blob: b4fba6d7e72bc1bbc5d088eac64b180ab356d690 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#pragma once
#include "av1/common/blockd.h"
#include "dx/av1_compute.h"
#include "dx/av1_memory.h"
#include "dx/av1_thread.h"
#include "av1/common/onyxc_int.h"
enum {
UsePipeline = 0,
PipelineSize = 2,
FrameThreadDataCount = 2,
EntropyThreadCount = 8,
ImagePoolSize = 16,
struct InterSortingInfo {
uint8_t bw_log2;
uint8_t bh_log2;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t type_index;
uint32_t index;
struct InterBlock {
uint16_t x, y;
uint32_t flags;
MV mv0;
MV mv1;
// uint32_t sorting_idx;
enum InterTypes {
// warp;
Warp = 0,
// Inter2x2, Inter2x2Comp here;
// sync
// sync
// 2x2 only
Inter2x2, //-> first pass
Inter2x2CompP2, //-> pass 2
InterSizesAllCommon = 24,
InterTypesNon2x2 = Inter2x2,
Inter2x2ArrOffset = InterSizesAllCommon * (InterTypesNon2x2 - 1),
Inter2x2Count = 3,
InterCountsAll = Inter2x2ArrOffset + Inter2x2Count,
CompoundTypeAvrg = 0,
CompoundTypeMasked = 1,
CompoundTypeDiffY = 2,
CompoundTypeDiffUv = 3,
enum {
IntraSizes = 9, // bw_log + bh_log = (0..4) + (0..4) = 0..8
ReconstructBlockSizes = 36, //(0..5)*(0..5)
IntraTypeCount = IntraSizes + 1, /// + filter_intra
IntraBlockOffset = InterTypes::InterCountsAll + ReconstructBlockSizes + IntraSizes,
ReconBlockOffset = InterTypes::InterCountsAll,
struct ScaleFactor {
int x_scale;
int x_step;
int y_scale;
int y_step;
struct ConstantBufferObject {
void* host_ptr;
D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS dev_address;
ConstantBufferObject(void* ptr, D3D12_GPU_VIRTUAL_ADDRESS addr) : host_ptr(ptr), dev_address(addr) {}
struct ComputeCommandBuffer {
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> allocator;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Fence> fence;
HANDLE event;
GpuBufferObject* cb_alloc;
size_t cb_ptr;
uint32_t fence_value;
ConstantBufferObject Alloc(size_t size) {
size = (size + 255) & (~255);
assert(cb_ptr + size < cb_alloc->size);
size_t p = cb_ptr;
cb_ptr += size;
return ConstantBufferObject(reinterpret_cast<char*>(cb_alloc->host_ptr) + p,
cb_alloc->dev->GetGPUVirtualAddress() + p);
void Reset() { cb_ptr = 0; }
struct av1_frame_thread_data {
ComputeCommandBuffer command_buffer;
bitdepth_dependent_shaders* shaders;
GpuBufferObject* mode_info_grid;
GpuBufferObject* idct_blocks_unordered;
GpuBufferObject* loop_rest_types;
GpuBufferObject* loop_rest_wiener;
GpuBufferObject* cdef_indexes;
GpuBufferObject* cdef_skips;
GpuBufferObject* filmgrain_rand_offset;
GpuBufferObject* gen_mi_block_indexes;
GpuBufferObject* gen_intra_inter_grid;
GpuBufferObject* gen_block_map;
GpuBufferObject* palette_buffer;
int* gen_intra_iter_y;
int* gen_intra_iter_uv;
int intra_iters;
int do_cdef;
int do_loop_rest;
int do_filmgrain;
int do_superres;
int is_hbd;
int ext_idct_buffer;
int iter_grid_stride;
int iter_grid_stride_uv;
int iter_grid_offset_uv;
int frame_number;
int bitdepth;
int thread_count;
int tile_count;
int mode_info_offset;
int mode_info_max;
int coef_buffer_offset;
av1_tile_data* tile_data;
HwFrameBuffer* frame_buffer;
HwFrameBuffer* back_buffer0;
HwFrameBuffer* dst_frame_buffer;
HwFrameBuffer* refs[8];
av1_frame_thread_data* sec_thread_data;
pthread_mutex_t sec_data_mutex;
int scale_enable;
ScaleFactor scale_factors[8];
volatile int64_t perf_markers[16];
typedef struct {
av1_frame_thread_data* data;
HwOutputImage* image;
} GpuWorkItem;
typedef struct Av1Core {
dx_compute_context compute;
av1_memory_allocator* memory;
compute_shader_lib* shader_lib;
av1_get_decoded_buffer_cb_fn_t cb_get_output_image;
av1_release_decoded_buffer_cb_fn_t cb_release_image;
aom_notify_frame_ready_cb_fn_t cb_notify_frame_ready;
void* image_alloc_priv;
void* ring_buf_host;
void* pbi_alloc;
void* buf_pool_alloc;
void** above_context_alloc[5];
void* restoration_info_alloc[3];
void* tplmvs_alloc;
GpuBufferObject* ring_buf_dev;
GpuBufferObject* idct_blocks;
GpuBufferObject* idct_residuals;
GpuBufferObject* frame_buffer_pool;
GpuBufferObject* inter_mask_lut;
GpuBufferObject* inter_warp_filter;
GpuBufferObject* mode_info_pool;
GpuBufferObject* idct_coefs;
GpuBufferObject* filmgrain_noise;
GpuBufferObject* filmgrain_gaus;
GpuBufferObject* filmgrain_random_luma;
GpuBufferObject* filmgrain_random_chroma;
GpuBufferObject* prediction_blocks;
GpuBufferObject* prediction_blocks_warp;
GpuBufferObject* loopfilter_blocks;
size_t fb_pool_alloc_ptr;
size_t fb_pool_alloc_reset;
int pred_map_size;
int block_count4x4;
av1_frame_thread_data frame_thread_data[FrameThreadDataCount];
av1_frame_thread_data* curr_frame_data;
int frame_number;
int thread_count;
int corrupted_seq;
HwFrameBuffer back_buffer1;
int fb_size;
int fb_offset;
int enable_superres;
int wedge_offsets[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL][2];
HwFrameBuffer fb_pool_src[16];
HwOutputImage image_pool_src[ImagePoolSize];
pthread_cond_t fb_pool_empty_cond;
pthread_mutex_t fb_pool_mutex;
DataPtrQueue fb_pool;
DataPtrQueueMT image_pool;
DataPtrQueueMT output_queue;
DataPtrQueueMT frame_data_pool;
GpuWorkItem gpu_item_pool_src[8];
DataPtrQueueMT gpu_item_pool;
DataPtrQueueMT gpu_waiting_queue;
pthread_t gpu_thread;
int tryhdr10x3;
} Av1Core;
Av1Core* Get(uint32_t may_be_null = 0);
void PutPerfMarker(av1_frame_thread_data* td, volatile int64_t* marker);