rtc-screen: Incorporate color into rd cost for IDTX

IDTX mode in nonrd_pickmode is only based on Y channel,
some logic exist to bypass this mode test when color
sensitivity is set, but in some cases, even with color
detected, its still worth entering the mode test.

If color_sensitivity is set for the coding block,
and we enter the IDTX search, add terms from UV channel
into rdcost, using model_rd to avoid slowdown.

bdrate gains on speed 10 rtc screen:
avg/ovr/ssim, IC speedup
-0.493/-1.099/-1.248, 0.286

This reduces color artifacts in sc_web_browsing.

Change-Id: I16695c7647026bb70c437a2f9e8982927ee0df59
diff --git a/av1/encoder/nonrd_pickmode.c b/av1/encoder/nonrd_pickmode.c
index 05bcf1d..57498b1 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/nonrd_pickmode.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/nonrd_pickmode.c
@@ -2905,7 +2905,8 @@
     AV1_COMP *cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, InterModeSearchStateNonrd *search_state,
     PRED_BUFFER *this_mode_pred, PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *ctx,
     PRED_BUFFER *tmp_buffer, struct buf_2d *orig_dst, int skip_idtx_palette,
-    int try_palette, BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int reuse_inter_pred) {
+    int try_palette, BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int reuse_inter_pred, int mi_col,
+    int mi_row) {
   AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
   const REAL_TIME_SPEED_FEATURES *const rt_sf = &cpi->sf.rt_sf;
   MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
@@ -2937,12 +2938,29 @@
     const PRED_BUFFER *const best_pred = best_pickmode->best_pred;
     av1_block_yrd_idtx(x, best_pred->data, best_pred->stride, &idtx_rdc,
                        &is_skippable, bsize, mi->tx_size);
+    // Incorporate color into rd cost.
+    if ((x->color_sensitivity[COLOR_SENS_IDX(AOM_PLANE_U)] ||
+         x->color_sensitivity[COLOR_SENS_IDX(AOM_PLANE_V)])) {
+      RD_STATS rdc_uv;
+      const BLOCK_SIZE uv_bsize =
+          get_plane_block_size(bsize, xd->plane[AOM_PLANE_U].subsampling_x,
+                               xd->plane[AOM_PLANE_U].subsampling_y);
+      if (x->color_sensitivity[COLOR_SENS_IDX(AOM_PLANE_U)]) {
+        av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, NULL, bsize,
+                                      AOM_PLANE_U, AOM_PLANE_U);
+      }
+      if (x->color_sensitivity[COLOR_SENS_IDX(AOM_PLANE_V)]) {
+        av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, NULL, bsize,
+                                      AOM_PLANE_V, AOM_PLANE_V);
+      }
+      av1_model_rd_for_sb_uv(cpi, uv_bsize, x, xd, &rdc_uv, AOM_PLANE_U,
+                             AOM_PLANE_V);
+      idtx_rdc.rate += rdc_uv.rate;
+      idtx_rdc.dist += rdc_uv.dist;
+      idtx_rdc.skip_txfm = idtx_rdc.skip_txfm && rdc_uv.skip_txfm;
+    }
     int64_t idx_rdcost = RDCOST(x->rdmult, idtx_rdc.rate, idtx_rdc.dist);
     if (idx_rdcost < search_state->best_rdc.rdcost) {
-      // Keep the skip_txfm off if the color_sensitivity is set.
-      if (x->color_sensitivity[COLOR_SENS_IDX(AOM_PLANE_U)] ||
-          x->color_sensitivity[COLOR_SENS_IDX(AOM_PLANE_V)])
-        idtx_rdc.skip_txfm = 0;
       best_pickmode->tx_type = IDTX;
       search_state->best_rdc.rdcost = idx_rdcost;
       best_pickmode->best_mode_skip_txfm = idtx_rdc.skip_txfm;
@@ -3303,9 +3321,9 @@
   if (rt_sf->prune_palette_nonrd && bsize > BLOCK_16X16) try_palette = 0;
   // Perform screen content mode evaluation for non-rd
-  handle_screen_content_mode_nonrd(cpi, x, &search_state, this_mode_pred, ctx,
-                                   tmp_buffer, &orig_dst, skip_idtx_palette,
-                                   try_palette, bsize, reuse_inter_pred);
+  handle_screen_content_mode_nonrd(
+      cpi, x, &search_state, this_mode_pred, ctx, tmp_buffer, &orig_dst,
+      skip_idtx_palette, try_palette, bsize, reuse_inter_pred, mi_col, mi_row);