Add global motion experiment to rdopt

This patch completes the global motion experiment
implementation. It modifies the format of the motion
parameters to use the mv union to facilitate faster
copying and checks for parameters equal to 0 that occur
frequently in rdopt. The rd decisions for the global motion experiment
have also been added to rdopt.
Change-Id: Idfb9f0c6d23e538221763881099c5a2a3891f5a9
diff --git a/av1/common/warped_motion.h b/av1/common/warped_motion.h
index 965b296..d957401 100644
--- a/av1/common/warped_motion.h
+++ b/av1/common/warped_motion.h
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "./aom_config.h"
 #include "aom_ports/mem.h"
 #include "aom_dsp/aom_dsp_common.h"
+#include "av1/common/mv.h"
 // Bits of precision used for the model
@@ -37,49 +38,36 @@
-typedef void (*ProjectPointsType)(int *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
-                                  const int stride_points,
+typedef void (*ProjectPointsType)(int16_t *mat, int *points, int *proj,
+                                  const int n, const int stride_points,
                                   const int stride_proj,
                                   const int subsampling_x,
                                   const int subsampling_y);
-void projectPointsHomography(int *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
+void projectPointsHomography(int16_t *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
                              const int stride_points, const int stride_proj,
                              const int subsampling_x, const int subsampling_y);
-void projectPointsAffine(int *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
+void projectPointsAffine(int16_t *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
                          const int stride_points, const int stride_proj,
                          const int subsampling_x, const int subsampling_y);
-void projectPointsRotZoom(int *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
+void projectPointsRotZoom(int16_t *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
                           const int stride_points, const int stride_proj,
                           const int subsampling_x, const int subsampling_y);
-void projectPointsTranslation(int *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
+void projectPointsTranslation(int16_t *mat, int *points, int *proj, const int n,
                               const int stride_points, const int stride_proj,
                               const int subsampling_x, const int subsampling_y);
-typedef enum {
-  HOMOGRAPHY,   // homography, 8-parameter
-  AFFINE,       // affine, 6-parameter
-  ROTZOOM,      // simplified affine with rotation and zoom only, 4-parameter
-  TRANSLATION,  // translational motion 2-parameter
-} TransformationType;
-// number of parameters used by each transformation in TransformationTypes
-static const int n_trans_model_params[TRANS_TYPES] = { 9, 6, 4, 2 };
-typedef struct {
-  TransformationType wmtype;
-  int wmmat[8];  // For homography wmmat[9] is assumed to be 1
-} WarpedMotionParams;
 double av1_warp_erroradv(WarpedMotionParams *wm,
-                         int use_hbd, int bd,
-                         uint8_t *ref, int width, int height, int stride,
-                         uint8_t *dst, int p_col, int p_row, int p_width,
-                         int p_height, int p_stride, int subsampling_x,
-                         int subsampling_y, int x_scale, int y_scale);
+                          int use_hbd, int bd,
+                          uint8_t *ref, int width, int height, int stride,
+                          uint8_t *dst, int p_col, int p_row, int p_width,
+                          int p_height, int p_stride, int subsampling_x,
+                          int subsampling_y, int x_scale, int y_scale);
 void av1_warp_plane(WarpedMotionParams *wm,