Separate compound_type functions from rdopt.c

Created compound_type.c and compound_type.h to
improve modularity of rdopt.c
compound_type.c : To keep compound type and inter_intra
                  related functions
compound_type.h : To keep compound type and inter_intra
                  related data structures, defs and enum.

Change-Id: I174f6f47eedd0fd101275ec56337d7bb213228f2
diff --git a/av1/av1.cmake b/av1/av1.cmake
index f599574..ff1cad2 100644
--- a/av1/av1.cmake
+++ b/av1/av1.cmake
@@ -130,6 +130,8 @@
+            "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/compound_type.c"
+            "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/compound_type.h"
diff --git a/av1/encoder/compound_type.c b/av1/encoder/compound_type.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5dca37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/av1/encoder/compound_type.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1435 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
+ *
+ * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
+ * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
+ * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
+ * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
+ * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
+ * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
+ */
+#include "av1/common/pred_common.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/compound_type.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/model_rd.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/motion_search.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/rdopt_utils.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/reconinter_enc.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/tx_search.h"
+typedef int64_t (*pick_interinter_mask_type)(
+    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+    const uint8_t *const p0, const uint8_t *const p1,
+    const int16_t *const residual1, const int16_t *const diff10);
+// Checks if characteristics of search match
+static INLINE int is_comp_rd_match(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
+                                   const MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                                   const COMP_RD_STATS *st,
+                                   const MB_MODE_INFO *const mi,
+                                   int32_t *comp_rate, int64_t *comp_dist,
+                                   int32_t *comp_model_rate,
+                                   int64_t *comp_model_dist, int *comp_rs2) {
+  // TODO(ranjit): Ensure that compound type search use regular filter always
+  // and check if following check can be removed
+  // Check if interp filter matches with previous case
+  if (st->filter.as_int != mi->interp_filters.as_int) return 0;
+  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  // Match MV and reference indices
+  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+    if ((st->ref_frames[i] != mi->ref_frame[i]) ||
+        (st->mv[i].as_int != mi->mv[i].as_int)) {
+      return 0;
+    }
+    const WarpedMotionParams *const wm = &xd->global_motion[mi->ref_frame[i]];
+    if (is_global_mv_block(mi, wm->wmtype) != st->is_global[i]) return 0;
+  }
+  // Store the stats for COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD
+  for (int comp_type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
+       comp_type++) {
+    comp_rate[comp_type] = st->rate[comp_type];
+    comp_dist[comp_type] = st->dist[comp_type];
+    comp_model_rate[comp_type] = st->model_rate[comp_type];
+    comp_model_dist[comp_type] = st->model_dist[comp_type];
+    comp_rs2[comp_type] = st->comp_rs2[comp_type];
+  }
+  // For compound wedge/segment, reuse data only if NEWMV is not present in
+  // either of the directions
+  if ((!have_newmv_in_inter_mode(mi->mode) &&
+       !have_newmv_in_inter_mode(st->mode)) ||
+      (cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search)) {
+    memcpy(&comp_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
+           sizeof(comp_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
+    memcpy(&comp_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
+           sizeof(comp_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
+    memcpy(&comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->model_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
+           sizeof(comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
+    memcpy(&comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->model_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
+           sizeof(comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
+    memcpy(&comp_rs2[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->comp_rs2[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
+           sizeof(comp_rs2[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
+  }
+  return 1;
+// Checks if similar compound type search case is accounted earlier
+// If found, returns relevant rd data
+static INLINE int find_comp_rd_in_stats(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
+                                        const MACROBLOCK *x,
+                                        const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi,
+                                        int32_t *comp_rate, int64_t *comp_dist,
+                                        int32_t *comp_model_rate,
+                                        int64_t *comp_model_dist, int *comp_rs2,
+                                        int *match_index) {
+  for (int j = 0; j < x->comp_rd_stats_idx; ++j) {
+    if (is_comp_rd_match(cpi, x, &x->comp_rd_stats[j], mbmi, comp_rate,
+                         comp_dist, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist,
+                         comp_rs2)) {
+      *match_index = j;
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;  // no match result found
+static INLINE bool enable_wedge_search(MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                                       const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
+  // Enable wedge search if source variance and edge strength are above
+  // the thresholds.
+  return x->source_variance >
+             cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_wedge_search_var_thresh &&
+         x->edge_strength > cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_wedge_search_edge_thresh;
+static INLINE bool enable_wedge_interinter_search(MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                                                  const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
+  return enable_wedge_search(x, cpi) && cpi->oxcf.enable_interinter_wedge &&
+         !cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge;
+static INLINE bool enable_wedge_interintra_search(MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                                                  const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
+  return enable_wedge_search(x, cpi) && cpi->oxcf.enable_interintra_wedge &&
+         !cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_wedge_interintra_search;
+static int8_t estimate_wedge_sign(const AV1_COMP *cpi, const MACROBLOCK *x,
+                                  const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, const uint8_t *pred0,
+                                  int stride0, const uint8_t *pred1,
+                                  int stride1) {
+  static const BLOCK_SIZE split_qtr[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL] = {
+    //                            4X4
+    // 4X8,        8X4,           8X8
+    // 8X16,       16X8,          16X16
+    BLOCK_4X8, BLOCK_8X4, BLOCK_8X8,
+    // 16X32,      32X16,         32X32
+    BLOCK_8X16, BLOCK_16X8, BLOCK_16X16,
+    // 32X64,      64X32,         64X64
+    BLOCK_16X32, BLOCK_32X16, BLOCK_32X32,
+    // 64x128,     128x64,        128x128
+    BLOCK_32X64, BLOCK_64X32, BLOCK_64X64,
+    // 4X16,       16X4,          8X32
+    // 32X8,       16X64,         64X16
+    BLOCK_16X4, BLOCK_8X32, BLOCK_32X8
+  };
+  const struct macroblock_plane *const p = &x->plane[0];
+  const uint8_t *src = p->src.buf;
+  int src_stride = p->src.stride;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
+  const int bw_by2 = bw >> 1;
+  const int bh_by2 = bh >> 1;
+  uint32_t esq[2][2];
+  int64_t tl, br;
+  const BLOCK_SIZE f_index = split_qtr[bsize];
+  assert(f_index != BLOCK_INVALID);
+  if (is_cur_buf_hbd(&x->e_mbd)) {
+    pred0 = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(pred0);
+    pred1 = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(pred1);
+  }
+  // Residual variance computation over relevant quandrants in order to
+  // find TL + BR, TL = sum(1st,2nd,3rd) quadrants of (pred0 - pred1),
+  // BR = sum(2nd,3rd,4th) quadrants of (pred1 - pred0)
+  // The 2nd and 3rd quadrants cancel out in TL + BR
+  // Hence TL + BR = 1st quadrant of (pred0-pred1) + 4th of (pred1-pred0)
+  // TODO(nithya): Sign estimation assumes 45 degrees (1st and 4th quadrants)
+  // for all codebooks; experiment with other quadrant combinations for
+  // 0, 90 and 135 degrees also.
+  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src, src_stride, pred0, stride0, &esq[0][0]);
+  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src + bh_by2 * src_stride + bw_by2, src_stride,
+                          pred0 + bh_by2 * stride0 + bw_by2, stride0,
+                          &esq[0][1]);
+  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src, src_stride, pred1, stride1, &esq[1][0]);
+  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src + bh_by2 * src_stride + bw_by2, src_stride,
+                          pred1 + bh_by2 * stride1 + bw_by2, stride0,
+                          &esq[1][1]);
+  tl = ((int64_t)esq[0][0]) - ((int64_t)esq[1][0]);
+  br = ((int64_t)esq[1][1]) - ((int64_t)esq[0][1]);
+  return (tl + br > 0);
+// Choose the best wedge index and sign
+static int64_t pick_wedge(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, const MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                          const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, const uint8_t *const p0,
+                          const int16_t *const residual1,
+                          const int16_t *const diff10,
+                          int8_t *const best_wedge_sign,
+                          int8_t *const best_wedge_index) {
+  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  const struct buf_2d *const src = &x->plane[0].src;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
+  const int N = bw * bh;
+  assert(N >= 64);
+  int rate;
+  int64_t dist;
+  int64_t rd, best_rd = INT64_MAX;
+  int8_t wedge_index;
+  int8_t wedge_sign;
+  const int8_t wedge_types = get_wedge_types_lookup(bsize);
+  const uint8_t *mask;
+  uint64_t sse;
+  const int hbd = is_cur_buf_hbd(xd);
+  const int bd_round = hbd ? (xd->bd - 8) * 2 : 0;
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, int16_t, residual0[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);  // src - pred0
+  if (hbd) {
+    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual0, bw, src->buf, src->stride,
+                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p0), bw, xd->bd);
+  } else {
+    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual0, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p0, bw);
+  }
+  (void)hbd;
+  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual0, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p0, bw);
+  int64_t sign_limit = ((int64_t)aom_sum_squares_i16(residual0, N) -
+                        (int64_t)aom_sum_squares_i16(residual1, N)) *
+                       (1 << WEDGE_WEIGHT_BITS) / 2;
+  int16_t *ds = residual0;
+  av1_wedge_compute_delta_squares(ds, residual0, residual1, N);
+  for (wedge_index = 0; wedge_index < wedge_types; ++wedge_index) {
+    mask = av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(wedge_index, 0, bsize);
+    wedge_sign = av1_wedge_sign_from_residuals(ds, mask, N, sign_limit);
+    mask = av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(wedge_index, wedge_sign, bsize);
+    sse = av1_wedge_sse_from_residuals(residual1, diff10, mask, N);
+    sse = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, bd_round);
+    model_rd_sse_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N,
+                                                  &rate, &dist);
+    // int rate2;
+    // int64_t dist2;
+    // model_rd_with_curvfit(cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N, &rate2, &dist2);
+    // printf("sse %"PRId64": leagacy: %d %"PRId64", curvfit %d %"PRId64"\n",
+    // sse, rate, dist, rate2, dist2); dist = dist2;
+    // rate = rate2;
+    rate += x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][wedge_index];
+    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate, dist);
+    if (rd < best_rd) {
+      *best_wedge_index = wedge_index;
+      *best_wedge_sign = wedge_sign;
+      best_rd = rd;
+    }
+  }
+  return best_rd -
+         RDCOST(x->rdmult, x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][*best_wedge_index], 0);
+// Choose the best wedge index the specified sign
+static int64_t pick_wedge_fixed_sign(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
+                                     const MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                                     const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+                                     const int16_t *const residual1,
+                                     const int16_t *const diff10,
+                                     const int8_t wedge_sign,
+                                     int8_t *const best_wedge_index) {
+  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
+  const int N = bw * bh;
+  assert(N >= 64);
+  int rate;
+  int64_t dist;
+  int64_t rd, best_rd = INT64_MAX;
+  int8_t wedge_index;
+  const int8_t wedge_types = get_wedge_types_lookup(bsize);
+  const uint8_t *mask;
+  uint64_t sse;
+  const int hbd = is_cur_buf_hbd(xd);
+  const int bd_round = hbd ? (xd->bd - 8) * 2 : 0;
+  for (wedge_index = 0; wedge_index < wedge_types; ++wedge_index) {
+    mask = av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(wedge_index, wedge_sign, bsize);
+    sse = av1_wedge_sse_from_residuals(residual1, diff10, mask, N);
+    sse = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, bd_round);
+    model_rd_sse_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N,
+                                                  &rate, &dist);
+    rate += x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][wedge_index];
+    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate, dist);
+    if (rd < best_rd) {
+      *best_wedge_index = wedge_index;
+      best_rd = rd;
+    }
+  }
+  return best_rd -
+         RDCOST(x->rdmult, x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][*best_wedge_index], 0);
+static int64_t pick_interinter_wedge(
+    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *const x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+    const uint8_t *const p0, const uint8_t *const p1,
+    const int16_t *const residual1, const int16_t *const diff10) {
+  MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  int64_t rd;
+  int8_t wedge_index = -1;
+  int8_t wedge_sign = 0;
+  assert(is_interinter_compound_used(COMPOUND_WEDGE, bsize));
+  assert(cpi->common.seq_params.enable_masked_compound);
+  if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.fast_wedge_sign_estimate) {
+    wedge_sign = estimate_wedge_sign(cpi, x, bsize, p0, bw, p1, bw);
+    rd = pick_wedge_fixed_sign(cpi, x, bsize, residual1, diff10, wedge_sign,
+                               &wedge_index);
+  } else {
+    rd = pick_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, p0, residual1, diff10, &wedge_sign,
+                    &wedge_index);
+  }
+  mbmi->interinter_comp.wedge_sign = wedge_sign;
+  mbmi->interinter_comp.wedge_index = wedge_index;
+  return rd;
+static int64_t pick_interinter_seg(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
+                                   MACROBLOCK *const x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+                                   const uint8_t *const p0,
+                                   const uint8_t *const p1,
+                                   const int16_t *const residual1,
+                                   const int16_t *const diff10) {
+  MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
+  const int N = 1 << num_pels_log2_lookup[bsize];
+  int rate;
+  int64_t dist;
+  DIFFWTD_MASK_TYPE cur_mask_type;
+  int64_t best_rd = INT64_MAX;
+  DIFFWTD_MASK_TYPE best_mask_type = 0;
+  const int hbd = is_cur_buf_hbd(xd);
+  const int bd_round = hbd ? (xd->bd - 8) * 2 : 0;
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, seg_mask[2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
+  uint8_t *tmp_mask[2] = { xd->seg_mask, seg_mask };
+  // try each mask type and its inverse
+  for (cur_mask_type = 0; cur_mask_type < DIFFWTD_MASK_TYPES; cur_mask_type++) {
+    // build mask and inverse
+    if (hbd)
+      av1_build_compound_diffwtd_mask_highbd(
+          tmp_mask[cur_mask_type], cur_mask_type, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p0), bw,
+          CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p1), bw, bh, bw, xd->bd);
+    else
+      av1_build_compound_diffwtd_mask(tmp_mask[cur_mask_type], cur_mask_type,
+                                      p0, bw, p1, bw, bh, bw);
+    // compute rd for mask
+    uint64_t sse = av1_wedge_sse_from_residuals(residual1, diff10,
+                                                tmp_mask[cur_mask_type], N);
+    sse = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, bd_round);
+    model_rd_sse_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N,
+                                                  &rate, &dist);
+    const int64_t rd0 = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate, dist);
+    if (rd0 < best_rd) {
+      best_mask_type = cur_mask_type;
+      best_rd = rd0;
+    }
+  }
+  mbmi->interinter_comp.mask_type = best_mask_type;
+  if (best_mask_type == DIFFWTD_38_INV) {
+    memcpy(xd->seg_mask, seg_mask, N * 2);
+  }
+  return best_rd;
+static int64_t pick_interintra_wedge(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
+                                     const MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                                     const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+                                     const uint8_t *const p0,
+                                     const uint8_t *const p1) {
+  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
+  assert(av1_is_wedge_used(bsize));
+  assert(cpi->common.seq_params.enable_interintra_compound);
+  const struct buf_2d *const src = &x->plane[0].src;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, int16_t, residual1[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);  // src - pred1
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, int16_t, diff10[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);     // pred1 - pred0
+  if (is_cur_buf_hbd(xd)) {
+    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride,
+                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p1), bw, xd->bd);
+    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p1), bw,
+                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p0), bw, xd->bd);
+  } else {
+    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p1, bw);
+    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, p1, bw, p0, bw);
+  }
+  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p1, bw);
+  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, p1, bw, p0, bw);
+  int8_t wedge_index = -1;
+  int64_t rd =
+      pick_wedge_fixed_sign(cpi, x, bsize, residual1, diff10, 0, &wedge_index);
+  mbmi->interintra_wedge_index = wedge_index;
+  return rd;
+static AOM_INLINE void get_inter_predictors_masked_compound(
+    MACROBLOCK *x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, uint8_t **preds0, uint8_t **preds1,
+    int16_t *residual1, int16_t *diff10, int *strides) {
+  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
+  // get inter predictors to use for masked compound modes
+  av1_build_inter_predictors_for_planes_single_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, 0, preds0,
+                                                   strides);
+  av1_build_inter_predictors_for_planes_single_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, 1, preds1,
+                                                   strides);
+  const struct buf_2d *const src = &x->plane[0].src;
+  if (is_cur_buf_hbd(xd)) {
+    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride,
+                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds1), bw, xd->bd);
+    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds1),
+                              bw, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds0), bw, xd->bd);
+  } else {
+    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, *preds1,
+                       bw);
+    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, *preds1, bw, *preds0, bw);
+  }
+  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, *preds1, bw);
+  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, *preds1, bw, *preds0, bw);
+// Computes the rd cost for the given interintra mode and updates the best
+static INLINE void compute_best_interintra_mode(
+    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi, MACROBLOCKD *xd,
+    MACROBLOCK *const x, const int *const interintra_mode_cost,
+    const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst, uint8_t *intrapred, const uint8_t *tmp_buf,
+    INTERINTRA_MODE *best_interintra_mode, int64_t *best_interintra_rd,
+    INTERINTRA_MODE interintra_mode, BLOCK_SIZE bsize) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  int rate, skip_txfm_sb;
+  int64_t dist, skip_sse_sb;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  mbmi->interintra_mode = interintra_mode;
+  int rmode = interintra_mode_cost[interintra_mode];
+  av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                            intrapred, bw);
+  av1_combine_interintra(xd, bsize, 0, tmp_buf, bw, intrapred, bw);
+  model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_INTERINTRA](cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate, &dist,
+                                          &skip_txfm_sb, &skip_sse_sb, NULL,
+                                          NULL, NULL);
+  int64_t rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate + rmode, dist);
+  if (rd < *best_interintra_rd) {
+    *best_interintra_rd = rd;
+    *best_interintra_mode = mbmi->interintra_mode;
+  }
+static int64_t estimate_yrd_for_sb(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, BLOCK_SIZE bs,
+                                   MACROBLOCK *x, int64_t ref_best_rd,
+                                   RD_STATS *rd_stats) {
+  MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  if (ref_best_rd < 0) return INT64_MAX;
+  av1_subtract_plane(x, bs, 0);
+  x->rd_model = LOW_TXFM_RD;
+  int skip_trellis = cpi->optimize_seg_arr[xd->mi[0]->segment_id] ==
+                     NO_ESTIMATE_YRD_TRELLIS_OPT;
+  const int64_t rd =
+      txfm_yrd(cpi, x, rd_stats, ref_best_rd, bs, max_txsize_rect_lookup[bs],
+               FTXS_NONE, skip_trellis);
+  x->rd_model = FULL_TXFM_RD;
+  if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
+    const int skip_ctx = av1_get_skip_context(xd);
+    if (rd_stats->skip) {
+      const int s1 = x->skip_cost[skip_ctx][1];
+      rd_stats->rate = s1;
+    } else {
+      const int s0 = x->skip_cost[skip_ctx][0];
+      rd_stats->rate += s0;
+    }
+  }
+  return rd;
+// Computes the rd_threshold and total_mode_rate
+static AOM_INLINE int64_t compute_total_rate_and_rd_thresh(
+    MACROBLOCK *const x, int *rate_mv, int *total_mode_rate, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+    int64_t ref_best_rd, int rmode) {
+  const int is_wedge_used = av1_is_wedge_used(bsize);
+  const int64_t rd_thresh = get_rd_thresh_from_best_rd(
+      ref_best_rd, (1 << INTER_INTRA_RD_THRESH_SHIFT),
+  const int rwedge = is_wedge_used ? x->wedge_interintra_cost[bsize][0] : 0;
+  *total_mode_rate = *rate_mv + rmode + rwedge;
+  const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *total_mode_rate, 0);
+  return (rd_thresh - mode_rd);
+// Computes the best wedge interintra mode
+static AOM_INLINE int64_t compute_best_wedge_interintra(
+    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi, MACROBLOCKD *xd,
+    MACROBLOCK *const x, const int *const interintra_mode_cost,
+    const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst, uint8_t *intrapred_, uint8_t *tmp_buf_,
+    int *best_mode, int *best_wedge_index, BLOCK_SIZE bsize) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  int64_t best_interintra_rd_wedge = INT64_MAX;
+  int64_t best_total_rd = INT64_MAX;
+  uint8_t *intrapred = get_buf_by_bd(xd, intrapred_);
+  for (INTERINTRA_MODE mode = 0; mode < INTERINTRA_MODES; ++mode) {
+    mbmi->interintra_mode = mode;
+    av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                              intrapred, bw);
+    int64_t rd = pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
+    const int rate_overhead =
+        interintra_mode_cost[mode] +
+        x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][mbmi->interintra_wedge_index];
+    const int64_t total_rd = rd + RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead, 0);
+    if (total_rd < best_total_rd) {
+      best_total_rd = total_rd;
+      best_interintra_rd_wedge = rd;
+      *best_mode = mbmi->interintra_mode;
+      *best_wedge_index = mbmi->interintra_wedge_index;
+    }
+  }
+  return best_interintra_rd_wedge;
+int handle_inter_intra_mode(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                            BLOCK_SIZE bsize, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
+                            HandleInterModeArgs *args, int64_t ref_best_rd,
+                            int *rate_mv, int *tmp_rate2,
+                            const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst) {
+  const int try_smooth_interintra = cpi->oxcf.enable_smooth_interintra &&
+                                    !cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_smooth_interintra;
+  const int try_wedge_interintra =
+      av1_is_wedge_used(bsize) && enable_wedge_interintra_search(x, cpi);
+  if (!try_smooth_interintra && !try_wedge_interintra) return -1;
+  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  int64_t rd = INT64_MAX;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, tmp_buf_[2 * MAX_INTERINTRA_SB_SQUARE]);
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, intrapred_[2 * MAX_INTERINTRA_SB_SQUARE]);
+  uint8_t *tmp_buf = get_buf_by_bd(xd, tmp_buf_);
+  uint8_t *intrapred = get_buf_by_bd(xd, intrapred_);
+  const int *const interintra_mode_cost =
+      x->interintra_mode_cost[size_group_lookup[bsize]];
+  const int mi_row = xd->mi_row;
+  const int mi_col = xd->mi_col;
+  // Single reference inter prediction
+  mbmi->ref_frame[1] = NONE_FRAME;
+  xd->plane[0].dst.buf = tmp_buf;
+  xd->plane[0].dst.stride = bw;
+  av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, NULL, bsize,
+                                AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+  const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(cm);
+  // Restore the buffers for intra prediction
+  restore_dst_buf(xd, *orig_dst, num_planes);
+  mbmi->ref_frame[1] = INTRA_FRAME;
+  INTERINTRA_MODE best_interintra_mode =
+      args->inter_intra_mode[mbmi->ref_frame[0]];
+  // Compute smooth_interintra
+  int64_t best_interintra_rd_nowedge = INT64_MAX;
+  if (try_smooth_interintra) {
+    mbmi->use_wedge_interintra = 0;
+    int interintra_mode_reuse = 1;
+    if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.reuse_inter_intra_mode == 0 ||
+        best_interintra_mode == INTERINTRA_MODES) {
+      interintra_mode_reuse = 0;
+      int64_t best_interintra_rd = INT64_MAX;
+      for (INTERINTRA_MODE cur_mode = 0; cur_mode < INTERINTRA_MODES;
+           ++cur_mode) {
+        if ((!cpi->oxcf.enable_smooth_intra ||
+             cpi->sf.intra_sf.disable_smooth_intra) &&
+            cur_mode == II_SMOOTH_PRED)
+          continue;
+        compute_best_interintra_mode(cpi, mbmi, xd, x, interintra_mode_cost,
+                                     orig_dst, intrapred, tmp_buf,
+                                     &best_interintra_mode, &best_interintra_rd,
+                                     cur_mode, bsize);
+      }
+      args->inter_intra_mode[mbmi->ref_frame[0]] = best_interintra_mode;
+    }
+    assert(IMPLIES(!cpi->oxcf.enable_smooth_interintra ||
+                       cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_smooth_interintra,
+                   best_interintra_mode != II_SMOOTH_PRED));
+    int rmode = interintra_mode_cost[best_interintra_mode];
+    // Recompute prediction if required
+    if (interintra_mode_reuse || best_interintra_mode != INTERINTRA_MODES - 1) {
+      mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
+      av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                                intrapred, bw);
+      av1_combine_interintra(xd, bsize, 0, tmp_buf, bw, intrapred, bw);
+    }
+    // Compute rd cost for best smooth_interintra
+    RD_STATS rd_stats;
+    int total_mode_rate;
+    const int64_t rd_thresh = compute_total_rate_and_rd_thresh(
+        x, rate_mv, &total_mode_rate, bsize, ref_best_rd, rmode);
+    rd = estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, rd_thresh, &rd_stats);
+    if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
+      rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, total_mode_rate + rd_stats.rate, rd_stats.dist);
+    } else {
+      return -1;
+    }
+    best_interintra_rd_nowedge = rd;
+    // Return early if best_interintra_rd_nowedge not good enough
+    if (ref_best_rd < INT64_MAX &&
+        (best_interintra_rd_nowedge >> INTER_INTRA_RD_THRESH_SHIFT) *
+                INTER_INTRA_RD_THRESH_SCALE >
+            ref_best_rd) {
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  // Compute wedge interintra
+  int64_t best_interintra_rd_wedge = INT64_MAX;
+  if (try_wedge_interintra) {
+    mbmi->use_wedge_interintra = 1;
+    if (!cpi->sf.inter_sf.fast_interintra_wedge_search) {
+      // Exhaustive search of all wedge and mode combinations.
+      int best_mode = 0;
+      int best_wedge_index = 0;
+      best_interintra_rd_wedge = compute_best_wedge_interintra(
+          cpi, mbmi, xd, x, interintra_mode_cost, orig_dst, intrapred_,
+          tmp_buf_, &best_mode, &best_wedge_index, bsize);
+      mbmi->interintra_mode = best_mode;
+      mbmi->interintra_wedge_index = best_wedge_index;
+      if (best_mode != INTERINTRA_MODES - 1) {
+        av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                                  intrapred, bw);
+      }
+    } else if (!try_smooth_interintra) {
+      if (best_interintra_mode == INTERINTRA_MODES) {
+        mbmi->interintra_mode = INTERINTRA_MODES - 1;
+        best_interintra_mode = INTERINTRA_MODES - 1;
+        av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                                  intrapred, bw);
+        // Pick wedge mask based on INTERINTRA_MODES - 1
+        best_interintra_rd_wedge =
+            pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
+        // Find the best interintra mode for the chosen wedge mask
+        for (INTERINTRA_MODE cur_mode = 0; cur_mode < INTERINTRA_MODES;
+             ++cur_mode) {
+          compute_best_interintra_mode(
+              cpi, mbmi, xd, x, interintra_mode_cost, orig_dst, intrapred,
+              tmp_buf, &best_interintra_mode, &best_interintra_rd_wedge,
+              cur_mode, bsize);
+        }
+        args->inter_intra_mode[mbmi->ref_frame[0]] = best_interintra_mode;
+        mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
+        // Recompute prediction if required
+        if (best_interintra_mode != INTERINTRA_MODES - 1) {
+          av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                                    intrapred, bw);
+        }
+      } else {
+        // Pick wedge mask for the best interintra mode (reused)
+        mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
+        av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
+                                                  intrapred, bw);
+        best_interintra_rd_wedge =
+            pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Pick wedge mask for the best interintra mode from smooth_interintra
+      best_interintra_rd_wedge =
+          pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
+    }
+    const int rate_overhead =
+        interintra_mode_cost[mbmi->interintra_mode] +
+        x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][mbmi->interintra_wedge_index] +
+        x->wedge_interintra_cost[bsize][1];
+    best_interintra_rd_wedge += RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead + *rate_mv, 0);
+    const int_mv mv0 = mbmi->mv[0];
+    int_mv tmp_mv = mv0;
+    rd = INT64_MAX;
+    int tmp_rate_mv = 0;
+    // Refine motion vector for NEWMV case.
+    if (have_newmv_in_inter_mode(mbmi->mode)) {
+      int rate_sum, skip_txfm_sb;
+      int64_t dist_sum, skip_sse_sb;
+      // get negative of mask
+      const uint8_t *mask =
+          av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(mbmi->interintra_wedge_index, 1, bsize);
+      compound_single_motion_search(cpi, x, bsize, &tmp_mv.as_mv, intrapred,
+                                    mask, bw, &tmp_rate_mv, 0);
+      if (mbmi->mv[0].as_int != tmp_mv.as_int) {
+        mbmi->mv[0].as_int = tmp_mv.as_int;
+        av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
+                                      AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+        model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](
+            cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate_sum, &dist_sum, &skip_txfm_sb,
+            &skip_sse_sb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+        rd =
+            RDCOST(x->rdmult, tmp_rate_mv + rate_overhead + rate_sum, dist_sum);
+      }
+    }
+    if (rd >= best_interintra_rd_wedge) {
+      tmp_mv.as_int = mv0.as_int;
+      tmp_rate_mv = *rate_mv;
+      av1_combine_interintra(xd, bsize, 0, tmp_buf, bw, intrapred, bw);
+    }
+    // Evaluate closer to true rd
+    RD_STATS rd_stats;
+    const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead + tmp_rate_mv, 0);
+    const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = best_interintra_rd_nowedge - mode_rd;
+    rd = estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &rd_stats);
+    if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
+      rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead + tmp_rate_mv + rd_stats.rate,
+                  rd_stats.dist);
+    } else {
+      if (best_interintra_rd_nowedge == INT64_MAX) return -1;
+    }
+    best_interintra_rd_wedge = rd;
+    if (best_interintra_rd_wedge < best_interintra_rd_nowedge) {
+      mbmi->mv[0].as_int = tmp_mv.as_int;
+      *tmp_rate2 += tmp_rate_mv - *rate_mv;
+      *rate_mv = tmp_rate_mv;
+    } else {
+      mbmi->use_wedge_interintra = 0;
+      mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
+      mbmi->mv[0].as_int = mv0.as_int;
+      av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
+                                    AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+    }
+  }
+  if (best_interintra_rd_nowedge == INT64_MAX &&
+      best_interintra_rd_wedge == INT64_MAX) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if (num_planes > 1) {
+    av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
+                                  AOM_PLANE_U, num_planes - 1);
+  }
+  return 0;
+static void alloc_compound_type_rd_buffers_no_check(
+    CompoundTypeRdBuffers *const bufs) {
+  bufs->pred0 =
+      (uint8_t *)aom_memalign(16, 2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->pred0));
+  bufs->pred1 =
+      (uint8_t *)aom_memalign(16, 2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->pred1));
+  bufs->residual1 =
+      (int16_t *)aom_memalign(32, MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->residual1));
+  bufs->diff10 =
+      (int16_t *)aom_memalign(32, MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->diff10));
+  bufs->tmp_best_mask_buf = (uint8_t *)aom_malloc(
+      2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->tmp_best_mask_buf));
+// Computes the valid compound_types to be evaluated
+static INLINE int compute_valid_comp_types(
+    MACROBLOCK *x, const AV1_COMP *const cpi, int *try_average_and_distwtd_comp,
+    BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int masked_compound_used, int mode_search_mask,
+    COMPOUND_TYPE *valid_comp_types) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
+  int valid_type_count = 0;
+  int comp_type, valid_check;
+  int8_t enable_masked_type[MASKED_COMPOUND_TYPES] = { 0, 0 };
+  const int try_average_comp = (mode_search_mask & (1 << COMPOUND_AVERAGE));
+  const int try_distwtd_comp =
+      ((mode_search_mask & (1 << COMPOUND_DISTWTD)) &&
+       cm->seq_params.order_hint_info.enable_dist_wtd_comp == 1 &&
+       cpi->sf.inter_sf.use_dist_wtd_comp_flag != DIST_WTD_COMP_DISABLED);
+  *try_average_and_distwtd_comp = try_average_comp && try_distwtd_comp;
+  // Check if COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD are valid cases
+  for (comp_type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
+       comp_type++) {
+    valid_check =
+        (comp_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) ? try_average_comp : try_distwtd_comp;
+    if (!*try_average_and_distwtd_comp && valid_check &&
+        is_interinter_compound_used(comp_type, bsize))
+      valid_comp_types[valid_type_count++] = comp_type;
+  }
+  // Check if COMPOUND_WEDGE and COMPOUND_DIFFWTD are valid cases
+  if (masked_compound_used) {
+    // enable_masked_type[0] corresponds to COMPOUND_WEDGE
+    // enable_masked_type[1] corresponds to COMPOUND_DIFFWTD
+    enable_masked_type[0] = enable_wedge_interinter_search(x, cpi);
+    enable_masked_type[1] = cpi->oxcf.enable_diff_wtd_comp;
+    for (comp_type = COMPOUND_WEDGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DIFFWTD;
+         comp_type++) {
+      if ((mode_search_mask & (1 << comp_type)) &&
+          is_interinter_compound_used(comp_type, bsize) &&
+          enable_masked_type[comp_type - COMPOUND_WEDGE])
+        valid_comp_types[valid_type_count++] = comp_type;
+    }
+  }
+  return valid_type_count;
+// Calculates the cost for compound type mask
+static INLINE void calc_masked_type_cost(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+                                         int comp_group_idx_ctx,
+                                         int comp_index_ctx,
+                                         int masked_compound_used,
+                                         int *masked_type_cost) {
+  av1_zero_array(masked_type_cost, COMPOUND_TYPES);
+  // Account for group index cost when wedge and/or diffwtd prediction are
+  // enabled
+  if (masked_compound_used) {
+    // Compound group index of average and distwtd is 0
+    // Compound group index of wedge and diffwtd is 1
+    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] +=
+        x->comp_group_idx_cost[comp_group_idx_ctx][0];
+    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] += masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_AVERAGE];
+    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_WEDGE] +=
+        x->comp_group_idx_cost[comp_group_idx_ctx][1];
+    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DIFFWTD] += masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_WEDGE];
+  }
+  // Compute the cost to signal compound index/type
+  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] += x->comp_idx_cost[comp_index_ctx][1];
+  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] += x->comp_idx_cost[comp_index_ctx][0];
+  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_WEDGE] += x->compound_type_cost[bsize][0];
+  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DIFFWTD] += x->compound_type_cost[bsize][1];
+// Updates mbmi structure with the relevant compound type info
+static INLINE void update_mbmi_for_compound_type(MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
+                                                 COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type) {
+  mbmi->interinter_comp.type = cur_type;
+  mbmi->comp_group_idx = (cur_type >= COMPOUND_WEDGE);
+  mbmi->compound_idx = (cur_type != COMPOUND_DISTWTD);
+// When match is found, populate the compound type data
+// and calculate the rd cost using the stored stats and
+// update the mbmi appropriately.
+static INLINE int populate_reuse_comp_type_data(
+    const MACROBLOCK *x, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
+    BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS *best_type_stats, int_mv *cur_mv, int32_t *comp_rate,
+    int64_t *comp_dist, int *comp_rs2, int *rate_mv, int64_t *rd,
+    int match_index) {
+  const int winner_comp_type =
+      x->comp_rd_stats[match_index].interinter_comp.type;
+  if (comp_rate[winner_comp_type] == INT_MAX)
+    return best_type_stats->best_compmode_interinter_cost;
+  update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, winner_comp_type);
+  mbmi->interinter_comp = x->comp_rd_stats[match_index].interinter_comp;
+  *rd = RDCOST(
+      x->rdmult,
+      comp_rs2[winner_comp_type] + *rate_mv + comp_rate[winner_comp_type],
+      comp_dist[winner_comp_type]);
+  mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
+  mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
+  return comp_rs2[winner_comp_type];
+// Updates rd cost and relevant compound type data for the best compound type
+static INLINE void update_best_info(const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi, int64_t *rd,
+                                    BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS *best_type_stats,
+                                    int64_t best_rd_cur,
+                                    int64_t comp_model_rd_cur, int rs2) {
+  *rd = best_rd_cur;
+  best_type_stats->comp_best_model_rd = comp_model_rd_cur;
+  best_type_stats->best_compound_data = mbmi->interinter_comp;
+  best_type_stats->best_compmode_interinter_cost = rs2;
+// Updates best_mv for masked compound types
+static INLINE void update_mask_best_mv(const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi,
+                                       int_mv *best_mv, int_mv *cur_mv,
+                                       const COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type,
+                                       int *best_tmp_rate_mv, int tmp_rate_mv,
+                                       const SPEED_FEATURES *const sf) {
+  if (cur_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE ||
+      (sf->inter_sf.enable_interinter_diffwtd_newmv_search &&
+       cur_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD)) {
+    *best_tmp_rate_mv = tmp_rate_mv;
+    best_mv[0].as_int = mbmi->mv[0].as_int;
+    best_mv[1].as_int = mbmi->mv[1].as_int;
+  } else {
+    best_mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
+    best_mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
+  }
+// Choose the better of the two COMPOUND_AVERAGE,
+// COMPOUND_DISTWTD based on modeled cost
+static int find_best_avg_distwtd_comp_type(MACROBLOCK *x, int *comp_model_rate,
+                                           int64_t *comp_model_dist,
+                                           int rate_mv, int64_t *best_rd) {
+  int64_t est_rd[2];
+      RDCOST(x->rdmult, comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] + rate_mv,
+             comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_AVERAGE]);
+      RDCOST(x->rdmult, comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] + rate_mv,
+             comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_DISTWTD]);
+  int best_type = (est_rd[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] <= est_rd[COMPOUND_DISTWTD])
+                      ? COMPOUND_AVERAGE
+                      : COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
+  *best_rd = est_rd[best_type];
+  return best_type;
+static INLINE void save_comp_rd_search_stat(
+    MACROBLOCK *x, const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi, const int32_t *comp_rate,
+    const int64_t *comp_dist, const int32_t *comp_model_rate,
+    const int64_t *comp_model_dist, const int_mv *cur_mv, const int *comp_rs2) {
+  const int offset = x->comp_rd_stats_idx;
+  if (offset < MAX_COMP_RD_STATS) {
+    COMP_RD_STATS *const rd_stats = x->comp_rd_stats + offset;
+    memcpy(rd_stats->rate, comp_rate, sizeof(rd_stats->rate));
+    memcpy(rd_stats->dist, comp_dist, sizeof(rd_stats->dist));
+    memcpy(rd_stats->model_rate, comp_model_rate, sizeof(rd_stats->model_rate));
+    memcpy(rd_stats->model_dist, comp_model_dist, sizeof(rd_stats->model_dist));
+    memcpy(rd_stats->comp_rs2, comp_rs2, sizeof(rd_stats->comp_rs2));
+    memcpy(rd_stats->mv, cur_mv, sizeof(rd_stats->mv));
+    memcpy(rd_stats->ref_frames, mbmi->ref_frame, sizeof(rd_stats->ref_frames));
+    rd_stats->mode = mbmi->mode;
+    rd_stats->filter = mbmi->interp_filters;
+    rd_stats->ref_mv_idx = mbmi->ref_mv_idx;
+    const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+      const WarpedMotionParams *const wm =
+          &xd->global_motion[mbmi->ref_frame[i]];
+      rd_stats->is_global[i] = is_global_mv_block(mbmi, wm->wmtype);
+    }
+    memcpy(&rd_stats->interinter_comp, &mbmi->interinter_comp,
+           sizeof(rd_stats->interinter_comp));
+    ++x->comp_rd_stats_idx;
+  }
+static INLINE int get_interinter_compound_mask_rate(
+    const MACROBLOCK *const x, const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi) {
+  const COMPOUND_TYPE compound_type = mbmi->interinter_comp.type;
+  // This function will be called only for COMPOUND_WEDGE and COMPOUND_DIFFWTD
+  if (compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
+    return av1_is_wedge_used(mbmi->sb_type)
+               ? av1_cost_literal(1) +
+                     x->wedge_idx_cost[mbmi->sb_type]
+                                      [mbmi->interinter_comp.wedge_index]
+               : 0;
+  } else {
+    assert(compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD);
+    return av1_cost_literal(1);
+  }
+// Takes a backup of rate, distortion and model_rd for future reuse
+static INLINE void backup_stats(COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type, int32_t *comp_rate,
+                                int64_t *comp_dist, int32_t *comp_model_rate,
+                                int64_t *comp_model_dist, int rate_sum,
+                                int64_t dist_sum, RD_STATS *rd_stats,
+                                int *comp_rs2, int rs2) {
+  comp_rate[cur_type] = rd_stats->rate;
+  comp_dist[cur_type] = rd_stats->dist;
+  comp_model_rate[cur_type] = rate_sum;
+  comp_model_dist[cur_type] = dist_sum;
+  comp_rs2[cur_type] = rs2;
+static int64_t masked_compound_type_rd(
+    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, const int_mv *const cur_mv,
+    const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, const PREDICTION_MODE this_mode, int *rs2,
+    int rate_mv, const BUFFER_SET *ctx, int *out_rate_mv, uint8_t **preds0,
+    uint8_t **preds1, int16_t *residual1, int16_t *diff10, int *strides,
+    int mode_rate, int64_t rd_thresh, int *calc_pred_masked_compound,
+    int32_t *comp_rate, int64_t *comp_dist, int32_t *comp_model_rate,
+    int64_t *comp_model_dist, const int64_t comp_best_model_rd,
+    int64_t *const comp_model_rd_cur, int *comp_rs2) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
+  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
+  int64_t best_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+  int64_t rd = INT64_MAX;
+  const COMPOUND_TYPE compound_type = mbmi->interinter_comp.type;
+  // This function will be called only for COMPOUND_WEDGE and COMPOUND_DIFFWTD
+  assert(compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE || compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD);
+  int rate_sum, tmp_skip_txfm_sb;
+  int64_t dist_sum, tmp_skip_sse_sb;
+  pick_interinter_mask_type pick_interinter_mask[2] = { pick_interinter_wedge,
+                                                        pick_interinter_seg };
+  // TODO(any): Save pred and mask calculation as well into records. However
+  // this may increase memory requirements as compound segment mask needs to be
+  // stored in each record.
+  if (*calc_pred_masked_compound) {
+    get_inter_predictors_masked_compound(x, bsize, preds0, preds1, residual1,
+                                         diff10, strides);
+    *calc_pred_masked_compound = 0;
+  }
+  if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.prune_wedge_pred_diff_based &&
+      compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
+    unsigned int sse;
+    if (is_cur_buf_hbd(xd))
+      (void)cpi->fn_ptr[bsize].vf(CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds0), *strides,
+                                  CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds1), *strides, &sse);
+    else
+      (void)cpi->fn_ptr[bsize].vf(*preds0, *strides, *preds1, *strides, &sse);
+    const unsigned int mse =
+        ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, num_pels_log2_lookup[bsize]);
+    // If two predictors are very similar, skip wedge compound mode search
+    if (mse < 8 || (!have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode) && mse < 64)) {
+      *comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+      return INT64_MAX;
+    }
+  }
+  // Function pointer to pick the appropriate mask
+  // compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE, calls pick_interinter_wedge()
+  // compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD, calls pick_interinter_seg()
+  best_rd_cur = pick_interinter_mask[compound_type - COMPOUND_WEDGE](
+      cpi, x, bsize, *preds0, *preds1, residual1, diff10);
+  *rs2 += get_interinter_compound_mask_rate(x, mbmi);
+  best_rd_cur += RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + rate_mv, 0);
+  // Although the true rate_mv might be different after motion search, but it
+  // is unlikely to be the best mode considering the transform rd cost and other
+  // mode overhead cost
+  int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + mode_rate, 0);
+  if (mode_rd > rd_thresh) {
+    *comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+    return INT64_MAX;
+  }
+  // Compute cost if matching record not found, else, reuse data
+  if (comp_rate[compound_type] == INT_MAX) {
+    // Check whether new MV search for wedge is to be done
+    int wedge_newmv_search =
+        have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode) &&
+        (compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) &&
+        (!cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search);
+    int diffwtd_newmv_search =
+        cpi->sf.inter_sf.enable_interinter_diffwtd_newmv_search &&
+        compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD &&
+        have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode);
+    // Search for new MV if needed and build predictor
+    if (wedge_newmv_search) {
+      *out_rate_mv =
+          interinter_compound_motion_search(cpi, x, cur_mv, bsize, this_mode);
+      const int mi_row = xd->mi_row;
+      const int mi_col = xd->mi_col;
+      av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, ctx, bsize,
+                                    AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+    } else if (diffwtd_newmv_search) {
+      *out_rate_mv =
+          interinter_compound_motion_search(cpi, x, cur_mv, bsize, this_mode);
+      // we need to update the mask according to the new motion vector
+      CompoundTypeRdBuffers tmp_buf;
+      int64_t tmp_rd = INT64_MAX;
+      alloc_compound_type_rd_buffers_no_check(&tmp_buf);
+      uint8_t *tmp_preds0[1] = { tmp_buf.pred0 };
+      uint8_t *tmp_preds1[1] = { tmp_buf.pred1 };
+      get_inter_predictors_masked_compound(x, bsize, tmp_preds0, tmp_preds1,
+                                           tmp_buf.residual1, tmp_buf.diff10,
+                                           strides);
+      tmp_rd = pick_interinter_mask[compound_type - COMPOUND_WEDGE](
+          cpi, x, bsize, *tmp_preds0, *tmp_preds1, tmp_buf.residual1,
+          tmp_buf.diff10);
+      // we can reuse rs2 here
+      tmp_rd += RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv, 0);
+      if (tmp_rd >= best_rd_cur) {
+        // restore the motion vector
+        mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
+        mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
+        *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
+        av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, preds0,
+                                                 strides, preds1, strides);
+      } else {
+        // build the final prediciton using the updated mv
+        av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, tmp_preds0,
+                                                 strides, tmp_preds1, strides);
+      }
+      av1_release_compound_type_rd_buffers(&tmp_buf);
+    } else {
+      *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
+      av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, preds0, strides,
+                                               preds1, strides);
+    }
+    // Get the RD cost from model RD
+    model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](
+        cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate_sum, &dist_sum, &tmp_skip_txfm_sb,
+        &tmp_skip_sse_sb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + rate_sum, dist_sum);
+    *comp_model_rd_cur = rd;
+    // Override with best if current is worse than best for new MV
+    if (wedge_newmv_search) {
+      if (rd >= best_rd_cur) {
+        mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
+        mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
+        *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
+        av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, preds0,
+                                                 strides, preds1, strides);
+        *comp_model_rd_cur = best_rd_cur;
+      }
+    }
+    if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.prune_comp_type_by_model_rd &&
+        (*comp_model_rd_cur > comp_best_model_rd) &&
+        comp_best_model_rd != INT64_MAX) {
+      *comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+      return INT64_MAX;
+    }
+    // Compute RD cost for the current type
+    RD_STATS rd_stats;
+    const int64_t tmp_mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv, 0);
+    const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = rd_thresh - tmp_mode_rd;
+    rd = estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &rd_stats);
+    if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
+      rd =
+          RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + rd_stats.rate, rd_stats.dist);
+      // Backup rate and distortion for future reuse
+      backup_stats(compound_type, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
+                   comp_model_dist, rate_sum, dist_sum, &rd_stats, comp_rs2,
+                   *rs2);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Reuse data as matching record is found
+    assert(comp_dist[compound_type] != INT64_MAX);
+    // When disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search is set, motion refinement is
+    // disabled. Hence rate and distortion can be reused in this case as well
+    assert(IMPLIES(have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode),
+                   cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search));
+    assert(mbmi->mv[0].as_int == cur_mv[0].as_int);
+    assert(mbmi->mv[1].as_int == cur_mv[1].as_int);
+    *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
+    // Calculate RD cost based on stored stats
+    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + comp_rate[compound_type],
+                comp_dist[compound_type]);
+    // Recalculate model rdcost with the updated rate
+    *comp_model_rd_cur =
+        RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + comp_model_rate[compound_type],
+               comp_model_dist[compound_type]);
+  }
+  return rd;
+int compound_type_rd(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+                     int_mv *cur_mv, int mode_search_mask,
+                     int masked_compound_used, const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst,
+                     const BUFFER_SET *tmp_dst,
+                     const CompoundTypeRdBuffers *buffers, int *rate_mv,
+                     int64_t *rd, RD_STATS *rd_stats, int64_t ref_best_rd,
+                     int *is_luma_interp_done, int64_t rd_thresh) {
+  const AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
+  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
+  MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi = xd->mi[0];
+  const PREDICTION_MODE this_mode = mbmi->mode;
+  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
+  int rs2;
+  int_mv best_mv[2];
+  int best_tmp_rate_mv = *rate_mv;
+  BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS best_type_stats;
+  // Initializing BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS
+  best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE;
+  best_type_stats.best_compmode_interinter_cost = 0;
+  best_type_stats.comp_best_model_rd = INT64_MAX;
+  uint8_t *preds0[1] = { buffers->pred0 };
+  uint8_t *preds1[1] = { buffers->pred1 };
+  int strides[1] = { bw };
+  int tmp_rate_mv;
+  const int num_pix = 1 << num_pels_log2_lookup[bsize];
+  const int mask_len = 2 * num_pix * sizeof(uint8_t);
+  COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type;
+  // Local array to store the mask cost for different compound types
+  int masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_TYPES];
+  int calc_pred_masked_compound = 1;
+  int64_t comp_dist[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX,
+                                        INT64_MAX };
+  int32_t comp_rate[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX };
+  int32_t comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX,
+                                              INT_MAX };
+  int64_t comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX,
+                                              INT64_MAX };
+  int match_index = 0;
+  const int match_found =
+      find_comp_rd_in_stats(cpi, x, mbmi, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
+                            comp_model_dist, comp_rs2, &match_index);
+  best_mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
+  best_mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
+  *rd = INT64_MAX;
+  int rate_sum, tmp_skip_txfm_sb;
+  int64_t dist_sum, tmp_skip_sse_sb;
+  // Local array to store the valid compound types to be evaluated in the core
+  // loop
+  COMPOUND_TYPE valid_comp_types[COMPOUND_TYPES] = {
+  };
+  int valid_type_count = 0;
+  int try_average_and_distwtd_comp = 0;
+  // compute_valid_comp_types() returns the number of valid compound types to be
+  // evaluated and populates the same in the local array valid_comp_types[].
+  // It also sets the flag 'try_average_and_distwtd_comp'
+  valid_type_count = compute_valid_comp_types(
+      x, cpi, &try_average_and_distwtd_comp, bsize, masked_compound_used,
+      mode_search_mask, valid_comp_types);
+  // The following context indices are independent of compound type
+  const int comp_group_idx_ctx = get_comp_group_idx_context(xd);
+  const int comp_index_ctx = get_comp_index_context(cm, xd);
+  // Populates masked_type_cost local array for the 4 compound types
+  calc_masked_type_cost(x, bsize, comp_group_idx_ctx, comp_index_ctx,
+                        masked_compound_used, masked_type_cost);
+  int64_t comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+  int64_t best_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+  const int mi_row = xd->mi_row;
+  const int mi_col = xd->mi_col;
+  // If the match is found, calculate the rd cost using the
+  // stored stats and update the mbmi appropriately.
+  if (match_found && cpi->sf.inter_sf.reuse_compound_type_decision) {
+    return populate_reuse_comp_type_data(x, mbmi, &best_type_stats, cur_mv,
+                                         comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_rs2,
+                                         rate_mv, rd, match_index);
+  }
+  // Special handling if both compound_average and compound_distwtd
+  // are to be searched. In this case, first estimate between the two
+  // modes and then call estimate_yrd_for_sb() only for the better of
+  // the two.
+  if (try_average_and_distwtd_comp) {
+    int est_rate[2];
+    int64_t est_dist[2], est_rd;
+    COMPOUND_TYPE best_type;
+    // Since modelled rate and dist are separately stored,
+    // compute better of COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD
+    // using the stored stats.
+    if ((comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] != INT_MAX) &&
+        comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] != INT_MAX) {
+      // Choose the better of the COMPOUND_AVERAGE,
+      // COMPOUND_DISTWTD on modeled cost.
+      best_type = find_best_avg_distwtd_comp_type(
+          x, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist, *rate_mv, &est_rd);
+      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, best_type);
+      if (comp_rate[best_type] != INT_MAX)
+        best_rd_cur = RDCOST(
+            x->rdmult,
+            masked_type_cost[best_type] + *rate_mv + comp_rate[best_type],
+            comp_dist[best_type]);
+      comp_model_rd_cur = est_rd;
+      // Update stats for best compound type
+      if (best_rd_cur < *rd) {
+        update_best_info(mbmi, rd, &best_type_stats, best_rd_cur,
+                         comp_model_rd_cur, masked_type_cost[best_type]);
+      }
+      restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
+    } else {
+      // Calculate model_rd for COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD
+      for (int comp_type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
+           comp_type++) {
+        update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, comp_type);
+        av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
+                                      AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+        model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_CURVFIT](
+            cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &est_rate[comp_type], &est_dist[comp_type],
+            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+        est_rate[comp_type] += masked_type_cost[comp_type];
+        comp_model_rate[comp_type] = est_rate[comp_type];
+        comp_model_dist[comp_type] = est_dist[comp_type];
+        if (comp_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) {
+          *is_luma_interp_done = 1;
+          restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
+        }
+      }
+      // Choose the better of the two based on modeled cost and call
+      // estimate_yrd_for_sb() for that one.
+      best_type = find_best_avg_distwtd_comp_type(
+          x, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist, *rate_mv, &est_rd);
+      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, best_type);
+      if (best_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *orig_dst, 1);
+      rs2 = masked_type_cost[best_type];
+      RD_STATS est_rd_stats;
+      const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv, 0);
+      const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = AOMMIN(*rd, rd_thresh) - mode_rd;
+      const int64_t est_rd_ =
+          estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &est_rd_stats);
+      if (est_rd_ != INT64_MAX) {
+        best_rd_cur = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + est_rd_stats.rate,
+                             est_rd_stats.dist);
+        // Backup rate and distortion for future reuse
+        backup_stats(best_type, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
+                     comp_model_dist, est_rate[best_type], est_dist[best_type],
+                     &est_rd_stats, comp_rs2, rs2);
+        comp_model_rd_cur = est_rd;
+      }
+      if (best_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
+      // Update stats for best compound type
+      if (best_rd_cur < *rd) {
+        update_best_info(mbmi, rd, &best_type_stats, best_rd_cur,
+                         comp_model_rd_cur, rs2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // If COMPOUND_AVERAGE is not valid, use the spare buffer
+  if (valid_comp_types[0] != COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
+  // Loop over valid compound types
+  for (int i = 0; i < valid_type_count; i++) {
+    cur_type = valid_comp_types[i];
+    comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+    tmp_rate_mv = *rate_mv;
+    best_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
+    if (cur_type < COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
+      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, cur_type);
+      rs2 = masked_type_cost[cur_type];
+      const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + rd_stats->rate, 0);
+      if (mode_rd < ref_best_rd) {
+        // Reuse data if matching record is found
+        if (comp_rate[cur_type] == INT_MAX) {
+          av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
+                                        AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
+          if (cur_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) *is_luma_interp_done = 1;
+          // Compute RD cost for the current type
+          RD_STATS est_rd_stats;
+          const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = AOMMIN(*rd, rd_thresh) - mode_rd;
+          const int64_t est_rd =
+              estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &est_rd_stats);
+          if (est_rd != INT64_MAX) {
+            best_rd_cur = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + est_rd_stats.rate,
+                                 est_rd_stats.dist);
+            model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](
+                cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate_sum, &dist_sum,
+                &tmp_skip_txfm_sb, &tmp_skip_sse_sb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+            comp_model_rd_cur =
+                RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + rate_sum, dist_sum);
+            // Backup rate and distortion for future reuse
+            backup_stats(cur_type, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
+                         comp_model_dist, rate_sum, dist_sum, &est_rd_stats,
+                         comp_rs2, rs2);
+          }
+        } else {
+          // Calculate RD cost based on stored stats
+          assert(comp_dist[cur_type] != INT64_MAX);
+          best_rd_cur = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + comp_rate[cur_type],
+                               comp_dist[cur_type]);
+          // Recalculate model rdcost with the updated rate
+          comp_model_rd_cur =
+              RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + comp_model_rate[cur_type],
+                     comp_model_dist[cur_type]);
+        }
+      }
+      // use spare buffer for following compound type try
+      if (cur_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
+    } else {
+      // Handle masked compound types
+      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, cur_type);
+      rs2 = masked_type_cost[cur_type];
+      // Evaluate COMPOUND_WEDGE / COMPOUND_DIFFWTD if approximated cost is
+      // within threshold
+      int64_t approx_rd = ((*rd / cpi->max_comp_type_rd_threshold_div) *
+                           cpi->max_comp_type_rd_threshold_mul);
+      if (approx_rd < ref_best_rd) {
+        const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = AOMMIN(*rd, rd_thresh);
+        best_rd_cur = masked_compound_type_rd(
+            cpi, x, cur_mv, bsize, this_mode, &rs2, *rate_mv, orig_dst,
+            &tmp_rate_mv, preds0, preds1, buffers->residual1, buffers->diff10,
+            strides, rd_stats->rate, tmp_rd_thresh, &calc_pred_masked_compound,
+            comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist,
+            best_type_stats.comp_best_model_rd, &comp_model_rd_cur, comp_rs2);
+      }
+    }
+    // Update stats for best compound type
+    if (best_rd_cur < *rd) {
+      update_best_info(mbmi, rd, &best_type_stats, best_rd_cur,
+                       comp_model_rd_cur, rs2);
+      if (masked_compound_used && cur_type >= COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
+        memcpy(buffers->tmp_best_mask_buf, xd->seg_mask, mask_len);
+        if (have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode))
+          update_mask_best_mv(mbmi, best_mv, cur_mv, cur_type,
+                              &best_tmp_rate_mv, tmp_rate_mv, &cpi->sf);
+      }
+    }
+    // reset to original mvs for next iteration
+    mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
+    mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
+  }
+  if (mbmi->interinter_comp.type != best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type) {
+    mbmi->comp_group_idx =
+        (best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type < COMPOUND_WEDGE) ? 0 : 1;
+    mbmi->compound_idx =
+        !(best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type == COMPOUND_DISTWTD);
+    mbmi->interinter_comp = best_type_stats.best_compound_data;
+    memcpy(xd->seg_mask, buffers->tmp_best_mask_buf, mask_len);
+  }
+  if (have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode)) {
+    mbmi->mv[0].as_int = best_mv[0].as_int;
+    mbmi->mv[1].as_int = best_mv[1].as_int;
+    if (mbmi->interinter_comp.type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
+      rd_stats->rate += best_tmp_rate_mv - *rate_mv;
+      *rate_mv = best_tmp_rate_mv;
+    }
+  }
+  restore_dst_buf(xd, *orig_dst, 1);
+  if (!match_found)
+    save_comp_rd_search_stat(x, mbmi, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
+                             comp_model_dist, cur_mv, comp_rs2);
+  return best_type_stats.best_compmode_interinter_cost;
diff --git a/av1/encoder/compound_type.h b/av1/encoder/compound_type.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a10e664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/av1/encoder/compound_type.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
+ *
+ * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
+ * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
+ * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
+ * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
+ * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
+ * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
+ */
+#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/interp_search.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Structure to store the compound type related stats for best compound type
+typedef struct {
+  INTERINTER_COMPOUND_DATA best_compound_data;
+  int64_t comp_best_model_rd;
+  int best_compmode_interinter_cost;
+int handle_inter_intra_mode(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *const x,
+                            BLOCK_SIZE bsize, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
+                            HandleInterModeArgs *args, int64_t ref_best_rd,
+                            int *rate_mv, int *tmp_rate2,
+                            const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst);
+int compound_type_rd(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
+                     int_mv *cur_mv, int mode_search_mask,
+                     int masked_compound_used, const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst,
+                     const BUFFER_SET *tmp_dst,
+                     const CompoundTypeRdBuffers *buffers, int *rate_mv,
+                     int64_t *rd, RD_STATS *rd_stats, int64_t ref_best_rd,
+                     int *is_luma_interp_done, int64_t rd_thresh);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+}  // extern "C"
diff --git a/av1/encoder/rdopt.c b/av1/encoder/rdopt.c
index d41d971..3d2ef4c 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/rdopt.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/rdopt.c
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include "av1/encoder/aq_variance.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/av1_quantize.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/cost.h"
+#include "av1/encoder/compound_type.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/encodemb.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/encodemv.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
@@ -72,13 +73,6 @@
   MV_REFERENCE_FRAME ref_frame[2];
-// Structure to store the compound type related stats for best compound type
-typedef struct {
-  INTERINTER_COMPOUND_DATA best_compound_data;
-  int64_t comp_best_model_rd;
-  int best_compmode_interinter_cost;
 #define LAST_NEW_MV_INDEX 6
 // This array defines the mapping from the enums in THR_MODES to the actual
 // prediction modes and refrence frames
@@ -552,20 +546,6 @@
 } InterModeSearchState;
-static void alloc_compound_type_rd_buffers_no_check(
-    CompoundTypeRdBuffers *const bufs) {
-  bufs->pred0 =
-      (uint8_t *)aom_memalign(16, 2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->pred0));
-  bufs->pred1 =
-      (uint8_t *)aom_memalign(16, 2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->pred1));
-  bufs->residual1 =
-      (int16_t *)aom_memalign(32, MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->residual1));
-  bufs->diff10 =
-      (int16_t *)aom_memalign(32, MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->diff10));
-  bufs->tmp_best_mask_buf = (uint8_t *)aom_malloc(
-      2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE * sizeof(*bufs->tmp_best_mask_buf));
 void av1_inter_mode_data_init(TileDataEnc *tile_data) {
   for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL; ++i) {
     InterModeRdModel *md = &tile_data->inter_mode_rd_models[i];
@@ -1353,32 +1333,6 @@
   return n;
-static int64_t estimate_yrd_for_sb(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, BLOCK_SIZE bs,
-                                   MACROBLOCK *x, int64_t ref_best_rd,
-                                   RD_STATS *rd_stats) {
-  MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  if (ref_best_rd < 0) return INT64_MAX;
-  av1_subtract_plane(x, bs, 0);
-  x->rd_model = LOW_TXFM_RD;
-  int skip_trellis = cpi->optimize_seg_arr[xd->mi[0]->segment_id] ==
-                     NO_ESTIMATE_YRD_TRELLIS_OPT;
-  const int64_t rd =
-      txfm_yrd(cpi, x, rd_stats, ref_best_rd, bs, max_txsize_rect_lookup[bs],
-               FTXS_NONE, skip_trellis);
-  x->rd_model = FULL_TXFM_RD;
-  if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
-    const int skip_ctx = av1_get_skip_context(xd);
-    if (rd_stats->skip) {
-      const int s1 = x->skip_cost[skip_ctx][1];
-      rd_stats->rate = s1;
-    } else {
-      const int s0 = x->skip_cost[skip_ctx][0];
-      rd_stats->rate += s0;
-    }
-  }
-  return rd;
 // Return the rate cost for luma prediction mode info. of intra blocks.
 static int intra_mode_info_cost_y(const AV1_COMP *cpi, const MACROBLOCK *x,
                                   const MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
@@ -3205,22 +3159,6 @@
-static INLINE int get_interinter_compound_mask_rate(
-    const MACROBLOCK *const x, const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi) {
-  const COMPOUND_TYPE compound_type = mbmi->interinter_comp.type;
-  // This function will be called only for COMPOUND_WEDGE and COMPOUND_DIFFWTD
-  if (compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
-    return av1_is_wedge_used(mbmi->sb_type)
-               ? av1_cost_literal(1) +
-                     x->wedge_idx_cost[mbmi->sb_type]
-                                      [mbmi->interinter_comp.wedge_index]
-               : 0;
-  } else {
-    assert(compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD);
-    return av1_cost_literal(1);
-  }
 static INLINE int mv_check_bounds(const MvLimits *mv_limits, const MV *mv) {
   return (mv->row >> 3) < mv_limits->row_min ||
          (mv->row >> 3) > mv_limits->row_max ||
@@ -3469,525 +3407,6 @@
            xd->mb_to_bottom_edge + RIGHT_BOTTOM_MARGIN);
-static int8_t estimate_wedge_sign(const AV1_COMP *cpi, const MACROBLOCK *x,
-                                  const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, const uint8_t *pred0,
-                                  int stride0, const uint8_t *pred1,
-                                  int stride1) {
-  static const BLOCK_SIZE split_qtr[BLOCK_SIZES_ALL] = {
-    //                            4X4
-    // 4X8,        8X4,           8X8
-    // 8X16,       16X8,          16X16
-    BLOCK_4X8, BLOCK_8X4, BLOCK_8X8,
-    // 16X32,      32X16,         32X32
-    BLOCK_8X16, BLOCK_16X8, BLOCK_16X16,
-    // 32X64,      64X32,         64X64
-    BLOCK_16X32, BLOCK_32X16, BLOCK_32X32,
-    // 64x128,     128x64,        128x128
-    BLOCK_32X64, BLOCK_64X32, BLOCK_64X64,
-    // 4X16,       16X4,          8X32
-    // 32X8,       16X64,         64X16
-    BLOCK_16X4, BLOCK_8X32, BLOCK_32X8
-  };
-  const struct macroblock_plane *const p = &x->plane[0];
-  const uint8_t *src = p->src.buf;
-  int src_stride = p->src.stride;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
-  const int bw_by2 = bw >> 1;
-  const int bh_by2 = bh >> 1;
-  uint32_t esq[2][2];
-  int64_t tl, br;
-  const BLOCK_SIZE f_index = split_qtr[bsize];
-  assert(f_index != BLOCK_INVALID);
-  if (is_cur_buf_hbd(&x->e_mbd)) {
-    pred0 = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(pred0);
-    pred1 = CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(pred1);
-  }
-  // Residual variance computation over relevant quandrants in order to
-  // find TL + BR, TL = sum(1st,2nd,3rd) quadrants of (pred0 - pred1),
-  // BR = sum(2nd,3rd,4th) quadrants of (pred1 - pred0)
-  // The 2nd and 3rd quadrants cancel out in TL + BR
-  // Hence TL + BR = 1st quadrant of (pred0-pred1) + 4th of (pred1-pred0)
-  // TODO(nithya): Sign estimation assumes 45 degrees (1st and 4th quadrants)
-  // for all codebooks; experiment with other quadrant combinations for
-  // 0, 90 and 135 degrees also.
-  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src, src_stride, pred0, stride0, &esq[0][0]);
-  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src + bh_by2 * src_stride + bw_by2, src_stride,
-                          pred0 + bh_by2 * stride0 + bw_by2, stride0,
-                          &esq[0][1]);
-  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src, src_stride, pred1, stride1, &esq[1][0]);
-  cpi->fn_ptr[f_index].vf(src + bh_by2 * src_stride + bw_by2, src_stride,
-                          pred1 + bh_by2 * stride1 + bw_by2, stride0,
-                          &esq[1][1]);
-  tl = ((int64_t)esq[0][0]) - ((int64_t)esq[1][0]);
-  br = ((int64_t)esq[1][1]) - ((int64_t)esq[0][1]);
-  return (tl + br > 0);
-// Choose the best wedge index and sign
-static int64_t pick_wedge(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, const MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                          const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, const uint8_t *const p0,
-                          const int16_t *const residual1,
-                          const int16_t *const diff10,
-                          int8_t *const best_wedge_sign,
-                          int8_t *const best_wedge_index) {
-  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  const struct buf_2d *const src = &x->plane[0].src;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
-  const int N = bw * bh;
-  assert(N >= 64);
-  int rate;
-  int64_t dist;
-  int64_t rd, best_rd = INT64_MAX;
-  int8_t wedge_index;
-  int8_t wedge_sign;
-  const int8_t wedge_types = get_wedge_types_lookup(bsize);
-  const uint8_t *mask;
-  uint64_t sse;
-  const int hbd = is_cur_buf_hbd(xd);
-  const int bd_round = hbd ? (xd->bd - 8) * 2 : 0;
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, int16_t, residual0[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);  // src - pred0
-  if (hbd) {
-    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual0, bw, src->buf, src->stride,
-                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p0), bw, xd->bd);
-  } else {
-    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual0, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p0, bw);
-  }
-  (void)hbd;
-  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual0, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p0, bw);
-  int64_t sign_limit = ((int64_t)aom_sum_squares_i16(residual0, N) -
-                        (int64_t)aom_sum_squares_i16(residual1, N)) *
-                       (1 << WEDGE_WEIGHT_BITS) / 2;
-  int16_t *ds = residual0;
-  av1_wedge_compute_delta_squares(ds, residual0, residual1, N);
-  for (wedge_index = 0; wedge_index < wedge_types; ++wedge_index) {
-    mask = av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(wedge_index, 0, bsize);
-    wedge_sign = av1_wedge_sign_from_residuals(ds, mask, N, sign_limit);
-    mask = av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(wedge_index, wedge_sign, bsize);
-    sse = av1_wedge_sse_from_residuals(residual1, diff10, mask, N);
-    sse = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, bd_round);
-    model_rd_sse_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N,
-                                                  &rate, &dist);
-    // int rate2;
-    // int64_t dist2;
-    // model_rd_with_curvfit(cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N, &rate2, &dist2);
-    // printf("sse %"PRId64": leagacy: %d %"PRId64", curvfit %d %"PRId64"\n",
-    // sse, rate, dist, rate2, dist2); dist = dist2;
-    // rate = rate2;
-    rate += x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][wedge_index];
-    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate, dist);
-    if (rd < best_rd) {
-      *best_wedge_index = wedge_index;
-      *best_wedge_sign = wedge_sign;
-      best_rd = rd;
-    }
-  }
-  return best_rd -
-         RDCOST(x->rdmult, x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][*best_wedge_index], 0);
-// Choose the best wedge index the specified sign
-static int64_t pick_wedge_fixed_sign(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                     const MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                                     const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-                                     const int16_t *const residual1,
-                                     const int16_t *const diff10,
-                                     const int8_t wedge_sign,
-                                     int8_t *const best_wedge_index) {
-  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
-  const int N = bw * bh;
-  assert(N >= 64);
-  int rate;
-  int64_t dist;
-  int64_t rd, best_rd = INT64_MAX;
-  int8_t wedge_index;
-  const int8_t wedge_types = get_wedge_types_lookup(bsize);
-  const uint8_t *mask;
-  uint64_t sse;
-  const int hbd = is_cur_buf_hbd(xd);
-  const int bd_round = hbd ? (xd->bd - 8) * 2 : 0;
-  for (wedge_index = 0; wedge_index < wedge_types; ++wedge_index) {
-    mask = av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(wedge_index, wedge_sign, bsize);
-    sse = av1_wedge_sse_from_residuals(residual1, diff10, mask, N);
-    sse = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, bd_round);
-    model_rd_sse_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N,
-                                                  &rate, &dist);
-    rate += x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][wedge_index];
-    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate, dist);
-    if (rd < best_rd) {
-      *best_wedge_index = wedge_index;
-      best_rd = rd;
-    }
-  }
-  return best_rd -
-         RDCOST(x->rdmult, x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][*best_wedge_index], 0);
-static int64_t pick_interinter_wedge(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *const x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-    const uint8_t *const p0, const uint8_t *const p1,
-    const int16_t *const residual1, const int16_t *const diff10) {
-  MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  int64_t rd;
-  int8_t wedge_index = -1;
-  int8_t wedge_sign = 0;
-  assert(is_interinter_compound_used(COMPOUND_WEDGE, bsize));
-  assert(cpi->common.seq_params.enable_masked_compound);
-  if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.fast_wedge_sign_estimate) {
-    wedge_sign = estimate_wedge_sign(cpi, x, bsize, p0, bw, p1, bw);
-    rd = pick_wedge_fixed_sign(cpi, x, bsize, residual1, diff10, wedge_sign,
-                               &wedge_index);
-  } else {
-    rd = pick_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, p0, residual1, diff10, &wedge_sign,
-                    &wedge_index);
-  }
-  mbmi->interinter_comp.wedge_sign = wedge_sign;
-  mbmi->interinter_comp.wedge_index = wedge_index;
-  return rd;
-static int64_t pick_interinter_seg(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                   MACROBLOCK *const x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-                                   const uint8_t *const p0,
-                                   const uint8_t *const p1,
-                                   const int16_t *const residual1,
-                                   const int16_t *const diff10) {
-  MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
-  const int N = 1 << num_pels_log2_lookup[bsize];
-  int rate;
-  int64_t dist;
-  DIFFWTD_MASK_TYPE cur_mask_type;
-  int64_t best_rd = INT64_MAX;
-  DIFFWTD_MASK_TYPE best_mask_type = 0;
-  const int hbd = is_cur_buf_hbd(xd);
-  const int bd_round = hbd ? (xd->bd - 8) * 2 : 0;
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, seg_mask[2 * MAX_SB_SQUARE]);
-  uint8_t *tmp_mask[2] = { xd->seg_mask, seg_mask };
-  // try each mask type and its inverse
-  for (cur_mask_type = 0; cur_mask_type < DIFFWTD_MASK_TYPES; cur_mask_type++) {
-    // build mask and inverse
-    if (hbd)
-      av1_build_compound_diffwtd_mask_highbd(
-          tmp_mask[cur_mask_type], cur_mask_type, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p0), bw,
-          CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p1), bw, bh, bw, xd->bd);
-    else
-      av1_build_compound_diffwtd_mask(tmp_mask[cur_mask_type], cur_mask_type,
-                                      p0, bw, p1, bw, bh, bw);
-    // compute rd for mask
-    uint64_t sse = av1_wedge_sse_from_residuals(residual1, diff10,
-                                                tmp_mask[cur_mask_type], N);
-    sse = ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, bd_round);
-    model_rd_sse_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](cpi, x, bsize, 0, sse, N,
-                                                  &rate, &dist);
-    const int64_t rd0 = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate, dist);
-    if (rd0 < best_rd) {
-      best_mask_type = cur_mask_type;
-      best_rd = rd0;
-    }
-  }
-  mbmi->interinter_comp.mask_type = best_mask_type;
-  if (best_mask_type == DIFFWTD_38_INV) {
-    memcpy(xd->seg_mask, seg_mask, N * 2);
-  }
-  return best_rd;
-static int64_t pick_interintra_wedge(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                     const MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                                     const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-                                     const uint8_t *const p0,
-                                     const uint8_t *const p1) {
-  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
-  assert(av1_is_wedge_used(bsize));
-  assert(cpi->common.seq_params.enable_interintra_compound);
-  const struct buf_2d *const src = &x->plane[0].src;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, int16_t, residual1[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);  // src - pred1
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(32, int16_t, diff10[MAX_SB_SQUARE]);     // pred1 - pred0
-  if (is_cur_buf_hbd(xd)) {
-    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride,
-                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p1), bw, xd->bd);
-    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p1), bw,
-                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(p0), bw, xd->bd);
-  } else {
-    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p1, bw);
-    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, p1, bw, p0, bw);
-  }
-  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, p1, bw);
-  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, p1, bw, p0, bw);
-  int8_t wedge_index = -1;
-  int64_t rd =
-      pick_wedge_fixed_sign(cpi, x, bsize, residual1, diff10, 0, &wedge_index);
-  mbmi->interintra_wedge_index = wedge_index;
-  return rd;
-static AOM_INLINE void get_inter_predictors_masked_compound(
-    MACROBLOCK *x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, uint8_t **preds0, uint8_t **preds1,
-    int16_t *residual1, int16_t *diff10, int *strides) {
-  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  const int bh = block_size_high[bsize];
-  // get inter predictors to use for masked compound modes
-  av1_build_inter_predictors_for_planes_single_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, 0, preds0,
-                                                   strides);
-  av1_build_inter_predictors_for_planes_single_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, 1, preds1,
-                                                   strides);
-  const struct buf_2d *const src = &x->plane[0].src;
-  if (is_cur_buf_hbd(xd)) {
-    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride,
-                              CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds1), bw, xd->bd);
-    aom_highbd_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds1),
-                              bw, CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds0), bw, xd->bd);
-  } else {
-    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, *preds1,
-                       bw);
-    aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, *preds1, bw, *preds0, bw);
-  }
-  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, residual1, bw, src->buf, src->stride, *preds1, bw);
-  aom_subtract_block(bh, bw, diff10, bw, *preds1, bw, *preds0, bw);
-// Takes a backup of rate, distortion and model_rd for future reuse
-static INLINE void backup_stats(COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type, int32_t *comp_rate,
-                                int64_t *comp_dist, int32_t *comp_model_rate,
-                                int64_t *comp_model_dist, int rate_sum,
-                                int64_t dist_sum, RD_STATS *rd_stats,
-                                int *comp_rs2, int rs2) {
-  comp_rate[cur_type] = rd_stats->rate;
-  comp_dist[cur_type] = rd_stats->dist;
-  comp_model_rate[cur_type] = rate_sum;
-  comp_model_dist[cur_type] = dist_sum;
-  comp_rs2[cur_type] = rs2;
-static int64_t masked_compound_type_rd(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, const int_mv *const cur_mv,
-    const BLOCK_SIZE bsize, const PREDICTION_MODE this_mode, int *rs2,
-    int rate_mv, const BUFFER_SET *ctx, int *out_rate_mv, uint8_t **preds0,
-    uint8_t **preds1, int16_t *residual1, int16_t *diff10, int *strides,
-    int mode_rate, int64_t rd_thresh, int *calc_pred_masked_compound,
-    int32_t *comp_rate, int64_t *comp_dist, int32_t *comp_model_rate,
-    int64_t *comp_model_dist, const int64_t comp_best_model_rd,
-    int64_t *const comp_model_rd_cur, int *comp_rs2) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi = xd->mi[0];
-  int64_t best_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-  int64_t rd = INT64_MAX;
-  const COMPOUND_TYPE compound_type = mbmi->interinter_comp.type;
-  // This function will be called only for COMPOUND_WEDGE and COMPOUND_DIFFWTD
-  assert(compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE || compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD);
-  int rate_sum, tmp_skip_txfm_sb;
-  int64_t dist_sum, tmp_skip_sse_sb;
-  pick_interinter_mask_type pick_interinter_mask[2] = { pick_interinter_wedge,
-                                                        pick_interinter_seg };
-  // TODO(any): Save pred and mask calculation as well into records. However
-  // this may increase memory requirements as compound segment mask needs to be
-  // stored in each record.
-  if (*calc_pred_masked_compound) {
-    get_inter_predictors_masked_compound(x, bsize, preds0, preds1, residual1,
-                                         diff10, strides);
-    *calc_pred_masked_compound = 0;
-  }
-  if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.prune_wedge_pred_diff_based &&
-      compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
-    unsigned int sse;
-    if (is_cur_buf_hbd(xd))
-      (void)cpi->fn_ptr[bsize].vf(CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds0), *strides,
-                                  CONVERT_TO_BYTEPTR(*preds1), *strides, &sse);
-    else
-      (void)cpi->fn_ptr[bsize].vf(*preds0, *strides, *preds1, *strides, &sse);
-    const unsigned int mse =
-        ROUND_POWER_OF_TWO(sse, num_pels_log2_lookup[bsize]);
-    // If two predictors are very similar, skip wedge compound mode search
-    if (mse < 8 || (!have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode) && mse < 64)) {
-      *comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-      return INT64_MAX;
-    }
-  }
-  // Function pointer to pick the appropriate mask
-  // compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE, calls pick_interinter_wedge()
-  // compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD, calls pick_interinter_seg()
-  best_rd_cur = pick_interinter_mask[compound_type - COMPOUND_WEDGE](
-      cpi, x, bsize, *preds0, *preds1, residual1, diff10);
-  *rs2 += get_interinter_compound_mask_rate(x, mbmi);
-  best_rd_cur += RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + rate_mv, 0);
-  // Although the true rate_mv might be different after motion search, but it
-  // is unlikely to be the best mode considering the transform rd cost and other
-  // mode overhead cost
-  int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + mode_rate, 0);
-  if (mode_rd > rd_thresh) {
-    *comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-    return INT64_MAX;
-  }
-  // Compute cost if matching record not found, else, reuse data
-  if (comp_rate[compound_type] == INT_MAX) {
-    // Check whether new MV search for wedge is to be done
-    int wedge_newmv_search =
-        have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode) &&
-        (compound_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) &&
-        (!cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search);
-    int diffwtd_newmv_search =
-        cpi->sf.inter_sf.enable_interinter_diffwtd_newmv_search &&
-        compound_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD &&
-        have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode);
-    // Search for new MV if needed and build predictor
-    if (wedge_newmv_search) {
-      *out_rate_mv =
-          interinter_compound_motion_search(cpi, x, cur_mv, bsize, this_mode);
-      const int mi_row = xd->mi_row;
-      const int mi_col = xd->mi_col;
-      av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, ctx, bsize,
-                                    AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
-    } else if (diffwtd_newmv_search) {
-      *out_rate_mv =
-          interinter_compound_motion_search(cpi, x, cur_mv, bsize, this_mode);
-      // we need to update the mask according to the new motion vector
-      CompoundTypeRdBuffers tmp_buf;
-      int64_t tmp_rd = INT64_MAX;
-      alloc_compound_type_rd_buffers_no_check(&tmp_buf);
-      uint8_t *tmp_preds0[1] = { tmp_buf.pred0 };
-      uint8_t *tmp_preds1[1] = { tmp_buf.pred1 };
-      get_inter_predictors_masked_compound(x, bsize, tmp_preds0, tmp_preds1,
-                                           tmp_buf.residual1, tmp_buf.diff10,
-                                           strides);
-      tmp_rd = pick_interinter_mask[compound_type - COMPOUND_WEDGE](
-          cpi, x, bsize, *tmp_preds0, *tmp_preds1, tmp_buf.residual1,
-          tmp_buf.diff10);
-      // we can reuse rs2 here
-      tmp_rd += RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv, 0);
-      if (tmp_rd >= best_rd_cur) {
-        // restore the motion vector
-        mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
-        mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
-        *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
-        av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, preds0,
-                                                 strides, preds1, strides);
-      } else {
-        // build the final prediciton using the updated mv
-        av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, tmp_preds0,
-                                                 strides, tmp_preds1, strides);
-      }
-      av1_release_compound_type_rd_buffers(&tmp_buf);
-    } else {
-      *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
-      av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, preds0, strides,
-                                               preds1, strides);
-    }
-    // Get the RD cost from model RD
-    model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](
-        cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate_sum, &dist_sum, &tmp_skip_txfm_sb,
-        &tmp_skip_sse_sb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + rate_sum, dist_sum);
-    *comp_model_rd_cur = rd;
-    // Override with best if current is worse than best for new MV
-    if (wedge_newmv_search) {
-      if (rd >= best_rd_cur) {
-        mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
-        mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
-        *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
-        av1_build_wedge_inter_predictor_from_buf(xd, bsize, 0, 0, preds0,
-                                                 strides, preds1, strides);
-        *comp_model_rd_cur = best_rd_cur;
-      }
-    }
-    if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.prune_comp_type_by_model_rd &&
-        (*comp_model_rd_cur > comp_best_model_rd) &&
-        comp_best_model_rd != INT64_MAX) {
-      *comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-      return INT64_MAX;
-    }
-    // Compute RD cost for the current type
-    RD_STATS rd_stats;
-    const int64_t tmp_mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv, 0);
-    const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = rd_thresh - tmp_mode_rd;
-    rd = estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &rd_stats);
-    if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
-      rd =
-          RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + rd_stats.rate, rd_stats.dist);
-      // Backup rate and distortion for future reuse
-      backup_stats(compound_type, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
-                   comp_model_dist, rate_sum, dist_sum, &rd_stats, comp_rs2,
-                   *rs2);
-    }
-  } else {
-    // Reuse data as matching record is found
-    assert(comp_dist[compound_type] != INT64_MAX);
-    // When disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search is set, motion refinement is
-    // disabled. Hence rate and distortion can be reused in this case as well
-    assert(IMPLIES(have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode),
-                   cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search));
-    assert(mbmi->mv[0].as_int == cur_mv[0].as_int);
-    assert(mbmi->mv[1].as_int == cur_mv[1].as_int);
-    *out_rate_mv = rate_mv;
-    // Calculate RD cost based on stored stats
-    rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + comp_rate[compound_type],
-                comp_dist[compound_type]);
-    // Recalculate model rdcost with the updated rate
-    *comp_model_rd_cur =
-        RDCOST(x->rdmult, *rs2 + *out_rate_mv + comp_model_rate[compound_type],
-               comp_model_dist[compound_type]);
-  }
-  return rd;
 /* If the current mode shares the same mv with other modes with higher cost,
  * skip this mode. */
 static int skip_repeated_mv(const AV1_COMMON *const cm,
@@ -4157,421 +3576,6 @@
   return 0;
-// Checks if characteristics of search match
-static INLINE int is_comp_rd_match(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                   const MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                                   const COMP_RD_STATS *st,
-                                   const MB_MODE_INFO *const mi,
-                                   int32_t *comp_rate, int64_t *comp_dist,
-                                   int32_t *comp_model_rate,
-                                   int64_t *comp_model_dist, int *comp_rs2) {
-  // TODO(ranjit): Ensure that compound type search use regular filter always
-  // and check if following check can be removed
-  // Check if interp filter matches with previous case
-  if (st->filter.as_int != mi->interp_filters.as_int) return 0;
-  const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  // Match MV and reference indices
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-    if ((st->ref_frames[i] != mi->ref_frame[i]) ||
-        (st->mv[i].as_int != mi->mv[i].as_int)) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    const WarpedMotionParams *const wm = &xd->global_motion[mi->ref_frame[i]];
-    if (is_global_mv_block(mi, wm->wmtype) != st->is_global[i]) return 0;
-  }
-  // Store the stats for COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD
-  for (int comp_type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
-       comp_type++) {
-    comp_rate[comp_type] = st->rate[comp_type];
-    comp_dist[comp_type] = st->dist[comp_type];
-    comp_model_rate[comp_type] = st->model_rate[comp_type];
-    comp_model_dist[comp_type] = st->model_dist[comp_type];
-    comp_rs2[comp_type] = st->comp_rs2[comp_type];
-  }
-  // For compound wedge/segment, reuse data only if NEWMV is not present in
-  // either of the directions
-  if ((!have_newmv_in_inter_mode(mi->mode) &&
-       !have_newmv_in_inter_mode(st->mode)) ||
-      (cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge_newmv_search)) {
-    memcpy(&comp_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
-           sizeof(comp_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
-    memcpy(&comp_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
-           sizeof(comp_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
-    memcpy(&comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->model_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
-           sizeof(comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
-    memcpy(&comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->model_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
-           sizeof(comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
-    memcpy(&comp_rs2[COMPOUND_WEDGE], &st->comp_rs2[COMPOUND_WEDGE],
-           sizeof(comp_rs2[COMPOUND_WEDGE]) * 2);
-  }
-  return 1;
-// Checks if similar compound type search case is accounted earlier
-// If found, returns relevant rd data
-static INLINE int find_comp_rd_in_stats(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                        const MACROBLOCK *x,
-                                        const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi,
-                                        int32_t *comp_rate, int64_t *comp_dist,
-                                        int32_t *comp_model_rate,
-                                        int64_t *comp_model_dist, int *comp_rs2,
-                                        int *match_index) {
-  for (int j = 0; j < x->comp_rd_stats_idx; ++j) {
-    if (is_comp_rd_match(cpi, x, &x->comp_rd_stats[j], mbmi, comp_rate,
-                         comp_dist, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist,
-                         comp_rs2)) {
-      *match_index = j;
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;  // no match result found
-static INLINE void save_comp_rd_search_stat(
-    MACROBLOCK *x, const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi, const int32_t *comp_rate,
-    const int64_t *comp_dist, const int32_t *comp_model_rate,
-    const int64_t *comp_model_dist, const int_mv *cur_mv, const int *comp_rs2) {
-  const int offset = x->comp_rd_stats_idx;
-  if (offset < MAX_COMP_RD_STATS) {
-    COMP_RD_STATS *const rd_stats = x->comp_rd_stats + offset;
-    memcpy(rd_stats->rate, comp_rate, sizeof(rd_stats->rate));
-    memcpy(rd_stats->dist, comp_dist, sizeof(rd_stats->dist));
-    memcpy(rd_stats->model_rate, comp_model_rate, sizeof(rd_stats->model_rate));
-    memcpy(rd_stats->model_dist, comp_model_dist, sizeof(rd_stats->model_dist));
-    memcpy(rd_stats->comp_rs2, comp_rs2, sizeof(rd_stats->comp_rs2));
-    memcpy(rd_stats->mv, cur_mv, sizeof(rd_stats->mv));
-    memcpy(rd_stats->ref_frames, mbmi->ref_frame, sizeof(rd_stats->ref_frames));
-    rd_stats->mode = mbmi->mode;
-    rd_stats->filter = mbmi->interp_filters;
-    rd_stats->ref_mv_idx = mbmi->ref_mv_idx;
-    const MACROBLOCKD *const xd = &x->e_mbd;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-      const WarpedMotionParams *const wm =
-          &xd->global_motion[mbmi->ref_frame[i]];
-      rd_stats->is_global[i] = is_global_mv_block(mbmi, wm->wmtype);
-    }
-    memcpy(&rd_stats->interinter_comp, &mbmi->interinter_comp,
-           sizeof(rd_stats->interinter_comp));
-    ++x->comp_rd_stats_idx;
-  }
-static INLINE bool enable_wedge_search(MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                                       const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
-  // Enable wedge search if source variance and edge strength are above
-  // the thresholds.
-  return x->source_variance >
-             cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_wedge_search_var_thresh &&
-         x->edge_strength > cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_wedge_search_edge_thresh;
-static INLINE bool enable_wedge_interinter_search(MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                                                  const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
-  return enable_wedge_search(x, cpi) && cpi->oxcf.enable_interinter_wedge &&
-         !cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_interinter_wedge;
-static INLINE bool enable_wedge_interintra_search(MACROBLOCK *const x,
-                                                  const AV1_COMP *const cpi) {
-  return enable_wedge_search(x, cpi) && cpi->oxcf.enable_interintra_wedge &&
-         !cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_wedge_interintra_search;
-// Computes the rd cost for the given interintra mode and updates the best
-static INLINE void compute_best_interintra_mode(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi, MACROBLOCKD *xd,
-    MACROBLOCK *const x, const int *const interintra_mode_cost,
-    const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst, uint8_t *intrapred, const uint8_t *tmp_buf,
-    INTERINTRA_MODE *best_interintra_mode, int64_t *best_interintra_rd,
-    INTERINTRA_MODE interintra_mode, BLOCK_SIZE bsize) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  int rate, skip_txfm_sb;
-  int64_t dist, skip_sse_sb;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  mbmi->interintra_mode = interintra_mode;
-  int rmode = interintra_mode_cost[interintra_mode];
-  av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                            intrapred, bw);
-  av1_combine_interintra(xd, bsize, 0, tmp_buf, bw, intrapred, bw);
-  model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_INTERINTRA](cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate, &dist,
-                                          &skip_txfm_sb, &skip_sse_sb, NULL,
-                                          NULL, NULL);
-  int64_t rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate + rmode, dist);
-  if (rd < *best_interintra_rd) {
-    *best_interintra_rd = rd;
-    *best_interintra_mode = mbmi->interintra_mode;
-  }
-// Computes the best wedge interintra mode
-static AOM_INLINE int64_t compute_best_wedge_interintra(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi, MACROBLOCKD *xd,
-    MACROBLOCK *const x, const int *const interintra_mode_cost,
-    const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst, uint8_t *intrapred_, uint8_t *tmp_buf_,
-    int *best_mode, int *best_wedge_index, BLOCK_SIZE bsize) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  int64_t best_interintra_rd_wedge = INT64_MAX;
-  int64_t best_total_rd = INT64_MAX;
-  uint8_t *intrapred = get_buf_by_bd(xd, intrapred_);
-  for (INTERINTRA_MODE mode = 0; mode < INTERINTRA_MODES; ++mode) {
-    mbmi->interintra_mode = mode;
-    av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                              intrapred, bw);
-    int64_t rd = pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
-    const int rate_overhead =
-        interintra_mode_cost[mode] +
-        x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][mbmi->interintra_wedge_index];
-    const int64_t total_rd = rd + RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead, 0);
-    if (total_rd < best_total_rd) {
-      best_total_rd = total_rd;
-      best_interintra_rd_wedge = rd;
-      *best_mode = mbmi->interintra_mode;
-      *best_wedge_index = mbmi->interintra_wedge_index;
-    }
-  }
-  return best_interintra_rd_wedge;
-// Computes the rd_threshold and total_mode_rate
-static AOM_INLINE int64_t compute_total_rate_and_rd_thresh(
-    MACROBLOCK *const x, int *rate_mv, int *total_mode_rate, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-    int64_t ref_best_rd, int rmode) {
-  const int is_wedge_used = av1_is_wedge_used(bsize);
-  const int64_t rd_thresh = get_rd_thresh_from_best_rd(
-      ref_best_rd, (1 << INTER_INTRA_RD_THRESH_SHIFT),
-  const int rwedge = is_wedge_used ? x->wedge_interintra_cost[bsize][0] : 0;
-  *total_mode_rate = *rate_mv + rmode + rwedge;
-  const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, *total_mode_rate, 0);
-  return (rd_thresh - mode_rd);
-static int handle_inter_intra_mode(const AV1_COMP *const cpi,
-                                   MACROBLOCK *const x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-                                   MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
-                                   HandleInterModeArgs *args,
-                                   int64_t ref_best_rd, int *rate_mv,
-                                   int *tmp_rate2, const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst) {
-  const int try_smooth_interintra = cpi->oxcf.enable_smooth_interintra &&
-                                    !cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_smooth_interintra;
-  const int try_wedge_interintra =
-      av1_is_wedge_used(bsize) && enable_wedge_interintra_search(x, cpi);
-  if (!try_smooth_interintra && !try_wedge_interintra) return -1;
-  const AV1_COMMON *const cm = &cpi->common;
-  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  int64_t rd = INT64_MAX;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, tmp_buf_[2 * MAX_INTERINTRA_SB_SQUARE]);
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint8_t, intrapred_[2 * MAX_INTERINTRA_SB_SQUARE]);
-  uint8_t *tmp_buf = get_buf_by_bd(xd, tmp_buf_);
-  uint8_t *intrapred = get_buf_by_bd(xd, intrapred_);
-  const int *const interintra_mode_cost =
-      x->interintra_mode_cost[size_group_lookup[bsize]];
-  const int mi_row = xd->mi_row;
-  const int mi_col = xd->mi_col;
-  // Single reference inter prediction
-  mbmi->ref_frame[1] = NONE_FRAME;
-  xd->plane[0].dst.buf = tmp_buf;
-  xd->plane[0].dst.stride = bw;
-  av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, NULL, bsize,
-                                AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
-  const int num_planes = av1_num_planes(cm);
-  // Restore the buffers for intra prediction
-  restore_dst_buf(xd, *orig_dst, num_planes);
-  mbmi->ref_frame[1] = INTRA_FRAME;
-  INTERINTRA_MODE best_interintra_mode =
-      args->inter_intra_mode[mbmi->ref_frame[0]];
-  // Compute smooth_interintra
-  int64_t best_interintra_rd_nowedge = INT64_MAX;
-  if (try_smooth_interintra) {
-    mbmi->use_wedge_interintra = 0;
-    int interintra_mode_reuse = 1;
-    if (cpi->sf.inter_sf.reuse_inter_intra_mode == 0 ||
-        best_interintra_mode == INTERINTRA_MODES) {
-      interintra_mode_reuse = 0;
-      int64_t best_interintra_rd = INT64_MAX;
-      for (INTERINTRA_MODE cur_mode = 0; cur_mode < INTERINTRA_MODES;
-           ++cur_mode) {
-        if ((!cpi->oxcf.enable_smooth_intra ||
-             cpi->sf.intra_sf.disable_smooth_intra) &&
-            cur_mode == II_SMOOTH_PRED)
-          continue;
-        compute_best_interintra_mode(cpi, mbmi, xd, x, interintra_mode_cost,
-                                     orig_dst, intrapred, tmp_buf,
-                                     &best_interintra_mode, &best_interintra_rd,
-                                     cur_mode, bsize);
-      }
-      args->inter_intra_mode[mbmi->ref_frame[0]] = best_interintra_mode;
-    }
-    assert(IMPLIES(!cpi->oxcf.enable_smooth_interintra ||
-                       cpi->sf.inter_sf.disable_smooth_interintra,
-                   best_interintra_mode != II_SMOOTH_PRED));
-    int rmode = interintra_mode_cost[best_interintra_mode];
-    // Recompute prediction if required
-    if (interintra_mode_reuse || best_interintra_mode != INTERINTRA_MODES - 1) {
-      mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
-      av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                                intrapred, bw);
-      av1_combine_interintra(xd, bsize, 0, tmp_buf, bw, intrapred, bw);
-    }
-    // Compute rd cost for best smooth_interintra
-    RD_STATS rd_stats;
-    int total_mode_rate;
-    const int64_t rd_thresh = compute_total_rate_and_rd_thresh(
-        x, rate_mv, &total_mode_rate, bsize, ref_best_rd, rmode);
-    rd = estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, rd_thresh, &rd_stats);
-    if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
-      rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, total_mode_rate + rd_stats.rate, rd_stats.dist);
-    } else {
-      return -1;
-    }
-    best_interintra_rd_nowedge = rd;
-    // Return early if best_interintra_rd_nowedge not good enough
-    if (ref_best_rd < INT64_MAX &&
-        (best_interintra_rd_nowedge >> INTER_INTRA_RD_THRESH_SHIFT) *
-                INTER_INTRA_RD_THRESH_SCALE >
-            ref_best_rd) {
-      return -1;
-    }
-  }
-  // Compute wedge interintra
-  int64_t best_interintra_rd_wedge = INT64_MAX;
-  if (try_wedge_interintra) {
-    mbmi->use_wedge_interintra = 1;
-    if (!cpi->sf.inter_sf.fast_interintra_wedge_search) {
-      // Exhaustive search of all wedge and mode combinations.
-      int best_mode = 0;
-      int best_wedge_index = 0;
-      best_interintra_rd_wedge = compute_best_wedge_interintra(
-          cpi, mbmi, xd, x, interintra_mode_cost, orig_dst, intrapred_,
-          tmp_buf_, &best_mode, &best_wedge_index, bsize);
-      mbmi->interintra_mode = best_mode;
-      mbmi->interintra_wedge_index = best_wedge_index;
-      if (best_mode != INTERINTRA_MODES - 1) {
-        av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                                  intrapred, bw);
-      }
-    } else if (!try_smooth_interintra) {
-      if (best_interintra_mode == INTERINTRA_MODES) {
-        mbmi->interintra_mode = INTERINTRA_MODES - 1;
-        best_interintra_mode = INTERINTRA_MODES - 1;
-        av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                                  intrapred, bw);
-        // Pick wedge mask based on INTERINTRA_MODES - 1
-        best_interintra_rd_wedge =
-            pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
-        // Find the best interintra mode for the chosen wedge mask
-        for (INTERINTRA_MODE cur_mode = 0; cur_mode < INTERINTRA_MODES;
-             ++cur_mode) {
-          compute_best_interintra_mode(
-              cpi, mbmi, xd, x, interintra_mode_cost, orig_dst, intrapred,
-              tmp_buf, &best_interintra_mode, &best_interintra_rd_wedge,
-              cur_mode, bsize);
-        }
-        args->inter_intra_mode[mbmi->ref_frame[0]] = best_interintra_mode;
-        mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
-        // Recompute prediction if required
-        if (best_interintra_mode != INTERINTRA_MODES - 1) {
-          av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                                    intrapred, bw);
-        }
-      } else {
-        // Pick wedge mask for the best interintra mode (reused)
-        mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
-        av1_build_intra_predictors_for_interintra(cm, xd, bsize, 0, orig_dst,
-                                                  intrapred, bw);
-        best_interintra_rd_wedge =
-            pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Pick wedge mask for the best interintra mode from smooth_interintra
-      best_interintra_rd_wedge =
-          pick_interintra_wedge(cpi, x, bsize, intrapred_, tmp_buf_);
-    }
-    const int rate_overhead =
-        interintra_mode_cost[mbmi->interintra_mode] +
-        x->wedge_idx_cost[bsize][mbmi->interintra_wedge_index] +
-        x->wedge_interintra_cost[bsize][1];
-    best_interintra_rd_wedge += RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead + *rate_mv, 0);
-    const int_mv mv0 = mbmi->mv[0];
-    int_mv tmp_mv = mv0;
-    rd = INT64_MAX;
-    int tmp_rate_mv = 0;
-    // Refine motion vector for NEWMV case.
-    if (have_newmv_in_inter_mode(mbmi->mode)) {
-      int rate_sum, skip_txfm_sb;
-      int64_t dist_sum, skip_sse_sb;
-      // get negative of mask
-      const uint8_t *mask =
-          av1_get_contiguous_soft_mask(mbmi->interintra_wedge_index, 1, bsize);
-      compound_single_motion_search(cpi, x, bsize, &tmp_mv.as_mv, intrapred,
-                                    mask, bw, &tmp_rate_mv, 0);
-      if (mbmi->mv[0].as_int != tmp_mv.as_int) {
-        mbmi->mv[0].as_int = tmp_mv.as_int;
-        av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
-                                      AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
-        model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](
-            cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate_sum, &dist_sum, &skip_txfm_sb,
-            &skip_sse_sb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        rd =
-            RDCOST(x->rdmult, tmp_rate_mv + rate_overhead + rate_sum, dist_sum);
-      }
-    }
-    if (rd >= best_interintra_rd_wedge) {
-      tmp_mv.as_int = mv0.as_int;
-      tmp_rate_mv = *rate_mv;
-      av1_combine_interintra(xd, bsize, 0, tmp_buf, bw, intrapred, bw);
-    }
-    // Evaluate closer to true rd
-    RD_STATS rd_stats;
-    const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead + tmp_rate_mv, 0);
-    const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = best_interintra_rd_nowedge - mode_rd;
-    rd = estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &rd_stats);
-    if (rd != INT64_MAX) {
-      rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rate_overhead + tmp_rate_mv + rd_stats.rate,
-                  rd_stats.dist);
-    } else {
-      if (best_interintra_rd_nowedge == INT64_MAX) return -1;
-    }
-    best_interintra_rd_wedge = rd;
-    if (best_interintra_rd_wedge < best_interintra_rd_nowedge) {
-      mbmi->mv[0].as_int = tmp_mv.as_int;
-      *tmp_rate2 += tmp_rate_mv - *rate_mv;
-      *rate_mv = tmp_rate_mv;
-    } else {
-      mbmi->use_wedge_interintra = 0;
-      mbmi->interintra_mode = best_interintra_mode;
-      mbmi->mv[0].as_int = mv0.as_int;
-      av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
-                                    AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
-    }
-  }
-  if (best_interintra_rd_nowedge == INT64_MAX &&
-      best_interintra_rd_wedge == INT64_MAX) {
-    return -1;
-  }
-  if (num_planes > 1) {
-    av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
-                                  AOM_PLANE_U, num_planes - 1);
-  }
-  return 0;
 // If number of valid neighbours is 1,
 // 1) ROTZOOM parameters can be obtained reliably (2 parameters from
 // one neighbouring MV)
@@ -5164,428 +4168,6 @@
   return cost;
-// Calculates the cost for compound type mask
-static INLINE void calc_masked_type_cost(MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-                                         int comp_group_idx_ctx,
-                                         int comp_index_ctx,
-                                         int masked_compound_used,
-                                         int *masked_type_cost) {
-  av1_zero_array(masked_type_cost, COMPOUND_TYPES);
-  // Account for group index cost when wedge and/or diffwtd prediction are
-  // enabled
-  if (masked_compound_used) {
-    // Compound group index of average and distwtd is 0
-    // Compound group index of wedge and diffwtd is 1
-    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] +=
-        x->comp_group_idx_cost[comp_group_idx_ctx][0];
-    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] += masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_AVERAGE];
-    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_WEDGE] +=
-        x->comp_group_idx_cost[comp_group_idx_ctx][1];
-    masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DIFFWTD] += masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_WEDGE];
-  }
-  // Compute the cost to signal compound index/type
-  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] += x->comp_idx_cost[comp_index_ctx][1];
-  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] += x->comp_idx_cost[comp_index_ctx][0];
-  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_WEDGE] += x->compound_type_cost[bsize][0];
-  masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_DIFFWTD] += x->compound_type_cost[bsize][1];
-// Updates mbmi structure with the relevant compound type info
-static INLINE void update_mbmi_for_compound_type(MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
-                                                 COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type) {
-  mbmi->interinter_comp.type = cur_type;
-  mbmi->comp_group_idx = (cur_type >= COMPOUND_WEDGE);
-  mbmi->compound_idx = (cur_type != COMPOUND_DISTWTD);
-// When match is found, populate the compound type data
-// and calculate the rd cost using the stored stats and
-// update the mbmi appropriately.
-static INLINE int populate_reuse_comp_type_data(
-    const MACROBLOCK *x, MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi,
-    BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS *best_type_stats, int_mv *cur_mv, int32_t *comp_rate,
-    int64_t *comp_dist, int *comp_rs2, int *rate_mv, int64_t *rd,
-    int match_index) {
-  const int winner_comp_type =
-      x->comp_rd_stats[match_index].interinter_comp.type;
-  if (comp_rate[winner_comp_type] == INT_MAX)
-    return best_type_stats->best_compmode_interinter_cost;
-  update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, winner_comp_type);
-  mbmi->interinter_comp = x->comp_rd_stats[match_index].interinter_comp;
-  *rd = RDCOST(
-      x->rdmult,
-      comp_rs2[winner_comp_type] + *rate_mv + comp_rate[winner_comp_type],
-      comp_dist[winner_comp_type]);
-  mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
-  mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
-  return comp_rs2[winner_comp_type];
-// Updates rd cost and relevant compound type data for the best compound type
-static INLINE void update_best_info(const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi, int64_t *rd,
-                                    BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS *best_type_stats,
-                                    int64_t best_rd_cur,
-                                    int64_t comp_model_rd_cur, int rs2) {
-  *rd = best_rd_cur;
-  best_type_stats->comp_best_model_rd = comp_model_rd_cur;
-  best_type_stats->best_compound_data = mbmi->interinter_comp;
-  best_type_stats->best_compmode_interinter_cost = rs2;
-// Updates best_mv for masked compound types
-static INLINE void update_mask_best_mv(const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi,
-                                       int_mv *best_mv, int_mv *cur_mv,
-                                       const COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type,
-                                       int *best_tmp_rate_mv, int tmp_rate_mv,
-                                       const SPEED_FEATURES *const sf) {
-  if (cur_type == COMPOUND_WEDGE ||
-      (sf->inter_sf.enable_interinter_diffwtd_newmv_search &&
-       cur_type == COMPOUND_DIFFWTD)) {
-    *best_tmp_rate_mv = tmp_rate_mv;
-    best_mv[0].as_int = mbmi->mv[0].as_int;
-    best_mv[1].as_int = mbmi->mv[1].as_int;
-  } else {
-    best_mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
-    best_mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
-  }
-// Computes the valid compound_types to be evaluated
-static INLINE int compute_valid_comp_types(
-    MACROBLOCK *x, const AV1_COMP *const cpi, int *try_average_and_distwtd_comp,
-    BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int masked_compound_used, int mode_search_mask,
-    COMPOUND_TYPE *valid_comp_types) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
-  int valid_type_count = 0;
-  int comp_type, valid_check;
-  int8_t enable_masked_type[MASKED_COMPOUND_TYPES] = { 0, 0 };
-  const int try_average_comp = (mode_search_mask & (1 << COMPOUND_AVERAGE));
-  const int try_distwtd_comp =
-      ((mode_search_mask & (1 << COMPOUND_DISTWTD)) &&
-       cm->seq_params.order_hint_info.enable_dist_wtd_comp == 1 &&
-       cpi->sf.inter_sf.use_dist_wtd_comp_flag != DIST_WTD_COMP_DISABLED);
-  *try_average_and_distwtd_comp = try_average_comp && try_distwtd_comp;
-  // Check if COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD are valid cases
-  for (comp_type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
-       comp_type++) {
-    valid_check =
-        (comp_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) ? try_average_comp : try_distwtd_comp;
-    if (!*try_average_and_distwtd_comp && valid_check &&
-        is_interinter_compound_used(comp_type, bsize))
-      valid_comp_types[valid_type_count++] = comp_type;
-  }
-  // Check if COMPOUND_WEDGE and COMPOUND_DIFFWTD are valid cases
-  if (masked_compound_used) {
-    // enable_masked_type[0] corresponds to COMPOUND_WEDGE
-    // enable_masked_type[1] corresponds to COMPOUND_DIFFWTD
-    enable_masked_type[0] = enable_wedge_interinter_search(x, cpi);
-    enable_masked_type[1] = cpi->oxcf.enable_diff_wtd_comp;
-    for (comp_type = COMPOUND_WEDGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DIFFWTD;
-         comp_type++) {
-      if ((mode_search_mask & (1 << comp_type)) &&
-          is_interinter_compound_used(comp_type, bsize) &&
-          enable_masked_type[comp_type - COMPOUND_WEDGE])
-        valid_comp_types[valid_type_count++] = comp_type;
-    }
-  }
-  return valid_type_count;
-// Choose the better of the two COMPOUND_AVERAGE,
-// COMPOUND_DISTWTD based on modeled cost
-static int find_best_avg_distwtd_comp_type(MACROBLOCK *x, int *comp_model_rate,
-                                           int64_t *comp_model_dist,
-                                           int rate_mv, int64_t *best_rd) {
-  int64_t est_rd[2];
-      RDCOST(x->rdmult, comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] + rate_mv,
-             comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_AVERAGE]);
-      RDCOST(x->rdmult, comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] + rate_mv,
-             comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_DISTWTD]);
-  int best_type = (est_rd[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] <= est_rd[COMPOUND_DISTWTD])
-                      ? COMPOUND_AVERAGE
-                      : COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
-  *best_rd = est_rd[best_type];
-  return best_type;
-static int compound_type_rd(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int_mv *cur_mv,
-    int mode_search_mask, int masked_compound_used, const BUFFER_SET *orig_dst,
-    const BUFFER_SET *tmp_dst, const CompoundTypeRdBuffers *buffers,
-    int *rate_mv, int64_t *rd, RD_STATS *rd_stats, int64_t ref_best_rd,
-    int *is_luma_interp_done, int64_t rd_thresh) {
-  const AV1_COMMON *cm = &cpi->common;
-  MACROBLOCKD *xd = &x->e_mbd;
-  MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi = xd->mi[0];
-  const PREDICTION_MODE this_mode = mbmi->mode;
-  const int bw = block_size_wide[bsize];
-  int rs2;
-  int_mv best_mv[2];
-  int best_tmp_rate_mv = *rate_mv;
-  BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS best_type_stats;
-  // Initializing BEST_COMP_TYPE_STATS
-  best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE;
-  best_type_stats.best_compmode_interinter_cost = 0;
-  best_type_stats.comp_best_model_rd = INT64_MAX;
-  uint8_t *preds0[1] = { buffers->pred0 };
-  uint8_t *preds1[1] = { buffers->pred1 };
-  int strides[1] = { bw };
-  int tmp_rate_mv;
-  const int num_pix = 1 << num_pels_log2_lookup[bsize];
-  const int mask_len = 2 * num_pix * sizeof(uint8_t);
-  COMPOUND_TYPE cur_type;
-  // Local array to store the mask cost for different compound types
-  int masked_type_cost[COMPOUND_TYPES];
-  int calc_pred_masked_compound = 1;
-  int64_t comp_dist[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX,
-                                        INT64_MAX };
-  int32_t comp_rate[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX };
-  int32_t comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT_MAX, INT_MAX, INT_MAX,
-                                              INT_MAX };
-  int64_t comp_model_dist[COMPOUND_TYPES] = { INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX, INT64_MAX,
-                                              INT64_MAX };
-  int match_index = 0;
-  const int match_found =
-      find_comp_rd_in_stats(cpi, x, mbmi, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
-                            comp_model_dist, comp_rs2, &match_index);
-  best_mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
-  best_mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
-  *rd = INT64_MAX;
-  int rate_sum, tmp_skip_txfm_sb;
-  int64_t dist_sum, tmp_skip_sse_sb;
-  // Local array to store the valid compound types to be evaluated in the core
-  // loop
-  COMPOUND_TYPE valid_comp_types[COMPOUND_TYPES] = {
-  };
-  int valid_type_count = 0;
-  int try_average_and_distwtd_comp = 0;
-  // compute_valid_comp_types() returns the number of valid compound types to be
-  // evaluated and populates the same in the local array valid_comp_types[].
-  // It also sets the flag 'try_average_and_distwtd_comp'
-  valid_type_count = compute_valid_comp_types(
-      x, cpi, &try_average_and_distwtd_comp, bsize, masked_compound_used,
-      mode_search_mask, valid_comp_types);
-  // The following context indices are independent of compound type
-  const int comp_group_idx_ctx = get_comp_group_idx_context(xd);
-  const int comp_index_ctx = get_comp_index_context(cm, xd);
-  // Populates masked_type_cost local array for the 4 compound types
-  calc_masked_type_cost(x, bsize, comp_group_idx_ctx, comp_index_ctx,
-                        masked_compound_used, masked_type_cost);
-  int64_t comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-  int64_t best_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-  const int mi_row = xd->mi_row;
-  const int mi_col = xd->mi_col;
-  // If the match is found, calculate the rd cost using the
-  // stored stats and update the mbmi appropriately.
-  if (match_found && cpi->sf.inter_sf.reuse_compound_type_decision) {
-    return populate_reuse_comp_type_data(x, mbmi, &best_type_stats, cur_mv,
-                                         comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_rs2,
-                                         rate_mv, rd, match_index);
-  }
-  // Special handling if both compound_average and compound_distwtd
-  // are to be searched. In this case, first estimate between the two
-  // modes and then call estimate_yrd_for_sb() only for the better of
-  // the two.
-  if (try_average_and_distwtd_comp) {
-    int est_rate[2];
-    int64_t est_dist[2], est_rd;
-    COMPOUND_TYPE best_type;
-    // Since modelled rate and dist are separately stored,
-    // compute better of COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD
-    // using the stored stats.
-    if ((comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_AVERAGE] != INT_MAX) &&
-        comp_model_rate[COMPOUND_DISTWTD] != INT_MAX) {
-      // Choose the better of the COMPOUND_AVERAGE,
-      // COMPOUND_DISTWTD on modeled cost.
-      best_type = find_best_avg_distwtd_comp_type(
-          x, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist, *rate_mv, &est_rd);
-      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, best_type);
-      if (comp_rate[best_type] != INT_MAX)
-        best_rd_cur = RDCOST(
-            x->rdmult,
-            masked_type_cost[best_type] + *rate_mv + comp_rate[best_type],
-            comp_dist[best_type]);
-      comp_model_rd_cur = est_rd;
-      // Update stats for best compound type
-      if (best_rd_cur < *rd) {
-        update_best_info(mbmi, rd, &best_type_stats, best_rd_cur,
-                         comp_model_rd_cur, masked_type_cost[best_type]);
-      }
-      restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
-    } else {
-      // Calculate model_rd for COMPOUND_AVERAGE and COMPOUND_DISTWTD
-      for (int comp_type = COMPOUND_AVERAGE; comp_type <= COMPOUND_DISTWTD;
-           comp_type++) {
-        update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, comp_type);
-        av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
-                                      AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
-        model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_CURVFIT](
-            cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &est_rate[comp_type], &est_dist[comp_type],
-            NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-        est_rate[comp_type] += masked_type_cost[comp_type];
-        comp_model_rate[comp_type] = est_rate[comp_type];
-        comp_model_dist[comp_type] = est_dist[comp_type];
-        if (comp_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) {
-          *is_luma_interp_done = 1;
-          restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
-        }
-      }
-      // Choose the better of the two based on modeled cost and call
-      // estimate_yrd_for_sb() for that one.
-      best_type = find_best_avg_distwtd_comp_type(
-          x, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist, *rate_mv, &est_rd);
-      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, best_type);
-      if (best_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *orig_dst, 1);
-      rs2 = masked_type_cost[best_type];
-      RD_STATS est_rd_stats;
-      const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv, 0);
-      const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = AOMMIN(*rd, rd_thresh) - mode_rd;
-      const int64_t est_rd_ =
-          estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &est_rd_stats);
-      if (est_rd_ != INT64_MAX) {
-        best_rd_cur = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + est_rd_stats.rate,
-                             est_rd_stats.dist);
-        // Backup rate and distortion for future reuse
-        backup_stats(best_type, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
-                     comp_model_dist, est_rate[best_type], est_dist[best_type],
-                     &est_rd_stats, comp_rs2, rs2);
-        comp_model_rd_cur = est_rd;
-      }
-      if (best_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
-      // Update stats for best compound type
-      if (best_rd_cur < *rd) {
-        update_best_info(mbmi, rd, &best_type_stats, best_rd_cur,
-                         comp_model_rd_cur, rs2);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // If COMPOUND_AVERAGE is not valid, use the spare buffer
-  if (valid_comp_types[0] != COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
-  // Loop over valid compound types
-  for (int i = 0; i < valid_type_count; i++) {
-    cur_type = valid_comp_types[i];
-    comp_model_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-    tmp_rate_mv = *rate_mv;
-    best_rd_cur = INT64_MAX;
-    if (cur_type < COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
-      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, cur_type);
-      rs2 = masked_type_cost[cur_type];
-      const int64_t mode_rd = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + rd_stats->rate, 0);
-      if (mode_rd < ref_best_rd) {
-        // Reuse data if matching record is found
-        if (comp_rate[cur_type] == INT_MAX) {
-          av1_enc_build_inter_predictor(cm, xd, mi_row, mi_col, orig_dst, bsize,
-                                        AOM_PLANE_Y, AOM_PLANE_Y);
-          if (cur_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) *is_luma_interp_done = 1;
-          // Compute RD cost for the current type
-          RD_STATS est_rd_stats;
-          const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = AOMMIN(*rd, rd_thresh) - mode_rd;
-          const int64_t est_rd =
-              estimate_yrd_for_sb(cpi, bsize, x, tmp_rd_thresh, &est_rd_stats);
-          if (est_rd != INT64_MAX) {
-            best_rd_cur = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + est_rd_stats.rate,
-                                 est_rd_stats.dist);
-            model_rd_sb_fn[MODELRD_TYPE_MASKED_COMPOUND](
-                cpi, bsize, x, xd, 0, 0, &rate_sum, &dist_sum,
-                &tmp_skip_txfm_sb, &tmp_skip_sse_sb, NULL, NULL, NULL);
-            comp_model_rd_cur =
-                RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + rate_sum, dist_sum);
-            // Backup rate and distortion for future reuse
-            backup_stats(cur_type, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
-                         comp_model_dist, rate_sum, dist_sum, &est_rd_stats,
-                         comp_rs2, rs2);
-          }
-        } else {
-          // Calculate RD cost based on stored stats
-          assert(comp_dist[cur_type] != INT64_MAX);
-          best_rd_cur = RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + comp_rate[cur_type],
-                               comp_dist[cur_type]);
-          // Recalculate model rdcost with the updated rate
-          comp_model_rd_cur =
-              RDCOST(x->rdmult, rs2 + *rate_mv + comp_model_rate[cur_type],
-                     comp_model_dist[cur_type]);
-        }
-      }
-      // use spare buffer for following compound type try
-      if (cur_type == COMPOUND_AVERAGE) restore_dst_buf(xd, *tmp_dst, 1);
-    } else {
-      // Handle masked compound types
-      update_mbmi_for_compound_type(mbmi, cur_type);
-      rs2 = masked_type_cost[cur_type];
-      // Evaluate COMPOUND_WEDGE / COMPOUND_DIFFWTD if approximated cost is
-      // within threshold
-      int64_t approx_rd = ((*rd / cpi->max_comp_type_rd_threshold_div) *
-                           cpi->max_comp_type_rd_threshold_mul);
-      if (approx_rd < ref_best_rd) {
-        const int64_t tmp_rd_thresh = AOMMIN(*rd, rd_thresh);
-        best_rd_cur = masked_compound_type_rd(
-            cpi, x, cur_mv, bsize, this_mode, &rs2, *rate_mv, orig_dst,
-            &tmp_rate_mv, preds0, preds1, buffers->residual1, buffers->diff10,
-            strides, rd_stats->rate, tmp_rd_thresh, &calc_pred_masked_compound,
-            comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate, comp_model_dist,
-            best_type_stats.comp_best_model_rd, &comp_model_rd_cur, comp_rs2);
-      }
-    }
-    // Update stats for best compound type
-    if (best_rd_cur < *rd) {
-      update_best_info(mbmi, rd, &best_type_stats, best_rd_cur,
-                       comp_model_rd_cur, rs2);
-      if (masked_compound_used && cur_type >= COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
-        memcpy(buffers->tmp_best_mask_buf, xd->seg_mask, mask_len);
-        if (have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode))
-          update_mask_best_mv(mbmi, best_mv, cur_mv, cur_type,
-                              &best_tmp_rate_mv, tmp_rate_mv, &cpi->sf);
-      }
-    }
-    // reset to original mvs for next iteration
-    mbmi->mv[0].as_int = cur_mv[0].as_int;
-    mbmi->mv[1].as_int = cur_mv[1].as_int;
-  }
-  if (mbmi->interinter_comp.type != best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type) {
-    mbmi->comp_group_idx =
-        (best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type < COMPOUND_WEDGE) ? 0 : 1;
-    mbmi->compound_idx =
-        !(best_type_stats.best_compound_data.type == COMPOUND_DISTWTD);
-    mbmi->interinter_comp = best_type_stats.best_compound_data;
-    memcpy(xd->seg_mask, buffers->tmp_best_mask_buf, mask_len);
-  }
-  if (have_newmv_in_inter_mode(this_mode)) {
-    mbmi->mv[0].as_int = best_mv[0].as_int;
-    mbmi->mv[1].as_int = best_mv[1].as_int;
-    if (mbmi->interinter_comp.type == COMPOUND_WEDGE) {
-      rd_stats->rate += best_tmp_rate_mv - *rate_mv;
-      *rate_mv = best_tmp_rate_mv;
-    }
-  }
-  restore_dst_buf(xd, *orig_dst, 1);
-  if (!match_found)
-    save_comp_rd_search_stat(x, mbmi, comp_rate, comp_dist, comp_model_rate,
-                             comp_model_dist, cur_mv, comp_rs2);
-  return best_type_stats.best_compmode_interinter_cost;
 static INLINE int is_single_newmv_valid(const HandleInterModeArgs *const args,
                                         const MB_MODE_INFO *const mbmi,
                                         PREDICTION_MODE this_mode) {
diff --git a/av1/encoder/rdopt.h b/av1/encoder/rdopt.h
index 020d39f..0a5010b 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/rdopt.h
+++ b/av1/encoder/rdopt.h
@@ -173,11 +173,6 @@
 void av1_inter_mode_data_init(struct TileDataEnc *tile_data);
 void av1_inter_mode_data_fit(TileDataEnc *tile_data, int rdmult);
-typedef int64_t (*pick_interinter_mask_type)(
-    const AV1_COMP *const cpi, MACROBLOCK *x, const BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
-    const uint8_t *const p0, const uint8_t *const p1,
-    const int16_t *const residual1, const int16_t *const diff10);
 static INLINE int av1_encoder_get_relative_dist(const OrderHintInfo *oh, int a,
                                                 int b) {
   if (!oh->enable_order_hint) return 0;