blob: c43930b1dd7b31a22b7c4bb18e52d0d49ddc3710 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <math.h>
#include "av1/encoder/tune_butteraugli.h"
#include "aom_dsp/butteraugli.h"
#include "aom_ports/system_state.h"
#include "av1/encoder/rdopt.h"
#include "av1/encoder/extend.h"
void av1_setup_butteraugli_recon(AV1_COMP *cpi,
const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *recon) {
YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const dst = &cpi->butteraugli_info.recon;
AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
const int width = recon->y_width;
const int height = recon->y_height;
if (dst->buffer_alloc_sz == 0) {
dst, width, height, 1, 1, cm->seq_params.use_highbitdepth,
cpi->oxcf.border_in_pixels, cm->features.byte_alignment);
av1_copy_and_extend_frame(recon, dst);
cpi->butteraugli_info.recon_set = true;
void av1_set_mb_butteraugli_rdmult_scaling(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
if (!cpi->butteraugli_info.recon_set) {
AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
const CommonModeInfoParams *const mi_params = &cm->mi_params;
YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source = cpi->source;
const int width = source->y_width;
const int height = source->y_height;
const int bit_depth = cpi->;
const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *recon = &cpi->butteraugli_info.recon;
float *diffmap;
CHECK_MEM_ERROR(cm, diffmap, aom_malloc(width * height * sizeof(*diffmap)));
if (!aom_calc_butteraugli(source, recon, bit_depth, diffmap)) {
aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_ERROR,
"Failed to calculate Butteraugli distances.");
const int block_size = BLOCK_16X16;
const int num_mi_w = mi_size_wide[block_size];
const int num_mi_h = mi_size_high[block_size];
const int num_cols = (mi_params->mi_cols + num_mi_w - 1) / num_mi_w;
const int num_rows = (mi_params->mi_rows + num_mi_h - 1) / num_mi_h;
const int block_w = num_mi_w << 2;
const int block_h = num_mi_h << 2;
double log_sum = 0.0;
double blk_count = 0.0;
// Loop through each block.
for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
const int index = row * num_cols + col;
const int y_start = row * block_h;
const int x_start = col * block_w;
float dbutteraugli = 0.0f;
float dmse = 0.0f;
// Loop through each pixel.
for (int y = y_start; y < y_start + block_h && y < height; y++) {
for (int x = x_start; x < x_start + block_w && x < width; x++) {
dbutteraugli += powf(diffmap[y * width + x], 6.0f);
float px_diff = source->y_buffer[y * source->y_stride + x] -
recon->y_buffer[y * recon->y_stride + x];
dmse += px_diff * px_diff;
for (int y = y_start; y < y_start + block_h && y < height; y += 2) {
for (int x = x_start; x < x_start + block_w && x < width; x += 2) {
const int px_index = y / 2 * source->uv_stride + x / 2;
const float px_diff_u =
source->u_buffer[px_index] - recon->u_buffer[px_index];
const float px_diff_v =
source->v_buffer[px_index] - recon->v_buffer[px_index];
dmse += px_diff_u * px_diff_u + px_diff_v * px_diff_v;
dbutteraugli = powf(dbutteraugli, 1.0f / 6.0f);
dmse = dmse / (2.0f * (float)block_w * (float)block_h);
// 'K' is used to balance the rate-distortion distribution between PSNR
// and Butteraugli.
const double K = 0.2;
const float eps = 0.01f;
double weight;
if (dbutteraugli < eps || dmse < eps) {
weight = -1.0;
} else {
blk_count += 1.0;
weight = dmse / dbutteraugli;
weight = AOMMIN(weight, 3.0);
weight += K;
log_sum += log(weight);
cpi->butteraugli_info.rdmult_scaling_factors[index] = weight;
// Geometric average of the weights.
log_sum = exp(log_sum / blk_count);
for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
const int index = row * num_cols + col;
double *weight = &cpi->butteraugli_info.rdmult_scaling_factors[index];
if (*weight <= 0.0) {
*weight = 1.0;
} else {
*weight /= log_sum;
void av1_set_butteraugli_rdmult(const AV1_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int mi_row, int mi_col,
int *rdmult) {
assert(cpi->oxcf.tune_cfg.tuning == AOM_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI);
if (!cpi->butteraugli_info.recon_set) {
const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
const int bsize_base = BLOCK_16X16;
const int num_mi_w = mi_size_wide[bsize_base];
const int num_mi_h = mi_size_high[bsize_base];
const int num_cols = (cm->mi_params.mi_cols + num_mi_w - 1) / num_mi_w;
const int num_rows = (cm->mi_params.mi_rows + num_mi_h - 1) / num_mi_h;
const int num_bcols = (mi_size_wide[bsize] + num_mi_w - 1) / num_mi_w;
const int num_brows = (mi_size_high[bsize] + num_mi_h - 1) / num_mi_h;
double num_of_mi = 0.0;
double geom_mean_of_scale = 0.0;
for (int row = mi_row / num_mi_w;
row < num_rows && row < mi_row / num_mi_w + num_brows; ++row) {
for (int col = mi_col / num_mi_h;
col < num_cols && col < mi_col / num_mi_h + num_bcols; ++col) {
const int index = row * num_cols + col;
geom_mean_of_scale +=
num_of_mi += 1.0;
geom_mean_of_scale = exp(geom_mean_of_scale / num_of_mi);
*rdmult = (int)((double)(*rdmult) * geom_mean_of_scale + 0.5);
*rdmult = AOMMAX(*rdmult, 0);
av1_set_error_per_bit(&x->errorperbit, *rdmult);