Pad images in pyramid

Vector optimized convolve functions require dimensions divisible by 8.
To use these to compute image gradients for optical flow, we need to
pad each level of the pyramid. This currently uses 0 padding for

Change-Id: I7567419ea7651485ca6ca6e13964a79a4f5d5095
diff --git a/av1/encoder/global_motion.c b/av1/encoder/global_motion.c
index e70d889..7a64291 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/global_motion.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/global_motion.c
@@ -37,12 +37,16 @@
 #define N_LEVELS 5
 // Size of square patches in the disflow dense grid
 #define PATCH_SIZE 5
+// Minimum size of border padding for disflow
+#define MIN_PAD 7
 // Struct for an image pyramid
 typedef struct {
   int n_levels;
+  int pad_size;
   int widths[N_LEVELS];
   int heights[N_LEVELS];
+  int strides[N_LEVELS];
   int level_loc[N_LEVELS];
   unsigned char *level_buffer;
 } ImagePyramid;
@@ -312,12 +316,14 @@
   return 0;
-static ImagePyramid *alloc_pyramid(int width, int height) {
+static ImagePyramid *alloc_pyramid(int width, int height, int pad_size) {
   ImagePyramid *pyr = aom_malloc(sizeof(*pyr));
   // 2 * width * height is the upper bound for a buffer that fits
-  // all pyramid levels
-  pyr->level_buffer =
-      aom_malloc(sizeof(*pyr->level_buffer) * 2 * width * height);
+  // all pyramid levels + padding for each level
+  const int buffer_size = sizeof(*pyr->level_buffer) * 2 * width * height +
+                          (width + 2 * pad_size) * 2 * pad_size * N_LEVELS;
+  pyr->level_buffer = aom_malloc(buffer_size);
+  memset(pyr->level_buffer, 0, buffer_size);
   return pyr;
@@ -329,42 +335,54 @@
 static INLINE void update_level_dims(ImagePyramid *frm_pyr, int level) {
   frm_pyr->widths[level] = frm_pyr->widths[level - 1] >> 1;
   frm_pyr->heights[level] = frm_pyr->heights[level - 1] >> 1;
+  frm_pyr->strides[level] = frm_pyr->widths[level] + 2 * frm_pyr->pad_size;
+  // Point the beginning of the next level buffer to the correct location inside
+  // the padded border
   frm_pyr->level_loc[level] =
       frm_pyr->level_loc[level - 1] +
-      frm_pyr->widths[level - 1] * frm_pyr->heights[level - 1];
+      frm_pyr->strides[level - 1] *
+          (2 * frm_pyr->pad_size + frm_pyr->heights[level - 1]);
 // Compute coarse to fine pyramids for a frame
 static void compute_flow_pyramids(unsigned char *frm, const int frm_width,
                                   const int frm_height, const int frm_stride,
-                                  int n_levels, ImagePyramid *frm_pyr) {
-  int cur_width, cur_height, cur_loc;
+                                  int n_levels, int pad_size,
+                                  ImagePyramid *frm_pyr) {
+  int cur_width, cur_height, cur_stride, cur_loc;
   assert((frm_width >> n_levels) > 0);
   assert((frm_height >> n_levels) > 0);
   // Initialize first level
   frm_pyr->n_levels = n_levels;
+  frm_pyr->pad_size = pad_size;
   frm_pyr->widths[0] = frm_width;
   frm_pyr->heights[0] = frm_height;
-  frm_pyr->level_loc[0] = 0;
+  frm_pyr->strides[0] = frm_width + 2 * frm_pyr->pad_size;
+  // Point the beginning of the level buffer to the location inside
+  // the padded border
+  frm_pyr->level_loc[0] =
+      frm_pyr->strides[0] * frm_pyr->pad_size + frm_pyr->pad_size;
   // This essentially copies the original buffer into the pyramid buffer
   // without the original padding
   av1_resize_plane(frm, frm_height, frm_width, frm_stride,
-                   frm_pyr->level_buffer, frm_pyr->heights[0],
-                   frm_pyr->widths[0], frm_pyr->widths[0]);
+                   frm_pyr->level_buffer + frm_pyr->level_loc[0],
+                   frm_pyr->heights[0], frm_pyr->widths[0],
+                   frm_pyr->strides[0]);
   // Start at the finest level and resize down to the coarsest level
   for (int level = 1; level < n_levels; ++level) {
     update_level_dims(frm_pyr, level);
     cur_width = frm_pyr->widths[level];
     cur_height = frm_pyr->heights[level];
+    cur_stride = frm_pyr->strides[level];
     cur_loc = frm_pyr->level_loc[level];
     av1_resize_plane(frm_pyr->level_buffer + frm_pyr->level_loc[level - 1],
                      frm_pyr->heights[level - 1], frm_pyr->widths[level - 1],
-                     frm_pyr->widths[level - 1],
+                     frm_pyr->strides[level - 1],
                      frm_pyr->level_buffer + cur_loc, cur_height, cur_width,
-                     cur_width);
+                     cur_stride);
     // TODO(sarahparker) Add computation of gradient pyramids here
@@ -382,6 +400,7 @@
   const int frm_height = frm->y_height;
   const int ref_width = ref->y_width;
   const int ref_height = ref->y_height;
+  const int pad_size = AOMMAX(PATCH_SIZE, MIN_PAD);
   assert(frm_width == ref_width);
   assert(frm_height == ref_height);
@@ -400,13 +419,13 @@
   // Allocate frm image pyramids
-  ImagePyramid *frm_pyr = alloc_pyramid(frm_width, frm_height);
+  ImagePyramid *frm_pyr = alloc_pyramid(frm_width, frm_height, pad_size);
   compute_flow_pyramids(frm_buffer, frm_width, frm_height, frm->y_stride,
-                        n_levels, frm_pyr);
+                        n_levels, pad_size, frm_pyr);
   // Allocate ref image pyramids
-  ImagePyramid *ref_pyr = alloc_pyramid(ref_width, ref_height);
+  ImagePyramid *ref_pyr = alloc_pyramid(ref_width, ref_height, pad_size);
   compute_flow_pyramids(ref_buffer, ref_width, ref_height, ref->y_stride,
-                        n_levels, ref_pyr);
+                        n_levels, pad_size, ref_pyr);
   // TODO(sarahparker) Implement the rest of DISFlow, currently only the image
   // pyramid is implemented.