Add support for armv7s to cmake aom_dsp build.
- Add function add_gas_asm_library() to handle conversion of asm
sources and creation of custom dependencies.
- Uses add_asm_library() to create the library build.
- Add aom_dsp_common_neon_intrinsics target for the neon intrinsics.
Change-Id: Ifd99fbd69998a79613e0f5b61003a47973a804bc
diff --git a/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake b/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake
index b2c6498..e2b0ba0 100644
--- a/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake
+++ b/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake
@@ -148,4 +148,57 @@
endfunction ()
+# Converts asm sources in $asm_sources using $AOM_ADS2GAS and calls
+# add_asm_library() to create a library from the converted sources. At
+# generation time the converted sources are created, and a custom rule is added
+# to ensure the sources are reconverted when the original asm source is updated.
+# See add_asm_library() for more information.
+function (add_gas_asm_library lib_name asm_sources dependent_target)
+ set(asm_converted_source_dir "${AOM_CONFIG_DIR}/asm_gas/${lib_name}")
+ if (NOT EXISTS "${asm_converted_source_dir}")
+ file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${asm_converted_source_dir}")
+ endif ()
+ # Create the converted version of each assembly source at generation time.
+ unset(gas_target_sources)
+ foreach (neon_asm_source ${${asm_sources}})
+ get_filename_component(output_asm_source "${neon_asm_source}" NAME)
+ set(output_asm_source "${asm_converted_source_dir}/${output_asm_source}")
+ set(output_asm_source "${output_asm_source}.${AOM_GAS_EXT}")
+ execute_process(COMMAND "${PERL_EXECUTABLE}" "${AOM_ADS2GAS}"
+ INPUT_FILE "${neon_asm_source}"
+ OUTPUT_FILE "${output_asm_source}")
+ list(APPEND gas_target_sources "${output_asm_source}")
+ endforeach ()
+ add_asm_library("${lib_name}" "gas_target_sources" "${dependent_target}")
+ # For each of the converted sources, create a custom rule that will regenerate
+ # the converted source when its input is touched.
+ list(LENGTH gas_target_sources num_asm_files)
+ math(EXPR num_asm_files "${num_asm_files} - 1")
+ foreach(NUM RANGE ${num_asm_files})
+ list(GET ${asm_sources} ${NUM} neon_asm_source)
+ list(GET gas_target_sources ${NUM} gas_asm_source)
+ # Grab only the filename for the custom command output to keep build output
+ # reasonably sane.
+ get_filename_component(neon_name "${neon_asm_source}" NAME)
+ get_filename_component(gas_name "${gas_asm_source}" NAME)
+ add_custom_command(
+ OUTPUT "${gas_asm_source}"
+ ARGS "${AOM_ADS2GAS}" < "${neon_asm_source}" > "${gas_asm_source}"
+ DEPENDS "${neon_asm_source}"
+ COMMENT "ads2gas conversion ${neon_name} -> ${gas_name}"
+ endforeach ()
+ # Update the sources list passed in to include the converted asm source files.
+ list(APPEND asm_sources ${gas_target_sources})
+ set(${asm_sources} ${${asm_sources}} PARENT_SCOPE)
+endfunction ()