Separate utility functions from encoder.c

Created encoder_utils.c to improve modularity
of encoder.c
encoder_utils.c : To keep utility functions,
                  data structures and defs

Change-Id: I96368f0fc56b17ec2c77c6213e36dfdab4bfc81c
diff --git a/av1/av1.cmake b/av1/av1.cmake
index 16cb440..917040b 100644
--- a/av1/av1.cmake
+++ b/av1/av1.cmake
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
+            "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.c"
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encoder.c b/av1/encoder/encoder.c
index 74c041f..17bfcfa 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/encoder.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/encoder.c
@@ -15,12 +15,7 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include "config/aom_config.h"
-#include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
-#include "config/aom_scale_rtcd.h"
-#include "config/av1_rtcd.h"
-#include "aom_dsp/aom_dsp_common.h"
-#include "aom_dsp/aom_filter.h"
 #include "aom_dsp/grain_table.h"
 #include "aom_dsp/noise_util.h"
@@ -60,7 +55,6 @@
 #include "av1/encoder/encodetxb.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/ethread.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/firstpass.h"
-#include "av1/encoder/grain_test_vectors.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/hash_motion.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/intra_mode_search.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/mv_prec.h"
@@ -134,55 +128,6 @@
-static void apply_active_map(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  struct segmentation *const seg = &cpi->common.seg;
-  unsigned char *const seg_map = cpi->;
-  const unsigned char *const active_map = cpi->;
-  int i;
-  if (frame_is_intra_only(&cpi->common)) {
-    cpi->active_map.enabled = 0;
-    cpi->active_map.update = 1;
-  }
-  if (cpi->active_map.update) {
-    if (cpi->active_map.enabled) {
-      for (i = 0;
-           i < cpi->common.mi_params.mi_rows * cpi->common.mi_params.mi_cols;
-           ++i)
-        if (seg_map[i] == AM_SEGMENT_ID_ACTIVE) seg_map[i] = active_map[i];
-      av1_enable_segmentation(seg);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H,
-                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V,
-                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U,
-                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V,
-                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
-    } else {
-      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
-      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
-      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
-      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
-      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
-      if (seg->enabled) {
-        seg->update_data = 1;
-        seg->update_map = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    cpi->active_map.update = 0;
-  }
 int av1_set_active_map(AV1_COMP *cpi, unsigned char *new_map_16x16, int rows,
                        int cols) {
   const CommonModeInfoParams *const mi_params = &cpi->common.mi_params;
@@ -242,73 +187,6 @@
-static BLOCK_SIZE select_sb_size(const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  const AV1EncoderConfig *const oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
-  if (oxcf->superblock_size == AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64) return BLOCK_64X64;
-  if (oxcf->superblock_size == AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_128X128)
-    return BLOCK_128X128;
-  assert(oxcf->superblock_size == AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_DYNAMIC);
-  if (cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers > 1 ||
-      oxcf->resize_cfg.resize_mode != RESIZE_NONE) {
-    // Use the configured size (top resolution) for spatial layers or
-    // on resize.
-    return AOMMIN(oxcf->frm_dim_cfg.width, oxcf->frm_dim_cfg.height) > 480
-               ? BLOCK_128X128
-               : BLOCK_64X64;
-  }
-  // TODO(any): Possibly could improve this with a heuristic.
-  // When superres / resize is on, 'cm->width / height' can change between
-  // calls, so we don't apply this heuristic there.
-  // Things break if superblock size changes between the first pass and second
-  // pass encoding, which is why this heuristic is not configured as a
-  // speed-feature.
-  if (oxcf->superres_cfg.superres_mode == AOM_SUPERRES_NONE &&
-      oxcf->resize_cfg.resize_mode == RESIZE_NONE && oxcf->speed >= 1) {
-    return AOMMIN(cm->width, cm->height) > 480 ? BLOCK_128X128 : BLOCK_64X64;
-  }
-  return BLOCK_128X128;
-static void setup_frame(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  // Set up entropy context depending on frame type. The decoder mandates
-  // the use of the default context, index 0, for keyframes and inter
-  // frames where the error_resilient_mode or intra_only flag is set. For
-  // other inter-frames the encoder currently uses only two contexts;
-  // context 1 for ALTREF frames and context 0 for the others.
-  if (frame_is_intra_only(cm) || cm->features.error_resilient_mode ||
-      cpi->ext_flags.use_primary_ref_none) {
-    av1_setup_past_independence(cm);
-  }
-  if ((cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME && cm->show_frame) ||
-      frame_is_sframe(cm)) {
-    if (!cpi->seq_params_locked) {
-      set_sb_size(&cm->seq_params, select_sb_size(cpi));
-    }
-  } else {
-    const RefCntBuffer *const primary_ref_buf = get_primary_ref_frame_buf(cm);
-    if (primary_ref_buf == NULL) {
-      av1_setup_past_independence(cm);
-      cm->seg.update_map = 1;
-      cm->seg.update_data = 1;
-    } else {
-      *cm->fc = primary_ref_buf->frame_context;
-    }
-  }
-  av1_zero(cm->cur_frame->interp_filter_selected);
-  cm->prev_frame = get_primary_ref_frame_buf(cm);
-  cpi->vaq_refresh = 0;
 void av1_initialize_enc(void) {
@@ -319,191 +197,6 @@
-static void reset_film_grain_chroma_params(aom_film_grain_t *pars) {
-  pars->num_cr_points = 0;
-  pars->cr_mult = 0;
-  pars->cr_luma_mult = 0;
-  memset(pars->scaling_points_cr, 0, sizeof(pars->scaling_points_cr));
-  memset(pars->ar_coeffs_cr, 0, sizeof(pars->ar_coeffs_cr));
-  pars->num_cb_points = 0;
-  pars->cb_mult = 0;
-  pars->cb_luma_mult = 0;
-  pars->chroma_scaling_from_luma = 0;
-  memset(pars->scaling_points_cb, 0, sizeof(pars->scaling_points_cb));
-  memset(pars->ar_coeffs_cb, 0, sizeof(pars->ar_coeffs_cb));
-static void update_film_grain_parameters(struct AV1_COMP *cpi,
-                                         const AV1EncoderConfig *oxcf) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  cpi->oxcf = *oxcf;
-  if (cpi->film_grain_table) {
-    aom_film_grain_table_free(cpi->film_grain_table);
-    aom_free(cpi->film_grain_table);
-    cpi->film_grain_table = NULL;
-  }
-  if (oxcf->film_grain_test_vector) {
-    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = 1;
-    if (cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
-      memcpy(&cm->film_grain_params,
-             film_grain_test_vectors + oxcf->film_grain_test_vector - 1,
-             sizeof(cm->film_grain_params));
-      if (oxcf->monochrome)
-        reset_film_grain_chroma_params(&cm->film_grain_params);
-      cm->film_grain_params.bit_depth = cm->seq_params.bit_depth;
-      if (cm->seq_params.color_range == AOM_CR_FULL_RANGE) {
-        cm->film_grain_params.clip_to_restricted_range = 0;
-      }
-    }
-  } else if (oxcf->film_grain_table_filename) {
-    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = 1;
-    cpi->film_grain_table = aom_malloc(sizeof(*cpi->film_grain_table));
-    memset(cpi->film_grain_table, 0, sizeof(aom_film_grain_table_t));
-    aom_film_grain_table_read(cpi->film_grain_table,
-                              oxcf->film_grain_table_filename, &cm->error);
-  } else {
-    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = (cpi->oxcf.noise_level > 0);
-    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = 0;
-    memset(&cm->film_grain_params, 0, sizeof(cm->film_grain_params));
-  }
-static void configure_static_seg_features(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  const RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
-  struct segmentation *const seg = &cm->seg;
-  int high_q = (int)(rc->avg_q > 48.0);
-  int qi_delta;
-  // Disable and clear down for KF
-  if (cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
-    // Clear down the global segmentation map
-    memset(cpi->, 0, cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
-    seg->update_map = 0;
-    seg->update_data = 0;
-    // Disable segmentation
-    av1_disable_segmentation(seg);
-    // Clear down the segment features.
-    av1_clearall_segfeatures(seg);
-  } else if (cpi->refresh_frame.alt_ref_frame) {
-    // If this is an alt ref frame
-    // Clear down the global segmentation map
-    memset(cpi->, 0, cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
-    seg->update_map = 0;
-    seg->update_data = 0;
-    // Disable segmentation and individual segment features by default
-    av1_disable_segmentation(seg);
-    av1_clearall_segfeatures(seg);
-    // If segmentation was enabled set those features needed for the
-    // arf itself.
-    if (seg->enabled) {
-      seg->update_map = 1;
-      seg->update_data = 1;
-      qi_delta = av1_compute_qdelta(rc, rc->avg_q, rc->avg_q * 0.875,
-                                    cm->seq_params.bit_depth);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qi_delta - 2);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H, -2);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V, -2);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U, -2);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V, -2);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
-    }
-  } else if (seg->enabled) {
-    // All other frames if segmentation has been enabled
-    // First normal frame in a valid gf or alt ref group
-    if (rc->frames_since_golden == 0) {
-      // Set up segment features for normal frames in an arf group
-      if (rc->source_alt_ref_active) {
-        seg->update_map = 0;
-        seg->update_data = 1;
-        qi_delta = av1_compute_qdelta(rc, rc->avg_q, rc->avg_q * 1.125,
-                                      cm->seq_params.bit_depth);
-        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qi_delta + 2);
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
-        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H, -2);
-        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V, -2);
-        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U, -2);
-        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V, -2);
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
-        // Segment coding disabled for compred testing
-        if (high_q) {
-          av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME, ALTREF_FRAME);
-          av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
-          av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
-        }
-      } else {
-        // Disable segmentation and clear down features if alt ref
-        // is not active for this group
-        av1_disable_segmentation(seg);
-        memset(cpi->, 0,
-               cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
-        seg->update_map = 0;
-        seg->update_data = 0;
-        av1_clearall_segfeatures(seg);
-      }
-    } else if (rc->is_src_frame_alt_ref) {
-      // Special case where we are coding over the top of a previous
-      // alt ref frame.
-      // Segment coding disabled for compred testing
-      // Enable ref frame features for segment 0 as well
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
-      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
-      // All mbs should use ALTREF_FRAME
-      av1_clear_segdata(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME, ALTREF_FRAME);
-      av1_clear_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
-      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME, ALTREF_FRAME);
-      // Skip all MBs if high Q (0,0 mv and skip coeffs)
-      if (high_q) {
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
-        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
-      }
-      // Enable data update
-      seg->update_data = 1;
-    } else {
-      // All other frames.
-      // No updates.. leave things as they are.
-      seg->update_map = 0;
-      seg->update_data = 0;
-    }
-  }
 static void update_reference_segmentation_map(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
   AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
   const CommonModeInfoParams *const mi_params = &cm->mi_params;
@@ -846,10 +539,10 @@
   cm->width = oxcf->frm_dim_cfg.width;
   cm->height = oxcf->frm_dim_cfg.height;
-              select_sb_size(cpi));  // set sb size before allocations
+              av1_select_sb_size(cpi));  // set sb size before allocations
-  update_film_grain_parameters(cpi, oxcf);
+  av1_update_film_grain_parameters(cpi, oxcf);
   // Single thread case: use counts in common.
   cpi->td.counts = &cpi->counts;
@@ -941,7 +634,7 @@
         10;  // Default value (not signaled)
-  update_film_grain_parameters(cpi, oxcf);
+  av1_update_film_grain_parameters(cpi, oxcf);
   cpi->oxcf = *oxcf;
   cpi->superres_mode = oxcf->superres_cfg.superres_mode;  // default
@@ -1043,7 +736,7 @@
   int sb_size = seq_params->sb_size;
   // Superblock size should not be updated after the first key frame.
   if (!cpi->seq_params_locked) {
-    set_sb_size(&cm->seq_params, select_sb_size(cpi));
+    set_sb_size(&cm->seq_params, av1_select_sb_size(cpi));
     for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_OPERATING_POINTS; ++i)
       seq_params->tier[i] = (oxcf->tier_mask >> i) & 1;
@@ -1887,134 +1580,6 @@
 #endif  // OUTPUT_YUV_REC
-static int recode_loop_test_global_motion(
-    WarpedMotionParams *const global_motion,
-    const int *const global_motion_used, int *const gm_params_cost) {
-  int i;
-  int recode = 0;
-  for (i = LAST_FRAME; i <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++i) {
-    if (global_motion[i].wmtype != IDENTITY &&
-        global_motion_used[i] * GM_RECODE_LOOP_NUM4X4_FACTOR <
-            gm_params_cost[i]) {
-      global_motion[i] = default_warp_params;
-      assert(global_motion[i].wmtype == IDENTITY);
-      gm_params_cost[i] = 0;
-      recode = 1;
-      // TODO(sarahparker): The earlier condition for recoding here was:
-      // "recode |= (rdc->global_motion_used[i] > 0);". Can we bring something
-      // similar to that back to speed up global motion?
-    }
-  }
-  return recode;
-static void scale_references(AV1_COMP *cpi, const InterpFilter filter,
-                             const int phase) {
-  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
-  const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(cm);
-  MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref_frame;
-  for (ref_frame = LAST_FRAME; ref_frame <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref_frame) {
-    // Need to convert from AOM_REFFRAME to index into ref_mask (subtract 1).
-    if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & av1_ref_frame_flag_list[ref_frame]) {
-      BufferPool *const pool = cm->buffer_pool;
-      const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const ref =
-          get_ref_frame_yv12_buf(cm, ref_frame);
-      if (ref == NULL) {
-        cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = NULL;
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (ref->y_crop_width != cm->width || ref->y_crop_height != cm->height) {
-        // Replace the reference buffer with a copy having a thicker border,
-        // if the reference buffer is higher resolution than the current
-        // frame, and the border is thin.
-        if ((ref->y_crop_width > cm->width ||
-             ref->y_crop_height > cm->height) &&
-            ref->border < AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS) {
-          RefCntBuffer *ref_fb = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref_frame);
-          if (aom_yv12_realloc_with_new_border(
-                  &ref_fb->buf, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
-                  cm->features.byte_alignment, num_planes) != 0) {
-            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
-                               "Failed to allocate frame buffer");
-          }
-        }
-        int force_scaling = 0;
-        RefCntBuffer *new_fb = cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1];
-        if (new_fb == NULL) {
-          const int new_fb_idx = get_free_fb(cm);
-          if (new_fb_idx == INVALID_IDX) {
-            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
-                               "Unable to find free frame buffer");
-          }
-          force_scaling = 1;
-          new_fb = &pool->frame_bufs[new_fb_idx];
-        }
-        if (force_scaling || new_fb->buf.y_crop_width != cm->width ||
-            new_fb->buf.y_crop_height != cm->height) {
-          if (aom_realloc_frame_buffer(
-                  &new_fb->buf, cm->width, cm->height,
-                  cm->seq_params.subsampling_x, cm->seq_params.subsampling_y,
-                  cm->seq_params.use_highbitdepth, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
-                  cm->features.byte_alignment, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
-            if (force_scaling) {
-              // Release the reference acquired in the get_free_fb() call above.
-              --new_fb->ref_count;
-            }
-            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
-                               "Failed to allocate frame buffer");
-          }
-          if (cm->width <= (ref->y_crop_width >> 1) &&
-              cm->height <= (ref->y_crop_height >> 1) &&
-              cm->seq_params.bit_depth == AOM_BITS_8)
-            av1_resize_and_extend_frame(ref, &new_fb->buf, filter, phase,
-                                        num_planes);
-          else
-            av1_resize_and_extend_frame_nonnormative(
-                ref, &new_fb->buf, (int)cm->seq_params.bit_depth, num_planes);
-          if (cm->width <= (ref->y_crop_width >> 1) &&
-              cm->height <= (ref->y_crop_height >> 1))
-            av1_resize_and_extend_frame(ref, &new_fb->buf, filter, phase,
-                                        num_planes);
-          else
-            av1_resize_and_extend_frame_nonnormative(
-                ref, &new_fb->buf, (int)cm->seq_params.bit_depth, num_planes);
-          cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = new_fb;
-          alloc_frame_mvs(cm, new_fb);
-        }
-      } else {
-        RefCntBuffer *buf = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref_frame);
-        buf->buf.y_crop_width = ref->y_crop_width;
-        buf->buf.y_crop_height = ref->y_crop_height;
-        cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = buf;
-        ++buf->ref_count;
-      }
-    } else {
-      if (!has_no_stats_stage(cpi)) cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-static void release_scaled_references(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  // TODO(isbs): only refresh the necessary frames, rather than all of them
-  for (int i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; ++i) {
-    RefCntBuffer *const buf = cpi->scaled_ref_buf[i];
-    if (buf != NULL) {
-      --buf->ref_count;
-      cpi->scaled_ref_buf[i] = NULL;
-    }
-  }
 static void set_mv_search_params(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
   const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
   MotionVectorSearchParams *const mv_search_params = &cpi->mv_search_params;
@@ -2108,139 +1673,6 @@
                             counts_2 * blk_h * blk_w * 12 > width * height;
-static void set_size_independent_vars(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  int i;
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  for (i = LAST_FRAME; i <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++i) {
-    cm->global_motion[i] = default_warp_params;
-  }
-  cpi->gm_info.search_done = 0;
-  av1_set_speed_features_framesize_independent(cpi, cpi->speed);
-  av1_set_rd_speed_thresholds(cpi);
-  cm->features.interp_filter = SWITCHABLE;
-  cm->features.switchable_motion_mode = 1;
-static void process_tpl_stats_frame(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  const GF_GROUP *const gf_group = &cpi->gf_group;
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  assert(IMPLIES(gf_group->size > 0, gf_group->index < gf_group->size));
-  const int tpl_idx = gf_group->index;
-  TplParams *const tpl_data = &cpi->tpl_data;
-  TplDepFrame *tpl_frame = &tpl_data->tpl_frame[tpl_idx];
-  TplDepStats *tpl_stats = tpl_frame->tpl_stats_ptr;
-  if (tpl_frame->is_valid) {
-    int tpl_stride = tpl_frame->stride;
-    int64_t intra_cost_base = 0;
-    int64_t mc_dep_cost_base = 0;
-    int64_t mc_saved_base = 0;
-    int64_t mc_count_base = 0;
-    const int step = 1 << tpl_data->tpl_stats_block_mis_log2;
-    const int mi_cols_sr = av1_pixels_to_mi(cm->superres_upscaled_width);
-    for (int row = 0; row < cm->mi_params.mi_rows; row += step) {
-      for (int col = 0; col < mi_cols_sr; col += step) {
-        TplDepStats *this_stats = &tpl_stats[av1_tpl_ptr_pos(
-            row, col, tpl_stride, tpl_data->tpl_stats_block_mis_log2)];
-        int64_t mc_dep_delta =
-            RDCOST(tpl_frame->base_rdmult, this_stats->mc_dep_rate,
-                   this_stats->mc_dep_dist);
-        intra_cost_base += (this_stats->recrf_dist << RDDIV_BITS);
-        mc_dep_cost_base +=
-            (this_stats->recrf_dist << RDDIV_BITS) + mc_dep_delta;
-        mc_count_base += this_stats->mc_count;
-        mc_saved_base += this_stats->mc_saved;
-      }
-    }
-    if (mc_dep_cost_base == 0) {
-      tpl_frame->is_valid = 0;
-    } else {
-      aom_clear_system_state();
-      cpi->rd.r0 = (double)intra_cost_base / mc_dep_cost_base;
-      if (is_frame_tpl_eligible(gf_group)) {
-        cpi->rd.arf_r0 = cpi->rd.r0;
-        if (cpi->lap_enabled) {
-          double min_boost_factor = sqrt(cpi->rc.baseline_gf_interval);
-          const int gfu_boost = get_gfu_boost_from_r0_lap(
-              min_boost_factor, MAX_GFUBOOST_FACTOR, cpi->rd.arf_r0,
-              cpi->rc.num_stats_required_for_gfu_boost);
-          // printf("old boost %d new boost %d\n", cpi->rc.gfu_boost,
-          //        gfu_boost);
-          cpi->rc.gfu_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
-              min_boost_factor, MAX_BOOST_COMBINE_FACTOR, cpi->rc.gfu_boost,
-              gfu_boost, cpi->rc.num_stats_used_for_gfu_boost);
-        } else {
-          const int gfu_boost = (int)(200.0 / cpi->rd.r0);
-          cpi->rc.gfu_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
-              cpi->rc.gfu_boost, gfu_boost, cpi->rc.frames_to_key);
-        }
-      } else if (frame_is_intra_only(cm)) {
-        // TODO(debargha): Turn off q adjustment for kf temporarily to
-        // reduce impact on speed of encoding. Need to investigate how
-        // to mitigate the issue.
-        if (cpi->oxcf.rc_cfg.mode == AOM_Q) {
-          const int kf_boost =
-              get_kf_boost_from_r0(cpi->rd.r0, cpi->rc.frames_to_key);
-          if (cpi->lap_enabled) {
-            cpi->rc.kf_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
-                cpi->rc.kf_boost, kf_boost,
-                cpi->rc.num_stats_used_for_kf_boost);
-          } else {
-            cpi->rc.kf_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
-                cpi->rc.kf_boost, kf_boost, cpi->rc.frames_to_key);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      cpi->rd.mc_count_base = (double)mc_count_base /
-                              (cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
-      cpi->rd.mc_saved_base = (double)mc_saved_base /
-                              (cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
-      aom_clear_system_state();
-    }
-  }
-static void set_size_dependent_vars(AV1_COMP *cpi, int *q, int *bottom_index,
-                                    int *top_index) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  // Setup variables that depend on the dimensions of the frame.
-  av1_set_speed_features_framesize_dependent(cpi, cpi->speed);
-  GF_GROUP *gf_group = &cpi->gf_group;
-  if (cpi->oxcf.enable_tpl_model && is_frame_tpl_eligible(gf_group)) {
-    process_tpl_stats_frame(cpi);
-    av1_tpl_rdmult_setup(cpi);
-  }
-  // Decide q and q bounds.
-  *q = av1_rc_pick_q_and_bounds(cpi, &cpi->rc, cm->width, cm->height,
-                                cpi->gf_group.index, bottom_index, top_index);
-  // Configure experimental use of segmentation for enhanced coding of
-  // static regions if indicated.
-  // Only allowed in the second pass of a two pass encode, as it requires
-  // lagged coding, and if the relevant speed feature flag is set.
-  if (is_stat_consumption_stage_twopass(cpi) &&
-      cpi->sf.hl_sf.static_segmentation)
-    configure_static_seg_features(cpi);
 static void init_motion_estimation(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
   AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
   MotionVectorSearchParams *const mv_search_params = &cpi->mv_search_params;
@@ -2567,288 +1999,6 @@
   cdef_restoration_frame(cpi, cm, xd, use_restoration, use_cdef);
-static void fix_interp_filter(InterpFilter *const interp_filter,
-                              const FRAME_COUNTS *const counts) {
-  if (*interp_filter == SWITCHABLE) {
-    // Check to see if only one of the filters is actually used
-    int count[SWITCHABLE_FILTERS] = { 0 };
-    int num_filters_used = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < SWITCHABLE_FILTERS; ++i) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS; ++j)
-        count[i] += counts->switchable_interp[j][i];
-      num_filters_used += (count[i] > 0);
-    }
-    if (num_filters_used == 1) {
-      // Only one filter is used. So set the filter at frame level
-      for (int i = 0; i < SWITCHABLE_FILTERS; ++i) {
-        if (count[i]) {
-          if (i == EIGHTTAP_REGULAR) *interp_filter = i;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-static void finalize_encoded_frame(AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  CurrentFrame *const current_frame = &cm->current_frame;
-  if (!cm->seq_params.reduced_still_picture_hdr &&
-      encode_show_existing_frame(cm)) {
-    RefCntBuffer *const frame_to_show =
-        cm->ref_frame_map[cpi->existing_fb_idx_to_show];
-    if (frame_to_show == NULL) {
-      aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_UNSUP_BITSTREAM,
-                         "Buffer does not contain a reconstructed frame");
-    }
-    assert(frame_to_show->ref_count > 0);
-    assign_frame_buffer_p(&cm->cur_frame, frame_to_show);
-  }
-  if (!encode_show_existing_frame(cm) &&
-      cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present &&
-      (cm->show_frame || cm->showable_frame)) {
-    // Copy the current frame's film grain params to the its corresponding
-    // RefCntBuffer slot.
-    cm->cur_frame->film_grain_params = cm->film_grain_params;
-    // We must update the parameters if this is not an INTER_FRAME
-    if (current_frame->frame_type != INTER_FRAME)
-      cm->cur_frame->film_grain_params.update_parameters = 1;
-    // Iterate the random seed for the next frame.
-    cm->film_grain_params.random_seed += 3381;
-    if (cm->film_grain_params.random_seed == 0)
-      cm->film_grain_params.random_seed = 7391;
-  }
-  // Initialise all tiles' contexts from the global frame context
-  for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < cm->tiles.cols; tile_col++) {
-    for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < cm->tiles.rows; tile_row++) {
-      const int tile_idx = tile_row * cm->tiles.cols + tile_col;
-      cpi->tile_data[tile_idx].tctx = *cm->fc;
-    }
-  }
-  fix_interp_filter(&cm->features.interp_filter, cpi->td.counts);
-static int get_interp_filter_selected(const AV1_COMMON *const cm,
-                                      MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref,
-                                      InterpFilter ifilter) {
-  const RefCntBuffer *const buf = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref);
-  if (buf == NULL) return 0;
-  return buf->interp_filter_selected[ifilter];
-static uint16_t setup_interp_filter_search_mask(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  int ref_total[REF_FRAMES] = { 0 };
-  uint16_t mask = ALLOW_ALL_INTERP_FILT_MASK;
-  if (cpi->last_frame_type == KEY_FRAME || cpi->refresh_frame.alt_ref_frame)
-    return mask;
-  for (MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref = LAST_FRAME; ref <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref) {
-    for (InterpFilter ifilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; ifilter <= MULTITAP_SHARP;
-         ++ifilter) {
-      ref_total[ref] += get_interp_filter_selected(cm, ref, ifilter);
-    }
-  }
-  int ref_total_total = (ref_total[LAST2_FRAME] + ref_total[LAST3_FRAME] +
-                         ref_total[GOLDEN_FRAME] + ref_total[BWDREF_FRAME] +
-                         ref_total[ALTREF2_FRAME] + ref_total[ALTREF_FRAME]);
-  for (InterpFilter ifilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; ifilter <= MULTITAP_SHARP;
-       ++ifilter) {
-    int last_score = get_interp_filter_selected(cm, LAST_FRAME, ifilter) * 30;
-    if (ref_total[LAST_FRAME] && last_score <= ref_total[LAST_FRAME]) {
-      int filter_score =
-          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, LAST2_FRAME, ifilter) * 20 +
-          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, LAST3_FRAME, ifilter) * 20 +
-          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, GOLDEN_FRAME, ifilter) * 20 +
-          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, BWDREF_FRAME, ifilter) * 10 +
-          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, ALTREF2_FRAME, ifilter) * 10 +
-          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, ALTREF_FRAME, ifilter) * 10;
-      if (filter_score < ref_total_total) {
-        DUAL_FILTER_TYPE filt_type = ifilter + SWITCHABLE_FILTERS * ifilter;
-        reset_interp_filter_allowed_mask(&mask, filt_type);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return mask;
-// Encode key frame with/without screen content tools to determine whether
-// screen content tools should be enabled for this key frame group or not.
-// The first encoding is without screen content tools.
-// The second encoding is with screen content tools.
-// We compare the psnr and frame size to make the decision.
-static void screen_content_tools_determination(
-    AV1_COMP *cpi, const int allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision,
-    const int allow_intrabc_orig_decision,
-    const int is_screen_content_type_orig_decision, const int pass,
-    int *projected_size_pass, PSNR_STATS *psnr) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  FeatureFlags *const features = &cm->features;
-  projected_size_pass[pass] = cpi->rc.projected_frame_size;
-  const uint32_t in_bit_depth = cpi->oxcf.input_bit_depth;
-  const uint32_t bit_depth = cpi->;
-  aom_calc_highbd_psnr(cpi->source, &cpi->common.cur_frame->buf, &psnr[pass],
-                       bit_depth, in_bit_depth);
-  aom_calc_psnr(cpi->source, &cpi->common.cur_frame->buf, &psnr[pass]);
-  if (pass != 1) return;
-  const double psnr_diff = psnr[1].psnr[0] - psnr[0].psnr[0];
-  const int is_sc_encoding_much_better = psnr_diff > STRICT_PSNR_DIFF_THRESH;
-  if (is_sc_encoding_much_better) {
-    // Use screen content tools, if we get coding gain.
-    features->allow_screen_content_tools = 1;
-    features->allow_intrabc = cpi->intrabc_used;
-    cpi->is_screen_content_type = 1;
-  } else {
-    // Use original screen content decision.
-    features->allow_screen_content_tools =
-        allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision;
-    features->allow_intrabc = allow_intrabc_orig_decision;
-    cpi->is_screen_content_type = is_screen_content_type_orig_decision;
-  }
-// Set some encoding parameters to make the encoding process fast.
-// A fixed block partition size, and a large q is used.
-static void set_encoding_params_for_screen_content(AV1_COMP *cpi,
-                                                   const int pass) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  if (pass == 0) {
-    // In the first pass, encode without screen content tools.
-    // Use a high q, and a fixed block size for fast encoding.
-    cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools = 0;
-    cm->features.allow_intrabc = 0;
-    cpi->is_screen_content_type = 0;
-    cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type = FIXED_PARTITION;
-    cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size = BLOCK_32X32;
-    return;
-  }
-  assert(pass == 1);
-  // In the second pass, encode with screen content tools.
-  // Use a high q, and a fixed block size for fast encoding.
-  cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools = 1;
-  // TODO(chengchen): turn intrabc on could lead to data race issue.
-  // cm->allow_intrabc = 1;
-  cpi->is_screen_content_type = 1;
-  cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type = FIXED_PARTITION;
-  cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size = BLOCK_32X32;
-// Determines whether to use screen content tools for the key frame group.
-// This function modifies "cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools",
-// "cm->features.allow_intrabc" and "cpi->is_screen_content_type".
-static void determine_sc_tools_with_encoding(AV1_COMP *cpi, const int q_orig) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  const AV1EncoderConfig *const oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
-  const QuantizationCfg *const q_cfg = &oxcf->q_cfg;
-  // Variables to help determine if we should allow screen content tools.
-  int projected_size_pass[3] = { 0 };
-  PSNR_STATS psnr[3];
-  const int is_key_frame = cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME;
-  const int allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision =
-      cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools;
-  const int allow_intrabc_orig_decision = cm->features.allow_intrabc;
-  const int is_screen_content_type_orig_decision = cpi->is_screen_content_type;
-  // Turn off the encoding trial for forward key frame and superres.
-  if (cpi->sf.rt_sf.use_nonrd_pick_mode || oxcf->kf_cfg.fwd_kf_enabled ||
-      cpi->superres_mode != AOM_SUPERRES_NONE || oxcf->mode == REALTIME ||
-      is_screen_content_type_orig_decision || !is_key_frame) {
-    return;
-  }
-  // TODO(chengchen): multiple encoding for the lossless mode is time consuming.
-  // Find a better way to determine whether screen content tools should be used
-  // for lossless coding.
-  // Use a high q and a fixed partition to do quick encoding.
-  const int q_for_screen_content_quick_run =
-      is_lossless_requested(&oxcf->rc_cfg) ? q_orig : AOMMAX(q_orig, 244);
-  const int partition_search_type_orig = cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type;
-  const BLOCK_SIZE fixed_partition_block_size_orig =
-      cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size;
-  // Setup necessary params for encoding, including frame source, etc.
-  aom_clear_system_state();
-  cpi->source =
-      av1_scale_if_required(cm, cpi->unscaled_source, &cpi->scaled_source,
-                            cm->features.interp_filter, 0);
-  if (cpi->unscaled_last_source != NULL) {
-    cpi->last_source = av1_scale_if_required(cm, cpi->unscaled_last_source,
-                                             &cpi->scaled_last_source,
-                                             cm->features.interp_filter, 0);
-  }
-  setup_frame(cpi);
-  if (cm->seg.enabled) {
-    if (!cm->seg.update_data && cm->prev_frame) {
-      segfeatures_copy(&cm->seg, &cm->prev_frame->seg);
-      cm->seg.enabled = cm->prev_frame->seg.enabled;
-    } else {
-      av1_calculate_segdata(&cm->seg);
-    }
-  } else {
-    memset(&cm->seg, 0, sizeof(cm->seg));
-  }
-  segfeatures_copy(&cm->cur_frame->seg, &cm->seg);
-  cm->cur_frame->seg.enabled = cm->seg.enabled;
-  // The two encoding passes aim to help determine whether to use screen
-  // content tools, with a high q and fixed partition.
-  for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
-    set_encoding_params_for_screen_content(cpi, pass);
-    if (oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_WITH_PREPROCESSING ||
-        oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_WITHOUT_PREPROCESSING ||
-        oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_MAX_GAIN) {
-      av1_set_quantizer(
-          cm, q_cfg->qm_minlevel, q_cfg->qm_maxlevel,
-          av1_get_vmaf_base_qindex(cpi, q_for_screen_content_quick_run),
-          q_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq);
-    } else {
-      av1_set_quantizer(cm, q_cfg->qm_minlevel, q_cfg->qm_maxlevel,
-                        q_for_screen_content_quick_run,
-                        q_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq);
-    }
-    av1_set_speed_features_qindex_dependent(cpi, oxcf->speed);
-    if (q_cfg->deltaq_mode != NO_DELTA_Q)
-      av1_init_quantizer(&cpi->enc_quant_dequant_params, &cm->quant_params,
-                         cm->seq_params.bit_depth);
-    av1_set_variance_partition_thresholds(cpi, q_for_screen_content_quick_run,
-                                          0);
-    // transform / motion compensation build reconstruction frame
-    av1_encode_frame(cpi);
-    // Screen content decision
-    screen_content_tools_determination(
-        cpi, allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision,
-        allow_intrabc_orig_decision, is_screen_content_type_orig_decision, pass,
-        projected_size_pass, psnr);
-  }
-  // Set partition speed feature back.
-  cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type = partition_search_type_orig;
-  cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size = fixed_partition_block_size_orig;
 /*!\brief Encode a frame without the recode loop, usually used in one-pass
  * encoding and realtime coding.
@@ -2881,7 +2031,7 @@
-  set_size_dependent_vars(cpi, &q, &bottom_index, &top_index);
+  av1_set_size_dependent_vars(cpi, &q, &bottom_index, &top_index);
   if (!cpi->use_svc) {
     phase_scaler = 8;
@@ -2928,7 +2078,7 @@
   // use for newmv search, we can avoid scaling here.
   if (!frame_is_intra_only(cm) &&
       !(cpi->use_svc && cpi->svc.force_zero_mode_spatial_ref))
-    scale_references(cpi, filter_scaler, phase_scaler);
+    av1_scale_references(cpi, filter_scaler, phase_scaler);
   av1_set_quantizer(cm, q_cfg->qm_minlevel, q_cfg->qm_maxlevel, q,
@@ -2937,7 +2087,7 @@
     av1_init_quantizer(&cpi->enc_quant_dequant_params, &cm->quant_params,
   av1_set_variance_partition_thresholds(cpi, q, 0);
-  setup_frame(cpi);
+  av1_setup_frame(cpi);
   // Check if this high_source_sad (scene/slide change) frame should be
   // encoded at high/max QP, and if so, set the q and adjust some rate
@@ -2958,7 +2108,7 @@
   if (q_cfg->aq_mode == CYCLIC_REFRESH_AQ) {
-    apply_active_map(cpi);
+    av1_apply_active_map(cpi);
   if (cm->seg.enabled) {
     if (!cm->seg.update_data && cm->prev_frame) {
@@ -3031,7 +2181,7 @@
   if (is_stat_consumption_stage_twopass(cpi) &&
     cpi->interp_search_flags.interp_filter_search_mask =
-        setup_interp_filter_search_mask(cpi);
+        av1_setup_interp_filter_search_mask(cpi);
   cpi->source->buf_8bit_valid = 0;
@@ -3049,7 +2199,7 @@
   int top_index = 0, bottom_index = 0;
   int q = 0, q_low = 0, q_high = 0;
-  set_size_dependent_vars(cpi, &q, &bottom_index, &top_index);
+  av1_set_size_dependent_vars(cpi, &q, &bottom_index, &top_index);
   q_low = bottom_index;
   q_high = top_index;
@@ -3063,7 +2213,7 @@
   // Determine whether to use screen content tools using two fast encoding.
-  determine_sc_tools_with_encoding(cpi, q);
+  av1_determine_sc_tools_with_encoding(cpi, q);
   // Loop variables
   int loop = 0;
@@ -3099,7 +2249,7 @@
       if (loop_count > 0) {
-      scale_references(cpi, EIGHTTAP_REGULAR, 0);
+      av1_scale_references(cpi, EIGHTTAP_REGULAR, 0);
     if (oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_WITH_PREPROCESSING ||
@@ -3128,7 +2278,7 @@
     //        cm->current_frame.frame_type, cm->superres_scale_denominator);
     if (loop_count == 0) {
-      setup_frame(cpi);
+      av1_setup_frame(cpi);
     } else if (get_primary_ref_frame_buf(cm) == NULL) {
       // Base q-index may have changed, so we need to assign proper default coef
       // probs before every iteration.
@@ -3200,7 +2350,7 @@
          oxcf->rc_cfg.mode != AOM_Q) ||
         oxcf->rc_cfg.min_cr > 0;
     if (do_dummy_pack) {
-      finalize_encoded_frame(cpi);
+      av1_finalize_encoded_frame(cpi);
       int largest_tile_id = 0;  // Output from bitstream: unused here
       if (av1_pack_bitstream(cpi, dest, size, &largest_tile_id) !=
           AOM_CODEC_OK) {
@@ -3224,9 +2374,9 @@
     if (allow_recode && !cpi->sf.gm_sf.gm_disable_recode &&
-        recode_loop_test_global_motion(cm->global_motion,
-                                       cpi->td.rd_counts.global_motion_used,
-                                       gm_info->params_cost)) {
+        av1_recode_loop_test_global_motion(cm->global_motion,
+                                           cpi->td.rd_counts.global_motion_used,
+                                           gm_info->params_cost)) {
       loop = 1;
@@ -3352,7 +2502,7 @@
   aom_write_one_yuv_frame(cm, &cm->cur_frame->buf);
-  finalize_encoded_frame(cpi);
+  av1_finalize_encoded_frame(cpi);
   // Build the bitstream
   start_timing(cpi, av1_pack_bitstream_final_time);
@@ -3382,47 +2532,6 @@
-static void save_cur_buf(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  CODING_CONTEXT *const cc = &cpi->coding_context;
-  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf = &cm->cur_frame->buf;
-  memset(&cc->copy_buffer, 0, sizeof(cc->copy_buffer));
-  if (aom_alloc_frame_buffer(&cc->copy_buffer, ybf->y_crop_width,
-                             ybf->y_crop_height, ybf->subsampling_x,
-                             ybf->subsampling_y,
-                             ybf->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH, ybf->border,
-                             cm->features.byte_alignment) != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
-    aom_internal_error(
-        &cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
-        "Failed to allocate copy buffer for saving coding context");
-  }
-  aom_yv12_copy_frame(ybf, &cc->copy_buffer, av1_num_planes(cm));
-// Coding context that only needs to be saved when recode loop includes
-// filtering (deblocking, CDEF, superres post-encode upscale and/or loop
-// restoraton).
-static void save_extra_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  CODING_CONTEXT *const cc = &cpi->coding_context;
-  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
-  cc->lf = cm->lf;
-  cc->cdef_info = cm->cdef_info;
-  cc->rc = cpi->rc;
-static void save_all_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  save_cur_buf(cpi);
-  save_extra_coding_context(cpi);
-  if (!frame_is_intra_only(&cpi->common)) release_scaled_references(cpi);
-static void restore_all_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  restore_cur_buf(cpi);
-  restore_extra_coding_context(cpi);
-  if (!frame_is_intra_only(&cpi->common)) release_scaled_references(cpi);
 static int encode_with_and_without_superres(AV1_COMP *cpi, size_t *size,
                                             uint8_t *dest,
                                             int *largest_tile_id) {
@@ -3430,7 +2539,7 @@
   aom_codec_err_t err = AOM_CODEC_OK;
-  save_all_coding_context(cpi);
+  av1_save_all_coding_context(cpi);
   // Encode with superres.
@@ -3551,289 +2660,6 @@
-// NOTE(zoeliu): For debug - Output the filtered reconstructed video.
-static void dump_filtered_recon_frames(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  const CurrentFrame *const current_frame = &cm->current_frame;
-  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *recon_buf = &cm->cur_frame->buf;
-  if (recon_buf == NULL) {
-    printf("Frame %d is not ready.\n", current_frame->frame_number);
-    return;
-  }
-  static const int flag_list[REF_FRAMES] = { 0,
-                                             AOM_LAST_FLAG,
-                                             AOM_LAST2_FLAG,
-                                             AOM_LAST3_FLAG,
-                                             AOM_GOLD_FLAG,
-                                             AOM_BWD_FLAG,
-                                             AOM_ALT2_FLAG,
-                                             AOM_ALT_FLAG };
-  printf(
-      "\n***Frame=%d (frame_offset=%d, show_frame=%d, "
-      "show_existing_frame=%d) "
-      current_frame->frame_number, current_frame->order_hint, cm->show_frame,
-      cm->show_existing_frame);
-  for (int ref_frame = LAST_FRAME; ref_frame <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref_frame) {
-    const RefCntBuffer *const buf = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref_frame);
-    const int ref_offset = buf != NULL ? (int)buf->order_hint : -1;
-    printf(" %d(%c)", ref_offset,
-           (cpi->ref_frame_flags & flag_list[ref_frame]) ? 'Y' : 'N');
-  }
-  printf(" ]\n");
-  if (!cm->show_frame) {
-    printf("Frame %d is a no show frame, so no image dump.\n",
-           current_frame->frame_number);
-    return;
-  }
-  int h;
-  char file_name[256] = "/tmp/enc_filtered_recon.yuv";
-  FILE *f_recon = NULL;
-  if (current_frame->frame_number == 0) {
-    if ((f_recon = fopen(file_name, "wb")) == NULL) {
-      printf("Unable to open file %s to write.\n", file_name);
-      return;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if ((f_recon = fopen(file_name, "ab")) == NULL) {
-      printf("Unable to open file %s to append.\n", file_name);
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  printf(
-      "\nFrame=%5d, encode_update_type[%5d]=%1d, frame_offset=%d, "
-      "show_frame=%d, show_existing_frame=%d, source_alt_ref_active=%d, "
-      "refresh_alt_ref_frame=%d, "
-      "y_stride=%4d, uv_stride=%4d, cm->width=%4d, cm->height=%4d\n\n",
-      current_frame->frame_number, cpi->gf_group.index,
-      cpi->gf_group.update_type[cpi->gf_group.index], current_frame->order_hint,
-      cm->show_frame, cm->show_existing_frame, cpi->rc.source_alt_ref_active,
-      cpi->refresh_frame.alt_ref_frame, recon_buf->y_stride,
-      recon_buf->uv_stride, cm->width, cm->height);
-#if 0
-  int ref_frame;
-  printf("get_ref_frame_map_idx: [");
-  for (ref_frame = LAST_FRAME; ref_frame <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref_frame)
-    printf(" %d", get_ref_frame_map_idx(cm, ref_frame));
-  printf(" ]\n");
-#endif  // 0
-  // --- Y ---
-  for (h = 0; h < cm->height; ++h) {
-    fwrite(&recon_buf->y_buffer[h * recon_buf->y_stride], 1, cm->width,
-           f_recon);
-  }
-  // --- U ---
-  for (h = 0; h < (cm->height >> 1); ++h) {
-    fwrite(&recon_buf->u_buffer[h * recon_buf->uv_stride], 1, (cm->width >> 1),
-           f_recon);
-  }
-  // --- V ---
-  for (h = 0; h < (cm->height >> 1); ++h) {
-    fwrite(&recon_buf->v_buffer[h * recon_buf->uv_stride], 1, (cm->width >> 1),
-           f_recon);
-  }
-  fclose(f_recon);
-static int is_integer_mv(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *cur_picture,
-                         const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *last_picture,
-                         ForceIntegerMVInfo *const force_intpel_info) {
-  aom_clear_system_state();
-  // check use hash ME
-  int k;
-  const int block_size = FORCE_INT_MV_DECISION_BLOCK_SIZE;
-  const double threshold_current = 0.8;
-  const double threshold_average = 0.95;
-  const int max_history_size = 32;
-  int T = 0;  // total block
-  int C = 0;  // match with collocated block
-  int S = 0;  // smooth region but not match with collocated block
-  const int pic_width = cur_picture->y_width;
-  const int pic_height = cur_picture->y_height;
-  for (int i = 0; i + block_size <= pic_height; i += block_size) {
-    for (int j = 0; j + block_size <= pic_width; j += block_size) {
-      const int x_pos = j;
-      const int y_pos = i;
-      int match = 1;
-      T++;
-      // check whether collocated block match with current
-      uint8_t *p_cur = cur_picture->y_buffer;
-      uint8_t *p_ref = last_picture->y_buffer;
-      int stride_cur = cur_picture->y_stride;
-      int stride_ref = last_picture->y_stride;
-      p_cur += (y_pos * stride_cur + x_pos);
-      p_ref += (y_pos * stride_ref + x_pos);
-      if (cur_picture->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
-        uint16_t *p16_cur = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(p_cur);
-        uint16_t *p16_ref = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(p_ref);
-        for (int tmpY = 0; tmpY < block_size && match; tmpY++) {
-          for (int tmpX = 0; tmpX < block_size && match; tmpX++) {
-            if (p16_cur[tmpX] != p16_ref[tmpX]) {
-              match = 0;
-            }
-          }
-          p16_cur += stride_cur;
-          p16_ref += stride_ref;
-        }
-      } else {
-        for (int tmpY = 0; tmpY < block_size && match; tmpY++) {
-          for (int tmpX = 0; tmpX < block_size && match; tmpX++) {
-            if (p_cur[tmpX] != p_ref[tmpX]) {
-              match = 0;
-            }
-          }
-          p_cur += stride_cur;
-          p_ref += stride_ref;
-        }
-      }
-      if (match) {
-        C++;
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (av1_hash_is_horizontal_perfect(cur_picture, block_size, x_pos,
-                                         y_pos) ||
-          av1_hash_is_vertical_perfect(cur_picture, block_size, x_pos, y_pos)) {
-        S++;
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  assert(T > 0);
-  double cs_rate = ((double)(C + S)) / ((double)(T));
-  force_intpel_info->cs_rate_array[force_intpel_info->rate_index] = cs_rate;
-  force_intpel_info->rate_index =
-      (force_intpel_info->rate_index + 1) % max_history_size;
-  force_intpel_info->rate_size++;
-  force_intpel_info->rate_size =
-      AOMMIN(force_intpel_info->rate_size, max_history_size);
-  if (cs_rate < threshold_current) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (C == T) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  double cs_average = 0.0;
-  for (k = 0; k < force_intpel_info->rate_size; k++) {
-    cs_average += force_intpel_info->cs_rate_array[k];
-  }
-  cs_average /= force_intpel_info->rate_size;
-  if (cs_average < threshold_average) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if ((T - C - S) < 0) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if (cs_average > 1.01) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-// Refresh reference frame buffers according to refresh_frame_flags.
-static void refresh_reference_frames(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  // All buffers are refreshed for shown keyframes and S-frames.
-  for (int ref_frame = 0; ref_frame < REF_FRAMES; ref_frame++) {
-    if (((cm->current_frame.refresh_frame_flags >> ref_frame) & 1) == 1) {
-      assign_frame_buffer_p(&cm->ref_frame_map[ref_frame], cm->cur_frame);
-    }
-  }
-static void set_mb_ssim_rdmult_scaling(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
-  const CommonModeInfoParams *const mi_params = &cpi->common.mi_params;
-  ThreadData *td = &cpi->td;
-  MACROBLOCK *x = &td->mb;
-  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  uint8_t *y_buffer = cpi->source->y_buffer;
-  const int y_stride = cpi->source->y_stride;
-  const int block_size = BLOCK_16X16;
-  const int num_mi_w = mi_size_wide[block_size];
-  const int num_mi_h = mi_size_high[block_size];
-  const int num_cols = (mi_params->mi_cols + num_mi_w - 1) / num_mi_w;
-  const int num_rows = (mi_params->mi_rows + num_mi_h - 1) / num_mi_h;
-  double log_sum = 0.0;
-  const int use_hbd = cpi->source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH;
-  // Loop through each 16x16 block.
-  for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
-      double var = 0.0, num_of_var = 0.0;
-      const int index = row * num_cols + col;
-      // Loop through each 8x8 block.
-      for (int mi_row = row * num_mi_h;
-           mi_row < mi_params->mi_rows && mi_row < (row + 1) * num_mi_h;
-           mi_row += 2) {
-        for (int mi_col = col * num_mi_w;
-             mi_col < mi_params->mi_cols && mi_col < (col + 1) * num_mi_w;
-             mi_col += 2) {
-          struct buf_2d buf;
-          const int row_offset_y = mi_row << 2;
-          const int col_offset_y = mi_col << 2;
-          buf.buf = y_buffer + row_offset_y * y_stride + col_offset_y;
-          buf.stride = y_stride;
-          if (use_hbd) {
-            var += av1_high_get_sby_perpixel_variance(cpi, &buf, BLOCK_8X8,
-                                                      xd->bd);
-          } else {
-            var += av1_get_sby_perpixel_variance(cpi, &buf, BLOCK_8X8);
-          }
-          num_of_var += 1.0;
-        }
-      }
-      var = var / num_of_var;
-      // Curve fitting with an exponential model on all 16x16 blocks from the
-      // midres dataset.
-      var = 67.035434 * (1 - exp(-0.0021489 * var)) + 17.492222;
-      cpi->ssim_rdmult_scaling_factors[index] = var;
-      log_sum += log(var);
-    }
-  }
-  log_sum = exp(log_sum / (double)(num_rows * num_cols));
-  for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
-    for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
-      const int index = row * num_cols + col;
-      cpi->ssim_rdmult_scaling_factors[index] /= log_sum;
-    }
-  }
 extern void av1_print_frame_contexts(const FRAME_CONTEXT *fc,
                                      const char *filename);
@@ -3898,7 +2724,7 @@
   if (encode_show_existing_frame(cm)) {
-    finalize_encoded_frame(cpi);
+    av1_finalize_encoded_frame(cpi);
     // Build the bitstream
     int largest_tile_id = 0;  // Output from bitstream: unused here
     if (av1_pack_bitstream(cpi, dest, size, &largest_tile_id) != AOM_CODEC_OK)
@@ -3916,7 +2742,7 @@
     // NOTE(zoeliu): For debug - Output the filtered reconstructed video.
-    dump_filtered_recon_frames(cpi);
+    av1_dump_filtered_recon_frames(cpi);
     // NOTE: Save the new show frame buffer index for --test-code=warn, i.e.,
@@ -3949,7 +2775,7 @@
     if (cpi->common.seq_params.force_integer_mv == 2) {
       // Adaptive mode: see what previous frame encoded did
       if (cpi->unscaled_last_source != NULL) {
-        features->cur_frame_force_integer_mv = is_integer_mv(
+        features->cur_frame_force_integer_mv = av1_is_integer_mv(
             cpi->source, cpi->unscaled_last_source, &cpi->force_intpel_info);
       } else {
         cpi->common.features.cur_frame_force_integer_mv = 0;
@@ -3998,7 +2824,7 @@
-  if (oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_SSIM) set_mb_ssim_rdmult_scaling(cpi);
+  if (oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_SSIM) av1_set_mb_ssim_rdmult_scaling(cpi);
@@ -4095,7 +2921,7 @@
   // NOTE(zoeliu): For debug - Output the filtered reconstructed video.
-  dump_filtered_recon_frames(cpi);
+  av1_dump_filtered_recon_frames(cpi);
   if (cm->seg.enabled) {
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.c b/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6cae0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1422 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
+ *
+ * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
+ * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
+ * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
+ * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
+ * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
+ * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
+ */
+#include "aom_ports/system_state.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/bitstream.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/encodeframe.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/encoder_alloc.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/encodetxb.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/encoder_utils.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/grain_test_vectors.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/mv_prec.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/rc_utils.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/rdopt.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/segmentation.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/superres_scale.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/var_based_part.h"
+const int default_tx_type_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES][TX_SIZES_ALL][TX_TYPES] = {
+  { { 221, 189, 214, 292, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 38, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 262, 203, 216, 239, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 37, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 315, 231, 239, 226, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 222, 188, 214, 287, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 50, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 256, 182, 205, 282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 21, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 281, 214, 217, 222, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 48, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 263, 194, 225, 225, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 15, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 170, 192, 242, 293, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 68, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 199, 210, 213, 291, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 14, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+  { { 106, 69, 107, 278, 9, 15, 20, 45, 49, 23, 23, 88, 36, 74, 25, 57 },
+    { 105, 72, 81, 98, 45, 49, 47, 50, 56, 72, 30, 81, 33, 95, 27, 83 },
+    { 211, 105, 109, 120, 57, 62, 43, 49, 52, 58, 42, 116, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 131, 57, 98, 172, 19, 40, 37, 64, 69, 22, 41, 52, 51, 77, 35, 59 },
+    { 176, 83, 93, 202, 22, 24, 28, 47, 50, 16, 12, 93, 26, 76, 17, 59 },
+    { 136, 72, 89, 95, 46, 59, 47, 56, 61, 68, 35, 51, 32, 82, 26, 69 },
+    { 122, 80, 87, 105, 49, 47, 46, 46, 57, 52, 13, 90, 19, 103, 15, 93 },
+    { 1009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1011, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 202, 20, 84, 114, 14, 60, 41, 79, 99, 21, 41, 15, 50, 84, 34, 66 },
+    { 196, 44, 23, 72, 30, 22, 28, 57, 67, 13, 4, 165, 15, 148, 9, 131 },
+    { 882, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 184, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+  { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 } },
+  { { 213, 110, 141, 269, 12, 16, 15, 19, 21, 11, 38, 68, 22, 29, 16, 24 },
+    { 216, 119, 128, 143, 38, 41, 26, 30, 31, 30, 42, 70, 23, 36, 19, 32 },
+    { 367, 149, 154, 154, 38, 35, 17, 21, 21, 10, 22, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 219, 96, 127, 191, 21, 40, 25, 32, 34, 18, 45, 45, 33, 39, 26, 33 },
+    { 296, 99, 122, 198, 23, 21, 19, 24, 25, 13, 20, 64, 23, 32, 18, 27 },
+    { 275, 128, 142, 143, 35, 48, 23, 30, 29, 18, 42, 36, 18, 23, 14, 20 },
+    { 239, 132, 166, 175, 36, 27, 19, 21, 24, 14, 13, 85, 9, 31, 8, 25 },
+    { 1022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 309, 25, 79, 59, 25, 80, 34, 53, 61, 25, 49, 23, 43, 64, 36, 59 },
+    { 270, 57, 40, 54, 50, 42, 41, 53, 56, 28, 17, 81, 45, 86, 34, 70 },
+    { 1005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+  { { 133, 63, 55, 83, 57, 87, 58, 72, 68, 16, 24, 35, 29, 105, 25, 114 },
+    { 131, 75, 74, 60, 71, 77, 65, 66, 73, 33, 21, 79, 20, 83, 18, 78 },
+    { 276, 95, 82, 58, 86, 93, 63, 60, 64, 17, 38, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1006, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 147, 49, 75, 78, 50, 97, 60, 67, 76, 17, 42, 35, 31, 93, 27, 80 },
+    { 157, 49, 58, 75, 61, 52, 56, 67, 69, 12, 15, 79, 24, 119, 11, 120 },
+    { 178, 69, 83, 77, 69, 85, 72, 77, 77, 20, 35, 40, 25, 48, 23, 46 },
+    { 174, 55, 64, 57, 73, 68, 62, 61, 75, 15, 12, 90, 17, 99, 16, 86 },
+    { 1008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 266, 31, 63, 64, 21, 52, 39, 54, 63, 30, 52, 31, 48, 89, 46, 75 },
+    { 272, 26, 32, 44, 29, 31, 32, 53, 51, 13, 13, 88, 22, 153, 16, 149 },
+    { 923, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 969, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
+  { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
+    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 } },
+  { { 158, 92, 125, 298, 12, 15, 20, 29, 31, 12, 29, 67, 34, 44, 23, 35 },
+    { 147, 94, 103, 123, 45, 48, 38, 41, 46, 48, 37, 78, 33, 63, 27, 53 },
+    { 268, 126, 125, 136, 54, 53, 31, 38, 38, 33, 35, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 159, 72, 103, 194, 20, 35, 37, 50, 56, 21, 39, 40, 51, 61, 38, 48 },
+    { 259, 86, 95, 188, 32, 20, 25, 34, 37, 13, 12, 85, 25, 53, 17, 43 },
+    { 189, 99, 113, 123, 45, 59, 37, 46, 48, 44, 39, 41, 31, 47, 26, 37 },
+    { 175, 110, 113, 128, 58, 38, 33, 33, 43, 29, 13, 100, 14, 68, 12, 57 },
+    { 1017, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1019, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 208, 22, 84, 101, 21, 59, 44, 70, 90, 25, 59, 13, 64, 67, 49, 48 },
+    { 277, 52, 32, 63, 43, 26, 33, 48, 54, 11, 6, 130, 18, 119, 11, 101 },
+    { 963, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 979, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }
+const int default_obmc_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES][BLOCK_SIZES_ALL] = {
+  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+  { 0,  0,  0,  106, 90, 90, 97, 67, 59, 70, 28,
+    30, 38, 16, 16,  16, 0,  0,  44, 50, 26, 25 },
+  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+  { 0,  0,  0,  98, 93, 97, 68, 82, 85, 33, 30,
+    33, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0,  0,  43, 37, 26, 16 },
+  { 0,  0,  0,  91, 80, 76, 78, 55, 49, 24, 16,
+    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0,  0,  29, 45, 16, 38 },
+  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+  { 0,  0,  0,  103, 89, 89, 89, 62, 63, 76, 34,
+    35, 32, 19, 16,  16, 0,  0,  49, 55, 29, 19 }
+const int default_warped_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES] = { 64, 64, 64, 64,
+                                                       64, 64, 64 };
+// TODO(yunqing): the default probs can be trained later from better
+// performance.
+const int default_switchable_interp_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES]
+                                         [SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS]
+                                         [SWITCHABLE_FILTERS] = {
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
+                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
+                                             { 512, 512, 512 } }
+                                         };
+static void configure_static_seg_features(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  const RATE_CONTROL *const rc = &cpi->rc;
+  struct segmentation *const seg = &cm->seg;
+  int high_q = (int)(rc->avg_q > 48.0);
+  int qi_delta;
+  // Disable and clear down for KF
+  if (cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
+    // Clear down the global segmentation map
+    memset(cpi->, 0, cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
+    seg->update_map = 0;
+    seg->update_data = 0;
+    // Disable segmentation
+    av1_disable_segmentation(seg);
+    // Clear down the segment features.
+    av1_clearall_segfeatures(seg);
+  } else if (cpi->refresh_frame.alt_ref_frame) {
+    // If this is an alt ref frame
+    // Clear down the global segmentation map
+    memset(cpi->, 0, cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
+    seg->update_map = 0;
+    seg->update_data = 0;
+    // Disable segmentation and individual segment features by default
+    av1_disable_segmentation(seg);
+    av1_clearall_segfeatures(seg);
+    // If segmentation was enabled set those features needed for the
+    // arf itself.
+    if (seg->enabled) {
+      seg->update_map = 1;
+      seg->update_data = 1;
+      qi_delta = av1_compute_qdelta(rc, rc->avg_q, rc->avg_q * 0.875,
+                                    cm->seq_params.bit_depth);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qi_delta - 2);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H, -2);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V, -2);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U, -2);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V, -2);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
+    }
+  } else if (seg->enabled) {
+    // All other frames if segmentation has been enabled
+    // First normal frame in a valid gf or alt ref group
+    if (rc->frames_since_golden == 0) {
+      // Set up segment features for normal frames in an arf group
+      if (rc->source_alt_ref_active) {
+        seg->update_map = 0;
+        seg->update_data = 1;
+        qi_delta = av1_compute_qdelta(rc, rc->avg_q, rc->avg_q * 1.125,
+                                      cm->seq_params.bit_depth);
+        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q, qi_delta + 2);
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_Q);
+        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H, -2);
+        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V, -2);
+        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U, -2);
+        av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V, -2);
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
+        // Segment coding disabled for compred testing
+        if (high_q) {
+          av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME, ALTREF_FRAME);
+          av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
+          av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
+        }
+      } else {
+        // Disable segmentation and clear down features if alt ref
+        // is not active for this group
+        av1_disable_segmentation(seg);
+        memset(cpi->, 0,
+               cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
+        seg->update_map = 0;
+        seg->update_data = 0;
+        av1_clearall_segfeatures(seg);
+      }
+    } else if (rc->is_src_frame_alt_ref) {
+      // Special case where we are coding over the top of a previous
+      // alt ref frame.
+      // Segment coding disabled for compred testing
+      // Enable ref frame features for segment 0 as well
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
+      // All mbs should use ALTREF_FRAME
+      av1_clear_segdata(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME, ALTREF_FRAME);
+      av1_clear_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME, ALTREF_FRAME);
+      // Skip all MBs if high Q (0,0 mv and skip coeffs)
+      if (high_q) {
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 0, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
+        av1_enable_segfeature(seg, 1, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
+      }
+      // Enable data update
+      seg->update_data = 1;
+    } else {
+      // All other frames.
+      // No updates.. leave things as they are.
+      seg->update_map = 0;
+      seg->update_data = 0;
+    }
+  }
+void av1_apply_active_map(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  struct segmentation *const seg = &cpi->common.seg;
+  unsigned char *const seg_map = cpi->;
+  const unsigned char *const active_map = cpi->;
+  int i;
+  if (frame_is_intra_only(&cpi->common)) {
+    cpi->active_map.enabled = 0;
+    cpi->active_map.update = 1;
+  }
+  if (cpi->active_map.update) {
+    if (cpi->active_map.enabled) {
+      for (i = 0;
+           i < cpi->common.mi_params.mi_rows * cpi->common.mi_params.mi_cols;
+           ++i)
+        if (seg_map[i] == AM_SEGMENT_ID_ACTIVE) seg_map[i] = active_map[i];
+      av1_enable_segmentation(seg);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
+      av1_enable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H,
+                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V,
+                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U,
+                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
+      av1_set_segdata(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V,
+                      -MAX_LOOP_FILTER);
+    } else {
+      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_SKIP);
+      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H);
+      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V);
+      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U);
+      av1_disable_segfeature(seg, AM_SEGMENT_ID_INACTIVE, SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V);
+      if (seg->enabled) {
+        seg->update_data = 1;
+        seg->update_map = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    cpi->active_map.update = 0;
+  }
+static void process_tpl_stats_frame(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  const GF_GROUP *const gf_group = &cpi->gf_group;
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  assert(IMPLIES(gf_group->size > 0, gf_group->index < gf_group->size));
+  const int tpl_idx = gf_group->index;
+  TplParams *const tpl_data = &cpi->tpl_data;
+  TplDepFrame *tpl_frame = &tpl_data->tpl_frame[tpl_idx];
+  TplDepStats *tpl_stats = tpl_frame->tpl_stats_ptr;
+  if (tpl_frame->is_valid) {
+    int tpl_stride = tpl_frame->stride;
+    int64_t intra_cost_base = 0;
+    int64_t mc_dep_cost_base = 0;
+    int64_t mc_saved_base = 0;
+    int64_t mc_count_base = 0;
+    const int step = 1 << tpl_data->tpl_stats_block_mis_log2;
+    const int mi_cols_sr = av1_pixels_to_mi(cm->superres_upscaled_width);
+    for (int row = 0; row < cm->mi_params.mi_rows; row += step) {
+      for (int col = 0; col < mi_cols_sr; col += step) {
+        TplDepStats *this_stats = &tpl_stats[av1_tpl_ptr_pos(
+            row, col, tpl_stride, tpl_data->tpl_stats_block_mis_log2)];
+        int64_t mc_dep_delta =
+            RDCOST(tpl_frame->base_rdmult, this_stats->mc_dep_rate,
+                   this_stats->mc_dep_dist);
+        intra_cost_base += (this_stats->recrf_dist << RDDIV_BITS);
+        mc_dep_cost_base +=
+            (this_stats->recrf_dist << RDDIV_BITS) + mc_dep_delta;
+        mc_count_base += this_stats->mc_count;
+        mc_saved_base += this_stats->mc_saved;
+      }
+    }
+    if (mc_dep_cost_base == 0) {
+      tpl_frame->is_valid = 0;
+    } else {
+      aom_clear_system_state();
+      cpi->rd.r0 = (double)intra_cost_base / mc_dep_cost_base;
+      if (is_frame_tpl_eligible(gf_group)) {
+        cpi->rd.arf_r0 = cpi->rd.r0;
+        if (cpi->lap_enabled) {
+          double min_boost_factor = sqrt(cpi->rc.baseline_gf_interval);
+          const int gfu_boost = get_gfu_boost_from_r0_lap(
+              min_boost_factor, MAX_GFUBOOST_FACTOR, cpi->rd.arf_r0,
+              cpi->rc.num_stats_required_for_gfu_boost);
+          // printf("old boost %d new boost %d\n", cpi->rc.gfu_boost,
+          //        gfu_boost);
+          cpi->rc.gfu_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
+              min_boost_factor, MAX_BOOST_COMBINE_FACTOR, cpi->rc.gfu_boost,
+              gfu_boost, cpi->rc.num_stats_used_for_gfu_boost);
+        } else {
+          const int gfu_boost = (int)(200.0 / cpi->rd.r0);
+          cpi->rc.gfu_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
+              cpi->rc.gfu_boost, gfu_boost, cpi->rc.frames_to_key);
+        }
+      } else if (frame_is_intra_only(cm)) {
+        // TODO(debargha): Turn off q adjustment for kf temporarily to
+        // reduce impact on speed of encoding. Need to investigate how
+        // to mitigate the issue.
+        if (cpi->oxcf.rc_cfg.mode == AOM_Q) {
+          const int kf_boost =
+              get_kf_boost_from_r0(cpi->rd.r0, cpi->rc.frames_to_key);
+          if (cpi->lap_enabled) {
+            cpi->rc.kf_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
+                cpi->rc.kf_boost, kf_boost,
+                cpi->rc.num_stats_used_for_kf_boost);
+          } else {
+            cpi->rc.kf_boost = combine_prior_with_tpl_boost(
+                cpi->rc.kf_boost, kf_boost, cpi->rc.frames_to_key);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      cpi->rd.mc_count_base = (double)mc_count_base /
+                              (cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
+      cpi->rd.mc_saved_base = (double)mc_saved_base /
+                              (cm->mi_params.mi_rows * cm->mi_params.mi_cols);
+      aom_clear_system_state();
+    }
+  }
+void av1_set_size_dependent_vars(AV1_COMP *cpi, int *q, int *bottom_index,
+                                 int *top_index) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  // Setup variables that depend on the dimensions of the frame.
+  av1_set_speed_features_framesize_dependent(cpi, cpi->speed);
+  GF_GROUP *gf_group = &cpi->gf_group;
+  if (cpi->oxcf.enable_tpl_model && is_frame_tpl_eligible(gf_group)) {
+    process_tpl_stats_frame(cpi);
+    av1_tpl_rdmult_setup(cpi);
+  }
+  // Decide q and q bounds.
+  *q = av1_rc_pick_q_and_bounds(cpi, &cpi->rc, cm->width, cm->height,
+                                cpi->gf_group.index, bottom_index, top_index);
+  // Configure experimental use of segmentation for enhanced coding of
+  // static regions if indicated.
+  // Only allowed in the second pass of a two pass encode, as it requires
+  // lagged coding, and if the relevant speed feature flag is set.
+  if (is_stat_consumption_stage_twopass(cpi) &&
+      cpi->sf.hl_sf.static_segmentation)
+    configure_static_seg_features(cpi);
+static void reset_film_grain_chroma_params(aom_film_grain_t *pars) {
+  pars->num_cr_points = 0;
+  pars->cr_mult = 0;
+  pars->cr_luma_mult = 0;
+  memset(pars->scaling_points_cr, 0, sizeof(pars->scaling_points_cr));
+  memset(pars->ar_coeffs_cr, 0, sizeof(pars->ar_coeffs_cr));
+  pars->num_cb_points = 0;
+  pars->cb_mult = 0;
+  pars->cb_luma_mult = 0;
+  pars->chroma_scaling_from_luma = 0;
+  memset(pars->scaling_points_cb, 0, sizeof(pars->scaling_points_cb));
+  memset(pars->ar_coeffs_cb, 0, sizeof(pars->ar_coeffs_cb));
+void av1_update_film_grain_parameters(struct AV1_COMP *cpi,
+                                      const AV1EncoderConfig *oxcf) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  cpi->oxcf = *oxcf;
+  if (cpi->film_grain_table) {
+    aom_film_grain_table_free(cpi->film_grain_table);
+    aom_free(cpi->film_grain_table);
+    cpi->film_grain_table = NULL;
+  }
+  if (oxcf->film_grain_test_vector) {
+    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = 1;
+    if (cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME) {
+      memcpy(&cm->film_grain_params,
+             film_grain_test_vectors + oxcf->film_grain_test_vector - 1,
+             sizeof(cm->film_grain_params));
+      if (oxcf->monochrome)
+        reset_film_grain_chroma_params(&cm->film_grain_params);
+      cm->film_grain_params.bit_depth = cm->seq_params.bit_depth;
+      if (cm->seq_params.color_range == AOM_CR_FULL_RANGE) {
+        cm->film_grain_params.clip_to_restricted_range = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (oxcf->film_grain_table_filename) {
+    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = 1;
+    cpi->film_grain_table = aom_malloc(sizeof(*cpi->film_grain_table));
+    memset(cpi->film_grain_table, 0, sizeof(aom_film_grain_table_t));
+    aom_film_grain_table_read(cpi->film_grain_table,
+                              oxcf->film_grain_table_filename, &cm->error);
+  } else {
+    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = (cpi->oxcf.noise_level > 0);
+    cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present = 0;
+    memset(&cm->film_grain_params, 0, sizeof(cm->film_grain_params));
+  }
+void av1_scale_references(AV1_COMP *cpi, const InterpFilter filter,
+                          const int phase) {
+  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
+  const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(cm);
+  MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref_frame;
+  for (ref_frame = LAST_FRAME; ref_frame <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref_frame) {
+    // Need to convert from AOM_REFFRAME to index into ref_mask (subtract 1).
+    if (cpi->ref_frame_flags & av1_ref_frame_flag_list[ref_frame]) {
+      BufferPool *const pool = cm->buffer_pool;
+      const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *const ref =
+          get_ref_frame_yv12_buf(cm, ref_frame);
+      if (ref == NULL) {
+        cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = NULL;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (ref->y_crop_width != cm->width || ref->y_crop_height != cm->height) {
+        // Replace the reference buffer with a copy having a thicker border,
+        // if the reference buffer is higher resolution than the current
+        // frame, and the border is thin.
+        if ((ref->y_crop_width > cm->width ||
+             ref->y_crop_height > cm->height) &&
+            ref->border < AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS) {
+          RefCntBuffer *ref_fb = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref_frame);
+          if (aom_yv12_realloc_with_new_border(
+                  &ref_fb->buf, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
+                  cm->features.byte_alignment, num_planes) != 0) {
+            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
+                               "Failed to allocate frame buffer");
+          }
+        }
+        int force_scaling = 0;
+        RefCntBuffer *new_fb = cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1];
+        if (new_fb == NULL) {
+          const int new_fb_idx = get_free_fb(cm);
+          if (new_fb_idx == INVALID_IDX) {
+            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
+                               "Unable to find free frame buffer");
+          }
+          force_scaling = 1;
+          new_fb = &pool->frame_bufs[new_fb_idx];
+        }
+        if (force_scaling || new_fb->buf.y_crop_width != cm->width ||
+            new_fb->buf.y_crop_height != cm->height) {
+          if (aom_realloc_frame_buffer(
+                  &new_fb->buf, cm->width, cm->height,
+                  cm->seq_params.subsampling_x, cm->seq_params.subsampling_y,
+                  cm->seq_params.use_highbitdepth, AOM_BORDER_IN_PIXELS,
+                  cm->features.byte_alignment, NULL, NULL, NULL)) {
+            if (force_scaling) {
+              // Release the reference acquired in the get_free_fb() call above.
+              --new_fb->ref_count;
+            }
+            aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
+                               "Failed to allocate frame buffer");
+          }
+          if (cm->width <= (ref->y_crop_width >> 1) &&
+              cm->height <= (ref->y_crop_height >> 1) &&
+              cm->seq_params.bit_depth == AOM_BITS_8)
+            av1_resize_and_extend_frame(ref, &new_fb->buf, filter, phase,
+                                        num_planes);
+          else
+            av1_resize_and_extend_frame_nonnormative(
+                ref, &new_fb->buf, (int)cm->seq_params.bit_depth, num_planes);
+          if (cm->width <= (ref->y_crop_width >> 1) &&
+              cm->height <= (ref->y_crop_height >> 1))
+            av1_resize_and_extend_frame(ref, &new_fb->buf, filter, phase,
+                                        num_planes);
+          else
+            av1_resize_and_extend_frame_nonnormative(
+                ref, &new_fb->buf, (int)cm->seq_params.bit_depth, num_planes);
+          cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = new_fb;
+          alloc_frame_mvs(cm, new_fb);
+        }
+      } else {
+        RefCntBuffer *buf = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref_frame);
+        buf->buf.y_crop_width = ref->y_crop_width;
+        buf->buf.y_crop_height = ref->y_crop_height;
+        cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = buf;
+        ++buf->ref_count;
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (!has_no_stats_stage(cpi)) cpi->scaled_ref_buf[ref_frame - 1] = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+BLOCK_SIZE av1_select_sb_size(const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  const AV1EncoderConfig *const oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
+  if (oxcf->superblock_size == AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_64X64) return BLOCK_64X64;
+  if (oxcf->superblock_size == AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_128X128)
+    return BLOCK_128X128;
+  assert(oxcf->superblock_size == AOM_SUPERBLOCK_SIZE_DYNAMIC);
+  if (cpi->svc.number_spatial_layers > 1 ||
+      oxcf->resize_cfg.resize_mode != RESIZE_NONE) {
+    // Use the configured size (top resolution) for spatial layers or
+    // on resize.
+    return AOMMIN(oxcf->frm_dim_cfg.width, oxcf->frm_dim_cfg.height) > 480
+               ? BLOCK_128X128
+               : BLOCK_64X64;
+  }
+  // TODO(any): Possibly could improve this with a heuristic.
+  // When superres / resize is on, 'cm->width / height' can change between
+  // calls, so we don't apply this heuristic there.
+  // Things break if superblock size changes between the first pass and second
+  // pass encoding, which is why this heuristic is not configured as a
+  // speed-feature.
+  if (oxcf->superres_cfg.superres_mode == AOM_SUPERRES_NONE &&
+      oxcf->resize_cfg.resize_mode == RESIZE_NONE && oxcf->speed >= 1) {
+    return AOMMIN(cm->width, cm->height) > 480 ? BLOCK_128X128 : BLOCK_64X64;
+  }
+  return BLOCK_128X128;
+void av1_setup_frame(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  // Set up entropy context depending on frame type. The decoder mandates
+  // the use of the default context, index 0, for keyframes and inter
+  // frames where the error_resilient_mode or intra_only flag is set. For
+  // other inter-frames the encoder currently uses only two contexts;
+  // context 1 for ALTREF frames and context 0 for the others.
+  if (frame_is_intra_only(cm) || cm->features.error_resilient_mode ||
+      cpi->ext_flags.use_primary_ref_none) {
+    av1_setup_past_independence(cm);
+  }
+  if ((cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME && cm->show_frame) ||
+      frame_is_sframe(cm)) {
+    if (!cpi->seq_params_locked) {
+      set_sb_size(&cm->seq_params, av1_select_sb_size(cpi));
+    }
+  } else {
+    const RefCntBuffer *const primary_ref_buf = get_primary_ref_frame_buf(cm);
+    if (primary_ref_buf == NULL) {
+      av1_setup_past_independence(cm);
+      cm->seg.update_map = 1;
+      cm->seg.update_data = 1;
+    } else {
+      *cm->fc = primary_ref_buf->frame_context;
+    }
+  }
+  av1_zero(cm->cur_frame->interp_filter_selected);
+  cm->prev_frame = get_primary_ref_frame_buf(cm);
+  cpi->vaq_refresh = 0;
+static int get_interp_filter_selected(const AV1_COMMON *const cm,
+                                      MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref,
+                                      InterpFilter ifilter) {
+  const RefCntBuffer *const buf = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref);
+  if (buf == NULL) return 0;
+  return buf->interp_filter_selected[ifilter];
+uint16_t av1_setup_interp_filter_search_mask(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  int ref_total[REF_FRAMES] = { 0 };
+  uint16_t mask = ALLOW_ALL_INTERP_FILT_MASK;
+  if (cpi->last_frame_type == KEY_FRAME || cpi->refresh_frame.alt_ref_frame)
+    return mask;
+  for (MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref = LAST_FRAME; ref <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref) {
+    for (InterpFilter ifilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; ifilter <= MULTITAP_SHARP;
+         ++ifilter) {
+      ref_total[ref] += get_interp_filter_selected(cm, ref, ifilter);
+    }
+  }
+  int ref_total_total = (ref_total[LAST2_FRAME] + ref_total[LAST3_FRAME] +
+                         ref_total[GOLDEN_FRAME] + ref_total[BWDREF_FRAME] +
+                         ref_total[ALTREF2_FRAME] + ref_total[ALTREF_FRAME]);
+  for (InterpFilter ifilter = EIGHTTAP_REGULAR; ifilter <= MULTITAP_SHARP;
+       ++ifilter) {
+    int last_score = get_interp_filter_selected(cm, LAST_FRAME, ifilter) * 30;
+    if (ref_total[LAST_FRAME] && last_score <= ref_total[LAST_FRAME]) {
+      int filter_score =
+          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, LAST2_FRAME, ifilter) * 20 +
+          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, LAST3_FRAME, ifilter) * 20 +
+          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, GOLDEN_FRAME, ifilter) * 20 +
+          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, BWDREF_FRAME, ifilter) * 10 +
+          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, ALTREF2_FRAME, ifilter) * 10 +
+          get_interp_filter_selected(cm, ALTREF_FRAME, ifilter) * 10;
+      if (filter_score < ref_total_total) {
+        DUAL_FILTER_TYPE filt_type = ifilter + SWITCHABLE_FILTERS * ifilter;
+        reset_interp_filter_allowed_mask(&mask, filt_type);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return mask;
+// Encode key frame with/without screen content tools to determine whether
+// screen content tools should be enabled for this key frame group or not.
+// The first encoding is without screen content tools.
+// The second encoding is with screen content tools.
+// We compare the psnr and frame size to make the decision.
+static void screen_content_tools_determination(
+    AV1_COMP *cpi, const int allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision,
+    const int allow_intrabc_orig_decision,
+    const int is_screen_content_type_orig_decision, const int pass,
+    int *projected_size_pass, PSNR_STATS *psnr) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  FeatureFlags *const features = &cm->features;
+  projected_size_pass[pass] = cpi->rc.projected_frame_size;
+  const uint32_t in_bit_depth = cpi->oxcf.input_bit_depth;
+  const uint32_t bit_depth = cpi->;
+  aom_calc_highbd_psnr(cpi->source, &cpi->common.cur_frame->buf, &psnr[pass],
+                       bit_depth, in_bit_depth);
+  aom_calc_psnr(cpi->source, &cpi->common.cur_frame->buf, &psnr[pass]);
+  if (pass != 1) return;
+  const double psnr_diff = psnr[1].psnr[0] - psnr[0].psnr[0];
+  const int is_sc_encoding_much_better = psnr_diff > STRICT_PSNR_DIFF_THRESH;
+  if (is_sc_encoding_much_better) {
+    // Use screen content tools, if we get coding gain.
+    features->allow_screen_content_tools = 1;
+    features->allow_intrabc = cpi->intrabc_used;
+    cpi->is_screen_content_type = 1;
+  } else {
+    // Use original screen content decision.
+    features->allow_screen_content_tools =
+        allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision;
+    features->allow_intrabc = allow_intrabc_orig_decision;
+    cpi->is_screen_content_type = is_screen_content_type_orig_decision;
+  }
+// Set some encoding parameters to make the encoding process fast.
+// A fixed block partition size, and a large q is used.
+static void set_encoding_params_for_screen_content(AV1_COMP *cpi,
+                                                   const int pass) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  if (pass == 0) {
+    // In the first pass, encode without screen content tools.
+    // Use a high q, and a fixed block size for fast encoding.
+    cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools = 0;
+    cm->features.allow_intrabc = 0;
+    cpi->is_screen_content_type = 0;
+    cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type = FIXED_PARTITION;
+    cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size = BLOCK_32X32;
+    return;
+  }
+  assert(pass == 1);
+  // In the second pass, encode with screen content tools.
+  // Use a high q, and a fixed block size for fast encoding.
+  cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools = 1;
+  // TODO(chengchen): turn intrabc on could lead to data race issue.
+  // cm->allow_intrabc = 1;
+  cpi->is_screen_content_type = 1;
+  cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type = FIXED_PARTITION;
+  cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size = BLOCK_32X32;
+// Determines whether to use screen content tools for the key frame group.
+// This function modifies "cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools",
+// "cm->features.allow_intrabc" and "cpi->is_screen_content_type".
+void av1_determine_sc_tools_with_encoding(AV1_COMP *cpi, const int q_orig) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  const AV1EncoderConfig *const oxcf = &cpi->oxcf;
+  const QuantizationCfg *const q_cfg = &oxcf->q_cfg;
+  // Variables to help determine if we should allow screen content tools.
+  int projected_size_pass[3] = { 0 };
+  PSNR_STATS psnr[3];
+  const int is_key_frame = cm->current_frame.frame_type == KEY_FRAME;
+  const int allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision =
+      cm->features.allow_screen_content_tools;
+  const int allow_intrabc_orig_decision = cm->features.allow_intrabc;
+  const int is_screen_content_type_orig_decision = cpi->is_screen_content_type;
+  // Turn off the encoding trial for forward key frame and superres.
+  if (cpi->sf.rt_sf.use_nonrd_pick_mode || oxcf->kf_cfg.fwd_kf_enabled ||
+      cpi->superres_mode != AOM_SUPERRES_NONE || oxcf->mode == REALTIME ||
+      is_screen_content_type_orig_decision || !is_key_frame) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // TODO(chengchen): multiple encoding for the lossless mode is time consuming.
+  // Find a better way to determine whether screen content tools should be used
+  // for lossless coding.
+  // Use a high q and a fixed partition to do quick encoding.
+  const int q_for_screen_content_quick_run =
+      is_lossless_requested(&oxcf->rc_cfg) ? q_orig : AOMMAX(q_orig, 244);
+  const int partition_search_type_orig = cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type;
+  const BLOCK_SIZE fixed_partition_block_size_orig =
+      cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size;
+  // Setup necessary params for encoding, including frame source, etc.
+  aom_clear_system_state();
+  cpi->source =
+      av1_scale_if_required(cm, cpi->unscaled_source, &cpi->scaled_source,
+                            cm->features.interp_filter, 0);
+  if (cpi->unscaled_last_source != NULL) {
+    cpi->last_source = av1_scale_if_required(cm, cpi->unscaled_last_source,
+                                             &cpi->scaled_last_source,
+                                             cm->features.interp_filter, 0);
+  }
+  av1_setup_frame(cpi);
+  if (cm->seg.enabled) {
+    if (!cm->seg.update_data && cm->prev_frame) {
+      segfeatures_copy(&cm->seg, &cm->prev_frame->seg);
+      cm->seg.enabled = cm->prev_frame->seg.enabled;
+    } else {
+      av1_calculate_segdata(&cm->seg);
+    }
+  } else {
+    memset(&cm->seg, 0, sizeof(cm->seg));
+  }
+  segfeatures_copy(&cm->cur_frame->seg, &cm->seg);
+  cm->cur_frame->seg.enabled = cm->seg.enabled;
+  // The two encoding passes aim to help determine whether to use screen
+  // content tools, with a high q and fixed partition.
+  for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; ++pass) {
+    set_encoding_params_for_screen_content(cpi, pass);
+    if (oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_WITH_PREPROCESSING ||
+        oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_WITHOUT_PREPROCESSING ||
+        oxcf->tuning == AOM_TUNE_VMAF_MAX_GAIN) {
+      av1_set_quantizer(
+          cm, q_cfg->qm_minlevel, q_cfg->qm_maxlevel,
+          av1_get_vmaf_base_qindex(cpi, q_for_screen_content_quick_run),
+          q_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq);
+    } else {
+      av1_set_quantizer(cm, q_cfg->qm_minlevel, q_cfg->qm_maxlevel,
+                        q_for_screen_content_quick_run,
+                        q_cfg->enable_chroma_deltaq);
+    }
+    av1_set_speed_features_qindex_dependent(cpi, oxcf->speed);
+    if (q_cfg->deltaq_mode != NO_DELTA_Q)
+      av1_init_quantizer(&cpi->enc_quant_dequant_params, &cm->quant_params,
+                         cm->seq_params.bit_depth);
+    av1_set_variance_partition_thresholds(cpi, q_for_screen_content_quick_run,
+                                          0);
+    // transform / motion compensation build reconstruction frame
+    av1_encode_frame(cpi);
+    // Screen content decision
+    screen_content_tools_determination(
+        cpi, allow_screen_content_tools_orig_decision,
+        allow_intrabc_orig_decision, is_screen_content_type_orig_decision, pass,
+        projected_size_pass, psnr);
+  }
+  // Set partition speed feature back.
+  cpi->sf.part_sf.partition_search_type = partition_search_type_orig;
+  cpi->sf.part_sf.always_this_block_size = fixed_partition_block_size_orig;
+int av1_recode_loop_test_global_motion(WarpedMotionParams *const global_motion,
+                                       const int *const global_motion_used,
+                                       int *const gm_params_cost) {
+  int i;
+  int recode = 0;
+  for (i = LAST_FRAME; i <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++i) {
+    if (global_motion[i].wmtype != IDENTITY &&
+        global_motion_used[i] * GM_RECODE_LOOP_NUM4X4_FACTOR <
+            gm_params_cost[i]) {
+      global_motion[i] = default_warp_params;
+      assert(global_motion[i].wmtype == IDENTITY);
+      gm_params_cost[i] = 0;
+      recode = 1;
+      // TODO(sarahparker): The earlier condition for recoding here was:
+      // "recode |= (rdc->global_motion_used[i] > 0);". Can we bring something
+      // similar to that back to speed up global motion?
+    }
+  }
+  return recode;
+static void fix_interp_filter(InterpFilter *const interp_filter,
+                              const FRAME_COUNTS *const counts) {
+  if (*interp_filter == SWITCHABLE) {
+    // Check to see if only one of the filters is actually used
+    int count[SWITCHABLE_FILTERS] = { 0 };
+    int num_filters_used = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < SWITCHABLE_FILTERS; ++i) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS; ++j)
+        count[i] += counts->switchable_interp[j][i];
+      num_filters_used += (count[i] > 0);
+    }
+    if (num_filters_used == 1) {
+      // Only one filter is used. So set the filter at frame level
+      for (int i = 0; i < SWITCHABLE_FILTERS; ++i) {
+        if (count[i]) {
+          if (i == EIGHTTAP_REGULAR) *interp_filter = i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void av1_finalize_encoded_frame(AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  CurrentFrame *const current_frame = &cm->current_frame;
+  if (!cm->seq_params.reduced_still_picture_hdr &&
+      encode_show_existing_frame(cm)) {
+    RefCntBuffer *const frame_to_show =
+        cm->ref_frame_map[cpi->existing_fb_idx_to_show];
+    if (frame_to_show == NULL) {
+      aom_internal_error(&cm->error, AOM_CODEC_UNSUP_BITSTREAM,
+                         "Buffer does not contain a reconstructed frame");
+    }
+    assert(frame_to_show->ref_count > 0);
+    assign_frame_buffer_p(&cm->cur_frame, frame_to_show);
+  }
+  if (!encode_show_existing_frame(cm) &&
+      cm->seq_params.film_grain_params_present &&
+      (cm->show_frame || cm->showable_frame)) {
+    // Copy the current frame's film grain params to the its corresponding
+    // RefCntBuffer slot.
+    cm->cur_frame->film_grain_params = cm->film_grain_params;
+    // We must update the parameters if this is not an INTER_FRAME
+    if (current_frame->frame_type != INTER_FRAME)
+      cm->cur_frame->film_grain_params.update_parameters = 1;
+    // Iterate the random seed for the next frame.
+    cm->film_grain_params.random_seed += 3381;
+    if (cm->film_grain_params.random_seed == 0)
+      cm->film_grain_params.random_seed = 7391;
+  }
+  // Initialise all tiles' contexts from the global frame context
+  for (int tile_col = 0; tile_col < cm->tiles.cols; tile_col++) {
+    for (int tile_row = 0; tile_row < cm->tiles.rows; tile_row++) {
+      const int tile_idx = tile_row * cm->tiles.cols + tile_col;
+      cpi->tile_data[tile_idx].tctx = *cm->fc;
+    }
+  }
+  fix_interp_filter(&cm->features.interp_filter, cpi->td.counts);
+int av1_is_integer_mv(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *cur_picture,
+                      const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *last_picture,
+                      ForceIntegerMVInfo *const force_intpel_info) {
+  aom_clear_system_state();
+  // check use hash ME
+  int k;
+  const int block_size = FORCE_INT_MV_DECISION_BLOCK_SIZE;
+  const double threshold_current = 0.8;
+  const double threshold_average = 0.95;
+  const int max_history_size = 32;
+  int T = 0;  // total block
+  int C = 0;  // match with collocated block
+  int S = 0;  // smooth region but not match with collocated block
+  const int pic_width = cur_picture->y_width;
+  const int pic_height = cur_picture->y_height;
+  for (int i = 0; i + block_size <= pic_height; i += block_size) {
+    for (int j = 0; j + block_size <= pic_width; j += block_size) {
+      const int x_pos = j;
+      const int y_pos = i;
+      int match = 1;
+      T++;
+      // check whether collocated block match with current
+      uint8_t *p_cur = cur_picture->y_buffer;
+      uint8_t *p_ref = last_picture->y_buffer;
+      int stride_cur = cur_picture->y_stride;
+      int stride_ref = last_picture->y_stride;
+      p_cur += (y_pos * stride_cur + x_pos);
+      p_ref += (y_pos * stride_ref + x_pos);
+      if (cur_picture->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
+        uint16_t *p16_cur = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(p_cur);
+        uint16_t *p16_ref = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(p_ref);
+        for (int tmpY = 0; tmpY < block_size && match; tmpY++) {
+          for (int tmpX = 0; tmpX < block_size && match; tmpX++) {
+            if (p16_cur[tmpX] != p16_ref[tmpX]) {
+              match = 0;
+            }
+          }
+          p16_cur += stride_cur;
+          p16_ref += stride_ref;
+        }
+      } else {
+        for (int tmpY = 0; tmpY < block_size && match; tmpY++) {
+          for (int tmpX = 0; tmpX < block_size && match; tmpX++) {
+            if (p_cur[tmpX] != p_ref[tmpX]) {
+              match = 0;
+            }
+          }
+          p_cur += stride_cur;
+          p_ref += stride_ref;
+        }
+      }
+      if (match) {
+        C++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (av1_hash_is_horizontal_perfect(cur_picture, block_size, x_pos,
+                                         y_pos) ||
+          av1_hash_is_vertical_perfect(cur_picture, block_size, x_pos, y_pos)) {
+        S++;
+        continue;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  assert(T > 0);
+  double cs_rate = ((double)(C + S)) / ((double)(T));
+  force_intpel_info->cs_rate_array[force_intpel_info->rate_index] = cs_rate;
+  force_intpel_info->rate_index =
+      (force_intpel_info->rate_index + 1) % max_history_size;
+  force_intpel_info->rate_size++;
+  force_intpel_info->rate_size =
+      AOMMIN(force_intpel_info->rate_size, max_history_size);
+  if (cs_rate < threshold_current) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if (C == T) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  double cs_average = 0.0;
+  for (k = 0; k < force_intpel_info->rate_size; k++) {
+    cs_average += force_intpel_info->cs_rate_array[k];
+  }
+  cs_average /= force_intpel_info->rate_size;
+  if (cs_average < threshold_average) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if ((T - C - S) < 0) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if (cs_average > 1.01) {
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+void av1_set_mb_ssim_rdmult_scaling(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  const CommonModeInfoParams *const mi_params = &cpi->common.mi_params;
+  ThreadData *td = &cpi->td;
+  MACROBLOCK *x = &td->mb;
+  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  uint8_t *y_buffer = cpi->source->y_buffer;
+  const int y_stride = cpi->source->y_stride;
+  const int block_size = BLOCK_16X16;
+  const int num_mi_w = mi_size_wide[block_size];
+  const int num_mi_h = mi_size_high[block_size];
+  const int num_cols = (mi_params->mi_cols + num_mi_w - 1) / num_mi_w;
+  const int num_rows = (mi_params->mi_rows + num_mi_h - 1) / num_mi_h;
+  double log_sum = 0.0;
+  const int use_hbd = cpi->source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH;
+  // Loop through each 16x16 block.
+  for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
+      double var = 0.0, num_of_var = 0.0;
+      const int index = row * num_cols + col;
+      // Loop through each 8x8 block.
+      for (int mi_row = row * num_mi_h;
+           mi_row < mi_params->mi_rows && mi_row < (row + 1) * num_mi_h;
+           mi_row += 2) {
+        for (int mi_col = col * num_mi_w;
+             mi_col < mi_params->mi_cols && mi_col < (col + 1) * num_mi_w;
+             mi_col += 2) {
+          struct buf_2d buf;
+          const int row_offset_y = mi_row << 2;
+          const int col_offset_y = mi_col << 2;
+          buf.buf = y_buffer + row_offset_y * y_stride + col_offset_y;
+          buf.stride = y_stride;
+          if (use_hbd) {
+            var += av1_high_get_sby_perpixel_variance(cpi, &buf, BLOCK_8X8,
+                                                      xd->bd);
+          } else {
+            var += av1_get_sby_perpixel_variance(cpi, &buf, BLOCK_8X8);
+          }
+          num_of_var += 1.0;
+        }
+      }
+      var = var / num_of_var;
+      // Curve fitting with an exponential model on all 16x16 blocks from the
+      // midres dataset.
+      var = 67.035434 * (1 - exp(-0.0021489 * var)) + 17.492222;
+      cpi->ssim_rdmult_scaling_factors[index] = var;
+      log_sum += log(var);
+    }
+  }
+  log_sum = exp(log_sum / (double)(num_rows * num_cols));
+  for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
+    for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
+      const int index = row * num_cols + col;
+      cpi->ssim_rdmult_scaling_factors[index] /= log_sum;
+    }
+  }
+static void save_cur_buf(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  CODING_CONTEXT *const cc = &cpi->coding_context;
+  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
+  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ybf = &cm->cur_frame->buf;
+  memset(&cc->copy_buffer, 0, sizeof(cc->copy_buffer));
+  if (aom_alloc_frame_buffer(&cc->copy_buffer, ybf->y_crop_width,
+                             ybf->y_crop_height, ybf->subsampling_x,
+                             ybf->subsampling_y,
+                             ybf->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH, ybf->border,
+                             cm->features.byte_alignment) != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
+    aom_internal_error(
+        &cm->error, AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR,
+        "Failed to allocate copy buffer for saving coding context");
+  }
+  aom_yv12_copy_frame(ybf, &cc->copy_buffer, av1_num_planes(cm));
+// Coding context that only needs to be saved when recode loop includes
+// filtering (deblocking, CDEF, superres post-encode upscale and/or loop
+// restoraton).
+static void save_extra_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  CODING_CONTEXT *const cc = &cpi->coding_context;
+  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
+  cc->lf = cm->lf;
+  cc->cdef_info = cm->cdef_info;
+  cc->rc = cpi->rc;
+void av1_save_all_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  save_cur_buf(cpi);
+  save_extra_coding_context(cpi);
+  if (!frame_is_intra_only(&cpi->common)) release_scaled_references(cpi);
+// NOTE(zoeliu): For debug - Output the filtered reconstructed video.
+void av1_dump_filtered_recon_frames(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  const CurrentFrame *const current_frame = &cm->current_frame;
+  const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *recon_buf = &cm->cur_frame->buf;
+  if (recon_buf == NULL) {
+    printf("Frame %d is not ready.\n", current_frame->frame_number);
+    return;
+  }
+  static const int flag_list[REF_FRAMES] = { 0,
+                                             AOM_LAST_FLAG,
+                                             AOM_LAST2_FLAG,
+                                             AOM_LAST3_FLAG,
+                                             AOM_GOLD_FLAG,
+                                             AOM_BWD_FLAG,
+                                             AOM_ALT2_FLAG,
+                                             AOM_ALT_FLAG };
+  printf(
+      "\n***Frame=%d (frame_offset=%d, show_frame=%d, "
+      "show_existing_frame=%d) "
+      current_frame->frame_number, current_frame->order_hint, cm->show_frame,
+      cm->show_existing_frame);
+  for (int ref_frame = LAST_FRAME; ref_frame <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref_frame) {
+    const RefCntBuffer *const buf = get_ref_frame_buf(cm, ref_frame);
+    const int ref_offset = buf != NULL ? (int)buf->order_hint : -1;
+    printf(" %d(%c)", ref_offset,
+           (cpi->ref_frame_flags & flag_list[ref_frame]) ? 'Y' : 'N');
+  }
+  printf(" ]\n");
+  if (!cm->show_frame) {
+    printf("Frame %d is a no show frame, so no image dump.\n",
+           current_frame->frame_number);
+    return;
+  }
+  int h;
+  char file_name[256] = "/tmp/enc_filtered_recon.yuv";
+  FILE *f_recon = NULL;
+  if (current_frame->frame_number == 0) {
+    if ((f_recon = fopen(file_name, "wb")) == NULL) {
+      printf("Unable to open file %s to write.\n", file_name);
+      return;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if ((f_recon = fopen(file_name, "ab")) == NULL) {
+      printf("Unable to open file %s to append.\n", file_name);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  printf(
+      "\nFrame=%5d, encode_update_type[%5d]=%1d, frame_offset=%d, "
+      "show_frame=%d, show_existing_frame=%d, source_alt_ref_active=%d, "
+      "refresh_alt_ref_frame=%d, "
+      "y_stride=%4d, uv_stride=%4d, cm->width=%4d, cm->height=%4d\n\n",
+      current_frame->frame_number, cpi->gf_group.index,
+      cpi->gf_group.update_type[cpi->gf_group.index], current_frame->order_hint,
+      cm->show_frame, cm->show_existing_frame, cpi->rc.source_alt_ref_active,
+      cpi->refresh_frame.alt_ref_frame, recon_buf->y_stride,
+      recon_buf->uv_stride, cm->width, cm->height);
+#if 0
+  int ref_frame;
+  printf("get_ref_frame_map_idx: [");
+  for (ref_frame = LAST_FRAME; ref_frame <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++ref_frame)
+    printf(" %d", get_ref_frame_map_idx(cm, ref_frame));
+  printf(" ]\n");
+#endif  // 0
+  // --- Y ---
+  for (h = 0; h < cm->height; ++h) {
+    fwrite(&recon_buf->y_buffer[h * recon_buf->y_stride], 1, cm->width,
+           f_recon);
+  }
+  // --- U ---
+  for (h = 0; h < (cm->height >> 1); ++h) {
+    fwrite(&recon_buf->u_buffer[h * recon_buf->uv_stride], 1, (cm->width >> 1),
+           f_recon);
+  }
+  // --- V ---
+  for (h = 0; h < (cm->height >> 1); ++h) {
+    fwrite(&recon_buf->v_buffer[h * recon_buf->uv_stride], 1, (cm->width >> 1),
+           f_recon);
+  }
+  fclose(f_recon);
diff --git a/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.h b/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.h
index 2433e24..55347ba 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.h
+++ b/av1/encoder/encoder_utils.h
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@
+#include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
+#include "config/aom_scale_rtcd.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/encodetxb.h"
@@ -21,278 +24,18 @@
-const int default_tx_type_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES][TX_SIZES_ALL][TX_TYPES] = {
-  { { 221, 189, 214, 292, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 38, 68, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 262, 203, 216, 239, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 37, 66, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 315, 231, 239, 226, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 222, 188, 214, 287, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 50, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 256, 182, 205, 282, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 21, 76, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 281, 214, 217, 222, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 48, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 263, 194, 225, 225, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 15, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 170, 192, 242, 293, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 68, 58, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 199, 210, 213, 291, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 14, 96, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
-  { { 106, 69, 107, 278, 9, 15, 20, 45, 49, 23, 23, 88, 36, 74, 25, 57 },
-    { 105, 72, 81, 98, 45, 49, 47, 50, 56, 72, 30, 81, 33, 95, 27, 83 },
-    { 211, 105, 109, 120, 57, 62, 43, 49, 52, 58, 42, 116, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 131, 57, 98, 172, 19, 40, 37, 64, 69, 22, 41, 52, 51, 77, 35, 59 },
-    { 176, 83, 93, 202, 22, 24, 28, 47, 50, 16, 12, 93, 26, 76, 17, 59 },
-    { 136, 72, 89, 95, 46, 59, 47, 56, 61, 68, 35, 51, 32, 82, 26, 69 },
-    { 122, 80, 87, 105, 49, 47, 46, 46, 57, 52, 13, 90, 19, 103, 15, 93 },
-    { 1009, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1011, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 202, 20, 84, 114, 14, 60, 41, 79, 99, 21, 41, 15, 50, 84, 34, 66 },
-    { 196, 44, 23, 72, 30, 22, 28, 57, 67, 13, 4, 165, 15, 148, 9, 131 },
-    { 882, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 142, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 840, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 184, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
-  { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 } },
-  { { 213, 110, 141, 269, 12, 16, 15, 19, 21, 11, 38, 68, 22, 29, 16, 24 },
-    { 216, 119, 128, 143, 38, 41, 26, 30, 31, 30, 42, 70, 23, 36, 19, 32 },
-    { 367, 149, 154, 154, 38, 35, 17, 21, 21, 10, 22, 36, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 219, 96, 127, 191, 21, 40, 25, 32, 34, 18, 45, 45, 33, 39, 26, 33 },
-    { 296, 99, 122, 198, 23, 21, 19, 24, 25, 13, 20, 64, 23, 32, 18, 27 },
-    { 275, 128, 142, 143, 35, 48, 23, 30, 29, 18, 42, 36, 18, 23, 14, 20 },
-    { 239, 132, 166, 175, 36, 27, 19, 21, 24, 14, 13, 85, 9, 31, 8, 25 },
-    { 1022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1022, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 309, 25, 79, 59, 25, 80, 34, 53, 61, 25, 49, 23, 43, 64, 36, 59 },
-    { 270, 57, 40, 54, 50, 42, 41, 53, 56, 28, 17, 81, 45, 86, 34, 70 },
-    { 1005, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 992, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
-  { { 133, 63, 55, 83, 57, 87, 58, 72, 68, 16, 24, 35, 29, 105, 25, 114 },
-    { 131, 75, 74, 60, 71, 77, 65, 66, 73, 33, 21, 79, 20, 83, 18, 78 },
-    { 276, 95, 82, 58, 86, 93, 63, 60, 64, 17, 38, 92, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1006, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 147, 49, 75, 78, 50, 97, 60, 67, 76, 17, 42, 35, 31, 93, 27, 80 },
-    { 157, 49, 58, 75, 61, 52, 56, 67, 69, 12, 15, 79, 24, 119, 11, 120 },
-    { 178, 69, 83, 77, 69, 85, 72, 77, 77, 20, 35, 40, 25, 48, 23, 46 },
-    { 174, 55, 64, 57, 73, 68, 62, 61, 75, 15, 12, 90, 17, 99, 16, 86 },
-    { 1008, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 266, 31, 63, 64, 21, 52, 39, 54, 63, 30, 52, 31, 48, 89, 46, 75 },
-    { 272, 26, 32, 44, 29, 31, 32, 53, 51, 13, 13, 88, 22, 153, 16, 149 },
-    { 923, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 969, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
-  { { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 },
-    { 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 } },
-  { { 158, 92, 125, 298, 12, 15, 20, 29, 31, 12, 29, 67, 34, 44, 23, 35 },
-    { 147, 94, 103, 123, 45, 48, 38, 41, 46, 48, 37, 78, 33, 63, 27, 53 },
-    { 268, 126, 125, 136, 54, 53, 31, 38, 38, 33, 35, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1018, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 159, 72, 103, 194, 20, 35, 37, 50, 56, 21, 39, 40, 51, 61, 38, 48 },
-    { 259, 86, 95, 188, 32, 20, 25, 34, 37, 13, 12, 85, 25, 53, 17, 43 },
-    { 189, 99, 113, 123, 45, 59, 37, 46, 48, 44, 39, 41, 31, 47, 26, 37 },
-    { 175, 110, 113, 128, 58, 38, 33, 33, 43, 29, 13, 100, 14, 68, 12, 57 },
-    { 1017, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1019, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 208, 22, 84, 101, 21, 59, 44, 70, 90, 25, 59, 13, 64, 67, 49, 48 },
-    { 277, 52, 32, 63, 43, 26, 33, 48, 54, 11, 6, 130, 18, 119, 11, 101 },
-    { 963, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 61, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 979, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-    { 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }
+extern const int default_tx_type_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES][TX_SIZES_ALL]
+                                      [TX_TYPES];
-const int default_obmc_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES][BLOCK_SIZES_ALL] = {
-  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0,  0,  0,  106, 90, 90, 97, 67, 59, 70, 28,
-    30, 38, 16, 16,  16, 0,  0,  44, 50, 26, 25 },
-  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0,  0,  0,  98, 93, 97, 68, 82, 85, 33, 30,
-    33, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0,  0,  43, 37, 26, 16 },
-  { 0,  0,  0,  91, 80, 76, 78, 55, 49, 24, 16,
-    16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0,  0,  29, 45, 16, 38 },
-  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0,  0,  0,  103, 89, 89, 89, 62, 63, 76, 34,
-    35, 32, 19, 16,  16, 0,  0,  49, 55, 29, 19 }
+extern const int default_obmc_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES][BLOCK_SIZES_ALL];
-const int default_warped_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES] = { 64, 64, 64, 64,
-                                                       64, 64, 64 };
+extern const int default_warped_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES];
-// TODO(yunqing): the default probs can be trained later from better
-// performance.
-const int default_switchable_interp_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES]
-                                         [SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS]
-                                         [SWITCHABLE_FILTERS] = {
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } },
-                                           { { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 },
-                                             { 512, 512, 512 } }
-                                         };
+extern const int default_switchable_interp_probs[FRAME_UPDATE_TYPES]
+                                                [SWITCHABLE_FILTER_CONTEXTS]
+                                                [SWITCHABLE_FILTERS];
 // Mark all inactive blocks as active. Other segmentation features may be set
 // so memset cannot be used, instead only inactive blocks should be reset.
@@ -995,6 +738,92 @@
+static AOM_INLINE void set_size_independent_vars(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  int i;
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  for (i = LAST_FRAME; i <= ALTREF_FRAME; ++i) {
+    cm->global_motion[i] = default_warp_params;
+  }
+  cpi->gm_info.search_done = 0;
+  av1_set_speed_features_framesize_independent(cpi, cpi->speed);
+  av1_set_rd_speed_thresholds(cpi);
+  cm->features.interp_filter = SWITCHABLE;
+  cm->features.switchable_motion_mode = 1;
+static AOM_INLINE void release_scaled_references(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  // TODO(isbs): only refresh the necessary frames, rather than all of them
+  for (int i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; ++i) {
+    RefCntBuffer *const buf = cpi->scaled_ref_buf[i];
+    if (buf != NULL) {
+      --buf->ref_count;
+      cpi->scaled_ref_buf[i] = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+static AOM_INLINE void restore_all_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  restore_cur_buf(cpi);
+  restore_extra_coding_context(cpi);
+  if (!frame_is_intra_only(&cpi->common)) release_scaled_references(cpi);
+// Refresh reference frame buffers according to refresh_frame_flags.
+static AOM_INLINE void refresh_reference_frames(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  // All buffers are refreshed for shown keyframes and S-frames.
+  for (int ref_frame = 0; ref_frame < REF_FRAMES; ref_frame++) {
+    if (((cm->current_frame.refresh_frame_flags >> ref_frame) & 1) == 1) {
+      assign_frame_buffer_p(&cm->ref_frame_map[ref_frame], cm->cur_frame);
+    }
+  }
+void av1_update_film_grain_parameters(struct AV1_COMP *cpi,
+                                      const AV1EncoderConfig *oxcf);
+void av1_scale_references(AV1_COMP *cpi, const InterpFilter filter,
+                          const int phase);
+void av1_setup_frame(AV1_COMP *cpi);
+BLOCK_SIZE av1_select_sb_size(const AV1_COMP *const cpi);
+void av1_apply_active_map(AV1_COMP *cpi);
+uint16_t av1_setup_interp_filter_search_mask(AV1_COMP *cpi);
+void av1_determine_sc_tools_with_encoding(AV1_COMP *cpi, const int q_orig);
+int av1_recode_loop_test_global_motion(WarpedMotionParams *const global_motion,
+                                       const int *const global_motion_used,
+                                       int *const gm_params_cost);
+void av1_set_size_dependent_vars(AV1_COMP *cpi, int *q, int *bottom_index,
+                                 int *top_index);
+void av1_finalize_encoded_frame(AV1_COMP *const cpi);
+int av1_is_integer_mv(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *cur_picture,
+                      const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *last_picture,
+                      ForceIntegerMVInfo *const force_intpel_info);
+void av1_set_mb_ssim_rdmult_scaling(AV1_COMP *cpi);
+void av1_save_all_coding_context(AV1_COMP *cpi);
+void av1_dump_filtered_recon_frames(AV1_COMP *cpi);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 }  // extern "C"