blob: 03fccbc2ec9c5b15c61851b99bcde850d1dfcae5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "dx/av1_compute.h"
extern "C" {
#include "av1/common/warped_motion.h"
#include "av1/common/reconinter.h"
#include "dx/types.h"
#include <wrl.h>
#include <dxgi1_4.h>
#include <d3dx12.h>
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct4x4.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct4x8.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct4x16.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct8x4.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct8x8.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct8x16.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct8x32.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct16x4.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct16x8.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct16x16.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct16x32.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct16x64.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct32x8.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct32x16.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct32x32.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct32x64.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct64x16.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct64x32.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct64x64.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct_lossless.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/idct_sort_blocks.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/fill_buffer.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/gen_pred_blocks.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/loop_restoration.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/cdef_filter.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/film_grain_filter.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/film_grain_gen_luma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/film_grain_gen_chroma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/copy_plane.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/copy_plane_10bit10x3.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_2x2chroma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_2x2chroma_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_2x2.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_2x2_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_diff_chroma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_diff_chroma_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_diff_luma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_diff_luma_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_masked.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_compound_masked_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_ext_borders.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_ext_borders_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_main.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_main_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_obmc_above.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_obmc_above_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_obmc_left.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_obmc_left_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_warp.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_warp_compound.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_warp_compound_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_warp_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/intra_filter.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/intra_filter_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/intra_main.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/intra_main_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_2x2.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_2x2_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_diff_chroma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_diff_chroma_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_diff_luma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_diff_luma_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_masked.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_compound_masked_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_obmc_above.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_obmc_above_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_obmc_left.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_obmc_left_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_warp_compound.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_warp_compound_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_2x2chroma.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/inter_scale_2x2chroma_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/reconstruct_block.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/reconstruct_block_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/loopfilter_vert.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/loopfilter_hor.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/loopfilter_vert_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/loopfilter_hor_hbd.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/gen_lf_blocks_hor.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/gen_lf_blocks_vert.h"
#include "dx/shaders/h/upscaling.h"
ID3D12RootSignature* create_root_sig(ID3D12Device* device, int Srvs, int Uavs, int Cbs, int InlineSize) {
CD3DX12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_DESC computeSignatureDesc;
CD3DX12_ROOT_PARAMETER params[16];
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Srvs; ++i) params[count++].InitAsShaderResourceView(i);
for (int i = 0; i < Uavs; ++i) params[count++].InitAsUnorderedAccessView(i);
int cb;
for (cb = 0; cb < Cbs; ++cb) params[count++].InitAsConstantBufferView(cb);
if (InlineSize) {
params[count++].InitAsConstants(InlineSize, cb);
computeSignatureDesc.Init(count, params);
ComPtr<ID3DBlob> computeSignatureData;
ComPtr<ID3DBlob> compilerLog;
HRESULT hr = D3D12SerializeRootSignature(&computeSignatureDesc, D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION_1, &computeSignatureData,
if (FAILED(hr)) {
printf((const char*)compilerLog->GetBufferPointer());
return NULL;
ID3D12RootSignature* sig = NULL;
hr = device->CreateRootSignature(0, computeSignatureData->GetBufferPointer(), computeSignatureData->GetBufferSize(),
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? sig : NULL;
HRESULT create_shader(ID3D12Device* device, const BYTE* src, int size, ID3D12RootSignature* sig, ComputeShader* dst) {
dst->bytecode = src;
dst->size = size;
dst->signaturePtr = sig;
// dst->pso =
pipelineDesc.pRootSignature = sig;
pipelineDesc.CS.pShaderBytecode = src;
pipelineDesc.CS.BytecodeLength = size;
HRESULT hr = device->CreateComputePipelineState(&pipelineDesc, IID_PPV_ARGS(&dst->pso));
return hr;
THREADFN create_shader_thread_hook(void* data) {
compute_shader_lib* shader_lib = static_cast<compute_shader_lib*>(data);
while (1) {
CreateShaderTask* task = (CreateShaderTask*)MTQueueGet(&shader_lib->task_queue);
if (!task)
else {
shader_lib->create_shader_errors |= create_shader(task->device, task->src, task->size, task->sig, task->dst);
if (shader_lib->create_shader_errors) return THREAD_RETURN(1);
return THREAD_RETURN(0);
int wait_shader_create_complete(compute_shader_lib* lib) {
if (!lib) return -1;
if (!lib->threads)
return 0;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < lib->threads; i++) {
pthread_join(lib->create_shader_threads[i], 0);
lib->threads = 0;
if (lib->create_shader_tasks) delete[] lib->create_shader_tasks;
lib->create_shader_tasks = 0;
return lib->create_shader_errors;
void* av1_create_pipeline_cache_handle(void* d3d12device, int threads) {
bool err = 0;
if (!d3d12device) return 0;
compute_shader_lib* shader_lib = new (std::nothrow) compute_shader_lib();
if (!shader_lib) return 0;
ID3D12Device* _device = static_cast<ID3D12Device*>(d3d12device);
err |= (shader_lib->sig_idct = create_root_sig(_device, 1, 2, 2, 2)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_common111 = create_root_sig(_device, 1, 1, 1, 0)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_common0102 = create_root_sig(_device, 0, 1, 0, 2)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_common0110 = create_root_sig(_device, 0, 1, 1, 0)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_copy_plane = create_root_sig(_device, 0, 1, 0, 6)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_pred_blocks = create_root_sig(_device, 5, 2, 1, 7)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_intra_pred = create_root_sig(_device, 3, 1, 1, 10)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_inter_pred = create_root_sig(_device, 5, 1, 1, 4)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_loop_rest = create_root_sig(_device, 3, 1, 2, 2)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_cdef_filter = create_root_sig(_device, 2, 1, 1, 0)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_film_grain = create_root_sig(_device, 3, 1, 1, 0)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_lf = create_root_sig(_device, 1, 1, 1, 5)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_lf_gen = create_root_sig(_device, 2, 1, 1, 6)) == NULL;
err |= (shader_lib->sig_upscale = create_root_sig(_device, 0, 1, 1, 3)) == NULL;
if (err) return 0;
bitdepth_dependent_shaders* s8 = &shader_lib->shaders_8bit;
bitdepth_dependent_shaders* hbd = &shader_lib->shaders_hbd;
CreateShaderTask create_tasks[] = {
{_device, idct4x4, sizeof(idct4x4), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_4X4]},
{_device, idct4x8, sizeof(idct4x8), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_4X8]},
{_device, idct4x16, sizeof(idct4x16), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_4X16]},
{_device, idct8x4, sizeof(idct8x4), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_8X4]},
{_device, idct8x8, sizeof(idct8x8), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_8X8]},
{_device, idct8x16, sizeof(idct8x16), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_8X16]},
{_device, idct8x32, sizeof(idct8x32), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_8X32]},
{_device, idct16x4, sizeof(idct16x4), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_16X4]},
{_device, idct16x8, sizeof(idct16x8), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_16X8]},
{_device, idct16x16, sizeof(idct16x16), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_16X16]},
{_device, idct16x32, sizeof(idct16x32), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_16X32]},
{_device, idct16x64, sizeof(idct16x64), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_16X64]},
{_device, idct32x8, sizeof(idct32x8), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_32X8]},
{_device, idct32x16, sizeof(idct32x16), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_32X16]},
{_device, idct32x32, sizeof(idct32x32), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_32X32]},
{_device, idct32x64, sizeof(idct32x64), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_32X64]},
{_device, idct64x16, sizeof(idct64x16), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_64X16]},
{_device, idct64x32, sizeof(idct64x32), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_64X32]},
{_device, idct64x64, sizeof(idct64x64), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_idct[TX_64X64]},
{_device, idct_lossless, sizeof(idct_lossless), shader_lib->sig_idct.Get(),
{_device, idct_sort_blocks, sizeof(idct_sort_blocks), shader_lib->sig_common111.Get(),
{_device, fill_buffer, sizeof(fill_buffer), shader_lib->sig_common0102.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_fill_buffer},
{_device, loop_restoration, sizeof(loop_restoration), shader_lib->sig_loop_rest.Get(),
{_device, film_grain_filter, sizeof(film_grain_filter), shader_lib->sig_film_grain.Get(),
{_device, film_grain_gen_luma, sizeof(film_grain_gen_luma), shader_lib->sig_film_grain.Get(),
{_device, film_grain_gen_chroma, sizeof(film_grain_gen_chroma), shader_lib->sig_film_grain.Get(),
{_device, cdef_filter, sizeof(cdef_filter), shader_lib->sig_cdef_filter.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_cdef_filter},
{_device, gen_pred_blocks, sizeof(gen_pred_blocks), shader_lib->sig_pred_blocks.Get(),
{_device, gen_lf_blocks_vert, sizeof(gen_lf_blocks_vert), shader_lib->sig_lf_gen.Get(),
{_device, gen_lf_blocks_hor, sizeof(gen_lf_blocks_hor), shader_lib->sig_lf_gen.Get(),
{_device, copy_plane, sizeof(copy_plane), shader_lib->sig_copy_plane.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_copy_plane},
{_device, copy_plane_10bit10x3, sizeof(copy_plane_10bit10x3), shader_lib->sig_copy_plane.Get(),
{_device, upscaling, sizeof(upscaling), shader_lib->sig_upscale.Get(), &shader_lib->shader_upscale},
{_device, inter_2x2chroma, sizeof(inter_2x2chroma), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_2x2},
{_device, inter_compound, sizeof(inter_compound), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_comp},
{_device, inter_compound_2x2, sizeof(inter_compound_2x2), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_comp_2x2},
{_device, inter_compound_diff_chroma, sizeof(inter_compound_diff_chroma), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_compound_diff_luma, sizeof(inter_compound_diff_luma), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_compound_masked, sizeof(inter_compound_masked), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_main, sizeof(inter_main), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_base},
{_device, inter_obmc_above, sizeof(inter_obmc_above), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_obmc_above},
{_device, inter_obmc_left, sizeof(inter_obmc_left), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_obmc_left},
{_device, inter_warp, sizeof(inter_warp), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_warp},
{_device, inter_scale_warp_compound, sizeof(inter_scale_warp_compound), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, intra_filter, sizeof(intra_filter), shader_lib->sig_intra_pred.Get(), &s8->intra_filter},
{_device, intra_main, sizeof(intra_main), shader_lib->sig_intra_pred.Get(), &s8->intra_main},
{_device, inter_ext_borders, sizeof(inter_ext_borders), shader_lib->sig_common0110.Get(), &s8->inter_ext_borders},
{_device, reconstruct_block, sizeof(reconstruct_block), shader_lib->sig_intra_pred.Get(), &s8->reconstruct_block},
{_device, loopfilter_vert, sizeof(loopfilter_vert), shader_lib->sig_lf.Get(), &s8->loopfilter_v},
{_device, loopfilter_hor, sizeof(loopfilter_hor), shader_lib->sig_lf.Get(), &s8->loopfilter_h},
{_device, inter_compound_2x2_hbd, sizeof(inter_compound_2x2_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_2x2chroma_hbd, sizeof(inter_2x2chroma_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_2x2},
{_device, inter_compound_diff_chroma_hbd, sizeof(inter_compound_diff_chroma_hbd),
shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_comp_diff_uv},
{_device, inter_compound_diff_luma_hbd, sizeof(inter_compound_diff_luma_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_compound_hbd, sizeof(inter_compound_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_comp},
{_device, inter_compound_masked_hbd, sizeof(inter_compound_masked_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_main_hbd, sizeof(inter_main_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_base},
{_device, inter_obmc_above_hbd, sizeof(inter_obmc_above_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_obmc_left_hbd, sizeof(inter_obmc_left_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_warp_compound_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_warp_compound_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_warp_hbd, sizeof(inter_warp_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_warp},
{_device, intra_filter_hbd, sizeof(intra_filter_hbd), shader_lib->sig_intra_pred.Get(), &hbd->intra_filter},
{_device, intra_main_hbd, sizeof(intra_main_hbd), shader_lib->sig_intra_pred.Get(), &hbd->intra_main},
{_device, inter_ext_borders_hbd, sizeof(inter_ext_borders_hbd), shader_lib->sig_common0110.Get(),
{_device, reconstruct_block_hbd, sizeof(reconstruct_block_hbd), shader_lib->sig_intra_pred.Get(),
{_device, loopfilter_vert_hbd, sizeof(loopfilter_vert_hbd), shader_lib->sig_lf.Get(), &hbd->loopfilter_v},
{_device, loopfilter_hor_hbd, sizeof(loopfilter_hor_hbd), shader_lib->sig_lf.Get(), &hbd->loopfilter_h},
{_device, inter_scale, sizeof(inter_scale), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_scale},
{_device, inter_scale_2x2chroma, sizeof(inter_scale_2x2chroma), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_compound, sizeof(inter_scale_compound), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_compound_diff_chroma, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_diff_chroma),
shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_scale_comp_diff_uv},
{_device, inter_scale_compound_diff_luma, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_diff_luma),
shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &s8->inter_scale_comp_diff_y},
{_device, inter_scale_compound_masked, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_masked), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_obmc_above, sizeof(inter_scale_obmc_above), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_obmc_left, sizeof(inter_scale_obmc_left), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_scale},
{_device, inter_scale_2x2chroma_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_2x2chroma_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_compound_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_compound_diff_chroma_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_diff_chroma_hbd),
shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_scale_comp_diff_uv},
{_device, inter_scale_compound_diff_luma_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_diff_luma_hbd),
shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_scale_comp_diff_y},
{_device, inter_scale_compound_masked_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_compound_masked_hbd),
shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(), &hbd->inter_scale_comp_masked},
{_device, inter_scale_obmc_above_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_obmc_above_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
{_device, inter_scale_obmc_left_hbd, sizeof(inter_scale_obmc_left_hbd), shader_lib->sig_inter_pred.Get(),
const int size = sizeof(create_tasks) / sizeof(CreateShaderTask);
shader_lib->threads = min(threads, MAX_CREATE_SHADER_THREADS);
assert((size + shader_lib->threads) <= BUFFERS_COUNT);
if (!threads) {
// sync case
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
CreateShaderTask* task = &create_tasks[i];
err |= create_shader(task->device, task->src, task->size, task->sig, task->dst) != S_OK;
} else {
// async case
shader_lib->create_shader_tasks = new CreateShaderTask[size];
memcpy(shader_lib->create_shader_tasks, create_tasks, sizeof(create_tasks));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
MTQueuePush(&shader_lib->task_queue, &shader_lib->create_shader_tasks[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < shader_lib->threads; i++) {
MTQueuePush(&shader_lib->task_queue, 0);
pthread_create(&shader_lib->create_shader_threads[i], 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)create_shader_thread_hook,
return err ? 0 : shader_lib;
void av1_destroy_pipeline_cache_handle(void* handle) {
if (handle) {
compute_shader_lib* shader_lib = static_cast<compute_shader_lib*>(handle);
delete shader_lib;
static int get_random_number_test(int val) {
unsigned int bit;
bit = ((val >> 0) ^ (val >> 1) ^ (val >> 3) ^ (val >> 12)) & 1;
val = (val >> 1) | (bit << 15);
return val;
HRESULT av1_upload_luts(Av1Core* dec) {
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> tmp_fg_luma;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> tmp_fg_chroma;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> tmp_fg_gaus;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> tmp_pred_wedge;
ComPtr<ID3D12Resource> tmp_warp_filt;
GpuBufferObject* fg_luma = dec->filmgrain_random_luma;
GpuBufferObject* fg_chroma = dec->filmgrain_random_chroma;
GpuBufferObject* fg_gaus = dec->filmgrain_gaus;
GpuBufferObject* pred_lut = dec->inter_mask_lut;
GpuBufferObject* warp = dec->inter_warp_filter;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12Device> device = dec->compute.device;
hr = device->CreateCommittedResource(&CD3DX12_HEAP_PROPERTIES(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD), D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&tmp_fg_luma));
hr |= device->CreateCommittedResource(&CD3DX12_HEAP_PROPERTIES(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD), D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
hr |= device->CreateCommittedResource(&CD3DX12_HEAP_PROPERTIES(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD), D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
hr |= device->CreateCommittedResource(&CD3DX12_HEAP_PROPERTIES(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD), D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
hr |= device->CreateCommittedResource(&CD3DX12_HEAP_PROPERTIES(D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_UPLOAD), D3D12_HEAP_FLAG_NONE,
NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&tmp_warp_filt));
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
int* dst = NULL;
hr = tmp_fg_luma->Map(0, &CD3DX12_RANGE(0, 0), (void**)&dst);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
int random_register = i;
for (int j = 0; j < 82; j++) {
random_register = get_random_number_test(random_register);
dst[i] = random_register;
tmp_fg_luma->Unmap(0, NULL);
hr = tmp_fg_chroma->Map(0, &CD3DX12_RANGE(0, 0), (void**)&dst);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
for (int i = 0; i < 65536; i++) {
int random_register = i;
for (int j = 0; j < 44; j++) {
random_register = get_random_number_test(random_register);
dst[i] = random_register;
tmp_fg_chroma->Unmap(0, NULL);
hr = tmp_fg_gaus->Map(0, &CD3DX12_RANGE(0, 0), (void**)&dst);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
memcpy(dst, dx_gaussian_sequence, sizeof(dx_gaussian_sequence));
tmp_fg_gaus->Unmap(0, NULL);
hr = tmp_warp_filt->Map(0, &CD3DX12_RANGE(0, 0), (void**)&dst);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
const int16_t* wrp_src = &warped_filter[0][0];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(warped_filter) / 2; ++i) {
dst[i] = wrp_src[i];
tmp_warp_filt->Unmap(0, NULL);
uint8_t* ptr = NULL;
hr = tmp_pred_wedge->Map(0, &CD3DX12_RANGE(0, 0), (void**)&ptr);
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
int offset = 0;
for (int bsize = 0; bsize < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++bsize) {
const wedge_params_type* wedge_params = &wedge_params_lookup[bsize];
if (!wedge_params->bits) continue;
const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
const int size = bw * bh;
dec->wedge_offsets[bsize][0] = (offset + 63) >> 6;
for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {
memcpy(ptr + offset, wedge_params->masks[0][index], size);
offset += size;
memcpy(ptr + offset, wedge_params->masks[1][index], size);
offset += size;
const int size_scale = ii_size_scales[bsize];
for (int i = 0; i < bh; ++i) memset(ptr + offset + i * bw, 32, bw);
offset += size;
for (int i = 0; i < bh; ++i) memset(ptr + offset + i * bw, ii_weights1d[i * size_scale], bw);
offset += size;
for (int y = 0; y < bh; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < bw; ++x) ptr[offset + x + y * bw] = ii_weights1d[x * size_scale];
offset += size;
for (int y = 0; y < bh; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < bw; ++x) ptr[offset + x + y * bw] = ii_weights1d[(y < x ? y : x) * size_scale];
offset += size;
for (int bsize = 0; bsize < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++bsize) {
const wedge_params_type* wedge_params = &wedge_params_lookup[bsize];
if (!wedge_params->bits) continue;
const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize] >> 1;
const int bh = block_size_high[bsize] >> 1;
const int size = AOMMAX(64, bw * bh);
dec->wedge_offsets[bsize][1] = (offset + 63) >> 6;
for (int index = 0; index < 16; ++index) {
for (int sign = 0; sign < 2; ++sign) {
int idx = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < bh; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < bw; ++x) {
ptr[offset + idx] = (wedge_params->masks[sign][index][x * 2 + (y * 2 + 0) * bw * 2] +
wedge_params->masks[sign][index][x * 2 + 1 + (y * 2 + 0) * bw * 2] +
wedge_params->masks[sign][index][x * 2 + (y * 2 + 1) * bw * 2] +
wedge_params->masks[sign][index][x * 2 + 1 + (y * 2 + 1) * bw * 2] + 2) >>
offset += size;
const int plane_bsize = ss_size_lookup[bsize][1][1];
const int size_scale = ii_size_scales[plane_bsize];
for (int i = 0; i < bh; ++i) memset(ptr + offset + i * bw, 32, bw);
offset += size;
for (int i = 0; i < bh; ++i) memset(ptr + offset + i * bw, ii_weights1d[i * size_scale], bw);
offset += size;
for (int y = 0; y < bh; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < bw; ++x) ptr[offset + x + y * bw] = ii_weights1d[x * size_scale];
offset += size;
for (int y = 0; y < bh; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < bw; ++x) ptr[offset + x + y * bw] = ii_weights1d[(y < x ? y : x) * size_scale];
offset += size;
tmp_pred_wedge->Unmap(0, NULL);
ComPtr<ID3D12CommandAllocator> computeAllocator;
hr = device->CreateCommandAllocator(D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT, IID_PPV_ARGS(&computeAllocator));
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
ComPtr<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> clist;
hr = device->CreateCommandList(0, D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE_DIRECT, computeAllocator.Get(), NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS(&clist));
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
clist->CopyResource(fg_luma->dev, tmp_fg_luma.Get());
clist->CopyResource(fg_chroma->dev, tmp_fg_chroma.Get());
clist->CopyResource(fg_gaus->dev, tmp_fg_gaus.Get());
clist->CopyResource(pred_lut->dev, tmp_pred_wedge.Get());
clist->CopyResource(warp->dev, tmp_warp_filt.Get());
D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER barriers[] = {
clist->ResourceBarrier(5, barriers);
ID3D12CommandList* cl[] = {clist.Get()};
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D12CommandQueue> queue = dec->compute.queue_direct;
queue->ExecuteCommandLists(1, cl);
ComPtr<ID3D12Fence> fence;
hr = device->CreateFence(0, D3D12_FENCE_FLAG_NONE, IID_PPV_ARGS(&fence));
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
queue->Signal(fence.Get(), 1);
HANDLE event = CreateEvent(nullptr, false, false, nullptr);
fence->SetEventOnCompletion(1, event);
WaitForSingleObject(event, INFINITE);
return hr;
static const int dx_gaussian_sequence[2048] = {
56, 568, -180, 172, 124, -84, 172, -64, -900, 24, 820, 224, 1248, 996, 272, -8,
-916, -388, -732, -104, -188, 800, 112, -652, -320, -376, 140, -252, 492, -168, 44, -788,
588, -584, 500, -228, 12, 680, 272, -476, 972, -100, 652, 368, 432, -196, -720, -192,
1000, -332, 652, -136, -552, -604, -4, 192, -220, -136, 1000, -52, 372, -96, -624, 124,
-24, 396, 540, -12, -104, 640, 464, 244, -208, -84, 368, -528, -740, 248, -968, -848,
608, 376, -60, -292, -40, -156, 252, -292, 248, 224, -280, 400, -244, 244, -60, 76,
-80, 212, 532, 340, 128, -36, 824, -352, -60, -264, -96, -612, 416, -704, 220, -204,
640, -160, 1220, -408, 900, 336, 20, -336, -96, -792, 304, 48, -28, -1232, -1172, -448,
104, -292, -520, 244, 60, -948, 0, -708, 268, 108, 356, -548, 488, -344, -136, 488,
-196, -224, 656, -236, -1128, 60, 4, 140, 276, -676, -376, 168, -108, 464, 8, 564,
64, 240, 308, -300, -400, -456, -136, 56, 120, -408, -116, 436, 504, -232, 328, 844,
-164, -84, 784, -168, 232, -224, 348, -376, 128, 568, 96, -1244, -288, 276, 848, 832,
-360, 656, 464, -384, -332, -356, 728, -388, 160, -192, 468, 296, 224, 140, -776, -100,
280, 4, 196, 44, -36, -648, 932, 16, 1428, 28, 528, 808, 772, 20, 268, 88,
-332, -284, 124, -384, -448, 208, -228, -1044, -328, 660, 380, -148, -300, 588, 240, 540,
28, 136, -88, -436, 256, 296, -1000, 1400, 0, -48, 1056, -136, 264, -528, -1108, 632,
-484, -592, -344, 796, 124, -668, -768, 388, 1296, -232, -188, -200, -288, -4, 308, 100,
-168, 256, -500, 204, -508, 648, -136, 372, -272, -120, -1004, -552, -548, -384, 548, -296,
428, -108, -8, -912, -324, -224, -88, -112, -220, -100, 996, -796, 548, 360, -216, 180,
428, -200, -212, 148, 96, 148, 284, 216, -412, -320, 120, -300, -384, -604, -572, -332,
-8, -180, -176, 696, 116, -88, 628, 76, 44, -516, 240, -208, -40, 100, -592, 344,
-308, -452, -228, 20, 916, -1752, -136, -340, -804, 140, 40, 512, 340, 248, 184, -492,
896, -156, 932, -628, 328, -688, -448, -616, -752, -100, 560, -1020, 180, -800, -64, 76,
576, 1068, 396, 660, 552, -108, -28, 320, -628, 312, -92, -92, -472, 268, 16, 560,
516, -672, -52, 492, -100, 260, 384, 284, 292, 304, -148, 88, -152, 1012, 1064, -228,
164, -376, -684, 592, -392, 156, 196, -524, -64, -884, 160, -176, 636, 648, 404, -396,
-436, 864, 424, -728, 988, -604, 904, -592, 296, -224, 536, -176, -920, 436, -48, 1176,
-884, 416, -776, -824, -884, 524, -548, -564, -68, -164, -96, 692, 364, -692, -1012, -68,
260, -480, 876, -1116, 452, -332, -352, 892, -1088, 1220, -676, 12, -292, 244, 496, 372,
-32, 280, 200, 112, -440, -96, 24, -644, -184, 56, -432, 224, -980, 272, -260, 144,
-436, 420, 356, 364, -528, 76, 172, -744, -368, 404, -752, -416, 684, -688, 72, 540,
416, 92, 444, 480, -72, -1416, 164, -1172, -68, 24, 424, 264, 1040, 128, -912, -524,
-356, 64, 876, -12, 4, -88, 532, 272, -524, 320, 276, -508, 940, 24, -400, -120,
756, 60, 236, -412, 100, 376, -484, 400, -100, -740, -108, -260, 328, -268, 224, -200,
-416, 184, -604, -564, -20, 296, 60, 892, -888, 60, 164, 68, -760, 216, -296, 904,
-336, -28, 404, -356, -568, -208, -1480, -512, 296, 328, -360, -164, -1560, -776, 1156, -428,
164, -504, -112, 120, -216, -148, -264, 308, 32, 64, -72, 72, 116, 176, -64, -272,
460, -536, -784, -280, 348, 108, -752, -132, 524, -540, -776, 116, -296, -1196, -288, -560,
1040, -472, 116, -848, -1116, 116, 636, 696, 284, -176, 1016, 204, -864, -648, -248, 356,
972, -584, -204, 264, 880, 528, -24, -184, 116, 448, -144, 828, 524, 212, -212, 52,
12, 200, 268, -488, -404, -880, 824, -672, -40, 908, -248, 500, 716, -576, 492, -576,
16, 720, -108, 384, 124, 344, 280, 576, -500, 252, 104, -308, 196, -188, -8, 1268,
296, 1032, -1196, 436, 316, 372, -432, -200, -660, 704, -224, 596, -132, 268, 32, -452,
884, 104, -1008, 424, -1348, -280, 4, -1168, 368, 476, 696, 300, -8, 24, 180, -592,
-196, 388, 304, 500, 724, -160, 244, -84, 272, -256, -420, 320, 208, -144, -156, 156,
364, 452, 28, 540, 316, 220, -644, -248, 464, 72, 360, 32, -388, 496, -680, -48,
208, -116, -408, 60, -604, -392, 548, -840, 784, -460, 656, -544, -388, -264, 908, -800,
-628, -612, -568, 572, -220, 164, 288, -16, -308, 308, -112, -636, -760, 280, -668, 432,
364, 240, -196, 604, 340, 384, 196, 592, -44, -500, 432, -580, -132, 636, -76, 392,
4, -412, 540, 508, 328, -356, -36, 16, -220, -64, -248, -60, 24, -192, 368, 1040,
92, -24, -1044, -32, 40, 104, 148, 192, -136, -520, 56, -816, -224, 732, 392, 356,
212, -80, -424, -1008, -324, 588, -1496, 576, 460, -816, -848, 56, -580, -92, -1372, -112,
-496, 200, 364, 52, -140, 48, -48, -60, 84, 72, 40, 132, -356, -268, -104, -284,
-404, 732, -520, 164, -304, -540, 120, 328, -76, -460, 756, 388, 588, 236, -436, -72,
-176, -404, -316, -148, 716, -604, 404, -72, -88, -888, -68, 944, 88, -220, -344, 960,
472, 460, -232, 704, 120, 832, -228, 692, -508, 132, -476, 844, -748, -364, -44, 1116,
-1104, -1056, 76, 428, 552, -692, 60, 356, 96, -384, -188, -612, -576, 736, 508, 892,
352, -1132, 504, -24, -352, 324, 332, -600, -312, 292, 508, -144, -8, 484, 48, 284,
-260, -240, 256, -100, -292, -204, -44, 472, -204, 908, -188, -1000, -256, 92, 1164, -392,
564, 356, 652, -28, -884, 256, 484, -192, 760, -176, 376, -524, -452, -436, 860, -736,
212, 124, 504, -476, 468, 76, -472, 552, -692, -944, -620, 740, -240, 400, 132, 20,
192, -196, 264, -668, -1012, -60, 296, -316, -828, 76, -156, 284, -768, -448, -832, 148,
248, 652, 616, 1236, 288, -328, -400, -124, 588, 220, 520, -696, 1032, 768, -740, -92,
-272, 296, 448, -464, 412, -200, 392, 440, -200, 264, -152, -260, 320, 1032, 216, 320,
-8, -64, 156, -1016, 1084, 1172, 536, 484, -432, 132, 372, -52, -256, 84, 116, -352,
48, 116, 304, -384, 412, 924, -300, 528, 628, 180, 648, 44, -980, -220, 1320, 48,
332, 748, 524, -268, -720, 540, -276, 564, -344, -208, -196, 436, 896, 88, -392, 132,
80, -964, -288, 568, 56, -48, -456, 888, 8, 552, -156, -292, 948, 288, 128, -716,
-292, 1192, -152, 876, 352, -600, -260, -812, -468, -28, -120, -32, -44, 1284, 496, 192,
464, 312, -76, -516, -380, -456, -1012, -48, 308, -156, 36, 492, -156, -808, 188, 1652,
68, -120, -116, 316, 160, -140, 352, 808, -416, 592, 316, -480, 56, 528, -204, -568,
372, -232, 752, -344, 744, -4, 324, -416, -600, 768, 268, -248, -88, -132, -420, -432,
80, -288, 404, -316, -1216, -588, 520, -108, 92, -320, 368, -480, -216, -92, 1688, -300,
180, 1020, -176, 820, -68, -228, -260, 436, -904, 20, 40, -508, 440, -736, 312, 332,
204, 760, -372, 728, 96, -20, -632, -520, -560, 336, 1076, -64, -532, 776, 584, 192,
396, -728, -520, 276, -188, 80, -52, -612, -252, -48, 648, 212, -688, 228, -52, -260,
428, -412, -272, -404, 180, 816, -796, 48, 152, 484, -88, -216, 988, 696, 188, -528,
648, -116, -180, 316, 476, 12, -564, 96, 476, -252, -364, -376, -392, 556, -256, -576,
260, -352, 120, -16, -136, -260, -492, 72, 556, 660, 580, 616, 772, 436, 424, -32,
-324, -1268, 416, -324, -80, 920, 160, 228, 724, 32, -516, 64, 384, 68, -128, 136,
240, 248, -204, -68, 252, -932, -120, -480, -628, -84, 192, 852, -404, -288, -132, 204,
100, 168, -68, -196, -868, 460, 1080, 380, -80, 244, 0, 484, -888, 64, 184, 352,
600, 460, 164, 604, -196, 320, -64, 588, -184, 228, 12, 372, 48, -848, -344, 224,
208, -200, 484, 128, -20, 272, -468, -840, 384, 256, -720, -520, -464, -580, 112, -120,
644, -356, -208, -608, -528, 704, 560, -424, 392, 828, 40, 84, 200, -152, 0, -144,
584, 280, -120, 80, -556, -972, -196, -472, 724, 80, 168, -32, 88, 160, -688, 0,
160, 356, 372, -776, 740, -128, 676, -248, -480, 4, -364, 96, 544, 232, -1032, 956,
236, 356, 20, -40, 300, 24, -676, -596, 132, 1120, -104, 532, -1096, 568, 648, 444,
508, 380, 188, -376, -604, 1488, 424, 24, 756, -220, -192, 716, 120, 920, 688, 168,
44, -460, 568, 284, 1144, 1160, 600, 424, 888, 656, -356, -320, 220, 316, -176, -724,
-188, -816, -628, -348, -228, -380, 1012, -452, -660, 736, 928, 404, -696, -72, -268, -892,
128, 184, -344, -780, 360, 336, 400, 344, 428, 548, -112, 136, -228, -216, -820, -516,
340, 92, -136, 116, -300, 376, -244, 100, -316, -520, -284, -12, 824, 164, -548, -180,
-128, 116, -924, -828, 268, -368, -580, 620, 192, 160, 0, -1676, 1068, 424, -56, -360,
468, -156, 720, 288, -528, 556, -364, 548, -148, 504, 316, 152, -648, -620, -684, -24,
-376, -384, -108, -920, -1032, 768, 180, -264, -508, -1268, -260, -60, 300, -240, 988, 724,
-376, -576, -212, -736, 556, 192, 1092, -620, -880, 376, -56, -4, -216, -32, 836, 268,
396, 1332, 864, -600, 100, 56, -412, -92, 356, 180, 884, -468, -436, 292, -388, -804,
-704, -840, 368, -348, 140, -724, 1536, 940, 372, 112, -372, 436, -480, 1136, 296, -32,
-228, 132, -48, -220, 868, -1016, -60, -1044, -464, 328, 916, 244, 12, -736, -296, 360,
468, -376, -108, -92, 788, 368, -56, 544, 400, -672, -420, 728, 16, 320, 44, -284,
-380, -796, 488, 132, 204, -596, -372, 88, -152, -908, -636, -572, -624, -116, -692, -200,
-56, 276, -88, 484, -324, 948, 864, 1000, -456, -184, -276, 292, -296, 156, 676, 320,
160, 908, -84, -1236, -288, -116, 260, -372, -644, 732, -756, -96, 84, 344, -520, 348,
-688, 240, -84, 216, -1044, -136, -676, -396, -1500, 960, -40, 176, 168, 1516, 420, -504,
-344, -364, -360, 1216, -940, -380, -212, 252, -660, -708, 484, -444, -152, 928, -120, 1112,
476, -260, 560, -148, -344, 108, -196, 228, -288, 504, 560, -328, -88, 288, -1008, 460,
-228, 468, -836, -196, 76, 388, 232, 412, -1168, -716, -644, 756, -172, -356, -504, 116,
432, 528, 48, 476, -168, -608, 448, 160, -532, -272, 28, -676, -12, 828, 980, 456,
520, 104, -104, 256, -344, -4, -28, -368, -52, -524, -572, -556, -200, 768, 1124, -208,
-512, 176, 232, 248, -148, -888, 604, -600, -304, 804, -156, -212, 488, -192, -804, -256,
368, -360, -916, -328, 228, -240, -448, -472, 856, -556, -364, 572, -12, -156, -368, -340,
432, 252, -752, -152, 288, 268, -580, -848, -592, 108, -76, 244, 312, -716, 592, -80,
436, 360, 4, -248, 160, 516, 584, 732, 44, -468, -280, -292, -156, -588, 28, 308,
912, 24, 124, 156, 180, -252, 944, -924, -772, -520, -428, -624, 300, -212, -1144, 32,
-724, 800, -1128, -212, -1288, -848, 180, -416, 440, 192, -576, -792, -76, -1080, 80, -532,
-352, -132, 380, -820, 148, 1112, 128, 164, 456, 700, -924, 144, -668, -384, 648, -832,
508, 552, -52, -100, -656, 208, -568, 748, -88, 680, 232, 300, 192, -408, -1012, -152,
-252, -268, 272, -876, -664, -648, -332, -136, 16, 12, 1152, -28, 332, -536, 320, -672,
-460, -316, 532, -260, 228, -40, 1052, -816, 180, 88, -496, -556, -672, -368, 428, 92,
356, 404, -408, 252, 196, -176, -556, 792, 268, 32, 372, 40, 96, -332, 328, 120,
372, -900, -40, 472, -264, -592, 952, 128, 656, 112, 664, -232, 420, 4, -344, -464,
556, 244, -416, -32, 252, 0, -412, 188, -696, 508, -476, 324, -1096, 656, -312, 560,
264, -136, 304, 160, -64, -580, 248, 336, -720, 560, -348, -288, -276, -196, -500, 852,
-544, -236, -1128, -992, -776, 116, 56, 52, 860, 884, 212, -12, 168, 1020, 512, -552,
924, -148, 716, 188, 164, -340, -520, -184, 880, -152, -680, -208, -1156, -300, -528, -472,
364, 100, -744, -1056, -32, 540, 280, 144, -676, -32, -232, -280, -224, 96, 568, -76,
172, 148, 148, 104, 32, -296, -32, 788, -80, 32, -16, 280, 288, 944, 428, -484};