Improve support for AOMAnalyzer in the CMake build.

- Add utility function for appending link flags to targets.
- Use it to set linker only opts for emscripten inspect target.
- Update with emscripten instructions.
- Build everything with -O3 when no build type is specified.

Change-Id: I69a2083369d2880335a8162132f190377a4a85fb
diff --git a/ b/
index 1c12841..74d4bf7 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
     recent version of [nasm](
  5. Building the documentation requires [doxygen](
  6. Building the unit tests requires [Python](
+ 7. Emscripten builds require the portable
+   [EMSDK](
 ### Basic build
@@ -115,6 +117,49 @@
     $ cmake path/to/aom -G Xcode
+### Emscripten builds
+Building the AV1 codec library with Emscripten is supported. Typically this is
+used to hook into the AOMAnalyzer GUI application. These instructions focus on
+using the inspector with AOMAnalyzer, but all tools can be built with
+It is assumed here that you have already downloaded and installed the EMSDK,
+installed and activated at least one toolchain, and setup your environment
+appropriately using the emsdk\_env script.
+1. Download [AOMAnalyzer](
+2. Configure the build:
+    $ cmake path/to/aom \
+        -DENABLE_CCACHE=1 \
+        -DAOM_TARGET_CPU=generic \
+        -DENABLE_DOCS=0 \
+        -DCONFIG_UNIT_TESTS=0 \
+        -DCONFIG_WEBM_IO=0 \
+        -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/emsdk-portable/.../Emscripten.cmake
+3. Build it: run make if that's your generator of choice:
+    $ make inspect
+4. Run the analyzer:
+    # inspect.js is in the examples sub directory of the directory in which you
+    # executed cmake.
+    $ path/to/AOMAnalyzer path/to/examples/inspect.js path/to/av1/input/file
 ## Testing the AV1 codec
@@ -198,3 +243,4 @@
 Bug reports can be filed in the Alliance for Open Media
 [issue tracker](