| use anyhow::anyhow; |
| use async_process::{Command, Stdio}; |
| use avm_analyzer_common::{ |
| AvmStreamInfo, AvmStreamList, DecodeProgress, DecodeState, ProgressRequest, ProgressResponse, StartDecodeResponse, |
| }; |
| use avm_stats::{Frame, PixelPlane, PixelType, Plane}; |
| use axum::{ |
| extract::{DefaultBodyLimit, Multipart, Query, State}, |
| http::StatusCode, |
| response::{IntoResponse, Response}, |
| routing::{get, post}, |
| Json, Router, |
| }; |
| use clap::Parser; |
| use futures_lite::{io::BufReader, prelude::*}; |
| use image::{imageops::FilterType, DynamicImage, Rgb, RgbImage}; |
| use prost::Message; |
| |
| use std::fs; |
| use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; |
| use std::time::Duration; |
| use std::{ |
| collections::HashMap, |
| io::Error, |
| path::{Path, PathBuf}, |
| sync::{Arc, Mutex}, |
| }; |
| use tower::ServiceBuilder; |
| use tower_http::cors::CorsLayer; |
| use tower_http::limit::RequestBodyLimitLayer; |
| use tower_http::services::ServeDir; |
| use tower_http::timeout::TimeoutLayer; |
| |
| use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt}; |
| const PROTO_DIR_SUFFIX: &str = "_protos"; |
| const MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE: usize = 100 * 1024 * 1024; // 100MiB |
| #[derive(Parser, Debug)] |
| #[command(version)] |
| struct Args { |
| // TODO(comc): Combine with dump_obu into a single avm_build dir? |
| // TODO(comc): Allow multiple different build versions, stored by git hash. |
| /// Path to extract_proto binary. |
| #[arg(long)] |
| extract_proto: String, |
| |
| /// Path to dump_obu binary. Used to check the number of frames in a stream. |
| #[arg(long)] |
| dump_obu: String, |
| |
| /// Path to store decoded streams. |
| #[arg(long)] |
| working_dir: String, |
| |
| /// Path to frontend app root. |
| #[arg(long)] |
| frontend_root: String, |
| |
| /// Port. |
| #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 8080)] |
| port: u16, |
| |
| /// IP address to bind to. Running on a workstation directly, we typically want this to be Running within docker, is necessary. |
| #[arg(short, long, default_value = "")] |
| ip: String, |
| |
| /// Upload requests will timeout in this many seconds. |
| #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 5)] |
| timeout_seconds: u32, |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone)] |
| struct DecodeInfo { |
| state: DecodeState, |
| paths: Vec<String>, |
| } |
| impl DecodeInfo { |
| fn new(total_frames: usize) -> Self { |
| Self { |
| state: DecodeState::Pending(DecodeProgress { |
| total_frames, |
| decoded_frames: 0, |
| }), |
| paths: Vec::new(), |
| } |
| } |
| // TODO(comc): Check frame_path matches template. |
| fn add_frame(&mut self, frame_path: &str) { |
| match &mut self.state { |
| DecodeState::Pending(progress) => progress.decoded_frames += 1, |
| _ => panic!("Can't add frame to finished decode."), |
| } |
| self.paths.push(frame_path.into()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| struct PendingStreams { |
| streams: HashMap<String, DecodeInfo>, |
| } |
| |
| impl PendingStreams { |
| fn new() -> Self { |
| Self { |
| streams: HashMap::new(), |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fn find_existing_streams(root: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<AvmStreamInfo>> { |
| tracing::info!("Looking for existing streams in {root:?}"); |
| let mut streams = Vec::new(); |
| for entry in fs::read_dir(root)? { |
| let mut proto_count = 0; |
| let entry = entry?; |
| let path = entry.path(); |
| let path_str = path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); |
| if path.is_file() && path_str.ends_with("_thumbnail.png") { |
| let thumbnail_bytes = std::fs::read(entry.path())?; |
| let path = entry.path(); |
| let file_name = path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy(); |
| let stream_name = file_name.strip_suffix("_thumbnail.png").unwrap(); |
| let proto_dir = root.join(format!("{stream_name}{PROTO_DIR_SUFFIX}")); |
| for maybe_proto in fs::read_dir(proto_dir)? { |
| let maybe_proto = maybe_proto?; |
| let maybe_proto_path = maybe_proto.path(); |
| let maybe_proto_path_name = maybe_proto_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); |
| if maybe_proto_path.is_file() && maybe_proto_path_name.ends_with(".pb") { |
| proto_count += 1; |
| } |
| } |
| let proto_path_template = |
| format!("{stream_name}{PROTO_DIR_SUFFIX}/{stream_name}{DEFAULT_PROTO_PATH_FRAME_SUFFIX_TEMPLATE}"); |
| let stream_info = AvmStreamInfo { |
| num_frames: proto_count, |
| stream_name: stream_name.into(), |
| proto_path_template, |
| thumbnail_png: Some(thumbnail_bytes), |
| }; |
| tracing::info!("Found existing stream with {proto_count} frames: {stream_name}"); |
| streams.push(stream_info); |
| } |
| } |
| Ok(streams) |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone)] |
| struct ServerConfig { |
| working_dir_path: PathBuf, |
| extract_proto_path: PathBuf, |
| dump_obu_path: PathBuf, |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Clone)] |
| struct ServerState { |
| config: ServerConfig, |
| pending_streams: Arc<Mutex<PendingStreams>>, |
| finished_streams: Arc<Mutex<Vec<AvmStreamInfo>>>, |
| } |
| |
| #[tokio::main] |
| async fn main() { |
| let args = Args::parse(); |
| |
| let timeout_service = |
| ServiceBuilder::new().layer(TimeoutLayer::new(Duration::from_secs(args.timeout_seconds as u64))); |
| tracing_subscriber::registry() |
| .with(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::try_from_default_env().unwrap_or_else(|_| "debug".into())) |
| .with(tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()) |
| .init(); |
| |
| let frontend_path = Path::new(&args.frontend_root); |
| let working_dir_path = Path::new(&args.working_dir); |
| let existing_streams = match find_existing_streams(working_dir_path) { |
| Err(err) => { |
| tracing::warn!("Error finding existing streams: {err:?}"); |
| Vec::new() |
| } |
| Ok(streams) => streams, |
| }; |
| let state = ServerState { |
| config: ServerConfig { |
| working_dir_path: working_dir_path.into(), |
| extract_proto_path: Path::new(&args.extract_proto).into(), |
| dump_obu_path: Path::new(&args.dump_obu).into(), |
| }, |
| pending_streams: Arc::new(Mutex::new(PendingStreams::new())), |
| finished_streams: Arc::new(Mutex::new(existing_streams)), |
| }; |
| // build our application with some routes |
| let app = Router::new() |
| .route("/upload", post(upload_stream)) |
| .route("/progress", get(check_progress)) |
| .route("/stream_list", get(get_stream_list)) |
| .with_state(state) |
| .nest_service("/streams", ServeDir::new(working_dir_path)) |
| .nest_service("/", ServeDir::new(frontend_path)) |
| .layer(DefaultBodyLimit::disable()) |
| .layer(RequestBodyLimitLayer::new(MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)) |
| .layer(CorsLayer::permissive()) |
| .layer(timeout_service) |
| .layer(tower_http::trace::TraceLayer::new_for_http()); |
| |
| let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind(format!("{}:{}", args.ip, args.port)) |
| .await |
| .unwrap(); |
| tracing::debug!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap()); |
| axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap(); |
| } |
| |
| async fn check_progress( |
| State(state): State<ServerState>, |
| request: Query<ProgressRequest>, |
| ) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, ServerError> { |
| let pending_streams = state.pending_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| tracing::info!("check_progress {:?}", pending_streams.streams.keys()); |
| let Some(stream_info) = pending_streams.streams.get(&request.stream_name) else { |
| return Err(anyhow!("Unknown stream.").into()); |
| }; |
| |
| Ok(Json(ProgressResponse { |
| stream_name: request.stream_name.to_owned(), |
| state: stream_info.state.clone(), |
| })) |
| } |
| |
| async fn get_stream_list(State(state): State<ServerState>) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, ServerError> { |
| let streams = state.finished_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| Ok(Json(AvmStreamList { |
| streams: streams.clone(), |
| })) |
| } |
| |
| async fn upload_stream( |
| State(state): State<ServerState>, |
| mut multipart: Multipart, |
| ) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, ServerError> { |
| // tracing::info!("upload_stream: {multipart:?}"); |
| // TODO(comc): ok_or instead of unwrap. |
| if let Some(field) = multipart.next_field().await.expect("Multipart upload failure.") { |
| // Name field is unused. Filename is used instead. |
| let _name = field.name().unwrap().to_string(); |
| let file_name = field.file_name().unwrap().to_string(); |
| let _content_type = field.content_type().unwrap().to_string(); |
| let data = field.bytes().await.unwrap(); |
| tracing::debug!("Decoding {file_name}: {} bytes", data.len()); |
| |
| let stream_path = std::path::Path::new(&file_name); |
| let stream_path_local = state.config.working_dir_path.join(stream_path); |
| // stream_name should always be the filename of the stream without the file extension. |
| let stream_name = stream_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string(); |
| async_fs::write(stream_path_local.as_path(), data).await?; |
| |
| let num_frames = check_num_frames(state.config.dump_obu_path.as_path(), stream_path_local.as_path()).await?; |
| tracing::debug!("Frames: {num_frames}"); |
| spawn_extract_proto( |
| state.config.working_dir_path.as_path(), |
| state.config.extract_proto_path.as_path(), |
| stream_path_local.as_path(), |
| num_frames, |
| state.pending_streams.clone(), |
| state.finished_streams.clone(), |
| )?; |
| |
| let proto_path_template = |
| format!("{stream_name}{PROTO_DIR_SUFFIX}/{stream_name}{DEFAULT_PROTO_PATH_FRAME_SUFFIX_TEMPLATE}"); |
| let stream_info = AvmStreamInfo { |
| stream_name, |
| proto_path_template, |
| num_frames, |
| thumbnail_png: None, |
| }; |
| return Ok(Json(StartDecodeResponse { stream_info })); |
| } |
| Err(anyhow!("No file received.").into()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn check_num_frames(dump_obu_path: &Path, stream: &Path) -> Result<usize, Error> { |
| let mut child = Command::new(dump_obu_path) |
| .arg(stream) |
| .stdout(Stdio::piped()) |
| .spawn() |
| .unwrap(); |
| let mut lines = BufReader::new(child.stdout.take().unwrap()).lines(); |
| let mut count = 0; |
| while let Some(line) = lines.next().await { |
| if line?.contains("OBU_FRAME") { |
| count += 1; |
| } |
| } |
| Ok(count) |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(comc): Refactor this common code out of avm_analyzer_app (probably into avm_stats). |
| async fn create_thumbnail(first_frame: &Path, thumbnail_out: &Path) { |
| let first_frame = first_frame.to_owned(); |
| let thumbnail_out = thumbnail_out.to_owned(); |
| match tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || { |
| tracing::info!("Creating thumbnail: {first_frame:?} --> {thumbnail_out:?}"); |
| let frame = std::fs::read(first_frame).unwrap(); |
| let frame = Frame::decode(frame.as_slice()).unwrap(); |
| let mut planes = Vec::new(); |
| for i in 0..3 { |
| planes.push(PixelPlane::create_from_frame(&frame, Plane::from_i32(i), PixelType::Reconstruction).unwrap()); |
| } |
| |
| let width = planes[0].width as usize; |
| let height = planes[0].height as usize; |
| let mut img = RgbImage::new(width as u32, height as u32); |
| let raw_y = planes[0].pixels.as_slice(); |
| let raw_u = planes[1].pixels.as_slice(); |
| let raw_v = planes[2].pixels.as_slice(); |
| |
| for i in 0..height { |
| for j in 0..width { |
| let y = raw_y[i * width + j] as f32; |
| let u = raw_u[(i / 2) * (width / 2) + (j / 2)] as f32; |
| let v = raw_v[(i / 2) * (width / 2) + (j / 2)] as f32; |
| |
| let is_8_bit = planes[0].bit_depth == 8; |
| let y = if is_8_bit { y } else { y / 4.0 }; |
| let u = if is_8_bit { u - 128.0 } else { u / 4.0 - 128.0 }; |
| let v = if is_8_bit { v - 128.0 } else { v / 4.0 - 128.0 }; |
| let r = (y + 1.13983 * v) as u8; |
| let g = (y - 0.39465 * u - 0.58060 * v) as u8; |
| let b = (y + 2.03211 * u) as u8; |
| img.put_pixel(j as u32, i as u32, Rgb([r, g, b])); |
| } |
| } |
| let img = DynamicImage::ImageRgb8(img); |
| let resized = img.resize(64, 64, FilterType::CatmullRom); |
| match resized.save(thumbnail_out.clone()) { |
| Ok(_) => {} |
| Err(err) => { |
| tracing::warn!("Error resizing thumbnail: {err:?}"); |
| } |
| } |
| // Make thumbnail accessible to all, evne if docker container creates it as root. |
| let metadata = fs::metadata(thumbnail_out.clone()).unwrap(); |
| let mut current_permissions = metadata.permissions(); |
| current_permissions.set_mode(0o644); |
| fs::set_permissions(thumbnail_out, current_permissions) |
| }) |
| .await |
| { |
| Ok(_) => {} |
| Err(err) => { |
| tracing::warn!("Error creating thumbnail: {err:?}"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async fn load_thumbnail(thumbnail_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> { |
| let thumbnail_path = thumbnail_path.to_owned(); |
| let bytes = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || std::fs::read(thumbnail_path)).await; |
| match bytes { |
| Err(err) => Err(err.into()), |
| Ok(Err(err)) => Err(err.into()), |
| Ok(Ok(bytes)) => Ok(bytes), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(comc): Check for existing finished and pending decodes before spawning new jobs. |
| fn spawn_extract_proto( |
| working_dir_path: &Path, |
| extract_proto_path: &Path, |
| stream_path: &Path, |
| total_frames: usize, |
| pending_streams: Arc<Mutex<PendingStreams>>, |
| finished_streams: Arc<Mutex<Vec<AvmStreamInfo>>>, |
| ) -> Result<impl IntoResponse, ServerError> { |
| let extract_proto_path = extract_proto_path.to_owned(); |
| let stream_name = stream_path.file_stem().unwrap().to_string_lossy().to_string(); |
| let output_path = working_dir_path.join(format!("{stream_name}{PROTO_DIR_SUFFIX}")); |
| tracing::info!("Creating proto output path: {output_path:?}"); |
| std::fs::create_dir_all(&output_path)?; |
| // TODO(comc): Frontend option to force new encode, or use existing. |
| pending_streams |
| .lock() |
| .unwrap() |
| .streams |
| .insert(stream_name.clone(), DecodeInfo::new(total_frames)); |
| let stream_path = stream_path.to_owned(); |
| let working_dir_path = working_dir_path.to_owned(); |
| tokio::spawn(async move { |
| let mut child = Command::new(extract_proto_path) |
| .arg("--stream") |
| .arg(stream_path) |
| .arg("--output_folder") |
| .arg(output_path) |
| .stdout(Stdio::piped()) |
| .spawn() |
| .unwrap(); |
| let mut lines = BufReader::new(child.stdout.take().unwrap()).lines(); |
| while let Some(Ok(line)) = lines.next().await { |
| if line.starts_with("Wrote:") { |
| let parts: Vec<_> = line.split(' ').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).collect(); |
| let mut pending_streams = pending_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| let stream_info = pending_streams.streams.get_mut(&stream_name).unwrap(); |
| let frame_path = parts.last().unwrap(); |
| tracing::debug!("Frame: {}", frame_path); |
| stream_info.add_frame(frame_path); |
| } |
| } |
| let status = child.status().await; |
| tracing::debug!("Status: {:?}", status); |
| |
| let decode_info = { |
| let pending_streams = pending_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| pending_streams.streams[&stream_name].clone() |
| }; |
| let success = if let Ok(status) = status { |
| status.success() |
| } else { |
| false |
| }; |
| if success { |
| let mut stream_info = { |
| let num_frames = decode_info.paths.len(); |
| let mut pending_streams = pending_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| let decode_info = pending_streams.streams.get_mut(&stream_name).unwrap(); |
| // TODO(comc): Update client with actual number of frames, which may be different because of TIP / non-showable frames. |
| decode_info.state = DecodeState::Complete(num_frames); |
| |
| let proto_path_template = |
| format!("{stream_name}{PROTO_DIR_SUFFIX}/{stream_name}{DEFAULT_PROTO_PATH_FRAME_SUFFIX_TEMPLATE}"); |
| AvmStreamInfo { |
| stream_name: stream_name.clone(), |
| proto_path_template, |
| num_frames, |
| thumbnail_png: None, |
| } |
| }; |
| let thumbnail_path = working_dir_path.join(format!("{stream_name}_thumbnail.png")); |
| let proto_path = working_dir_path.join(stream_info.get_proto_path(0)); |
| create_thumbnail(&proto_path, &thumbnail_path).await; |
| match load_thumbnail(&thumbnail_path).await { |
| Ok(thumbnail_bytes) => stream_info.thumbnail_png = Some(thumbnail_bytes), |
| Err(err) => { |
| tracing::warn!("Unable to load thumbnail: {thumbnail_path:?} {err:?}"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(comc): Overwrite existing stream_info if name already exists. Currently duplicate streams are sent in streams_list. |
| let mut finished_streams = finished_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| finished_streams.push(stream_info.clone()); |
| } else { |
| let mut pending_streams = pending_streams.lock().unwrap(); |
| let decode_info = pending_streams.streams.get_mut(&stream_name).unwrap(); |
| decode_info.state = DecodeState::Failed; |
| } |
| }); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| struct ServerError(anyhow::Error); |
| |
| impl IntoResponse for ServerError { |
| fn into_response(self) -> Response { |
| ( |
| format!("Something went wrong: {}", self.0), |
| ) |
| .into_response() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<E> From<E> for ServerError |
| where |
| E: Into<anyhow::Error>, |
| { |
| fn from(err: E) -> Self { |
| Self(err.into()) |
| } |
| } |