blob: ef12eac64504c45640bef244a3c61f21893cb5f9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "./aom_config.h"
#include "aom_mem/aom_mem.h"
#include "aom_ports/mem.h"
#include "av1/common/blockd.h"
#include "av1/decoder/detokenize.h"
#define ACCT_STR __func__
#include "av1/common/common.h"
#include "av1/common/entropy.h"
#include "av1/common/idct.h"
static INLINE int read_coeff(const aom_cdf_prob *const *cdf, int n,
aom_reader *r) {
int val = 0;
int i = 0;
int count = 0;
while (count < n) {
const int size = AOMMIN(n - count, 4);
val |= aom_read_cdf(r, cdf[i++], 1 << size, ACCT_STR) << count;
count += size;
return val;
static int token_to_value(aom_reader *const r, int token, TX_SIZE tx_size,
int bit_depth) {
switch (token) {
case FOUR_TOKEN: return token;
case CATEGORY1_TOKEN: return CAT1_MIN_VAL + read_coeff(av1_cat1_cdf, 1, r);
case CATEGORY2_TOKEN: return CAT2_MIN_VAL + read_coeff(av1_cat2_cdf, 2, r);
case CATEGORY3_TOKEN: return CAT3_MIN_VAL + read_coeff(av1_cat3_cdf, 3, r);
case CATEGORY4_TOKEN: return CAT4_MIN_VAL + read_coeff(av1_cat4_cdf, 4, r);
case CATEGORY5_TOKEN: return CAT5_MIN_VAL + read_coeff(av1_cat5_cdf, 5, r);
const int skip_bits =
CAT6_BIT_SIZE - av1_get_cat6_extrabits_size(tx_size, bit_depth);
return CAT6_MIN_VAL + read_coeff(av1_cat6_cdf, 18 - skip_bits, r);
assert(0); // Invalid token.
return -1;
static int decode_coefs(MACROBLOCKD *xd, PLANE_TYPE type, tran_low_t *dqcoeff,
TX_SIZE tx_size, TX_TYPE tx_type, const int16_t *dq,
qm_val_t *iqm[TX_SIZES_ALL], int ctx,
const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *nb,
int16_t *max_scan_line, aom_reader *r) {
FRAME_CONTEXT *ec_ctx = xd->tile_ctx;
const int max_eob = av1_get_max_eob(tx_size);
const int ref = is_inter_block(&xd->mi[0]->mbmi);
const qm_val_t *iqmatrix = iqm[tx_size];
int band, c = 0;
const TX_SIZE tx_size_ctx = get_txsize_entropy_ctx(tx_size);
aom_cdf_prob(*coef_head_cdfs)[COEFF_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(ENTROPY_TOKENS)] =
aom_cdf_prob(*coef_tail_cdfs)[COEFF_CONTEXTS][CDF_SIZE(ENTROPY_TOKENS)] =
int val = 0;
uint8_t token_cache[MAX_TX_SQUARE];
const uint8_t *band_translate = get_band_translate(tx_size);
int v, token;
int32_t dqv = dq[0];
int dq_shift = av1_get_tx_scale(tx_size);
band = *band_translate++;
int more_data = 1;
while (more_data) {
int comb_token;
int last_pos = (c + 1 == max_eob);
int first_pos = (c == 0);
comb_token = last_pos ? 2 * aom_read_bit(r, ACCT_STR) + 2
: aom_read_symbol(r, coef_head_cdfs[band][ctx],
HEAD_TOKENS + first_pos, ACCT_STR) +
if (first_pos) {
if (comb_token == 0) return 0;
token = comb_token >> 1;
while (!token) {
*max_scan_line = AOMMAX(*max_scan_line, scan[c]);
token_cache[scan[c]] = 0;
dqv = dq[1];
ctx = get_coef_context(nb, token_cache, c);
band = *band_translate++;
last_pos = (c + 1 == max_eob);
comb_token = last_pos ? 2 * aom_read_bit(r, ACCT_STR) + 2
: aom_read_symbol(r, coef_head_cdfs[band][ctx],
token = comb_token >> 1;
more_data = comb_token & 1;
if (token > ONE_TOKEN)
token +=
aom_read_symbol(r, coef_tail_cdfs[band][ctx], TAIL_TOKENS, ACCT_STR);
*max_scan_line = AOMMAX(*max_scan_line, scan[c]);
token_cache[scan[c]] = av1_pt_energy_class[token];
val = token_to_value(r, token, tx_size, xd->bd);
// Apply quant matrix only for 2D transforms
if (IS_2D_TRANSFORM(tx_type) && iqmatrix != NULL)
dqv = ((iqmatrix[scan[c]] * (int)dqv) + (1 << (AOM_QM_BITS - 1))) >>
v = (int)(((int64_t)val * dqv) >> dq_shift);
v = (int)check_range(aom_read_bit(r, ACCT_STR) ? -v : v, xd->bd);
dqcoeff[scan[c]] = v;
more_data &= (c < max_eob);
if (!more_data) break;
dqv = dq[1];
ctx = get_coef_context(nb, token_cache, c);
band = *band_translate++;
return c;
static void decode_color_map_tokens(Av1ColorMapParam *param, aom_reader *r) {
uint8_t color_order[PALETTE_MAX_SIZE];
const int n = param->n_colors;
uint8_t *const color_map = param->color_map;
MapCdf color_map_cdf = param->map_cdf;
int plane_block_width = param->plane_width;
int plane_block_height = param->plane_height;
int rows = param->rows;
int cols = param->cols;
// The first color index.
color_map[0] = av1_read_uniform(r, n);
assert(color_map[0] < n);
// Run wavefront on the palette map index decoding.
for (int i = 1; i < rows + cols - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = AOMMIN(i, cols - 1); j >= AOMMAX(0, i - rows + 1); --j) {
const int color_ctx = av1_get_palette_color_index_context(
color_map, plane_block_width, (i - j), j, n, color_order, NULL);
const int color_idx = aom_read_symbol(
r, color_map_cdf[n - PALETTE_MIN_SIZE][color_ctx], n, ACCT_STR);
assert(color_idx >= 0 && color_idx < n);
color_map[(i - j) * plane_block_width + j] = color_order[color_idx];
// Copy last column to extra columns.
if (cols < plane_block_width) {
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
memset(color_map + i * plane_block_width + cols,
color_map[i * plane_block_width + cols - 1],
(plane_block_width - cols));
// Copy last row to extra rows.
for (int i = rows; i < plane_block_height; ++i) {
memcpy(color_map + i * plane_block_width,
color_map + (rows - 1) * plane_block_width, plane_block_width);
static void get_palette_params(const MACROBLOCKD *const xd, int plane,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, Av1ColorMapParam *params) {
assert(plane == 0 || plane == 1);
const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = &xd->mi[0]->mbmi;
const PALETTE_MODE_INFO *const pmi = &mbmi->palette_mode_info;
params->color_map = xd->plane[plane].color_index_map;
params->map_cdf = plane ? xd->tile_ctx->palette_uv_color_index_cdf
: xd->tile_ctx->palette_y_color_index_cdf;
params->n_colors = pmi->palette_size[plane];
av1_get_block_dimensions(bsize, plane, xd, &params->plane_width,
&params->plane_height, &params->rows, &params->cols);
void av1_decode_palette_tokens(MACROBLOCKD *const xd, int plane,
aom_reader *r) {
const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = &xd->mi[0]->mbmi;
assert(plane == 0 || plane == 1);
Av1ColorMapParam color_map_params;
memset(&color_map_params, 0, sizeof(color_map_params));
get_palette_params(xd, plane, mbmi->sb_type, &color_map_params);
decode_color_map_tokens(&color_map_params, r);
int av1_decode_block_tokens(MACROBLOCKD *const xd, int plane,
const SCAN_ORDER *sc, int x, int y, TX_SIZE tx_size,
TX_TYPE tx_type, int16_t *max_scan_line,
aom_reader *r, int seg_id) {
struct macroblockd_plane *const pd = &xd->plane[plane];
const int16_t *const dequant = pd->seg_dequant_QTX[seg_id];
const int ctx =
get_entropy_context(tx_size, pd->above_context + x, pd->left_context + y);
const int eob = decode_coefs(xd, pd->plane_type, pd->dqcoeff, tx_size,
tx_type, dequant, pd->seg_iqmatrix[seg_id], ctx,
sc->scan, sc->neighbors, max_scan_line, r);
av1_set_contexts(xd, pd, plane, tx_size, eob > 0, x, y);
return eob;