blob: 5f4a73391099f4653bfbc6295d2303e306382489 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "av1/ratectrl_qmode.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include "av1/encoder/pass2_strategy.h"
#include "av1/encoder/tpl_model.h"
namespace aom {
GopFrame gop_frame_invalid() {
GopFrame gop_frame = {};
gop_frame.is_valid = false;
gop_frame.coding_idx = -1;
gop_frame.order_idx = -1;
return gop_frame;
GopFrame gop_frame_basic(int coding_idx, int order_idx, bool is_key_frame,
bool is_arf_frame, bool is_golden_frame,
bool is_show_frame) {
GopFrame gop_frame;
gop_frame.is_valid = true;
gop_frame.coding_idx = coding_idx;
gop_frame.order_idx = order_idx;
gop_frame.is_key_frame = is_key_frame;
gop_frame.is_arf_frame = is_arf_frame;
gop_frame.is_golden_frame = is_golden_frame;
gop_frame.is_show_frame = is_show_frame;
gop_frame.encode_ref_mode = EncodeRefMode::kRegular;
gop_frame.colocated_ref_idx = -1;
gop_frame.update_ref_idx = -1;
return gop_frame;
// This function create gop frames with indices of display order from
// order_start to order_end - 1. The function will recursively introduce
// intermediate ARF untill maximum depth is met or the number of regular frames
// in between two ARFs are less than 3. Than the regular frames will be added
// into the gop_struct.
void construct_gop_multi_layer(GopStruct *gop_struct,
RefFrameManager *ref_frame_manager,
int max_depth, int depth, int order_start,
int order_end) {
int coding_idx = static_cast<int>(gop_struct->gop_frame_list.size());
GopFrame gop_frame;
int num_frames = order_end - order_start;
// If there are less than 3 frames, stop introducing ARF
if (depth < max_depth && num_frames < 3) {
int order_mid = (order_start + order_end) / 2;
// intermediate ARF
gop_frame = gop_frame_basic(coding_idx, order_mid, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ref_frame_manager->UpdateFrame(&gop_frame, RefUpdateType::kForward,
construct_gop_multi_layer(gop_struct, ref_frame_manager, max_depth,
depth + 1, order_start, order_mid);
// show existing intermediate ARF
gop_frame = gop_frame_basic(coding_idx, order_mid, 0, 0, 0, 1);
ref_frame_manager->UpdateFrame(&gop_frame, RefUpdateType::kNone,
construct_gop_multi_layer(gop_struct, ref_frame_manager, max_depth,
depth + 1, order_mid + 1, order_end);
} else {
// regular frame
for (int i = order_start; i < order_end; ++i) {
coding_idx = static_cast<int>(gop_struct->gop_frame_list.size());
gop_frame = gop_frame_basic(coding_idx, i, 0, 0, 0, 1);
ref_frame_manager->UpdateFrame(&gop_frame, RefUpdateType::kLast,
GopStruct construct_gop(RefFrameManager *ref_frame_manager,
int show_frame_count, bool has_key_frame) {
GopStruct gop_struct;
gop_struct.show_frame_count = show_frame_count;
int order_start = 0;
int order_arf = show_frame_count - 1;
int coding_idx;
GopFrame gop_frame;
if (has_key_frame) {
coding_idx = static_cast<int>(gop_struct.gop_frame_list.size());
gop_frame = gop_frame_basic(coding_idx, order_start, 1, 0, 1, 1);
ref_frame_manager->UpdateFrame(&gop_frame, RefUpdateType::kBackward,
// ARF
coding_idx = static_cast<int>(gop_struct.gop_frame_list.size());
gop_frame = gop_frame_basic(coding_idx, order_arf, 0, 1, 1, 0);
ref_frame_manager->UpdateFrame(&gop_frame, RefUpdateType::kForward,
construct_gop_multi_layer(&gop_struct, ref_frame_manager,
ref_frame_manager->ForwardMaxSize(), 1, order_start,
// Overlay
coding_idx = static_cast<int>(gop_struct.gop_frame_list.size());
gop_frame = gop_frame_basic(coding_idx, order_arf, 0, 0, 0, 1);
ref_frame_manager->UpdateFrame(&gop_frame, RefUpdateType::kNone,
return gop_struct;
void AV1RateControlQMode::SetRcParam(const RateControlParam &rc_param) {
rc_param_ = rc_param;
// initialize GF_GROUP_STATS
static void init_gf_stats(GF_GROUP_STATS *gf_stats) {
gf_stats->gf_group_err = 0.0;
gf_stats->gf_group_raw_error = 0.0;
gf_stats->gf_group_skip_pct = 0.0;
gf_stats->gf_group_inactive_zone_rows = 0.0;
gf_stats->mv_ratio_accumulator = 0.0;
gf_stats->decay_accumulator = 1.0;
gf_stats->zero_motion_accumulator = 1.0;
gf_stats->loop_decay_rate = 1.0;
gf_stats->last_loop_decay_rate = 1.0;
gf_stats->this_frame_mv_in_out = 0.0;
gf_stats->mv_in_out_accumulator = 0.0;
gf_stats->abs_mv_in_out_accumulator = 0.0;
gf_stats->avg_sr_coded_error = 0.0;
gf_stats->avg_pcnt_second_ref = 0.0;
gf_stats->avg_new_mv_count = 0.0;
gf_stats->avg_wavelet_energy = 0.0;
gf_stats->avg_raw_err_stdev = 0.0;
gf_stats->non_zero_stdev_count = 0;
static int find_regions_index(const std::vector<REGIONS> &regions,
int frame_idx) {
for (int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(regions.size()); k++) {
if (regions[k].start <= frame_idx && regions[k].last >= frame_idx) {
return k;
return -1;
#define MIN_SHRINK_LEN 6
/*!\brief Determine the length of future GF groups.
* \ingroup gf_group_algo
* This function decides the gf group length of future frames in batch
* \param[in] rc_param Rate control parameters
* \param[in] stats_list List of first pass stats
* \param[in] regions_list List of regions from av1_identify_regions
* \param[in] order_index Index of current frame in stats_list
* \param[in] frames_since_key Number of frames since the last key frame
* \param[in] frames_to_key Number of frames to the next key frame
* \return Returns a vector of decided GF group lengths.
static std::vector<int> partition_gop_intervals(
const RateControlParam &rc_param,
const std::vector<FIRSTPASS_STATS> &stats_list,
const std::vector<REGIONS> &regions_list, int order_index,
int frames_since_key, int frames_to_key) {
const int min_shrink_int =
std::max(MIN_SHRINK_LEN, rc_param.min_gop_show_frame_count);
int i = (frames_since_key == 0) ? 1 : 0;
// If cpi->gf_state.arf_gf_boost_lst is 0, we are starting with a KF or GF.
int cur_start = 0, cur_last;
// Each element is the last frame of the previous GOP. If there are n GOPs,
// you need n + 1 cuts to find the durations. So cut_pos starts out with -1,
// which is the last frame of the previous GOP.
std::vector<int> cut_pos(1, -1);
int cut_here = 0;
GF_GROUP_STATS gf_stats;
int num_regions = static_cast<int>(regions_list.size());
int num_stats = static_cast<int>(stats_list.size());
int stats_in_loop_index = order_index;
while (i + order_index < num_stats) {
// reaches next key frame, break here
if (i >= frames_to_key) {
cut_here = 2;
} else if (i - cur_start >= rc_param.max_gop_show_frame_count) {
// reached maximum len, but nothing special yet (almost static)
// let's look at the next interval
cut_here = 1;
} else if (stats_in_loop_index >= num_stats) {
// reaches last frame, break
cut_here = 2;
if (!cut_here) {
cur_last = i - 1; // the current last frame in the gf group
int ori_last = cur_last;
int scenecut_idx = -1;
// only try shrinking if interval smaller than active_max_gf_interval
if (cur_last - cur_start <= rc_param.max_gop_show_frame_count &&
cur_last > cur_start) {
// find the region indices of where the first and last frame belong.
int k_start =
find_regions_index(regions_list, cur_start + frames_since_key);
int k_last =
find_regions_index(regions_list, cur_last + frames_since_key);
if (cur_start + frames_since_key == 0) k_start = 0;
// See if we have a scenecut in between
for (int r = k_start + 1; r <= k_last; r++) {
if (regions_list[r].type == SCENECUT_REGION &&
regions_list[r].last - frames_since_key - cur_start >
rc_param.min_gop_show_frame_count) {
scenecut_idx = r;
// if the found scenecut is very close to the end, ignore it.
if (regions_list[num_regions - 1].last - regions_list[scenecut_idx].last <
4) {
scenecut_idx = -1;
if (scenecut_idx != -1) {
// If we have a scenecut, then stop at it.
// TODO(bohanli): add logic here to stop before the scenecut and for
// the next gop start from the scenecut with GF
int is_minor_sc =
(regions_list[scenecut_idx].avg_cor_coeff *
(1 -
stats_list[order_index + regions_list[scenecut_idx].start -
.noise_var /
regions_list[scenecut_idx].avg_intra_err) >
cur_last =
regions_list[scenecut_idx].last - frames_since_key - !is_minor_sc;
} else {
int is_last_analysed =
(k_last == num_regions - 1) &&
(cur_last + frames_since_key == regions_list[k_last].last);
int not_enough_regions =
k_last - k_start <=
1 + (regions_list[k_start].type == SCENECUT_REGION);
// if we are very close to the end, then do not shrink since it may
// introduce intervals that are too short
if (!(is_last_analysed && not_enough_regions)) {
const double arf_length_factor = 0.1;
double best_score = 0;
int best_j = -1;
const int first_frame = regions_list[0].start - frames_since_key;
const int last_frame =
regions_list[num_regions - 1].last - frames_since_key;
// score of how much the arf helps the whole GOP
double base_score = 0.0;
// Accumulate base_score in
for (int j = cur_start + 1; j < cur_start + min_shrink_int; j++) {
if (order_index + j >= num_stats) break;
base_score =
(base_score + 1.0) * stats_list[order_index + j].cor_coeff;
int met_blending = 0; // Whether we have met blending areas before
int last_blending = 0; // Whether the previous frame if blending
for (int j = cur_start + min_shrink_int; j <= cur_last; j++) {
if (order_index + j >= num_stats) break;
base_score =
(base_score + 1.0) * stats_list[order_index + j].cor_coeff;
int this_reg =
find_regions_index(regions_list, j + frames_since_key);
if (this_reg < 0) continue;
// A GOP should include at most 1 blending region.
if (regions_list[this_reg].type == BLENDING_REGION) {
last_blending = 1;
if (met_blending) {
} else {
base_score = 0;
} else {
if (last_blending) met_blending = 1;
last_blending = 0;
// Add the factor of how good the neighborhood is for this
// candidate arf.
double this_score = arf_length_factor * base_score;
double temp_accu_coeff = 1.0;
// following frames
int count_f = 0;
for (int n = j + 1; n <= j + 3 && n <= last_frame; n++) {
if (order_index + n >= num_stats) break;
temp_accu_coeff *= stats_list[order_index + n].cor_coeff;
this_score +=
temp_accu_coeff *
(1 - stats_list[order_index + n].noise_var /
AOMMAX(regions_list[this_reg].avg_intra_err, 0.001));
// preceding frames
temp_accu_coeff = 1.0;
for (int n = j; n > j - 3 * 2 + count_f && n > first_frame; n--) {
if (order_index + n < num_stats) break;
temp_accu_coeff *= stats_list[order_index + n].cor_coeff;
this_score +=
temp_accu_coeff *
(1 - stats_list[order_index + n].noise_var /
AOMMAX(regions_list[this_reg].avg_intra_err, 0.001));
if (this_score > best_score) {
best_score = this_score;
best_j = j;
// For blending areas, move one more frame in case we missed the
// first blending frame.
int best_reg =
find_regions_index(regions_list, best_j + frames_since_key);
if (best_reg < num_regions - 1 && best_reg > 0) {
if (regions_list[best_reg - 1].type == BLENDING_REGION &&
regions_list[best_reg + 1].type == BLENDING_REGION) {
if (best_j + frames_since_key == regions_list[best_reg].start &&
best_j + frames_since_key < regions_list[best_reg].last) {
best_j += 1;
} else if (best_j + frames_since_key ==
regions_list[best_reg].last &&
best_j + frames_since_key >
regions_list[best_reg].start) {
best_j -= 1;
if (cur_last - best_j < 2) best_j = cur_last;
if (best_j > 0 && best_score > 0.1) cur_last = best_j;
// if cannot find anything, just cut at the original place.
// reset pointers to the shrinked location
stats_in_loop_index = order_index + cur_last;
cur_start = cur_last;
int cur_region_idx =
find_regions_index(regions_list, cur_start + 1 + frames_since_key);
if (cur_region_idx >= 0)
if (regions_list[cur_region_idx].type == SCENECUT_REGION) cur_start++;
if (cut_here > 1 && cur_last == ori_last) break;
// reset accumulators
i = cur_last + 1;
std::vector<int> gf_intervals;
// save intervals
for (size_t n = 1; n < cut_pos.size(); n++) {
gf_intervals.push_back(cut_pos[n] - cut_pos[n - 1]);
return gf_intervals;
GopStructList AV1RateControlQMode::DetermineGopInfo(
const FirstpassInfo &firstpass_info) {
int total_regions = 0;
// TODO(jianj): firstpass_info.size() should eventually be replaced
// by the number of frames to the next KF.
0,, &total_regions);
int order_index = 0, frames_since_key = 0, frames_to_key = 0;
std::vector<int> gf_intervals =
partition_gop_intervals(rc_param_, firstpass_info, regions_list,
order_index, frames_since_key, frames_to_key);
// A temporary simple implementation
const int max_gop_show_frame_count = 16;
int remaining_show_frame_count = static_cast<int>(firstpass_info.size());
GopStructList gop_list;
RefFrameManager ref_frame_manager(rc_param_.max_ref_frames);
while (remaining_show_frame_count > 0) {
int show_frame_count =
std::min(remaining_show_frame_count, max_gop_show_frame_count);
// TODO(angiebird): determine gop show frame count based on first pass stats
// here.
bool has_key_frame = gop_list.size() == 0;
GopStruct gop =
construct_gop(&ref_frame_manager, show_frame_count, has_key_frame);
remaining_show_frame_count -= show_frame_count;
return gop_list;
TplFrameDepStats create_tpl_frame_dep_stats_empty(int frame_height,
int frame_width,
int min_block_size) {
const int unit_rows =
frame_height / min_block_size + !!(frame_height % min_block_size);
const int unit_cols =
frame_width / min_block_size + !!(frame_width % min_block_size);
TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats;
frame_dep_stats.unit_size = min_block_size;
frame_dep_stats.unit_stats = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(
unit_rows, std::vector<double>(unit_cols, 0));
return frame_dep_stats;
TplFrameDepStats create_tpl_frame_dep_stats_wo_propagation(
const TplFrameStats &frame_stats) {
const int min_block_size = frame_stats.min_block_size;
TplFrameDepStats frame_dep_stats = create_tpl_frame_dep_stats_empty(
frame_stats.frame_height, frame_stats.frame_width, min_block_size);
for (const TplBlockStats &block_stats : frame_stats.block_stats_list) {
const int block_unit_rows = block_stats.height / min_block_size;
const int block_unit_cols = block_stats.width / min_block_size;
const int unit_count = block_unit_rows * block_unit_cols;
const int block_unit_row = block_stats.row / min_block_size;
const int block_unit_col = block_stats.col / min_block_size;
const double cost_diff =
(block_stats.inter_cost - block_stats.intra_cost) * 1.0 / unit_count;
for (int r = 0; r < block_unit_rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < block_unit_cols; c++) {
frame_dep_stats.unit_stats[block_unit_row + r][block_unit_col + c] =
return frame_dep_stats;
int get_ref_coding_idx_list(const TplBlockStats &block_stats,
const RefFrameTable &ref_frame_table,
int *ref_coding_idx_list) {
int ref_frame_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockRefCount; ++i) {
ref_coding_idx_list[i] = -1;
int ref_frame_index = block_stats.ref_frame_index[i];
if (ref_frame_index != -1) {
ref_coding_idx_list[i] = ref_frame_table[ref_frame_index].coding_idx;
return ref_frame_count;
int get_block_overlap_area(int r0, int c0, int r1, int c1, int size) {
const int r_low = std::max(r0, r1);
const int r_high = std::min(r0 + size, r1 + size);
const int c_low = std::max(c0, c1);
const int c_high = std::min(c0 + size, c1 + size);
if (r_high >= r_low && c_high >= c_low) {
return (r_high - r_low) * (c_high - c_low);
return 0;
double tpl_frame_stats_accumulate(const TplFrameStats &frame_stats) {
double ref_sum_cost_diff = 0;
for (auto &block_stats : frame_stats.block_stats_list) {
ref_sum_cost_diff += block_stats.inter_cost - block_stats.intra_cost;
return ref_sum_cost_diff;
double tpl_frame_dep_stats_accumulate(const TplFrameDepStats &frame_dep_stats) {
double sum = 0;
for (const auto &row : frame_dep_stats.unit_stats) {
sum = std::accumulate(row.begin(), row.end(), sum);
return sum;
// This is a generalization of GET_MV_RAWPEL that allows for an arbitrary number
// of fractional bits.
// TODO(angiebird): Add unit test to this function
int get_fullpel_value(int subpel_value, int subpel_bits) {
const int subpel_scale = (1 << subpel_bits);
const int sign = subpel_value >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
int fullpel_value = (abs(subpel_value) + subpel_scale / 2) >> subpel_bits;
fullpel_value *= sign;
return fullpel_value;
void tpl_frame_dep_stats_propagate(const TplFrameStats &frame_stats,
const RefFrameTable &ref_frame_table,
TplGopDepStats *tpl_gop_dep_stats) {
const int min_block_size = frame_stats.min_block_size;
const int frame_unit_rows =
frame_stats.frame_height / frame_stats.min_block_size;
const int frame_unit_cols =
frame_stats.frame_width / frame_stats.min_block_size;
for (const TplBlockStats &block_stats : frame_stats.block_stats_list) {
int ref_coding_idx_list[kBlockRefCount] = { -1, -1 };
int ref_frame_count = get_ref_coding_idx_list(block_stats, ref_frame_table,
if (ref_frame_count > 0) {
double propagation_ratio = 1.0 / ref_frame_count;
for (int i = 0; i < kBlockRefCount; ++i) {
if (ref_coding_idx_list[i] != -1) {
auto &ref_frame_dep_stats =
const auto &mv =[i];
const int mv_row = get_fullpel_value(mv.row, mv.subpel_bits);
const int mv_col = get_fullpel_value(mv.col, mv.subpel_bits);
const int block_unit_rows = block_stats.height / min_block_size;
const int block_unit_cols = block_stats.width / min_block_size;
const int unit_count = block_unit_rows * block_unit_cols;
const double cost_diff =
(block_stats.inter_cost - block_stats.intra_cost) * 1.0 /
for (int r = 0; r < block_unit_rows; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < block_unit_cols; c++) {
const int ref_block_row =
block_stats.row + r * min_block_size + mv_row;
const int ref_block_col =
block_stats.col + c * min_block_size + mv_col;
const int ref_unit_row_low = ref_block_row / min_block_size;
const int ref_unit_col_low = ref_block_col / min_block_size;
for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
const int unit_row = ref_unit_row_low + j;
const int unit_col = ref_unit_col_low + k;
if (unit_row >= 0 && unit_row < frame_unit_rows &&
unit_col >= 0 && unit_col < frame_unit_cols) {
const int overlap_area = get_block_overlap_area(
unit_row * min_block_size, unit_col * min_block_size,
ref_block_row, ref_block_col, min_block_size);
const double overlap_ratio =
overlap_area * 1.0 / (min_block_size * min_block_size);
ref_frame_dep_stats.unit_stats[unit_row][unit_col] +=
cost_diff * overlap_ratio * propagation_ratio;
// TODO(angiebird): Add unit test for this function
std::vector<RefFrameTable> get_ref_frame_table_list(
const GopStruct &gop_struct, RefFrameTable ref_frame_table) {
const int frame_count = static_cast<int>(gop_struct.gop_frame_list.size());
std::vector<RefFrameTable> ref_frame_table_list;
for (int coding_idx = 0; coding_idx < frame_count; coding_idx++) {
const auto &gop_frame = gop_struct.gop_frame_list[coding_idx];
if (gop_frame.update_ref_idx != -1) {
ref_frame_table[gop_frame.update_ref_idx] = gop_frame;
return ref_frame_table_list;
TplGopDepStats compute_tpl_gop_dep_stats(
const TplGopStats &tpl_gop_stats,
const std::vector<RefFrameTable> &ref_frame_table_list) {
const int frame_count = static_cast<int>(ref_frame_table_list.size());
// Create the struct to store TPL dependency stats
TplGopDepStats tpl_gop_dep_stats;
for (int coding_idx = 0; coding_idx < frame_count; coding_idx++) {
// Back propagation
for (int coding_idx = frame_count - 1; coding_idx >= 0; coding_idx--) {
auto &ref_frame_table = ref_frame_table_list[coding_idx];
// TODO(angiebird): Handle/test the case where reference frame
// is in the previous GOP
ref_frame_table, &tpl_gop_dep_stats);
return tpl_gop_dep_stats;
GopEncodeInfo AV1RateControlQMode::GetGopEncodeInfo(
const GopStruct &gop_struct, const TplGopStats &tpl_gop_stats,
const RefFrameTable &ref_frame_table_snapshot_init) {
const std::vector<RefFrameTable> ref_frame_table_list =
get_ref_frame_table_list(gop_struct, ref_frame_table_snapshot_init);
GopEncodeInfo gop_encode_info;
gop_encode_info.final_snapshot = ref_frame_table_list.back();
TplGopDepStats gop_dep_stats =
compute_tpl_gop_dep_stats(tpl_gop_stats, ref_frame_table_list);
const int frame_count =
for (int i = 0; i < frame_count; i++) {
const TplFrameStats &frame_stats = tpl_gop_stats.frame_stats_list[i];
const TplFrameDepStats &frame_dep_stats =
const double cost_without_propagation =
const double cost_with_propagation =
// TODO(angiebird): This part is still a draft. Check whether this makes
// sense mathematically.
const double frame_importance =
cost_with_propagation / cost_without_propagation;
// Imitate the behavior of av1_tpl_get_qstep_ratio()
const double qstep_ratio = sqrt(1 / frame_importance);
FrameEncodeParameters param;
param.q_index = av1_get_q_index_from_qstep_ratio(rc_param_.base_q_index,
qstep_ratio, AOM_BITS_8);
// TODO(angiebird): Determine rdmult based on q_index
param.rdmult = 1;
return gop_encode_info;
} // namespace aom