blob: b09366e7cb4d29b4b102dd76455869f9bcb44d78 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 Google LLC
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
# Test that compares the structure (boxes) of AVIF files metadata, dumped as xml,
# with golden files stored in tests/data/goldens/.
# Depends on the command line tool MP4Box.
# Usage:
# <avifenc_dir> <mp4box_dir> <testdata_dir>
# <test_output_dir>
# But most of the time you will be running this test with 'make test' or
# 'ctest -V -R test_cmd_enc_boxes_golden'
# ===================================
# ========== Encode files ===========
# ===================================
# To add new test case, just add new encode commands to this function.
# All .avif files created here will become test cases.
encode_test_files() {
# Still images.
for f in "kodim03_yuv420_8bpc.y4m" "circle-trns-after-plte.png" "paris_icc_exif_xmp.png"; do
"${AVIFENC}" -s 9 "${TESTDATA_DIR}/$f" -o "$f.avif"
# Grid.
"${AVIFENC}" -s 9 --grid 2x2 "${TESTDATA_DIR}/dog_exif_extended_xmp_icc.jpg" \
-o "dog_exif_extended_xmp_icc.jpg.avif"
# Animation.
"${AVIFENC}" -s 9 "${TESTDATA_DIR}/kodim03_yuv420_8bpc.y4m" \
"${TESTDATA_DIR}/kodim23_yuv420_8bpc.y4m" -o "kodim03_23_animation.avif"
export -f encode_test_files
source $(dirname "$0")/