External partition: add a unit test

The unit test validates the creation and deletion of external
partition model with a toy example.

An encode matching test validates that if the external partition
model does not make any valid decision, the encoding result is
identical to the baseline.

Change-Id: I6622315e54a53a9b85f762f0c67c39ebc0b5f934
diff --git a/test/av1_external_partition_test.cc b/test/av1_external_partition_test.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a1d1c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/av1_external_partition_test.cc
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+ * Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
+ *
+ * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
+ * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
+ * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
+ * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
+ * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
+ * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
+ */
+#include <new>
+#include "aom/aom_codec.h"
+#include "aom/aom_external_partition.h"
+#include "av1/common/blockd.h"
+#include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "test/codec_factory.h"
+#include "test/encode_test_driver.h"
+#include "test/y4m_video_source.h"
+#include "test/util.h"
+namespace {
+constexpr int kFrameNum = 8;
+constexpr int kVersion = 1;
+typedef struct TestData {
+  int version = kVersion;
+} TestData;
+typedef struct ToyModel {
+  TestData *data;
+  aom_ext_part_config_t config;
+  aom_ext_part_funcs_t funcs;
+} ToyModel;
+aom_ext_part_status_t ext_part_create_model(
+    void *priv, const aom_ext_part_config_t *part_config,
+    aom_ext_part_model_t *ext_part_model) {
+  TestData *received_data = reinterpret_cast<TestData *>(priv);
+  EXPECT_EQ(received_data->version, kVersion);
+  ToyModel *toy_model = new (std::nothrow) ToyModel;
+  EXPECT_NE(toy_model, nullptr);
+  toy_model->data = received_data;
+  *ext_part_model = toy_model;
+  EXPECT_EQ(part_config->superblock_size, BLOCK_64X64);
+  return AOM_EXT_PART_OK;
+aom_ext_part_status_t ext_part_send_features(
+    aom_ext_part_model_t ext_part_model,
+    const aom_partition_features_t *part_features) {
+  (void)ext_part_model;
+  (void)part_features;
+  return AOM_EXT_PART_OK;
+aom_ext_part_status_t ext_part_get_partition_decision(
+    aom_ext_part_model_t ext_part_model,
+    aom_partition_decision_t *ext_part_decision) {
+  (void)ext_part_model;
+  (void)ext_part_decision;
+aom_ext_part_status_t ext_part_send_partition_stats(
+    aom_ext_part_model_t ext_part_model,
+    const aom_partition_stats_t *ext_part_stats) {
+  (void)ext_part_model;
+  (void)ext_part_stats;
+  return AOM_EXT_PART_OK;
+aom_ext_part_status_t ext_part_delete_model(
+    aom_ext_part_model_t ext_part_model) {
+  ToyModel *toy_model = static_cast<ToyModel *>(ext_part_model);
+  EXPECT_EQ(toy_model->data->version, kVersion);
+  delete toy_model;
+  return AOM_EXT_PART_OK;
+class ExternalPartitionTest
+    : public ::libaom_test::CodecTestWith2Params<libaom_test::TestMode, int>,
+      public ::libaom_test::EncoderTest {
+ protected:
+  ExternalPartitionTest()
+      : EncoderTest(GET_PARAM(0)), encoding_mode_(GET_PARAM(1)),
+        cpu_used_(GET_PARAM(2)), psnr_(0.0), nframes_(0) {}
+  virtual ~ExternalPartitionTest() {}
+  virtual void SetUp() {
+    InitializeConfig(encoding_mode_);
+    const aom_rational timebase = { 1, 30 };
+    cfg_.g_timebase = timebase;
+    cfg_.rc_end_usage = AOM_VBR;
+    cfg_.g_threads = 1;
+    cfg_.g_lag_in_frames = 4;
+    cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = 400;
+    init_flags_ = AOM_CODEC_USE_PSNR;
+  }
+  virtual bool DoDecode() const { return false; }
+  virtual void BeginPassHook(unsigned int) {
+    psnr_ = 0.0;
+    nframes_ = 0;
+  }
+  virtual void PSNRPktHook(const aom_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) {
+    psnr_ += pkt->data.psnr.psnr[0];
+    nframes_++;
+  }
+  double GetAveragePsnr() const {
+    if (nframes_) return psnr_ / nframes_;
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  void SetExternalPartition(bool use_external_partition) {
+    use_external_partition_ = use_external_partition;
+  }
+  virtual void PreEncodeFrameHook(::libaom_test::VideoSource *video,
+                                  ::libaom_test::Encoder *encoder) {
+    if (video->frame() == 0) {
+      aom_ext_part_funcs_t ext_part_funcs;
+      ext_part_funcs.priv = reinterpret_cast<void *>(&test_data_);
+      ext_part_funcs.create_model = ext_part_create_model;
+      ext_part_funcs.send_features = ext_part_send_features;
+      ext_part_funcs.get_partition_decision = ext_part_get_partition_decision;
+      ext_part_funcs.send_partition_stats = ext_part_send_partition_stats;
+      ext_part_funcs.delete_model = ext_part_delete_model;
+      encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, cpu_used_);
+      encoder->Control(AOME_SET_ENABLEAUTOALTREF, 1);
+      if (use_external_partition_) {
+        encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_EXTERNAL_PARTITION, &ext_part_funcs);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ private:
+  libaom_test::TestMode encoding_mode_;
+  int cpu_used_;
+  double psnr_;
+  unsigned int nframes_;
+  bool use_external_partition_;
+  TestData test_data_;
+// Encode twice and expect the same psnr value.
+// The first run is the baseline without external partition.
+// The second run is to get partition decisions from the toy model we defined.
+// Here, we let the partition decision return true for all stages.
+// In this case, the external partition doesn't alter the original encoder
+// behavior. So we expect the same encoding results.
+TEST_P(ExternalPartitionTest, EncodeMatch) {
+  ::libaom_test::Y4mVideoSource video("paris_352_288_30.y4m", 0, kFrameNum);
+  SetExternalPartition(false);
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(&video));
+  const double psnr = GetAveragePsnr();
+  SetExternalPartition(true);
+  ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(RunLoop(&video));
+  const double psnr2 = GetAveragePsnr();
+  EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(psnr, psnr2);
+                           ::testing::Values(::libaom_test::kTwoPassGood),
+                           ::testing::Values(4));  // cpu_used
+}  // namespace
+#endif  // CONFIG_AV1_ENCODER
diff --git a/test/encode_test_driver.h b/test/encode_test_driver.h
index 5da3ac5..2195db1 100644
--- a/test/encode_test_driver.h
+++ b/test/encode_test_driver.h
@@ -134,6 +134,11 @@
     ASSERT_EQ(AOM_CODEC_OK, res) << EncoderError();
+  void Control(int ctrl_id, struct aom_ext_part_funcs *arg) {
+    const aom_codec_err_t res = aom_codec_control(&encoder_, ctrl_id, arg);
+    ASSERT_EQ(AOM_CODEC_OK, res) << EncoderError();
+  }
   void Control(int ctrl_id, aom_active_map_t *arg) {
     const aom_codec_err_t res = aom_codec_control(&encoder_, ctrl_id, arg);
diff --git a/test/test.cmake b/test/test.cmake
index a2dfc9d..4749bad 100644
--- a/test/test.cmake
+++ b/test/test.cmake
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+            "${AOM_ROOT}/test/av1_external_partition_test.cc"