Fix compiler warnings on config_subframe_prob_update

Remove the unused codes under the experimental flag.

Change-Id: I4e1c176d13a58f6677f32d52bbfaa7f0aad4249d
diff --git a/av1/encoder/bitstream.c b/av1/encoder/bitstream.c
index 7cc6179..fbdd0c0 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/bitstream.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/bitstream.c
@@ -3249,235 +3249,12 @@
-// Calculate the token counts between subsequent subframe updates.
-static void get_coef_counts_diff(
-    AV1_COMP *cpi, int index,
-    av1_coeff_count coef_counts[TX_SIZES][PLANE_TYPES],
-    unsigned int eob_counts[TX_SIZES][PLANE_TYPES][REF_TYPES][COEF_BANDS]
-                           [COEFF_CONTEXTS]) {
-  int i, j, k, l, m, tx_size, val;
-  const int max_idx = cpi->common.coef_probs_update_idx;
-  const TX_MODE tx_mode = cpi->common.tx_mode;
-  const int max_tx_size = tx_mode_to_biggest_tx_size[tx_mode];
-  const SUBFRAME_STATS *subframe_stats = &cpi->subframe_stats;
-  assert(max_idx < COEF_PROBS_BUFS);
-  for (tx_size = 0; tx_size <= max_tx_size; ++tx_size)
-    for (i = 0; i < PLANE_TYPES; ++i)
-      for (j = 0; j < REF_TYPES; ++j)
-        for (k = 0; k < COEF_BANDS; ++k)
-          for (l = 0; l < BAND_COEFF_CONTEXTS(k); ++l) {
-            if (index == max_idx) {
-              val =
-                  cpi->common.counts.eob_branch[tx_size][i][j][k][l] -
-                  subframe_stats->eob_counts_buf[max_idx][tx_size][i][j][k][l];
-            } else {
-              val = subframe_stats
-                        ->eob_counts_buf[index + 1][tx_size][i][j][k][l] -
-                    subframe_stats->eob_counts_buf[index][tx_size][i][j][k][l];
-            }
-            assert(val >= 0);
-            eob_counts[tx_size][i][j][k][l] = val;
-            for (m = 0; m < ENTROPY_TOKENS; ++m) {
-              if (index == max_idx) {
-                val = cpi->td.rd_counts.coef_counts[tx_size][i][j][k][l][m] -
-                      subframe_stats
-                          ->coef_counts_buf[max_idx][tx_size][i][j][k][l][m];
-              } else {
-                val = subframe_stats
-                          ->coef_counts_buf[index + 1][tx_size][i][j][k][l][m] -
-                      subframe_stats
-                          ->coef_counts_buf[index][tx_size][i][j][k][l][m];
-              }
-              assert(val >= 0);
-              coef_counts[tx_size][i][j][k][l][m] = val;
-            }
-          }
-static void update_coef_probs_subframe(
-    aom_writer *const bc, AV1_COMP *cpi, TX_SIZE tx_size,
-    av1_coeff_stats branch_ct[COEF_PROBS_BUFS][TX_SIZES][PLANE_TYPES],
-    av1_coeff_probs_model *new_coef_probs) {
-  av1_coeff_probs_model *old_coef_probs = cpi->common.fc->coef_probs[tx_size];
-  const aom_prob upd = DIFF_UPDATE_PROB;
-  const int entropy_nodes_update = UNCONSTRAINED_NODES;
-  int i, j, k, l, t;
-  int stepsize = cpi->sf.coeff_prob_appx_step;
-  const int max_idx = cpi->common.coef_probs_update_idx;
-  int idx;
-  unsigned int this_branch_ct[ENTROPY_NODES][COEF_PROBS_BUFS][2];
-  switch (cpi->sf.use_fast_coef_updates) {
-    case TWO_LOOP: {
-      /* dry run to see if there is any update at all needed */
-      int savings = 0;
-      int update[2] = { 0, 0 };
-      for (i = 0; i < PLANE_TYPES; ++i) {
-        for (j = 0; j < REF_TYPES; ++j) {
-          for (k = 0; k < COEF_BANDS; ++k) {
-            for (l = 0; l < BAND_COEFF_CONTEXTS(k); ++l) {
-              for (t = 0; t < ENTROPY_NODES; ++t) {
-                for (idx = 0; idx <= max_idx; ++idx) {
-                  memcpy(this_branch_ct[t][idx],
-                         branch_ct[idx][tx_size][i][j][k][l][t],
-                         2 * sizeof(this_branch_ct[t][idx][0]));
-                }
-              }
-              for (t = 0; t < entropy_nodes_update; ++t) {
-                aom_prob newp = new_coef_probs[i][j][k][l][t];
-                const aom_prob oldp = old_coef_probs[i][j][k][l][t];
-                int s, u = 0;
-                if (t == PIVOT_NODE)
-                  s = av1_prob_update_search_model_subframe(
-                      this_branch_ct, old_coef_probs[i][j][k][l], &newp, upd,
-                      stepsize, max_idx);
-                else
-                  s = av1_prob_update_search_subframe(this_branch_ct[t], oldp,
-                                                      &newp, upd, max_idx);
-                if (s > 0 && newp != oldp) u = 1;
-                if (u)
-                  savings += s - (int)(av1_cost_zero(upd));
-                else
-                  savings -= (int)(av1_cost_zero(upd));
-                update[u]++;
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      /* Is coef updated at all */
-      if (update[1] == 0 || savings < 0) {
-        aom_write_bit(bc, 0);
-        return;
-      }
-      aom_write_bit(bc, 1);
-      for (i = 0; i < PLANE_TYPES; ++i) {
-        for (j = 0; j < REF_TYPES; ++j) {
-          for (k = 0; k < COEF_BANDS; ++k) {
-            for (l = 0; l < BAND_COEFF_CONTEXTS(k); ++l) {
-              for (t = 0; t < ENTROPY_NODES; ++t) {
-                for (idx = 0; idx <= max_idx; ++idx) {
-                  memcpy(this_branch_ct[t][idx],
-                         branch_ct[idx][tx_size][i][j][k][l][t],
-                         2 * sizeof(this_branch_ct[t][idx][0]));
-                }
-              }
-              for (t = 0; t < entropy_nodes_update; ++t) {
-                aom_prob newp = new_coef_probs[i][j][k][l][t];
-                aom_prob *oldp = old_coef_probs[i][j][k][l] + t;
-                int s;
-                int u = 0;
-                if (t == PIVOT_NODE)
-                  s = av1_prob_update_search_model_subframe(
-                      this_branch_ct, old_coef_probs[i][j][k][l], &newp, upd,
-                      stepsize, max_idx);
-                else
-                  s = av1_prob_update_search_subframe(this_branch_ct[t], *oldp,
-                                                      &newp, upd, max_idx);
-                if (s > 0 && newp != *oldp) u = 1;
-                aom_write(bc, u, upd);
-                if (u) {
-                  /* send/use new probability */
-                  av1_write_prob_diff_update(bc, newp, *oldp);
-                  *oldp = newp;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    case ONE_LOOP_REDUCED: {
-      int updates = 0;
-      int noupdates_before_first = 0;
-      for (i = 0; i < PLANE_TYPES; ++i) {
-        for (j = 0; j < REF_TYPES; ++j) {
-          for (k = 0; k < COEF_BANDS; ++k) {
-            for (l = 0; l < BAND_COEFF_CONTEXTS(k); ++l) {
-              for (t = 0; t < ENTROPY_NODES; ++t) {
-                for (idx = 0; idx <= max_idx; ++idx) {
-                  memcpy(this_branch_ct[t][idx],
-                         branch_ct[idx][tx_size][i][j][k][l][t],
-                         2 * sizeof(this_branch_ct[t][idx][0]));
-                }
-              }
-              for (t = 0; t < entropy_nodes_update; ++t) {
-                aom_prob newp = new_coef_probs[i][j][k][l][t];
-                aom_prob *oldp = old_coef_probs[i][j][k][l] + t;
-                int s;
-                int u = 0;
-                if (t == PIVOT_NODE)
-                  s = av1_prob_update_search_model_subframe(
-                      this_branch_ct, old_coef_probs[i][j][k][l], &newp, upd,
-                      stepsize, max_idx);
-                else
-                  s = av1_prob_update_search_subframe(this_branch_ct[t], *oldp,
-                                                      &newp, upd, max_idx);
-                if (s > 0 && newp != *oldp) u = 1;
-                updates += u;
-                if (u == 0 && updates == 0) {
-                  noupdates_before_first++;
-                  continue;
-                }
-                if (u == 1 && updates == 1) {
-                  int v;
-                  // first update
-                  aom_write_bit(bc, 1);
-                  for (v = 0; v < noupdates_before_first; ++v)
-                    aom_write(bc, 0, upd);
-                }
-                aom_write(bc, u, upd);
-                if (u) {
-                  /* send/use new probability */
-                  av1_write_prob_diff_update(bc, newp, *oldp);
-                  *oldp = newp;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (updates == 0) {
-        aom_write_bit(bc, 0);  // no updates
-      }
-      return;
-    }
-    default: assert(0);
-  }
 static void update_coef_probs(AV1_COMP *cpi, aom_writer *w) {
   const TX_MODE tx_mode = cpi->common.tx_mode;
   const TX_SIZE max_tx_size = tx_mode_to_biggest_tx_size[tx_mode];
   TX_SIZE tx_size;
-  AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
-  SUBFRAME_STATS *subframe_stats = &cpi->subframe_stats;
-  int i;
-  av1_coeff_probs_model dummy_frame_coef_probs[PLANE_TYPES];
-  if (cm->do_subframe_update &&
-      cm->refresh_frame_context == REFRESH_FRAME_CONTEXT_BACKWARD) {
-    av1_copy(cpi->common.fc->coef_probs,
-             subframe_stats->enc_starting_coef_probs);
-    for (i = 0; i <= cpi->common.coef_probs_update_idx; ++i) {
-      get_coef_counts_diff(cpi, i, cpi->wholeframe_stats.coef_counts_buf[i],
-                           cpi->wholeframe_stats.eob_counts_buf[i]);
-    }
-  }
   for (tx_size = 0; tx_size <= max_tx_size; ++tx_size) {
     av1_coeff_stats frame_branch_ct[PLANE_TYPES];
@@ -3486,61 +3263,11 @@
         (tx_size >= TX_16X16 && cpi->sf.tx_size_search_method == USE_TX_8X8)) {
       aom_write_bit(w, 0);
     } else {
-      if (cm->do_subframe_update &&
-          cm->refresh_frame_context == REFRESH_FRAME_CONTEXT_BACKWARD) {
-        unsigned int this_eob_counts_copy[PLANE_TYPES][REF_TYPES][COEF_BANDS]
-                                         [COEFF_CONTEXTS];
-        av1_coeff_count coef_counts_copy[PLANE_TYPES];
-        av1_copy(this_eob_counts_copy, cpi->common.counts.eob_branch[tx_size]);
-        av1_copy(coef_counts_copy, cpi->td.rd_counts.coef_counts[tx_size]);
-        build_tree_distribution(cpi, tx_size, frame_branch_ct,
-                                frame_coef_probs);
-        for (i = 0; i <= cpi->common.coef_probs_update_idx; ++i) {
-          av1_copy(cpi->common.counts.eob_branch[tx_size],
-                   cpi->wholeframe_stats.eob_counts_buf[i][tx_size]);
-          av1_copy(cpi->td.rd_counts.coef_counts[tx_size],
-                   cpi->wholeframe_stats.coef_counts_buf[i][tx_size]);
-          build_tree_distribution(cpi, tx_size, cpi->branch_ct_buf[i][tx_size],
-                                  dummy_frame_coef_probs);
-        }
-        av1_copy(cpi->common.counts.eob_branch[tx_size], this_eob_counts_copy);
-        av1_copy(cpi->td.rd_counts.coef_counts[tx_size], coef_counts_copy);
-        update_coef_probs_subframe(w, cpi, tx_size, cpi->branch_ct_buf,
-                                   frame_coef_probs);
-      } else {
-        build_tree_distribution(cpi, tx_size, frame_branch_ct,
-                                frame_coef_probs);
-        update_coef_probs_common(w, cpi, tx_size, frame_branch_ct,
-                                 frame_coef_probs);
-      }
+      build_tree_distribution(cpi, tx_size, frame_branch_ct, frame_coef_probs);
+      update_coef_probs_common(w, cpi, tx_size, frame_branch_ct,
+                               frame_coef_probs);
-  av1_copy(cm->starting_coef_probs, cm->fc->coef_probs);
-  av1_copy(subframe_stats->coef_probs_buf[0], cm->fc->coef_probs);
-  if (cm->do_subframe_update &&
-      cm->refresh_frame_context == REFRESH_FRAME_CONTEXT_BACKWARD) {
-    unsigned int eob_counts_copy[TX_SIZES][PLANE_TYPES][REF_TYPES][COEF_BANDS]
-                                [COEFF_CONTEXTS];
-    av1_copy(eob_counts_copy, cm->counts.eob_branch);
-    for (i = 1; i <= cpi->common.coef_probs_update_idx; ++i) {
-      for (tx_size = 0; tx_size <= max_tx_size; ++tx_size)
-        av1_full_to_model_counts(cm->counts.coef[tx_size],
-                                 subframe_stats->coef_counts_buf[i][tx_size]);
-      av1_copy(cm->counts.eob_branch, subframe_stats->eob_counts_buf[i]);
-      av1_partial_adapt_probs(cm, 0, 0);
-      av1_copy(subframe_stats->coef_probs_buf[i], cm->fc->coef_probs);
-    }
-    av1_copy(cm->fc->coef_probs, subframe_stats->coef_probs_buf[0]);
-    av1_copy(cm->counts.eob_branch, eob_counts_copy);
-  }
 #endif  // !CONFIG_EC_ADAPT
diff --git a/av1/encoder/tokenize.c b/av1/encoder/tokenize.c
index f48493b..acdd12a 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/tokenize.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/tokenize.c
@@ -472,14 +472,8 @@
   unsigned int(*const counts)[COEFF_CONTEXTS][ENTROPY_TOKENS] =
-  const aom_prob(*coef_probs)[COEFF_CONTEXTS][UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] =
-      cpi->subframe_stats.coef_probs_buf[cpi->common.coef_probs_update_idx]
-                                        [txsize_sqr_map[tx_size]][type][ref];
   aom_prob(*const coef_probs)[COEFF_CONTEXTS][UNCONSTRAINED_NODES] =
   FRAME_CONTEXT *ec_ctx = xd->tile_ctx;