blob: fbbef2541c3b9be53b05834bd7f5400ceb76c231 [file] [log] [blame]
; Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
; that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
; tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
; in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
; be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
EXPORT |aom_filter_block2d_bil_first_pass_media|
EXPORT |aom_filter_block2d_bil_second_pass_media|
AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY ; name this block of code
; r0 unsigned char *src_ptr,
; r1 unsigned short *dst_ptr,
; r2 unsigned int src_pitch,
; r3 unsigned int height,
; stack unsigned int width,
; stack const short *aom_filter
; The output is transposed stroed in output array to make it easy for second pass filtering.
|aom_filter_block2d_bil_first_pass_media| PROC
stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
ldr r11, [sp, #40] ; aom_filter address
ldr r4, [sp, #36] ; width
mov r12, r3 ; outer-loop counter
add r7, r2, r4 ; preload next row
pld [r0, r7]
sub r2, r2, r4 ; src increment for height loop
ldr r5, [r11] ; load up filter coefficients
mov r3, r3, lsl #1 ; height*2
add r3, r3, #2 ; plus 2 to make output buffer 4-bit aligned since height is actually (height+1)
mov r11, r1 ; save dst_ptr for each row
cmp r5, #128 ; if filter coef = 128, then skip the filter
beq bil_null_1st_filter
ldrb r6, [r0] ; load source data
ldrb r7, [r0, #1]
ldrb r8, [r0, #2]
mov lr, r4, lsr #2 ; 4-in-parellel loop counter
ldrb r9, [r0, #3]
ldrb r10, [r0, #4]
pkhbt r6, r6, r7, lsl #16 ; src[1] | src[0]
pkhbt r7, r7, r8, lsl #16 ; src[2] | src[1]
smuad r6, r6, r5 ; apply the filter
pkhbt r8, r8, r9, lsl #16 ; src[3] | src[2]
smuad r7, r7, r5
pkhbt r9, r9, r10, lsl #16 ; src[4] | src[3]
smuad r8, r8, r5
smuad r9, r9, r5
add r0, r0, #4
subs lr, lr, #1
add r6, r6, #0x40 ; round_shift_and_clamp
add r7, r7, #0x40
usat r6, #16, r6, asr #7
usat r7, #16, r7, asr #7
strh r6, [r1], r3 ; result is transposed and stored
add r8, r8, #0x40 ; round_shift_and_clamp
strh r7, [r1], r3
add r9, r9, #0x40
usat r8, #16, r8, asr #7
usat r9, #16, r9, asr #7
strh r8, [r1], r3 ; result is transposed and stored
ldrneb r6, [r0] ; load source data
strh r9, [r1], r3
ldrneb r7, [r0, #1]
ldrneb r8, [r0, #2]
bne bil_width_loop_1st_v6
add r0, r0, r2 ; move to next input row
subs r12, r12, #1
add r9, r2, r4, lsl #1 ; adding back block width
pld [r0, r9] ; preload next row
add r11, r11, #2 ; move over to next column
mov r1, r11
bne bil_height_loop_1st_v6
ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
mov lr, r4, lsr #2 ; loop counter
ldrb r6, [r0] ; load data
ldrb r7, [r0, #1]
ldrb r8, [r0, #2]
ldrb r9, [r0, #3]
strh r6, [r1], r3 ; store it to immediate buffer
add r0, r0, #4
strh r7, [r1], r3
subs lr, lr, #1
strh r8, [r1], r3
strh r9, [r1], r3
bne bil_width_loop_null_1st
subs r12, r12, #1
add r0, r0, r2 ; move to next input line
add r11, r11, #2 ; move over to next column
mov r1, r11
bne bil_height_loop_null_1st
ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
ENDP ; |aom_filter_block2d_bil_first_pass_media|
; r0 unsigned short *src_ptr,
; r1 unsigned char *dst_ptr,
; r2 int dst_pitch,
; r3 unsigned int height,
; stack unsigned int width,
; stack const short *aom_filter
|aom_filter_block2d_bil_second_pass_media| PROC
stmdb sp!, {r4 - r11, lr}
ldr r11, [sp, #40] ; aom_filter address
ldr r4, [sp, #36] ; width
ldr r5, [r11] ; load up filter coefficients
mov r12, r4 ; outer-loop counter = width, since we work on transposed data matrix
mov r11, r1
cmp r5, #128 ; if filter coef = 128, then skip the filter
beq bil_null_2nd_filter
ldr r6, [r0] ; load the data
ldr r8, [r0, #4]
ldrh r10, [r0, #8]
mov lr, r3, lsr #2 ; loop counter
pkhtb r7, r6, r8 ; src[1] | src[2]
pkhtb r9, r8, r10 ; src[3] | src[4]
smuad r6, r6, r5 ; apply filter
smuad r8, r8, r5 ; apply filter
subs lr, lr, #1
smuadx r7, r7, r5 ; apply filter
smuadx r9, r9, r5 ; apply filter
add r0, r0, #8
add r6, r6, #0x40 ; round_shift_and_clamp
add r7, r7, #0x40
usat r6, #8, r6, asr #7
usat r7, #8, r7, asr #7
strb r6, [r1], r2 ; the result is transposed back and stored
add r8, r8, #0x40 ; round_shift_and_clamp
strb r7, [r1], r2
add r9, r9, #0x40
usat r8, #8, r8, asr #7
usat r9, #8, r9, asr #7
strb r8, [r1], r2 ; the result is transposed back and stored
ldrne r6, [r0] ; load data
strb r9, [r1], r2
ldrne r8, [r0, #4]
ldrneh r10, [r0, #8]
bne bil_width_loop_2nd
subs r12, r12, #1
add r0, r0, #4 ; update src for next row
add r11, r11, #1
mov r1, r11
bne bil_height_loop_2nd
ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
mov lr, r3, lsr #2
ldr r6, [r0], #4 ; load data
subs lr, lr, #1
ldr r8, [r0], #4
strb r6, [r1], r2 ; store data
mov r7, r6, lsr #16
strb r7, [r1], r2
mov r9, r8, lsr #16
strb r8, [r1], r2
strb r9, [r1], r2
bne bil_width_loop_null_2nd
subs r12, r12, #1
add r0, r0, #4
add r11, r11, #1
mov r1, r11
bne bil_height_loop_null_2nd
ldmia sp!, {r4 - r11, pc}
ENDP ; |aom_filter_block2d_second_pass_media|