| # AV1 Codec Library |
| |
| ## Contents |
| 1. [Building the lib and applications](#building-the-library-and-applications) |
| - [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) |
| - [Get the code](#get-the-code) |
| - [Basics](#basic-build) |
| - [Configuration options](#configuration-options) |
| - [Dylib builds](#dylib-builds) |
| - [Debugging](#debugging) |
| - [Cross compiling](#cross-compiling) |
| - [Sanitizer support](#sanitizers) |
| - [MSVC builds](#microsoft-visual-studio-builds) |
| - [Xcode builds](#xcode-builds) |
| - [Emscripten builds](#emscripten-builds) |
| - [Extra Build Flags](#extra-build-flags) |
| 2. [Testing the library](#testing-the-av1-codec) |
| - [Basics](#testing-basics) |
| - [Unit tests](#1_unit-tests) |
| - [Example tests](#2_example-tests) |
| - [Encoder tests](#3_encoder-tests) |
| - [IDE hosted tests](#ide-hosted-tests) |
| - [Downloading test data](#downloading-the-test-data) |
| - [Additional test data](#additional-test-data) |
| - [Sharded testing](#sharded-testing) |
| - [Running tests directly](#1_running-test_libaom-directly) |
| - [Running tests via CMake](#2_running-the-tests-via-the-cmake-build) |
| 3. [Coding style](#coding-style) |
| 4. [Submitting patches](#submitting-patches) |
| - [Login cookie](#login-cookie) |
| - [Contributor agreement](#contributor-agreement) |
| - [Testing your code](#testing-your-code) |
| - [Commit message hook](#commit-message-hook) |
| - [Upload your change](#upload-your-change) |
| - [Incorporating Reviewer Comments](#incorporating-reviewer-comments) |
| - [Submitting your change](#submitting-your-change) |
| - [Viewing change status](#viewing-the-status-of-uploaded-changes) |
| 5. [Support](#support) |
| 6. [Bug reports](#bug-reports) |
| |
| ## Building the library and applications |
| |
| ### Prerequisites |
| |
| 1. [CMake](https://cmake.org) version 3.5 or higher. |
| 2. [Git](https://git-scm.com/). |
| 3. [Perl](https://www.perl.org/). |
| 4. For x86 targets, [yasm](http://yasm.tortall.net/), which is preferred, or a |
| recent version of [nasm](http://www.nasm.us/). |
| 5. Building the documentation requires [doxygen](http://doxygen.org). |
| 6. Building the unit tests requires [Python](https://www.python.org/). |
| 7. Emscripten builds require the portable |
| [EMSDK](https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/index.html). |
| |
| ### Get the code |
| |
| The AV1 library source code is stored in the Alliance for Open Media Git |
| repository: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ git clone https://aomedia.googlesource.com/aom |
| # By default, the above command stores the source in the aom directory: |
| $ cd aom |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Basic build |
| |
| CMake replaces the configure step typical of many projects. Running CMake will |
| produce configuration and build files for the currently selected CMake |
| generator. For most systems the default generator is Unix Makefiles. The basic |
| form of a makefile build is the following: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| The above will generate a makefile build that produces the AV1 library and |
| applications for the current host system after the make step completes |
| successfully. The compiler chosen varies by host platform, but a general rule |
| applies: On systems where cc and c++ are present in $PATH at the time CMake is |
| run the generated build will use cc and c++ by default. |
| |
| ### Configuration options |
| |
| The AV1 codec library has a great many configuration options. These come in two |
| varieties: |
| |
| 1. Build system configuration options. These have the form `ENABLE_FEATURE`. |
| 2. AV1 codec configuration options. These have the form `CONFIG_FEATURE`. |
| |
| Both types of options are set at the time CMake is run. The following example |
| enables ccache and disables the AV1 encoder: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DENABLE_CCACHE=1 -DCONFIG_AV1_ENCODER=0 |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| The available configuration options are too numerous to list here. Build system |
| configuration options can be found at the top of the CMakeLists.txt file found |
| in the root of the AV1 repository, and AV1 codec configuration options can |
| currently be found in the file `build/cmake/aom_config_defaults.cmake`. |
| |
| ### Dylib builds |
| |
| A dylib (shared object) build of the AV1 codec library can be enabled via the |
| CMake built in variable `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| This is currently only supported on non-Windows targets. |
| |
| ### Debugging |
| |
| Depending on the generator used there are multiple ways of going about |
| debugging AV1 components. For single configuration generators like the Unix |
| Makefiles generator, setting `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE` to Debug is sufficient: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug |
| ~~~ |
| |
| For Xcode, mainly because configuration controls for Xcode builds are buried two |
| configuration windows deep and must be set for each subproject within the Xcode |
| IDE individually, `CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES` should be set to Debug: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -G Xcode -DCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES=Debug |
| ~~~ |
| |
| For Visual Studio the in-IDE configuration controls should be used. Simply set |
| the IDE project configuration to Debug to allow for stepping through the code. |
| |
| In addition to the above it can sometimes be useful to debug only C and C++ |
| code. To disable all assembly code and intrinsics set `AOM_TARGET_CPU` to |
| generic at generation time: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DAOM_TARGET_CPU=generic |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Cross compiling |
| |
| For the purposes of building the AV1 codec and applications and relative to the |
| scope of this guide, all builds for architectures differing from the native host |
| architecture will be considered cross compiles. The AV1 CMake build handles |
| cross compiling via the use of toolchain files included in the AV1 repository. |
| The toolchain files available at the time of this writing are: |
| |
| - arm64-ios.cmake |
| - arm64-linux-gcc.cmake |
| - armv7-ios.cmake |
| - armv7-linux-gcc.cmake |
| - armv7s-ios.cmake |
| - mips32-linux-gcc.cmake |
| - mips64-linux-gcc.cmake |
| - x86-ios-simulator.cmake |
| - x86-linux.cmake |
| - x86-macos.cmake |
| - x86-mingw-gcc.cmake |
| - x86\_64-ios-simulator.cmake |
| - x86\_64-mingw-gcc.cmake |
| |
| The following example demonstrates use of the x86-macos.cmake toolchain file on |
| a x86\_64 MacOS host: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom \ |
| -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/aom/build/cmake/toolchains/x86-macos.cmake |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| To build for an unlisted target creation of a new toolchain file is the best |
| solution. The existing toolchain files can be used a starting point for a new |
| toolchain file since each one exposes the basic requirements for toolchain files |
| as used in the AV1 codec build. |
| |
| As a temporary work around an unoptimized AV1 configuration that builds only C |
| and C++ sources can be produced using the following commands: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DAOM_TARGET_CPU=generic |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| In addition to the above it's important to note that the toolchain files |
| suffixed with gcc behave differently than the others. These toolchain files |
| attempt to obey the $CROSS environment variable. |
| |
| ### Sanitizers |
| |
| Sanitizer integration is built-in to the CMake build system. To enable a |
| sanitizer, add `-DSANITIZE=<type>` to the CMake command line. For example, to |
| enable address sanitizer: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DSANITIZE=address |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| Sanitizers available vary by platform, target, and compiler. Consult your |
| compiler documentation to determine which, if any, are available. |
| |
| ### Microsoft Visual Studio builds |
| |
| Building the AV1 codec library in Microsoft Visual Studio is supported. The |
| following example demonstrates generating projects and a solution for the |
| Microsoft IDE: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # This does not require a bash shell; command.exe is fine. |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Xcode builds |
| |
| Building the AV1 codec library in Xcode is supported. The following example |
| demonstrates generating an Xcode project: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -G Xcode |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Emscripten builds |
| |
| Building the AV1 codec library with Emscripten is supported. Typically this is |
| used to hook into the AOMAnalyzer GUI application. These instructions focus on |
| using the inspector with AOMAnalyzer, but all tools can be built with |
| Emscripten. |
| |
| It is assumed here that you have already downloaded and installed the EMSDK, |
| installed and activated at least one toolchain, and setup your environment |
| appropriately using the emsdk\_env script. |
| |
| 1. Download [AOMAnalyzer](https://people.xiph.org/~mbebenita/analyzer/). |
| |
| 2. Configure the build: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom \ |
| -DAOM_TARGET_CPU=generic \ |
| -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=path/to/emsdk-portable/.../Emscripten.cmake |
| ~~~ |
| |
| 3. Build it: run make if that's your generator of choice: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ make inspect |
| ~~~ |
| |
| 4. Run the analyzer: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # inspect.js is in the examples sub directory of the directory in which you |
| # executed cmake. |
| $ path/to/AOMAnalyzer path/to/examples/inspect.js path/to/av1/input/file |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Extra build flags |
| |
| Three variables allow for passing of additional flags to the build system. |
| |
| |
| The build system attempts to ensure the flags passed through the above variables |
| are passed to tools last in order to allow for override of default behavior. |
| These flags can be used, for example, to enable asserts in a release build: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom \ |
| -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ## Testing the AV1 codec |
| |
| ### Testing basics |
| |
| There are several methods of testing the AV1 codec. All of these methods require |
| the presence of the AV1 source code and a working build of the AV1 library and |
| applications. |
| |
| #### 1. Unit tests: |
| |
| The unit tests can be run at build time: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # Before running the make command the LIBAOM_TEST_DATA_PATH environment |
| # variable should be set to avoid downloading the test files to the |
| # cmake build configuration directory. |
| $ cmake path/to/aom |
| # Note: The AV1 CMake build creates many test targets. Running make |
| # with multiple jobs will speed up the test run significantly. |
| $ make runtests |
| ~~~ |
| |
| #### 2. Example tests: |
| |
| The example tests require a bash shell and can be run in the following manner: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # See the note above about LIBAOM_TEST_DATA_PATH above. |
| $ cmake path/to/aom |
| $ make |
| # It's best to build the testdata target using many make jobs. |
| # Running it like this will verify and download (if necessary) |
| # one at a time, which takes a while. |
| $ make testdata |
| $ path/to/aom/test/examples.sh --bin-path examples |
| ~~~ |
| |
| #### 3. Encoder tests: |
| |
| When making a change to the encoder run encoder tests to confirm that your |
| change has a positive or negligible impact on encode quality. When running these |
| tests the build configuration should be changed to enable internal encoder |
| statistics: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DCONFIG_INTERNAL_STATS=1 |
| $ make |
| ~~~ |
| |
| The repository contains scripts intended to make running these tests as simple |
| as possible. The following example demonstrates creating a set of baseline clips |
| for comparison to results produced after making your change to libaom: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # This will encode all Y4M files in the current directory using the |
| # settings specified to create the encoder baseline statistical data: |
| $ cd path/to/test/inputs |
| # This command line assumes that run_encodes.sh, its helper script |
| # best_encode.sh, and the aomenc you intend to test are all within a |
| # directory in your PATH. |
| $ run_encodes.sh 200 500 50 baseline |
| ~~~ |
| |
| After making your change and creating the baseline clips, you'll need to run |
| encodes that include your change(s) to confirm that things are working as |
| intended: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # This will encode all Y4M files in the current directory using the |
| # settings specified to create the statistical data for your change: |
| $ cd path/to/test/inputs |
| # This command line assumes that run_encodes.sh, its helper script |
| # best_encode.sh, and the aomenc you intend to test are all within a |
| # directory in your PATH. |
| $ run_encodes.sh 200 500 50 mytweak |
| ~~~ |
| |
| After creating both data sets you can use `test/visual_metrics.py` to generate a |
| report that can be viewed in a web browser: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ visual_metrics.py metrics_template.html "*stt" baseline mytweak \ |
| > mytweak.html |
| ~~~ |
| |
| You can view the report by opening mytweak.html in a web browser. |
| |
| |
| ### IDE hosted tests |
| |
| By default the generated projects files created by CMake will not include the |
| runtests and testdata rules when generating for IDEs like Microsoft Visual |
| Studio and Xcode. This is done to avoid intolerably long build cycles in the |
| IDEs-- IDE behavior is to build all targets when selecting the build project |
| options in MSVS and Xcode. To enable the test rules in IDEs the |
| `ENABLE_IDE_TEST_HOSTING` variable must be enabled at CMake generation time: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # This example uses Xcode. To get a list of the generators |
| # available, run cmake with the -G argument missing its |
| # value. |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -DENABLE_IDE_TEST_HOSTING=1 -G Xcode |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Downloading the test data |
| |
| The fastest and easiest way to obtain the test data is to use CMake to generate |
| a build using the Unix Makefiles generator, and then to build only the testdata |
| rule: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ cmake path/to/aom -G "Unix Makefiles" |
| # 28 is used because there are 28 test files as of this writing. |
| $ make -j28 testdata |
| ~~~ |
| |
| The above make command will only download and verify the test data. |
| |
| ### Additional test data |
| |
| The test data mentioned above is strictly intended for unit testing. |
| |
| Additional input data for testing the encoder can be obtained from: |
| https://media.xiph.org/video/derf/ |
| |
| ### Sharded testing |
| |
| The AV1 codec library unit tests are built upon gtest which supports sharding of |
| test jobs. Sharded test runs can be achieved in a couple of ways. |
| |
| #### 1. Running test\_libaom directly: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # Set the environment variable GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS to 9 to run 10 test shards |
| # (GTEST shard indexing is 0 based). |
| $ export GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS=9 |
| $ seq 0 $(( $GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS - 1 )) \ |
| | xargs -n 1 -P 0 -I{} env GTEST_SHARD_INDEX={} ./test_libaom |
| ~~~ |
| |
| To create a test shard for each CPU core available on the current system set |
| `GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS` to the number of CPU cores on your system minus one. |
| |
| #### 2. Running the tests via the CMake build: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # For IDE based builds, ENABLE_IDE_TEST_HOSTING must be enabled. See |
| # the IDE hosted tests section above for more information. If the IDE |
| # supports building targets concurrently tests will be sharded by default. |
| |
| # For make and ninja builds the -j parameter controls the number of shards |
| # at test run time. This example will run the tests using 10 shards via |
| # make. |
| $ make -j10 runtests |
| ~~~ |
| |
| The maximum number of test targets that can run concurrently is determined by |
| the number of CPUs on the system where the build is configured as detected by |
| CMake. A system with 24 cores can run 24 test shards using a value of 24 with |
| the `-j` parameter. When CMake is unable to detect the number of cores 10 shards |
| is the default maximum value. |
| |
| ## Coding style |
| |
| We are using the Google C Coding Style defined by the |
| [Google C++ Style Guide](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html). |
| |
| The coding style used by this project is enforced with clang-format using the |
| configuration contained in the |
| [.clang-format](https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/aom/+/master/.clang-format) |
| file in the root of the repository. |
| |
| You can download clang-format using your system's package manager, or directly |
| from [llvm.org](http://llvm.org/releases/download.html). You can also view the |
| [documentation](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangFormat.html) on llvm.org. |
| Output from clang-format varies by clang-format version, for best results your |
| version should match the one used on Jenkins. You can find the clang-format |
| version by reading the comment in the `.clang-format` file linked above. |
| |
| Before pushing changes for review you can format your code with: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # Apply clang-format to modified .c, .h and .cc files |
| $ clang-format -i --style=file \ |
| $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR '*.[hc]' '*.cc') |
| ~~~ |
| |
| Check the .clang-format file for the version used to generate it if there is any |
| difference between your local formatting and the review system. |
| |
| Some Git installations have clang-format integration. Here are some examples: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| # Apply clang-format to all staged changes: |
| $ git clang-format |
| |
| # Clang format all staged and unstaged changes: |
| $ git clang-format -f |
| |
| # Clang format all staged and unstaged changes interactively: |
| $ git clang-format -f -p |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ## Submitting patches |
| |
| We manage the submission of patches using the |
| [Gerrit](https://www.gerritcodereview.com/) code review tool. This tool |
| implements a workflow on top of the Git version control system to ensure that |
| all changes get peer reviewed and tested prior to their distribution. |
| |
| ### Login cookie |
| |
| Browse to [AOMedia Git index](https://aomedia.googlesource.com/) and login with |
| your account (Gmail credentials, for example). Next, follow the |
| `Generate Password` Password link at the top of the page. You’ll be given |
| instructions for creating a cookie to use with our Git repos. |
| |
| ### Contributor agreement |
| |
| You will be required to execute a |
| [contributor agreement](http://aomedia.org/license) to ensure that the AOMedia |
| Project has the right to distribute your changes. |
| |
| ### Testing your code |
| |
| The testing basics are covered in the [testing section](#testing-the-av1-codec) |
| above. |
| |
| In addition to the local tests, many more (e.g. asan, tsan, valgrind) will run |
| through Jenkins instances upon upload to gerrit. |
| |
| ### Commit message hook |
| |
| Gerrit requires that each submission include a unique Change-Id. You can assign |
| one manually using git commit --amend, but it’s easier to automate it with the |
| commit-msg hook provided by Gerrit. |
| |
| Copy commit-msg to the `.git/hooks` directory of your local repo. Here's an |
| example: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ curl -Lo aom/.git/hooks/commit-msg https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/tools/hooks/commit-msg |
| |
| # Next, ensure that the downloaded commit-msg script is executable: |
| $ chmod u+x aom/.git/hooks/commit-msg |
| ~~~ |
| |
| See the Gerrit |
| [documentation](https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/user-changeid.html) |
| for more information. |
| |
| ### Upload your change |
| |
| The command line to upload your patch looks like this: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ git push https://aomedia-review.googlesource.com/aom HEAD:refs/for/master |
| ~~~ |
| |
| ### Incorporating reviewer comments |
| |
| If you previously uploaded a change to Gerrit and the Approver has asked for |
| changes, follow these steps: |
| |
| 1. Edit the files to make the changes the reviewer has requested. |
| 2. Recommit your edits using the --amend flag, for example: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ git commit -a --amend |
| ~~~ |
| |
| 3. Use the same git push command as above to upload to Gerrit again for another |
| review cycle. |
| |
| In general, you should not rebase your changes when doing updates in response to |
| review. Doing so can make it harder to follow the evolution of your change in |
| the diff view. |
| |
| ### Submitting your change |
| |
| Once your change has been Approved and Verified, you can “submit” it through the |
| Gerrit UI. This will usually automatically rebase your change onto the branch |
| specified. |
| |
| Sometimes this can’t be done automatically. If you run into this problem, you |
| must rebase your changes manually: |
| |
| ~~~ |
| $ git fetch |
| $ git rebase origin/branchname |
| ~~~ |
| |
| If there are any conflicts, resolve them as you normally would with Git. When |
| you’re done, reupload your change. |
| |
| ### Viewing the status of uploaded changes |
| |
| To check the status of a change that you uploaded, open |
| [Gerrit](https://aomedia-review.googlesource.com/), sign in, and click My > |
| Changes. |
| |
| ## Support |
| |
| This library is an open source project supported by its community. Please |
| please email aomediacodec@jointdevelopment.kavi.com for help. |
| |
| ## Bug reports |
| |
| Bug reports can be filed in the Alliance for Open Media |
| [issue tracker](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/aomedia/issues/list). |