(cpi, is_encode_stage, cm->width,
int q_regulated =
av1_rc_regulate_q(cpi, rc->this_frame_target, bottom_index,
AOMMAX(q_high, top_index), cm->width, cm->height);
int retries = 0;
while (q_regulated < q_low && retries < 10) {
av1_rc_update_rate_correction_factors(cpi, is_encode_stage, cm->width,
q_regulated =
av1_rc_regulate_q(cpi, rc->this_frame_target, bottom_index,
AOMMAX(q_high, top_index), cm->width, cm->height);
return q_regulated;
static inline int get_regulated_q_undershoot(AV1_COMP *const cpi,
int is_encode_stage, int q_high,
int top_index, int bottom_index) {
const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
const RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
av1_rc_update_rate_correction_factors(cpi, is_encode_stage, cm->width,
int q_regulated = av1_rc_regulate_q(cpi, rc->this_frame_target, bottom_index,
top_index, cm->width, cm->height);
int retries = 0;
while (q_regulated > q_high && retries < 10) {
av1_rc_update_rate_correction_factors(cpi, is_encode_stage, cm->width,
q_regulated = av1_rc_regulate_q(cpi, rc->this_frame_target, bottom_index,
top_index, cm->width, cm->height);
return q_regulated;
/*!\brief Called after encode_with_recode_loop() has just encoded a frame.
* This function works out whether we undershot or overshot our bitrate
* target and adjusts q as appropriate. It also decides whether or not
* we need to recode the frame to get closer to the target rate.
* \ingroup rate_control
* \param[in] cpi Top-level encoder structure
* \param[out] loop Should we go around the recode loop again
* \param[in,out] q New q index value
* \param[in,out] q_low Low q index limit for this loop itteration
* \param[in,out] q_high High q index limit for this loop itteration
* \param[in] top_index Max permited new value for q index
* \param[in] bottom_index Min permited new value for q index
* \param[in,out] undershoot_seen Have we seen undershoot on this frame
* \param[in,out] overshoot_seen Have we seen overshoot on this frame
* \param[in,out] low_cr_seen Have we previously trriggered recode
* because the compression ration was less
* than a given minimum threshold.
* \param[in] loop_count Loop itterations so far.
static inline void recode_loop_update_q(
AV1_COMP *const cpi, int *const loop, int *const q, int *const q_low,
int *const q_high, const int top_index, const int bottom_index,
int *const undershoot_seen, int *const overshoot_seen,
int *const low_cr_seen, const int loop_count) {
AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
PRIMARY_RATE_CONTROL *const p_rc = &cpi->ppi->p_rc;
const RateControlCfg *const rc_cfg = &cpi->oxcf.rc_cfg;
*loop = 0;
// Special case for overlay frame.
if (rc->is_src_frame_alt_ref &&
rc->projected_frame_size < rc->max_frame_bandwidth)
const int min_cr = rc_cfg->min_cr;
if (min_cr > 0) {
const double compression_ratio =
av1_get_compression_ratio(cm, rc->projected_frame_size >> 3);
const double target_cr = min_cr / 100.0;
if (compression_ratio < target_cr) {
*low_cr_seen = 1;
if (*q < rc->worst_quality) {
const double cr_ratio = target_cr / compression_ratio;
const int projected_q = AOMMAX(*q + 1, (int)(*q * cr_ratio * cr_ratio));
*q = AOMMIN(AOMMIN(projected_q, *q + 32), rc->worst_quality);
*q_low = AOMMAX(*q, *q_low);
*q_high = AOMMAX(*q, *q_high);
*loop = 1;
if (*low_cr_seen) return;
if (cpi->ppi->level_params.keep_level_stats &&
!is_stat_generation_stage(cpi)) {
// Initialize level info. at the beginning of each sequence.
if (cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME &&
cpi->ppi->gf_group.refbuf_state[cpi->gf_frame_index] == REFBUF_RESET) {
const AV1LevelParams *const level_params = &cpi->ppi->level_params;
// TODO(any): currently only checking operating point 0
const AV1LevelInfo *const level_info = level_params->level_info[0];
const DECODER_MODEL *const decoder_models = level_info->decoder_models;
const AV1_LEVEL target_level = level_params->target_seq_level_idx[0];
if (target_level < SEQ_LEVELS &&
decoder_models[target_level].status == DECODER_MODEL_OK) {
DECODER_MODEL_STATUS status = av1_decoder_model_try_smooth_buf(
cpi, rc->projected_frame_size, &decoder_models[target_level]);
*q < rc->worst_quality) {
*q = AOMMIN(*q + 10, rc->worst_quality);
*q_low = AOMMAX(*q, *q_low);
*q_high = AOMMAX(*q, *q_high);
*loop = 1;
if (rc_cfg->mode == AOM_Q) return;
const int last_q = *q;
int frame_over_shoot_limit = 0, frame_under_shoot_limit = 0;
av1_rc_compute_frame_size_bounds(cpi, rc->this_frame_target,
if (frame_over_shoot_limit == 0) frame_over_shoot_limit = 1;
if (cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME &&
p_rc->this_key_frame_forced &&
rc->projected_frame_size < rc->max_frame_bandwidth) {
int64_t kf_err;
const int64_t high_err_target = cpi->ambient_err;
const int64_t low_err_target = cpi->ambient_err >> 1;
if (cm->seq_params->use_highbitdepth) {
kf_err = aom_highbd_get_y_sse(cpi->source, &cm->cur_frame->buf);
} else {
kf_err = aom_get_y_sse(cpi->source, &cm->cur_frame->buf);
kf_err = aom_get_y_sse(cpi->source, &cm->cur_frame->buf);
// Prevent possible divide by zero error below for perfect KF
kf_err += !kf_err;
// The key frame is not good enough or we can afford
// to make it better without undue risk of popping.
if ((kf_err > high_err_target &&
rc->projected_frame_size <= frame_over_shoot_limit) ||
(kf_err > low_err_target &&
rc->projected_frame_size <= frame_under_shoot_limit)) {
// Lower q_high
*q_high = AOMMAX(*q - 1, *q_low);
// Adjust Q
*q = (int)((*q * high_err_target) / kf_err);
*q = AOMMIN(*q, (*q_high + *q_low) >> 1);
} else if (kf_err < low_err_target &&
rc->projected_frame_size >= frame_under_shoot_limit) {
// The key frame is much better than the previous frame
// Raise q_low
*q_low = AOMMIN(*q + 1, *q_high);
// Adjust Q
*q = (int)((*q * low_err_target) / kf_err);
*q = AOMMIN(*q, (*q_high + *q_low + 1) >> 1);
// Clamp Q to upper and lower limits:
*q = clamp(*q, *q_low, *q_high);
*loop = (*q != last_q);
if (recode_loop_test(cpi, frame_over_shoot_limit, frame_under_shoot_limit, *q,
AOMMAX(*q_high, top_index), bottom_index)) {
// Is the projected frame size out of range and are we allowed
// to attempt to recode.
// Frame size out of permitted range:
// Update correction factor & compute new Q to try...
// Frame is too large
if (rc->projected_frame_size > rc->this_frame_target) {
// Special case if the projected size is > the max allowed.
if (*q == *q_high &&
rc->projected_frame_size >= rc->max_frame_bandwidth) {
const double q_val_high_current =
av1_convert_qindex_to_q(*q_high, cm->seq_params->bit_depth);
const double q_val_high_new =
q_val_high_current *
((double)rc->projected_frame_size / rc->max_frame_bandwidth);
*q_high = av1_find_qindex(q_val_high_new, cm->seq_params->bit_depth,
rc->best_quality, rc->worst_quality);
// Raise Qlow as to at least the current value
*q_low = AOMMIN(*q + 1, *q_high);
if (*undershoot_seen || loop_count > 2 ||
(loop_count == 2 && !frame_is_intra_only(cm))) {
av1_rc_update_rate_correction_factors(cpi, 1, cm->width, cm->height);
*q = (*q_high + *q_low + 1) / 2;
} else if (loop_count == 2 && frame_is_intra_only(cm)) {
const int q_mid = (*q_high + *q_low + 1) / 2;
const int q_regulated = get_regulated_q_overshoot(
cpi, 1, *q_low, *q_high, top_index, bottom_index);
// Get 'q' in-between 'q_mid' and 'q_regulated' for a smooth
// transition between loop_count < 2 and loop_count > 2.
*q = (q_mid + q_regulated + 1) / 2;
} else {
*q = get_regulated_q_overshoot(cpi, 1, *q_low, *q_high, top_index,
*overshoot_seen = 1;
} else {
// Frame is too small
*q_high = AOMMAX(*q - 1, *q_low);
if (*overshoot_seen || loop_count > 2 ||
(loop_count == 2 && !frame_is_intra_only(cm))) {
av1_rc_update_rate_correction_factors(cpi, 1, cm->width, cm->height);
*q = (*q_high + *q_low) / 2;
} else if (loop_count == 2 && frame_is_intra_only(cm)) {
const int q_mid = (*q_high + *q_low) / 2;
const int q_regulated = get_regulated_q_undershoot(
cpi, 1, *q_high, top_index, bottom_index);
// Get 'q' in-between 'q_mid' and 'q_regulated' for a smooth
// transition between loop_count < 2 and loop_count > 2.
*q = (q_mid + q_regulated) / 2;
// Special case reset for qlow for constrained quality.
// This should only trigger where there is very substantial
// undershoot on a frame and the auto cq level is above
// the user passsed in value.
if (rc_cfg->mode == AOM_CQ && q_regulated < *q_low) {
*q_low = *q;
} else {
*q = get_regulated_q_undershoot(cpi, 1, *q_high, top_index,
// Special case reset for qlow for constrained quality.
// This should only trigger where there is very substantial
// undershoot on a frame and the auto cq level is above
// the user passsed in value.
if (rc_cfg->mode == AOM_CQ && *q < *q_low) {
*q_low = *q;
*undershoot_seen = 1;
// Clamp Q to upper and lower limits:
*q = clamp(*q, *q_low, *q_high);
*loop = (*q != last_q);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"