blob: fdd4a0926fe7cf194bae44b5cfa9f08542a2fb56 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include <array>
#include <vector>
#include "av1/encoder/firstpass.h"
namespace aom {
constexpr int kBlockRefCount = 2;
constexpr int kRefFrameTableSize = 8;
struct MotionVector {
int row; // subpel row
int col; // subpel col
int subpel_bits; // number of fractional bits used by row/col
struct RateControlParam {
int max_gop_show_frame_count;
int min_gop_show_frame_count;
int max_ref_frames;
int base_q_index;
struct TplBlockStats {
int height; // pixel height
int width; // pixel width
int row; // pixel row of the top left corner
int col; // pixel col of the top lef corner
int64_t intra_cost;
int64_t inter_cost;
std::array<MotionVector, kBlockRefCount> mv;
std::array<int, kBlockRefCount> ref_frame_index;
enum class EncodeRefMode {
struct GopFrame {
// basic info
bool is_valid;
int order_idx; // Index in display order in a GOP
int coding_idx; // Index in coding order in a GOP
int global_order_idx; // Index in display order in the whole video chunk
int global_coding_idx; // Index in coding order in the whole video chunk
bool is_key_frame; // If this is key frame, reset reference buffers are
// required
bool is_arf_frame; // Is this a forward frame, a frame with order_idx
// higher than the current display order
bool is_show_frame; // Is this frame a show frame after coding
bool is_golden_frame; // Is this a high quality frame
// reference frame info
EncodeRefMode encode_ref_mode;
int colocated_ref_idx; // colocated_ref_idx == -1 when encode_ref_mode ==
// EncodeRefMode::kRegular
int update_ref_idx; // The reference index that this frame should be updated
// to. update_ref_idx == -1 when this frame will not
// serve as a reference frame
ref_idx_list; // The indices of reference frames.
// The size should be less or equal to max_ref_frames.
int layer_depth; // Layer depth in the GOP structure
int primary_ref_idx; // We will use the primary reference to update current
// frame's initial probability model
struct GopStruct {
int show_frame_count;
std::vector<GopFrame> gop_frame_list;
using GopStructList = std::vector<GopStruct>;
struct FrameEncodeParameters {
int q_index;
int rdmult;
struct FirstpassInfo {
// TODO(b/221916304): Remove when no longer needed downstream.
FirstpassInfo() = default;
FirstpassInfo(const std::vector<FIRSTPASS_STATS> stats) : stats_list(stats) {}
operator std::vector<FIRSTPASS_STATS>() { return stats_list; }
int num_mbs_16x16; // Count of 16x16 unit blocks in each frame.
// FIRSTPASS_STATS's unit block size is 16x16
std::vector<FIRSTPASS_STATS> stats_list;
using RefFrameTable = std::array<GopFrame, kRefFrameTableSize>;
struct GopEncodeInfo {
std::vector<FrameEncodeParameters> param_list;
RefFrameTable final_snapshot; // RefFrameTable snapshot after coding this GOP
struct TplFrameStats {
int min_block_size;
int frame_width;
int frame_height;
std::vector<TplBlockStats> block_stats_list;
struct TplGopStats {
std::vector<TplFrameStats> frame_stats_list;
class AV1RateControlQModeInterface {
virtual ~AV1RateControlQModeInterface();
virtual void SetRcParam(const RateControlParam &rc_param) = 0;
virtual GopStructList DetermineGopInfo(
const FirstpassInfo &firstpass_info) = 0;
// Accept firstpass and tpl info from the encoder and return q index and
// rdmult. This needs to be called with consecutive GOPs as returned by
// DetermineGopInfo.
virtual GopEncodeInfo GetGopEncodeInfo(
const GopStruct &gop_struct, const TplGopStats &tpl_gop_stats,
const RefFrameTable &ref_frame_table_snapshot_init) = 0;
}; // class AV1RateCtrlQMode
} // namespace aom