Various updates to vp8.
Change-Id: Icc7a816491897107764e4c936288e9000e6319b8
diff --git a/examples/vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.c b/examples/vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.c
index 9f50dc7..e623567 100644
--- a/examples/vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.c
+++ b/examples/vp8_multi_resolution_encoder.c
@@ -8,292 +8,730 @@
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
+ * This is an example demonstrating multi-resolution encoding in VP8.
+ * High-resolution input video is down-sampled to lower-resolutions. The
+ * encoder then encodes the video and outputs multiple bitstreams with
+ * different resolutions.
+ *
+ * This test also allows for settings temporal layers for each spatial layer.
+ * Different number of temporal layers per spatial stream may be used.
+ * Currently up to 3 temporal layers per spatial stream (encoder) are supported
+ * in this test.
+ */
-// This is an example demonstrating multi-resolution encoding in VP8.
-// High-resolution input video is down-sampled to lower-resolutions. The
-// encoder then encodes the video and outputs multiple bitstreams with
-// different resolutions.
-// Configure with --enable-multi-res-encoding flag to enable this example.
+#include "./vpx_config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "vpx_ports/vpx_timer.h"
+#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
+#include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
+#include "vpx_ports/mem_ops.h"
+#include "./tools_common.h"
+#define interface (vpx_codec_vp8_cx())
+#define fourcc 0x30385056
+void usage_exit() {
+ * The input video frame is downsampled several times to generate a multi-level
+ * hierarchical structure. NUM_ENCODERS is defined as the number of encoding
+ * levels required. For example, if the size of input video is 1280x720,
+ * NUM_ENCODERS is 3, and down-sampling factor is 2, the encoder outputs 3
+ * bitstreams with resolution of 1280x720(level 0), 640x360(level 1), and
+ * 320x180(level 2) respectively.
+ */
+/* Number of encoders (spatial resolutions) used in this test. */
+#define NUM_ENCODERS 3
+/* Maximum number of temporal layers allowed for this test. */
+/* This example uses the scaler function in libyuv. */
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/basic_types.h"
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/scale.h"
#include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv/cpu_id.h"
-#include "vpx/vpx_encoder.h"
-#include "vpx/vp8cx.h"
+int (*read_frame_p)(FILE *f, vpx_image_t *img);
-#include "./tools_common.h"
-#include "./video_writer.h"
+static int read_frame(FILE *f, vpx_image_t *img) {
+ size_t nbytes, to_read;
+ int res = 1;
-// The input video frame is downsampled several times to generate a
-// multi-level hierarchical structure. kNumEncoders is defined as the number
-// of encoding levels required. For example, if the size of input video is
-// 1280x720, kNumEncoders is 3, and down-sampling factor is 2, the encoder
-// outputs 3 bitstreams with resolution of 1280x720(level 0),
-// 640x360(level 1), and 320x180(level 2) respectively.
-#define kNumEncoders 3
-static const char *exec_name;
-void usage_exit() {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "Usage: %s <width> <height> <infile> <outfile(s)> <output psnr?>\n",
- exec_name);
+ to_read = img->w*img->h*3/2;
+ nbytes = fread(img->planes[0], 1, to_read, f);
+ if(nbytes != to_read) {
+ res = 0;
+ if(nbytes > 0)
+ printf("Warning: Read partial frame. Check your width & height!\n");
+ }
+ return res;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int frame_cnt = 0;
- FILE *infile = NULL;
- VpxVideoWriter *writers[kNumEncoders];
- vpx_codec_ctx_t codec[kNumEncoders];
- vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg[kNumEncoders];
- vpx_image_t raw[kNumEncoders];
- const VpxInterface *const encoder = get_vpx_encoder_by_name("vp8");
- // Currently, only realtime mode is supported in multi-resolution encoding.
- const int arg_deadline = VPX_DL_REALTIME;
- int i;
- int width = 0;
- int height = 0;
- int frame_avail = 0;
- int got_data = 0;
+static int read_frame_by_row(FILE *f, vpx_image_t *img) {
+ size_t nbytes, to_read;
+ int res = 1;
+ int plane;
- // Set show_psnr to 1/0 to show/not show PSNR. Choose show_psnr=0 if you
- // don't need to know PSNR, which will skip PSNR calculation and save
- // encoding time.
- int show_psnr = 0;
- uint64_t psnr_sse_total[kNumEncoders] = {0};
- uint64_t psnr_samples_total[kNumEncoders] = {0};
- double psnr_totals[kNumEncoders][4] = {{0, 0}};
- int psnr_count[kNumEncoders] = {0};
- // Set the required target bitrates for each resolution level.
- // If target bitrate for highest-resolution level is set to 0,
- // (i.e. target_bitrate[0]=0), we skip encoding at that level.
- unsigned int target_bitrate[kNumEncoders] = {1000, 500, 100};
- // Enter the frame rate of the input video.
- const int framerate = 30;
- // Set down-sampling factor for each resolution level.
- // dsf[0] controls down sampling from level 0 to level 1;
- // dsf[1] controls down sampling from level 1 to level 2;
- // dsf[2] is not used.
- vpx_rational_t dsf[kNumEncoders] = {{2, 1}, {2, 1}, {1, 1}};
- exec_name = argv[0];
- if (!encoder)
- die("Unsupported codec.");
- // exe_name, input width, input height, input file,
- // output file 1, output file 2, output file 3, psnr on/off
- if (argc != (5 + kNumEncoders))
- die("Invalid number of input options.");
- printf("Using %s\n", vpx_codec_iface_name(encoder->codec_interface()));
- width = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
- height = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
- if (width < 16 || width % 2 || height < 16 || height % 2)
- die("Invalid resolution: %ldx%ld", width, height);
- // Open input video file for encoding
- if (!(infile = fopen(argv[3], "rb")))
- die("Failed to open %s for reading", argv[3]);
- show_psnr = strtol(argv[kNumEncoders + 4], NULL, 0);
- // Populate default encoder configuration
- for (i = 0; i < kNumEncoders; ++i) {
- vpx_codec_err_t res =
- vpx_codec_enc_config_default(encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg[i], 0);
- if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK) {
- printf("Failed to get config: %s\n", vpx_codec_err_to_string(res));
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- }
- // Update the default configuration according to needs of the application.
- // Highest-resolution encoder settings
- cfg[0].g_w = width;
- cfg[0].g_h = height;
- cfg[0].g_threads = 1;
- cfg[0].rc_dropframe_thresh = 30;
- cfg[0].rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR;
- cfg[0].rc_resize_allowed = 0;
- cfg[0].rc_min_quantizer = 4;
- cfg[0].rc_max_quantizer = 56;
- cfg[0].rc_undershoot_pct = 98;
- cfg[0].rc_overshoot_pct = 100;
- cfg[0].rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
- cfg[0].rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
- cfg[0].rc_buf_sz = 1000;
- cfg[0].g_error_resilient = 1;
- cfg[0].g_lag_in_frames = 0;
- cfg[0].kf_mode = VPX_KF_AUTO; // VPX_KF_DISABLED
- cfg[0].kf_min_dist = 3000;
- cfg[0].kf_max_dist = 3000;
- cfg[0].rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate[0];
- cfg[0].g_timebase.num = 1;
- cfg[0].g_timebase.den = framerate;
- // Other-resolution encoder settings
- for (i = 1; i < kNumEncoders; ++i) {
- cfg[i] = cfg[0];
- cfg[i].g_threads = 1;
- cfg[i].rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate[i];
- // Note: Width & height of other-resolution encoders are calculated
- // from the highest-resolution encoder's size and the corresponding
- // down_sampling_factor.
+ for (plane = 0; plane < 3; plane++)
- unsigned int iw = cfg[i - 1].g_w * dsf[i - 1].den + dsf[i - 1].num - 1;
- unsigned int ih = cfg[i - 1].g_h * dsf[i - 1].den + dsf[i - 1].num - 1;
- cfg[i].g_w = iw / dsf[i - 1].num;
- cfg[i].g_h = ih / dsf[i - 1].num;
- }
+ unsigned char *ptr;
+ int w = (plane ? (1 + img->d_w) / 2 : img->d_w);
+ int h = (plane ? (1 + img->d_h) / 2 : img->d_h);
+ int r;
- // Make width & height to be multiplier of 2.
- if ((cfg[i].g_w) % 2)
- cfg[i].g_w++;
- if ((cfg[i].g_h) % 2)
- cfg[i].g_h++;
- }
- // Open output file for each encoder to output bitstreams
- for (i = 0; i < kNumEncoders; ++i) {
- VpxVideoInfo info = {
- encoder->fourcc,
- cfg[i].g_w,
- cfg[i].g_h,
- {cfg[i].g_timebase.num, cfg[i].g_timebase.den}
- };
- if (!(writers[i] = vpx_video_writer_open(argv[i+4], kContainerIVF, &info)))
- die("Failed to open %s for writing", argv[i+4]);
- }
- // Allocate image for each encoder
- for (i = 0; i < kNumEncoders; ++i)
- if (!vpx_img_alloc(&raw[i], VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, cfg[i].g_w, cfg[i].g_h, 32))
- die("Failed to allocate image", cfg[i].g_w, cfg[i].g_h);
- // Initialize multi-encoder
- if (vpx_codec_enc_init_multi(&codec[0], encoder->codec_interface(), &cfg[0],
- kNumEncoders,
- show_psnr ? VPX_CODEC_USE_PSNR : 0, &dsf[0]))
- die_codec(&codec[0], "Failed to initialize encoder");
- // The extra encoding configuration parameters can be set as follows.
- for (i = 0; i < kNumEncoders; i++) {
- // Set encoding speed
- if (vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, -6))
- die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set cpu_used");
- // Set static threshold.
- if (vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, 1))
- die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set static threshold");
- // Enable denoising for the highest-resolution encoder.
- if (vpx_codec_control(&codec[0], VP8E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY, i == 0))
- die_codec(&codec[0], "Failed to set noise_sensitivity");
- }
- frame_avail = 1;
- got_data = 0;
- while (frame_avail || got_data) {
- vpx_codec_iter_t iter[kNumEncoders] = {NULL};
- const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt[kNumEncoders];
- frame_avail = vpx_img_read(&raw[0], infile);
- if (frame_avail) {
- for (i = 1; i < kNumEncoders; ++i) {
- vpx_image_t *const prev = &raw[i - 1];
- // Scale the image down a number of times by downsampling factor
- // FilterMode 1 or 2 give better psnr than FilterMode 0.
- I420Scale(prev->planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], prev->stride[VPX_PLANE_Y],
- prev->planes[VPX_PLANE_U], prev->stride[VPX_PLANE_U],
- prev->planes[VPX_PLANE_V], prev->stride[VPX_PLANE_V],
- prev->d_w, prev->d_h,
- raw[i].planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], raw[i].stride[VPX_PLANE_Y],
- raw[i].planes[VPX_PLANE_U], raw[i].stride[VPX_PLANE_U],
- raw[i].planes[VPX_PLANE_V], raw[i].stride[VPX_PLANE_V],
- raw[i].d_w, raw[i].d_h, 1);
- }
- }
- // Encode frame.
- if (vpx_codec_encode(&codec[0], frame_avail? &raw[0] : NULL,
- frame_cnt, 1, 0, arg_deadline)) {
- die_codec(&codec[0], "Failed to encode frame");
- }
- for (i = kNumEncoders - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- got_data = 0;
- while ((pkt[i] = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(&codec[i], &iter[i]))) {
- got_data = 1;
- switch (pkt[i]->kind) {
- vpx_video_writer_write_frame(writers[i], pkt[i]->data.frame.buf,
- pkt[i]->, frame_cnt - 1);
- break;
- if (show_psnr) {
- int j;
- psnr_sse_total[i] += pkt[i]->data.psnr.sse[0];
- psnr_samples_total[i] += pkt[i]->data.psnr.samples[0];
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- psnr_totals[i][j] += pkt[i]->data.psnr.psnr[j];
- psnr_count[i]++;
- }
+ /* Determine the correct plane based on the image format. The for-loop
+ * always counts in Y,U,V order, but this may not match the order of
+ * the data on disk.
+ */
+ switch (plane)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ ptr = img->planes[img->fmt==VPX_IMG_FMT_YV12? VPX_PLANE_V : VPX_PLANE_U];
- default:
+ case 2:
+ ptr = img->planes[img->fmt==VPX_IMG_FMT_YV12?VPX_PLANE_U : VPX_PLANE_V];
+ default:
+ ptr = img->planes[plane];
- printf(pkt[i]->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT &&
- (pkt[i]->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY)? "K":".");
- fflush(stdout);
- }
- }
- frame_cnt++;
- }
- printf("\n");
- fclose(infile);
+ for (r = 0; r < h; r++)
+ {
+ to_read = w;
- printf("Processed %d frames.\n", frame_cnt - 1);
- for (i = 0; i < kNumEncoders; ++i) {
- // Calculate PSNR and print it out
- if (show_psnr && psnr_count[i] > 0) {
- int j;
- double ovpsnr = sse_to_psnr(psnr_samples_total[i], 255.0,
- psnr_sse_total[i]);
+ nbytes = fread(ptr, 1, to_read, f);
+ if(nbytes != to_read) {
+ res = 0;
+ if(nbytes > 0)
+ printf("Warning: Read partial frame. Check your width & height!\n");
+ break;
+ }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n ENC%d PSNR (Overall/Avg/Y/U/V)", i);
- fprintf(stderr, " %.3lf", ovpsnr);
- for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
- fprintf(stderr, " %.3lf", psnr_totals[i][j]/psnr_count[i]);
+ ptr += img->stride[plane];
+ }
+ if (!res)
+ break;
- if (vpx_codec_destroy(&codec[i]))
- die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to destroy codec");
+ return res;
- vpx_img_free(&raw[i]);
- vpx_video_writer_close(writers[i]);
- }
- printf("\n");
+static void write_ivf_file_header(FILE *outfile,
+ const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
+ int frame_cnt) {
+ char header[32];
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ if(cfg->g_pass != VPX_RC_ONE_PASS && cfg->g_pass != VPX_RC_LAST_PASS)
+ return;
+ header[0] = 'D';
+ header[1] = 'K';
+ header[2] = 'I';
+ header[3] = 'F';
+ mem_put_le16(header+4, 0); /* version */
+ mem_put_le16(header+6, 32); /* headersize */
+ mem_put_le32(header+8, fourcc); /* headersize */
+ mem_put_le16(header+12, cfg->g_w); /* width */
+ mem_put_le16(header+14, cfg->g_h); /* height */
+ mem_put_le32(header+16, cfg->g_timebase.den); /* rate */
+ mem_put_le32(header+20, cfg->g_timebase.num); /* scale */
+ mem_put_le32(header+24, frame_cnt); /* length */
+ mem_put_le32(header+28, 0); /* unused */
+ (void) fwrite(header, 1, 32, outfile);
+static void write_ivf_frame_header(FILE *outfile,
+ const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt)
+ char header[12];
+ vpx_codec_pts_t pts;
+ if(pkt->kind != VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT)
+ return;
+ pts = pkt->data.frame.pts;
+ mem_put_le32(header, pkt->;
+ mem_put_le32(header+4, pts&0xFFFFFFFF);
+ mem_put_le32(header+8, pts >> 32);
+ (void) fwrite(header, 1, 12, outfile);
+/* Temporal scaling parameters */
+/* This sets all the temporal layer parameters given |num_temporal_layers|,
+ * including the target bit allocation across temporal layers. Bit allocation
+ * parameters will be passed in as user parameters in another version.
+ */
+static void set_temporal_layer_pattern(int num_temporal_layers,
+ vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
+ int bitrate,
+ int *layer_flags)
+ assert(num_temporal_layers <= MAX_NUM_TEMPORAL_LAYERS);
+ switch (num_temporal_layers)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ {
+ /* 1-layer */
+ cfg->ts_number_layers = 1;
+ cfg->ts_periodicity = 1;
+ cfg->ts_rate_decimator[0] = 1;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
+ cfg->ts_target_bitrate[0] = bitrate;
+ // Update L only.
+ layer_flags[0] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF | VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ /* 2-layers, with sync point at first frame of layer 1. */
+ cfg->ts_number_layers = 2;
+ cfg->ts_periodicity = 2;
+ cfg->ts_rate_decimator[0] = 2;
+ cfg->ts_rate_decimator[1] = 1;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[1] = 1;
+ // Use 60/40 bit allocation as example.
+ cfg->ts_target_bitrate[0] = 0.6f * bitrate;
+ cfg->ts_target_bitrate[1] = bitrate;
+ /* 0=L, 1=GF */
+ // ARF is used as predictor for all frames, and is only updated on
+ // key frame. Sync point every 8 frames.
+ // Layer 0: predict from L and ARF, update L and G.
+ layer_flags[0] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF |
+ // Layer 1: sync point: predict from L and ARF, and update G.
+ layer_flags[1] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF |
+ // Layer 0, predict from L and ARF, update L.
+ layer_flags[2] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF |
+ // Layer 1: predict from L, G and ARF, and update G.
+ layer_flags[3] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF |
+ // Layer 0
+ layer_flags[4] = layer_flags[2];
+ // Layer 1
+ layer_flags[5] = layer_flags[3];
+ // Layer 0
+ layer_flags[6] = layer_flags[4];
+ // Layer 1
+ layer_flags[7] = layer_flags[5];
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ default:
+ {
+ // 3-layers structure where ARF is used as predictor for all frames,
+ // and is only updated on key frame.
+ // Sync points for layer 1 and 2 every 8 frames.
+ cfg->ts_number_layers = 3;
+ cfg->ts_periodicity = 4;
+ cfg->ts_rate_decimator[0] = 4;
+ cfg->ts_rate_decimator[1] = 2;
+ cfg->ts_rate_decimator[2] = 1;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[1] = 2;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[2] = 1;
+ cfg->ts_layer_id[3] = 2;
+ // Use 40/20/40 bit allocation as example.
+ cfg->ts_target_bitrate[0] = 0.4f * bitrate;
+ cfg->ts_target_bitrate[1] = 0.6f * bitrate;
+ cfg->ts_target_bitrate[2] = bitrate;
+ /* 0=L, 1=GF, 2=ARF */
+ // Layer 0: predict from L and ARF; update L and G.
+ layer_flags[0] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF |
+ // Layer 2: sync point: predict from L and ARF; update none.
+ layer_flags[1] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF |
+ // Layer 1: sync point: predict from L and ARF; update G.
+ layer_flags[2] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF |
+ // Layer 2: predict from L, G, ARF; update none.
+ layer_flags[3] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF |
+ // Layer 0: predict from L and ARF; update L.
+ layer_flags[4] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF |
+ // Layer 2: predict from L, G, ARF; update none.
+ layer_flags[5] = layer_flags[3];
+ // Layer 1: predict from L, G, ARF; update G.
+ layer_flags[6] = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF |
+ // Layer 2: predict from L, G, ARF; update none.
+ layer_flags[7] = layer_flags[3];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+/* The periodicity of the pattern given the number of temporal layers. */
+static int periodicity_to_num_layers[MAX_NUM_TEMPORAL_LAYERS] = {1, 8, 8};
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ FILE *infile, *outfile[NUM_ENCODERS];
+ FILE *downsampled_input[NUM_ENCODERS - 1];
+ char filename[50];
+ vpx_codec_ctx_t codec[NUM_ENCODERS];
+ vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg[NUM_ENCODERS];
+ int frame_cnt = 0;
+ vpx_image_t raw[NUM_ENCODERS];
+ vpx_codec_err_t res[NUM_ENCODERS];
+ int i;
+ long width;
+ long height;
+ int length_frame;
+ int frame_avail;
+ int got_data;
+ int flags = 0;
+ int layer_id = 0;
+ = {0};
+ int flag_periodicity;
+ /*Currently, only realtime mode is supported in multi-resolution encoding.*/
+ int arg_deadline = VPX_DL_REALTIME;
+ /* Set show_psnr to 1/0 to show/not show PSNR. Choose show_psnr=0 if you
+ don't need to know PSNR, which will skip PSNR calculation and save
+ encoding time. */
+ int show_psnr = 0;
+ int key_frame_insert = 0;
+ uint64_t psnr_sse_total[NUM_ENCODERS] = {0};
+ uint64_t psnr_samples_total[NUM_ENCODERS] = {0};
+ double psnr_totals[NUM_ENCODERS][4] = {{0,0}};
+ int psnr_count[NUM_ENCODERS] = {0};
+ double cx_time = 0;
+ struct timeval tv1, tv2, difftv;
+ /* Set the required target bitrates for each resolution level.
+ * If target bitrate for highest-resolution level is set to 0,
+ * (i.e. target_bitrate[0]=0), we skip encoding at that level.
+ */
+ unsigned int target_bitrate[NUM_ENCODERS]={1000, 500, 100};
+ /* Enter the frame rate of the input video */
+ int framerate = 30;
+ /* Set down-sampling factor for each resolution level.
+ dsf[0] controls down sampling from level 0 to level 1;
+ dsf[1] controls down sampling from level 1 to level 2;
+ dsf[2] is not used. */
+ vpx_rational_t dsf[NUM_ENCODERS] = {{2, 1}, {2, 1}, {1, 1}};
+ /* Set the number of temporal layers for each encoder/resolution level,
+ * starting from highest resoln down to lowest resoln. */
+ unsigned int num_temporal_layers[NUM_ENCODERS] = {3, 3, 3};
+ if(argc!= (7 + 3 * NUM_ENCODERS))
+ die("Usage: %s <width> <height> <frame_rate> <infile> <outfile(s)> "
+ "<rate_encoder(s)> <temporal_layer(s)> <key_frame_insert> <output psnr?> \n",
+ argv[0]);
+ printf("Using %s\n",vpx_codec_iface_name(interface));
+ width = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0);
+ height = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 0);
+ framerate = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0);
+ if(width < 16 || width%2 || height <16 || height%2)
+ die("Invalid resolution: %ldx%ld", width, height);
+ /* Open input video file for encoding */
+ if(!(infile = fopen(argv[4], "rb")))
+ die("Failed to open %s for reading", argv[4]);
+ /* Open output file for each encoder to output bitstreams */
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ if(!target_bitrate[i])
+ {
+ outfile[i] = NULL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!(outfile[i] = fopen(argv[i+5], "wb")))
+ die("Failed to open %s for writing", argv[i+4]);
+ }
+ // Bitrates per spatial layer: overwrite default rates above.
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ target_bitrate[i] = strtol(argv[NUM_ENCODERS + 5 + i], NULL, 0);
+ }
+ // Temporal layers per spatial layers: overwrite default settings above.
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ num_temporal_layers[i] = strtol(argv[2 * NUM_ENCODERS + 5 + i], NULL, 0);
+ if (num_temporal_layers[i] < 1 || num_temporal_layers[i] > 3)
+ die("Invalid temporal layers: %d, Must be 1, 2, or 3. \n",
+ num_temporal_layers);
+ }
+ /* Open file to write out each spatially downsampled input stream. */
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS - 1; i++)
+ {
+ // Highest resoln is encoder 0.
+ if (sprintf(filename,"ds%d.yuv",NUM_ENCODERS - i) < 0)
+ {
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ downsampled_input[i] = fopen(filename,"wb");
+ }
+ key_frame_insert = strtol(argv[3 * NUM_ENCODERS + 5], NULL, 0);
+ show_psnr = strtol(argv[3 * NUM_ENCODERS + 6], NULL, 0);
+ /* Populate default encoder configuration */
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ res[i] = vpx_codec_enc_config_default(interface, &cfg[i], 0);
+ if(res[i]) {
+ printf("Failed to get config: %s\n", vpx_codec_err_to_string(res[i]));
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Update the default configuration according to needs of the application.
+ */
+ /* Highest-resolution encoder settings */
+ cfg[0].g_w = width;
+ cfg[0].g_h = height;
+ cfg[0].rc_dropframe_thresh = 0;
+ cfg[0].rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR;
+ cfg[0].rc_resize_allowed = 0;
+ cfg[0].rc_min_quantizer = 2;
+ cfg[0].rc_max_quantizer = 56;
+ cfg[0].rc_undershoot_pct = 100;
+ cfg[0].rc_overshoot_pct = 15;
+ cfg[0].rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
+ cfg[0].rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
+ cfg[0].rc_buf_sz = 1000;
+ cfg[0].g_error_resilient = 1; /* Enable error resilient mode */
+ cfg[0].g_lag_in_frames = 0;
+ /* Disable automatic keyframe placement */
+ /* Note: These 3 settings are copied to all levels. But, except the lowest
+ * resolution level, all other levels are set to VPX_KF_DISABLED internally.
+ */
+ cfg[0].kf_mode = VPX_KF_AUTO;
+ cfg[0].kf_min_dist = 3000;
+ cfg[0].kf_max_dist = 3000;
+ cfg[0].rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate[0]; /* Set target bitrate */
+ cfg[0].g_timebase.num = 1; /* Set fps */
+ cfg[0].g_timebase.den = framerate;
+ /* Other-resolution encoder settings */
+ for (i=1; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ memcpy(&cfg[i], &cfg[0], sizeof(vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t));
+ cfg[i].rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate[i];
+ /* Note: Width & height of other-resolution encoders are calculated
+ * from the highest-resolution encoder's size and the corresponding
+ * down_sampling_factor.
+ */
+ {
+ unsigned int iw = cfg[i-1].g_w*dsf[i-1].den + dsf[i-1].num - 1;
+ unsigned int ih = cfg[i-1].g_h*dsf[i-1].den + dsf[i-1].num - 1;
+ cfg[i].g_w = iw/dsf[i-1].num;
+ cfg[i].g_h = ih/dsf[i-1].num;
+ }
+ /* Make width & height to be multiplier of 2. */
+ // Should support odd size ???
+ if((cfg[i].g_w)%2)cfg[i].g_w++;
+ if((cfg[i].g_h)%2)cfg[i].g_h++;
+ }
+ // Set the number of threads per encode/spatial layer.
+ // (1, 1, 1) means no encoder threading.
+ cfg[0].g_threads = 2;
+ cfg[1].g_threads = 1;
+ cfg[2].g_threads = 1;
+ /* Allocate image for each encoder */
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ if(!vpx_img_alloc(&raw[i], VPX_IMG_FMT_I420, cfg[i].g_w, cfg[i].g_h, 32))
+ die("Failed to allocate image", cfg[i].g_w, cfg[i].g_h);
+ if (raw[0].stride[VPX_PLANE_Y] == raw[0].d_w)
+ read_frame_p = read_frame;
+ else
+ read_frame_p = read_frame_by_row;
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ if(outfile[i])
+ write_ivf_file_header(outfile[i], &cfg[i], 0);
+ /* Temporal layers settings */
+ for ( i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ set_temporal_layer_pattern(num_temporal_layers[i],
+ &cfg[i],
+ cfg[i].rc_target_bitrate,
+ &layer_flags[i * VPX_TS_MAX_PERIODICITY]);
+ }
+ /* Initialize multi-encoder */
+ if(vpx_codec_enc_init_multi(&codec[0], interface, &cfg[0], NUM_ENCODERS,
+ (show_psnr ? VPX_CODEC_USE_PSNR : 0), &dsf[0]))
+ die_codec(&codec[0], "Failed to initialize encoder");
+ /* The extra encoding configuration parameters can be set as follows. */
+ /* Set encoding speed */
+ for ( i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ int speed = -6;
+ /* Lower speed for the lowest resolution. */
+ if (i == NUM_ENCODERS - 1) speed = -4;
+ if(vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_CPUUSED, speed))
+ die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set cpu_used");
+ }
+ /* Set static threshold = 1 for all encoders */
+ for ( i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ if(vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, 1))
+ die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set static threshold");
+ }
+ /* Enable denoising for the highest-resolution encoder. */
+ if(vpx_codec_control(&codec[0], VP8E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY, 1))
+ die_codec(&codec[0], "Failed to set noise_sensitivity");
+ for ( i=1; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ if(vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY, 0))
+ die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set noise_sensitivity");
+ }
+ /* Set the number of token partitions */
+ for ( i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ if(vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_TOKEN_PARTITIONS, 1))
+ die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set static threshold");
+ }
+ /* Set the max intra target bitrate */
+ for ( i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int max_intra_size_pct =
+ (int)(((double)cfg[0].rc_buf_optimal_sz * 0.5) * framerate / 10);
+ if(vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT,
+ max_intra_size_pct))
+ die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to set static threshold");
+ //printf("%d %d \n",i,max_intra_size_pct);
+ }
+ frame_avail = 1;
+ got_data = 0;
+ while(frame_avail || got_data)
+ {
+ vpx_codec_iter_t iter[NUM_ENCODERS]={NULL};
+ const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt[NUM_ENCODERS];
+ flags = 0;
+ frame_avail = read_frame_p(infile, &raw[0]);
+ if(frame_avail)
+ {
+ for ( i=1; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ /*Scale the image down a number of times by downsampling factor*/
+ /* FilterMode 1 or 2 give better psnr than FilterMode 0. */
+ I420Scale(raw[i-1].planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], raw[i-1].stride[VPX_PLANE_Y],
+ raw[i-1].planes[VPX_PLANE_U], raw[i-1].stride[VPX_PLANE_U],
+ raw[i-1].planes[VPX_PLANE_V], raw[i-1].stride[VPX_PLANE_V],
+ raw[i-1].d_w, raw[i-1].d_h,
+ raw[i].planes[VPX_PLANE_Y], raw[i].stride[VPX_PLANE_Y],
+ raw[i].planes[VPX_PLANE_U], raw[i].stride[VPX_PLANE_U],
+ raw[i].planes[VPX_PLANE_V], raw[i].stride[VPX_PLANE_V],
+ raw[i].d_w, raw[i].d_h, 1);
+ /* Write out down-sampled input. */
+ length_frame = cfg[i].g_w * cfg[i].g_h *3/2;
+ if (fwrite(raw[i].planes[0], 1, length_frame,
+ downsampled_input[NUM_ENCODERS - i - 1]) !=
+ length_frame)
+ {
+ return EXIT_FAILURE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set the flags (reference and update) for all the encoders.*/
+ for ( i=0; i<NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ layer_id = cfg[i].ts_layer_id[frame_cnt % cfg[i].ts_periodicity];
+ flags = 0;
+ flag_periodicity = periodicity_to_num_layers
+ [num_temporal_layers[i] - 1];
+ flags = layer_flags[i * VPX_TS_MAX_PERIODICITY +
+ frame_cnt % flag_periodicity];
+ // Key frame flag for first frame.
+ if (frame_cnt == 0)
+ {
+ flags |= VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF;
+ }
+ if (frame_cnt > 0 && frame_cnt == key_frame_insert)
+ {
+ }
+ vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_FRAME_FLAGS, flags);
+ vpx_codec_control(&codec[i], VP8E_SET_TEMPORAL_LAYER_ID, layer_id);
+ }
+ gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
+ /* Encode each frame at multi-levels */
+ /* Note the flags must be set to 0 in the encode call if they are set
+ for each frame with the vpx_codec_control(), as done above. */
+ if(vpx_codec_encode(&codec[0], frame_avail? &raw[0] : NULL,
+ frame_cnt, 1, 0, arg_deadline))
+ {
+ die_codec(&codec[0], "Failed to encode frame");
+ }
+ gettimeofday(&tv2, NULL);
+ timersub(&tv2, &tv1, &difftv);
+ cx_time += (double)(difftv.tv_sec * 1000000 + difftv.tv_usec);
+ for (i=NUM_ENCODERS-1; i>=0 ; i--)
+ {
+ got_data = 0;
+ while( (pkt[i] = vpx_codec_get_cx_data(&codec[i], &iter[i])) )
+ {
+ got_data = 1;
+ switch(pkt[i]->kind) {
+ write_ivf_frame_header(outfile[i], pkt[i]);
+ (void) fwrite(pkt[i]->data.frame.buf, 1,
+ pkt[i]->, outfile[i]);
+ break;
+ if (show_psnr)
+ {
+ int j;
+ psnr_sse_total[i] += pkt[i]->data.psnr.sse[0];
+ psnr_samples_total[i] += pkt[i]->data.psnr.samples[0];
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ psnr_totals[i][j] += pkt[i]->data.psnr.psnr[j];
+ }
+ psnr_count[i]++;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ printf(pkt[i]->kind == VPX_CODEC_CX_FRAME_PKT
+ && (pkt[i]->data.frame.flags & VPX_FRAME_IS_KEY)? "K":"");
+ fflush(stdout);
+ }
+ }
+ frame_cnt++;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("FPS for encoding %d %f %f \n", frame_cnt, (float)cx_time / 1000000,
+ 1000000 * (double)frame_cnt / (double)cx_time);
+ fclose(infile);
+ printf("Processed %ld frames.\n",(long int)frame_cnt-1);
+ for (i=0; i< NUM_ENCODERS; i++)
+ {
+ /* Calculate PSNR and print it out */
+ if ( (show_psnr) && (psnr_count[i]>0) )
+ {
+ int j;
+ double ovpsnr = sse_to_psnr(psnr_samples_total[i], 255.0,
+ psnr_sse_total[i]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n ENC%d PSNR (Overall/Avg/Y/U/V)", i);
+ fprintf(stderr, " %.3lf", ovpsnr);
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, " %.3lf", psnr_totals[i][j]/psnr_count[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if(vpx_codec_destroy(&codec[i]))
+ die_codec(&codec[i], "Failed to destroy codec");
+ vpx_img_free(&raw[i]);
+ if(!outfile[i])
+ continue;
+ /* Try to rewrite the file header with the actual frame count */
+ if(!fseek(outfile[i], 0, SEEK_SET))
+ write_ivf_file_header(outfile[i], &cfg[i], frame_cnt-1);
+ fclose(outfile[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/examples/vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.c b/examples/vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.c
index 8cc7f4a..cbe0157 100644
--- a/examples/vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.c
+++ b/examples/vpx_temporal_svc_encoder.c
@@ -675,6 +675,9 @@
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to set SVC");
+ if (strncmp(encoder->name, "vp8", 3) == 0) {
+ vpx_codec_control(&codec, VP8E_SET_SCREEN_CONTENT_MODE, 0);
+ }
vpx_codec_control(&codec, VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD, 1);
vpx_codec_control(&codec, VP8E_SET_TOKEN_PARTITIONS, 1);
// This controls the maximum target size of the key frame.
@@ -697,6 +700,9 @@
cfg.ts_layer_id[frame_cnt % cfg.ts_periodicity];
if (strncmp(encoder->name, "vp9", 3) == 0) {
vpx_codec_control(&codec, VP9E_SET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
+ } else if (strncmp(encoder->name, "vp8", 3) == 0) {
+ vpx_codec_control(&codec, VP8E_SET_TEMPORAL_LAYER_ID,
+ layer_id.temporal_layer_id);
flags = layer_flags[frame_cnt % flag_periodicity];
frame_avail = vpx_img_read(&raw, infile);
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 28cda2f..182547b 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -316,7 +316,205 @@
+class ErrorResilienceTestLargeCodecControls : public ::libvpx_test::EncoderTest,
+ public ::libvpx_test::CodecTestWithParam<libvpx_test::TestMode> {
+ protected:
+ ErrorResilienceTestLargeCodecControls()
+ : EncoderTest(GET_PARAM(0)),
+ encoding_mode_(GET_PARAM(1)) {
+ Reset();
+ }
+ virtual ~ErrorResilienceTestLargeCodecControls() {}
+ void Reset() {
+ last_pts_ = 0;
+ tot_frame_number_ = 0;
+ // For testing up to 3 layers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ bits_total_[i] = 0;
+ }
+ duration_ = 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ InitializeConfig();
+ SetMode(encoding_mode_);
+ }
+ //
+ // Frame flags and layer id for temporal layers.
+ //
+ // For two layers, test pattern is:
+ // 1 3
+ // 0 2 .....
+ // For three layers, test pattern is:
+ // 1 3 5 7
+ // 2 6
+ // 0 4 ....
+ // LAST is always update on base/layer 0, GOLDEN is updated on layer 1,
+ // and ALTREF is updated on top layer for 3 layer pattern.
+ int SetFrameFlags(int frame_num, int num_temp_layers) {
+ int frame_flags = 0;
+ if (num_temp_layers == 2) {
+ if (frame_num % 2 == 0) {
+ // Layer 0: predict from L and ARF, update L.
+ frame_flags = VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF | VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF |
+ } else {
+ // Layer 1: predict from L, G and ARF, and update G.
+ frame_flags = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF | VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_LAST |
+ }
+ } else if (num_temp_layers == 3) {
+ if (frame_num % 4 == 0) {
+ // Layer 0: predict from L, update L.
+ frame_flags = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF | VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF |
+ } else if ((frame_num - 2) % 4 == 0) {
+ // Layer 1: predict from L, G, update G.
+ frame_flags = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_ARF | VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_LAST |
+ } else if ((frame_num - 1) % 2 == 0) {
+ // Layer 2: predict from L, G, ARF; update ARG.
+ frame_flags = VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF | VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_LAST;
+ }
+ }
+ return frame_flags;
+ }
+ int SetLayerId(int frame_num, int num_temp_layers) {
+ int layer_id = 0;
+ if (num_temp_layers == 2) {
+ if (frame_num % 2 == 0) {
+ layer_id = 0;
+ } else {
+ layer_id = 1;
+ }
+ } else if (num_temp_layers == 3) {
+ if (frame_num % 4 == 0) {
+ layer_id = 0;
+ } else if ((frame_num - 2) % 4 == 0) {
+ layer_id = 1;
+ } else if ((frame_num - 1) % 2 == 0) {
+ layer_id = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ return layer_id;
+ }
+ virtual void PreEncodeFrameHook(libvpx_test::VideoSource *video,
+ libvpx_test::Encoder *encoder) {
+ if (cfg_.ts_number_layers > 1) {
+ int layer_id = SetLayerId(video->frame(), cfg_.ts_number_layers);
+ int frame_flags = SetFrameFlags(video->frame(), cfg_.ts_number_layers);
+ if (video->frame() > 0) {
+ encoder->Control(VP8E_SET_TEMPORAL_LAYER_ID, layer_id);
+ encoder->Control(VP8E_SET_FRAME_FLAGS, frame_flags);
+ }
+ const vpx_rational_t tb = video->timebase();
+ timebase_ = static_cast<double>(tb.num) / tb.den;
+ duration_ = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void FramePktHook(const vpx_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) {
+ // Time since last timestamp = duration.
+ vpx_codec_pts_t duration = pkt->data.frame.pts - last_pts_;
+ if (duration > 1) {
+ // Update counter for total number of frames (#frames input to encoder).
+ // Needed for setting the proper layer_id below.
+ tot_frame_number_ += static_cast<int>(duration - 1);
+ }
+ int layer = SetLayerId(tot_frame_number_, cfg_.ts_number_layers);
+ const size_t frame_size_in_bits = pkt-> * 8;
+ // Update the total encoded bits. For temporal layers, update the cumulative
+ // encoded bits per layer.
+ for (int i = layer; i < static_cast<int>(cfg_.ts_number_layers); ++i) {
+ bits_total_[i] += frame_size_in_bits;
+ }
+ // Update the most recent pts.
+ last_pts_ = pkt->data.frame.pts;
+ ++tot_frame_number_;
+ }
+ virtual void EndPassHook(void) {
+ duration_ = (last_pts_ + 1) * timebase_;
+ if (cfg_.ts_number_layers > 1) {
+ for (int layer = 0; layer < static_cast<int>(cfg_.ts_number_layers);
+ ++layer) {
+ if (bits_total_[layer]) {
+ // Effective file datarate:
+ effective_datarate_[layer] = (bits_total_[layer] / 1000.0) / duration_;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ double effective_datarate_[3];
+ private:
+ libvpx_test::TestMode encoding_mode_;
+ vpx_codec_pts_t last_pts_;
+ double timebase_;
+ int64_t bits_total_[3];
+ double duration_;
+ int tot_frame_number_;
+ };
+// Check two codec controls used for:
+// (1) for setting temporal layer id, and (2) for settings encoder flags.
+// This test invokes those controls for each frame, and verifies encoder/decoder
+// mismatch and basic rate control response.
+// TODO(marpan): Maybe move this test to
+TEST_P(ErrorResilienceTestLargeCodecControls, CodecControl3TemporalLayers) {
+ cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz = 500;
+ cfg_.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 500;
+ cfg_.rc_buf_sz = 1000;
+ cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 1;
+ cfg_.rc_min_quantizer = 2;
+ cfg_.rc_max_quantizer = 56;
+ cfg_.rc_end_usage = VPX_CBR;
+ cfg_.rc_dropframe_thresh = 1;
+ cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 0;
+ cfg_.kf_mode = VPX_KF_DISABLED;
+ cfg_.g_error_resilient = 1;
+ // 3 Temporal layers. Framerate decimation (4, 2, 1).
+ cfg_.ts_number_layers = 3;
+ cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[0] = 4;
+ cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[1] = 2;
+ cfg_.ts_rate_decimator[2] = 1;
+ cfg_.ts_periodicity = 4;
+ cfg_.ts_layer_id[0] = 0;
+ cfg_.ts_layer_id[1] = 2;
+ cfg_.ts_layer_id[2] = 1;
+ cfg_.ts_layer_id[3] = 2;
+ ::libvpx_test::I420VideoSource video("hantro_collage_w352h288.yuv", 352, 288,
+ 30, 1, 0, 200);
+ for (int i = 200; i <= 800; i += 200) {
+ cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = i;
+ Reset();
+ // 40-20-40 bitrate allocation for 3 temporal layers.
+ cfg_.ts_target_bitrate[0] = 40 * cfg_.rc_target_bitrate / 100;
+ cfg_.ts_target_bitrate[1] = 60 * cfg_.rc_target_bitrate / 100;
+ cfg_.ts_target_bitrate[2] = cfg_.rc_target_bitrate;
+ for (int j = 0; j < static_cast<int>(cfg_.ts_number_layers); ++j) {
+ ASSERT_GE(effective_datarate_[j], cfg_.ts_target_bitrate[j] * 0.75)
+ << " The datarate for the file is lower than target by too much, "
+ "for layer: " << j;
+ ASSERT_LE(effective_datarate_[j], cfg_.ts_target_bitrate[j] * 1.25)
+ << " The datarate for the file is greater than target by too much, "
+ "for layer: " << j;
+ }
+ }
} // namespace
diff --git a/vp8/common/blockd.h b/vp8/common/blockd.h
index ea1a6a4..192108a 100644
--- a/vp8/common/blockd.h
+++ b/vp8/common/blockd.h
@@ -187,8 +187,12 @@
FRAME_TYPE frame_type;
int is_frame_dropped;
+ // The frame rate for the lowest resolution.
+ double low_res_framerate;
/* The frame number of each reference frames */
unsigned int low_res_ref_frames[MAX_REF_FRAMES];
+ // The video frame counter value for the key frame, for lowest resolution.
+ unsigned int key_frame_counter_value;
diff --git a/vp8/common/onyx.h b/vp8/common/onyx.h
index d48c4fe..f39b675 100644
--- a/vp8/common/onyx.h
+++ b/vp8/common/onyx.h
@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@
int Sharpness;
int cpu_used;
unsigned int rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct;
+ unsigned int screen_content_mode;
/* mode ->
*(0)=Realtime/Live Encoding. This mode is optimized for realtim
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/block.h b/vp8/encoder/block.h
index dbdcab9..248e795 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/block.h
+++ b/vp8/encoder/block.h
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@
int optimize;
int q_index;
+ int is_skin;
+ int denoise_zeromv;
int increase_denoising;
@@ -161,6 +163,8 @@
void (*short_walsh4x4)(short *input, short *output, int pitch);
void (*quantize_b)(BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d);
+ unsigned int mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress;
+ int zero_last_dot_suppress;
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/denoising.c b/vp8/encoder/denoising.c
index c0eff4e..b9fbf06 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/denoising.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/denoising.c
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
denoiser->denoise_pars.scale_increase_filter = 1;
denoiser->denoise_pars.denoise_mv_bias = 60;
denoiser->denoise_pars.pickmode_mv_bias = 75;
- denoiser->denoise_pars.qp_thresh = 85;
+ denoiser->denoise_pars.qp_thresh = 80;
denoiser->denoise_pars.consec_zerolast = 15;
denoiser->denoise_pars.spatial_blur = 0;
@@ -456,10 +456,10 @@
denoiser->bitrate_threshold = 400000; // (bits/sec).
denoiser->threshold_aggressive_mode = 80;
if (width * height > 1280 * 720) {
- denoiser->bitrate_threshold = 2500000;
- denoiser->threshold_aggressive_mode = 180;
+ denoiser->bitrate_threshold = 3000000;
+ denoiser->threshold_aggressive_mode = 200;
} else if (width * height > 960 * 540) {
- denoiser->bitrate_threshold = 1000000;
+ denoiser->bitrate_threshold = 1200000;
denoiser->threshold_aggressive_mode = 120;
} else if (width * height > 640 * 480) {
denoiser->bitrate_threshold = 600000;
@@ -483,7 +483,6 @@
void vp8_denoiser_denoise_mb(VP8_DENOISER *denoiser,
unsigned int best_sse,
@@ -554,6 +553,7 @@
* Note that any changes to the mode info only affects the
* denoising.
+ x->denoise_zeromv = 1;
mbmi->ref_frame =
@@ -603,6 +603,12 @@
motion_threshold = denoiser->denoise_pars.scale_motion_thresh *
+ // If block is considered to be skin area, lower the motion threshold.
+ // In current version set threshold = 1, so only denoise very low
+ // (i.e., zero) mv on skin.
+ if (x->is_skin)
+ motion_threshold = 1;
if (motion_magnitude2 <
denoiser->denoise_pars.scale_increase_filter * NOISE_MOTION_THRESHOLD)
x->increase_denoising = 1;
@@ -662,6 +668,7 @@
/* No filtering of this block; it differs too much from the predictor,
* or the motion vector magnitude is considered too big.
+ x->denoise_zeromv = 0;
x->thismb, 16,
denoiser->yv12_running_avg[INTRA_FRAME].y_buffer + recon_yoffset,
@@ -692,7 +699,7 @@
int uv_stride =denoiser->yv12_running_avg[INTRA_FRAME].uv_stride;
// Fix filter level to some nominal value for now.
- int filter_level = 32;
+ int filter_level = 48;
int hev_index = lfi_n->hev_thr_lut[INTER_FRAME][filter_level];
lfi.mblim = lfi_n->mblim[filter_level];
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/denoising.h b/vp8/encoder/denoising.h
index 6c1f9e2..9a379a6 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/denoising.h
+++ b/vp8/encoder/denoising.h
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#define SUM_DIFF_THRESHOLD (16 * 16 * 2)
+#define SUM_DIFF_THRESHOLD_HIGH (600) // ~(16 * 16 * 1.5)
#define SUM_DIFF_THRESHOLD_UV (96) // (8 * 8 * 1.5)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#define SUM_DIFF_FROM_AVG_THRESH_UV (8 * 8 * 8)
enum vp8_denoiser_decision
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/encodeframe.c b/vp8/encoder/encodeframe.c
index 2a3f69c..70632c0 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/encodeframe.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/encodeframe.c
@@ -522,7 +522,8 @@
- // Keep track of how many (consecutive) times a block is coded
+ // Keep track of how many (consecutive) times a block is coded
// as ZEROMV_LASTREF, for base layer frames.
// Reset to 0 if its coded as anything else.
if (cpi->current_layer == 0) {
@@ -531,9 +532,14 @@
// Increment, check for wrap-around.
if (cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] < 255)
cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] += 1;
+ if (cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] < 255)
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] += 1;
} else {
cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] = 0;
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] = 0;
+ if (x->zero_last_dot_suppress)
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] = 0;
/* Special case code for cyclic refresh
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/ethreading.c b/vp8/encoder/ethreading.c
index 3598a7a..a6b30a6 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/ethreading.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/ethreading.c
@@ -215,11 +215,15 @@
// Increment, check for wrap-around.
if (cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] < 255)
- cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] +=
- 1;
+ cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] += 1;
+ if (cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] < 255)
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] += 1;
} else {
cpi->consec_zero_last[map_index+mb_col] = 0;
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] = 0;
+ if (x->zero_last_dot_suppress)
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[map_index+mb_col] = 0;
/* Special case code for cyclic refresh
@@ -505,6 +509,7 @@
mb->intra_error = 0;
mb->mbs_tested_so_far = 0;
+ mb->mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress = 0;
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/onyx_if.c b/vp8/encoder/onyx_if.c
index 3cceb5a..b046456 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/onyx_if.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/onyx_if.c
@@ -579,11 +579,31 @@
cpi->cyclic_refresh_q = Q / 2;
+ if (cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode) {
+ // Modify quality ramp-up based on Q. Above some Q level, increase the
+ // number of blocks to be refreshed, and reduce it below the thredhold.
+ // Turn-off under certain conditions (i.e., away from key frame, and if
+ // we are at good quality (low Q) and most of the blocks were skipped-encoded
+ // in previous frame.
+ if (Q >= 100) {
+ cpi->cyclic_refresh_mode_max_mbs_perframe =
+ (cpi->common.mb_rows * cpi->common.mb_cols) / 10;
+ } else if (cpi->frames_since_key > 250 &&
+ Q < 20 &&
+ cpi->mb.skip_true_count > (int)(0.95 * mbs_in_frame)) {
+ cpi->cyclic_refresh_mode_max_mbs_perframe = 0;
+ } else {
+ cpi->cyclic_refresh_mode_max_mbs_perframe =
+ (cpi->common.mb_rows * cpi->common.mb_cols) / 20;
+ }
+ block_count = cpi->cyclic_refresh_mode_max_mbs_perframe;
+ }
// Set every macroblock to be eligible for update.
// For key frame this will reset seg map to 0.
vpx_memset(cpi->segmentation_map, 0, mbs_in_frame);
- if (cpi->common.frame_type != KEY_FRAME)
+ if (cpi->common.frame_type != KEY_FRAME && block_count > 0)
/* Cycle through the macro_block rows */
/* MB loop to set local segmentation map */
@@ -617,15 +637,18 @@
if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0) {
if (cpi->denoiser.denoiser_mode == kDenoiserOnYUVAggressive &&
- Q < (int)cpi->denoiser.denoise_pars.qp_thresh) {
+ Q < (int)cpi->denoiser.denoise_pars.qp_thresh &&
+ (cpi->frames_since_key >
+ 2 * cpi->denoiser.denoise_pars.consec_zerolast)) {
// Under aggressive denoising, use segmentation to turn off loop
- // filter below some qp thresh. The filter is turned off for all
+ // filter below some qp thresh. The filter is reduced for all
// blocks that have been encoded as ZEROMV LAST x frames in a row,
// where x is set by cpi->denoiser.denoise_pars.consec_zerolast.
// This is to avoid "dot" artifacts that can occur from repeated
// loop filtering on noisy input source.
cpi->cyclic_refresh_q = Q;
- lf_adjustment = -MAX_LOOP_FILTER;
+ // lf_adjustment = -MAX_LOOP_FILTER;
+ lf_adjustment = -40;
for (i = 0; i < mbs_in_frame; ++i) {
seg_map[i] = (cpi->consec_zero_last[i] >
cpi->denoiser.denoise_pars.consec_zerolast) ? 1 : 0;
@@ -786,6 +809,7 @@
cpi->mb.mbs_tested_so_far = 0;
+ cpi->mb.mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress = 0;
/* best quality defaults */
sf->RD = 1;
@@ -853,6 +877,25 @@
sf->thresh_mult[THR_SPLIT2] =
sf->thresh_mult[THR_SPLIT3] = speed_map(Speed, thresh_mult_map_split2);
+ // Special case for temporal layers.
+ // Reduce the thresholds for zero/nearest/near for GOLDEN, if GOLDEN is
+ // used as second reference. We don't modify thresholds for ALTREF case
+ // since ALTREF is usually used as long-term reference in temporal layers.
+ if ((cpi->Speed <= 6) &&
+ (cpi->oxcf.number_of_layers > 1) &&
+ (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_LAST_FRAME) &&
+ (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_GOLD_FRAME)) {
+ if (cpi->closest_reference_frame == GOLDEN_FRAME) {
+ sf->thresh_mult[THR_ZERO2] = sf->thresh_mult[THR_ZERO2] >> 3;
+ sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAREST2] = sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAREST2] >> 3;
+ sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAR2] = sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAR2] >> 3;
+ } else {
+ sf->thresh_mult[THR_ZERO2] = sf->thresh_mult[THR_ZERO2] >> 1;
+ sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAREST2] = sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAREST2] >> 1;
+ sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAR2] = sf->thresh_mult[THR_NEAR2] >> 1;
+ }
+ }
cpi->mode_check_freq[THR_ZERO1] =
cpi->mode_check_freq[THR_NEAREST1] =
cpi->mode_check_freq[THR_NEAR1] =
@@ -1380,6 +1423,12 @@
cpi->ref_framerate = cpi->framerate;
+ cpi->ref_frame_flags = VP8_ALTR_FRAME | VP8_GOLD_FRAME | VP8_LAST_FRAME;
+ cm->refresh_golden_frame = 0;
+ cm->refresh_last_frame = 1;
+ cm->refresh_entropy_probs = 1;
/* change includes all joint functionality */
vp8_change_config(cpi, oxcf);
@@ -1600,12 +1649,6 @@
cpi->baseline_gf_interval =
cpi->oxcf.alt_freq ? cpi->oxcf.alt_freq : DEFAULT_GF_INTERVAL;
- cpi->ref_frame_flags = VP8_ALTR_FRAME | VP8_GOLD_FRAME | VP8_LAST_FRAME;
- cm->refresh_golden_frame = 0;
- cm->refresh_last_frame = 1;
- cm->refresh_entropy_probs = 1;
cpi->oxcf.token_partitions = 3;
@@ -1708,7 +1751,11 @@
if (cpi->oxcf.number_of_layers != prev_number_of_layers)
// If the number of temporal layers are changed we must start at the
- // base of the pattern cycle, so reset temporal_pattern_counter.
+ // base of the pattern cycle, so set the layer id to 0 and reset
+ // the temporal pattern counter.
+ if (cpi->temporal_layer_id > 0) {
+ cpi->temporal_layer_id = 0;
+ }
cpi->temporal_pattern_counter = 0;
reset_temporal_layer_change(cpi, oxcf, prev_number_of_layers);
@@ -1855,6 +1902,7 @@
memcpy(cpi->base_skip_false_prob, vp8cx_base_skip_false_prob, sizeof(vp8cx_base_skip_false_prob));
cpi->common.current_video_frame = 0;
cpi->temporal_pattern_counter = 0;
+ cpi->temporal_layer_id = -1;
cpi->kf_overspend_bits = 0;
cpi->kf_bitrate_adjustment = 0;
cpi->frames_till_gf_update_due = 0;
@@ -1907,6 +1955,8 @@
+ cpi->mse_source_denoised = 0;
/* Should we use the cyclic refresh method.
* Currently this is tied to error resilliant mode
@@ -1930,7 +1980,9 @@
cpi->cyclic_refresh_map = (signed char *) NULL;
- vpx_calloc(cpi->common.mb_rows * cpi->common.mb_cols, 1));
+ vpx_calloc(cm->mb_rows * cm->mb_cols, 1));
+ CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias,
+ vpx_calloc((cpi->common.mb_rows * cpi->common.mb_cols), 1));
@@ -2453,6 +2505,7 @@
+ vpx_free(cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias);
@@ -3296,6 +3349,49 @@
+static int measure_square_diff_partial(YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
+ VP8_COMP *cpi)
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ int Total = 0;
+ int num_blocks = 0;
+ int skip = 2;
+ int min_consec_zero_last = 10;
+ int tot_num_blocks = (source->y_height * source->y_width) >> 8;
+ unsigned char *src = source->y_buffer;
+ unsigned char *dst = dest->y_buffer;
+ /* Loop through the Y plane, every |skip| blocks along rows and colmumns,
+ * summing the square differences, and only for blocks that have been
+ * zero_last mode at least |x| frames in a row.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < source->y_height; i += 16 * skip)
+ {
+ int block_index_row = (i >> 4) * cpi->common.mb_cols;
+ for (j = 0; j < source->y_width; j += 16 * skip)
+ {
+ int index = block_index_row + (j >> 4);
+ if (cpi->consec_zero_last[index] >= min_consec_zero_last) {
+ unsigned int sse;
+ Total += vp8_mse16x16(src + j,
+ source->y_stride,
+ dst + j, dest->y_stride,
+ &sse);
+ num_blocks++;
+ }
+ }
+ src += 16 * skip * source->y_stride;
+ dst += 16 * skip * dest->y_stride;
+ }
+ // Only return non-zero if we have at least ~1/16 samples for estimate.
+ if (num_blocks > (tot_num_blocks >> 4)) {
+ return (Total / num_blocks);
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
static void process_denoiser_mode_change(VP8_COMP *cpi) {
const VP8_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
@@ -3350,7 +3446,7 @@
// Only consider this block as valid for noise measurement
// if the sum_diff average of the current and previous frame
// is small (to avoid effects from lighting change).
- if ((sse - var) < 256) {
+ if ((sse - var) < 128) {
unsigned int sse2;
const unsigned int act = vp8_variance16x16(src + j,
@@ -3421,6 +3517,13 @@
const FRAME_TYPE frame_type = cm->frame_type;
+ int update_any_ref_buffers = 1;
+ if (cpi->common.refresh_last_frame == 0 &&
+ cpi->common.refresh_golden_frame == 0 &&
+ cpi->common.refresh_alt_ref_frame == 0) {
+ update_any_ref_buffers = 0;
+ }
if (cm->no_lpf)
cm->filter_level = 0;
@@ -3432,11 +3535,36 @@
- if (cpi->sf.auto_filter == 0)
+ if (cpi->sf.auto_filter == 0) {
+ if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity && cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME) {
+ // Use the denoised buffer for selecting base loop filter level.
+ // Denoised signal for current frame is stored in INTRA_FRAME.
+ // No denoising on key frames.
+ vp8cx_pick_filter_level_fast(
+ &cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[INTRA_FRAME], cpi);
+ } else {
+ vp8cx_pick_filter_level_fast(cpi->Source, cpi);
+ }
vp8cx_pick_filter_level_fast(cpi->Source, cpi);
- else
+ } else {
+ if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity && cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME) {
+ // Use the denoised buffer for selecting base loop filter level.
+ // Denoised signal for current frame is stored in INTRA_FRAME.
+ // No denoising on key frames.
+ vp8cx_pick_filter_level(
+ &cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[INTRA_FRAME], cpi);
+ } else {
+ vp8cx_pick_filter_level(cpi->Source, cpi);
+ }
vp8cx_pick_filter_level(cpi->Source, cpi);
+ }
if (cm->filter_level > 0)
@@ -3452,7 +3580,9 @@
sem_post(&cpi->h_event_end_lpf); /* signal that we have set filter_level */
- if (cm->filter_level > 0)
+ // No need to apply loop-filter if the encoded frame does not update
+ // any reference buffers.
+ if (cm->filter_level > 0 && update_any_ref_buffers)
vp8_loop_filter_frame(cm, &cpi->mb.e_mbd, frame_type);
@@ -3582,39 +3712,78 @@
- /* In multi-resolution encoding, frame_type is decided by lowest-resolution
- * encoder. Same frame_type is adopted while encoding at other resolution.
- */
- if (cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id)
- {
- LOWER_RES_FRAME_INFO* low_res_frame_info
- = (LOWER_RES_FRAME_INFO*)cpi->oxcf.mr_low_res_mode_info;
+ if (cpi->oxcf.mr_total_resolutions > 1) {
+ LOWER_RES_FRAME_INFO* low_res_frame_info
+ = (LOWER_RES_FRAME_INFO*)cpi->oxcf.mr_low_res_mode_info;
+ if (cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id) {
+ // TODO(marpan): This constraint shouldn't be needed, as we would like
+ // to allow for key frame setting (forced or periodic) defined per
+ // spatial layer. For now, keep this in.
cm->frame_type = low_res_frame_info->frame_type;
+ // Check if lower resolution is available for motion vector reuse.
if(cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME)
- cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail = 1;
- cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= !(low_res_frame_info->is_frame_dropped);
+ cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail = 1;
+ cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= !(low_res_frame_info->is_frame_dropped);
- if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_LAST_FRAME)
- cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= (cpi->current_ref_frames[LAST_FRAME]
- == low_res_frame_info->low_res_ref_frames[LAST_FRAME]);
+ if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_LAST_FRAME)
+ cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= (cpi->current_ref_frames[LAST_FRAME]
+ == low_res_frame_info->low_res_ref_frames[LAST_FRAME]);
- if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_GOLD_FRAME)
- cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= (cpi->current_ref_frames[GOLDEN_FRAME]
- == low_res_frame_info->low_res_ref_frames[GOLDEN_FRAME]);
+ if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_GOLD_FRAME)
+ cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= (cpi->current_ref_frames[GOLDEN_FRAME]
+ == low_res_frame_info->low_res_ref_frames[GOLDEN_FRAME]);
- if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_ALTR_FRAME)
- cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= (cpi->current_ref_frames[ALTREF_FRAME]
- == low_res_frame_info->low_res_ref_frames[ALTREF_FRAME]);
+ // Don't use altref to determine whether low res is available.
+ // TODO (marpan): Should we make this type of condition on a
+ // per-reference frame basis?
+ /*
+ if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_ALTR_FRAME)
+ cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail &= (cpi->current_ref_frames[ALTREF_FRAME]
+ == low_res_frame_info->low_res_ref_frames[ALTREF_FRAME]);
+ */
+ }
+ // On a key frame: For the lowest resolution, keep track of the key frame
+ // counter value. For the higher resolutions, reset the current video
+ // frame counter to that of the lowest resolution.
+ // This is done to the handle the case where we may stop/start encoding
+ // higher layer(s). The restart-encoding of higher layer is only signaled
+ // by a key frame for now.
+ // TODO (marpan): Add flag to indicate restart-encoding of higher layer.
+ if (cm->frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
+ if (cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id) {
+ // If the initial starting value of the buffer level is zero (this can
+ // happen because we may have not started encoding this higher stream),
+ // then reset it to non-zero value based on |starting_buffer_level|.
+ if (cpi->common.current_video_frame == 0 && cpi->buffer_level == 0) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ cpi->bits_off_target = cpi->oxcf.starting_buffer_level;
+ cpi->buffer_level = cpi->oxcf.starting_buffer_level;
+ for (i = 0; i < cpi->oxcf.number_of_layers; i++) {
+ LAYER_CONTEXT *lc = &cpi->layer_context[i];
+ lc->bits_off_target = lc->starting_buffer_level;
+ lc->buffer_level = lc->starting_buffer_level;
+ }
+ }
+ cpi->common.current_video_frame =
+ low_res_frame_info->key_frame_counter_value;
+ } else {
+ low_res_frame_info->key_frame_counter_value =
+ cpi->common.current_video_frame;
+ }
+ }
// Find the reference frame closest to the current frame.
cpi->closest_reference_frame = LAST_FRAME;
- if (cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME) {
+ if(cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME) {
int i;
if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_LAST_FRAME) {
@@ -3624,12 +3793,12 @@
} else if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_ALTR_FRAME) {
closest_ref = ALTREF_FRAME;
- for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
+ for(i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
vpx_ref_frame_type_t ref_frame_type = (vpx_ref_frame_type_t)
((i == 3) ? 4 : i);
if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & ref_frame_type) {
if ((cm->current_video_frame - cpi->current_ref_frames[i]) <
- (cm->current_video_frame - cpi->current_ref_frames[closest_ref])) {
+ (cm->current_video_frame - cpi->current_ref_frames[closest_ref])) {
closest_ref = i;
@@ -3656,6 +3825,8 @@
// Reset the zero_last counter to 0 on key frame.
vpx_memset(cpi->consec_zero_last, 0, cm->mb_rows * cm->mb_cols);
+ vpx_memset(cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias, 0,
+ (cpi->common.mb_rows * cpi->common.mb_cols));
#if 0
@@ -4184,8 +4355,10 @@
- // Reset the consec_zero_last counter on key frame.
+ // Reset the zero_last counter to 0 on key frame.
vpx_memset(cpi->consec_zero_last, 0, cm->mb_rows * cm->mb_cols);
+ vpx_memset(cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias, 0,
+ (cpi->common.mb_rows * cpi->common.mb_cols));
vp8_set_quantizer(cpi, Q);
@@ -4618,6 +4791,22 @@
cm->frame_to_show = &cm->yv12_fb[cm->new_fb_idx];
+ // Get some measure of the amount of noise, by measuring the (partial) mse
+ // between source and denoised buffer, for y channel. Partial refers to
+ // computing the sse for a sub-sample of the frame (i.e., skip x blocks along row/column),
+ // and only for blocks in that set that are consecutive ZEROMV_LAST mode.
+ // Do this every ~8 frames, to further reduce complexity.
+ // TODO(marpan): Keep this for now for the case cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity < 4,
+ // should be removed in favor of the process_denoiser_mode_change() function below.
+ if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity > 0 &&
+ cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity < 4 &&
+ !cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode &&
+ cpi->frames_since_key%8 == 0 &&
+ cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME) {
+ cpi->mse_source_denoised = measure_square_diff_partial(
+ &cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[INTRA_FRAME], cpi->Source, cpi);
+ }
// For the adaptive denoising mode (noise_sensitivity == 4), sample the mse
// of source diff (between current and previous frame), and determine if we
// should switch the denoiser mode. Sampling refers to computing the mse for
@@ -4626,6 +4815,7 @@
// constraint on the sum diff between blocks. This process is called every
// ~8 frames, to further reduce complexity.
if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity == 4 &&
+ !cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode &&
cpi->frames_since_key % 8 == 0 &&
cm->frame_type != KEY_FRAME) {
@@ -4763,6 +4953,13 @@
if (cpi->bits_off_target > cpi->oxcf.maximum_buffer_size)
cpi->bits_off_target = cpi->oxcf.maximum_buffer_size;
+ // If the frame dropper is not enabled, don't let the buffer level go below
+ // some threshold, given here by -|maximum_buffer_size|. For now we only do
+ // this for screen content input.
+ if (cpi->drop_frames_allowed == 0 && cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode &&
+ cpi->bits_off_target < -cpi->oxcf.maximum_buffer_size)
+ cpi->bits_off_target = -cpi->oxcf.maximum_buffer_size;
/* Rolling monitors of whether we are over or underspending used to
* help regulate min and Max Q in two pass.
@@ -5237,7 +5434,26 @@
cpi->ref_framerate = 10000000.0 / avg_duration;
+ if (cpi->oxcf.mr_total_resolutions > 1) {
+ LOWER_RES_FRAME_INFO* low_res_frame_info = (LOWER_RES_FRAME_INFO*)
+ cpi->oxcf.mr_low_res_mode_info;
+ // Frame rate should be the same for all spatial layers in
+ // multi-res-encoding (simulcast), so we constrain the frame for
+ // higher layers to be that of lowest resolution. This is needed
+ // as he application may decide to skip encoding a high layer and
+ // then start again, in which case a big jump in time-stamps will
+ // be received for that high layer, which will yield an incorrect
+ // frame rate (from time-stamp adjustment in above calculation).
+ if (cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id) {
+ cpi->ref_framerate = low_res_frame_info->low_res_framerate;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Keep track of frame rate for lowest resolution.
+ low_res_frame_info->low_res_framerate = cpi->ref_framerate;
+ }
+ }
if (cpi->oxcf.number_of_layers > 1)
unsigned int i;
@@ -5267,8 +5483,12 @@
update_layer_contexts (cpi);
/* Restore layer specific context & set frame rate */
- layer = cpi->oxcf.layer_id[
- cpi->temporal_pattern_counter % cpi->oxcf.periodicity];
+ if (cpi->temporal_layer_id >= 0) {
+ layer = cpi->temporal_layer_id;
+ } else {
+ layer = cpi->oxcf.layer_id[
+ cpi->temporal_pattern_counter % cpi->oxcf.periodicity];
+ }
restore_layer_context (cpi, layer);
vp8_new_framerate(cpi, cpi->layer_context[layer].framerate);
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/onyx_int.h b/vp8/encoder/onyx_int.h
index f0424e6..b1a749c 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/onyx_int.h
+++ b/vp8/encoder/onyx_int.h
@@ -513,10 +513,18 @@
signed char *cyclic_refresh_map;
// Count on how many (consecutive) times a macroblock uses ZER0MV_LAST.
unsigned char *consec_zero_last;
+ // Counter that is reset when a block is checked for a mode-bias against
+ unsigned char *consec_zero_last_mvbias;
// Frame counter for the temporal pattern. Counter is rest when the temporal
// layers are changed dynamically (run-time change).
unsigned int temporal_pattern_counter;
+ // Temporal layer id.
+ int temporal_layer_id;
+ // Measure of average squared difference between source and denoised signal.
+ int mse_source_denoised;
/* multithread data */
@@ -687,6 +695,7 @@
/* The frame number of each reference frames */
unsigned int current_ref_frames[MAX_REF_FRAMES];
+ // Closest reference frame to current frame.
MV_REFERENCE_FRAME closest_reference_frame;
struct rd_costs_struct
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/pickinter.c b/vp8/encoder/pickinter.c
index 9d5556d..9eb6932 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/pickinter.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/pickinter.c
@@ -40,6 +40,134 @@
extern int vp8_cost_mv_ref(MB_PREDICTION_MODE m, const int near_mv_ref_ct[4]);
+// Fixed point implementation of a skin color classifier. Skin color
+// is model by a Gaussian distribution in the CbCr color space.
+// See ../../test/ where the reference
+// skin color classifier is defined.
+// Fixed-point skin color model parameters.
+static const int skin_mean[2] = {7463, 9614}; // q6
+static const int skin_inv_cov[4] = {4107, 1663, 1663, 2157}; // q16
+static const int skin_threshold = 1570636; // q18
+// Evaluates the Mahalanobis distance measure for the input CbCr values.
+static int evaluate_skin_color_difference(int cb, int cr)
+ const int cb_q6 = cb << 6;
+ const int cr_q6 = cr << 6;
+ const int cb_diff_q12 = (cb_q6 - skin_mean[0]) * (cb_q6 - skin_mean[0]);
+ const int cbcr_diff_q12 = (cb_q6 - skin_mean[0]) * (cr_q6 - skin_mean[1]);
+ const int cr_diff_q12 = (cr_q6 - skin_mean[1]) * (cr_q6 - skin_mean[1]);
+ const int cb_diff_q2 = (cb_diff_q12 + (1 << 9)) >> 10;
+ const int cbcr_diff_q2 = (cbcr_diff_q12 + (1 << 9)) >> 10;
+ const int cr_diff_q2 = (cr_diff_q12 + (1 << 9)) >> 10;
+ const int skin_diff = skin_inv_cov[0] * cb_diff_q2 +
+ skin_inv_cov[1] * cbcr_diff_q2 +
+ skin_inv_cov[2] * cbcr_diff_q2 +
+ skin_inv_cov[3] * cr_diff_q2;
+ return skin_diff;
+static int macroblock_corner_grad(unsigned char* signal, int stride,
+ int offsetx, int offsety, int sgnx, int sgny)
+ int y1 = signal[offsetx * stride + offsety];
+ int y2 = signal[offsetx * stride + offsety + sgny];
+ int y3 = signal[(offsetx + sgnx) * stride + offsety];
+ int y4 = signal[(offsetx + sgnx) * stride + offsety + sgny];
+ return MAX(MAX(abs(y1 - y2), abs(y1 - y3)), abs(y1 - y4));
+static int check_dot_artifact_candidate(VP8_COMP *cpi,
+ unsigned char *target_last,
+ int stride,
+ unsigned char* last_ref,
+ int mb_row,
+ int mb_col,
+ int channel)
+ int threshold1 = 6;
+ int threshold2 = 3;
+ unsigned int max_num = (cpi->common.MBs) / 10;
+ int grad_last = 0;
+ int grad_source = 0;
+ int index = mb_row * cpi->common.mb_cols + mb_col;
+ // Threshold for #consecutive (base layer) frames using zero_last mode.
+ int num_frames = 30;
+ int shift = 15;
+ if (channel > 0) {
+ shift = 7;
+ }
+ if (cpi->oxcf.number_of_layers > 1)
+ {
+ num_frames = 20;
+ }
+ x->zero_last_dot_suppress = 0;
+ // Blocks on base layer frames that have been using ZEROMV_LAST repeatedly
+ // (i.e, at least |x| consecutive frames are candidates for increasing the
+ // rd adjustment for zero_last mode.
+ // Only allow this for at most |max_num| blocks per frame.
+ // Don't allow this for screen content input.
+ if (cpi->current_layer == 0 &&
+ cpi->consec_zero_last_mvbias[index] > num_frames &&
+ x->mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress < max_num &&
+ !cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode)
+ {
+ // If this block is checked here, label it so we don't check it again until
+ // ~|x| framaes later.
+ x->zero_last_dot_suppress = 1;
+ // Dot artifact is noticeable as strong gradient at corners of macroblock,
+ // for flat areas. As a simple detector for now, we look for a high
+ // corner gradient on last ref, and a smaller gradient on source.
+ // Check 4 corners, return if any satisfy condition.
+ // Top-left:
+ grad_last = macroblock_corner_grad(last_ref, stride, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ grad_source = macroblock_corner_grad(target_last, stride, 0, 0, 1, 1);
+ if (grad_last >= threshold1 && grad_source <= threshold2)
+ {
+ x->mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Top-right:
+ grad_last = macroblock_corner_grad(last_ref, stride, 0, shift, 1, -1);
+ grad_source = macroblock_corner_grad(target_last, stride, 0, shift, 1, -1);
+ if (grad_last >= threshold1 && grad_source <= threshold2)
+ {
+ x->mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Bottom-left:
+ grad_last = macroblock_corner_grad(last_ref, stride, shift, 0, -1, 1);
+ grad_source = macroblock_corner_grad(target_last, stride, shift, 0, -1, 1);
+ if (grad_last >= threshold1 && grad_source <= threshold2)
+ {
+ x->mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Bottom-right:
+ grad_last = macroblock_corner_grad(last_ref, stride, shift, shift, -1, -1);
+ grad_source = macroblock_corner_grad(target_last, stride, shift, shift, -1, -1);
+ if (grad_last >= threshold1 && grad_source <= threshold2)
+ {
+ x->mbs_zero_last_dot_suppress++;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+// Checks if the input yCbCr values corresponds to skin color.
+static int is_skin_color(int y, int cb, int cr)
+ if (y < 40 || y > 220)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (evaluate_skin_color_difference(cb, cr) < skin_threshold);
int vp8_skip_fractional_mv_step(MACROBLOCK *mb, BLOCK *b, BLOCKD *d,
int_mv *bestmv, int_mv *ref_mv,
int error_per_bit,
@@ -514,10 +642,17 @@
// Adjust rd for ZEROMV and LAST, if LAST is the closest reference frame.
- if (this_mode == ZEROMV &&
- x->e_mbd.mode_info_context->mbmi.ref_frame == LAST_FRAME &&
- (denoise_aggressive || cpi->closest_reference_frame == LAST_FRAME)) {
- this_rd = ((int64_t)this_rd) * rd_adj / 100;
+ // TODO: We should also add condition on distance of closest to current.
+ if(!cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode &&
+ this_mode == ZEROMV &&
+ x->e_mbd.mode_info_context->mbmi.ref_frame == LAST_FRAME &&
+ (denoise_aggressive || (cpi->closest_reference_frame == LAST_FRAME)))
+ {
+ // No adjustment if block is considered to be skin area.
+ if(x->is_skin)
+ rd_adj = 100;
+ this_rd = ((int64_t)this_rd) * rd_adj / 100;
check_for_encode_breakout(*sse, x);
@@ -597,6 +732,15 @@
int sf_improved_mv_pred = cpi->sf.improved_mv_pred;
+ int dissim = INT_MAX;
+ int parent_ref_frame = 0;
+ int_mv parent_ref_mv;
+ MB_PREDICTION_MODE parent_mode = 0;
+ int parent_ref_valid = 0;
int_mv mvp;
int near_sadidx[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
@@ -607,14 +751,55 @@
unsigned char *plane[4][3];
int ref_frame_map[4];
int sign_bias = 0;
+ int dot_artifact_candidate = 0;
+ // For detecting dot artifact.
+ unsigned char* target = x->src.y_buffer;
+ unsigned char* target_u = x->block[16].src + *x->block[16].base_src;
+ unsigned char* target_v = x->block[20].src + *x->block[20].base_src;
+ int stride = x->src.y_stride;
+ int stride_uv = x->block[16].src_stride;
+ if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity) {
+ int uv_denoise = (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity >= 2) ? 1 : 0;
+ target =
+ cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[LAST_FRAME].y_buffer + recon_yoffset;
+ stride = cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[LAST_FRAME].y_stride;
+ if (uv_denoise) {
+ target_u =
+ cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[LAST_FRAME].u_buffer + recon_uvoffset;
+ target_v =
+ cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[LAST_FRAME].v_buffer + recon_uvoffset;
+ stride_uv = cpi->denoiser.yv12_running_avg[LAST_FRAME].uv_stride;
+ }
+ }
+ get_predictor_pointers(cpi, plane, recon_yoffset, recon_uvoffset);
+ dot_artifact_candidate =
+ check_dot_artifact_candidate(cpi, x,
+ target, stride,
+ plane[LAST_FRAME][0], mb_row, mb_col, 0);
+ // If not found in Y channel, check UV channel.
+ if (!dot_artifact_candidate) {
+ dot_artifact_candidate =
+ check_dot_artifact_candidate(cpi, x,
+ target_u, stride_uv,
+ plane[LAST_FRAME][1], mb_row, mb_col, 1);
+ if (!dot_artifact_candidate) {
+ dot_artifact_candidate =
+ check_dot_artifact_candidate(cpi, x,
+ target_v, stride_uv,
+ plane[LAST_FRAME][2], mb_row, mb_col, 2);
+ }
+ }
- int dissim = INT_MAX;
- int parent_ref_frame = 0;
- int parent_ref_valid = cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id && cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail;
- int_mv parent_ref_mv;
- MB_PREDICTION_MODE parent_mode = 0;
+ // |parent_ref_valid| will be set here if potentially we can do mv resue for
+ // this higher resol (|cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id| > 0) frame.
+ // |parent_ref_valid| may be reset depending on |parent_ref_frame| for
+ // the current macroblock below.
+ parent_ref_valid = cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id && cpi->mr_low_res_mv_avail;
if (parent_ref_valid)
int parent_ref_flag;
@@ -632,17 +817,44 @@
* In this event, take the conservative approach of disabling the
* lower res info for this MB.
parent_ref_flag = 0;
+ // Note availability for mv reuse is only based on last and golden.
if (parent_ref_frame == LAST_FRAME)
parent_ref_flag = (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_LAST_FRAME);
else if (parent_ref_frame == GOLDEN_FRAME)
parent_ref_flag = (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_GOLD_FRAME);
- else if (parent_ref_frame == ALTREF_FRAME)
- parent_ref_flag = (cpi->ref_frame_flags & VP8_ALTR_FRAME);
//assert(!parent_ref_frame || parent_ref_flag);
+ // If |parent_ref_frame| did not match either last or golden then
+ // shut off mv reuse.
if (parent_ref_frame && !parent_ref_flag)
parent_ref_valid = 0;
+ // Don't do mv reuse since we want to allow for another mode besides
+ // ZEROMV_LAST to remove dot artifact.
+ if (dot_artifact_candidate)
+ parent_ref_valid = 0;
+ }
+ // Check if current macroblock is in skin area.
+ {
+ const int y = x->src.y_buffer[7 * x->src.y_stride + 7];
+ const int cb = x->src.u_buffer[3 * x->src.uv_stride + 3];
+ const int cr = x->src.v_buffer[3 * x->src.uv_stride + 3];
+ x->is_skin = 0;
+ if (!cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode)
+ x->is_skin = is_skin_color(y, cb, cr);
+ }
+ if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity) {
+ // Under aggressive denoising mode, should we use skin map to reduce denoiser
+ // and ZEROMV bias? Will need to revisit the accuracy of this detection for
+ // very noisy input. For now keep this as is (i.e., don't turn it off).
+ // if (cpi->denoiser.denoiser_mode == kDenoiserOnYUVAggressive)
+ // x->is_skin = 0;
@@ -680,8 +892,6 @@
best_ref_mv.as_int = best_ref_mv_sb[sign_bias].as_int;
- get_predictor_pointers(cpi, plane, recon_yoffset, recon_uvoffset);
/* Count of the number of MBs tested so far this frame */
@@ -691,9 +901,13 @@
x->e_mbd.mode_info_context->mbmi.ref_frame = INTRA_FRAME;
/* If the frame has big static background and current MB is in low
- * motion area, its mode decision is biased to ZEROMV mode.
- */
- calculate_zeromv_rd_adjustment(cpi, x, &rd_adjustment);
+ * motion area, its mode decision is biased to ZEROMV mode.
+ * No adjustment if cpu_used is <= -12 (i.e., cpi->Speed >= 12).
+ * At such speed settings, ZEROMV is already heavily favored.
+ */
+ if (cpi->Speed < 12) {
+ calculate_zeromv_rd_adjustment(cpi, x, &rd_adjustment);
+ }
if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity) {
@@ -702,6 +916,13 @@
+ if (dot_artifact_candidate)
+ {
+ // Bias against ZEROMV_LAST mode.
+ rd_adjustment = 150;
+ }
/* if we encode a new mv this is important
* find the best new motion vector
@@ -887,14 +1108,17 @@
step_param = cpi->sf.first_step + speed_adjust;
- /* If lower-res drops this frame, then higher-res encoder does
- motion search without any previous knowledge. Also, since
- last frame motion info is not stored, then we can not
+ /* If lower-res frame is not available for mv reuse (because of
+ frame dropping or different temporal layer pattern), then higher
+ resol encoder does motion search without any previous knowledge.
+ Also, since last frame motion info is not stored, then we can not
use improved_mv_pred. */
- if (cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id && !parent_ref_valid)
+ if (cpi->oxcf.mr_encoder_id)
sf_improved_mv_pred = 0;
- if (parent_ref_valid && parent_ref_frame)
+ // Only use parent MV as predictor if this candidate reference frame
+ // (|this_ref_frame|) is equal to |parent_ref_frame|.
+ if (parent_ref_valid && (parent_ref_frame == this_ref_frame))
/* Use parent MV as predictor. Adjust search range
* accordingly.
@@ -938,7 +1162,8 @@
- if (parent_ref_valid && parent_ref_frame && dissim <= 2 &&
+ if (parent_ref_valid && (parent_ref_frame == this_ref_frame) &&
+ dissim <= 2 &&
MAX(abs(best_ref_mv.as_mv.row - parent_ref_mv.as_mv.row),
abs(best_ref_mv.as_mv.col - parent_ref_mv.as_mv.col)) <= 4)
@@ -975,10 +1200,12 @@
* change the behavior in lowest-resolution encoder.
* Will improve it later.
- /* Set step_param to 0 to ensure large-range motion search
- when encoder drops this frame at lower-resolution.
- */
- if (!parent_ref_valid)
+ /* Set step_param to 0 to ensure large-range motion search
+ * when mv reuse if not valid (i.e. |parent_ref_valid| = 0),
+ * or if this candidate reference frame (|this_ref_frame|) is
+ * not equal to |parent_ref_frame|.
+ */
+ if (!parent_ref_valid || (parent_ref_frame != this_ref_frame))
step_param = 0;
bestsme = vp8_hex_search(x, b, d, &mvp_full, &d->,
@@ -1080,7 +1307,6 @@
if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity)
/* Store for later use by denoiser. */
// Dont' denoise with GOLDEN OR ALTREF is they are old reference
// frames (greater than MAX_GF_ARF_DENOISE_RANGE frames in past).
@@ -1096,7 +1322,7 @@
- /* Store the best NEWMV in x for later use in the denoiser. */
+ // Store the best NEWMV in x for later use in the denoiser.
if (x->e_mbd.mode_info_context->mbmi.mode == NEWMV &&
sse < best_sse && !skip_old_reference)
@@ -1184,6 +1410,8 @@
if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity)
int block_index = mb_row * cpi->common.mb_cols + mb_col;
+ int reevaluate = 0;
+ int is_noisy = 0;
if (x->best_sse_inter_mode == DC_PRED)
/* No best MV found. */
@@ -1193,18 +1421,52 @@
x->best_reference_frame = best_mbmode.ref_frame;
best_sse = best_rd_sse;
+ // For non-skin blocks that have selected ZEROMV for this current frame,
+ // and have been selecting ZEROMV_LAST (on the base layer frame) at
+ // least |x~20| consecutive past frames in a row, label the block for
+ // possible increase in denoising strength. We also condition this
+ // labeling on there being significant denoising in the scene
+ if (cpi->oxcf.noise_sensitivity == 4) {
+ if (cpi->denoiser.nmse_source_diff >
+ 70 * cpi->denoiser.threshold_aggressive_mode / 100)
+ is_noisy = 1;
+ } else {
+ if (cpi->mse_source_denoised > 1000)
+ is_noisy = 1;
+ }
x->increase_denoising = 0;
+ if (!x->is_skin &&
+ x->best_sse_inter_mode == ZEROMV &&
+ (x->best_reference_frame == LAST_FRAME ||
+ x->best_reference_frame == cpi->closest_reference_frame) &&
+ cpi->consec_zero_last[block_index] >= 20 &&
+ is_noisy) {
+ x->increase_denoising = 1;
+ }
+ x->denoise_zeromv = 0;
vp8_denoiser_denoise_mb(&cpi->denoiser, x, best_sse, zero_mv_sse,
recon_yoffset, recon_uvoffset,
&cpi->common.lf_info, mb_row, mb_col,
- /* Reevaluate ZEROMV after denoising. */
- if (best_mbmode.ref_frame == INTRA_FRAME &&
+ // Reevaluate ZEROMV after denoising: for large noise content
+ // (i.e., cpi->mse_source_denoised is above threshold), do this for all
+ // blocks that did not pick ZEROMV as best mode but are using ZEROMV
+ // for denoising. Otherwise, always re-evaluate for blocks that picked
+ // INTRA mode as best mode.
+ // Avoid blocks that have been biased against ZERO_LAST
+ // (i.e., dot artifact candidate blocks).
+ reevaluate = (best_mbmode.ref_frame == INTRA_FRAME) ||
+ (best_mbmode.mode != ZEROMV &&
+ x->denoise_zeromv &&
+ cpi->mse_source_denoised > 2000);
+ if (!dot_artifact_candidate &&
+ reevaluate &&
x->best_zeromv_reference_frame != INTRA_FRAME)
int this_rd = 0;
int this_ref_frame = x->best_zeromv_reference_frame;
+ rd_adjustment = 100;
rate2 = x->ref_frame_cost[this_ref_frame] +
vp8_cost_mv_ref(ZEROMV, mdcounts);
distortion2 = 0;
@@ -1264,7 +1526,6 @@
update_mvcount(x, &best_ref_mv);
void vp8_pick_intra_mode(MACROBLOCK *x, int *rate_)
int error4x4, error16x16 = INT_MAX;
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/quantize.c b/vp8/encoder/quantize.c
index 2feb316..bd47823 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/quantize.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/quantize.c
@@ -535,6 +535,7 @@
MACROBLOCKD *mbd = &cpi->mb.e_mbd;
int update = 0;
int new_delta_q;
+ int new_uv_delta_q;
cm->base_qindex = Q;
/* if any of the delta_q values are changing update flag has to be set */
@@ -542,8 +543,6 @@
cm->y1dc_delta_q = 0;
cm->y2ac_delta_q = 0;
- cm->uvdc_delta_q = 0;
- cm->uvac_delta_q = 0;
if (Q < 4)
@@ -555,6 +554,21 @@
update |= cm->y2dc_delta_q != new_delta_q;
cm->y2dc_delta_q = new_delta_q;
+ new_uv_delta_q = 0;
+ // For screen content, lower the q value for UV channel. For now, select
+ // conservative delta; same delta for dc and ac, and decrease it with lower
+ // Q, and set to 0 below some threshold. May want to condition this in
+ // future on the variance/energy in UV channel.
+ if (cpi->oxcf.screen_content_mode && Q > 40) {
+ new_uv_delta_q = -(int)(0.15 * Q);
+ // Check range: magnitude of delta is 4 bits.
+ if (new_uv_delta_q < -15) {
+ new_uv_delta_q = -15;
+ }
+ }
+ update |= cm->uvdc_delta_q != new_uv_delta_q;
+ cm->uvdc_delta_q = new_uv_delta_q;
+ cm->uvac_delta_q = new_uv_delta_q;
/* Set Segment specific quatizers */
mbd->segment_feature_data[MB_LVL_ALT_Q][0] = cpi->segment_feature_data[MB_LVL_ALT_Q][0];
diff --git a/vp8/encoder/ratectrl.c b/vp8/encoder/ratectrl.c
index c51650c..e30ad9e 100644
--- a/vp8/encoder/ratectrl.c
+++ b/vp8/encoder/ratectrl.c
@@ -708,7 +708,13 @@
Adjustment = (cpi->this_frame_target - min_frame_target);
if (cpi->frames_since_golden == (cpi->current_gf_interval >> 1))
- cpi->this_frame_target += ((cpi->current_gf_interval - 1) * Adjustment);
+ {
+ Adjustment = (cpi->current_gf_interval - 1) * Adjustment;
+ // Limit adjustment to 10% of current target.
+ if (Adjustment > (10 * cpi->this_frame_target) / 100)
+ Adjustment = (10 * cpi->this_frame_target) / 100;
+ cpi->this_frame_target += Adjustment;
+ }
cpi->this_frame_target -= Adjustment;
diff --git a/vp8/vp8_cx_iface.c b/vp8/vp8_cx_iface.c
index b1b079c..3426f59 100644
--- a/vp8/vp8_cx_iface.c
+++ b/vp8/vp8_cx_iface.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
vp8e_tuning tuning;
unsigned int cq_level; /* constrained quality level */
unsigned int rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct;
+ unsigned int screen_content_mode;
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
0, /* tuning*/
10, /* cq_level */
0, /* rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct */
+ 0, /* screen_content_mode */
struct vpx_codec_alg_priv
@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@
/* pkt_list size depends on the maximum number of lagged frames allowed. */
vpx_codec_pkt_list_decl(64) pkt_list;
unsigned int fixed_kf_cntr;
+ vpx_enc_frame_flags_t control_frame_flags;
@@ -194,6 +197,7 @@
RANGE_CHECK_HI(vp8_cfg, arnr_strength, 6);
RANGE_CHECK(vp8_cfg, arnr_type, 1, 3);
RANGE_CHECK(vp8_cfg, cq_level, 0, 63);
+ RANGE_CHECK_BOOL(vp8_cfg, screen_content_mode);
if (finalize && (cfg->rc_end_usage == VPX_CQ || cfg->rc_end_usage == VPX_Q))
RANGE_CHECK(vp8_cfg, cq_level,
cfg->rc_min_quantizer, cfg->rc_max_quantizer);
@@ -231,7 +235,8 @@
RANGE_CHECK_HI(cfg, ts_periodicity, 16);
for (i=1; i<cfg->ts_number_layers; i++)
- if (cfg->ts_target_bitrate[i] <= cfg->ts_target_bitrate[i-1])
+ if (cfg->ts_target_bitrate[i] <= cfg->ts_target_bitrate[i-1] &&
+ cfg->rc_target_bitrate > 0)
ERROR("ts_target_bitrate entries are not strictly increasing");
RANGE_CHECK(cfg, ts_rate_decimator[cfg->ts_number_layers-1], 1, 1);
@@ -397,6 +402,8 @@
oxcf->tuning = vp8_cfg.tuning;
+ oxcf->screen_content_mode = vp8_cfg.screen_content_mode;
printf("Current VP8 Settings: \n");
printf("target_bandwidth: %d\n", oxcf->target_bandwidth);
@@ -586,6 +593,15 @@
return update_extracfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
+static vpx_codec_err_t set_screen_content_mode(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ va_list args)
+ struct vp8_extracfg extra_cfg = ctx->vp8_cfg;
+ extra_cfg.screen_content_mode =
+ return update_extracfg(ctx, &extra_cfg);
static vpx_codec_err_t vp8e_mr_alloc_mem(const vpx_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
void **mem_loc)
@@ -768,27 +784,9 @@
-static vpx_codec_err_t vp8e_encode(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
- const vpx_image_t *img,
- vpx_codec_pts_t pts,
- unsigned long duration,
- vpx_enc_frame_flags_t flags,
- unsigned long deadline)
+static vpx_codec_err_t set_reference_and_update(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ int flags)
- vpx_codec_err_t res = VPX_CODEC_OK;
- if (!ctx->cfg.rc_target_bitrate)
- return res;
- if (img)
- res = validate_img(ctx, img);
- if (!res)
- res = validate_config(ctx, &ctx->cfg, &ctx->vp8_cfg, 1);
- pick_quickcompress_mode(ctx, duration, deadline);
- vpx_codec_pkt_list_init(&ctx->pkt_list);
/* Handle Flags */
if (((flags & VP8_EFLAG_NO_UPD_GF) && (flags & VP8_EFLAG_FORCE_GF))
@@ -838,6 +836,42 @@
vp8_update_entropy(ctx->cpi, 0);
+ return VPX_CODEC_OK;
+static vpx_codec_err_t vp8e_encode(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ const vpx_image_t *img,
+ vpx_codec_pts_t pts,
+ unsigned long duration,
+ vpx_enc_frame_flags_t flags,
+ unsigned long deadline)
+ vpx_codec_err_t res = VPX_CODEC_OK;
+ if (!ctx->cfg.rc_target_bitrate)
+ return res;
+ if (!ctx->cfg.rc_target_bitrate)
+ return res;
+ if (img)
+ res = validate_img(ctx, img);
+ if (!res)
+ res = validate_config(ctx, &ctx->cfg, &ctx->vp8_cfg, 1);
+ pick_quickcompress_mode(ctx, duration, deadline);
+ vpx_codec_pkt_list_init(&ctx->pkt_list);
+ // If no flags are set in the encode call, then use the frame flags as
+ // defined via the control function: vp8e_set_frame_flags.
+ if (!flags) {
+ flags = ctx->control_frame_flags;
+ }
+ ctx->control_frame_flags = 0;
+ res = set_reference_and_update(ctx, flags);
/* Handle fixed keyframe intervals */
if (ctx->cfg.kf_mode == VPX_KF_AUTO
&& ctx->cfg.kf_min_dist == ctx->cfg.kf_max_dist)
@@ -1140,6 +1174,25 @@
return VPX_CODEC_OK;
+static vpx_codec_err_t vp8e_set_frame_flags(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ va_list args)
+ int frame_flags = va_arg(args, int);
+ ctx->control_frame_flags = frame_flags;
+ return set_reference_and_update(ctx, frame_flags);
+static vpx_codec_err_t vp8e_set_temporal_layer_id(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
+ va_list args)
+ int layer_id = va_arg(args, int);
+ if (layer_id < 0 || layer_id >= (int)ctx->cfg.ts_number_layers) {
+ }
+ ctx->cpi->temporal_layer_id = layer_id;
+ return VPX_CODEC_OK;
static vpx_codec_err_t vp8e_set_roi_map(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
va_list args)
@@ -1214,6 +1267,8 @@
{VP8E_UPD_ENTROPY, vp8e_update_entropy},
{VP8E_UPD_REFERENCE, vp8e_update_reference},
{VP8E_USE_REFERENCE, vp8e_use_reference},
+ {VP8E_SET_FRAME_FLAGS, vp8e_set_frame_flags},
+ {VP8E_SET_TEMPORAL_LAYER_ID, vp8e_set_temporal_layer_id},
{VP8E_SET_ROI_MAP, vp8e_set_roi_map},
{VP8E_SET_ACTIVEMAP, vp8e_set_activemap},
{VP8E_SET_SCALEMODE, vp8e_set_scalemode},
@@ -1231,6 +1286,7 @@
{VP8E_SET_TUNING, set_tuning},
{VP8E_SET_CQ_LEVEL, set_cq_level},
{VP8E_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT, set_rc_max_intra_bitrate_pct},
+ {VP8E_SET_SCREEN_CONTENT_MODE, set_screen_content_mode},
{ -1, NULL},
diff --git a/vpx/vp8cx.h b/vpx/vp8cx.h
index 0a45dbb..4fc0fd6 100644
--- a/vpx/vp8cx.h
+++ b/vpx/vp8cx.h
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
+ VP8E_SET_FRAME_FLAGS, /**< control function to set reference and update frame flags */
/*!\brief Max data rate for Inter frames
@@ -222,6 +223,17 @@
+ /*!\brief Codec control function to set the temporal layer id
+ *
+ * For temporal scalability: this control allows the application to set the
+ * layer id for each frame to be encoded. Note that this control must be set
+ * for every frame prior to encoding. The usage of this control function
+ * supersedes the internal temporal pattern counter, which is now deprecated.
+ */
+ VP8E_SET_SCREEN_CONTENT_MODE, /**<control function to set encoder screen content mode */
/* TODO(jkoleszar): Move to vp9cx.h */
@@ -362,6 +374,8 @@
VPX_CTRL_USE_TYPE(VP8E_SET_ROI_MAP, vpx_roi_map_t *)
VPX_CTRL_USE_TYPE(VP8E_SET_SCALEMODE, vpx_scaling_mode_t *)
@@ -395,6 +409,9 @@
diff --git a/vpxenc.c b/vpxenc.c
index 2b89fc1..cbf142a 100644
--- a/vpxenc.c
+++ b/vpxenc.c
@@ -354,13 +354,16 @@
static const arg_def_t gf_cbr_boost_pct = ARG_DEF(
NULL, "gf-cbr-boost", 1, "Boost for Golden Frame in CBR mode (pct)");
+static const arg_def_t screen_content_mode = ARG_DEF(NULL, "screen-content-mode", 1,
+ "Screen content mode");
static const arg_def_t token_parts = ARG_DEF(
NULL, "token-parts", 1, "Number of token partitions to use, log2");
static const arg_def_t *vp8_args[] = {
&cpu_used, &auto_altref, &noise_sens, &sharpness, &static_thresh,
&token_parts, &arnr_maxframes, &arnr_strength, &arnr_type,
- &tune_ssim, &cq_level, &max_intra_rate_pct,
+ &tune_ssim, &cq_level, &max_intra_rate_pct, &screen_content_mode,
static const int vp8_arg_ctrl_map[] = {
@@ -369,6 +372,7 @@