blob: d19b91a8673e0d225034515406649476b0abf1e3 [file] [log] [blame]
: # If you want to use a local build of libavm, you must clone the avm repo in this directory first, then enable CMake's AVIF_CODEC_AVM and AVIF_LOCAL_AVM options.
: # The git SHA below is known to work, and will occasionally be updated. Feel free to use a more recent commit.
: # The odd choice of comment style in this file is to try to share this script between *nix and win32.
: # cmake and ninja must be in your PATH.
: # If you're running this on Windows, be sure you've already run this (from your VC2019 install dir):
: # "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
git clone -b research-v4.0.0 --depth 1
cd avm
: # The following fix avoids errors such as "libaom.a: in function `write_frame_hash': bitstream.c: undefined reference to `MD5Init'"
: # TODO(yguyon): Remove at next version bump. It was fixed in
sed 's-"${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/dwt.h"-"${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/dwt.h"\n "${AOM_ROOT}/common/md5_utils.c"\n "${AOM_ROOT}/common/md5_utils.h"\n "${AOM_ROOT}/common/rawenc.c"\n "${AOM_ROOT}/common/rawenc.h"-g' av1/av1.cmake > av1/av1.cmake.sed
mv av1/av1.cmake.sed av1/av1.cmake
mkdir build.libavif
cd build.libavif
cd ../..