Removed unused GOP decision functions.

These functions are replaced by the updated strategy based on
first pass stats analysis.

Change-Id: I839f8dabe568a85d50d3c8db5337eddb03482c83
diff --git a/av1/encoder/pass2_strategy.c b/av1/encoder/pass2_strategy.c
index cd69c4c..0016a25 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/pass2_strategy.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/pass2_strategy.c
@@ -971,245 +971,13 @@
   return 0;
-#define MAX_PAD_GF_CHECK 6  // padding length to check for gf length
-#define AVG_SI_THRES 0.6    // thres for average silouette
-#define GF_SHRINK_OUTPUT 0  // print output for gf length decision
-int determine_high_err_gf(double *errs, int *is_high, double *si, int len,
-                          double *ratio, int gf_start, int gf_end,
-                          int before_pad) {
-  (void)gf_start;
-  (void)gf_end;
-  (void)before_pad;
-  // alpha and beta controls the threshold placement
-  // e.g. a smaller alpha makes the lower group more rigid
-  const double alpha = 0.5;
-  const double beta = 1 - alpha;
-  double mean = 0;
-  double mean_low = 0;
-  double mean_high = 0;
-  double prev_mean_low = 0;
-  double prev_mean_high = 0;
-  int count_low = 0;
-  int count_high = 0;
-  // calculate mean of errs
-  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    mean += errs[i];
-  }
-  mean /= len;
-  // separate into two initial groups with greater / lower than mean
-  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    if (errs[i] <= mean) {
-      is_high[i] = 0;
-      count_low++;
-      prev_mean_low += errs[i];
-    } else {
-      is_high[i] = 1;
-      count_high++;
-      prev_mean_high += errs[i];
-    }
-  }
-  prev_mean_low /= count_low;
-  prev_mean_high /= count_high;
-  // kmeans to refine
-  int count = 0;
-  while (count < 10) {
-    // re-group
-    mean_low = 0;
-    mean_high = 0;
-    count_low = 0;
-    count_high = 0;
-    double thres = prev_mean_low * alpha + prev_mean_high * beta;
-    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-      if (errs[i] <= thres) {
-        is_high[i] = 0;
-        count_low++;
-        mean_low += errs[i];
-      } else {
-        is_high[i] = 1;
-        count_high++;
-        mean_high += errs[i];
-      }
-    }
-    mean_low /= count_low;
-    mean_high /= count_high;
-    // break if not changed much
-    if (fabs((mean_low - prev_mean_low) / (prev_mean_low + 0.00001)) <
-            0.00001 &&
-        fabs((mean_high - prev_mean_high) / (prev_mean_high + 0.00001)) <
-            0.00001)
-      break;
-    // update means
-    prev_mean_high = mean_high;
-    prev_mean_low = mean_low;
-    count++;
-  }
-  // count how many jumps of group changes
-  int num_change = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
-    if (is_high[i] != is_high[i + 1]) num_change++;
-  }
-  // get silhouette as a measure of the classification quality
-  double avg_si = 0;
-  // ai: avg dist of its own class, bi: avg dist to the other class
-  double ai, bi;
-  if (count_low > 1 && count_high > 1) {
-    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-      ai = 0;
-      bi = 0;
-      // calculate average distance to everyone in the same group
-      // and in the other group
-      for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
-        if (i == j) continue;
-        if (is_high[i] == is_high[j]) {
-          ai += fabs(errs[i] - errs[j]);
-        } else {
-          bi += fabs(errs[i] - errs[j]);
-        }
-      }
-      if (is_high[i] == 0) {
-        ai = ai / (count_low - 1);
-        bi = bi / count_high;
-      } else {
-        ai = ai / (count_high - 1);
-        bi = bi / count_low;
-      }
-      if (ai <= bi) {
-        si[i] = 1 - ai / (bi + 0.00001);
-      } else {
-        si[i] = bi / (ai + 0.00001) - 1;
-      }
-      avg_si += si[i];
-    }
-    avg_si /= len;
-  }
-  int reset = 0;
-  *ratio = mean_high / (mean_low + 0.00001);
-  // if the two groups too similar, or
-  // if too many numbers of changes, or
-  // silhouette is too small, not confident
-  // reset everything to 0 later so we fallback to the original decision
-  if (*ratio < 1.3 || num_change > AOMMAX(len / 3, 6) ||
-      avg_si < AVG_SI_THRES) {
-    reset = 1;
-  }
-  printf("\n");
-  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-    printf("%d: err %.1f, ishigh %d, si %.2f, (i=%d)\n",
-           gf_start + i - before_pad, errs[i], is_high[i], si[i], gf_end);
-  }
-  printf(
-      "count: %d, mean_high: %.1f, mean_low: %.1f, avg_si: %.2f, num_change: "
-      "%d, ratio %.2f, reset: %d\n",
-      count, mean_high, mean_low, avg_si, num_change,
-      mean_high / (mean_low + 0.000001), reset);
-  if (reset) {
-    memset(is_high, 0, sizeof(is_high[0]) * len);
-    memset(si, 0, sizeof(si[0]) * len);
-  }
-  return reset;
 #define RC_FACTOR_MIN 0.75
 #define RC_FACTOR_MAX 1.25
-#define MIN_SHRINK_LEN 6      // the minimum length of gf if we are shrinking
-#define SI_HIGH AVG_SI_THRES  // high quality classification
-#define SI_LOW 0.3            // very unsure classification
-// this function finds an low error frame previously to the current last frame
-// in the gf group, and set the last frame to it.
-// The resulting last frame is then returned by *cur_last_ptr
-// *cur_start_ptr and cut_pos[n] could also change due to shrinking
-// previous gf groups
-void set_last_prev_low_err(int *cur_start_ptr, int *cur_last_ptr, int *cut_pos,
-                           int count_cuts, int before_pad, double ratio,
-                           int *is_high, double *si, int prev_lows,
-                           int min_shrink_len) {
-  int n;
-  int cur_start = *cur_start_ptr;
-  int cur_last = *cur_last_ptr;
-  for (n = cur_last; n >= cur_start + min_shrink_len; n--) {
-    // try to find a point that is very probable to be good
-    if (is_high[n - cur_start + before_pad] == 0 &&
-        si[n - cur_start + before_pad] > SI_HIGH) {
-      *cur_last_ptr = n;
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  // could not find a low-err point, then let's try find an "unsure"
-  // point at least
-  for (n = cur_last; n >= cur_start + min_shrink_len; n--) {
-    if ((is_high[n - cur_start + before_pad] == 0) ||
-        (is_high[n - cur_start + before_pad] &&
-         si[n - cur_start + before_pad] < SI_LOW)) {
-      *cur_last_ptr = n;
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  if (prev_lows) {
-    // try with shrinking previous all_zero interval
-    for (n = cur_start + min_shrink_len - 1; n > cur_start; n--) {
-      if (is_high[n - cur_start + before_pad] == 0 &&
-          si[n - cur_start + before_pad] > SI_HIGH) {
-        int tentative_start = n - min_shrink_len;
-        // check if the previous interval can shrink this much
-        int available =
-            tentative_start - cut_pos[count_cuts - 2] > min_shrink_len &&
-            cur_start - tentative_start < prev_lows;
-        // shrinking too agressively may worsen performance
-        // set stricter thres for shorter length
-        double ratio_thres =
-            1.0 * (cur_start - tentative_start) / (double)(min_shrink_len) +
-            1.0;
-        if (available && (ratio > ratio_thres)) {
-          cut_pos[count_cuts - 1] = tentative_start;
-          *cur_start_ptr = tentative_start;
-          *cur_last_ptr = n;
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (prev_lows) {
-    // try with shrinking previous all_zero interval with unsure points
-    for (n = cur_start + min_shrink_len - 1; n > cur_start; n--) {
-      if ((is_high[n - cur_start + before_pad] == 0) ||
-          (is_high[n - cur_start + before_pad] &&
-           si[n - cur_start + before_pad] < SI_LOW)) {
-        int tentative_start = n - min_shrink_len;
-        // check if the previous interval can shrink this much
-        int available =
-            tentative_start - cut_pos[count_cuts - 2] > min_shrink_len &&
-            cur_start - tentative_start < prev_lows;
-        // shrinking too agressively may worsen performance
-        double ratio_thres =
-            1.0 * (cur_start - tentative_start) / (double)(min_shrink_len) +
-            1.0;
-        if (available && (ratio > ratio_thres)) {
-          cut_pos[count_cuts - 1] = tentative_start;
-          *cur_start_ptr = tentative_start;
-          *cur_last_ptr = n;
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }  // prev_lows
-  return;
+#define MIN_SHRINK_LEN 6  // the minimum length of gf if we are shrinking
 #define SMOOTH_FILT_LEN 7
 #define WINDOW_SIZE 7
@@ -2308,19 +2076,6 @@
   rc->cur_gf_index = 0;
   twopass->stats_in = start_pos;
-  printf("\nf_to_key: %d, count_cut: %d. ", rc->frames_to_key, count_cuts);
-  for (int n = 0; n < count_cuts; n++) {
-    printf("%d ", cut_pos[n]);
-  }
-  printf("\n");
-  for (int n = 0; n < rc->intervals_till_gf_calculate_due; n++) {
-    printf("%d ", rc->gf_intervals[n]);
-  }
-  printf("\n\n");
 static void correct_frames_to_key(AV1_COMP *cpi) {