blob: 0eb5633b0b6e4e860d18828c975450bf6375feac [file] [log] [blame]
#include "av1/common/daala_tx.h"
#include "av1/common/odintrin.h"
/* clang-format off */
#define OD_RSHIFT1(_a) (((_a) + ((_a) < 0)) >> 1)
#define OD_PAVG(_a, _b) (((_a) + (_b) + 1) >> 1)
/* TODO: Daala DCT overflow checks need to be ported as a later test */
# else
# define OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(val, scale, offset, idx)
# endif
#define OD_FDCT_2_PR(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p1, 13573, 16384, 100); \
p0 -= (p1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5793/8192 ~= Sin[pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p0, 5793, 4096, 101); \
p1 += (p0*5793 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p1, 3393, 4096, 102); \
p0 -= (p1*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_2_PR(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
p0 += (p1*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5793/8192 ~= Sin[pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
p1 -= (p0*5793 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
p0 += (p1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_2_FLAT(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
t_ = (p0 - p1 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 46341/32768 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] = 1.4142135623730951 */ \
p0 = (p1*46341 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 46341/32768 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] = 1.4142135623730951 */ \
p1 = (t_*46341 + 16384) >> 15; \
p0 += p1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_2_FLAT(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
t_ = p0 + p1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] = 1.4142135623730951 */ \
p1 = (p0*11585 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Cos[Pi/4] = 0.7071067811865475 */ \
p0 = (t_*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
p1 -= p0; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_2_ASYM_PR(p0, p1, p1h) \
/* Embedded 2-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
p0 += p1h; \
p1 = p0 - p1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_2_ASYM_PR(p0, p1, p1h) \
/* Embedded 2-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
p1 = p0 - p1; \
p1h = OD_RSHIFT1(p1); \
p0 -= p1h; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_2_PR(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
/* 10947/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p1, 10947, 8192, 103); \
p0 -= (p1*10947 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 473/512 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p0, 473, 256, 104); \
p1 += (p0*473 + 256) >> 9; \
/* 10947/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p1, 10947, 8192, 105); \
p0 -= (p1*10947 + 8192) >> 14; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_2_PR(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point orthonormal Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
/* 10947/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16]) ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
p0 += (p1*10947 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 473/512 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
p1 -= (p0*473 + 256) >> 9; \
/* 10947/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
p0 += (p1*10947 + 8192) >> 14; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_2_FLAT(p0, p1) \
do { \
int t_; \
t_ = (p0 + p1 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Cos[3*Pi/8]*Sqrt[2] = 0.541196100146197 */ \
p0 = (p0*8867 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8]*Sqrt[2] = 1.3065629648763766 */ \
p1 = (p1*21407 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/8] = 1.8477590650225735 */ \
t_ = (t_*15137 + 4096) >> 13; \
p0 = t_ - p0; \
p1 = t_ - p1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_2_ASYM_PR(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
/* 11507/16384 ~= 4*Sin[Pi/8] - 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.702306604714169 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p1, 11507, 8192, 187); \
p0 -= (p1*11507 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 669/1024 ~= Cos[Pi/8]/Sqrt[2] ~= 0.653281482438188 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p0, 669, 512, 188); \
p1 += (p0*669 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 4573/4096 ~= 4*Sin[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 1.11652016708726 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(p1, 4573, 2048, 189); \
p0 -= (p1*4573 + 2048) >> 12; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_2_ASYM_PR(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
/* 4573/4096 ~= 4*Sin[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 1.11652016708726 */ \
p0 += (p1*4573 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 669/1024 ~= Cos[Pi/8]/Sqrt[2] ~= 0.653281482438188 */ \
p1 -= (p0*669 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 11507/16384 ~= 4*Sin[Pi/8] - 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.702306604714169 */ \
p0 += (p1*11507 + 8192) >> 14; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_2_ASYM_FLAT(p0, p0h, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
t_ = p0h - p1; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= (Cos[3*Pi/8] - Sin[3*Pi/8])/Sqrt[2] = 0.38268343236509 */ \
u_ = (p0*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 60547/32768 ~= (Cos[3*Pi/8] + Sin[3*Pi/8])*Sqrt[2] = 1.847759065023 */ \
p0 = (p1*60547 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Cos[3*Pi/8]*Sqrt[2] = 0.5411961001461971 */ \
t_ = (t_*8867 + 8192) >> 14; \
p0 += t_; \
p1 = u_ + t_; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_2_ASYM_FLAT(p0, p1) \
/* Embedded 2-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
t_ = (p0 + p1 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= (Cos[Pi/8] - Sin[Pi/8])*Sqrt[2] = 0.7653668647301795 */ \
u_ = (p1*3135 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= (Cos[Pi/8] + Sin[Pi/8])/Sqrt[2] = 0.9238795325112867 */ \
p1 = (p0*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/8192 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8]*Sqrt[2] = 1.082392200292394 */ \
t_ = (t_*8867 + 4096) >> 13; \
p0 = u_ + t_; \
p1 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_4_PR(q0, q2, q1, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
int q2h; \
int q3h; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q0 -= q3h; \
q2 += q1; \
q2h = OD_RSHIFT1(q2); \
q1 = q2h - q1; \
OD_FDCT_2_ASYM_PR(q0, q2, q2h); \
OD_FDST_2_ASYM_PR(q3, q1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_4_PR(q0, q2, q1, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
int q1h; \
int q3h; \
OD_IDST_2_ASYM_PR(q3, q2); \
OD_IDCT_2_ASYM_PR(q0, q1, q1h); \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q0 += q3h; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q2 = q1h - q2; \
q1 -= q2; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_4_ASYM_PR(q0, q2, q2h, q1, q3, q3h) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
q0 += q3h; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q1 = q2h - q1; \
q2 = q1 - q2; \
OD_FDCT_2_PR(q0, q2); \
OD_FDST_2_PR(q3, q1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_4_ASYM_PR(q0, q2, q1, q1h, q3, q3h) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
OD_IDST_2_PR(q3, q2); \
OD_IDCT_2_PR(q0, q1); \
q1 = q2 - q1; \
q1h = OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q2 = q1h - q2; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q0 -= q3h; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_4_FLAT(q0, q1, q2, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int q1h; \
int q3h; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q0 -= q3h; \
q1 += q2; \
q1h = OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q2 -= q1h; \
OD_FDCT_2_ASYM_FLAT(q0, q1, q1h); \
OD_FDST_2_ASYM_FLAT(q3, q3h, q2); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_4_FLAT(q0, q2, q1, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int q1h; \
OD_IDST_2_ASYM_FLAT(q3, q2); \
OD_IDCT_2_ASYM_FLAT(q0, q1, q1h); \
q2 += q1h; \
q1 -= q2; \
q0 += OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_4_ASYM_FLAT(q0, q1, q1h, q2, q3, q3h) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
q0 += q3h; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q2 -= q1h; \
q1 += q2; \
OD_FDCT_2_FLAT(q0, q1); \
OD_FDST_2_FLAT(q3, q2); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_4_ASYM_FLAT(q0, q2, q1, q1h, q3, q3h) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
OD_IDST_2_FLAT(q3, q2); \
OD_IDCT_2_FLAT(q0, q1); \
q1 -= q2; \
q1h = OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q2 += q1h; \
q3 = q0 - q3; \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q0 -= q3h; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_4_PR(q0, q2, q1, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
int q0h; \
int q1h; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q1, 13573, 16384, 190); \
q2 += (q1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5793/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q2, 5793, 4096, 191); \
q1 -= (q2*5793 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q1, 3393, 4096, 192); \
q2 += (q1*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
q0 += q2; \
q0h = OD_RSHIFT1(q0); \
q2 = q0h - q2; \
q1 += q3; \
q1h = OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q3 -= q1h; \
/* 537/1024 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[3*Pi/16]/2)/Sin[3*Pi/16] ~=
0.524455699240090 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q1, 537, 512, 193); \
q2 -= (q1*537 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 1609/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.785694958387102 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q2, 1609, 1024, 194); \
q1 += (q2*1609 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 7335/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[3*Pi/16])/Sin[3*Pi/16] ~=
0.223847182092655 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q1, 7335, 16384, 195); \
q2 += (q1*7335 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5091/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/16]/2)/Sin[7*Pi/16] ~=
0.6215036383171189 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q0, 5091, 4096, 196); \
q3 += (q0*5091 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5681/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 1.38703984532215 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q3, 5681, 2048, 197); \
q0 -= (q3*5681 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4277/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/16])/Sin[7*Pi/16] ~=
0.52204745462729 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(q0, 4277, 4096, 198); \
q3 += (q0*4277 + 4096) >> 13; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_4_PR(q0, q2, q1, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
int q0h; \
int q2h; \
/* 4277/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/16])/Sin[7*Pi/16] ~=
0.52204745462729 */ \
q3 -= (q0*4277 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5681/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 1.38703984532215 */ \
q0 += (q3*5681 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5091/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/16]/2)/Sin[7*Pi/16] ~=
0.6215036383171189 */ \
q3 -= (q0*5091 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 7335/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[3*Pi/16])/Sin[3*Pi/16] ~=
0.223847182092655 */ \
q1 -= (q2*7335 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1609/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.785694958387102 */ \
q2 -= (q1*1609 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 537/1024 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[3*Pi/16]/2)/Sin[3*Pi/16] ~=
0.524455699240090 */ \
q1 += (q2*537 + 512) >> 10; \
q2h = OD_RSHIFT1(q2); \
q3 += q2h; \
q2 -= q3; \
q0h = OD_RSHIFT1(q0); \
q1 = q0h - q1; \
q0 -= q1; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
q1 -= (q2*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5793/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
q2 += (q1*5793 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
q1 -= (q2*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_4_FLAT(q0, q1, q2, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
t_ = q0 - q3; \
/* 13623/16384 ~= (Sin[7*Pi/16] + Cos[7*Pi/16])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.8314696123025451 */ \
u_ = (13623*q3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 18205/16384 ~= (Sin[7*Pi/16] - Cos[7*Pi/16])*Sqrt[2] ~=
1.1111404660392046 */ \
q3 = (18205*q0 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 9041/32768 ~= Cos[7*Pi/16]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.275899379282943 */ \
t_ = (9041*t_ + 16384) >> 15; \
q0 = u_ + OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
q3 += t_; \
t_ = q1 + q2; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= (Sin[5*Pi/16] + Cos[5*Pi/16])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.9807852804032304 */ \
u_ = (16069*q1 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 12785/32768 ~= (Sin[5*Pi/16] - Cos[5*Pi/16])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.3901806440322566 */ \
q1 = (12785*q2 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 12873/16384 ~= Cos[5*Pi/16]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.7856949583871021 */ \
t_ = (12873*t_ + 8192) >> 14; \
q2 = u_ - OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
q1 += t_; \
q2 += OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q3 -= q2; \
q0 += OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q1 -= q0; \
t_ = (q2 - q1 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
q2 = (11585*q1 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
q1 = (11585*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
q2 += q1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_4_FLAT(q0, q1, q2, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
int q2h; \
int q3h; \
t_ = (q1 + q2 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
q2 = (11585*q1 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
q1 = (11585*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
q2 -= q1; \
q2 += q0; \
q2h = OD_RSHIFT1(q2); \
q0 -= q2h; \
q3 += q1; \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q1 -= q3h; \
t_ = q1 + q2h; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= (Sin[5*Pi/16] + Cos[5*Pi/16])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.9807852804032304 */ \
u_ = (16069*q2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 12785/32768 ~= (Sin[5*Pi/16] - Cos[5*Pi/16])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.3901806440322566 */ \
q2 = (12785*q1 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 12873/16384 ~= Cos[5*Pi/16]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.7856949583871021 */ \
t_ = (12873*t_ + 8192) >> 14; \
q1 = u_ - t_; \
q2 += t_; \
t_ = q0 - q3h; \
/* 13623/16384 ~= (Sin[7*Pi/16] + Cos[7*Pi/16])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.8314696123025451 */ \
u_ = (13623*q3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 18205/16384 ~= (Sin[7*Pi/16] - Cos[7*Pi/16])*Sqrt[2] ~=
1.1111404660392046 */ \
q3 = (18205*q0 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 9041/32768 ~= Cos[7*Pi/16]*Sqrt[2] = 0.275899379282943 */ \
t_ = (9041*t_ + 16384) >> 15; \
q0 = u_ + t_; \
q3 += t_; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_4_ASYM_PR(t0, t0h, t2, t1, t3) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
/* 7489/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 7489, 4096, 106); \
t2 -= (t1*7489 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 11585, 8192, 107); \
t1 += (t2*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 19195, 16384, 108); \
t2 += (t1*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
t3 += OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t2 -= t3; \
t1 = t0h - t1; \
t0 -= t1; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 6723, 4096, 109); \
t3 += (t0*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8035/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 8035, 4096, 110); \
t0 -= (t3*8035 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 6723, 4096, 111); \
t3 += (t0*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 8757, 8192, 112); \
t2 += (t1*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6811/8192 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.831469612302545 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 6811, 4096, 113); \
t1 -= (t2*6811 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 8757, 8192, 114); \
t2 += (t1*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_4_ASYM_PR(t0, t0h, t2, t1, t3) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
t1 -= (t2*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6811/8192 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.831469612302545 */ \
t2 += (t1*6811 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
t1 -= (t2*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
t3 -= (t0*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8035/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
t0 += (t3*8035 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
t3 -= (t0*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
t0 += t2; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t2 = t0h - t2; \
t1 += t3; \
t3 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
t1 -= (t2*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
t2 -= (t1*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7489/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
t1 += (t2*7489 + 4096) >> 13; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_4_ASYM_FLAT(q0, q0h, q1, q2, q2h, q3) \
/* Embedded 4-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
t_ = q0h + q3; \
/* 38531/32768 = Sin[7*Pi/16] + Cos[7*Pi/16] = 1.1758756024193586 */ \
u_ = (q0*38531 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 12873/16384 = Sin[7*Pi/16] - Cos[7*Pi/16] = 0.7856949583871022 */ \
q0 = (q3*12873 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 12785/32768 = 2*Cos[7*Pi/16] = 0.3901806440322565 */ \
t_ = (t_*12785 + 16384) >> 15; \
q0 += OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
q3 = u_ - t_; \
t_ = q1 + q2h; \
/* 45451/32768 = Sin[5*Pi/16] + Cos[5*Pi/16] = 1.3870398453221475 */ \
u_ = (q1*45451 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 9041/32768 = Sin[5*Pi/16] - Cos[5*Pi/16] = 0.27589937928294306 */ \
q1 = (q2*9041 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 18205/16384 = 2*Cos[5*Pi/16] = 1.1111404660392044 */ \
t_ = (t_*18205 + 8192) >> 14; \
q1 += t_; \
q2 = OD_RSHIFT1(t_) - u_; \
q2 -= OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q3 += q2; \
q0 += OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q1 -= q0; \
t_ = (q1 + q2 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 2*Sin[Pi/4] = 1.4142135623730951 */ \
q2 = (q1*11585 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -46341/32768 = -2*Cos[Pi/4] = -1.4142135623730951 */ \
q1 = (t_*-46341 + 16384) >> 15; \
q2 += q1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_4_ASYM_FLAT(q0, q2, q1, q3) \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
int q1h; \
int q3h; \
t_ = (q1 + q2 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 2*Sin[Pi/4] = 1.4142135623730951 */ \
q1 = (q2*11585 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -46341/32768 = -2*Cos[Pi/4] = -1.4142135623730951 */ \
q2 = (t_*-46341 + 16384) >> 15; \
q1 += q2; \
q1 += q0; \
q1h = OD_RSHIFT1(q1); \
q0 -= q1h; \
q3 -= q2; \
q3h = OD_RSHIFT1(q3); \
q2 += q3h; \
t_ = q1h + q2; \
/* 45451/32768 = Sin[5*Pi/16] + Cos[5*Pi/16] = 1.3870398453221475 */ \
u_ = (q2*45451 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 9041/32768 = Sin[5*Pi/16] - Cos[5*Pi/16] = 0.27589937928294306 */ \
q2 = (q1*9041 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 18205/16384 = 2*Cos[5*Pi/16] = 1.1111404660392044 */ \
t_ = (t_*18205 + 8192) >> 14; \
q1 = OD_RSHIFT1(t_) - u_; \
q2 += t_; \
t_ = q0 + q3h; \
/* 38531/32768 = Sin[7*Pi/16] + Cos[7*Pi/16] = 1.1758756024193586 */ \
u_ = (q0*38531 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 12873/16384 = Sin[7*Pi/16] - Cos[7*Pi/16] = 0.7856949583871022 */ \
q0 = (q3*12873 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 12785/32768 = 2*Cos[7*Pi/16] = 0.3901806440322565 */ \
t_ = (t_*12785 + 16384) >> 15; \
q3 = u_ - OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
q0 += t_; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_8_PR(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r5, r3, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
int r4h; \
int r5h; \
int r6h; \
int r7h; \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r0 -= r7h; \
r6 += r1; \
r6h = OD_RSHIFT1(r6); \
r1 = r6h - r1; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r2 -= r5h; \
r4 += r3; \
r4h = OD_RSHIFT1(r4); \
r3 = r4h - r3; \
OD_FDCT_4_ASYM_PR(r0, r4, r4h, r2, r6, r6h); \
OD_FDST_4_ASYM_PR(r7, r7h, r3, r5, r1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_8_PR(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r5, r3, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
int r1h; \
int r3h; \
int r5h; \
int r7h; \
OD_IDST_4_ASYM_PR(r7, r7h, r5, r6, r4); \
OD_IDCT_4_ASYM_PR(r0, r2, r1, r1h, r3, r3h); \
r0 += r7h; \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r6 = r1h - r6; \
r1 -= r6; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r2 += r5h; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r4 = r3h - r4; \
r3 -= r4; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_8_FLAT(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int r1h; \
int r3h; \
int r5h; \
int r7h; \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r0 -= r7h; \
r1 += r6; \
r1h = OD_RSHIFT1(r1); \
r6 -= r1h; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r2 -= r5h; \
r3 += r4; \
r3h = OD_RSHIFT1(r3); \
r4 -= r3h; \
OD_FDCT_4_ASYM_FLAT(r0, r1, r1h, r2, r3, r3h); \
OD_FDST_4_ASYM_FLAT(r7, r7h, r6, r5, r5h, r4); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_8_FLAT(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r5, r3, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int r1h; \
int r3h; \
OD_IDST_4_ASYM_FLAT(r7, r5, r6, r4); \
OD_IDCT_4_ASYM_FLAT(r0, r2, r1, r1h, r3, r3h); \
r4 += r3h; \
r3 -= r4; \
r2 += OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r6 += r1h; \
r1 -= r6; \
r0 += OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_8_ASYM_PR(r0, r4, r4h, r2, r6, r6h, r1, r5, r5h, r3, r7, r7h) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
r0 += r7h; \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r1 = r6h - r1; \
r6 -= r1; \
r2 += r5h; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r3 = r4h - r3; \
r4 -= r3; \
OD_FDCT_4_PR(r0, r4, r2, r6); \
OD_FDST_4_PR(r7, r3, r5, r1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_8_ASYM_PR(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r1h, r5, r5h, r3, r3h, r7, r7h) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
OD_IDST_4_PR(r7, r5, r6, r4); \
OD_IDCT_4_PR(r0, r2, r1, r3); \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r0 -= r7h; \
r1 += r6; \
r1h = OD_RSHIFT1(r1); \
r6 = r1h - r6; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r2 -= r5h; \
r3 += r4; \
r3h = OD_RSHIFT1(r3); \
r4 = r3h - r4; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_8_ASYM_FLAT(r0, r1, r1h, r2, r3, r3h, r4, r5, r5h, r6, r7, r7h) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
r0 += r7h; \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r4 -= r3h; \
r3 += r4; \
r2 += r5h; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r6 -= r1h; \
r1 += r6; \
OD_FDCT_4_FLAT(r0, r1, r2, r3); \
OD_FDST_4_FLAT(r7, r6, r5, r4); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_8_ASYM_FLAT(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r1h, r5, r5h, r3, r3h, r7, r7h) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
OD_IDST_4_FLAT(r7, r5, r6, r4); \
OD_IDCT_4_FLAT(r0, r2, r1, r3); \
r7 = r0 - r7; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r0 -= r7h; \
r1 -= r6; \
r1h = OD_RSHIFT1(r1); \
r6 += r1h; \
r5 = r2 - r5; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r2 -= r5h; \
r3 -= r4; \
r3h = OD_RSHIFT1(r3); \
r4 += r3h; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_8_PR(t0, t4, t2, t6, t1, t5, t3, t7) \
/* Embedded 8-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
int t0h; \
int t2h; \
int t5h; \
int t7h; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 13573, 16384, 115); \
t6 -= (t1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 11585, 8192, 116); \
t1 += (t6*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 13573, 16384, 117); \
t6 -= (t1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 21895/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 21895, 16384, 118); \
t5 -= (t2*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 15137, 8192, 119); \
t2 += (t5*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 10947/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 10947, 8192, 120); \
t5 -= (t2*10947 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 3259, 8192, 121); \
t4 -= (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/8] ~= 0.382683432365090 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 3135, 4096, 122); \
t3 += (t4*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 3259, 8192, 123); \
t4 -= (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t7 += t1; \
t7h = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t1 -= t7h; \
t2 = t3 - t2; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t3 -= t2h; \
t0 -= t6; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t6 += t0h; \
t5 = t4 - t5; \
t5h = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t4 -= t5h; \
t1 += t5h; \
t5 = t1 - t5; \
t4 += t0h; \
t0 -= t4; \
t6 -= t2h; \
t2 += t6; \
t3 -= t7h; \
t7 += t3; \
/* TODO: Can we move this into another operation */ \
t7 = -t7; \
/* 7425/8192 ~= Tan[15*Pi/64] ~= 0.906347169019147 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 7425, 4096, 124); \
t0 -= (t7*7425 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8153/8192 ~= Sin[15*Pi/32] ~= 0.995184726672197 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 8153, 4096, 125); \
t7 += (t0*8153 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 7425/8192 ~= Tan[15*Pi/64] ~= 0.906347169019147 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 7425, 4096, 126); \
t0 -= (t7*7425 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.148335987538347 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 4861, 16384, 127); \
t6 -= (t1*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.290284677254462 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 1189, 2048, 128); \
t1 += (t6*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.148335987538347 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 4861, 16384, 129); \
t6 -= (t1*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.599376933681924 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 2455, 2048, 130); \
t2 -= (t5*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 7225/8192 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.881921264348355 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 7225, 4096, 131); \
t5 += (t2*7225 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.599376933681924 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 2455, 2048, 132); \
t2 -= (t5*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.357805721314524 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 11725, 16384, 133); \
t4 -= (t3*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.634393284163645 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 5197, 4096, 134); \
t3 += (t4*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.357805721314524 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 11725, 16384, 135); \
t4 -= (t3*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_8_PR(t0, t4, t2, t6, t1, t5, t3, t7) \
/* Embedded 8-point orthonormal Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
int t0h; \
int t2h; \
int t5h_; \
int t7h_; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.357805721314524 */ \
t1 += (t6*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.634393284163645 */ \
t6 -= (t1*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.357805721314524 */ \
t1 += (t6*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.599376933681924 */ \
t2 += (t5*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 7225/8192 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.881921264348355 */ \
t5 -= (t2*7225 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.599376933681924 */ \
t2 += (t5*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.148335987538347 */ \
t3 += (t4*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.290284677254462 */ \
t4 -= (t3*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.148335987538347 */ \
t3 += (t4*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 7425/8192 ~= Tan[15*Pi/64] ~= 0.906347169019147 */ \
t0 += (t7*7425 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8153/8192 ~= Sin[15*Pi/32] ~= 0.995184726672197 */ \
t7 -= (t0*8153 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 7425/8192 ~= Tan[15*Pi/64] ~= 0.906347169019147 */ \
t0 += (t7*7425 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* TODO: Can we move this into another operation */ \
t7 = -t7; \
t7 -= t6; \
t7h_ = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t6 += t7h_; \
t2 -= t3; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t3 += t2h; \
t0 += t1; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t1 -= t0h; \
t5 = t4 - t5; \
t5h_ = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t4 -= t5h_; \
t1 += t5h_; \
t5 = t1 - t5; \
t3 -= t0h; \
t0 += t3; \
t6 += t2h; \
t2 = t6 - t2; \
t4 += t7h_; \
t7 -= t4; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
t1 += (t6*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/8] ~= 0.382683432365090 */ \
t6 -= (t1*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
t1 += (t6*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 10947/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
t5 += (t2*10947 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t2 -= (t5*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 21895/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
t5 += (t2*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
t3 += (t4*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
t4 -= (t3*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
t3 += (t4*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_8_FLAT(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point Type-IV fDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
int r0h; \
int r2h; \
int r5h; \
int r7h; \
t_ = r3 - r4; \
/* 23059/16384 ~= Sin[9*Pi/32] + Cos[9*Pi/32] ~= 1.4074037375263826 */ \
u_ = (23059*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2271/16384 ~= Sin[9*Pi/32] - Cos[9*Pi/32] ~= 0.1386171691990915 */ \
r4 = (2271*r3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Cos[9*Pi/32] ~= 0.6343932841636455 */ \
t_ = (5197*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r3 = u_ + t_; \
r4 += t_; \
t_ = r2 + r5; \
/* 22173/16384 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] + Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 1.3533180011743526 */ \
u_ = (22173*r2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3363/8192 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] - Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.4105245275223574 */ \
r2 = (3363*r5 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 15447/32768 ~= Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.47139673682599764 */ \
t_ = (15447*t_ + 16384) >> 15; \
r2 += t_; \
r5 = u_ - t_; \
t_ = r1 - r6; \
/* 40869/32768 ~= Sin[13*Pi/32] + Cos[13*Pi/32] ~= 1.247225012986671 */ \
u_ = (40869*r6 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 21845/32768 ~= Sin[13*Pi/32] - Cos[13*Pi/32] ~= 0.6666556584777465 */ \
r6 = (21845*r1 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Cos[13*Pi/32] ~= 0.29028467725446233 */ \
t_ = (1189*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r1 = u_ + t_; \
r6 += t_; \
t_ = r0 + r7; \
/* 17911/16384 ~= Sin[15*Pi/32] + Cos[15*Pi/32] ~= 1.0932018670017576 */ \
u_ = (17911*r0 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14699/16384 ~= Sin[15*Pi/32] - Cos[15*Pi/32] ~= 0.8971675863426363 */ \
r0 = (14699*r7 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/8192 ~= Cos[15*Pi/32] ~= 0.0980171403295606 */ \
t_ = (803*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r0 += t_; \
r7 = u_ - t_; \
r2 -= r1; \
r2h = OD_RSHIFT1(r2); \
r1 += r2h; \
r5 += r6; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r6 -= r5h; \
r0 += r3; \
r0h = OD_RSHIFT1(r0); \
r3 -= r0h; \
r7 -= r4; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r4 += r7h; \
r3 += r5h; \
r5 -= r3; \
r1 -= r0h; \
r0 += r1; \
r4 += r2h; \
r2 -= r4; \
r6 += r7h; \
r7 -= r6; \
t_ = (r4 - r3 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r3 = (8867*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r3 += t_; \
r4 = u_ + t_; \
t_ = (r2 - r5 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r2 = (8867*r5 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r5 = t_ - u_; \
r2 -= t_; \
t_ = (r6 - r1 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r6 = (11585*r1 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r1 = (11585*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r6 += r1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_8_FLAT(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r5, r3, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point Type-IV iDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
int r0h; \
int r2h; \
int r5h; \
int r7h; \
t_ = (r1 + r6 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r1 = (11585*r6 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r6 = (11585*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r1 -= r6; \
t_ = (r5 - r2 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r5 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r5 = (8867*r2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r5 -= t_; \
r2 = t_ - u_; \
t_ = (r3 + r4 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r4 = (8867*r3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r3 = u_ - t_; \
r4 += t_; \
r7 += r6; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r6 -= r7h; \
r2 += r4; \
r2h = OD_RSHIFT1(r2); \
r4 -= r2h; \
r0 -= r1; \
r0h = OD_RSHIFT1(r0); \
r1 += r0h; \
r5 += r3; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r3 -= r5h; \
r4 -= r7h; \
r7 += r4; \
r6 += r5h; \
r5 -= r6; \
r3 += r0h; \
r0 -= r3; \
r1 -= r2h; \
r2 += r1; \
t_ = r0 + r7; \
/* 17911/16384 ~= Sin[15*Pi/32] + Cos[15*Pi/32] ~= 1.0932018670017576 */ \
u_ = (17911*r0 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14699/16384 ~= Sin[15*Pi/32] - Cos[15*Pi/32] ~= 0.8971675863426363 */ \
r0 = (14699*r7 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/8192 ~= Cos[15*Pi/32] ~= 0.0980171403295606 */ \
t_ = (803*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r7 = u_ - t_; \
r0 += t_; \
t_ = r1 - r6; \
/* 40869/32768 ~= Sin[13*Pi/32] + Cos[13*Pi/32] ~= 1.247225012986671 */ \
u_ = (40869*r6 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 21845/32768 ~= Sin[13*Pi/32] - Cos[13*Pi/32] ~= 0.6666556584777465 */ \
r6 = (21845*r1 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Cos[13*Pi/32] ~= 0.29028467725446233 */ \
t_ = (1189*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r1 = u_ + t_; \
r6 += t_; \
t_ = r2 + r5; \
/* 22173/16384 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] + Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 1.3533180011743526 */ \
u_ = (22173*r2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3363/8192 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] - Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.4105245275223574 */ \
r2 = (3363*r5 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 15447/32768 ~= Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.47139673682599764 */ \
t_ = (15447*t_ + 16384) >> 15; \
r5 = u_ - t_; \
r2 += t_; \
t_ = r3 - r4; \
/* 23059/16384 ~= Sin[9*Pi/32] + Cos[9*Pi/32] ~= 1.4074037375263826 */ \
u_ = (23059*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2271/16384 ~= Sin[9*Pi/32] - Cos[9*Pi/32] ~= 0.1386171691990915 */ \
r4 = (2271*r3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Cos[9*Pi/32] ~= 0.6343932841636455 */ \
t_ = (5197*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r3 = u_ + t_; \
r4 += t_; \
} \
while (0)
/* Rewrite this so that t0h can be passed in. */
#define OD_FDST_8_ASYM_PR(t0, t4, t2, t6, t1, t5, t3, t7) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
int t0h; \
int t2h; \
int t5h; \
int t7h; \
/* 1035/2048 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/32])/(2*Sin[7*Pi/32]) */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 1035, 1024, 199); \
t6 += (t1*1035 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 3675/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[7*Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 3675, 2048, 200); \
t1 -= (t6*3675 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 851/8192 ~= (Cos[7*Pi/32] - 1/Sqrt[2])/Sin[7*Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 851, 4096, 201); \
t6 -= (t1*851 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4379/8192 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Sin[5*Pi/32])/(2*Cos[5*Pi/32]) */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 4379, 4096, 202); \
t5 += (t2*4379 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 10217/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Cos[5*Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 10217, 4096, 203); \
t2 -= (t5*10217 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4379/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Sin[5*Pi/32])/Cos[5*Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 4379, 8192, 204); \
t5 += (t2*4379 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 12905/16384 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Cos[3*Pi/32])/(2*Sin[3*Pi/32]) */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 12905, 8192, 205); \
t4 += (t3*12905 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3363/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[3*Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 3363, 4096, 206); \
t3 -= (t4*3363 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3525/4096 ~= (Cos[3*Pi/32] - 1/Sqrt[2])/Sin[3*Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 3525, 2048, 207); \
t4 -= (t3*3525 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5417/8192 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Sin[Pi/32])/(2*Cos[Pi/32]) */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 5417, 4096, 208); \
t7 += (t0*5417 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5765/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Cos[Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 5765, 2048, 209); \
t0 -= (t7*5765 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2507/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Sin[Pi/32])/Cos[Pi/32] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 2507, 2048, 210); \
t7 += (t0*2507 + 2048) >> 12; \
t0 += t1; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t1 -= t0h; \
t2 -= t3; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t3 += t2h; \
t5 -= t4; \
t5h = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t4 += t5h; \
t7 += t6; \
t7h = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t6 = t7h - t6; \
t4 = t7h - t4; \
t7 -= t4; \
t1 += t5h; \
t5 = t1 - t5; \
t6 += t2h; \
t2 = t6 - t2; \
t3 -= t0h; \
t0 += t3; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 3259, 8192, 211); \
t1 += (t6*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/8] ~= 0.382683432365090 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 3135, 4096, 212); \
t6 -= (t1*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 3259, 8192, 213); \
t1 += (t6*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2737/4096 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 2737, 2048, 214); \
t5 += (t2*2737 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 473/512 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 473, 256, 215); \
t2 -= (t5*473 + 256) >> 9; \
/* 2737/4096 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 2737, 2048, 216); \
t5 += (t2*2737 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 3393, 4096, 217); \
t3 += (t4*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5793/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 5793, 4096, 218); \
t4 -= (t3*5793 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 3393, 4096, 219); \
t3 += (t4*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_8_ASYM_PR(t0, t4, t2, t6, t1, t5, t3, t7) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
int t0h; \
int t2h; \
int t5h__; \
int t7h__; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
t6 -= (t1*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5793/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
t1 += (t6*5793 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3393/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
t6 -= (t1*3393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2737/4096 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
t5 -= (t2*2737 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 473/512 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t2 += (t5*473 + 256) >> 9; \
/* 2737/4096 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
t5 -= (t2*2737 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
t4 -= (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/8] ~= 0.382683432365090 */ \
t3 += (t4*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
t4 -= (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t0 -= t6; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t6 += t0h; \
t2 = t3 - t2; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t3 -= t2h; \
t5 = t4 - t5; \
t5h__ = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t4 -= t5h__; \
t7 += t1; \
t7h__ = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t1 = t7h__ - t1; \
t3 = t7h__ - t3; \
t7 -= t3; \
t1 -= t5h__; \
t5 += t1; \
t6 -= t2h; \
t2 += t6; \
t4 += t0h; \
t0 -= t4; \
/* 2507/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Sin[Pi/32])/Cos[Pi/32] */ \
t7 -= (t0*2507 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5765/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Cos[Pi/32] */ \
t0 += (t7*5765 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5417/8192 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Sin[Pi/32])/(2*Cos[Pi/32]) */ \
t7 -= (t0*5417 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3525/4096 ~= (Cos[3*Pi/32] - 1/Sqrt[2])/Sin[3*Pi/32] */ \
t1 += (t6*3525 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 3363/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[3*Pi/32] */ \
t6 += (t1*3363 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 12905/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[3*Pi/32]/1)/Sin[3*Pi/32] */ \
t1 -= (t6*12905 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4379/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Sin[5*Pi/32])/Cos[5*Pi/32] */ \
t5 -= (t2*4379 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 10217/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Cos[5*Pi/32] */ \
t2 += (t5*10217 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4379/8192 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Sin[5*Pi/32])/(2*Cos[5*Pi/32]) */ \
t5 -= (t2*4379 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 851/8192 ~= (Cos[7*Pi/32] - 1/Sqrt[2])/Sin[7*Pi/32] */ \
t3 += (t4*851 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3675/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[7*Pi/32] */ \
t4 += (t3*3675 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1035/2048 ~= (Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/32])/(2*Sin[7*Pi/32]) */ \
t3 -= (t4*1035 + 1024) >> 11; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_8_ASYM_FLAT(r0, r0h, r1, r2, r2h, r3, \
r4, r4h, r5, r6, r6h, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
int r5h; \
int r7h; \
t_ = r3 - r4h; \
/* 16305/16384 ~= (Sin[9*Pi/32] + Cos[9*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.9951847266721969 */ \
u_ = (16305*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/4096 ~= (Sin[9*Pi/32] - Cos[9*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.1960342806591213 */ \
r4 = (803*r3 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 14699/16384 ~= Cos[9*Pi/32]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.8971675863426364 */ \
t_ = (14699*t_ + 8192) >> 14; \
r3 = u_ + t_; \
r4 += t_; \
t_ = r2h + r5; \
/* 31357/32768 ~= (Sin[11*Pi/32] + Cos[11*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2]
~= 0.9569403357322087 */ \
u_ = (31357*r2 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/2048 ~= (Sin[11*Pi/32] - Cos[11*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.5805693545089248 */ \
r2 = (1189*r5 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 21845/32768 ~= Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.6666556584777465 */ \
t_ = (21845*t_ + 16384) >> 15; \
r2 += t_; \
r5 = u_ - t_; \
t_ = r1 - r6h; \
/* 28899/32768 ~= (Sin[13*Pi/32] + Cos[13*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.8819212643483548 */ \
u_ = (28899*r6 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 30893/32768 ~= (Sin[13*Pi/32] - Cos[13*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.942793473651995297112775 */ \
r6 = (30893*r1 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3363/8192 ~= Cos[13*Pi/32]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.41052452752235735 */ \
t_ = (3363*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r1 = u_ + t_; \
r6 += t_; \
t_ = r0h + r7; \
/* 12665/16384 ~= (Sin[15*Pi/32] + Cos[15*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.773010453362737 */ \
u_ = (12665*r0 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 5197/4096 ~= (Sin[15*Pi/32] - Cos[15*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
1.268786568327291 */ \
r0 = (5197*r7 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2271/16384 ~= Cos[15*Pi/32]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.13861716919909148 */ \
t_ = (2271*t_ + 8192) >> 14; \
r0 += t_; \
r7 = u_ - t_; \
r2 -= r1; \
r2h = OD_RSHIFT1(r2); \
r1 += r2h; \
r5 += r6; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r6 -= r5h; \
r0 += r3; \
r0h = OD_RSHIFT1(r0); \
r3 -= r0h; \
r7 -= r4; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r4 += r7h; \
r3 += r5h; \
r5 -= r3; \
r1 -= r0h; \
r0 += r1; \
r4 += r2h; \
r2 -= r4; \
r6 += r7h; \
r7 -= r6; \
t_ = (r4 - r3 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r3 = (8867*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r3 += t_; \
r4 = u_ + t_; \
t_ = (r2 - r5 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r2 = (8867*r5 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r5 = t_ - u_; \
r2 -= t_; \
t_ = (r6 - r1 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r6 = (11585*r1 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r1 = (11585*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r6 += r1; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_8_ASYM_FLAT(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r5, r3, r7) \
/* Embedded 8-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int t_; \
int u_; \
int r0h; \
int r2h; \
int r5h; \
int r7h; \
t_ = (r1 + r6 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Sin[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r1 = (11585*r6 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/8192 ~= 2*Cos[Pi/4] ~= 1.4142135623730951 */ \
r6 = (11585*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r1 -= r6; \
t_ = (r5 - r2 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r5 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r5 = (8867*r2 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r5 -= t_; \
r2 = t_ - u_; \
t_ = (r3 + r4 + 1) >> 1; \
/* 21407/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] + Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 1.3065629648763766 */ \
u_ = (21407*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8867/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] - Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.5411961001461969 */ \
r4 = (8867*r3 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/4096 ~= 2*Cos[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.7653668647301796 */ \
t_ = (3135*t_ + 2048) >> 12; \
r3 = u_ - t_; \
r4 += t_; \
r7 += r6; \
r7h = OD_RSHIFT1(r7); \
r6 -= r7h; \
r2 += r4; \
r2h = OD_RSHIFT1(r2); \
r4 -= r2h; \
r0 -= r1; \
r0h = OD_RSHIFT1(r0); \
r1 += r0h; \
r5 += r3; \
r5h = OD_RSHIFT1(r5); \
r3 -= r5h; \
r4 -= r7h; \
r7 += r4; \
r6 += r5h; \
r5 -= r6; \
r3 += r0h; \
r0 -= r3; \
r1 -= r2h; \
r2 += r1; \
t_ = r0 + r7; \
/* 12665/16384 ~= (Sin[15*Pi/32] + Cos[15*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.773010453362737 */ \
u_ = (12665*r0 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 5197/4096 ~= (Sin[15*Pi/32] - Cos[15*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
1.268786568327291 */ \
r0 = (5197*r7 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2271/16384 ~= Cos[15*Pi/32]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.13861716919909148 */ \
t_ = (2271*t_ + 8192) >> 14; \
r7 = u_ - OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
r0 += t_; \
t_ = r1 - r6; \
/* 28899/32768 ~= (Sin[13*Pi/32] + Cos[13*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.8819212643483548 */ \
u_ = (28899*r6 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 30893/32768 ~= (Sin[13*Pi/32] - Cos[13*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.942793473651995297112775 */ \
r6 = (30893*r1 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3363/8192 ~= Cos[13*Pi/32]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.41052452752235735 */ \
t_ = (3363*t_ + 4096) >> 13; \
r1 = u_ + OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
r6 += t_; \
t_ = r2 + r5; \
/* 31357/32768 ~= (Sin[11*Pi/32] + Cos[11*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2]
~= 0.9569403357322087 */ \
u_ = (31357*r2 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/2048 ~= (Sin[11*Pi/32] - Cos[11*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.5805693545089248 */ \
r2 = (1189*r5 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 21845/32768 ~= Cos[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.6666556584777465 */ \
t_ = (21845*t_ + 16384) >> 15; \
r5 = u_ - OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
r2 += t_; \
t_ = r3 - r4; \
/* 16305/16384 ~= (Sin[9*Pi/32] + Cos[9*Pi/32])/Sqrt[2] ~=
0.9951847266721969 */ \
u_ = (16305*r4 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/4096 ~= (Sin[9*Pi/32] - Cos[9*Pi/32])*Sqrt[2] ~=
0.1960342806591213 */ \
r4 = (803*r3 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 14699/16384 ~= Cos[9*Pi/32]*Sqrt[2] ~= 0.8971675863426364 */ \
t_ = (14699*t_ + 8192) >> 14; \
r3 = u_ + OD_RSHIFT1(t_); \
r4 += t_; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_16_PR(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, \
s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf) \
/* Embedded 16-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
int s8h; \
int sah; \
int sch; \
int seh; \
int sfh; \
sf = s0 - sf; \
sfh = OD_RSHIFT1(sf); \
s0 -= sfh; \
se += s1; \
seh = OD_RSHIFT1(se); \
s1 = seh - s1; \
sd = s2 - sd; \
s2 -= OD_RSHIFT1(sd); \
sc += s3; \
sch = OD_RSHIFT1(sc); \
s3 = sch - s3; \
sb = s4 - sb; \
s4 -= OD_RSHIFT1(sb); \
sa += s5; \
sah = OD_RSHIFT1(sa); \
s5 = sah - s5; \
s9 = s6 - s9; \
s6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(s9); \
s8 += s7; \
s8h = OD_RSHIFT1(s8); \
s7 = s8h - s7; \
OD_FDCT_8_ASYM_PR(s0, s8, s8h, s4, sc, sch, s2, sa, sah, s6, se, seh); \
OD_FDST_8_ASYM_PR(sf, s7, sb, s3, sd, s5, s9, s1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_16_PR(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, \
s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf) \
/* Embedded 16-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
int s1h; \
int s3h; \
int s5h; \
int s7h; \
int sfh; \
OD_IDST_8_ASYM_PR(sf, sb, sd, s9, se, sa, sc, s8); \
OD_IDCT_8_ASYM_PR(s0, s4, s2, s6, s1, s1h, s5, s5h, s3, s3h, s7, s7h); \
sfh = OD_RSHIFT1(sf); \
s0 += sfh; \
sf = s0 - sf; \
se = s1h - se; \
s1 -= se; \
s2 += OD_RSHIFT1(sd); \
sd = s2 - sd; \
sc = s3h - sc; \
s3 -= sc; \
s4 += OD_RSHIFT1(sb); \
sb = s4 - sb; \
sa = s5h - sa; \
s5 -= sa; \
s6 += OD_RSHIFT1(s9); \
s9 = s6 - s9; \
s8 = s7h - s8; \
s7 -= s8; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_16_FLAT(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, \
s8, s9, sa, sb, sc, sd, se, sf) \
/* Embedded 16-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int s1h; \
int s3h; \
int s5h; \
int s7h; \
int s9h; \
int sbh; \
int sdh; \
int sfh; \
sf = s0 - sf; \
sfh = OD_RSHIFT1(sf); \
s0 -= sfh; \
s1 += se; \
s1h = OD_RSHIFT1(s1); \
se -= s1h; \
sd = s2 - sd; \
sdh = OD_RSHIFT1(sd); \
s2 -= sdh; \
s3 += sc; \
s3h = OD_RSHIFT1(s3); \
sc -= s3h; \
sb = s4 - sb; \
sbh = OD_RSHIFT1(sb); \
s4 -= sbh; \
s5 += sa; \
s5h = OD_RSHIFT1(s5); \
sa -= s5h; \
s9 = s6 - s9; \
s9h = OD_RSHIFT1(s9); \
s6 -= s9h; \
s7 += s8; \
s7h = OD_RSHIFT1(s7); \
s8 -= s7h; \
OD_FDCT_8_ASYM_FLAT(s0, s1, s1h, s2, s3, s3h, s4, s5, s5h, s6, s7, s7h); \
OD_FDST_8_ASYM_FLAT(sf, sfh, se, sd, sdh, sc, sb, sbh, sa, s9, s9h, s8); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_16_FLAT(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, \
s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf) \
/* Embedded 16-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT with flattened rotations. */ \
do { \
int s1h; \
int s3h; \
int s5h; \
int s7h; \
OD_IDST_8_ASYM_FLAT(sf, sb, sd, s9, se, sa, sc, s8); \
OD_IDCT_8_ASYM_FLAT(s0, s4, s2, s6, s1, s1h, s5, s5h, s3, s3h, s7, s7h); \
s8 += s7h; \
s7 -= s8; \
s6 += OD_RSHIFT1(s9); \
s9 = s6 - s9; \
sa += s5h; \
s5 -= sa; \
s4 += OD_RSHIFT1(sb); \
sb = s4 - sb; \
sc += s3h; \
s3 -= sc; \
s2 += OD_RSHIFT1(sd); \
sd = s2 - sd; \
se += s1h; \
s1 -= se; \
s0 += OD_RSHIFT1(sf); \
sf = s0 - sf; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_16_ASYM_PR(t0, t8, t8h, t4, tc, tch, t2, ta, tah, t6, te, teh, \
t1, t9, t9h, t5, td, tdh, t3, tb, tbh, t7, tf, tfh) \
/* Embedded 16-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
t0 += tfh; \
tf = t0 - tf; \
t1 -= teh; \
te += t1; \
t2 += tdh; \
td = t2 - td; \
t3 -= tch; \
tc += t3; \
t4 += tbh; \
tb = t4 - tb; \
t5 -= tah; \
ta += t5; \
t6 += t9h; \
t9 = t6 - t9; \
t7 -= t8h; \
t8 += t7; \
OD_FDCT_8_PR(t0, t8, t4, tc, t2, ta, t6, te); \
OD_FDST_8_PR(tf, t7, tb, t3, td, t5, t9, t1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_16_ASYM_PR(t0, t8, t4, tc, t2, ta, t6, te, \
t1, t1h, t9, t9h, t5, t5h, td, tdh, t3, t3h, tb, tbh, t7, t7h, tf, tfh) \
/* Embedded 16-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
OD_IDST_8_PR(tf, tb, td, t9, te, ta, tc, t8); \
OD_IDCT_8_PR(t0, t4, t2, t6, t1, t5, t3, t7); \
t1 -= te; \
t1h = OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
te += t1h; \
t9 = t6 - t9; \
t9h = OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t6 -= t9h; \
t5 -= ta; \
t5h = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
ta += t5h; \
td = t2 - td; \
tdh = OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
t2 -= tdh; \
t3 -= tc; \
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
tc += t3h; \
tb = t4 - tb; \
tbh = OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
t4 -= tbh; \
t7 -= t8; \
t7h = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t8 += t7h; \
tf = t0 - tf; \
tfh = OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
t0 -= tfh; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_16_PR(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, \
s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf) \
/* Embedded 16-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
int s0h; \
int s2h; \
int sdh; \
int sfh; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s3, 13573, 16384, 220); \
s1 += (se*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s1, 11585, 8192, 221); \
se -= (s1*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s3, 13573, 16384, 222); \
s1 += (se*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 21895/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s2, 21895, 16384, 223); \
sd += (s2*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sd, 15137, 16384, 224); \
s2 -= (sd*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 21895/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s2, 21895, 16384, 225); \
sd += (s2*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s3, 3259, 8192, 226); \
sc += (s3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/8] ~= 0.382683432365090 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sc, 3135, 4096, 227); \
s3 -= (sc*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s3, 3259, 8192, 228); \
sc += (s3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s5, 13573, 16384, 229); \
sa += (s5*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sa, 11585, 8192, 230); \
s5 -= (sa*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s5, 13573, 16384, 231); \
sa += (s5*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s9, 13573, 16384, 232); \
s6 += (s9*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s6, 11585, 8192, 233); \
s9 -= (s6*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s9, 13573, 16384, 234); \
s6 += (s9*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
sf += se; \
sfh = OD_RSHIFT1(sf); \
se = sfh - se; \
s0 += s1; \
s0h = OD_RSHIFT1(s0); \
s1 = s0h - s1; \
s2 = s3 - s2; \
s2h = OD_RSHIFT1(s2); \
s3 -= s2h; \
sd -= sc; \
sdh = OD_RSHIFT1(sd); \
sc += sdh; \
sa = s4 - sa; \
s4 -= OD_RSHIFT1(sa); \
s5 += sb; \
sb = OD_RSHIFT1(s5) - sb; \
s8 += s6; \
s6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(s8); \
s7 = s9 - s7; \
s9 -= OD_RSHIFT1(s7); \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sb, 6723, 4096, 235); \
s4 += (sb*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s4, 16069, 8192, 236); \
sb -= (s4*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32]) ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sb, 6723, 4096, 237); \
s4 += (sb*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32]) ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s5, 8757, 8192, 238); \
sa += (s5*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6811/8192 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.831469612302545 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sa, 6811, 4096, 239); \
s5 -= (sa*6811 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s5, 8757, 8192, 240); \
sa += (s5*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s9, 2485, 4096, 241); \
s6 += (s9*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4551/8192 ~= Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.555570233019602 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s6, 4551, 4096, 242); \
s9 -= (s6*4551 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s9, 2485, 4096, 243); \
s6 += (s9*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s8, 3227, 16384, 244); \
s7 += (s8*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6393/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/16] ~= 0.19509032201612825 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s7, 6393, 16384, 245); \
s8 -= (s7*6393 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s8, 3227, 16384, 246); \
s7 += (s8*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
s1 -= s2h; \
s2 += s1; \
se += sdh; \
sd = se - sd; \
s3 += sfh; \
sf -= s3; \
sc = s0h - sc; \
s0 -= sc; \
sb += OD_RSHIFT1(s8); \
s8 = sb - s8; \
s4 += OD_RSHIFT1(s7); \
s7 -= s4; \
s6 += OD_RSHIFT1(s5); \
s5 = s6 - s5; \
s9 -= OD_RSHIFT1(sa); \
sa += s9; \
s8 += s0; \
s0 -= OD_RSHIFT1(s8); \
sf += s7; \
s7 = OD_RSHIFT1(sf) - s7; \
s1 -= s6; \
s6 += OD_RSHIFT1(s1); \
s9 += se; \
se = OD_RSHIFT1(s9) - se; \
s2 += sa; \
sa = OD_RSHIFT1(s2) - sa; \
s5 += sd; \
sd -= OD_RSHIFT1(s5); \
s4 = sc - s4; \
sc -= OD_RSHIFT1(s4); \
s3 -= sb; \
sb += OD_RSHIFT1(s3); \
/* 2799/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[31*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[31*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sf, 2799, 2048, 247); \
s0 -= (sf*2799 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2893/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[31*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s0, 2893, 1024, 248); \
sf += (s0*2893 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 5397/8192 ~= (Cos[Pi/4] - Cos[31*Pi/64])/Sin[31*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sf, 5397, 4096, 249); \
s0 -= (sf*5397 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 41/64 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[29*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s1, 41, 32, 250); \
se += (s1*41 + 32) >> 6; \
/* 2865/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[29*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(se, 2865, 1024, 251); \
s1 -= (se*2865 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 4641/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/64])/Sin[29*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s1, 4641, 4096, 252); \
se += (s1*4641 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2473/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[27*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s2, 2473, 2048, 253); \
sd += (s2*2473 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5619/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[27*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sd, 5619, 2048, 254); \
s2 -= (sd*5619 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 7839/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/64])/Sin[27*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s2, 7839, 8192, 255); \
sd += (s2*7839 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 5747/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[7*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s3, 5747, 4096, 256); \
sc -= (s3*5747 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3903/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[7*Pi/64] ~= */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sc, 3903, 4096, 257); \
s3 += (sc*3903 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5701/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/64])/Sin[7*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s3, 5701, 4096, 258); \
sc += (s3*5701 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4471/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[23*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s4, 4471, 4096, 259); \
sb += (s4*4471 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 1309/1024 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[23*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sb, 1309, 512, 260); \
s4 -= (sb*1309 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 5067/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/64])/Sin[23*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s4, 5067, 8192, 261); \
sb += (s4*5067 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2217/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[11*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s5, 2217, 2048, 262); \
sa -= (s5*2217 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1489/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.72705107329128 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(sa, 1489, 1024, 263); \
s5 += (sa*1489 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 75/256 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/64])/Sin[11*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s5, 75, 128, 264); \
sa += (s5*75 + 128) >> 8; \
/* 2087/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[19*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s9, 2087, 2048, 265); \
s6 -= (s9*2087 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4653/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[19*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s6, 4653, 2048, 266); \
s9 += (s6*4653 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4545/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/64])/Sin[19*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s9, 4545, 16384, 267); \
s6 -= (s9*4545 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2053/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[15*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s8, 2053, 2048, 268); \
s7 += (s8*2053 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1945/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[15*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s7, 1945, 1024, 269); \
s8 -= (s7*1945 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 1651/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/64])/Sin[15*Pi/64] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(s8, 1651, 16384, 270); \
s7 -= (s8*1651 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_16_PR(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, \
s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf) \
/* Embedded 16-point orthonormal Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
int s0h; \
int s4h; \
int sbh; \
int sfh; \
/* 1651/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/64])/Sin[15*Pi/64] */ \
se += (s1*1651 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1945/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[15*Pi/64] */ \
s1 += (se*1945 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 2053/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[15*Pi/64] */ \
se -= (s1*2053 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4545/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/64])/Sin[19*Pi/64] */ \
s6 += (s9*4545 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 4653/32768 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[19*Pi/64] */ \
s9 -= (s6*4653 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2087/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[19*Pi/64] */ \
s6 += (s9*2087 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 75/256 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/64])/Sin[11*Pi/64] */ \
s5 -= (sa*75 + 128) >> 8; \
/* 1489/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[11*Pi/64] */ \
sa -= (s5*1489 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 2217/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[11*Pi/64] */ \
s5 += (sa*2217 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5067/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/64])/Sin[23*Pi/64] */ \
sd -= (s2*5067 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 1309/1024 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[23*Pi/64] */ \
s2 += (sd*1309 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 4471/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[23*Pi/64] */ \
sd -= (s2*4471 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5701/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/64])/Sin[7*Pi/64] */ \
s3 -= (sc*5701 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3903/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[7*Pi/64] */ \
sc -= (s3*3903 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5747/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[7*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[7*Pi/64] */ \
s3 += (sc*5747 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 7839/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/64])/Sin[27*Pi/64] */ \
sb -= (s4*7839 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 5619/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[27*Pi/64] */ \
s4 += (sb*5619 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2473/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[27*Pi/64] */ \
sb -= (s4*2473 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4641/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/64])/Sin[29*Pi/64] */ \
s7 -= (s8*4641 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2865/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[29*Pi/64] */ \
s8 += (s7*2865 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 41/64 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[29*Pi/64] */ \
s7 -= (s8*41 + 32) >> 6; \
/* 5397/8192 ~= (Cos[Pi/4] - Cos[31*Pi/64])/Sin[31*Pi/64] */ \
s0 += (sf*5397 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2893/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[31*Pi/64] */ \
sf -= (s0*2893 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 2799/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[31*Pi/64]/2)/Sin[31*Pi/64] */ \
s0 += (sf*2799 + 2048) >> 12; \
sd -= OD_RSHIFT1(sc); \
sc += sd; \
s3 += OD_RSHIFT1(s2); \
s2 = s3 - s2; \
sb += OD_RSHIFT1(sa); \
sa -= sb; \
s5 = OD_RSHIFT1(s4) - s5; \
s4 -= s5; \
s7 = OD_RSHIFT1(s9) - s7; \
s9 -= s7; \
s6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(s8); \
s8 += s6; \
se = OD_RSHIFT1(sf) - se; \
sf -= se; \
s0 += OD_RSHIFT1(s1); \
s1 -= s0; \
s5 -= s9; \
s9 += OD_RSHIFT1(s5); \
sa = s6 - sa; \
s6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(sa); \
se += s2; \
s2 -= OD_RSHIFT1(se); \
s1 = sd - s1; \
sd -= OD_RSHIFT1(s1); \
s0 += s3; \
s0h = OD_RSHIFT1(s0); \
s3 = s0h - s3; \
sf += sc; \
sfh = OD_RSHIFT1(sf); \
sc -= sfh; \
sb = s7 - sb; \
sbh = OD_RSHIFT1(sb); \
s7 -= sbh; \
s4 -= s8; \
s4h = OD_RSHIFT1(s4); \
s8 += s4h; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
se -= (s1*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6393/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/16] ~= 0.19509032201612825 */ \
s1 += (se*6393 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
se -= (s1*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
s6 -= (s9*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4551/8192 ~= Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.555570233019602 */ \
s9 += (s6*4551 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
s6 -= (s9*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
s5 -= (sa*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6811/8192 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.831469612302545 */ \
sa += (s5*6811 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 8757/16384 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32]) ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
s5 -= (sa*8757 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32]) ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
s2 -= (sd*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
sd += (s2*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
s2 -= (sd*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
s9 += OD_RSHIFT1(se); \
se = s9 - se; \
s6 += OD_RSHIFT1(s1); \
s1 -= s6; \
sd = OD_RSHIFT1(sa) - sd; \
sa -= sd; \
s2 += OD_RSHIFT1(s5); \
s5 = s2 - s5; \
s3 -= sbh; \
sb += s3; \
sc += s4h; \
s4 = sc - s4; \
s8 = s0h - s8; \
s0 -= s8; \
s7 = sfh - s7; \
sf -= s7; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
s6 -= (s9*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
s9 += (s6*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
s6 -= (s9*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
s5 -= (sa*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
sa += (s5*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
s5 -= (sa*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
s3 -= (sc*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3135/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/8] ~= 0.382683432365090 */ \
sc += (s3*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.198912367379658 */ \
s3 -= (sc*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 21895/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
sb -= (s4*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
s4 += (sb*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 21895/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.668178637919299 */ \
sb -= (s4*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
s8 -= (s7*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186547 */ \
s7 += (s8*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/32768 ~= Tan[pi/8] ~= 0.414213562373095 */ \
s8 -= (s7*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
/* TODO: rewrite this to match OD_FDST_16. */
#define OD_FDST_16_ASYM_PR(t0, t0h, t8, t4, t4h, tc, t2, ta, t6, te, \
t1, t9, t5, td, t3, tb, t7, t7h, tf) \
/* Embedded 16-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
int t2h; \
int t3h; \
int t6h; \
int t8h; \
int t9h; \
int tch; \
int tdh; \
/* TODO: Can we move these into another operation */ \
t8 = -t8; \
t9 = -t9; \
ta = -ta; \
tb = -tb; \
td = -td; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 13573, 8192, 136); \
t1 -= (te*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11585/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.353553390593274 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 11585, 16384, 137); \
te += (t1*11585 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 13573, 8192, 138); \
t1 -= (te*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 4161, 8192, 139); \
t2 += (td*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 15137, 8192, 140); \
td -= (t2*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 14341, 8192, 141); \
t2 += (td*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 14341, 8192, 142); \
tc -= (t3*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 15137, 8192, 143); \
t3 += (tc*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 4161, 8192, 144); \
tc -= (t3*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
te = t0h - te; \
t0 -= te; \
tf = OD_RSHIFT1(t1) - tf; \
t1 -= tf; \
/* TODO: Can we move this into another operation */ \
tc = -tc; \
t2 = OD_RSHIFT1(tc) - t2; \
tc -= t2; \
t3 = OD_RSHIFT1(td) - t3; \
td = t3 - td; \
/* 7489/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 7489, 4096, 145); \
t9 -= (t6*7489 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 11585, 8192, 146); \
t6 += (t9*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 19195, 16384, 147); \
t9 += (t6*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
t8 += OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t9 -= t8; \
t6 = t7h - t6; \
t7 -= t6; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 6723, 4096, 148); \
t8 += (t7*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t8, 16069, 8192, 149); \
t7 -= (t8*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32]) ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 6723, 4096, 150); \
t8 += (t7*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32]) ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 17515, 16384, 151); \
t9 += (t6*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13623/16384 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.831469612302545 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 13623, 8192, 152); \
t6 -= (t9*13623 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 17515, 16384, 153); \
t9 += (t6*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 13573, 8192, 154); \
t5 += (ta*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11585/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.353553390593274 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 11585, 16384, 155); \
ta -= (t5*11585 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 13573, 8192, 156); \
t5 += (ta*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb += OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t5 = tb - t5; \
ta += t4h; \
t4 -= ta; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 2485, 4096, 157); \
ta += (t5*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 18205/32768 ~= Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.555570233019602 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 18205, 16384, 158); \
t5 -= (ta*18205 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 2485, 4096, 159); \
ta += (t5*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 6723, 4096, 160); \
tb -= (t4*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 16069, 8192, 161); \
t4 += (tb*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 6723, 4096, 162); \
tb -= (t4*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* TODO: Can we move this into another operation */ \
t5 = -t5; \
tc -= tf; \
tch = OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
tf += tch; \
t3 += t0; \
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
t0 -= t3h; \
td -= t1; \
tdh = OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
t1 += tdh; \
t2 += te; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
te -= t2h; \
t8 += t4; \
t8h = OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
t4 = t8h - t4; \
t7 = tb - t7; \
t7h = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
tb = t7h - tb; \
t6 -= ta; \
t6h = OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
ta += t6h; \
t9 = t5 - t9; \
t9h = OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t5 -= t9h; \
t0 -= t7h; \
t7 += t0; \
tf += t8h; \
t8 -= tf; \
te -= t6h; \
t6 += te; \
t1 += t9h; \
t9 -= t1; \
tb -= tch; \
tc += tb; \
t4 += t3h; \
t3 -= t4; \
ta -= tdh; \
td += ta; \
t5 = t2h - t5; \
t2 -= t5; \
/* TODO: Can we move these into another operation */ \
t8 = -t8; \
t9 = -t9; \
ta = -ta; \
tb = -tb; \
tc = -tc; \
td = -td; \
tf = -tf; \
/* 7799/8192 ~= Tan[31*Pi/128] ~= 0.952079146700925 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tf, 7799, 4096, 163); \
t0 -= (tf*7799 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4091/4096 ~= Sin[31*Pi/64] ~= 0.998795456205172 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 4091, 2048, 164); \
tf += (t0*4091 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 7799/8192 ~= Tan[31*Pi/128] ~= 0.952079146700925 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tf, 7799, 4096, 165); \
t0 -= (tf*7799 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2417/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/128] ~= 0.0737644315224493 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 2417, 16384, 166); \
t1 += (te*2417 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 601/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.146730474455362 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 601, 2048, 167); \
te -= (t1*601 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2417/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/128] ~= 0.0737644315224493 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 2417, 16384, 168); \
t1 += (te*2417 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 14525/32768 ~= Tan[17*Pi/128] ~= 0.443269513890864 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t8, 14525, 16384, 169); \
t7 -= (t8*14525 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3035/4096 ~= Sin[17*Pi/64] ~= 0.740951125354959 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 3035, 2048, 170); \
t8 += (t7*3035 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 7263/16384 ~= Tan[17*Pi/128] ~= 0.443269513890864 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t8, 7263, 8192, 171); \
t7 -= (t8*7263 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6393/8192 ~= Tan[27*Pi/128] ~= 0.780407659653944 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 6393, 4096, 172); \
t2 -= (td*6393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3973/4096 ~= Sin[27*Pi/64] ~= 0.970031253194544 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 3973, 2048, 173); \
td += (t2*3973 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 6393/8192 ~= Tan[27*Pi/128] ~= 0.780407659653944 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 6393, 4096, 174); \
t2 -= (td*6393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 9281/16384 ~= Tan[21*Pi/128] ~= 0.566493002730344 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 9281, 8192, 175); \
t5 -= (ta*9281 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7027/8192 ~= Sin[21*Pi/64] ~= 0.857728610000272 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 7027, 4096, 176); \
ta += (t5*7027 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 9281/16384 ~= Tan[21*Pi/128] ~= 0.566493002730344 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 9281, 8192, 177); \
t5 -= (ta*9281 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11539/16384 ~= Tan[25*Pi/128] ~= 0.704279460865044 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 11539, 8192, 178); \
t3 -= (tc*11539 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7713/8192 ~= Sin[25*Pi/64] ~= 0.941544065183021 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 7713, 4096, 179); \
tc += (t3*7713 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11539/16384 ~= Tan[25*Pi/128] ~= 0.704279460865044 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 11539, 8192, 180); \
t3 -= (tc*11539 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 10375/16384 ~= Tan[23*Pi/128] ~= 0.633243016177569 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 10375, 8192, 181); \
t4 -= (tb*10375 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7405/8192 ~= Sin[23*Pi/64] ~= 0.903989293123443 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 7405, 4096, 182); \
tb += (t4*7405 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 10375/16384 ~= Tan[23*Pi/128] ~= 0.633243016177569 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 10375, 8192, 183); \
t4 -= (tb*10375 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 8247/16384 ~= Tan[19*Pi/128] ~= 0.503357699799294 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 8247, 8192, 184); \
t6 -= (t9*8247 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 1645/2048 ~= Sin[19*Pi/64] ~= 0.803207531480645 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 1645, 1024, 185); \
t9 += (t6*1645 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 8247/16384 ~= Tan[19*Pi/128] ~= 0.503357699799294 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 8247, 8192, 186); \
t6 -= (t9*8247 + 8192) >> 14; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_16_ASYM_PR(t0, t0h, t8, t4, tc, t2, t2h, ta, t6, te, teh, \
t1, t9, t5, td, t3, tb, t7, tf) \
/* Embedded 16-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
int t1h_; \
int t3h_; \
int t4h; \
int t6h; \
int t9h_; \
int tbh_; \
int tch; \
/* 8247/16384 ~= Tan[19*Pi/128] ~= 0.503357699799294 */ \
t6 += (t9*8247 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 1645/2048 ~= Sin[19*Pi/64] ~= 0.803207531480645 */ \
t9 -= (t6*1645 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 8247/16384 ~= Tan[19*Pi/128] ~= 0.503357699799294 */ \
t6 += (t9*8247 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 10375/16384 ~= Tan[23*Pi/128] ~= 0.633243016177569 */ \
t2 += (td*10375 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7405/8192 ~= Sin[23*Pi/64] ~= 0.903989293123443 */ \
td -= (t2*7405 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 10375/16384 ~= Tan[23*Pi/128] ~= 0.633243016177569 */ \
t2 += (td*10375 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11539/16384 ~= Tan[25*Pi/128] ~= 0.704279460865044 */ \
tc += (t3*11539 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7713/8192 ~= Sin[25*Pi/64] ~= 0.941544065183021 */ \
t3 -= (tc*7713 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11539/16384 ~= Tan[25*Pi/128] ~= 0.704279460865044 */ \
tc += (t3*11539 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 9281/16384 ~= Tan[21*Pi/128] ~= 0.566493002730344 */ \
ta += (t5*9281 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7027/8192 ~= Sin[21*Pi/64] ~= 0.857728610000272 */ \
t5 -= (ta*7027 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 9281/16384 ~= Tan[21*Pi/128] ~= 0.566493002730344 */ \
ta += (t5*9281 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6393/8192 ~= Tan[27*Pi/128] ~= 0.780407659653944 */ \
t4 += (tb*6393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3973/4096 ~= Sin[27*Pi/64] ~= 0.970031253194544 */ \
tb -= (t4*3973 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 6393/8192 ~= Tan[27*Pi/128] ~= 0.780407659653944 */ \
t4 += (tb*6393 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 7263/16384 ~= Tan[17*Pi/128] ~= 0.443269513890864 */ \
te += (t1*7263 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3035/4096 ~= Sin[17*Pi/64] ~= 0.740951125354959 */ \
t1 -= (te*3035 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 14525/32768 ~= Tan[17*Pi/128] ~= 0.443269513890864 */ \
te += (t1*14525 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2417/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/128] ~= 0.0737644315224493 */ \
t8 -= (t7*2417 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 601/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.146730474455362 */ \
t7 += (t8*601 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2417/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/128] ~= 0.0737644315224493 */ \
t8 -= (t7*2417 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 7799/8192 ~= Tan[31*Pi/128] ~= 0.952079146700925 */ \
t0 += (tf*7799 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4091/4096 ~= Sin[31*Pi/64] ~= 0.998795456205172 */ \
tf -= (t0*4091 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 7799/8192 ~= Tan[31*Pi/128] ~= 0.952079146700925 */ \
t0 += (tf*7799 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* TODO: Can we move these into another operation */ \
t1 = -t1; \
t3 = -t3; \
t5 = -t5; \
t9 = -t9; \
tb = -tb; \
td = -td; \
tf = -tf; \
t4 += ta; \
t4h = OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
ta = t4h - ta; \
tb -= t5; \
tbh_ = OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
t5 += tbh_; \
tc += t2; \
tch = OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
t2 -= tch; \
t3 -= td; \
t3h_ = OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
td += t3h_; \
t9 += t8; \
t9h_ = OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t8 -= t9h_; \
t6 -= t7; \
t6h = OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
t7 += t6h; \
t1 += tf; \
t1h_ = OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
tf -= t1h_; \
te -= t0; \
teh = OD_RSHIFT1(te); \
t0 += teh; \
ta += t9h_; \
t9 = ta - t9; \
t5 -= t6h; \
t6 += t5; \
td = teh - td; \
te = td - te; \
t2 = t1h_ - t2; \
t1 -= t2; \
t7 += t4h; \
t4 -= t7; \
t8 -= tbh_; \
tb += t8; \
t0 += tch; \
tc -= t0; \
tf -= t3h_; \
t3 += tf; \
/* TODO: Can we move this into another operation */ \
ta = -ta; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
td += (t2*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
t2 -= (td*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
td += (t2*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
t5 -= (ta*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 18205/32768 ~= Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.555570233019602 */ \
ta += (t5*18205 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
t5 -= (ta*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
t2 += t5; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t5 -= t2h; \
ta = td - ta; \
td -= OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
ta -= (t5*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11585/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.353553390593274 */ \
t5 += (ta*11585 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
ta -= (t5*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
t9 -= (t6*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13623/16384 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.831469612302545 */ \
t6 += (t9*13623 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32]) ~= 0.534511135950792 */ \
t9 -= (t6*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32]) ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
t1 -= (te*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.980785280403230 */ \
te += (t1*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32]) ~= 0.820678790828660 */ \
t1 -= (te*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
te += t6; \
teh = OD_RSHIFT1(te); \
t6 = teh - t6; \
t9 += t1; \
t1 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
t9 -= (t6*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
t6 -= (t9*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7489/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
t9 += (t6*7489 + 4096) >> 13; \
tb = tc - tb; \
tc = OD_RSHIFT1(tb) - tc; \
t3 += t4; \
t4 = OD_RSHIFT1(t3) - t4; \
/* TODO: Can we move this into another operation */ \
t3 = -t3; \
t8 += tf; \
tf = OD_RSHIFT1(t8) - tf; \
t0 += t7; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t7 = t0h - t7; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
t3 += (tc*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
tc -= (t3*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
t3 += (tc*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
t4 -= (tb*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
tb += (t4*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
t4 -= (tb*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
t8 += (t7*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11585/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.353553390593274 */ \
t7 -= (t8*11585 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
t8 += (t7*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* TODO: Can we move these into another operation */ \
t1 = -t1; \
t5 = -t5; \
t9 = -t9; \
tb = -tb; \
td = -td; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_32_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, \
te, tu, t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv) \
/* Embedded 32-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
int tgh; \
int thh; \
int tih; \
int tkh; \
int tmh; \
int tnh; \
int toh; \
int tqh; \
int tsh; \
int tuh; \
int tvh; \
tv = t0 - tv; \
tvh = OD_RSHIFT1(tv); \
t0 -= tvh; \
tu += t1; \
tuh = OD_RSHIFT1(tu); \
t1 = tuh - t1; \
tt = t2 - tt; \
t2 -= OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
ts += t3; \
tsh = OD_RSHIFT1(ts); \
t3 = tsh - t3; \
tr = t4 - tr; \
t4 -= OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
tq += t5; \
tqh = OD_RSHIFT1(tq); \
t5 = tqh - t5; \
tp = t6 - tp; \
t6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
to += t7; \
toh = OD_RSHIFT1(to); \
t7 = toh - t7; \
tn = t8 - tn; \
tnh = OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
t8 -= tnh; \
tm += t9; \
tmh = OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
t9 = tmh - t9; \
tl = ta - tl; \
ta -= OD_RSHIFT1(tl); \
tk += tb; \
tkh = OD_RSHIFT1(tk); \
tb = tkh - tb; \
tj = tc - tj; \
tc -= OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
ti += td; \
tih = OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
td = tih - td; \
th = te - th; \
thh = OD_RSHIFT1(th); \
te -= thh; \
tg += tf; \
tgh = OD_RSHIFT1(tg); \
tf = tgh - tf; \
OD_FDCT_16_ASYM_PR(t0, tg, tgh, t8, to, toh, t4, tk, tkh, tc, ts, tsh, \
t2, ti, tih, ta, tq, tqh, t6, tm, tmh, te, tu, tuh); \
OD_FDST_16_ASYM_PR(tv, tvh, tf, tn, tnh, t7, tr, tb, tj, t3, \
tt, td, tl, t5, tp, t9, th, thh, t1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_32_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, \
te, tu, t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv) \
/* Embedded 32-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
int t1h; \
int t3h; \
int t5h; \
int t7h; \
int t9h; \
int tbh; \
int tdh; \
int tfh; \
int thh; \
int tth; \
int tvh; \
OD_IDST_16_ASYM_PR(tv, tvh, tn, tr, tj, tt, tth, tl, tp, th, thh, \
tu, tm, tq, ti, ts, tk, to, tg); \
OD_IDCT_16_ASYM_PR(t0, t8, t4, tc, t2, ta, t6, te, \
t1, t1h, t9, t9h, t5, t5h, td, tdh, t3, t3h, tb, tbh, t7, t7h, tf, tfh); \
tu = t1h - tu; \
t1 -= tu; \
te += thh; \
th = te - th; \
tm = t9h - tm; \
t9 -= tm; \
t6 += OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
tp = t6 - tp; \
tq = t5h - tq; \
t5 -= tq; \
ta += OD_RSHIFT1(tl); \
tl = ta - tl; \
ti = tdh - ti; \
td -= ti; \
t2 += tth; \
tt = t2 - tt; \
ts = t3h - ts; \
t3 -= ts; \
tc += OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
tj = tc - tj; \
tk = tbh - tk; \
tb -= tk; \
t4 += OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
tr = t4 - tr; \
to = t7h - to; \
t7 -= to; \
t8 += OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
tn = t8 - tn; \
tg = tfh - tg; \
tf -= tg; \
t0 += tvh; \
tv = t0 - tv; \
} \
while (0)
/* Embedded 32-point orthonormal Type-IV fDST. */
#define OD_FDST_32_PR(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, ta, tb, tc, td, \
te, tf, tg, th, ti, tj, tk, tl, tm, tn, to, tp, tq, tr, ts, tt, tu, tv) \
/* 117 "muls", 117 + 128 = 245 adds, 36 shifts */ \
do { \
od_coeff t0h; \
od_coeff t1h; \
od_coeff t2h; \
od_coeff t3h; \
od_coeff t4h; \
od_coeff t6h; \
od_coeff t8h; \
od_coeff t9h; \
od_coeff tah; \
od_coeff tbh; \
od_coeff tch; \
od_coeff tdh; \
od_coeff teh; \
od_coeff tfh; \
od_coeff tgh; \
od_coeff thh; \
od_coeff tih; \
od_coeff tjh; \
od_coeff tkh; \
od_coeff tlh; \
od_coeff tmh; \
od_coeff tnh; \
od_coeff tph; \
od_coeff trh; \
od_coeff tsh; \
od_coeff tth; \
od_coeff tuh; \
od_coeff tvh; \
/* Stage 0 */ \
tp += (t6*659 + 2048) >> 12; \
t6 -= (tp*10279 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp += (t6*659 + 2048) >> 12; \
th += (te*3045 + 4096) >> 13; \
te -= (th*21403 + 16384) >> 15; \
th += (te*3045 + 4096) >> 13; \
t9 += (tm*20191 + 16384) >> 15; \
tm -= (t9*29269 + 16384) >> 15; \
t9 += (tm*20191 + 16384) >> 15; \
tu += (t1*1207 + 16384) >> 15; \
t1 -= (tu*2411 + 16384) >> 15; \
tu += (t1*1207 + 16384) >> 15; \
t4 += (tr*13113 + 8192) >> 14; \
tr -= (t4*7993 + 4096) >> 13; \
t4 += (tr*13113 + 8192) >> 14; \
tj += (tc*10381 + 16384) >> 15; \
tc -= (tj*4717 + 4096) >> 13; \
tj += (tc*10381 + 16384) >> 15; \
tb += (tk*18035 + 16384) >> 15; \
tk -= (tb*6921 + 4096) >> 13; \
tb += (tk*18035 + 16384) >> 15; \
ts += (t3*1411 + 8192) >> 14; \
t3 -= (ts*2801 + 8192) >> 14; \
ts += (t3*1411 + 8192) >> 14; \
tq += (t5*2225 + 8192) >> 14; \
t5 -= (tq*2185 + 4096) >> 13; \
tq += (t5*2225 + 8192) >> 14; \
ti += (td*11273 + 16384) >> 15; \
td -= (ti*315 + 256) >> 9; \
ti += (td*11273 + 16384) >> 15; \
tl += (ta*8637 + 16384) >> 15; \
ta -= (tl*16151 + 16384) >> 15; \
tl += (ta*8637 + 16384) >> 15; \
tt += (t2*2013 + 16384) >> 15; \
t2 -= (tt*4011 + 16384) >> 15; \
tt += (t2*2013 + 16384) >> 15; \
to += (t7*6101 + 16384) >> 15; \
t7 -= (to*11793 + 16384) >> 15; \
to += (t7*6101 + 16384) >> 15; \
t8 += (tn*10659 + 8192) >> 14; \
tn -= (t8*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
t8 += (tn*10659 + 8192) >> 14; \
tg += (tf*819 + 1024) >> 11; \
tf -= (tg*22595 + 16384) >> 15; \
tg += (tf*819 + 1024) >> 11; \
t0 += (tv*31973 + 16384) >> 15; \
tv -= (t0*16379 + 8192) >> 14; \
t0 += (tv*31973 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* Stage 1 */ \
tj -= ts; \
tjh = OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
ts += tjh; \
tr = tk - tr; \
trh = OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
tk = trh - tk; \
tc += t3; \
tch = OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
t3 -= tch; \
t4 += tb; \
t4h = OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
tb -= t4h; \
tv += tf; \
tvh = OD_RSHIFT1(tv); \
tf -= tvh; \
t8 -= to; \
t8h = OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
to += t8h; \
t0 += tg; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
tg -= t0h; \
tn = t7 - tn; \
tnh = OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
t7 -= tnh; \
th -= tu; \
thh = OD_RSHIFT1(th); \
tu += thh; \
t6 += tm; \
t6h = OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
tm = t6h - tm; \
te += t1; \
teh = OD_RSHIFT1(te); \
t1 -= teh; \
tp += t9; \
tph = OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
t9 -= tph; \
t2 -= td; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
td += t2h; \
tl = tq - tl; \
tlh = OD_RSHIFT1(tl); \
tq -= tlh; \
tt += ti; \
tth = OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
ti -= tth; \
ta += t5; \
tah = OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
t5 -= tah; \
/* Stage 2 */ \
tm -= thh; \
th += tm; \
t9 = teh - t9; \
te -= t9; \
td = tlh - td; \
tl -= td; \
ti += tah; \
ta -= ti; \
tk = tjh - tk; \
tj -= tk; \
tb -= tch; \
tc += tb; \
tg += tnh; \
tn = tg - tn; \
tf += t8h; \
t8 = tf - t8; \
t3 -= trh; \
tr += t3; \
ts += t4h; \
t4 -= ts; \
to -= t0h; \
t0 += to; \
t7 = tvh - t7; \
tv = t7 - tv; \
t1 -= t6h; \
t6 += t1; \
tu += tph; \
tp -= tu; \
tq -= tth; \
tt += tq; \
t5 += t2h; \
t2 -= t5; \
/* Stage 3 */ \
tj += (tc*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
tc -= (tj*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
tj += (tc*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
td += (ti*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
ti -= (td*15447 + 16384) >> 15; \
td += (ti*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
th += (te*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
te -= (th*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
th += (te*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
tg += (tf*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
tf -= (tg*803 + 4096) >> 13; \
tg += (tf*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb += (tk*7749 + 8192) >> 14; \
tk -= (tb*12665 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb += (tk*7749 + 8192) >> 14; \
tl += (ta*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
ta -= (tl*28899 + 16384) >> 15; \
tl += (ta*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
t9 += (tm*12151 + 8192) >> 14; \
tm -= (t9*31357 + 16384) >> 15; \
t9 += (tm*12151 + 8192) >> 14; \
tn += (t8*29699 + 16384) >> 15; \
t8 -= (tn*16305 + 8192) >> 14; \
tn += (t8*29699 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* Stage 4 */ \
tf -= tc; \
tfh = OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
tc += tfh; \
ti = th - ti; \
tih = OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
th -= tih; \
tg += tj; \
tgh = OD_RSHIFT1(tg); \
tj = tgh - tj; \
td -= te; \
tdh = OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
te += tdh; \
tm = ta - tm; \
tmh = OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
ta = tmh - ta; \
t9 += tl; \
t9h = OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
tl -= t9h; \
tb += t8; \
tbh = OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
t8 -= tbh; \
tk += tn; \
tkh = OD_RSHIFT1(tk); \
tn -= tkh; \
t1 -= t2; \
t1h = OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
t2 += t1h; \
t3 += tv; \
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
tv -= t3h; \
tu += tt; \
tuh = OD_RSHIFT1(tu); \
tt -= tuh; \
ts -= t0; \
tsh = OD_RSHIFT1(ts); \
t0 += tsh; \
tq = t6 - tq; \
t6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(tq); \
to += tr; \
tr = OD_RSHIFT1(to) - tr; \
t7 = t4 - t7; \
t4 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t5 -= tp; \
tp += OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
/* Stage 5 */ \
tp += (t6*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
t6 -= (tp*18205 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp += (t6*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
to += (t7*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
t7 -= (to*6393 + 16384) >> 15; \
to += (t7*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
tq += (t5*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
t5 -= (tq*13623 + 8192) >> 14; \
tq += (t5*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
t4 += (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
tr -= (t4*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
t4 += (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* Stage 6 */ \
tj += tdh; \
td -= tj; \
tc -= tih; \
ti += tc; \
th = tgh - th; \
tg -= th; \
te += tfh; \
tf -= te; \
tl = tkh - tl; \
tk -= tl; \
ta += tbh; \
tb -= ta; \
tn -= tmh; \
tm += tn; \
t8 += t9h; \
t9 = t8 - t9; \
tt = t3h - tt; \
t3 -= tt; \
t2 -= tsh; \
ts += t2; \
tv -= t1h; \
t1 += tv; \
t0 += tuh; \
tu -= t0; \
tp = OD_RSHIFT1(to) - tp; \
to -= tp; \
t6 += OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t7 -= t6; \
t4 = OD_RSHIFT1(tq) - t4; \
tq -= t4; \
tr += OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t5 = tr - t5; \
/* Stage 7 */ \
td += (ti*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
ti -= (td*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
td += (ti*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
tj += (tc*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
tc -= (tj*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
tj += (tc*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
th += (te*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
te -= (th*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
th += (te*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tb += (tk*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
tk -= (tb*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb += (tk*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
ta += (tl*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
tl -= (ta*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
ta += (tl*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t9 += (tm*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tm -= (t9*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
t9 += (tm*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
ts += (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t3 -= (ts*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
ts += (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t2 += (tt*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
tt -= (t2*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
t2 += (tt*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
tu += (t1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t1 -= (tu*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
tu += (t1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp += (t6*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t6 -= (tp*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
tp += (t6*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tq += (t5*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t5 -= (tq*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
tq += (t5*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
} \
while (0)
/* Embedded 32-point orthonormal Type-IV iDST. */
#define OD_IDST_32_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, \
te, tu, t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv) \
/* 117 "muls", 117 + 128 = 245 adds, 36 shifts */ \
do { \
od_coeff t0h; \
od_coeff t1h; \
od_coeff t2h; \
od_coeff t3h; \
od_coeff t4h; \
od_coeff t6h; \
od_coeff t8h; \
od_coeff t9h; \
od_coeff tah; \
od_coeff tbh; \
od_coeff tch; \
od_coeff tdh; \
od_coeff teh; \
od_coeff tfh; \
od_coeff tgh; \
od_coeff thh; \
od_coeff tih; \
od_coeff tjh; \
od_coeff tkh; \
od_coeff tlh; \
od_coeff tmh; \
od_coeff tnh; \
od_coeff tph; \
od_coeff trh; \
od_coeff tsh; \
od_coeff tth; \
od_coeff tuh; \
od_coeff tvh; \
/* Stage 0 */ \
tq -= (t5*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t5 += (tq*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
tq -= (t5*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp -= (t6*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t6 += (tp*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
tp -= (t6*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tu -= (t1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t1 += (tu*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
tu -= (t1*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
t2 -= (tt*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
tt += (t2*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
t2 -= (tt*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
ts -= (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t3 += (ts*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
ts -= (t3*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
t9 -= (tm*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tm += (t9*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
t9 -= (tm*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
ta -= (tl*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
tl += (ta*3135 + 4096) >> 13; \
ta -= (tl*3259 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb -= (tk*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
tk += (tb*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb -= (tk*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
th -= (te*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
te += (th*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
th -= (te*13573 + 16384) >> 15; \
tj -= (tc*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
tc += (tj*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
tj -= (tc*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
td -= (ti*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
ti += (td*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
td -= (ti*21895 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* Stage 1 */ \
t5 = tr - t5; \
tr -= OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
tq += t4; \
t4 = OD_RSHIFT1(tq) - t4; \
t7 += t6; \
t6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
to += tp; \
tp = OD_RSHIFT1(to) - tp; \
tu += t0; \
tuh = OD_RSHIFT1(tu); \
t0 -= tuh; \
t1 -= tv; \
t1h = OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
tv += t1h; \
ts -= t2; \
tsh = OD_RSHIFT1(ts); \
t2 += tsh; \
t3 += tt; \
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
tt = t3h - tt; \
t9 = t8 - t9; \
t9h = OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t8 -= t9h; \
tm -= tn; \
tmh = OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
tn += tmh; \
tb += ta; \
tbh = OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
ta -= tbh; \
tk += tl; \
tkh = OD_RSHIFT1(tk); \
tl = tkh - tl; \
tf += te; \
tfh = OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
te -= tfh; \
tg += th; \
tgh = OD_RSHIFT1(tg); \
th = tgh - th; \
ti -= tc; \
tih = OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
tc += tih; \
td += tj; \
tdh = OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
tj -= tdh; \
/* Stage 2 */ \
t4 -= (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
tr += (t4*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
t4 -= (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
tq -= (t5*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
t5 += (tq*13623 + 8192) >> 14; \
tq -= (t5*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
to -= (t7*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
t7 += (to*6393 + 16384) >> 15; \
to -= (t7*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp -= (t6*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
t6 += (tp*18205 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp -= (t6*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* Stage 3 */ \
tp -= OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t5 += tp; \
t4 += OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t7 = t4 - t7; \
tr = OD_RSHIFT1(to) - tr; \
to -= tr; \
t6 += OD_RSHIFT1(tq); \
tq = t6 - tq; \
t0 -= tsh; \
ts += t0; \
tt += tuh; \
tu -= tt; \
tv += t3h; \
t3 -= tv; \
t2 -= t1h; \
t1 += t2; \
tn += tkh; \
tk -= tn; \
t8 += tbh; \
tb -= t8; \
tl += t9h; \
t9 -= tl; \
ta = tmh - ta; \
tm = ta - tm; \
te -= tdh; \
td += te; \
tj = tgh - tj; \
tg -= tj; \
th += tih; \
ti = th - ti; \
tc -= tfh; \
tf += tc; \
/* Stage 4 */ \
tn -= (t8*29699 + 16384) >> 15; \
t8 += (tn*16305 + 8192) >> 14; \
tn -= (t8*29699 + 16384) >> 15; \
t9 -= (tm*12151 + 8192) >> 14; \
tm += (t9*31357 + 16384) >> 15; \
t9 -= (tm*12151 + 8192) >> 14; \
tl -= (ta*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
ta += (tl*28899 + 16384) >> 15; \
tl -= (ta*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
tb -= (tk*7749 + 8192) >> 14; \
tk += (tb*12665 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb -= (tk*7749 + 8192) >> 14; \
tg -= (tf*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
tf += (tg*803 + 4096) >> 13; \
tg -= (tf*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
th -= (te*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
te += (th*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
th -= (te*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
td -= (ti*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
ti += (td*15447 + 16384) >> 15; \
td -= (ti*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
tj -= (tc*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
tc += (tj*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
tj -= (tc*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* Stage 5 */ \
t2 += t5; \
t2h = OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t5 -= t2h; \
tt -= tq; \
tth = OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
tq += tth; \
tp += tu; \
tph = OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
tu -= tph; \
t6 -= t1; \
t6h = OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
t1 += t6h; \
tv = t7 - tv; \
tvh = OD_RSHIFT1(tv); \
t7 = tvh - t7; \
t0 -= to; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
to += t0h; \
t4 += ts; \
t4h = OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
ts -= t4h; \
tr -= t3; \
trh = OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
t3 += trh; \
t8 = tf - t8; \
t8h = OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
tf -= t8h; \
tn = tg - tn; \
tnh = OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
tg -= tnh; \
tc -= tb; \
tch = OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
tb += tch; \
tj += tk; \
tjh = OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
tk = tjh - tk; \
ta += ti; \
tah = OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
ti -= tah; \
tl += td; \
tlh = OD_RSHIFT1(tl); \
td = tlh - td; \
te += t9; \
teh = OD_RSHIFT1(te); \
t9 = teh - t9; \
th -= tm; \
thh = OD_RSHIFT1(th); \
tm += thh; \
/* Stage 6 */ \
t5 += tah; \
ta -= t5; \
ti += tth; \
tt -= ti; \
tq += tlh; \
tl = tq - tl; \
td -= t2h; \
t2 += td; \
t9 += tph; \
tp -= t9; \
t1 += teh; \
te -= t1; \
tm = t6h - tm; \
t6 -= tm; \
tu -= thh; \
th += tu; \
t7 += tnh; \
tn = t7 - tn; \
tg += t0h; \
t0 -= tg; \
to -= t8h; \
t8 += to; \
tf += tvh; \
tv -= tf; \
tb += t4h; \
t4 -= tb; \
t3 += tch; \
tc -= t3; \
tk = trh - tk; \
tr = tk - tr; \
ts -= tjh; \
tj += ts; \
/* Stage 7 */ \
t0 -= (tv*31973 + 16384) >> 15; \
tv += (t0*16379 + 8192) >> 14; \
t0 -= (tv*31973 + 16384) >> 15; \
tg -= (tf*819 + 1024) >> 11; \
tf += (tg*22595 + 16384) >> 15; \
tg -= (tf*819 + 1024) >> 11; \
t8 -= (tn*10659 + 8192) >> 14; \
tn += (t8*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
t8 -= (tn*10659 + 8192) >> 14; \
to -= (t7*6101 + 16384) >> 15; \
t7 += (to*11793 + 16384) >> 15; \
to -= (t7*6101 + 16384) >> 15; \
tt -= (t2*2013 + 16384) >> 15; \
t2 += (tt*4011 + 16384) >> 15; \
tt -= (t2*2013 + 16384) >> 15; \
tl -= (ta*8637 + 16384) >> 15; \
ta += (tl*16151 + 16384) >> 15; \
tl -= (ta*8637 + 16384) >> 15; \
ti -= (td*11273 + 16384) >> 15; \
td += (ti*315 + 256) >> 9; \
ti -= (td*11273 + 16384) >> 15; \
tq -= (t5*2225 + 8192) >> 14; \
t5 += (tq*2185 + 4096) >> 13; \
tq -= (t5*2225 + 8192) >> 14; \
ts -= (t3*1411 + 8192) >> 14; \
t3 += (ts*2801 + 8192) >> 14; \
ts -= (t3*1411 + 8192) >> 14; \
tb -= (tk*18035 + 16384) >> 15; \
tk += (tb*6921 + 4096) >> 13; \
tb -= (tk*18035 + 16384) >> 15; \
tj -= (tc*10381 + 16384) >> 15; \
tc += (tj*4717 + 4096) >> 13; \
tj -= (tc*10381 + 16384) >> 15; \
t4 -= (tr*13113 + 8192) >> 14; \
tr += (t4*7993 + 4096) >> 13; \
t4 -= (tr*13113 + 8192) >> 14; \
tu -= (t1*1207 + 16384) >> 15; \
t1 += (tu*2411 + 16384) >> 15; \
tu -= (t1*1207 + 16384) >> 15; \
t9 -= (tm*20191 + 16384) >> 15; \
tm += (t9*29269 + 16384) >> 15; \
t9 -= (tm*20191 + 16384) >> 15; \
th -= (te*3045 + 4096) >> 13; \
te += (th*21403 + 16384) >> 15; \
th -= (te*3045 + 4096) >> 13; \
tp -= (t6*659 + 2048) >> 12; \
t6 += (tp*10279 + 16384) >> 15; \
tp -= (t6*659 + 2048) >> 12; \
} \
while (0)
#if CONFIG_TX64X64
#define OD_FDCT_32_ASYM_PR(t0, tg, tgh, t8, to, toh, t4, tk, tkh, tc, ts, tsh, \
t2, ti, tih, ta, tq, tqh, t6, tm, tmh, te, tu, tuh, t1, th, thh, \
t9, tp, tph, t5, tl, tlh, td, tt, tth, t3, tj, tjh, tb, tr, trh, \
t7, tn, tnh, tf, tv, tvh) \
/* Embedded 32-point asymmetric Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
t0 += tvh; \
tv = t0 - tv; \
t1 = tuh - t1; \
tu -= t1; \
t2 += tth; \
tt = t2 - tt; \
t3 = tsh - t3; \
ts -= t3; \
t4 += trh; \
tr = t4 - tr; \
t5 = tqh - t5; \
tq -= t5; \
t6 += tph; \
tp = t6 - tp; \
t7 = toh - t7; \
to -= t7; \
t8 += tnh; \
tn = t8 - tn; \
t9 = tmh - t9; \
tm -= t9; \
ta += tlh; \
tl = ta - tl; \
tb = tkh - tb; \
tk -= tb; \
tc += tjh; \
tj = tc - tj; \
td = tih - td; \
ti -= td; \
te += thh; \
th = te - th; \
tf = tgh - tf; \
tg -= tf; \
OD_FDCT_16_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, \
t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, te, tu); \
OD_FDST_16_PR(tv, tf, tn, t7, tr, tb, tj, t3, \
tt, td, tl, t5, tp, t9, th, t1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_32_ASYM_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, \
t6, tm, te, tu, t1, t1h, th, thh, t9, t9h, tp, tph, t5, t5h, tl, tlh, \
td, tdh, tt, tth, t3, t3h, tj, tjh, tb, tbh, tr, trh, t7, t7h, tn, tnh, \
tf, tfh, tv, tvh) \
/* Embedded 32-point asymmetric Type-II iDCT. */ \
do { \
OD_IDST_16_PR(tv, tn, tr, tj, tt, tl, tp, th, \
tu, tm, tq, ti, ts, tk, to, tg); \
OD_IDCT_16_PR(t0, t8, t4, tc, t2, ta, t6, te, \
t1, t9, t5, td, t3, tb, t7, tf); \
tv = t0 - tv; \
tvh = OD_RSHIFT1(tv); \
t0 -= tvh; \
t1 += tu; \
t1h = OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
tu = t1h - tu; \
tt = t2 - tt; \
tth = OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
t2 -= tth; \
t3 += ts; \
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
ts = t3h - ts; \
tr = t4 - tr; \
trh = OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
t4 -= trh; \
t5 += tq; \
t5h = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
tq = t5h - tq; \
tp = t6 - tp; \
tph = OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
t6 -= tph; \
t7 += to; \
t7h = OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
to = t7h - to; \
tn = t8 - tn; \
tnh = OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
t8 -= tnh; \
t9 += tm; \
t9h = OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
tm = t9h - tm; \
tl = ta - tl; \
tlh = OD_RSHIFT1(tl); \
ta -= tlh; \
tb += tk; \
tbh = OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
tk = tbh - tk; \
tj = tc - tj; \
tjh = OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
tc -= tjh; \
td += ti; \
tdh = OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
ti = tdh - ti; \
th = te - th; \
thh = OD_RSHIFT1(th); \
te -= thh; \
tf += tg; \
tfh = OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
tg = tfh - tg; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDST_32_ASYM_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, \
tm, te, tu, t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv) \
/* Embedded 32-point asymmetric Type-IV fDST. */ \
do { \
int t0h; \
int t1h; \
int t4h; \
int t5h; \
int tqh; \
int trh; \
int tuh; \
int tvh; \
tu = -tu; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tq, 13573, 8192, 271); \
t5 -= (tq*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11585/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.353553390593274 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 11585, 16384, 272); \
tq += (t5*11585 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tq, 13573, 8192, 273); \
t5 -= (tq*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 29957/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 29957, 16384, 274); \
tp += (t6*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tp, 11585, 8192, 275); \
t6 -= (tp*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 19195, 16384, 276); \
tp -= (t6*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 29957/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 29957, 16384, 277); \
tu += (t1*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tu, 11585, 8192, 278); \
t1 -= (tu*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 19195, 16384, 279); \
tu -= (t1*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 28681/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 28681, 16384, 280); \
tt += (t2*28681 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tt, 15137, 8192, 281); \
t2 -= (tt*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 4161, 8192, 282); \
tt += (t2*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ts, 4161, 8192, 283); \
t3 += (ts*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 15137, 8192, 284); \
ts -= (t3*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ts, 14341, 8192, 285); \
t3 += (ts*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tm, 19195, 16384, 286); \
t9 -= (tm*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 11585, 8192, 287); \
tm -= (t9*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 7489/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tm, 7489, 4096, 288); \
t9 += (tm*7489 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3259/8192 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.397824734759316 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tl, 3259, 4096, 289); \
ta += (tl*3259 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3135/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.1913417161825449 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 3135, 8192, 290); \
tl -= (ta*3135 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3259/8192 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.397824734759316 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tl, 3259, 4096, 291); \
ta += (tl*3259 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tk, 4161, 8192, 292); \
tb += (tk*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 15137, 8192, 293); \
tk -= (tb*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tk, 14341, 8192, 294); \
tb += (tk*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 29957/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 29957, 16384, 295); \
th += (te*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(th, 11585, 8192, 296); \
te -= (th*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 19195, 16384, 297); \
th -= (te*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 28681/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 28681, 16384, 298); \
tj += (tc*28681 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tj, 15137, 8192, 299); \
tc -= (tj*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 4161, 8192, 300); \
tj += (tc*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ti, 4161, 8192, 301); \
td += (ti*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 15137, 8192, 302); \
ti -= (td*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ti, 14341, 8192, 303); \
td += (ti*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
t1 = -t1; \
t2 = -t2; \
t3 = -t3; \
td = -td; \
tg = -tg; \
to = -to; \
ts = -ts; \
tr -= OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
t5 += tr; \
tq -= OD_RSHIFT1(t4); /* pass */ \
t4 += tq; \
t6 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
t7 += t6; \
to -= OD_RSHIFT1(tp); /* pass */ \
tp += to; \
t1 += OD_RSHIFT1(t0); /* pass */ \
t0 -= t1; \
tv -= OD_RSHIFT1(tu); \
tu += tv; \
t3 -= OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
tt += t3; \
t2 += OD_RSHIFT1(ts); \
ts -= t2; \
t9 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t8); /* pass */ \
t8 += t9; \
tn += OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
tm -= tn; \
tb += OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
ta -= tb; \
tl -= OD_RSHIFT1(tk); \
tk += tl; \
te -= OD_RSHIFT1(tf); /* pass */ \
tf += te; \
tg -= OD_RSHIFT1(th); \
th += tg; \
tc -= OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
ti += tc; \
td += OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
tj -= td; \
t4 = -t4; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.8206787908286602 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tr, 6723, 4096, 304); \
t4 += (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.9807852804032304 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 16069, 8192, 305); \
tr -= (t4*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.8206787908286602 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tr, 6723, 4096, 306); \
t4 += (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.5345111359507916 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tq, 17515, 16384, 307); \
t5 += (tq*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13623/16384 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.8314696123025452 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 13623, 8192, 308); \
tq -= (t5*13623 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.5345111359507916 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tq, 17515, 16384, 309); \
t5 += (tq*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(to, 3227, 16384, 310); \
t7 += (to*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6393/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/16] ~= 0.19509032201612825 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 6393, 16384, 311); \
to -= (t7*6393 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(to, 3227, 16384, 312); \
t7 += (to*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tp, 2485, 4096, 313); \
t6 += (tp*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 18205/32768 ~= Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.555570233019602 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 18205, 16384, 314); \
tp -= (t6*18205 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tp, 2485, 4096, 315); \
t6 += (tp*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
t5 = -t5; \
tr += to; \
trh = OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
to -= trh; \
t4 += t7; \
t4h = OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
t7 -= t4h; \
t5 += tp; \
t5h = OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
tp -= t5h; \
tq += t6; \
tqh = OD_RSHIFT1(tq); \
t6 -= tqh; \
t0 -= t3; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t3 += t0h; \
tv -= ts; \
tvh = OD_RSHIFT1(tv); \
ts += tvh; \
tu += tt; \
tuh = OD_RSHIFT1(tu); \
tt -= tuh; \
t1 -= t2; \
t1h = OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
t2 += t1h; \
t8 += tb; \
tb -= OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
tn += tk; \
tk -= OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
t9 += tl; \
tl -= OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
tm -= ta; \
ta += OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
tc -= tf; \
tf += OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
tj += tg; \
tg -= OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
td -= te; \
te += OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
ti += th; \
th -= OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
t9 = -t9; \
tl = -tl; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tn, 805, 8192, 316); \
t8 += (tn*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/32] ~= 0.0980171403295606 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t8, 803, 4096, 317); \
tn -= (t8*803 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tn, 805, 8192, 318); \
t8 += (tn*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 11725, 16384, 319); \
tk += (tb*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.6343932841636455 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tk, 5197, 4096, 320); \
tb -= (tk*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 11725, 16384, 321); \
tk += (tb*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.5993769336819237 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tl, 2455, 2048, 322); \
ta += (tl*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 14449/16384 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.881921264348355 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 14449, 8192, 323); \
tl -= (ta*14449 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.5993769336819237 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tl, 2455, 2048, 324); \
ta += (tl*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tm, 4861, 16384, 325); \
t9 += (tm*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.29028467725446233 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 1189, 2048, 326); \
tm -= (t9*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tm, 4861, 16384, 327); \
t9 += (tm*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tg, 805, 8192, 328); \
tf += (tg*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/32] ~= 0.0980171403295606 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tf, 803, 4096, 329); \
tg -= (tf*803 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tg, 805, 8192, 330); \
tf += (tg*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2931/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tj, 2931, 4096, 331); \
tc += (tj*2931 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.6343932841636455 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 5197, 4096, 332); \
tj -= (tc*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2931/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tj, 2931, 4096, 333); \
tc += (tj*2931 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 513/2048 ~= Tan[5*Pi/64] ~= 0.25048696019130545 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ti, 513, 1024, 334); \
td += (ti*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 7723/16384 ~= Sin[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.47139673682599764 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 7723, 8192, 335); \
ti -= (td*7723 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 513/2048 ~= Tan[5*Pi/64] ~= 0.25048696019130545 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ti, 513, 1024, 336); \
td += (ti*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(th, 4861, 16384, 337); \
te += (th*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.29028467725446233 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 1189, 2048, 338); \
th -= (te*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(th, 4861, 16384, 339); \
te += (th*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
ta = -ta; \
tb = -tb; \
tt += t5h; \
t5 -= tt; \
t2 -= tqh; \
tq += t2; \
tp += t1h; \
t1 -= tp; \
t6 -= tuh; \
tu += t6; \
t7 += tvh; \
tv -= t7; \
to += t0h; \
t0 -= to; \
t3 -= t4h; \
t4 += t3; \
ts += trh; \
tr -= ts; \
tf -= OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
tn += tf; \
tg -= OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
t8 += tg; \
tk += OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
tc -= tk; \
tb += OD_RSHIFT1(tj); \
tj -= tb; \
ta += OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
ti -= ta; \
tl += OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
td -= tl; \
te -= OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
tm += te; \
th -= OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t9 += th; \
ta -= t5; \
t5 += OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
tq -= tl; \
tl += OD_RSHIFT1(tq); \
t2 -= ti; \
ti += OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
td -= tt; \
tt += OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
tm += tp; \
tp -= OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
t6 += t9; \
t9 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
te -= tu; \
tu += OD_RSHIFT1(te); \
t1 -= th; \
th += OD_RSHIFT1(t1); \
t0 -= tg; \
tg += OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
tf += tv; \
tv -= OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
t8 -= t7; \
t7 += OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
to -= tn; \
tn += OD_RSHIFT1(to); \
t4 -= tk; \
tk += OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
tb -= tr; \
tr += OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
t3 -= tj; \
tj += OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
tc -= ts; \
ts += OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
tr = -tr; \
ts = -ts; \
tt = -tt; \
tu = -tu; \
/* 2847/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[63*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[63*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 2847, 2048, 340); \
tv += (t0*2847 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5791/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[63*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tv, 5791, 2048, 341); \
t0 -= (tv*5791 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5593/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[63*Pi/128])/Sin[63*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t0, 5593, 4096, 342); \
tv += (t0*5593 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4099/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[31*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[31*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tf, 4099, 4096, 343); \
tg -= (tf*4099 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 1997/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[31*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tg, 1997, 1024, 344); \
tf += (tg*1997 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* -815/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[31*Pi/128])/Sin[31*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tf, 815, 16384, 345); \
tg += (tf*815 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2527/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[17*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[17*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t8, 2527, 2048, 346); \
tn -= (t8*2527 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4695/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[17*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tn, 4695, 4096, 347); \
t8 += (tn*4695 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -4187/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[17*Pi/128])/Sin[17*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t8, 4187, 4096, 348); \
tn += (t8*4187 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5477/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[15*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(to, 5477, 4096, 349); \
t7 += (to*5477 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4169/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[15*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t7, 4169, 4096, 350); \
to -= (t7*4169 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -2571/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/128])/Sin[15*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(to, 2571, 2048, 351); \
t7 -= (to*2571 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5331/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[59*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[59*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 5331, 4096, 352); \
tt += (t2*5331 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5749/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[59*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tt, 5749, 2048, 353); \
t2 -= (tt*5749 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2413/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[59*Pi/128])/Sin[59*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t2, 2413, 2048, 354); \
tt += (t2*2413 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4167/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[27*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 4167, 4096, 355); \
ti -= (td*4167 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 891/1024 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[27*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ti, 891, 512, 356); \
td += (ti*891 + 512) >> 10; \
/* -4327/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/128])/Sin[27*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(td, 4327, 16384, 357); \
ti += (td*4327 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2261/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[21*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[21*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 2261, 2048, 358); \
tl -= (ta*2261 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2855/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[21*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tl, 2855, 2048, 359); \
ta += (tl*2855 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -5417/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[21*Pi/128])/Sin[21*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ta, 5417, 8192, 360); \
tl += (ta*5417 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3459/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[11*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tq, 3459, 2048, 361); \
t5 += (tq*3459 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1545/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[11*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t5, 1545, 2048, 362); \
tq -= (t5*1545 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -1971/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/128])/Sin[11*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tq, 1971, 1024, 363); \
t5 -= (tq*1971 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 323/512 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[57*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[57*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 323, 256, 364); \
ts += (t3*323 + 256) >> 9; \
/* 5707/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[57*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(ts, 5707, 2048, 365); \
t3 -= (ts*5707 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2229/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[57*Pi/128])/Sin[57*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t3, 2229, 2048, 366); \
ts += (t3*2229 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1061/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[25*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[25*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 1061, 1024, 367); \
tj -= (tc*1061 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 6671/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[25*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tj, 6671, 4096, 368); \
tc += (tj*6671 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -6287/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[25*Pi/128])/Sin[25*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tc, 6287, 16384, 369); \
tj += (tc*6287 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 4359/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[23*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 4359, 4096, 370); \
tk -= (tb*4359 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3099/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[23*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tk, 3099, 2048, 371); \
tb += (tk*3099 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -2109/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/128])/Sin[23*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tb, 2109, 4096, 372); \
tk += (tb*2109 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5017/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[55*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[55*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 5017, 4096, 373); \
tr += (t4*5017 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 1413/1024 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[55*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tr, 1413, 512, 374); \
t4 -= (tr*1413 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 8195/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[55*Pi/128])/Sin[55*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t4, 8195, 8192, 375); \
tr += (t4*8195 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2373/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[19*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tm, 2373, 2048, 376); \
t9 += (tm*2373 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5209/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[19*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t9, 5209, 4096, 377); \
tm -= (t9*5209 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -3391/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/128])/Sin[19*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tm, 3391, 4096, 378); \
t9 -= (tm*3391 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 1517/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[13*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[13*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 1517, 1024, 379); \
tp -= (t6*1517 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 1817/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[13*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tp, 1817, 2048, 380); \
t6 += (tp*1817 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -6331/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[13*Pi/128])/Sin[13*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t6, 6331, 4096, 381); \
tp += (t6*6331 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 515/1024 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[29*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 515, 512, 382); \
th -= (te*515 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 7567/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[29*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(th, 7567, 4096, 383); \
te += (th*7567 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -2513/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/128])/Sin[29*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(te, 2513, 16384, 384); \
th += (te*2513 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2753/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[61*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[61*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 2753, 2048, 385); \
tu += (t1*2753 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5777/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[61*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(tu, 5777, 2048, 386); \
t1 -= (tu*5777 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1301/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[61*Pi/128])/Sin[61*Pi/128] */ \
OD_DCT_OVERFLOW_CHECK(t1, 1301, 1024, 387); \
tu += (t1*1301 + 1024) >> 11; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDST_32_ASYM_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, \
tm, te, tu, t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv) \
/* Embedded 32-point asymmetric Type-IV iDST. */ \
do { \
int t0h; \
int t4h; \
int tbh; \
int tfh; \
int tgh; \
int tkh; \
int trh; \
int tvh; \
/* 1301/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[61*Pi/128])/Sin[61*Pi/128] */ \
tf -= (tg*1301 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 5777/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[61*Pi/128] */ \
tg += (tf*5777 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2753/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[61*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[61*Pi/128] */ \
tf -= (tg*2753 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -2513/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/128])/Sin[29*Pi/128] */ \
th -= (te*2513 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 7567/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[29*Pi/128] */ \
te -= (th*7567 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 515/1024 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[29*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[29*Pi/128] */ \
th += (te*515 + 512) >> 10; \
/* -6331/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[13*Pi/128])/Sin[13*Pi/128] */ \
tj -= (tc*6331 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 1817/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[13*Pi/128] */ \
tc -= (tj*1817 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 1517/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[13*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[13*Pi/128] */ \
tj += (tc*1517 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* -3391/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/128])/Sin[19*Pi/128] */ \
ti += (td*3391 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5209/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[19*Pi/128] */ \
td += (ti*5209 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2373/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[19*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[19*Pi/128] */ \
ti -= (td*2373 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 8195/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[55*Pi/128])/Sin[55*Pi/128] */ \
tr -= (t4*8195 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 1413/1024 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[55*Pi/128] */ \
t4 += (tr*1413 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 5017/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[55*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[55*Pi/128] */ \
tr -= (t4*5017 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -2109/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/128])/Sin[23*Pi/128] */ \
t5 -= (tq*2109 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3099/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[23*Pi/128] */ \
tq -= (t5*3099 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4359/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[23*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[23*Pi/128] */ \
t5 += (tq*4359 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -6287/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[25*Pi/128])/Sin[25*Pi/128] */ \
tp -= (t6*6287 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6671/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[25*Pi/128] */ \
t6 -= (tp*6671 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 1061/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[25*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[25*Pi/128] */ \
tp += (t6*1061 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 2229/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[57*Pi/128])/Sin[57*Pi/128] */ \
t7 -= (to*2229 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5707/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[57*Pi/128] */ \
to += (t7*5707 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 323/512 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[57*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[57*Pi/128] */ \
t7 -= (to*323 + 256) >> 9; \
/* -1971/2048 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/128])/Sin[11*Pi/128] */ \
tk += (tb*1971 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 1545/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[11*Pi/128] */ \
tb += (tk*1545 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 3459/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[11*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[11*Pi/128] */ \
tk -= (tb*3459 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -5417/16384 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[21*Pi/128])/Sin[21*Pi/128] */ \
tl -= (ta*5417 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2855/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[21*Pi/128] */ \
ta -= (tl*2855 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2261/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[21*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[21*Pi/128] */ \
tl += (ta*2261 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -4327/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/128])/Sin[27*Pi/128] */ \
t9 -= (tm*4327 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 891/1024 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[27*Pi/128] */ \
tm -= (t9*891 + 512) >> 10; \
/* 4167/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[27*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[27*Pi/128] */ \
t9 += (tm*4167 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2413/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[59*Pi/128])/Sin[59*Pi/128] */ \
tn -= (t8*2413 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5749/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[59*Pi/128] */ \
t8 += (tn*5749 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 5331/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[59*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[59*Pi/128] */ \
tn -= (t8*5331 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -2571/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/128])/Sin[15*Pi/128] */ \
ts += (t3*2571 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4169/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[15*Pi/128] */ \
t3 += (ts*4169 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5477/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[15*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[15*Pi/128] */ \
ts -= (t3*5477 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* -4187/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[17*Pi/128])/Sin[17*Pi/128] */ \
tt -= (t2*4187 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 4695/8192 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[17*Pi/128] */ \
t2 -= (tt*4695 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2527/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[17*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[17*Pi/128] */ \
tt += (t2*2527 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* -815/32768 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[31*Pi/128])/Sin[31*Pi/128] */ \
t1 -= (tu*815 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1997/2048 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[31*Pi/128] */ \
tu -= (t1*1997 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 4099/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[31*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[31*Pi/128] */ \
t1 += (tu*4099 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5593/8192 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[63*Pi/128])/Sin[63*Pi/128] */ \
tv -= (t0*5593 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5791/4096 ~= Sqrt[2]*Sin[63*Pi/128] */ \
t0 += (tv*5791 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 2847/4096 ~= (1/Sqrt[2] - Cos[63*Pi/128]/2)/Sin[63*Pi/128] */ \
tv -= (t0*2847 + 2048) >> 12; \
t7 = -t7; \
tf = -tf; \
tn = -tn; \
tr = -tr; \
t7 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
t6 += t7; \
tp -= OD_RSHIFT1(to); \
to += tp; \
tr -= OD_RSHIFT1(tq); \
tq += tr; \
t5 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
t4 += t5; \
tt -= OD_RSHIFT1(t3); \
t3 += tt; \
ts -= OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t2 += ts; \
tv += OD_RSHIFT1(tu); \
tu -= tv; \
t1 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t0 += t1; \
th -= OD_RSHIFT1(tg); \
tg += th; \
tf -= OD_RSHIFT1(te); \
te += tf; \
ti += OD_RSHIFT1(tc); \
tc -= ti; \
tj += OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
td -= tj; \
tn -= OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
tm += tn; \
t9 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t8); \
t8 += t9; \
tl -= OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
tb += tl; \
tk -= OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
ta += tk; \
ti -= th; \
th += OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
td -= te; \
te += OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
tm += tl; \
tl -= OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
t9 += ta; \
ta -= OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
tp += tq; \
tq -= OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
t6 += t5; \
t5 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
t2 -= t1; \
t1 += OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
tt -= tu; \
tu += OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
tr += t7; \
trh = OD_RSHIFT1(tr); \
t7 -= trh; \
t4 -= to; \
t4h = OD_RSHIFT1(t4); \
to += t4h; \
t0 += t3; \
t0h = OD_RSHIFT1(t0); \
t3 -= t0h; \
tv += ts; \
tvh = OD_RSHIFT1(tv); \
ts -= tvh; \
tf -= tc; \
tfh = OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
tc += tfh; \
tg += tj; \
tgh = OD_RSHIFT1(tg); \
tj -= tgh; \
tb -= t8; \
tbh = OD_RSHIFT1(tb); \
t8 += tbh; \
tk += tn; \
tkh = OD_RSHIFT1(tk); \
tn -= tkh; \
ta = -ta; \
tq = -tq; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
te -= (th*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.29028467725446233 */ \
th += (te*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
te -= (th*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 513/2048 ~= Tan[5*Pi/64] ~= 0.25048696019130545 */ \
tm -= (t9*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 7723/16384 ~= Sin[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.47139673682599764 */ \
t9 += (tm*7723 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 513/2048 ~= Tan[5*Pi/64] ~= 0.25048696019130545 */ \
tm -= (t9*513 + 1024) >> 11; \
/* 2931/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
t6 -= (tp*2931 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.6343932841636455 */ \
tp += (t6*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 2931/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
t6 -= (tp*2931 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
tu -= (t1*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/32] ~= 0.0980171403295606 */ \
t1 += (tu*803 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
tu -= (t1*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
ti -= (td*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 1189/4096 ~= Sin[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.29028467725446233 */ \
td += (ti*1189 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 4861/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/64] ~= 0.14833598753834742 */ \
ti -= (td*4861 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.5993769336819237 */ \
ta -= (tl*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 14449/16384 ~= Sin[11*Pi/32] ~= 0.881921264348355 */ \
tl += (ta*14449 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 2455/4096 ~= Tan[11*Pi/64] ~= 0.5993769336819237 */ \
ta -= (tl*2455 + 2048) >> 12; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
t5 -= (tq*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 5197/8192 ~= Sin[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.6343932841636455 */ \
tq += (t5*5197 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11725/32768 ~= Tan[7*Pi/64] ~= 0.3578057213145241 */ \
t5 -= (tq*11725 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
t2 -= (tt*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 803/8192 ~= Sin[Pi/32] ~= 0.0980171403295606 */ \
tt += (t2*803 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 805/16384 ~= Tan[Pi/64] ~= 0.04912684976946793 */ \
t2 -= (tt*805 + 8192) >> 14; \
tl = -tl; \
ti = -ti; \
th += OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
t9 -= th; \
te -= OD_RSHIFT1(tm); \
tm += te; \
t1 += OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
tp -= t1; \
tu -= OD_RSHIFT1(t6); \
t6 += tu; \
ta -= OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
td += ta; \
tl += OD_RSHIFT1(ti); \
ti -= tl; \
t5 += OD_RSHIFT1(tt); \
tt -= t5; \
tq += OD_RSHIFT1(t2); \
t2 -= tq; \
t8 -= tgh; \
tg += t8; \
tn += tfh; \
tf -= tn; \
t7 -= tvh; \
tv += t7; \
to -= t0h; \
t0 += to; \
tc += tbh; \
tb -= tc; \
tj += tkh; \
tk -= tj; \
ts += t4h; \
t4 -= ts; \
t3 += trh; \
tr -= t3; \
tk = -tk; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
tc -= (tj*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 18205/32768 ~= Sin[3*Pi/16] ~= 0.555570233019602 */ \
tj += (tc*18205 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 2485/8192 ~= Tan[3*Pi/32] ~= 0.303346683607342 */ \
tc -= (tj*2485 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
ts -= (t3*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6393/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/16] ~= 0.19509032201612825 */ \
t3 += (ts*6393 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 3227/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/32] ~= 0.09849140335716425 */ \
ts -= (t3*3227 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.5345111359507916 */ \
tk -= (tb*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13623/16384 ~= Sin[5*Pi/16] ~= 0.8314696123025452 */ \
tb += (tk*13623 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 17515/32768 ~= Tan[5*Pi/32] ~= 0.5345111359507916 */ \
tk -= (tb*17515 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.8206787908286602 */ \
t4 -= (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 16069/16384 ~= Sin[7*Pi/16] ~= 0.9807852804032304 */ \
tr += (t4*16069 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 6723/8192 ~= Tan[7*Pi/32] ~= 0.8206787908286602 */ \
t4 -= (tr*6723 + 4096) >> 13; \
t4 = -t4; \
tp += tm; \
tm -= OD_RSHIFT1(tp); \
t9 -= t6; \
t6 += OD_RSHIFT1(t9); \
th -= t1; \
t1 += OD_RSHIFT1(th); \
tu -= te; \
te += OD_RSHIFT1(tu); /* pass */ \
t5 -= tl; \
tl += OD_RSHIFT1(t5); \
ta += tq; \
tq -= OD_RSHIFT1(ta); \
td += tt; \
tt -= OD_RSHIFT1(td); \
t2 -= ti; \
ti += OD_RSHIFT1(t2); /* pass */ \
t7 += t8; \
t8 -= OD_RSHIFT1(t7); \
tn -= to; \
to += OD_RSHIFT1(tn); \
tf -= tv; \
tv += OD_RSHIFT1(tf); \
t0 += tg; \
tg -= OD_RSHIFT1(t0); /* pass */ \
tj -= t3; \
t3 += OD_RSHIFT1(tj); /* pass */ \
ts -= tc; \
tc += OD_RSHIFT1(ts); \
t4 -= tb; \
tb += OD_RSHIFT1(t4); /* pass */ \
tk -= tr; \
tr += OD_RSHIFT1(tk); \
t1 = -t1; \
t3 = -t3; \
t7 = -t7; \
t8 = -t8; \
tg = -tg; \
tm = -tm; \
to = -to; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
tm -= (t9*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t9 += (tm*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
tm -= (t9*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
tp -= (t6*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t6 += (tp*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 28681/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
tp -= (t6*28681 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
th += (te*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
te += (th*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 29957/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
th -= (te*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
tq -= (t5*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t5 += (tq*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
tq -= (t5*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3259/8192 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.397824734759316 */ \
ta -= (tl*3259 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 3135/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.1913417161825449 */ \
tl += (ta*3135 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 3259/8192 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/16] ~= 0.397824734759316 */ \
ta -= (tl*3259 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 7489/8192 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
ti -= (td*7489 + 4096) >> 13; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
td += (ti*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
ti += (td*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 14341/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
to -= (t7*14341 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t7 += (to*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
to -= (t7*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 4161/16384 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] - Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.253965075546204 */ \
tn -= (t8*4161 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 15137/16384 ~= Sin[3*Pi/8] ~= 0.923879532511287 */ \
t8 += (tn*15137 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 28681/32768 ~= Tan[3*Pi/16] + Tan[Pi/8]/2 ~= 0.875285419105846 */ \
tn -= (t8*28681 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
tf += (tg*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
tg += (tf*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 29957/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
tf -= (tg*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* -19195/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] - Tan[Pi/4] ~= -0.585786437626905 */ \
tj += (tc*19195 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 11585/16384 ~= Sin[Pi/4] ~= 0.707106781186548 */ \
tc += (tj*11585 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 29957/32768 ~= Tan[Pi/8] + Tan[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.914213562373095 */ \
tj -= (tc*29957 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
tk += (tb*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
/* 11585/32768 ~= Sin[Pi/4]/2 ~= 0.353553390593274 */ \
tb -= (tk*11585 + 16384) >> 15; \
/* 13573/16384 ~= 2*Tan[Pi/8] ~= 0.828427124746190 */ \
tk += (tb*13573 + 8192) >> 14; \
tf = -tf; \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_FDCT_64_PR(u0, uw, ug, uM, u8, uE, uo, uU, u4, uA, uk, uQ, uc, uI, \
us, uY, u2, uy, ui, uO, ua, uG, uq, uW, u6, uC, um, uS, ue, uK, uu, u_, u1, \
ux, uh, uN, u9, uF, up, uV, u5, uB, ul, uR, ud, uJ, ut, uZ, u3, uz, uj, uP, \
ub, uH, ur, uX, u7, uD, un, uT, uf, uL, uv, u) \
/* Embedded 64-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
int uwh; \
int uxh; \
int uyh; \
int uzh; \
int uAh; \
int uBh; \
int uCh; \
int uDh; \
int uEh; \
int uFh; \
int uGh; \
int uHh; \
int uIh; \
int uJh; \
int uKh; \
int uLh; \
int uMh; \
int uNh; \
int uOh; \
int uPh; \
int uQh; \
int uRh; \
int uSh; \
int uTh; \
int uUh; \
int uVh; \
int uWh; \
int uXh; \
int uYh; \
int uZh; \
int u_h; \
int uh_; \
u = u0 - u; \
uh_ = OD_RSHIFT1(u); \
u0 -= uh_; \
u_ += u1; \
u_h = OD_RSHIFT1(u_); \
u1 = u_h - u1; \
uZ = u2 - uZ; \
uZh = OD_RSHIFT1(uZ); \
u2 -= uZh; \
uY += u3; \
uYh = OD_RSHIFT1(uY); \
u3 = uYh - u3; \
uX = u4 - uX; \
uXh = OD_RSHIFT1(uX); \
u4 -= uXh; \
uW += u5; \
uWh = OD_RSHIFT1(uW); \
u5 = uWh - u5; \
uV = u6 - uV; \
uVh = OD_RSHIFT1(uV); \
u6 -= uVh; \
uU += u7; \
uUh = OD_RSHIFT1(uU); \
u7 = uUh - u7; \
uT = u8 - uT; \
uTh = OD_RSHIFT1(uT); \
u8 -= uTh; \
uS += u9; \
uSh = OD_RSHIFT1(uS); \
u9 = uSh - u9; \
uR = ua - uR; \
uRh = OD_RSHIFT1(uR); \
ua -= uRh; \
uQ += ub; \
uQh = OD_RSHIFT1(uQ); \
ub = uQh - ub; \
uP = uc - uP; \
uPh = OD_RSHIFT1(uP); \
uc -= uPh; \
uO += ud; \
uOh = OD_RSHIFT1(uO); \
ud = uOh - ud; \
uN = ue - uN; \
uNh = OD_RSHIFT1(uN); \
ue -= uNh; \
uM += uf; \
uMh = OD_RSHIFT1(uM); \
uf = uMh - uf; \
uL = ug - uL; \
uLh = OD_RSHIFT1(uL); \
ug -= uLh; \
uK += uh; \
uKh = OD_RSHIFT1(uK); \
uh = uKh - uh; \
uJ = ui - uJ; \
uJh = OD_RSHIFT1(uJ); \
ui -= uJh; \
uI += uj; \
uIh = OD_RSHIFT1(uI); \
uj = uIh - uj; \
uH = uk - uH; \
uHh = OD_RSHIFT1(uH); \
uk -= uHh; \
uG += ul; \
uGh = OD_RSHIFT1(uG); \
ul = uGh - ul; \
uF = um - uF; \
uFh = OD_RSHIFT1(uF); \
um -= uFh; \
uE += un; \
uEh = OD_RSHIFT1(uE); \
un = uEh - un; \
uD = uo - uD; \
uDh = OD_RSHIFT1(uD); \
uo -= uDh; \
uC += up; \
uCh = OD_RSHIFT1(uC); \
up = uCh - up; \
uB = uq - uB; \
uBh = OD_RSHIFT1(uB); \
uq -= uBh; \
uA += ur; \
uAh = OD_RSHIFT1(uA); \
ur = uAh - ur; \
uz = us - uz; \
uzh = OD_RSHIFT1(uz); \
us -= uzh; \
uy += ut; \
uyh = OD_RSHIFT1(uy); \
ut = uyh - ut; \
ux = uu - ux; \
uxh = OD_RSHIFT1(ux); \
uu -= uxh; \
uw += uv; \
uwh = OD_RSHIFT1(uw); \
uv = uwh - uv; \
OD_FDCT_32_ASYM_PR(u0, uw, uwh, ug, uM, uMh, u8, uE, uEh, uo, uU, uUh, \
u4, uA, uAh, uk, uQ, uQh, uc, uI, uIh, us, uY, uYh, u2, uy, uyh, \
ui, uO, uOh, ua, uG, uGh, uq, uW, uWh, u6, uC, uCh, um, uS, uSh, \
ue, uK, uKh, uu, u_, u_h); \
OD_FDST_32_ASYM_PR(u, uv, uL, uf, uT, un, uD, u7, uX, ur, uH, ub, uP, uj, \
uz, u3, uZ, ut, uJ, ud, uR, ul, uB, u5, uV, up, uF, u9, uN, uh, ux, u1); \
} \
while (0)
#define OD_IDCT_64_PR(u0, uw, ug, uM, u8, uE, uo, uU, u4, uA, uk, uQ, uc, uI, \
us, uY, u2, uy, ui, uO, ua, uG, uq, uW, u6, uC, um, uS, ue, uK, uu, u_, u1, \
ux, uh, uN, u9, uF, up, uV, u5, uB, ul, uR, ud, uJ, ut, uZ, u3, uz, uj, uP, \
ub, uH, ur, uX, u7, uD, un, uT, uf, uL, uv, u) \
/* Embedded 64-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */ \
do { \
int u1h; \
int u3h; \
int u5h; \
int u7h; \
int u9h; \
int ubh; \
int udh; \
int ufh; \
int uhh; \
int ujh; \
int ulh; \
int unh; \
int uph; \
int urh; \
int uth; \
int uvh; \
int uxh; \
int uzh; \
int uBh; \
int uDh; \
int uFh; \
int uHh; \
int uJh; \
int uLh; \
int uNh; \
int uPh; \
int uRh; \
int uTh; \
int uVh; \
int uXh; \
int uZh; \
int uh_; \
OD_IDST_32_ASYM_PR(u, uL, uT, uD, uX, uH, uP, uz, uZ, uJ, uR, uB, uV, uF, \
uN, ux, u_, uK, uS, uC, uW, uG, uO, uy, uY, uI, uQ, uA, uU, uE, uM, uw); \
OD_IDCT_32_ASYM_PR(u0, ug, u8, uo, u4, uk, uc, us, u2, ui, ua, uq, u6, um, \
ue, uu, u1, u1h, uh, uhh, u9, u9h, up, uph, u5, u5h, ul, ulh, ud, udh, \
ut, uth, u3, u3h, uj, ujh, ub, ubh, ur, urh, u7, u7h, un, unh, uf, ufh, \
uv, uvh); \
uh_ = OD_RSHIFT1(u); \
u0 += uh_; \
u = u0 - u; \
u_ = u1h - u_; \
u1 -= u_; \
uZh = OD_RSHIFT1(uZ); \
u2 += uZh; \
uZ = u2 - uZ; \
uY = u3h - uY; \
u3 -= uY; \
uXh = OD_RSHIFT1(uX); \
u4 += uXh; \
uX = u4 - uX; \
uW = u5h - uW; \
u5 -= uW; \
uVh = OD_RSHIFT1(uV); \
u6 += uVh; \
uV = u6 - uV; \
uU = u7h - uU; \
u7 -= uU; \
uTh = OD_RSHIFT1(uT); \
u8 += uTh; \
uT = u8 - uT; \
uS = u9h - uS; \
u9 -= uS; \
uRh = OD_RSHIFT1(uR); \
ua += uRh; \
uR = ua - uR; \
uQ = ubh - uQ; \
ub -= uQ; \
uPh = OD_RSHIFT1(uP); \
uc += uPh; \
uP = uc - uP; \
uO = udh - uO; \
ud -= uO; \
uNh = OD_RSHIFT1(uN); \
ue += uNh; \
uN = ue - uN; \
uM = ufh - uM; \
uf -= uM; \
uLh = OD_RSHIFT1(uL); \
ug += uLh; \
uL = ug - uL; \
uK = uhh - uK; \
uh -= uK; \
uJh = OD_RSHIFT1(uJ); \
ui += uJh; \
uJ = ui - uJ; \
uI = ujh - uI; \
uj -= uI; \
uHh = OD_RSHIFT1(uH); \
uk += uHh; \
uH = uk - uH; \
uG = ulh - uG; \
ul -= uG; \
uFh = OD_RSHIFT1(uF); \
um += uFh; \
uF = um - uF; \
uE = unh - uE; \
un -= uE; \
uDh = OD_RSHIFT1(uD); \
uo += uDh; \
uD = uo - uD; \
uC = uph - uC; \
up -= uC; \
uBh = OD_RSHIFT1(uB); \
uq += uBh; \
uB = uq - uB; \
uA = urh - uA; \
ur -= uA; \
uzh = OD_RSHIFT1(uz); \
us += uzh; \
uz = us - uz; \
uy = uth - uy; \
ut -= uy; \
uxh = OD_RSHIFT1(ux); \
uu += uxh; \
ux = uu - ux; \
uw = uvh - uw; \
uv -= uw; \
} while (0)
/* 4-point orthonormal Type-II fDCT. */
void od_bin_fdct4(od_coeff y[4], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int q0;
int q1;
int q2;
int q3;
q0 = x[0*xstride];
q1 = x[1*xstride];
q2 = x[2*xstride];
q3 = x[3*xstride];
OD_FDCT_4_FLAT(q0, q1, q2, q3);
y[0] = (od_coeff)q0;
y[1] = (od_coeff)q2;
y[2] = (od_coeff)q1;
y[3] = (od_coeff)q3;
/* 4-point orthonormal Type-II iDCT. */
void od_bin_idct4(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[4]) {
int q0;
int q1;
int q2;
int q3;
q0 = y[0];
q2 = y[1];
q1 = y[2];
q3 = y[3];
OD_IDCT_4_FLAT(q0, q2, q1, q3);
x[0*xstride] = (od_coeff)q0;
x[1*xstride] = (od_coeff)q1;
x[2*xstride] = (od_coeff)q2;
x[3*xstride] = (od_coeff)q3;
/* 4-point orthonormal Type-VII fDST. */
void od_bin_fdst4(od_coeff y[4], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
/* 11 adds, 5 "muls", 2 shifts.*/
int q0;
int q1;
int q2;
int q3;
int t0;
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t3h;
int t4;
int u4;
q0 = x[0*xstride];
q1 = x[1*xstride];
q2 = x[2*xstride];
q3 = x[3*xstride];
t0 = q1 + q3;
/*When used in a 4x16 transform, the following line could overflow 16 bits
in SIMD unless implemented using PAVGW or VRHSUB.S16.*/
t1 = q1 + OD_PAVG(q0, -t0);
t2 = q0 - q1;
t3 = q2;
t4 = q0 + q3;
/* 7021/16384 ~= 2*Sin[2*Pi/9]/3 ~= 0.428525073124360 */
t0 = (t0*7021 + 8192) >> 14;
/* 37837/32768 ~= 4*Sin[3*Pi/9]/3 ~= 1.154700538379252 */
t1 = (t1*37837 + 16384) >> 15;
/* 21513/32768 ~= 2*Sin[4*Pi/9]/3 ~= 0.656538502008139 */
t2 = (t2*21513 + 16384) >> 15;
/* 37837/32768 ~= 4*Sin[3*Pi/9]/3 ~= 1.154700538379252 */
t3 = (t3*37837 + 16384) >> 15;
/* 467/2048 ~= 2*Sin[1*Pi/9]/3 ~= 0.228013428883779 */
t4 = (t4*467 + 1024) >> 11;
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3);
u4 = t4 + t3h;
q0 = t0 + u4;
q1 = t1;
q2 = t0 + t2 - t3h;
q3 = t2 + t3 - u4;
y[0] = (od_coeff)q0;
y[1] = (od_coeff)q1;
y[2] = (od_coeff)q2;
y[3] = (od_coeff)q3;
/* 4-point orthonormal Type-VII iDST. */
void od_bin_idst4(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[4]) {
/* 11 adds, 5 "muls".*/
int q0;
int q1;
int q2;
int q3;
int t0;
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t3h;
int t4;
int u4;
q0 = y[0];
q1 = y[1];
q2 = y[2];
q3 = y[3];
t0 = q0 - q3;
t1 = q0 + q2;
t2 = q3 + OD_PAVG(t0, -q2);
t3 = q1;
t4 = q2 + q3;
/* 467/2048 ~= 2*Sin[1*Pi/9]/3 ~= 0.228013428883779 */
t0 = (t0*467 + 1024) >> 11;
/* 7021/16384 ~= 2*Sin[2*Pi/9]/3 ~= 0.428525073124360 */
t1 = (t1*7021 + 8192) >> 14;
/* 37837/32768 ~= 4*Sin[3*Pi/9]/3 ~= 1.154700538379252 */
t2 = (t2*37837 + 16384) >> 15;
/* 37837/32768 ~= 4*Sin[3*Pi/9]/3 ~= 1.154700538379252 */
t3 = (t3*37837 + 16384) >> 15;
/* 21513/32768 ~= 2*Sin[4*Pi/9]/3 ~= 0.656538502008139 */
t4 = (t4*21513 + 16384) >> 15;
t3h = OD_RSHIFT1(t3);
u4 = t4 + t3h;
q0 = t0 + u4;
q1 = t1 + t3 - u4;
q2 = t2;
q3 = t0 + t1 - t3h;
x[0*xstride] = q0;
x[1*xstride] = q1;
x[2*xstride] = q2;
x[3*xstride] = q3;
void od_bin_fdct8(od_coeff y[8], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int r0;
int r1;
int r2;
int r3;
int r4;
int r5;
int r6;
int r7;
r0 = x[0*xstride];
r1 = x[1*xstride];
r2 = x[2*xstride];
r3 = x[3*xstride];
r4 = x[4*xstride];
r5 = x[5*xstride];
r6 = x[6*xstride];
r7 = x[7*xstride];
OD_FDCT_8_FLAT(r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7);
y[0] = (od_coeff)r0;
y[1] = (od_coeff)r4;
y[2] = (od_coeff)r2;
y[3] = (od_coeff)r6;
y[4] = (od_coeff)r1;
y[5] = (od_coeff)r5;
y[6] = (od_coeff)r3;
y[7] = (od_coeff)r7;
void od_bin_idct8(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[8]) {
int r0;
int r1;
int r2;
int r3;
int r4;
int r5;
int r6;
int r7;
r0 = y[0];
r4 = y[1];
r2 = y[2];
r6 = y[3];
r1 = y[4];
r5 = y[5];
r3 = y[6];
r7 = y[7];
OD_IDCT_8_FLAT(r0, r4, r2, r6, r1, r5, r3, r7);
x[0*xstride] = (od_coeff)r0;
x[1*xstride] = (od_coeff)r1;
x[2*xstride] = (od_coeff)r2;
x[3*xstride] = (od_coeff)r3;
x[4*xstride] = (od_coeff)r4;
x[5*xstride] = (od_coeff)r5;
x[6*xstride] = (od_coeff)r6;
x[7*xstride] = (od_coeff)r7;
const int OD_DST_8_PERM[8] = { 0, 7, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4 };
/* Computes the Polynomial Product Y(z) ≡ X(z)*H(z) modulo (z^8 + 1) using
Nussbaumer's "short" algorithm [1].
The monomial coefficients in Y(z) are exactly the values of an acyclic
convolution of the monomial coefficients of X(z) and H(z).
Since H(z) is fixed, the multiplication terms are constant and precomputed.
[1] Nussbaumer, Henri J. "Fast Fourier Transform and Convolution Algorithms"
Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1981) pages 76-78. */
static void od_poly_prod_8(od_coeff y[8], const od_coeff x[8]) {
/* 21 "muls", 75 adds, 18 shifts */
od_coeff q0;
od_coeff q1;
od_coeff q2;
od_coeff q3;
od_coeff q4;
od_coeff q5;
od_coeff q6;
od_coeff q7;
od_coeff q8;
od_coeff q9;
od_coeff q10;
od_coeff q11;
od_coeff q12;
od_coeff q13;
od_coeff q14;
od_coeff q15;
od_coeff q16;
od_coeff q17;
od_coeff q18;
od_coeff q19;
od_coeff q20;
od_coeff t0;
od_coeff t1;
od_coeff t2;
od_coeff t3;
od_coeff t4;
od_coeff t5;
od_coeff t6;
od_coeff t7;
od_coeff u0;
od_coeff u1;
od_coeff u1h;
od_coeff u2;
od_coeff u2h;
od_coeff u3;
od_coeff u4;
od_coeff u4h;
od_coeff u5;
od_coeff u6;
od_coeff u7;
od_coeff u7h;
od_coeff u8;
od_coeff u9;
od_coeff u10;
od_coeff u11;
od_coeff u12;
od_coeff u13;
od_coeff u14;
od_coeff u15;
od_coeff u16;
od_coeff u17;
od_coeff u18;
od_coeff u19;
od_coeff u20;
od_coeff u21;
od_coeff u22;
od_coeff u23;
od_coeff u24;
od_coeff u25;
od_coeff u26;
od_coeff u27;
t0 = x[0];
t1 = x[1];
t2 = x[2];
t3 = x[3];
t4 = x[4];
t5 = x[5];
t6 = x[6];
t7 = x[7];
/* Stage 0 Butterfly */
u7 = t0 - t7;
u7h = OD_RSHIFT1(u7);
u0 = t0 - u7h;
u2 = t2 - t6;
u2h = OD_RSHIFT1(u2);
u6 = t2 - u2h;
u4 = t4 + t5;
u4h = OD_RSHIFT1(u4);
u5 = t4 - u4h;
u1 = t3 - t1;
u1h = OD_RSHIFT1(u1);
u3 = t3 - u1h;
/* Stage 1 Butterfly */
q0 = u0 + u2h;
q1 = q0 - u2;
q4 = u3 + u4h;
q5 = q4 - u4;
q2 = u7h + u5;
q7 = u7 - q2;
q6 = u1h + u6;
q3 = u1 - q6;
/* Stage 2 Half-Butterfly */
/*The intermediate sums can overflow 16 bits, but all SIMD instruction sets
should be able to compute them without issue (i.e., using PAVGW or
q8 = (q0 + q4 + 1) >> 1;
q9 = (q1 + q5) >> 1;
q10 = (q2 + q3 + 1) >> 1;
q11 = (q7 + q6) >> 1;
/* Stage 3 */
q12 = t0 + t3;
q13 = t0;
q14 = t3;
q15 = t5 - t6;
q16 = t6;
q17 = t5;
q18 = ((q6 + ((t0 + t6 + 1) >> 1)) - (q4 + (t5 >> 1))) >> 1;
q19 = ((q7 + ((t5 + t6 + 1) >> 1)) - (q0 + (t3 >> 1))) >> 1;
q20 = (q18 - q19) >> 1;
/* Stage 4 */
q0 = (-5995*q0 + 8192) >> 14;
q1 = (-1373*q1 + 4096) >> 13;
q2 = (22891*q2 + 16384) >> 15;
q3 = (-217*q3 + 512) >> 10;
q4 = (13427*q4 + 16384) >> 15;
q5 = (-11013*q5 + 8192) >> 14;
q6 = (1373*q6 + 1024) >> 11;
q7 = (-14077*q7 + 16384) >> 15;
q8 = (-1437*q8 + 16384) >> 15;
q9 = (27519*q9 + 16384) >> 15;
q10 = (-15947*q10 + 16384) >> 15;
q11 = (-7891*q11 + 16384) >> 15;
q12 = (4897*q12 + 16384) >> 15;
q13 = (-5079*q13 + 8192) >> 14;
q14 = (365*q14 + 16384) >> 15;
q15 = (3325*q15 + 8192) >> 14;
q16 = (-5225*q16 + 8192) >> 14;
q17 = (-1425*q17 + 8192) >> 14;
q18 = (3453*q18 + 16384) >> 15;
q19 = (-8421*q19 + 8192) >> 14;
q20 = (-20295*q20 + 16384) >> 15;
/* Stage 5 */
u0 = q0 + q8;
u1 = q1 + q9;
u2 = q2 + q10;
u3 = q3 + q10;
u4 = q4 + q8;
u5 = q5 + q9;
u6 = q6 + q11;
u7 = q7 + q11;
/* Stage 6 */
u10 = u0 + u1;
u11 = u0 - u1;
u12 = u2 + u7;
u13 = u2 - u7;
u14 = u3 + u6;
u15 = u3 - u6;
u16 = u5 + u4;
u17 = u5 - u4;
/* Stage 7 */
u8 = q19 + q20;
u9 = q19 - q18;
u18 = q12 + u8;
u19 = u18 + q13;
u20 = u18 + q14;
u21 = u9 << 1;
u22 = q15 + u21;
u23 = q16 - u22;
u24 = u22 + q17;
u25 = u8 << 1;
u26 = u25 << 1;
u27 = u25 - u9;
/* Stage 8 */
y[0] = u14 + u16 + u20;
y[1] = u12 - u10 - u25;
y[2] = u9 + u13 - u17;
y[3] = u9 - u10 - u12 - u19;
y[4] = u15 - u11 - u27;
y[5] = u23 - u11 - u15;
y[6] = u13 + u17 - u24 + u26;
y[7] = u16 - u14 + u21 - u25;
void od_bin_fdst8(od_coeff y[8], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int i;
od_coeff xp[8];
od_coeff yp[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) xp[i] = x[i*xstride];
od_poly_prod_8(yp, xp);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) y[OD_DST_8_PERM[i]] = yp[i];
void od_bin_idst8(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[8]) {
int i;
od_coeff xp[8];
od_coeff yp[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) yp[i] = y[OD_DST_8_PERM[i]];
od_poly_prod_8(xp, yp);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) x[i*xstride] = xp[i];
void od_bin_fdct16(od_coeff y[16], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int s0;
int s1;
int s2;
int s3;
int s4;
int s5;
int s6;
int s7;
int s8;
int s9;
int sa;
int sb;
int sc;
int sd;
int se;
int sf;
s0 = x[0*xstride];
s1 = x[1*xstride];
s2 = x[2*xstride];
s3 = x[3*xstride];
s4 = x[4*xstride];
s5 = x[5*xstride];
s6 = x[6*xstride];
s7 = x[7*xstride];
s8 = x[8*xstride];
s9 = x[9*xstride];
sa = x[10*xstride];
sb = x[11*xstride];
sc = x[12*xstride];
sd = x[13*xstride];
se = x[14*xstride];
sf = x[15*xstride];
OD_FDCT_16_FLAT(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7,
s8, s9, sa, sb, sc, sd, se, sf);
y[0] = (od_coeff)s0;
y[1] = (od_coeff)s8;
y[2] = (od_coeff)s4;
y[3] = (od_coeff)sc;
y[4] = (od_coeff)s2;
y[5] = (od_coeff)sa;
y[6] = (od_coeff)s6;
y[7] = (od_coeff)se;
y[8] = (od_coeff)s1;
y[9] = (od_coeff)s9;
y[10] = (od_coeff)s5;
y[11] = (od_coeff)sd;
y[12] = (od_coeff)s3;
y[13] = (od_coeff)sb;
y[14] = (od_coeff)s7;
y[15] = (od_coeff)sf;
void od_bin_idct16(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[16]) {
int s0;
int s1;
int s2;
int s3;
int s4;
int s5;
int s6;
int s7;
int s8;
int s9;
int sa;
int sb;
int sc;
int sd;
int se;
int sf;
s0 = y[0];
s8 = y[1];
s4 = y[2];
sc = y[3];
s2 = y[4];
sa = y[5];
s6 = y[6];
se = y[7];
s1 = y[8];
s9 = y[9];
s5 = y[10];
sd = y[11];
s3 = y[12];
sb = y[13];
s7 = y[14];
sf = y[15];
OD_IDCT_16_FLAT(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se,
s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf);
x[0*xstride] = (od_coeff)s0;
x[1*xstride] = (od_coeff)s1;
x[2*xstride] = (od_coeff)s2;
x[3*xstride] = (od_coeff)s3;
x[4*xstride] = (od_coeff)s4;
x[5*xstride] = (od_coeff)s5;
x[6*xstride] = (od_coeff)s6;
x[7*xstride] = (od_coeff)s7;
x[8*xstride] = (od_coeff)s8;
x[9*xstride] = (od_coeff)s9;
x[10*xstride] = (od_coeff)sa;
x[11*xstride] = (od_coeff)sb;
x[12*xstride] = (od_coeff)sc;
x[13*xstride] = (od_coeff)sd;
x[14*xstride] = (od_coeff)se;
x[15*xstride] = (od_coeff)sf;
void od_bin_fdst16(od_coeff y[16], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int s0;
int s1;
int s2;
int s3;
int s4;
int s5;
int s6;
int s7;
int s8;
int s9;
int sa;
int sb;
int sc;
int sd;
int se;
int sf;
s0 = x[15*xstride];
s8 = x[14*xstride];
s4 = x[13*xstride];
sc = x[12*xstride];
s2 = x[11*xstride];
sa = x[10*xstride];
s6 = x[9*xstride];
se = x[8*xstride];
s1 = x[7*xstride];
s9 = x[6*xstride];
s5 = x[5*xstride];
sd = x[4*xstride];
s3 = x[3*xstride];
sb = x[2*xstride];
s7 = x[1*xstride];
sf = x[0*xstride];
OD_FDST_16_PR(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf);
y[0] = (od_coeff)sf;
y[1] = (od_coeff)-se;
y[2] = (od_coeff)sd;
y[3] = (od_coeff)-sc;
y[4] = (od_coeff)sb;
y[5] = (od_coeff)-sa;
y[6] = (od_coeff)s9;
y[7] = (od_coeff)-s8;
y[8] = (od_coeff)s7;
y[9] = (od_coeff)-s6;
y[10] = (od_coeff)s5;
y[11] = (od_coeff)-s4;
y[12] = (od_coeff)s3;
y[13] = (od_coeff)-s2;
y[14] = (od_coeff)s1;
y[15] = (od_coeff)-s0;
void od_bin_idst16(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[16]) {
int s0;
int s1;
int s2;
int s3;
int s4;
int s5;
int s6;
int s7;
int s8;
int s9;
int sa;
int sb;
int sc;
int sd;
int se;
int sf;
s0 = -y[15];
s8 = y[14];
s4 = -y[13];
sc = y[12];
s2 = -y[11];
sa = y[10];
s6 = -y[9];
se = y[8];
s1 = -y[7];
s9 = y[6];
s5 = -y[5];
sd = y[4];
s3 = -y[3];
sb = y[2];
s7 = -y[1];
sf = y[0];
OD_IDST_16_PR(s0, s8, s4, sc, s2, sa, s6, se, s1, s9, s5, sd, s3, sb, s7, sf);
x[0*xstride] = (od_coeff)sf;
x[1*xstride] = (od_coeff)se;
x[2*xstride] = (od_coeff)sd;
x[3*xstride] = (od_coeff)sc;
x[4*xstride] = (od_coeff)sb;
x[5*xstride] = (od_coeff)sa;
x[6*xstride] = (od_coeff)s9;
x[7*xstride] = (od_coeff)s8;
x[8*xstride] = (od_coeff)s7;
x[9*xstride] = (od_coeff)s6;
x[10*xstride] = (od_coeff)s5;
x[11*xstride] = (od_coeff)s4;
x[12*xstride] = (od_coeff)s3;
x[13*xstride] = (od_coeff)s2;
x[14*xstride] = (od_coeff)s1;
x[15*xstride] = (od_coeff)s0;
void od_bin_fdct32(od_coeff y[32], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
/*215 adds, 38 shifts, 87 "muls".*/
int t0;
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t4;
int t5;
int t6;
int t7;
int t8;
int t9;
int ta;
int tb;
int tc;
int td;
int te;
int tf;
int tg;
int th;
int ti;
int tj;
int tk;
int tl;
int tm;
int tn;
int to;
int tp;
int tq;
int tr;
int ts;
int tt;
int tu;
int tv;
t0 = x[0*xstride];
tg = x[1*xstride];
t8 = x[2*xstride];
to = x[3*xstride];
t4 = x[4*xstride];
tk = x[5*xstride];
tc = x[6*xstride];
ts = x[7*xstride];
t2 = x[8*xstride];
ti = x[9*xstride];
ta = x[10*xstride];
tq = x[11*xstride];
t6 = x[12*xstride];
tm = x[13*xstride];
te = x[14*xstride];
tu = x[15*xstride];
t1 = x[16*xstride];
th = x[17*xstride];
t9 = x[18*xstride];
tp = x[19*xstride];
t5 = x[20*xstride];
tl = x[21*xstride];
td = x[22*xstride];
tt = x[23*xstride];
t3 = x[24*xstride];
tj = x[25*xstride];
tb = x[26*xstride];
tr = x[27*xstride];
t7 = x[28*xstride];
tn = x[29*xstride];
tf = x[30*xstride];
tv = x[31*xstride];
OD_FDCT_32_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, te, tu,
t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv);
y[0] = (od_coeff)t0;
y[1] = (od_coeff)t1;
y[2] = (od_coeff)t2;
y[3] = (od_coeff)t3;
y[4] = (od_coeff)t4;
y[5] = (od_coeff)t5;
y[6] = (od_coeff)t6;
y[7] = (od_coeff)t7;
y[8] = (od_coeff)t8;
y[9] = (od_coeff)t9;
y[10] = (od_coeff)ta;
y[11] = (od_coeff)tb;
y[12] = (od_coeff)tc;
y[13] = (od_coeff)td;
y[14] = (od_coeff)te;
y[15] = (od_coeff)tf;
y[16] = (od_coeff)tg;
y[17] = (od_coeff)th;
y[18] = (od_coeff)ti;
y[19] = (od_coeff)tj;
y[20] = (od_coeff)tk;
y[21] = (od_coeff)tl;
y[22] = (od_coeff)tm;
y[23] = (od_coeff)tn;
y[24] = (od_coeff)to;
y[25] = (od_coeff)tp;
y[26] = (od_coeff)tq;
y[27] = (od_coeff)tr;
y[28] = (od_coeff)ts;
y[29] = (od_coeff)tt;
y[30] = (od_coeff)tu;
y[31] = (od_coeff)tv;
void od_bin_idct32(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[32]) {
int t0;
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t4;
int t5;
int t6;
int t7;
int t8;
int t9;
int ta;
int tb;
int tc;
int td;
int te;
int tf;
int tg;
int th;
int ti;
int tj;
int tk;
int tl;
int tm;
int tn;
int to;
int tp;
int tq;
int tr;
int ts;
int tt;
int tu;
int tv;
t0 = y[0];
tg = y[1];
t8 = y[2];
to = y[3];
t4 = y[4];
tk = y[5];
tc = y[6];
ts = y[7];
t2 = y[8];
ti = y[9];
ta = y[10];
tq = y[11];
t6 = y[12];
tm = y[13];
te = y[14];
tu = y[15];
t1 = y[16];
th = y[17];
t9 = y[18];
tp = y[19];
t5 = y[20];
tl = y[21];
td = y[22];
tt = y[23];
t3 = y[24];
tj = y[25];
tb = y[26];
tr = y[27];
t7 = y[28];
tn = y[29];
tf = y[30];
tv = y[31];
OD_IDCT_32_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, te, tu,
t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv);
x[0*xstride] = (od_coeff)t0;
x[1*xstride] = (od_coeff)t1;
x[2*xstride] = (od_coeff)t2;
x[3*xstride] = (od_coeff)t3;
x[4*xstride] = (od_coeff)t4;
x[5*xstride] = (od_coeff)t5;
x[6*xstride] = (od_coeff)t6;
x[7*xstride] = (od_coeff)t7;
x[8*xstride] = (od_coeff)t8;
x[9*xstride] = (od_coeff)t9;
x[10*xstride] = (od_coeff)ta;
x[11*xstride] = (od_coeff)tb;
x[12*xstride] = (od_coeff)tc;
x[13*xstride] = (od_coeff)td;
x[14*xstride] = (od_coeff)te;
x[15*xstride] = (od_coeff)tf;
x[16*xstride] = (od_coeff)tg;
x[17*xstride] = (od_coeff)th;
x[18*xstride] = (od_coeff)ti;
x[19*xstride] = (od_coeff)tj;
x[20*xstride] = (od_coeff)tk;
x[21*xstride] = (od_coeff)tl;
x[22*xstride] = (od_coeff)tm;
x[23*xstride] = (od_coeff)tn;
x[24*xstride] = (od_coeff)to;
x[25*xstride] = (od_coeff)tp;
x[26*xstride] = (od_coeff)tq;
x[27*xstride] = (od_coeff)tr;
x[28*xstride] = (od_coeff)ts;
x[29*xstride] = (od_coeff)tt;
x[30*xstride] = (od_coeff)tu;
x[31*xstride] = (od_coeff)tv;
void od_bin_fdst32(od_coeff y[32], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
od_coeff t0;
od_coeff t1;
od_coeff t2;
od_coeff t3;
od_coeff t4;
od_coeff t5;
od_coeff t6;
od_coeff t7;
od_coeff t8;
od_coeff t9;
od_coeff ta;
od_coeff tb;
od_coeff tc;
od_coeff td;
od_coeff te;
od_coeff tf;
od_coeff tg;
od_coeff th;
od_coeff ti;
od_coeff tj;
od_coeff tk;
od_coeff tl;
od_coeff tm;
od_coeff tn;
od_coeff to;
od_coeff tp;
od_coeff tq;
od_coeff tr;
od_coeff ts;
od_coeff tt;
od_coeff tu;
od_coeff tv;
t0 = x[0*xstride];
t1 = x[1*xstride];
t2 = x[2*xstride];
t3 = x[3*xstride];
t4 = x[4*xstride];
t5 = x[5*xstride];
t6 = x[6*xstride];
t7 = x[7*xstride];
t8 = x[8*xstride];
t9 = x[9*xstride];
ta = x[10*xstride];
tb = x[11*xstride];
tc = x[12*xstride];
td = x[13*xstride];
te = x[14*xstride];
tf = x[15*xstride];
tg = x[16*xstride];
th = x[17*xstride];
ti = x[18*xstride];
tj = x[19*xstride];
tk = x[20*xstride];
tl = x[21*xstride];
tm = x[22*xstride];
tn = x[23*xstride];
to = x[24*xstride];
tp = x[25*xstride];
tq = x[26*xstride];
tr = x[27*xstride];
ts = x[28*xstride];
tt = x[29*xstride];
tu = x[30*xstride];
tv = x[31*xstride];
OD_FDST_32_PR(t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8, t9, ta, tb, tc, td, te, tf,
tg, th, ti, tj, tk, tl, tm, tn, to, tp, tq, tr, ts, tt, tu, tv);
y[0] = t0;
y[1] = tg;
y[2] = t8;
y[3] = to;
y[4] = t4;
y[5] = tk;
y[6] = tc;
y[7] = ts;
y[8] = t2;
y[9] = ti;
y[10] = ta;
y[11] = tq;
y[12] = t6;
y[13] = tm;
y[14] = te;
y[15] = tu;
y[16] = t1;
y[17] = th;
y[18] = t9;
y[19] = tp;
y[20] = t5;
y[21] = tl;
y[22] = td;
y[23] = tt;
y[24] = t3;
y[25] = tj;
y[26] = tb;
y[27] = tr;
y[28] = t7;
y[29] = tn;
y[30] = tf;
y[31] = tv;
void od_bin_idst32(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[32]) {
od_coeff t0;
od_coeff t1;
od_coeff t2;
od_coeff t3;
od_coeff t4;
od_coeff t5;
od_coeff t6;
od_coeff t7;
od_coeff t8;
od_coeff t9;
od_coeff ta;
od_coeff tb;
od_coeff tc;
od_coeff td;
od_coeff te;
od_coeff tf;
od_coeff tg;
od_coeff th;
od_coeff ti;
od_coeff tj;
od_coeff tk;
od_coeff tl;
od_coeff tm;
od_coeff tn;
od_coeff to;
od_coeff tp;
od_coeff tq;
od_coeff tr;
od_coeff ts;
od_coeff tt;
od_coeff tu;
od_coeff tv;
t0 = y[0];
tg = y[1];
t8 = y[2];
to = y[3];
t4 = y[4];
tk = y[5];
tc = y[6];
ts = y[7];
t2 = y[8];
ti = y[9];
ta = y[10];
tq = y[11];
t6 = y[12];
tm = y[13];
te = y[14];
tu = y[15];
t1 = y[16];
th = y[17];
t9 = y[18];
tp = y[19];
t5 = y[20];
tl = y[21];
td = y[22];
tt = y[23];
t3 = y[24];
tj = y[25];
tb = y[26];
tr = y[27];
t7 = y[28];
tn = y[29];
tf = y[30];
tv = y[31];
OD_IDST_32_PR(t0, tg, t8, to, t4, tk, tc, ts, t2, ti, ta, tq, t6, tm, te, tu,
t1, th, t9, tp, t5, tl, td, tt, t3, tj, tb, tr, t7, tn, tf, tv);
x[0*xstride] = t0;
x[1*xstride] = t1;
x[2*xstride] = t2;
x[3*xstride] = t3;
x[4*xstride] = t4;
x[5*xstride] = t5;
x[6*xstride] = t6;
x[7*xstride] = t7;
x[8*xstride] = t8;
x[9*xstride] = t9;
x[10*xstride] = ta;
x[11*xstride] = tb;
x[12*xstride] = tc;
x[13*xstride] = td;
x[14*xstride] = te;
x[15*xstride] = tf;
x[16*xstride] = tg;
x[17*xstride] = th;
x[18*xstride] = ti;
x[19*xstride] = tj;
x[20*xstride] = tk;
x[21*xstride] = tl;
x[22*xstride] = tm;
x[23*xstride] = tn;
x[24*xstride] = to;
x[25*xstride] = tp;
x[26*xstride] = tq;
x[27*xstride] = tr;
x[28*xstride] = ts;
x[29*xstride] = tt;
x[30*xstride] = tu;
x[31*xstride] = tv;
#if CONFIG_TX64X64
void od_bin_fdct64(od_coeff y[64], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int t0;
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t4;
int t5;
int t6;
int t7;
int t8;
int t9;
int ta;
int tb;
int tc;
int td;
int te;
int tf;
int tg;
int th;
int ti;
int tj;
int tk;
int tl;
int tm;
int tn;
int to;
int tp;
int tq;
int tr;
int ts;
int tt;
int tu;
int tv;
int tw;
int tx;
int ty;
int tz;
int tA;
int tB;
int tC;
int tD;
int tE;
int tF;
int tG;
int tH;
int tI;
int tJ;
int tK;
int tL;
int tM;
int tN;
int tO;
int tP;
int tQ;
int tR;
int tS;
int tT;
int tU;
int tV;
int tW;
int tX;
int tY;
int tZ;
int t_;
int t;
t0 = x[0*xstride];
tw = x[1*xstride];
tg = x[2*xstride];
tM = x[3*xstride];
t8 = x[4*xstride];
tE = x[5*xstride];
to = x[6*xstride];
tU = x[7*xstride];
t4 = x[8*xstride];
tA = x[9*xstride];
tk = x[10*xstride];
tQ = x[11*xstride];
tc = x[12*xstride];
tI = x[13*xstride];
ts = x[14*xstride];
tY = x[15*xstride];
t2 = x[16*xstride];
ty = x[17*xstride];
ti = x[18*xstride];
tO = x[19*xstride];
ta = x[20*xstride];
tG = x[21*xstride];
tq = x[22*xstride];
tW = x[23*xstride];
t6 = x[24*xstride];
tC = x[25*xstride];
tm = x[26*xstride];
tS = x[27*xstride];
te = x[28*xstride];
tK = x[29*xstride];
tu = x[30*xstride];
t_ = x[31*xstride];
t1 = x[32*xstride];
tx = x[33*xstride];
th = x[34*xstride];
tN = x[35*xstride];
t9 = x[36*xstride];
tF = x[37*xstride];
tp = x[38*xstride];
tV = x[39*xstride];
t5 = x[40*xstride];
tB = x[41*xstride];
tl = x[42*xstride];
tR = x[43*xstride];
td = x[44*xstride];
tJ = x[45*xstride];
tt = x[46*xstride];
tZ = x[47*xstride];
t3 = x[48*xstride];
tz = x[49*xstride];
tj = x[50*xstride];
tP = x[51*xstride];
tb = x[52*xstride];
tH = x[53*xstride];
tr = x[54*xstride];
tX = x[55*xstride];
t7 = x[56*xstride];
tD = x[57*xstride];
tn = x[58*xstride];
tT = x[59*xstride];
tf = x[60*xstride];
tL = x[61*xstride];
tv = x[62*xstride];
t = x[63*xstride];
OD_FDCT_64_PR(t0, tw, tg, tM, t8, tE, to, tU, t4, tA, tk, tQ, tc, tI, ts, tY,
t2, ty, ti, tO, ta, tG, tq, tW, t6, tC, tm, tS, te, tK, tu, t_, t1, tx, th,
tN, t9, tF, tp, tV, t5, tB, tl, tR, td, tJ, tt, tZ, t3, tz, tj, tP, tb, tH,
tr, tX, t7, tD, tn, tT, tf, tL, tv, t);
y[0] = (od_coeff)t0;
y[1] = (od_coeff)t1;
y[2] = (od_coeff)t2;
y[3] = (od_coeff)t3;
y[4] = (od_coeff)t4;
y[5] = (od_coeff)t5;
y[6] = (od_coeff)t6;
y[7] = (od_coeff)t7;
y[8] = (od_coeff)t8;
y[9] = (od_coeff)t9;
y[10] = (od_coeff)ta;
y[11] = (od_coeff)tb;
y[12] = (od_coeff)tc;
y[13] = (od_coeff)td;
y[14] = (od_coeff)te;
y[15] = (od_coeff)tf;
y[16] = (od_coeff)tg;
y[17] = (od_coeff)th;
y[18] = (od_coeff)ti;
y[19] = (od_coeff)tj;
y[20] = (od_coeff)tk;
y[21] = (od_coeff)tl;
y[22] = (od_coeff)tm;
y[23] = (od_coeff)tn;
y[24] = (od_coeff)to;
y[25] = (od_coeff)tp;
y[26] = (od_coeff)tq;
y[27] = (od_coeff)tr;
y[28] = (od_coeff)ts;
y[29] = (od_coeff)tt;
y[30] = (od_coeff)tu;
y[31] = (od_coeff)tv;
y[32] = (od_coeff)tw;
y[33] = (od_coeff)tx;
y[34] = (od_coeff)ty;
y[35] = (od_coeff)tz;
y[36] = (od_coeff)tA;
y[37] = (od_coeff)tB;
y[38] = (od_coeff)tC;
y[39] = (od_coeff)tD;
y[40] = (od_coeff)tE;
y[41] = (od_coeff)tF;
y[41] = (od_coeff)tF;
y[42] = (od_coeff)tG;
y[43] = (od_coeff)tH;
y[44] = (od_coeff)tI;
y[45] = (od_coeff)tJ;
y[46] = (od_coeff)tK;
y[47] = (od_coeff)tL;
y[48] = (od_coeff)tM;
y[49] = (od_coeff)tN;
y[50] = (od_coeff)tO;
y[51] = (od_coeff)tP;
y[52] = (od_coeff)tQ;
y[53] = (od_coeff)tR;
y[54] = (od_coeff)tS;
y[55] = (od_coeff)tT;
y[56] = (od_coeff)tU;
y[57] = (od_coeff)tV;
y[58] = (od_coeff)tW;
y[59] = (od_coeff)tX;
y[60] = (od_coeff)tY;
y[61] = (od_coeff)tZ;
y[62] = (od_coeff)t_;
y[63] = (od_coeff)t;
void od_bin_idct64(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[64]) {
int t0;
int t1;
int t2;
int t3;
int t4;
int t5;
int t6;
int t7;
int t8;
int t9;
int ta;
int tb;
int tc;
int td;
int te;
int tf;
int tg;
int th;
int ti;
int tj;
int tk;
int tl;
int tm;
int tn;
int to;
int tp;
int tq;
int tr;
int ts;
int tt;
int tu;
int tv;
int tw;
int tx;
int ty;
int tz;
int tA;
int tB;
int tC;
int tD;
int tE;
int tF;
int tG;
int tH;
int tI;
int tJ;
int tK;
int tL;
int tM;
int tN;
int tO;
int tP;
int tQ;
int tR;
int tS;
int tT;
int tU;
int tV;
int tW;
int tX;
int tY;
int tZ;
int t_;
int t;
t0 = y[0];
tw = y[1];
tg = y[2];
tM = y[3];
t8 = y[4];
tE = y[5];
to = y[6];
tU = y[7];
t4 = y[8];
tA = y[9];
tk = y[10];
tQ = y[11];
tc = y[12];
tI = y[13];
ts = y[14];
tY = y[15];
t2 = y[16];
ty = y[17];
ti = y[18];
tO = y[19];
ta = y[20];
tG = y[21];
tq = y[22];
tW = y[23];
t6 = y[24];
tC = y[25];
tm = y[26];
tS = y[27];
te = y[28];
tK = y[29];
tu = y[30];
t_ = y[31];
t1 = y[32];
tx = y[33];
th = y[34];
tN = y[35];
t9 = y[36];
tF = y[37];
tp = y[38];
tV = y[39];
t5 = y[40];
tB = y[41];
tl = y[42];
tR = y[43];
td = y[44];
tJ = y[45];
tt = y[46];
tZ = y[47];
t3 = y[48];
tz = y[49];
tj = y[50];
tP = y[51];
tb = y[52];
tH = y[53];
tr = y[54];
tX = y[55];
t7 = y[56];
tD = y[57];
tn = y[58];
tT = y[59];
tf = y[60];
tL = y[61];
tv = y[62];
t = y[63];
OD_IDCT_64_PR(t0, tw, tg, tM, t8, tE, to, tU, t4, tA, tk, tQ, tc, tI, ts, tY,
t2, ty, ti, tO, ta, tG, tq, tW, t6, tC, tm, tS, te, tK, tu, t_, t1, tx, th,
tN, t9, tF, tp, tV, t5, tB, tl, tR, td, tJ, tt, tZ, t3, tz, tj, tP, tb, tH,
tr, tX, t7, tD, tn, tT, tf, tL, tv, t);
x[0*xstride] = (od_coeff)t0;
x[1*xstride] = (od_coeff)t1;
x[2*xstride] = (od_coeff)t2;
x[3*xstride] = (od_coeff)t3;
x[4*xstride] = (od_coeff)t4;
x[5*xstride] = (od_coeff)t5;
x[6*xstride] = (od_coeff)t6;
x[7*xstride] = (od_coeff)t7;
x[8*xstride] = (od_coeff)t8;
x[9*xstride] = (od_coeff)t9;
x[10*xstride] = (od_coeff)ta;
x[11*xstride] = (od_coeff)tb;
x[12*xstride] = (od_coeff)tc;
x[13*xstride] = (od_coeff)td;
x[14*xstride] = (od_coeff)te;
x[15*xstride] = (od_coeff)tf;
x[16*xstride] = (od_coeff)tg;
x[17*xstride] = (od_coeff)th;
x[18*xstride] = (od_coeff)ti;
x[19*xstride] = (od_coeff)tj;
x[20*xstride] = (od_coeff)tk;
x[21*xstride] = (od_coeff)tl;
x[22*xstride] = (od_coeff)tm;
x[23*xstride] = (od_coeff)tn;
x[24*xstride] = (od_coeff)to;
x[25*xstride] = (od_coeff)tp;
x[26*xstride] = (od_coeff)tq;
x[27*xstride] = (od_coeff)tr;
x[28*xstride] = (od_coeff)ts;
x[29*xstride] = (od_coeff)tt;
x[30*xstride] = (od_coeff)tu;
x[31*xstride] = (od_coeff)tv;
x[32*xstride] = (od_coeff)tw;
x[33*xstride] = (od_coeff)tx;
x[34*xstride] = (od_coeff)ty;
x[35*xstride] = (od_coeff)tz;
x[36*xstride] = (od_coeff)tA;
x[37*xstride] = (od_coeff)tB;
x[38*xstride] = (od_coeff)tC;
x[39*xstride] = (od_coeff)tD;
x[40*xstride] = (od_coeff)tE;
x[41*xstride] = (od_coeff)tF;
x[41*xstride] = (od_coeff)tF;
x[42*xstride] = (od_coeff)tG;
x[43*xstride] = (od_coeff)tH;
x[44*xstride] = (od_coeff)tI;
x[45*xstride] = (od_coeff)tJ;
x[46*xstride] = (od_coeff)tK;
x[47*xstride] = (od_coeff)tL;
x[48*xstride] = (od_coeff)tM;
x[49*xstride] = (od_coeff)tN;
x[50*xstride] = (od_coeff)tO;
x[51*xstride] = (od_coeff)tP;
x[52*xstride] = (od_coeff)tQ;
x[53*xstride] = (od_coeff)tR;
x[54*xstride] = (od_coeff)tS;
x[55*xstride] = (od_coeff)tT;
x[56*xstride] = (od_coeff)tU;
x[57*xstride] = (od_coeff)tV;
x[58*xstride] = (od_coeff)tW;
x[59*xstride] = (od_coeff)tX;
x[60*xstride] = (od_coeff)tY;
x[61*xstride] = (od_coeff)tZ;
x[62*xstride] = (od_coeff)t_;
x[63*xstride] = (od_coeff)t;
void od_bin_fidtx4(od_coeff y[4], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
y[i] = x[i*xstride];
void od_bin_fidtx8(od_coeff y[8], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
y[i] = x[i*xstride];
void od_bin_fidtx16(od_coeff y[16], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
y[i] = x[i*xstride];
void od_bin_fidtx32(od_coeff y[32], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
y[i] = x[i*xstride];
#if CONFIG_TX64X64
void od_bin_fidtx64(od_coeff y[64], const od_coeff *x, int xstride) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
y[i] = x[i*xstride];
void od_bin_iidtx4(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[4]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
x[i*xstride] = y[i];
void od_bin_iidtx8(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[8]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
x[i*xstride] = y[i];
void od_bin_iidtx16(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[16]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
x[i*xstride] = y[i];
void od_bin_iidtx32(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[32]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
x[i*xstride] = y[i];
#if CONFIG_TX64X64
void od_bin_iidtx64(od_coeff *x, int xstride, const od_coeff y[64]) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
x[i*xstride] = y[i];
// Below are intermediate wrappers that handle the case when
// tran_low_t is a smaller type than od_coeff
void daala_fdct4(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[4];
od_coeff y[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdct4(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idct4(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[4];
od_coeff y[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) y[i] = input[i];
od_bin_idct4(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_fdst4(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[4];
od_coeff y[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdst4(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idst4(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[4];
od_coeff y[4];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) y[i] = input[i];
od_bin_idst4(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_idtx4(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) output[i] = input[i];
void daala_fdct8(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[8];
od_coeff y[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdct8(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idct8(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[8];
od_coeff y[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) y[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_idct8(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_fdst8(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[8];
od_coeff y[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdst8(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idst8(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[8];
od_coeff y[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) y[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_idst8(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_idtx8(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) output[i] = input[i];
void daala_fdct16(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[16];
od_coeff y[16];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdct16(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idct16(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[16];
od_coeff y[16];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) y[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_idct16(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_fdst16(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[16];
od_coeff y[16];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdst16(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idst16(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[16];
od_coeff y[16];
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) y[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_idst16(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_idtx16(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) output[i] = input[i];
void daala_fdct32(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[32];
od_coeff y[32];
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdct32(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idct32(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[32];
od_coeff y[32];
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) y[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_idct32(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_fdst32(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[32];
od_coeff y[32];
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdst32(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idst32(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[32];
od_coeff y[32];
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) y[i] = input[i];
od_bin_idst32(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
void daala_idtx32(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) output[i] = input[i];
#if CONFIG_TX64X64
void daala_fdct64(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[64];
od_coeff y[64];
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) x[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_fdct64(y, x, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)y[i];
void daala_idct64(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
od_coeff x[64];
od_coeff y[64];
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) y[i] = (od_coeff)input[i];
od_bin_idct64(x, 1, y);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) output[i] = (tran_low_t)x[i];
/* Preserve the "half-right" transform behavior. */
void daala_fdst64(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
tran_low_t inputhalf[32];
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
output[32 + i] = input[i];
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
inputhalf[i] = input[i + 32];
daala_fdct32(inputhalf, output);
/* Preserve the "half-right" transform behavior. */
void daala_idst64(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
tran_low_t inputhalf[32];
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
inputhalf[i] = input[i];
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
output[i] = input[32 + i];
daala_idct32(inputhalf, output + 32);
void daala_idtx64(const tran_low_t *input, tran_low_t *output) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) output[i] = input[i];