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* Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
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#ifndef DDT_BASES_H_
#define DDT_BASES_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Inter KLTs
// Quantized with 2^10 and scale factor 1.4142135623730951
static const int32_t klt4_inter[16] = {
-25, 17, 668, 1284, -60, 370, 1238, -651,
505, 1317, -293, 145, 1356, -474, 176, -59,
// Quantized with 2^10 and scale factor 2
static const int32_t klt8_inter[64] = {
33, 35, 28, 89, 402, 1017, 1404, 1009, 0, -34, -10,
415, 1185, 1090, -330, -1148, 0, 1, 365, 1211, 968, -680,
-549, 947, -63, -466, -1272, -935, 652, 158, -719, 717, 911,
1374, 590, -619, 89, 414, -639, 399, 1342, 295, -945, 276,
338, -724, 709, -443, 1030, -859, -116, 707, -894, 807, -587,
295, 705, -1124, 1091, -845, 587, -370, 204, -85,
// Quantized with 2^10 and scale factor 2.8284271247461903
static const int32_t klt16_inter[256] = {
325, 377, 419, 468, 526, 597, 684, 785, 860, 910, 951,
968, 947, 878, 765, 607, 348, 430, 500, 576, 656, 731,
794, 815, 713, 441, 32, -462, -912, -1174, -1159, -879, 627,
744, 781, 778, 711, 557, 293, -87, -521, -926, -1138, -963,
-356, 433, 929, 888, 634, 743, 725, 625, 417, 84, -389,
-887, -1030, -581, 296, 1047, 999, 83, -866, -1031, 547, 605,
487, 245, -88, -475, -829, -864, -237, 803, 1170, 204, -1103,
-1018, 352, 1127, 825, 836, 515, -13, -620, -1048, -878, 41,
985, 797, -430, -942, 146, 969, 63, -921, 739, 660, 180,
-436, -919, -797, 167, 1068, 458, -946, -655, 853, 538, -950,
-441, 942, 945, 643, -293, -1091, -910, 308, 1161, 272, -957,
-265, 865, -49, -786, 474, 575, -741, 977, 297, -853, -1024,
160, 1054, 135, -967, 73, 888, -522, -560, 884, -164, -831,
776, 1055, -136, -1213, -270, 1092, 292, -1005, 64, 828, -660,
-217, 833, -586, -213, 861, -655, 951, -596, -952, 721, 666,
-934, -115, 933, -714, -208, 876, -794, 117, 592, -927, 573,
858, -899, -368, 1040, -391, -668, 960, -363, -451, 914, -768,
176, 496, -929, 966, -521, 672, -948, 171, 719, -927, 341,
441, -903, 848, -399, -200, 720, -1025, 1055, -858, 412, 531,
-912, 601, 97, -681, 760, -391, -170, 673, -1016, 1145, -1099,
942, -721, 478, -204, 549, -1012, 892, -345, -384, 947, -1202,
1186, -1021, 792, -583, 397, -248, 139, -69, 20, 452, -1009,
1334, -1426, 1286, -1010, 681, -398, 198, -73, -5, 48, -64,
60, -49, 24,
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // DDT_BASES_H