Add avifrgbtoyuvtest to test RGB-YUV subsampling

The current tests/avifyuv.c tool only displays 4:4:4 conversions.
Adding a convenient C++ test for chroma subsampling loss evaluation
will help when working on faster alternatives to the current slow
RGB-to-YUV conversion in avifenc.
diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 77aac79..a46342a 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@
     target_include_directories(avifmetadatatest PRIVATE ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS})
     add_test(NAME avifmetadatatest COMMAND avifmetadatatest)
+    add_executable(avifrgbtoyuvtest gtest/
+    target_link_libraries(avifrgbtoyuvtest aviftest_helpers ${GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES})
+    target_include_directories(avifrgbtoyuvtest PRIVATE ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+    add_test(NAME avifrgbtoyuvtest COMMAND avifrgbtoyuvtest)
     add_executable(avify4mtest gtest/
     target_link_libraries(avify4mtest aviftest_helpers avif_apps ${GTEST_BOTH_LIBRARIES})
     target_include_directories(avify4mtest PRIVATE ${GTEST_INCLUDE_DIRS})
diff --git a/tests/gtest/ b/tests/gtest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fc9b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/gtest/
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+// Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <memory>
+#include <tuple>
+#include "avif/avif.h"
+#include "aviftest_helpers.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using ::testing::Combine;
+using ::testing::Values;
+using ::testing::ValuesIn;
+namespace libavif {
+namespace {
+// Modifies the pixel values of a channel in image by modifier[] (row-ordered).
+template <typename PixelType>
+void ModifyImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
+                        const int32_t modifier[]) {
+  const uint32_t channel_count = avifRGBFormatChannelCount(image->format);
+  assert(channel_offset < channel_count);
+  for (uint32_t y = 0, i = 0; y < image->height; ++y) {
+    PixelType* pixel =
+        reinterpret_cast<PixelType*>(image->pixels + image->rowBytes * y);
+    for (uint32_t x = 0; x < image->width; ++x, ++i) {
+      pixel[channel_offset] += modifier[i];
+      pixel += channel_count;
+    }
+  }
+void ModifyImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
+                        const int32_t modifier[]) {
+  (image->depth <= 8)
+      ? ModifyImageChannel<uint8_t>(image, channel_offset, modifier)
+      : ModifyImageChannel<uint16_t>(image, channel_offset, modifier);
+// Fills the image channel with the given value, and modifies the individual
+// pixel values of that channel with the modifier, if not null.
+void SetImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
+                     uint32_t value, const int32_t modifier[]) {
+  testutil::FillImageChannel(image, channel_offset, value);
+  if (modifier) {
+    ModifyImageChannel(image, channel_offset, modifier);
+  }
+// Accumulates stats about the differences between the images a and b.
+template <typename PixelType>
+void GetDiffSumAndSqDiffSum(const avifRGBImage& a, const avifRGBImage& b,
+                            int64_t* diff_sum, int64_t* abs_diff_sum,
+                            int64_t* sq_diff_sum, int64_t* max_abs_diff) {
+  const uint32_t channel_count = avifRGBFormatChannelCount(a.format);
+  for (uint32_t y = 0; y < a.height; ++y) {
+    const PixelType* row_a =
+        reinterpret_cast<PixelType*>(a.pixels + a.rowBytes * y);
+    const PixelType* row_b =
+        reinterpret_cast<PixelType*>(b.pixels + b.rowBytes * y);
+    for (uint32_t x = 0; x < a.width * channel_count; ++x) {
+      const int64_t diff =
+          static_cast<int64_t>(row_b[x]) - static_cast<int64_t>(row_a[x]);
+      *diff_sum += diff;
+      *abs_diff_sum += std::abs(diff);
+      *sq_diff_sum += diff * diff;
+      *max_abs_diff = std::max(*max_abs_diff, std::abs(diff));
+    }
+  }
+void GetDiffSumAndSqDiffSum(const avifRGBImage& a, const avifRGBImage& b,
+                            int64_t* diff_sum, int64_t* abs_diff_sum,
+                            int64_t* sq_diff_sum, int64_t* max_abs_diff) {
+  (a.depth <= 8) ? GetDiffSumAndSqDiffSum<uint8_t>(a, b, diff_sum, abs_diff_sum,
+                                                   sq_diff_sum, max_abs_diff)
+                 : GetDiffSumAndSqDiffSum<uint16_t>(
+                       a, b, diff_sum, abs_diff_sum, sq_diff_sum, max_abs_diff);
+// Returns the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio from accumulated stats.
+double GetPsnr(double sq_diff_sum, double num_diffs, double max_abs_diff) {
+  if (sq_diff_sum == 0.) {
+    return 99.;  // Lossless.
+  }
+  const double distortion =
+      sq_diff_sum / (num_diffs * max_abs_diff * max_abs_diff);
+  return (distortion > 0.) ? std::min(-10 * std::log10(distortion), 98.9)
+                           : 98.9;  // Not lossless.
+class YUVToRGBTest
+    : public testing::TestWithParam<
+          std::tuple</*rgb_depth=*/int, /*yuv_depth=*/int, avifRGBFormat,
+                     avifPixelFormat, avifRange, avifMatrixCoefficients,
+                     /*add_noise=*/bool, /*rgb_step=*/uint32_t,
+                     /*max_abs_average_diff=*/double, /*min_psnr=*/double>> {};
+// Converts from RGB to YUV and back to RGB for all RGB combinations, separated
+// by a color step for reasonable timing. If add_noise is true, also applies
+// some noise to the input samples to exercise chroma subsampling.
+TEST_P(YUVToRGBTest, Convert) {
+  const int rgb_depth = std::get<0>(GetParam());
+  const int yuv_depth = std::get<1>(GetParam());
+  const avifRGBFormat rgb_format = std::get<2>(GetParam());
+  const avifPixelFormat yuv_format = std::get<3>(GetParam());
+  const avifRange yuv_range = std::get<4>(GetParam());
+  const avifMatrixCoefficients matrix_coefficients = std::get<5>(GetParam());
+  // Whether to add noise to the input RGB samples. Should only impact
+  // subsampled chroma (4:2:2 and 4:2:0).
+  const bool add_noise = std::get<6>(GetParam());
+  // Testing each RGB combination would be more accurate but results are similar
+  // with faster settings.
+  const uint32_t rgb_step = std::get<7>(GetParam());
+  // Thresholds to pass.
+  const double max_abs_average_diff = std::get<8>(GetParam());
+  const double min_psnr = std::get<9>(GetParam());
+  // Deduced constants.
+  const bool is_monochrome =
+      (yuv_format == AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400);  // If so, only test grey input.
+  const uint32_t rgb_max = (1 << rgb_depth) - 1;
+  // The YUV upsampling treats the first and last rows and columns differently
+  // than the remaining pairs of rows and columns. An image of 16 pixels is used
+  // to test all these possibilities.
+  static constexpr int width = 4;
+  static constexpr int height = 4;
+  std::unique_ptr<avifImage, decltype(&avifImageDestroy)> yuv(
+      avifImageCreate(width, height, yuv_depth, yuv_format), avifImageDestroy);
+  yuv->matrixCoefficients = matrix_coefficients;
+  yuv->yuvRange = yuv_range;
+  testutil::AvifRgbImage src_rgb(yuv.get(), rgb_depth, rgb_format);
+  testutil::AvifRgbImage dst_rgb(yuv.get(), rgb_depth, rgb_format);
+  const testutil::RgbChannelOffsets offsets =
+      testutil::GetRgbChannelOffsets(rgb_format);
+  // Alpha values are not tested here. Keep it opaque.
+  if (avifRGBFormatHasAlpha(src_rgb.format)) {
+    testutil::FillImageChannel(&src_rgb, offsets.a, rgb_max);
+  }
+  // To exercise the chroma subsampling loss, the input samples must differ in
+  // each of the RGB channels. Chroma subsampling expects the input RGB channels
+  // to be correlated to minimize the quality loss.
+  static constexpr int32_t kRedNoise[] = {
+      7,  14, 11, 5,   // Random permutation of 16 values.
+      4,  6,  8,  15,  //
+      2,  9,  13, 3,   //
+      12, 1,  10, 0};
+  static constexpr int32_t kGreenNoise[] = {
+      3,  2,  12, 15,  // Random permutation of 16 values
+      14, 10, 7,  13,  // that is somewhat close to kRedNoise.
+      5,  1,  9,  0,   //
+      8,  4,  11, 6};
+  static constexpr int32_t kBlueNoise[] = {
+      0,  8,  14, 9,   // Random permutation of 16 values
+      13, 12, 2,  7,   // that is somewhat close to kGreenNoise.
+      3,  1,  11, 10,  //
+      6,  15, 5,  4};
+  static constexpr int32_t* kPlainColor = nullptr;
+  // Estimate the loss from converting RGB values to YUV and back.
+  int64_t diff_sum = 0, abs_diff_sum = 0, sq_diff_sum = 0, max_abs_diff = 0;
+  int64_t num_diffs = 0;
+  const uint32_t max_value = rgb_max - (add_noise ? 15 : 0);
+  for (uint32_t r = 0; r < max_value + rgb_step; r += rgb_step) {
+    r = std::min(r, max_value);  // Test the maximum sample value even if it is
+                                 // not a multiple of rgb_step.
+    SetImageChannel(&src_rgb, offsets.r, r,
+                    add_noise ? kRedNoise : kPlainColor);
+    if (is_monochrome) {
+      // Test only greyish input when converting to a single channel.
+      SetImageChannel(&src_rgb, offsets.g, r,
+                      add_noise ? kGreenNoise : kPlainColor);
+      SetImageChannel(&src_rgb, offsets.b, r,
+                      add_noise ? kBlueNoise : kPlainColor);
+      ASSERT_EQ(avifImageRGBToYUV(yuv.get(), &src_rgb), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
+      ASSERT_EQ(avifImageYUVToRGB(yuv.get(), &dst_rgb), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
+      GetDiffSumAndSqDiffSum(src_rgb, dst_rgb, &diff_sum, &abs_diff_sum,
+                             &sq_diff_sum, &max_abs_diff);
+      num_diffs += src_rgb.width * src_rgb.height * 3;  // Alpha is lossless.
+    } else {
+      for (uint32_t g = 0; g < max_value + rgb_step; g += rgb_step) {
+        g = std::min(g, max_value);
+        SetImageChannel(&src_rgb, offsets.g, g,
+                        add_noise ? kGreenNoise : kPlainColor);
+        for (uint32_t b = 0; b < max_value + rgb_step; b += rgb_step) {
+          b = std::min(b, max_value);
+          SetImageChannel(&src_rgb, offsets.b, b,
+                          add_noise ? kBlueNoise : kPlainColor);
+          ASSERT_EQ(avifImageRGBToYUV(yuv.get(), &src_rgb), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
+          ASSERT_EQ(avifImageYUVToRGB(yuv.get(), &dst_rgb), AVIF_RESULT_OK);
+          GetDiffSumAndSqDiffSum(src_rgb, dst_rgb, &diff_sum, &abs_diff_sum,
+                                 &sq_diff_sum, &max_abs_diff);
+          num_diffs +=
+              src_rgb.width * src_rgb.height * 3;  // Alpha is lossless.
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Stats and thresholds.
+  // Note: The thresholds defined in this test are calibrated for libyuv fast
+  //       paths. See reformat_libyuv.c. Slower non-libyuv conversions in
+  //       libavif have a higher precision (using floating point operations).
+  const double average_diff =
+      static_cast<double>(diff_sum) / static_cast<double>(num_diffs);
+  const double average_abs_diff =
+      static_cast<double>(abs_diff_sum) / static_cast<double>(num_diffs);
+  const double psnr = GetPsnr(sq_diff_sum, num_diffs, rgb_max);
+  EXPECT_LE(std::abs(average_diff), max_abs_average_diff);
+  EXPECT_GE(psnr, min_psnr);
+  // Print stats for convenience and easier threshold tuning.
+  static constexpr const char* kAvifRgbFormatToString[] = {
+      "RGB", "RGBA", "ARGB", "BGR", "BGRA", "ABGR"};
+  std::cout << " RGB " << rgb_depth << " bits, YUV " << yuv_depth << " bits, "
+            << kAvifRgbFormatToString[rgb_format] << ", "
+            << avifPixelFormatToString(yuv_format) << ", "
+            << (yuv_range ? "full" : "lmtd") << ", MC " << matrix_coefficients
+            << ", " << (add_noise ? "noisy" : "plain") << ", avg "
+            << average_diff << ", abs avg " << average_abs_diff << ", max "
+            << max_abs_diff << ", PSNR " << psnr << "dB" << std::endl;
+constexpr avifRGBFormat kAllRgbFormats[] = {
+// This is the default avifenc setup when encoding from 8b PNG files to AVIF.
+    DefaultFormat, YUVToRGBTest,
+    Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(8),
+            /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8), Values(AVIF_RGB_FORMAT_RGBA),
+            Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420), Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+            Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+            /*add_noise=*/Values(true),
+            /*rgb_step=*/Values(3),
+            /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.1),  // The color drift is almost
+                                                   // centered.
+            /*min_psnr=*/Values(36.)  // Subsampling distortion is acceptable.
+            ));
+// Keeping RGB samples in full range and same or higher bit depth should not
+// bring any loss in the roundtrip.
+                         Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(8),
+                                 /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8, 10, 12),
+                                 ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                                 Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444),
+                                 Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+                                 Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_IDENTITY),
+                                 /*add_noise=*/Values(true),
+                                 /*rgb_step=*/Values(31),
+                                 /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.),
+                                 /*min_psnr=*/Values(99.)));
+                         Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(10),
+                                 /*yuv_depth=*/Values(10, 12),
+                                 ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                                 Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444),
+                                 Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+                                 Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_IDENTITY),
+                                 /*add_noise=*/Values(true),
+                                 /*rgb_step=*/Values(101),
+                                 /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.),
+                                 /*min_psnr=*/Values(99.)));
+                         Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(12),
+                                 /*yuv_depth=*/Values(12),
+                                 ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                                 Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV444),
+                                 Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+                                 Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_IDENTITY),
+                                 /*add_noise=*/Values(true),
+                                 /*rgb_step=*/Values(401),
+                                 /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.),
+                                 /*min_psnr=*/Values(99.)));
+// 4:4:4 and chroma subsampling have similar distortions on plain color inputs.
+    PlainAnySubsampling8b, YUVToRGBTest,
+    Combine(
+        /*rgb_depth=*/Values(8),
+        /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8), ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+               AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420),
+        /*add_noise=*/Values(false),
+        /*rgb_step=*/Values(17),
+        /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.02),  // The color drift is centered.
+        /*min_psnr=*/Values(52.)  // RGB>YUV>RGB distortion is barely
+                                  // noticeable.
+        ));
+// Converting grey RGB samples to full-range monochrome of same or greater bit
+// depth should be lossless.
+                         Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(8),
+                                 /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8, 10, 12),
+                                 ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                                 Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400),
+                                 Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+                                 Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+                                 /*add_noise=*/Values(false),
+                                 /*rgb_step=*/Values(1),
+                                 /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.),
+                                 /*min_psnr=*/Values(99.)));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(MonochromeLossless10b, YUVToRGBTest,
+                         Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(10),
+                                 /*yuv_depth=*/Values(10, 12),
+                                 ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                                 Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400),
+                                 Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+                                 Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+                                 /*add_noise=*/Values(false),
+                                 /*rgb_step=*/Values(1),
+                                 /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.),
+                                 /*min_psnr=*/Values(99.)));
+INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(MonochromeLossless12b, YUVToRGBTest,
+                         Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(12),
+                                 /*yuv_depth=*/Values(12),
+                                 ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                                 Values(AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV400),
+                                 Values(AVIF_RANGE_FULL),
+                                 Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+                                 /*add_noise=*/Values(false),
+                                 /*rgb_step=*/Values(1),
+                                 /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.),
+                                 /*min_psnr=*/Values(99.)));
+// Can be used to print the drift of all RGB to YUV conversion possibilities.
+// Also used for coverage.
+    All8b, YUVToRGBTest,
+    Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(8),
+            /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8, 10, 12), ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                   AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420),
+            Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+            /*add_noise=*/Values(false, true),
+            /*rgb_step=*/Values(61),  // High or it would be too slow.
+            /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(1.),  // Not very accurate because
+                                                  // of high rgb_step.
+            /*min_psnr=*/Values(36.)));
+    All10b, YUVToRGBTest,
+    Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(10),
+            /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8, 10, 12), ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                   AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420),
+            Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+            /*add_noise=*/Values(false, true),
+            /*rgb_step=*/Values(211),  // High or it would be too slow.
+            /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.2),  // Not very accurate because
+                                                   // of high rgb_step.
+            /*min_psnr=*/Values(47.)));
+    All12b, YUVToRGBTest,
+    Combine(/*rgb_depth=*/Values(12),
+            /*yuv_depth=*/Values(8, 10, 12), ValuesIn(kAllRgbFormats),
+                   AVIF_PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420),
+            Values(AVIF_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS_BT601),
+            /*add_noise=*/Values(false, true),
+            /*rgb_step=*/Values(809),  // High or it would be too slow.
+            /*max_abs_average_diff=*/Values(0.3),  // Not very accurate because
+                                                   // of high rgb_step.
+            /*min_psnr=*/Values(52.)));
+// TODO: Test other matrix coefficients than identity and bt.601.
+}  // namespace
+}  // namespace libavif
diff --git a/tests/gtest/ b/tests/gtest/
index de8abae..f35775e 100644
--- a/tests/gtest/
+++ b/tests/gtest/
@@ -13,13 +13,41 @@
 namespace {
 constexpr int AVIF_CHAN_A = AVIF_CHAN_V + 1;
-                              AVIF_CHAN_A};
 }  // namespace
+AvifRgbImage::AvifRgbImage(const avifImage* yuv, int rgbDepth,
+                           avifRGBFormat rgbFormat) {
+  avifRGBImageSetDefaults(this, yuv);
+  depth = rgbDepth;
+  format = rgbFormat;
+  avifRGBImageAllocatePixels(this);
+RgbChannelOffsets GetRgbChannelOffsets(avifRGBFormat format) {
+  switch (format) {
+      return {/*r=*/0, /*g=*/1, /*b=*/2, /*a=*/0};
+      return {/*r=*/0, /*g=*/1, /*b=*/2, /*a=*/3};
+      return {/*r=*/1, /*g=*/2, /*b=*/3, /*a=*/0};
+      return {/*r=*/2, /*g=*/1, /*b=*/0, /*a=*/0};
+      return {/*r=*/2, /*g=*/1, /*b=*/0, /*a=*/3};
+    default:
+      assert(format == AVIF_RGB_FORMAT_ABGR);
+      return {/*r=*/3, /*g=*/2, /*b=*/1, /*a=*/0};
+  }
 AvifImagePtr CreateImage(int width, int height, int depth,
                          avifPixelFormat yuv_format, avifPlanesFlags planes,
                          avifRange yuv_range) {
@@ -37,7 +65,7 @@
   avifPixelFormatInfo info;
   avifGetPixelFormatInfo(image->yuvFormat, &info);
-  for (int c : AVIF_CHANS) {
+  for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
     uint8_t* row = (c == AVIF_CHAN_A) ? image->alphaPlane : image->yuvPlanes[c];
     if (!row) {
@@ -69,7 +97,7 @@
   avifPixelFormatInfo info;
   avifGetPixelFormatInfo(image->yuvFormat, &info);
-  for (int c : AVIF_CHANS) {
+  for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
     uint8_t* row = (c == AVIF_CHAN_A) ? image->alphaPlane : image->yuvPlanes[c];
     if (!row) {
@@ -99,6 +127,30 @@
+namespace {
+template <typename PixelType>
+void FillImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
+                      uint32_t value) {
+  const uint32_t channel_count = avifRGBFormatChannelCount(image->format);
+  assert(channel_offset < channel_count);
+  for (uint32_t y = 0; y < image->height; ++y) {
+    PixelType* pixel =
+        reinterpret_cast<PixelType*>(image->pixels + image->rowBytes * y);
+    for (uint32_t x = 0; x < image->width; ++x) {
+      pixel[channel_offset] = static_cast<PixelType>(value);
+      pixel += channel_count;
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace
+void FillImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
+                      uint32_t value) {
+  (image->depth <= 8)
+      ? FillImageChannel<uint8_t>(image, channel_offset, value)
+      : FillImageChannel<uint16_t>(image, channel_offset, value);
 // Returns true if image1 and image2 are identical.
@@ -113,7 +165,7 @@
   avifPixelFormatInfo info;
   avifGetPixelFormatInfo(image1.yuvFormat, &info);
-  for (int c : AVIF_CHANS) {
+  for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++) {
     uint8_t* row1 =
         (c == AVIF_CHAN_A) ? image1.alphaPlane : image1.yuvPlanes[c];
     uint8_t* row2 =
diff --git a/tests/gtest/aviftest_helpers.h b/tests/gtest/aviftest_helpers.h
index 4326b2d..a0e58ba 100644
--- a/tests/gtest/aviftest_helpers.h
+++ b/tests/gtest/aviftest_helpers.h
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
 namespace libavif {
 namespace testutil {
+// Memory management
 using AvifImagePtr = std::unique_ptr<avifImage, decltype(&avifImageDestroy)>;
 using AvifEncoderPtr =
     std::unique_ptr<avifEncoder, decltype(&avifEncoderDestroy)>;
@@ -23,6 +26,22 @@
   ~AvifRwData() { avifRWDataFree(this); }
+class AvifRgbImage : public avifRGBImage {
+ public:
+  AvifRgbImage(const avifImage* yuv, int rgbDepth, avifRGBFormat rgbFormat);
+  ~AvifRgbImage() { avifRGBImageFreePixels(this); }
+// Samples and images
+// Contains the sample position of each channel for a given avifRGBFormat.
+// The alpha sample position is set to 0 for layouts having no alpha channel.
+struct RgbChannelOffsets {
+  uint8_t r, g, b, a;
+RgbChannelOffsets GetRgbChannelOffsets(avifRGBFormat format);
 // Creates an image. Returns null in case of memory failure.
 AvifImagePtr CreateImage(int width, int height, int depth,
                          avifPixelFormat yuv_format, avifPlanesFlags planes,
@@ -31,10 +50,14 @@
 // Set all pixels of each plane of an image.
 void FillImagePlain(avifImage* image, const uint32_t yuva[4]);
 void FillImageGradient(avifImage* image);
+void FillImageChannel(avifRGBImage* image, uint32_t channel_offset,
+                      uint32_t value);
 // Returns true if both images have the same features and pixel values.
 bool AreImagesEqual(const avifImage& image1, const avifImage& image2);
 }  // namespace testutil
 }  // namespace libavif