rtc: Fix to reference frame structure for RTC

For RTC encoding (1 pass, CBR, no lag), allow
for specifying the reference prediction structure
(which will override the internal behavior).

This is done for 1 layer case using the same controls
defined for SVC (multi-layer).

Two structures are implemented, depending on how
golden is used. Use it for now for the case of GOLDEN
periodically refreshed/updated with period gf_interval,
with the second reference lagging  LAST by 3 frames.

For speed 7 rtc_derf:
bdrate gain on all clips: average gain ~1.16,
several clips ~3-4% gain.
No noticeable speed change observed on x86.

Keep it off for now until ChangingSpeed test failure is

Change-Id: I6f8a554b972a23f6c06b89f00bc8c3b0ae70d10b
diff --git a/av1/encoder/ratectrl.c b/av1/encoder/ratectrl.c
index ef8cb38..a82c2e2 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/ratectrl.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/ratectrl.c
@@ -1845,6 +1845,62 @@
   return av1_rc_clamp_iframe_target_size(cpi, target);
+static void set_reference_structure_one_pass_rt(AV1_COMP *cpi) {
+  AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  // Specify the reference prediction structure, for 1 layer nonrd mode.
+  // Current structue is to use 3 references (LAST, GOLDEN, ALTREF),
+  // where ALT_REF always behind current by lag_alt frames, and GOLDEN is
+  // either updated on LAST with period baseline_gf_interval (fixed slot)
+  // or always behind current by lag_gld (gld_fixed_slot = 0, lag_gld <= 7).
+  const int gld_fixed_slot = 1;
+  const unsigned int lag_alt = 4;
+  int last_idx = 0;
+  int last_idx_refresh = 0;
+  int gld_idx = 0;
+  int alt_ref_idx = 0;
+  cpi->ext_refresh_frame_flags_pending = 1;
+  cpi->svc.external_ref_frame_config = 1;
+  cpi->ext_ref_frame_flags = 0;
+  cpi->ext_refresh_last_frame = 1;
+  cpi->ext_refresh_golden_frame = 0;
+  cpi->ext_refresh_alt_ref_frame = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; ++i) cpi->svc.ref_idx[i] = 7;
+  for (int i = 0; i < REF_FRAMES; ++i) cpi->svc.refresh[i] = 0;
+  // Always reference LAST, GOLDEN, ALTREF
+  cpi->ext_ref_frame_flags ^= AOM_LAST_FLAG;
+  cpi->ext_ref_frame_flags ^= AOM_GOLD_FLAG;
+  cpi->ext_ref_frame_flags ^= AOM_ALT_FLAG;
+  const int sh = 7 - gld_fixed_slot;
+  // Moving index slot for last: 0 - (sh - 1).
+  if (cm->current_frame.frame_number > 1)
+    last_idx = ((cm->current_frame.frame_number - 1) % sh);
+  // Moving index for refresh of last: one ahead for next frame.
+  last_idx_refresh = (cm->current_frame.frame_number % sh);
+  gld_idx = 6;
+  if (!gld_fixed_slot) {
+    gld_idx = 7;
+    const unsigned int lag_gld = 7;  // Must be <= 7.
+    // Moving index for gld_ref, lag behind current by gld_interval frames.
+    if (cm->current_frame.frame_number > lag_gld)
+      gld_idx = ((cm->current_frame.frame_number - lag_gld) % sh);
+  }
+  // Moving index for alt_ref, lag behind LAST by lag_alt frames.
+  if (cm->current_frame.frame_number > lag_alt)
+    alt_ref_idx = ((cm->current_frame.frame_number - lag_alt) % sh);
+  cpi->svc.ref_idx[0] = last_idx;          // LAST
+  cpi->svc.ref_idx[1] = last_idx_refresh;  // LAST2 (for refresh of last).
+  cpi->svc.ref_idx[3] = gld_idx;           // GOLDEN
+  cpi->svc.ref_idx[6] = alt_ref_idx;       // ALT_REF
+  // Refresh this slot, which will become LAST on next frame.
+  cpi->svc.refresh[last_idx_refresh] = 1;
+  // Update GOLDEN on period for fixed slot case.
+  if (gld_fixed_slot &&
+      cpi->rc.frames_till_gf_update_due == cpi->rc.baseline_gf_interval) {
+    cpi->ext_refresh_golden_frame = 1;
+    cpi->svc.refresh[gld_idx] = 1;
+  }
 #define DEFAULT_KF_BOOST_RT 2300
 #define DEFAULT_GF_BOOST_RT 2000
@@ -1855,6 +1911,9 @@
   AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
   GF_GROUP *const gf_group = &cpi->gf_group;
   int target;
+  // Turn this on to explicitly set the reference structure rather than
+  // relying on internal/default structure.
+  const int set_reference_structure = 0;
   if (cpi->use_svc) {
@@ -1929,4 +1988,8 @@
   av1_rc_set_frame_target(cpi, target, cm->width, cm->height);
   rc->base_frame_target = target;
+  // For 1 layer nonrd allow option to set reference structure.
+  if (set_reference_structure && cpi->sf.use_nonrd_pick_mode &&
+      cm->number_spatial_layers == 1 && cm->number_temporal_layers == 1)
+    set_reference_structure_one_pass_rt(cpi);
diff --git a/test/rt_end_to_end_test.cc b/test/rt_end_to_end_test.cc
index eca47c7..8edaf18 100644
--- a/test/rt_end_to_end_test.cc
+++ b/test/rt_end_to_end_test.cc
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     kPsnrThreshold = { { "park_joy_90p_8_420.y4m",
                          { { 6, { { 0, 35.4 }, { 3, 36.3 } } },
                            { 7, { { 0, 34.9 }, { 3, 35.8 } } },
-                           { 8, { { 0, 35.0 }, { 3, 36.0 } } } } },
+                           { 8, { { 0, 35.0 }, { 3, 35.8 } } } } },
                        { "paris_352_288_30.y4m",
                          { { 6, { { 0, 36.3 }, { 3, 36.7 } } },
                            { 7, { { 0, 35.5 }, { 3, 36.0 } } },