Address VQ issue in bug aomedia:3170

Add clamping on how much frame QP is allowed to increase in tune VMAF
presets '--tune=vmaf_without_preprocessing'. The fix addressed some
corner cases where QP offset can go very high without any clamp,
such that cause VQ drop significantly. Borg test results at speed=5
qmode are as below:

testset	 avg_psnr   ovr_psnr    ssim	  vmaf
hdres2	-0.301	    -0.314	-0.304	  -0.024
hdres	-1.325	    -1.459	-1.421	  -0.06

Bug: aomedia:3170
Change-Id: I2d829e4bcc62d1acea7cafab73f0b92c171aecc9
diff --git a/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c b/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c
index 11c4df8..33b84d6 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/tune_vmaf.c
@@ -935,7 +935,8 @@
   const double dvmaf = 26.11 * (1.0 - exp(-0.06 * motion));
   const double dsse = dvmaf * approx_sse / approx_dvmaf;
-  const double beta = approx_sse / (dsse + approx_sse);
+  // Clamping beta to address VQ issue (aomedia:3170).
+  const double beta = AOMMAX(approx_sse / (dsse + approx_sse), 0.5);
   const int offset =
       av1_get_deltaq_offset(cm->seq_params->bit_depth, current_qindex, beta);
   int qindex = current_qindex + offset;