blob: f561552b0f40c6d8f9212f066878740a8154510a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
// This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
// the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
// was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
// obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
// Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
// PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "avifinfo.h"
// Stream definition.
struct StreamData {
const uint8_t* data;
size_t data_size;
static const uint8_t* StreamRead(void* stream, size_t num_bytes) {
if (stream == nullptr) std::abort();
if (num_bytes < 1 || num_bytes > AVIFINFO_MAX_NUM_READ_BYTES) std::abort();
StreamData* stream_data = reinterpret_cast<StreamData*>(stream);
if (num_bytes > stream_data->data_size) return nullptr;
const uint8_t* data = stream_data->data;
stream_data->data += num_bytes;
stream_data->data_size -= num_bytes;
return data;
static void StreamSkip(void* stream, size_t num_bytes) {
if (stream == nullptr) std::abort();
if (num_bytes < 1) std::abort();
StreamData* stream_data = reinterpret_cast<StreamData*>(stream);
num_bytes = std::min(num_bytes, stream_data->data_size);
stream_data->data += num_bytes;
stream_data->data_size -= num_bytes;
static bool Equals(const AvifInfoFeatures& lhs, const AvifInfoFeatures& rhs) {
return lhs.width == rhs.width && lhs.height == rhs.height &&
lhs.bit_depth == rhs.bit_depth &&
lhs.num_channels == rhs.num_channels &&
lhs.has_gainmap == rhs.has_gainmap &&
lhs.gainmap_item_id == rhs.gainmap_item_id &&
lhs.primary_item_id_location == rhs.primary_item_id_location &&
lhs.primary_item_id_bytes == rhs.primary_item_id_bytes;
// Test a random bitstream of random size, whether it is valid or not.
extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t data_size) {
AvifInfoStatus previous_status_identity = kAvifInfoNotEnoughData;
AvifInfoStatus previous_status_features = kAvifInfoNotEnoughData;
AvifInfoFeatures previous_features = {0};
// Check the consistency of the returned status and features:
// for a given size and a status that is not kAvifInfoNotEnoughData, any
// bigger size (of the same data) should return the same status and features.
for (size_t size = 0; size < data_size; ++size) {
if (size > 1024 || previous_status_features != kAvifInfoNotEnoughData) {
// The behavior is unlikely to change: save computing resources.
size = std::min(data_size, size * 2);
// Simple raw pointer API.
AvifInfoFeatures features;
const AvifInfoStatus status_identity = AvifInfoIdentify(data, size);
const AvifInfoStatus status_features =
AvifInfoGetFeatures(data, size, &features);
// Once a status different than kAvifInfoNotEnoughData is returned, it
// should not change even with more input bytes.
if ((previous_status_identity != kAvifInfoNotEnoughData &&
status_identity != previous_status_identity) ||
(previous_status_features != kAvifInfoNotEnoughData &&
status_features != previous_status_features)) {
// Check the features.
if (status_features == previous_status_features) {
if (!Equals(features, previous_features)) {
} else if (status_features == kAvifInfoOk) {
if (status_identity != kAvifInfoOk) {
if (features.width == 0u || features.height == 0u ||
features.bit_depth == 0u || features.num_channels == 0u ||
(!features.has_gainmap && features.gainmap_item_id) ||
!features.primary_item_id_location !=
!features.primary_item_id_bytes) {
if (features.primary_item_id_location &&
features.primary_item_id_location + features.primary_item_id_bytes >
size) {
} else {
if (features.width != 0u || features.height != 0u ||
features.bit_depth != 0u || features.num_channels != 0u ||
features.has_gainmap != 0u || features.gainmap_item_id != 0u ||
features.primary_item_id_location != 0u ||
features.primary_item_id_bytes != 0u) {
// Stream API.
AvifInfoFeatures features_stream;
StreamData stream_identity = {data, size};
StreamData stream_features = {data, size};
const AvifInfoStatus status_identity_stream =
AvifInfoIdentifyStream(&stream_identity, StreamRead, StreamSkip);
const AvifInfoStatus status_features_stream = AvifInfoGetFeaturesStream(
&stream_features, StreamRead, StreamSkip, &features_stream);
// Both API should have exactly the same behavior, errors included.
if (status_identity_stream != status_identity) {
// AvifInfoGetFeaturesStream() should only be called if
// AvifInfoIdentifyStream() was a success. Call it anyway to make sure it
// does not crash, but only check the returned status and features when it
// makes sense.
if (status_identity_stream == kAvifInfoOk &&
(status_features_stream != status_features ||
!Equals(features_stream, features))) {
// Another way of calling the stream API: reuse the stream object that was
// used for AvifInfoIdentifyStream().
AvifInfoFeatures features_stream_reused;
StreamData stream_reused = stream_identity;
const AvifInfoStatus status_features_reused_stream =
AvifInfoGetFeaturesStream(&stream_reused, StreamRead, StreamSkip,
// AvifInfoGetFeaturesStream() should only be called if
// AvifInfoIdentifyStream() was a success. Call it anyway to make sure it
// does not crash, but only check the returned status and features when it
// makes sense.
if (status_identity_stream == kAvifInfoOk) {
if (status_features_reused_stream != status_features_stream) {
if (status_features_reused_stream == kAvifInfoOk) {
// Offset any location-dependent feature as described in avifinfo.h.
features_stream_reused.primary_item_id_location +=
size - stream_identity.data_size;
if (!Equals(features_stream_reused, features_stream)) {
// Another way of calling the stream API: no provided user-defined skip
// method.
AvifInfoFeatures features_no_skip;
StreamData stream_identity_no_skip = {data, size};
StreamData stream_features_no_skip = {data, size};
const AvifInfoStatus status_identity_no_skip = AvifInfoIdentifyStream(
&stream_identity_no_skip, StreamRead, /*skip=*/nullptr);
const AvifInfoStatus status_features_no_skip =
AvifInfoGetFeaturesStream(&stream_features_no_skip, StreamRead,
/*skip=*/nullptr, &features_no_skip);
// There may be some difference in status. For example, a valid or invalid
// status could be returned just after skipping some bytes. If the skip
// argument is omitted, these bytes will be read instead. If some of these
// bytes are missing, kAvifInfoNotEnoughData will be returned instead of the
// expected success or failure status.
if (status_identity_no_skip != status_identity_stream &&
!(status_identity_no_skip == kAvifInfoNotEnoughData &&
status_identity_stream == kAvifInfoOk)) {
if (status_identity_stream == kAvifInfoOk) {
if ((status_features_no_skip != status_features &&
!(status_features_no_skip == kAvifInfoNotEnoughData &&
status_features != kAvifInfoOk)) ||
!Equals(features_no_skip, features)) {
previous_status_identity = status_identity;
previous_status_features = status_features;
previous_features = features;
return 0;