Enable the activity masking codes of PVQ

Turned off, by default.

TODO: The distortion function of Daala should be added
to complete the activity masking working.

Note that PVQ QM matrix (i.e. scaler for each band of
transform block) is calculated in decoder side as exactly same
way in encoder. In Daala, this matrix is written to bitstream
and decoder does not generate it.

Activity masking can be turned on by setting below flag as 1:

Change-Id: I44bfb905cb4e0cad6aa830a4c355cd760a993ffe
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encodemb.c b/av1/encoder/encodemb.c
index de2b477..e2c6144 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/encodemb.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/encodemb.c
@@ -1116,13 +1116,9 @@
                           PVQ_INFO *pvq_info) {
   const int tx_blk_size = tx_size_wide[tx_size];
   int skip;
-  // TODO(yushin): Enable this later, when pvq_qm_q4 is available in AOM.
-  // int pvq_dc_quant = OD_MAXI(1,
-  //  quant * daala_enc->state.pvq_qm_q4[plane][od_qm_get_index(tx_size, 0)] >>
-  //  4);
   int quant_shift = get_tx_scale(tx_size);
-  // DC quantizer for PVQ
-  int pvq_dc_quant = OD_MAXI(1, quant[0] >> quant_shift);
+  int pvq_dc_quant;
+  int use_activity_masking = daala_enc->use_activity_masking;
   int tell;
   int has_dc_skip = 1;
   int i;
@@ -1130,6 +1126,7 @@
   double save_pvq_lambda;
   DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int16_t, coeff_pvq[OD_TXSIZE_MAX * OD_TXSIZE_MAX]);
   DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int16_t, ref_coeff_pvq[OD_TXSIZE_MAX * OD_TXSIZE_MAX]);
   DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int16_t, dqcoeff_pvq[OD_TXSIZE_MAX * OD_TXSIZE_MAX]);
@@ -1138,6 +1135,16 @@
   DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int32_t, ref_int32[OD_TXSIZE_MAX * OD_TXSIZE_MAX]);
   DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, int32_t, out_int32[OD_TXSIZE_MAX * OD_TXSIZE_MAX]);
+  // DC quantizer for PVQ
+  if (use_activity_masking)
+    pvq_dc_quant = OD_MAXI(
+        1, (quant[0] >> quant_shift) *
+                   daala_enc->state.pvq_qm_q4[plane]
+                                             [od_qm_get_index(tx_size, 0)] >>
+               4);
+  else
+    pvq_dc_quant = OD_MAXI(1, quant[0] >> quant_shift);
   *eob = 0;
   tell = od_ec_enc_tell_frac(&daala_enc->ec);
@@ -1166,18 +1173,17 @@
     out_int32[0] = OD_DIV_R0(in_int32[0] - ref_int32[0], pvq_dc_quant);
-  skip = od_pvq_encode(
-      daala_enc, ref_int32, in_int32, out_int32,
-      (int)quant[0] >> quant_shift,  // scale/quantizer
-      (int)quant[1] >> quant_shift,  // scale/quantizer
-      // TODO(yushin): Instead of 0,
-      //   use daala_enc->use_activity_masking for activity masking.
-      plane, tx_size, OD_PVQ_BETA[0][plane][tx_size], OD_ROBUST_STREAM,
-      0,        // is_keyframe,
-      0, 0, 0,  // q_scaling, bx, by,
-      daala_enc->state.qm + off, daala_enc->state.qm_inv + off,
-      speed,  // speed
-      pvq_info);
+  skip = od_pvq_encode(daala_enc, ref_int32, in_int32, out_int32,
+                       (int)quant[0] >> quant_shift,  // scale/quantizer
+                       (int)quant[1] >> quant_shift,  // scale/quantizer
+                       plane, tx_size,
+                       OD_PVQ_BETA[use_activity_masking][plane][tx_size],
+                       OD_ROBUST_STREAM,
+                       0,        // is_keyframe,
+                       0, 0, 0,  // q_scaling, bx, by,
+                       daala_enc->state.qm + off, daala_enc->state.qm_inv + off,
+                       speed,  // speed
+                       pvq_info);
   if (skip && pvq_info) assert(pvq_info->ac_dc_coded == 0);