Enable build of some sse2, ssse3, and sse4.1 tests via cmake.
Applies only to the tests that require only the presence of
compiler support. Tests that require an instrinsic flag and an
enabled experiment not included.
Change-Id: I1ba6ee80cadc3064068db04c15caf8cc2384ab3b
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c75579c..4d29e0d 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -627,11 +627,6 @@
- # requires the obvious assembly flavor.
- #"${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_neon.cc"
- #"${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_sse2.cc"
- #"${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_sse4.cc"
- #"${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_ssse3.cc"
@@ -649,6 +644,11 @@
+set(AOM_UNIT_TEST_INTRIN_NEON "${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_neon.cc")
+set(AOM_UNIT_TEST_INTRIN_SSE2 "${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_sse2.cc")
+set(AOM_UNIT_TEST_INTRIN_SSSE3 "${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_ssse3.cc")
+set(AOM_UNIT_TEST_INTRIN_SSE4_1 "${AOM_ROOT}/test/simd_cmp_sse4.cc")
@@ -899,6 +899,18 @@
target_sources(test_libaom PUBLIC ${AOM_UNIT_TEST_WEBM_SOURCES}
endif ()
+ if (HAVE_SSE2)
+ add_intrinsics_source_to_target("-msse2" "test_libaom"
+ endif ()
+ if (HAVE_SSSE3)
+ add_intrinsics_source_to_target("-mssse3" "test_libaom"
+ endif ()
+ if (HAVE_SSE4_1)
+ add_intrinsics_source_to_target("-msse4.1" "test_libaom"
+ endif ()
endif ()
if (XCODE)
diff --git a/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake b/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake
index ff33948..f0ac87a 100644
--- a/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake
+++ b/build/cmake/aom_optimization.cmake
@@ -32,6 +32,18 @@
endfunction ()
+# Adds sources in list named by $sources to $target and adds $flag to the
+# compile flags for each source file.
+function (add_intrinsics_source_to_target flag target sources)
+ if (MSVC)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "MSVC instrinics support not implemented.")
+ endif ()
+ target_sources(${target} PUBLIC ${${sources}})
+ foreach (source ${${sources}})
+ set_property(SOURCE ${source} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_FLAGS ${flag})
+ endforeach ()
+endfunction ()
# Adds build commands for ASM files in $sources and uses $asm_build_name to
# build an output directory path. Adds ASM objects to libaom directly. $sources
# must be the name of a variable containing a list of sources.