Pass a boolean as the has_val argument to ARG_DEF

The third argument of the ARG_DEF macro is the has_val field of the
arg_def struct. It is not the default value of the command-line option.
So change 4 and 128 to 1 (true).

Note: These two ARG_DEF macro calls were added in
commit 9543c705874fef1d11d4ef539170fd89c0197929.

Change-Id: I06a451e5cfc591796b05f7ba173f3c95e2491993
diff --git a/apps/aomenc.c b/apps/aomenc.c
index 82c1f73..1b96ac2 100644
--- a/apps/aomenc.c
+++ b/apps/aomenc.c
@@ -458,13 +458,13 @@
             "Enable 1:4 and 4:1 partitions "
             "(0: false, 1: true (default))");
 static const arg_def_t min_partition_size =
-    ARG_DEF(NULL, "min-partition-size", 4,
+    ARG_DEF(NULL, "min-partition-size", 1,
             "Set min partition size "
             "(4:4x4, 8:8x8, 16:16x16, 32:32x32, 64:64x64, 128:128x128). "
             "On frame with 4k+ resolutions or higher speed settings, the min "
             "partition size will have a minimum of 8.");
 static const arg_def_t max_partition_size =
-    ARG_DEF(NULL, "max-partition-size", 128,
+    ARG_DEF(NULL, "max-partition-size", 1,
             "Set max partition size "
             "(4:4x4, 8:8x8, 16:16x16, 32:32x32, 64:64x64, 128:128x128)");
 static const arg_def_t enable_dual_filter =