blob: bf0a70f21e9a09e902be5c8e3486a9b3fd1d2039 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#if !defined(_dering_H)
# define _dering_H (1)
# include "odintrin.h"
# if defined(DAALA_ODINTRIN)
# include "filter.h"
typedef int16_t od_dering_in;
# endif
#define OD_DERINGSIZES (2)
#define OD_DERING_LEVELS (6)
#define OD_FILT_BORDER (3)
extern const int OD_DIRECTION_OFFSETS_TABLE[8][3];
typedef void (*od_filter_dering_direction_func)(int16_t *y, int ystride,
const int16_t *in, int threshold, int dir);
typedef void (*od_filter_dering_orthogonal_func)(int16_t *y, int ystride,
const int16_t *in, const od_dering_in *x, int xstride, int threshold,
int dir);
struct od_dering_opt_vtbl {
od_filter_dering_direction_func filter_dering_direction[OD_DERINGSIZES];
od_filter_dering_orthogonal_func filter_dering_orthogonal[OD_DERINGSIZES];
typedef struct od_dering_opt_vtbl od_dering_opt_vtbl;
void od_dering(const od_dering_opt_vtbl *vtbl, int16_t *y, int ystride,
const od_dering_in *x, int xstride, int nvb, int nhb, int sbx, int sby,
int nhsb, int nvsb, int xdec, int dir[OD_DERING_NBLOCKS][OD_DERING_NBLOCKS],
int pli, unsigned char *bskip, int skip_stride, int threshold, int overlap,
int coeff_shift);
void od_filter_dering_direction_c(int16_t *y, int ystride, const int16_t *in,
int ln, int threshold, int dir);
void od_filter_dering_orthogonal_c(int16_t *y, int ystride, const int16_t *in,
const od_dering_in *x, int xstride, int ln, int threshold, int dir);
extern const od_dering_opt_vtbl OD_DERING_VTBL_C;
void od_filter_dering_direction_4x4_c(int16_t *y, int ystride,
const int16_t *in, int threshold, int dir);
void od_filter_dering_direction_8x8_c(int16_t *y, int ystride,
const int16_t *in, int threshold, int dir);
void od_filter_dering_orthogonal_4x4_c(int16_t *y, int ystride,
const int16_t *in, const od_dering_in *x, int xstride, int threshold,
int dir);
void od_filter_dering_orthogonal_8x8_c(int16_t *y, int ystride,
const int16_t *in, const od_dering_in *x, int xstride, int threshold,
int dir);