Optmize interface for temporal filtering.

- Merge function `highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv()` into function
- Rename unit test `yuv_temporal_filter_test` to

Change-Id: I5256723bda6954fa998d830a0b3d05912acc6aa1
diff --git a/av1/av1.cmake b/av1/av1.cmake
index 2589185..829bd41 100644
--- a/av1/av1.cmake
+++ b/av1/av1.cmake
@@ -341,7 +341,6 @@
-            "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/x86/highbd_temporal_filter_sse4.c"
@@ -427,8 +426,7 @@
-                   "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_sse4.c"
-                   "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/x86/highbd_temporal_filter_sse4.c")
+                   "${AOM_ROOT}/av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_sse4.c")
 # Setup AV1 common/decoder/encoder targets. The libaom target must exist before
diff --git a/av1/common/av1_rtcd_defs.pl b/av1/common/av1_rtcd_defs.pl
index 1aa4508..620d500 100644
--- a/av1/common/av1_rtcd_defs.pl
+++ b/av1/common/av1_rtcd_defs.pl
@@ -293,11 +293,6 @@
     specialize qw/av1_highbd_block_error sse2 avx2/;
-  if (aom_config("CONFIG_REALTIME_ONLY") ne "yes") {
-    add_proto qw/void av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv/, "const struct yv12_buffer_config *ref_frame, const struct macroblockd *mbd, const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col, const int strength, const int use_subblock, const int *subblock_filter_weights, const uint8_t *pred, uint32_t *accum, uint16_t *count";
-    specialize qw/av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv sse4_1/;
-  }
   if (aom_config("CONFIG_AV1_HIGHBITDEPTH") eq "yes") {
     add_proto qw/void av1_highbd_quantize_fp/, "const tran_low_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, tran_low_t *qcoeff_ptr, tran_low_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan, int log_scale";
     specialize qw/av1_highbd_quantize_fp sse4_1 avx2/;
diff --git a/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c b/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c
index 62dbfef..f0519cf 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/temporal_filter.c
@@ -420,19 +420,6 @@
-// Applies temporal filter to YUV planes (high bit-depth video).
-// NOTE: This function is now merged to `av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c()`.
-void av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c(
-    const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ref_frame, const MACROBLOCKD *mbd,
-    const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col,
-    const int strength, const int use_subblock,
-    const int *subblock_filter_weights, const uint8_t *pred, uint32_t *accum,
-    uint16_t *count) {
-  av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c(ref_frame, mbd, block_size, mb_row, mb_col,
-                                  strength, use_subblock,
-                                  subblock_filter_weights, pred, accum, count);
 // Only used in single plane case
 void av1_temporal_filter_apply_c(uint8_t *frame1, unsigned int stride,
                                  uint8_t *frame2, unsigned int block_width,
@@ -700,9 +687,9 @@
             BH, adj_strength, blk_fw, use_32x32, accumulator, count);
       } else {
         // Process 3 planes together.
-        av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv(
-            frame, mbd, TF_BLOCK, mb_row, mb_col, adj_strength, !(use_32x32),
-            blk_fw, predictor, accumulator, count);
+        av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv(frame, mbd, TF_BLOCK, mb_row, mb_col,
+                                      adj_strength, !(use_32x32), blk_fw,
+                                      predictor, accumulator, count);
@@ -1088,7 +1075,7 @@
                     BH, adj_strength, blk_fw, use_32x32, accumulator, count);
               } else {
                 // Process 3 planes together.
-                av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv(
+                av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv(
                     frame, mbd, TF_BLOCK, mb_row, mb_col, adj_strength,
                     !(use_32x32), blk_fw, predictor, accumulator, count);
diff --git a/av1/encoder/x86/highbd_temporal_filter_sse4.c b/av1/encoder/x86/highbd_temporal_filter_sse4.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 18ff882..0000000
--- a/av1/encoder/x86/highbd_temporal_filter_sse4.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,987 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
- *
- * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
- * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
- * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
- * obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/software. If the Alliance for Open
- * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
- * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at www.aomedia.org/license/patent.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <smmintrin.h>
-#include "config/av1_rtcd.h"
-#include "aom/aom_integer.h"
-#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
-#include "av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h"
-#include "av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_constants.h"
-// Compute (a-b)**2 for 8 pixels with size 16-bit
-static INLINE void highbd_store_dist_8(const uint16_t *a, const uint16_t *b,
-                                       uint32_t *dst) {
-  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-  const __m128i a_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)a);
-  const __m128i b_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)b);
-  const __m128i a_first = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(a_reg);
-  const __m128i a_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(a_reg, zero);
-  const __m128i b_first = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(b_reg);
-  const __m128i b_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(b_reg, zero);
-  __m128i dist_first, dist_second;
-  dist_first = _mm_sub_epi32(a_first, b_first);
-  dist_second = _mm_sub_epi32(a_second, b_second);
-  dist_first = _mm_mullo_epi32(dist_first, dist_first);
-  dist_second = _mm_mullo_epi32(dist_second, dist_second);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, dist_first);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(dst + 4), dist_second);
-// Sum up three neighboring distortions for the pixels
-static INLINE void highbd_get_sum_4(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *sum) {
-  __m128i dist_reg, dist_left, dist_right;
-  dist_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)dist);
-  dist_left = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(dist - 1));
-  dist_right = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(dist + 1));
-  *sum = _mm_add_epi32(dist_reg, dist_left);
-  *sum = _mm_add_epi32(*sum, dist_right);
-static INLINE void highbd_get_sum_8(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *sum_first,
-                                    __m128i *sum_second) {
-  highbd_get_sum_4(dist, sum_first);
-  highbd_get_sum_4(dist + 4, sum_second);
-// Average the value based on the number of values summed (9 for pixels away
-// from the border, 4 for pixels in corners, and 6 for other edge values, plus
-// however many values from y/uv plane are).
-// Add in the rounding factor and shift, clamp to 16, invert and shift. Multiply
-// by weight.
-static INLINE void highbd_average_4(__m128i *output, const __m128i *sum,
-                                    const __m128i *mul_constants,
-                                    const int strength, const int rounding,
-                                    const int weight) {
-  // _mm_srl_epi16 uses the lower 64 bit value for the shift.
-  const __m128i strength_u128 = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, strength);
-  const __m128i rounding_u32 = _mm_set1_epi32(rounding);
-  const __m128i weight_u32 = _mm_set1_epi32(weight);
-  const __m128i sixteen = _mm_set1_epi32(16);
-  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-  // modifier * 3 / index;
-  const __m128i sum_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*sum, zero);
-  const __m128i sum_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*sum, zero);
-  const __m128i const_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*mul_constants, zero);
-  const __m128i const_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*mul_constants, zero);
-  const __m128i mul_lo = _mm_mul_epu32(sum_lo, const_lo);
-  const __m128i mul_lo_div = _mm_srli_epi64(mul_lo, 32);
-  const __m128i mul_hi = _mm_mul_epu32(sum_hi, const_hi);
-  const __m128i mul_hi_div = _mm_srli_epi64(mul_hi, 32);
-  // Now we have
-  //   mul_lo: 00 a1 00 a0
-  //   mul_hi: 00 a3 00 a2
-  // Unpack as 64 bit words to get even and odd elements
-  //   unpack_lo: 00 a2 00 a0
-  //   unpack_hi: 00 a3 00 a1
-  // Then we can shift and OR the results to get everything in 32-bits
-  const __m128i mul_even = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(mul_lo_div, mul_hi_div);
-  const __m128i mul_odd = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(mul_lo_div, mul_hi_div);
-  const __m128i mul_odd_shift = _mm_slli_si128(mul_odd, 4);
-  const __m128i mul = _mm_or_si128(mul_even, mul_odd_shift);
-  // Round
-  *output = _mm_add_epi32(mul, rounding_u32);
-  *output = _mm_srl_epi32(*output, strength_u128);
-  // Multiply with the weight
-  *output = _mm_min_epu32(*output, sixteen);
-  *output = _mm_sub_epi32(sixteen, *output);
-  *output = _mm_mullo_epi32(*output, weight_u32);
-static INLINE void highbd_average_8(__m128i *output_0, __m128i *output_1,
-                                    const __m128i *sum_0_u32,
-                                    const __m128i *sum_1_u32,
-                                    const __m128i *mul_constants_0,
-                                    const __m128i *mul_constants_1,
-                                    const int strength, const int rounding,
-                                    const int weight) {
-  highbd_average_4(output_0, sum_0_u32, mul_constants_0, strength, rounding,
-                   weight);
-  highbd_average_4(output_1, sum_1_u32, mul_constants_1, strength, rounding,
-                   weight);
-// Add 'sum_u32' to 'count'. Multiply by 'pred' and add to 'accumulator.'
-static INLINE void highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(const __m128i sum_first_u32,
-                                                 const __m128i sum_second_u32,
-                                                 const uint16_t *pred,
-                                                 uint16_t *count,
-                                                 uint32_t *accumulator) {
-  // Cast down to 16-bit ints
-  const __m128i sum_u16 = _mm_packus_epi32(sum_first_u32, sum_second_u32);
-  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
-  __m128i pred_u16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)pred);
-  __m128i count_u16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)count);
-  __m128i pred_0_u32, pred_1_u32;
-  __m128i accum_0_u32, accum_1_u32;
-  count_u16 = _mm_adds_epu16(count_u16, sum_u16);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)count, count_u16);
-  pred_u16 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sum_u16, pred_u16);
-  pred_0_u32 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(pred_u16);
-  pred_1_u32 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(pred_u16, zero);
-  accum_0_u32 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)accumulator);
-  accum_1_u32 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(accumulator + 4));
-  accum_0_u32 = _mm_add_epi32(pred_0_u32, accum_0_u32);
-  accum_1_u32 = _mm_add_epi32(pred_1_u32, accum_1_u32);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)accumulator, accum_0_u32);
-  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(accumulator + 4), accum_1_u32);
-static INLINE void highbd_read_dist_4(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *dist_reg) {
-  *dist_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)dist);
-static INLINE void highbd_read_dist_8(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *reg_first,
-                                      __m128i *reg_second) {
-  highbd_read_dist_4(dist, reg_first);
-  highbd_read_dist_4(dist + 4, reg_second);
-static INLINE void highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(
-    int ss_x, const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist, __m128i *u_first,
-    __m128i *u_second, __m128i *v_first, __m128i *v_second) {
-  if (!ss_x) {
-    // If there is no chroma subsampling in the horizontal direction, then we
-    // need to load 8 entries from chroma.
-    highbd_read_dist_8(u_dist, u_first, u_second);
-    highbd_read_dist_8(v_dist, v_first, v_second);
-  } else {  // ss_x == 1
-    // Otherwise, we only need to load 8 entries
-    __m128i u_reg, v_reg;
-    highbd_read_dist_4(u_dist, &u_reg);
-    *u_first = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(u_reg, u_reg);
-    *u_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(u_reg, u_reg);
-    highbd_read_dist_4(v_dist, &v_reg);
-    *v_first = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(v_reg, v_reg);
-    *v_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(v_reg, v_reg);
-  }
-static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
-    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
-    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
-    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
-    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
-    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, int use_whole_blk, uint32_t *y_accum,
-    uint16_t *y_count, const uint32_t *y_dist, const uint32_t *u_dist,
-    const uint32_t *v_dist, const uint32_t *const *neighbors_first,
-    const uint32_t *const *neighbors_second, int top_weight,
-    int bottom_weight) {
-  const int rounding = (1 << strength) >> 1;
-  int weight = top_weight;
-  __m128i mul_first, mul_second;
-  __m128i sum_row_1_first, sum_row_1_second;
-  __m128i sum_row_2_first, sum_row_2_second;
-  __m128i sum_row_3_first, sum_row_3_second;
-  __m128i u_first, u_second;
-  __m128i v_first, v_second;
-  __m128i sum_row_first;
-  __m128i sum_row_second;
-  // Loop variables
-  unsigned int h;
-  assert(strength >= 0 && strength <= 14 &&
-         "invalid adjusted temporal filter strength");
-  assert(block_width == 8);
-  (void)block_width;
-  // First row
-  mul_first = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_first[0]);
-  mul_second = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_second[0]);
-  // Add luma values
-  highbd_get_sum_8(y_dist, &sum_row_2_first, &sum_row_2_second);
-  highbd_get_sum_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &sum_row_3_first, &sum_row_3_second);
-  // We don't need to saturate here because the maximum value is UINT12_MAX ** 2
-  // * 9 ~= 2**24 * 9 < 2 ** 28 < INT32_MAX
-  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_2_first, sum_row_3_first);
-  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_2_second, sum_row_3_second);
-  // Add chroma values
-  highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(ss_x, u_dist, v_dist, &u_first, &u_second,
-                                &v_first, &v_second);
-  // Max value here is 2 ** 24 * (9 + 2), so no saturation is needed
-  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, u_first);
-  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, u_second);
-  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, v_first);
-  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, v_second);
-  // Get modifier and store result
-  highbd_average_8(&sum_row_first, &sum_row_second, &sum_row_first,
-                   &sum_row_second, &mul_first, &mul_second, strength, rounding,
-                   weight);
-  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(sum_row_first, sum_row_second, y_pre, y_count,
-                                y_accum);
-  y_src += y_src_stride;
-  y_pre += y_pre_stride;
-  y_count += y_pre_stride;
-  y_accum += y_pre_stride;
-  y_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-  u_src += uv_src_stride;
-  u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-  u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-  v_src += uv_src_stride;
-  v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-  v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-  // Then all the rows except the last one
-  mul_first = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_first[1]);
-  mul_second = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_second[1]);
-  for (h = 1; h < block_height - 1; ++h) {
-    // Move the weight to bottom half
-    if (!use_whole_blk && h == block_height / 2) {
-      weight = bottom_weight;
-    }
-    // Shift the rows up
-    sum_row_1_first = sum_row_2_first;
-    sum_row_1_second = sum_row_2_second;
-    sum_row_2_first = sum_row_3_first;
-    sum_row_2_second = sum_row_3_second;
-    // Add luma values to the modifier
-    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_first, sum_row_2_first);
-    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_second, sum_row_2_second);
-    highbd_get_sum_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &sum_row_3_first, &sum_row_3_second);
-    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, sum_row_3_first);
-    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, sum_row_3_second);
-    // Add chroma values to the modifier
-    if (ss_y == 0 || h % 2 == 0) {
-      // Only calculate the new chroma distortion if we are at a pixel that
-      // corresponds to a new chroma row
-      highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(ss_x, u_dist, v_dist, &u_first, &u_second,
-                                    &v_first, &v_second);
-      u_src += uv_src_stride;
-      u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-      u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-      v_src += uv_src_stride;
-      v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-      v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-    }
-    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, u_first);
-    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, u_second);
-    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, v_first);
-    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, v_second);
-    // Get modifier and store result
-    highbd_average_8(&sum_row_first, &sum_row_second, &sum_row_first,
-                     &sum_row_second, &mul_first, &mul_second, strength,
-                     rounding, weight);
-    highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(sum_row_first, sum_row_second, y_pre, y_count,
-                                  y_accum);
-    y_src += y_src_stride;
-    y_pre += y_pre_stride;
-    y_count += y_pre_stride;
-    y_accum += y_pre_stride;
-    y_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-  }
-  // The last row
-  mul_first = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_first[0]);
-  mul_second = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_second[0]);
-  // Shift the rows up
-  sum_row_1_first = sum_row_2_first;
-  sum_row_1_second = sum_row_2_second;
-  sum_row_2_first = sum_row_3_first;
-  sum_row_2_second = sum_row_3_second;
-  // Add luma values to the modifier
-  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_first, sum_row_2_first);
-  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_second, sum_row_2_second);
-  // Add chroma values to the modifier
-  if (ss_y == 0) {
-    // Only calculate the new chroma distortion if we are at a pixel that
-    // corresponds to a new chroma row
-    highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(ss_x, u_dist, v_dist, &u_first, &u_second,
-                                  &v_first, &v_second);
-  }
-  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, u_first);
-  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, u_second);
-  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, v_first);
-  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, v_second);
-  // Get modifier and store result
-  highbd_average_8(&sum_row_first, &sum_row_second, &sum_row_first,
-                   &sum_row_second, &mul_first, &mul_second, strength, rounding,
-                   weight);
-  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(sum_row_first, sum_row_second, y_pre, y_count,
-                                y_accum);
-// Perform temporal filter for the luma component.
-static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma(
-    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
-    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
-    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
-    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
-    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *blk_fw, int use_whole_blk,
-    uint32_t *y_accum, uint16_t *y_count, const uint32_t *y_dist,
-    const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist) {
-  unsigned int blk_col = 0, uv_blk_col = 0;
-  const unsigned int blk_col_step = 8, uv_blk_col_step = 8 >> ss_x;
-  const unsigned int mid_width = block_width >> 1,
-                     last_width = block_width - blk_col_step;
-  int top_weight = blk_fw[0],
-      bottom_weight = use_whole_blk ? blk_fw[0] : blk_fw[2];
-  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_first;
-  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_second;
-  // Left
-  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
-      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
-      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step, block_height, ss_x, ss_y,
-      strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col, y_count + blk_col,
-      y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
-      neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight, bottom_weight);
-  blk_col += blk_col_step;
-  uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step;
-  // Middle First
-  for (; blk_col < mid_width;
-       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
-    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
-        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
-        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step,
-        block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col,
-        y_count + blk_col, y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col,
-        v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight,
-        bottom_weight);
-  }
-  if (!use_whole_blk) {
-    top_weight = blk_fw[1];
-    bottom_weight = blk_fw[3];
-  }
-  // Middle Second
-  for (; blk_col < last_width;
-       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
-    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
-        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
-        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step,
-        block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col,
-        y_count + blk_col, y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col,
-        v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight,
-        bottom_weight);
-  }
-  // Right
-  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
-      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
-      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step, block_height, ss_x, ss_y,
-      strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col, y_count + blk_col,
-      y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
-      neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight, bottom_weight);
-// Add a row of luma distortion that corresponds to 8 chroma mods. If we are
-// subsampling in x direction, then we have 16 lumas, else we have 8.
-static INLINE void highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(
-    const uint32_t *y_dist, int ss_x, int ss_y, __m128i *u_mod_fst,
-    __m128i *u_mod_snd, __m128i *v_mod_fst, __m128i *v_mod_snd) {
-  __m128i y_reg_fst, y_reg_snd;
-  if (!ss_x) {
-    highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist, &y_reg_fst, &y_reg_snd);
-    if (ss_y == 1) {
-      __m128i y_tmp_fst, y_tmp_snd;
-      highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &y_tmp_fst, &y_tmp_snd);
-      y_reg_fst = _mm_add_epi32(y_reg_fst, y_tmp_fst);
-      y_reg_snd = _mm_add_epi32(y_reg_snd, y_tmp_snd);
-    }
-  } else {
-    // Temporary
-    __m128i y_fst, y_snd;
-    // First 8
-    highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist, &y_fst, &y_snd);
-    if (ss_y == 1) {
-      __m128i y_tmp_fst, y_tmp_snd;
-      highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &y_tmp_fst, &y_tmp_snd);
-      y_fst = _mm_add_epi32(y_fst, y_tmp_fst);
-      y_snd = _mm_add_epi32(y_snd, y_tmp_snd);
-    }
-    y_reg_fst = _mm_hadd_epi32(y_fst, y_snd);
-    // Second 8
-    highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + 8, &y_fst, &y_snd);
-    if (ss_y == 1) {
-      __m128i y_tmp_fst, y_tmp_snd;
-      highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + 8 + DIST_STRIDE, &y_tmp_fst, &y_tmp_snd);
-      y_fst = _mm_add_epi32(y_fst, y_tmp_fst);
-      y_snd = _mm_add_epi32(y_snd, y_tmp_snd);
-    }
-    y_reg_snd = _mm_hadd_epi32(y_fst, y_snd);
-  }
-  *u_mod_fst = _mm_add_epi32(*u_mod_fst, y_reg_fst);
-  *u_mod_snd = _mm_add_epi32(*u_mod_snd, y_reg_snd);
-  *v_mod_fst = _mm_add_epi32(*v_mod_fst, y_reg_fst);
-  *v_mod_snd = _mm_add_epi32(*v_mod_snd, y_reg_snd);
-// Apply temporal filter to the chroma components. This performs temporal
-// filtering on a chroma block of 8 X uv_height. If blk_fw is not NULL, use
-// blk_fw as an array of size 4 for the weights for each of the 4 subblocks,
-// else use top_weight for top half, and bottom weight for bottom half.
-static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
-    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
-    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
-    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int uv_block_width,
-    unsigned int uv_block_height, int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength,
-    uint32_t *u_accum, uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accum, uint16_t *v_count,
-    const uint32_t *y_dist, const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist,
-    const uint32_t *const *neighbors_fst, const uint32_t *const *neighbors_snd,
-    int top_weight, int bottom_weight, const int *blk_fw) {
-  const int rounding = (1 << strength) >> 1;
-  int weight = top_weight;
-  __m128i mul_fst, mul_snd;
-  __m128i u_sum_row_1_fst, u_sum_row_2_fst, u_sum_row_3_fst;
-  __m128i v_sum_row_1_fst, v_sum_row_2_fst, v_sum_row_3_fst;
-  __m128i u_sum_row_1_snd, u_sum_row_2_snd, u_sum_row_3_snd;
-  __m128i v_sum_row_1_snd, v_sum_row_2_snd, v_sum_row_3_snd;
-  __m128i u_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_fst;
-  __m128i u_sum_row_snd, v_sum_row_snd;
-  // Loop variable
-  unsigned int h;
-  (void)uv_block_width;
-  // First row
-  mul_fst = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_fst[0]);
-  mul_snd = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_snd[0]);
-  // Add chroma values
-  highbd_get_sum_8(u_dist, &u_sum_row_2_fst, &u_sum_row_2_snd);
-  highbd_get_sum_8(u_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &u_sum_row_3_fst, &u_sum_row_3_snd);
-  u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_2_fst, u_sum_row_3_fst);
-  u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_2_snd, u_sum_row_3_snd);
-  highbd_get_sum_8(v_dist, &v_sum_row_2_fst, &v_sum_row_2_snd);
-  highbd_get_sum_8(v_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &v_sum_row_3_fst, &v_sum_row_3_snd);
-  v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_2_fst, v_sum_row_3_fst);
-  v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_2_snd, v_sum_row_3_snd);
-  // Add luma values
-  highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(y_dist, ss_x, ss_y, &u_sum_row_fst,
-                                       &u_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
-                                       &v_sum_row_snd);
-  // Get modifier and store result
-  if (blk_fw) {
-    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
-    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
-    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
-    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
-  } else {
-    highbd_average_8(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_fst,
-                     &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
-                     weight);
-    highbd_average_8(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
-                     &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
-                     weight);
-  }
-  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_snd, u_pre, u_count,
-                                u_accum);
-  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_snd, v_pre, v_count,
-                                v_accum);
-  u_src += uv_src_stride;
-  u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-  u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-  v_src += uv_src_stride;
-  v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-  v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-  u_count += uv_pre_stride;
-  u_accum += uv_pre_stride;
-  v_count += uv_pre_stride;
-  v_accum += uv_pre_stride;
-  y_src += y_src_stride * (1 + ss_y);
-  y_pre += y_pre_stride * (1 + ss_y);
-  y_dist += DIST_STRIDE * (1 + ss_y);
-  // Then all the rows except the last one
-  mul_fst = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_fst[1]);
-  mul_snd = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_snd[1]);
-  for (h = 1; h < uv_block_height - 1; ++h) {
-    // Move the weight pointer to the bottom half of the blocks
-    if (h == uv_block_height / 2) {
-      if (blk_fw) {
-        blk_fw += 2;
-      } else {
-        weight = bottom_weight;
-      }
-    }
-    // Shift the rows up
-    u_sum_row_1_fst = u_sum_row_2_fst;
-    u_sum_row_2_fst = u_sum_row_3_fst;
-    u_sum_row_1_snd = u_sum_row_2_snd;
-    u_sum_row_2_snd = u_sum_row_3_snd;
-    v_sum_row_1_fst = v_sum_row_2_fst;
-    v_sum_row_2_fst = v_sum_row_3_fst;
-    v_sum_row_1_snd = v_sum_row_2_snd;
-    v_sum_row_2_snd = v_sum_row_3_snd;
-    // Add chroma values
-    u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_fst, u_sum_row_2_fst);
-    u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_snd, u_sum_row_2_snd);
-    highbd_get_sum_8(u_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &u_sum_row_3_fst, &u_sum_row_3_snd);
-    u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_3_fst);
-    u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_snd, u_sum_row_3_snd);
-    v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_fst, v_sum_row_2_fst);
-    v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_snd, v_sum_row_2_snd);
-    highbd_get_sum_8(v_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &v_sum_row_3_fst, &v_sum_row_3_snd);
-    v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_3_fst);
-    v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_snd, v_sum_row_3_snd);
-    // Add luma values
-    highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(y_dist, ss_x, ss_y, &u_sum_row_fst,
-                                         &u_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
-                                         &v_sum_row_snd);
-    // Get modifier and store result
-    if (blk_fw) {
-      highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
-                       rounding, blk_fw[0]);
-      highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
-                       rounding, blk_fw[1]);
-      highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
-                       rounding, blk_fw[0]);
-      highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
-                       rounding, blk_fw[1]);
-    } else {
-      highbd_average_8(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_fst,
-                       &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
-                       weight);
-      highbd_average_8(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
-                       &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
-                       weight);
-    }
-    highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_snd, u_pre, u_count,
-                                  u_accum);
-    highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_snd, v_pre, v_count,
-                                  v_accum);
-    u_src += uv_src_stride;
-    u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-    u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-    v_src += uv_src_stride;
-    v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
-    v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
-    u_count += uv_pre_stride;
-    u_accum += uv_pre_stride;
-    v_count += uv_pre_stride;
-    v_accum += uv_pre_stride;
-    y_src += y_src_stride * (1 + ss_y);
-    y_pre += y_pre_stride * (1 + ss_y);
-    y_dist += DIST_STRIDE * (1 + ss_y);
-  }
-  // The last row
-  mul_fst = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_fst[0]);
-  mul_snd = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_snd[0]);
-  // Shift the rows up
-  u_sum_row_1_fst = u_sum_row_2_fst;
-  u_sum_row_2_fst = u_sum_row_3_fst;
-  u_sum_row_1_snd = u_sum_row_2_snd;
-  u_sum_row_2_snd = u_sum_row_3_snd;
-  v_sum_row_1_fst = v_sum_row_2_fst;
-  v_sum_row_2_fst = v_sum_row_3_fst;
-  v_sum_row_1_snd = v_sum_row_2_snd;
-  v_sum_row_2_snd = v_sum_row_3_snd;
-  // Add chroma values
-  u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_fst, u_sum_row_2_fst);
-  v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_fst, v_sum_row_2_fst);
-  u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_snd, u_sum_row_2_snd);
-  v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_snd, v_sum_row_2_snd);
-  // Add luma values
-  highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(y_dist, ss_x, ss_y, &u_sum_row_fst,
-                                       &u_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
-                                       &v_sum_row_snd);
-  // Get modifier and store result
-  if (blk_fw) {
-    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
-    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
-    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
-    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
-                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
-  } else {
-    highbd_average_8(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_fst,
-                     &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
-                     weight);
-    highbd_average_8(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
-                     &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
-                     weight);
-  }
-  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_snd, u_pre, u_count,
-                                u_accum);
-  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_snd, v_pre, v_count,
-                                v_accum);
-// Perform temporal filter for the chroma components.
-static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma(
-    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
-    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
-    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
-    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
-    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *blk_fw, int use_whole_blk,
-    uint32_t *u_accum, uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accum, uint16_t *v_count,
-    const uint32_t *y_dist, const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist) {
-  const unsigned int uv_width = block_width >> ss_x,
-                     uv_height = block_height >> ss_y;
-  unsigned int blk_col = 0, uv_blk_col = 0;
-  const unsigned int uv_blk_col_step = 8, blk_col_step = 8 << ss_x;
-  const unsigned int uv_mid_width = uv_width >> 1,
-                     uv_last_width = uv_width - uv_blk_col_step;
-  int top_weight = blk_fw[0],
-      bottom_weight = use_whole_blk ? blk_fw[0] : blk_fw[2];
-  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_fst;
-  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_snd;
-  if (uv_width == 8) {
-    // Special Case: We are subsampling in x direction on a 16x16 block. Since
-    // we are operating on a row of 8 chroma pixels, we can't use the usual
-    // left-middle-right pattern.
-    assert(ss_x);
-    if (ss_y) {
-    } else {
-    }
-    if (use_whole_blk) {
-      highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-          y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-          u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
-          u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
-          uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
-          u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
-          y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
-          neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
-    } else {
-      highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-          y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-          u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
-          u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
-          uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
-          u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
-          y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
-          neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, 0, 0, blk_fw);
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  // Left
-  if (ss_x && ss_y) {
-  } else if (ss_x || ss_y) {
-  } else {
-  }
-  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
-      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width, uv_height, ss_x, ss_y,
-      strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col, u_count + uv_blk_col,
-      v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col, y_dist + blk_col,
-      u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd,
-      top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
-  blk_col += blk_col_step;
-  uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step;
-  // Middle First
-  if (ss_x && ss_y) {
-  } else if (ss_x || ss_y) {
-  } else {
-  }
-  for (; uv_blk_col < uv_mid_width;
-       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
-    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
-        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
-        uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
-        u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
-        y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
-        neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
-  }
-  if (!use_whole_blk) {
-    top_weight = blk_fw[1];
-    bottom_weight = blk_fw[3];
-  }
-  // Middle Second
-  for (; uv_blk_col < uv_last_width;
-       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
-    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
-        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
-        uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
-        u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
-        y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
-        neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
-  }
-  // Right
-  if (ss_x && ss_y) {
-  } else if (ss_x || ss_y) {
-  } else {
-  }
-  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
-      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
-      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
-      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width, uv_height, ss_x, ss_y,
-      strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col, u_count + uv_blk_col,
-      v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col, y_dist + blk_col,
-      u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd,
-      top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
-void av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1(
-    const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ref_frame, const MACROBLOCKD *mbd,
-    const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col,
-    const int strength, const int use_subblock,
-    const int *subblock_filter_weights, const uint8_t *pred, uint32_t *accum,
-    uint16_t *count) {
-  const int use_whole_blk = !use_subblock;
-  const int *blk_fw = subblock_filter_weights;
-  // Block information (Y-plane).
-  const unsigned int block_height = block_size_high[block_size];
-  const unsigned int block_width = block_size_wide[block_size];
-  const int mb_pels = block_height * block_width;
-  const int y_src_stride = ref_frame->y_stride;
-  const int y_pre_stride = block_width;
-  const int mb_y_src_offset =
-      mb_row * block_height * ref_frame->y_stride + mb_col * block_width;
-  // Block information (UV-plane).
-  const int ss_y = mbd->plane[1].subsampling_y;
-  const int ss_x = mbd->plane[1].subsampling_x;
-  const unsigned int uv_height = block_height >> ss_y;
-  const unsigned int uv_width = block_width >> ss_x;
-  const int uv_src_stride = ref_frame->uv_stride;
-  const int uv_pre_stride = block_width >> ss_x;
-  const int mb_uv_src_offset =
-      mb_row * uv_height * ref_frame->uv_stride + mb_col * uv_width;
-  const uint8_t *y_src = ref_frame->y_buffer + mb_y_src_offset;
-  const uint8_t *u_src = ref_frame->u_buffer + mb_uv_src_offset;
-  const uint8_t *v_src = ref_frame->v_buffer + mb_uv_src_offset;
-  const uint8_t *y_pre = pred;
-  const uint8_t *u_pre = pred + mb_pels;
-  const uint8_t *v_pre = pred + mb_pels * 2;
-  uint32_t *y_accum = accum;
-  uint32_t *u_accum = accum + mb_pels;
-  uint32_t *v_accum = accum + mb_pels * 2;
-  uint16_t *y_count = count;
-  uint16_t *u_count = count + mb_pels;
-  uint16_t *v_count = count + mb_pels * 2;
-  const unsigned int chroma_height = block_height >> ss_y,
-                     chroma_width = block_width >> ss_x;
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint32_t, y_dist[BH * DIST_STRIDE]) = { 0 };
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint32_t, u_dist[BH * DIST_STRIDE]) = { 0 };
-  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint32_t, v_dist[BH * DIST_STRIDE]) = { 0 };
-  uint32_t *y_dist_ptr = y_dist + 1, *u_dist_ptr = u_dist + 1,
-           *v_dist_ptr = v_dist + 1;
-  const uint16_t *y_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_src),
-                 *u_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_src),
-                 *v_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_src);
-  const uint16_t *y_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_pre),
-                 *u_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_pre),
-                 *v_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_pre);
-  // Loop variables
-  unsigned int row, blk_col;
-  assert(block_width <= BW && "block width too large");
-  assert(block_height <= BH && "block height too large");
-  assert(block_width % 16 == 0 && "block width must be multiple of 16");
-  assert(block_height % 2 == 0 && "block height must be even");
-  assert((ss_x == 0 || ss_x == 1) && (ss_y == 0 || ss_y == 1) &&
-         "invalid chroma subsampling");
-  assert(strength >= 0 && strength <= 14 &&
-         "invalid adjusted temporal filter strength");
-  assert(blk_fw[0] >= 0 && "filter weight must be positive");
-  assert(
-      (use_whole_blk || (blk_fw[1] >= 0 && blk_fw[2] >= 0 && blk_fw[3] >= 0)) &&
-      "subblock filter weight must be positive");
-  assert(blk_fw[0] <= 2 && "sublock filter weight must be less than 2");
-  assert(
-      (use_whole_blk || (blk_fw[1] <= 2 && blk_fw[2] <= 2 && blk_fw[3] <= 2)) &&
-      "subblock filter weight must be less than 2");
-  // Precompute the difference squared
-  for (row = 0; row < block_height; row++) {
-    for (blk_col = 0; blk_col < block_width; blk_col += 8) {
-      highbd_store_dist_8(y_src_ptr + blk_col, y_pre_ptr + blk_col,
-                          y_dist_ptr + blk_col);
-    }
-    y_src_ptr += y_src_stride;
-    y_pre_ptr += y_pre_stride;
-    y_dist_ptr += DIST_STRIDE;
-  }
-  for (row = 0; row < chroma_height; row++) {
-    for (blk_col = 0; blk_col < chroma_width; blk_col += 8) {
-      highbd_store_dist_8(u_src_ptr + blk_col, u_pre_ptr + blk_col,
-                          u_dist_ptr + blk_col);
-      highbd_store_dist_8(v_src_ptr + blk_col, v_pre_ptr + blk_col,
-                          v_dist_ptr + blk_col);
-    }
-    u_src_ptr += uv_src_stride;
-    u_pre_ptr += uv_pre_stride;
-    u_dist_ptr += DIST_STRIDE;
-    v_src_ptr += uv_src_stride;
-    v_pre_ptr += uv_pre_stride;
-    v_dist_ptr += DIST_STRIDE;
-  }
-  y_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_src),
-  u_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_src),
-  v_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_src);
-  y_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_pre),
-  u_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_pre),
-  v_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_pre);
-  y_dist_ptr = y_dist + 1;
-  u_dist_ptr = u_dist + 1;
-  v_dist_ptr = v_dist + 1;
-  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma(
-      y_src_ptr, y_src_stride, y_pre_ptr, y_pre_stride, u_src_ptr, v_src_ptr,
-      uv_src_stride, u_pre_ptr, v_pre_ptr, uv_pre_stride, block_width,
-      block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, blk_fw, use_whole_blk, y_accum,
-      y_count, y_dist_ptr, u_dist_ptr, v_dist_ptr);
-  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma(
-      y_src_ptr, y_src_stride, y_pre_ptr, y_pre_stride, u_src_ptr, v_src_ptr,
-      uv_src_stride, u_pre_ptr, v_pre_ptr, uv_pre_stride, block_width,
-      block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, blk_fw, use_whole_blk, u_accum,
-      u_count, v_accum, v_count, y_dist_ptr, u_dist_ptr, v_dist_ptr);
diff --git a/av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_sse4.c b/av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_sse4.c
index a6d0508..5e43e43 100644
--- a/av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_sse4.c
+++ b/av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_sse4.c
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
 #include "av1/encoder/temporal_filter.h"
 #include "av1/encoder/x86/temporal_filter_constants.h"
+// Low bit-depth Begins //
 // Read in 8 pixels from a and b as 8-bit unsigned integers, compute the
 // difference squared, and store as unsigned 16-bit integer to dst.
 static INLINE void store_dist_8(const uint8_t *a, const uint8_t *b,
@@ -921,7 +925,7 @@
       bottom_weight, NULL);
-void av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1(
+static void apply_temporal_filter_yuv(
     const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ref_frame, const MACROBLOCKD *mbd,
     const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col,
     const int strength, const int use_subblock,
@@ -1037,3 +1041,1001 @@
       strength, blk_fw_ptr, use_whole_blk, u_accum, u_count, v_accum, v_count,
       y_dist_ptr, u_dist_ptr, v_dist_ptr);
+// Low bit-depth Ends //
+// High bit-depth Begins //
+// Compute (a-b)**2 for 8 pixels with size 16-bit
+static INLINE void highbd_store_dist_8(const uint16_t *a, const uint16_t *b,
+                                       uint32_t *dst) {
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  const __m128i a_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)a);
+  const __m128i b_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)b);
+  const __m128i a_first = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(a_reg);
+  const __m128i a_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(a_reg, zero);
+  const __m128i b_first = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(b_reg);
+  const __m128i b_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(b_reg, zero);
+  __m128i dist_first, dist_second;
+  dist_first = _mm_sub_epi32(a_first, b_first);
+  dist_second = _mm_sub_epi32(a_second, b_second);
+  dist_first = _mm_mullo_epi32(dist_first, dist_first);
+  dist_second = _mm_mullo_epi32(dist_second, dist_second);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)dst, dist_first);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(dst + 4), dist_second);
+// Sum up three neighboring distortions for the pixels
+static INLINE void highbd_get_sum_4(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *sum) {
+  __m128i dist_reg, dist_left, dist_right;
+  dist_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)dist);
+  dist_left = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(dist - 1));
+  dist_right = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(dist + 1));
+  *sum = _mm_add_epi32(dist_reg, dist_left);
+  *sum = _mm_add_epi32(*sum, dist_right);
+static INLINE void highbd_get_sum_8(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *sum_first,
+                                    __m128i *sum_second) {
+  highbd_get_sum_4(dist, sum_first);
+  highbd_get_sum_4(dist + 4, sum_second);
+// Average the value based on the number of values summed (9 for pixels away
+// from the border, 4 for pixels in corners, and 6 for other edge values, plus
+// however many values from y/uv plane are).
+// Add in the rounding factor and shift, clamp to 16, invert and shift. Multiply
+// by weight.
+static INLINE void highbd_average_4(__m128i *output, const __m128i *sum,
+                                    const __m128i *mul_constants,
+                                    const int strength, const int rounding,
+                                    const int weight) {
+  // _mm_srl_epi16 uses the lower 64 bit value for the shift.
+  const __m128i strength_u128 = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, strength);
+  const __m128i rounding_u32 = _mm_set1_epi32(rounding);
+  const __m128i weight_u32 = _mm_set1_epi32(weight);
+  const __m128i sixteen = _mm_set1_epi32(16);
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  // modifier * 3 / index;
+  const __m128i sum_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*sum, zero);
+  const __m128i sum_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*sum, zero);
+  const __m128i const_lo = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(*mul_constants, zero);
+  const __m128i const_hi = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(*mul_constants, zero);
+  const __m128i mul_lo = _mm_mul_epu32(sum_lo, const_lo);
+  const __m128i mul_lo_div = _mm_srli_epi64(mul_lo, 32);
+  const __m128i mul_hi = _mm_mul_epu32(sum_hi, const_hi);
+  const __m128i mul_hi_div = _mm_srli_epi64(mul_hi, 32);
+  // Now we have
+  //   mul_lo: 00 a1 00 a0
+  //   mul_hi: 00 a3 00 a2
+  // Unpack as 64 bit words to get even and odd elements
+  //   unpack_lo: 00 a2 00 a0
+  //   unpack_hi: 00 a3 00 a1
+  // Then we can shift and OR the results to get everything in 32-bits
+  const __m128i mul_even = _mm_unpacklo_epi64(mul_lo_div, mul_hi_div);
+  const __m128i mul_odd = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(mul_lo_div, mul_hi_div);
+  const __m128i mul_odd_shift = _mm_slli_si128(mul_odd, 4);
+  const __m128i mul = _mm_or_si128(mul_even, mul_odd_shift);
+  // Round
+  *output = _mm_add_epi32(mul, rounding_u32);
+  *output = _mm_srl_epi32(*output, strength_u128);
+  // Multiply with the weight
+  *output = _mm_min_epu32(*output, sixteen);
+  *output = _mm_sub_epi32(sixteen, *output);
+  *output = _mm_mullo_epi32(*output, weight_u32);
+static INLINE void highbd_average_8(__m128i *output_0, __m128i *output_1,
+                                    const __m128i *sum_0_u32,
+                                    const __m128i *sum_1_u32,
+                                    const __m128i *mul_constants_0,
+                                    const __m128i *mul_constants_1,
+                                    const int strength, const int rounding,
+                                    const int weight) {
+  highbd_average_4(output_0, sum_0_u32, mul_constants_0, strength, rounding,
+                   weight);
+  highbd_average_4(output_1, sum_1_u32, mul_constants_1, strength, rounding,
+                   weight);
+// Add 'sum_u32' to 'count'. Multiply by 'pred' and add to 'accumulator.'
+static INLINE void highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(const __m128i sum_first_u32,
+                                                 const __m128i sum_second_u32,
+                                                 const uint16_t *pred,
+                                                 uint16_t *count,
+                                                 uint32_t *accumulator) {
+  // Cast down to 16-bit ints
+  const __m128i sum_u16 = _mm_packus_epi32(sum_first_u32, sum_second_u32);
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  __m128i pred_u16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)pred);
+  __m128i count_u16 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)count);
+  __m128i pred_0_u32, pred_1_u32;
+  __m128i accum_0_u32, accum_1_u32;
+  count_u16 = _mm_adds_epu16(count_u16, sum_u16);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)count, count_u16);
+  pred_u16 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sum_u16, pred_u16);
+  pred_0_u32 = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(pred_u16);
+  pred_1_u32 = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(pred_u16, zero);
+  accum_0_u32 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)accumulator);
+  accum_1_u32 = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)(accumulator + 4));
+  accum_0_u32 = _mm_add_epi32(pred_0_u32, accum_0_u32);
+  accum_1_u32 = _mm_add_epi32(pred_1_u32, accum_1_u32);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)accumulator, accum_0_u32);
+  _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(accumulator + 4), accum_1_u32);
+static INLINE void highbd_read_dist_4(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *dist_reg) {
+  *dist_reg = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)dist);
+static INLINE void highbd_read_dist_8(const uint32_t *dist, __m128i *reg_first,
+                                      __m128i *reg_second) {
+  highbd_read_dist_4(dist, reg_first);
+  highbd_read_dist_4(dist + 4, reg_second);
+static INLINE void highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(
+    int ss_x, const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist, __m128i *u_first,
+    __m128i *u_second, __m128i *v_first, __m128i *v_second) {
+  if (!ss_x) {
+    // If there is no chroma subsampling in the horizontal direction, then we
+    // need to load 8 entries from chroma.
+    highbd_read_dist_8(u_dist, u_first, u_second);
+    highbd_read_dist_8(v_dist, v_first, v_second);
+  } else {  // ss_x == 1
+    // Otherwise, we only need to load 8 entries
+    __m128i u_reg, v_reg;
+    highbd_read_dist_4(u_dist, &u_reg);
+    *u_first = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(u_reg, u_reg);
+    *u_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(u_reg, u_reg);
+    highbd_read_dist_4(v_dist, &v_reg);
+    *v_first = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(v_reg, v_reg);
+    *v_second = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(v_reg, v_reg);
+  }
+static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
+    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
+    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
+    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
+    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
+    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, int use_whole_blk, uint32_t *y_accum,
+    uint16_t *y_count, const uint32_t *y_dist, const uint32_t *u_dist,
+    const uint32_t *v_dist, const uint32_t *const *neighbors_first,
+    const uint32_t *const *neighbors_second, int top_weight,
+    int bottom_weight) {
+  const int rounding = (1 << strength) >> 1;
+  int weight = top_weight;
+  __m128i mul_first, mul_second;
+  __m128i sum_row_1_first, sum_row_1_second;
+  __m128i sum_row_2_first, sum_row_2_second;
+  __m128i sum_row_3_first, sum_row_3_second;
+  __m128i u_first, u_second;
+  __m128i v_first, v_second;
+  __m128i sum_row_first;
+  __m128i sum_row_second;
+  // Loop variables
+  unsigned int h;
+  assert(strength >= 0 && strength <= 14 &&
+         "invalid adjusted temporal filter strength");
+  assert(block_width == 8);
+  (void)block_width;
+  // First row
+  mul_first = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_first[0]);
+  mul_second = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_second[0]);
+  // Add luma values
+  highbd_get_sum_8(y_dist, &sum_row_2_first, &sum_row_2_second);
+  highbd_get_sum_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &sum_row_3_first, &sum_row_3_second);
+  // We don't need to saturate here because the maximum value is UINT12_MAX ** 2
+  // * 9 ~= 2**24 * 9 < 2 ** 28 < INT32_MAX
+  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_2_first, sum_row_3_first);
+  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_2_second, sum_row_3_second);
+  // Add chroma values
+  highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(ss_x, u_dist, v_dist, &u_first, &u_second,
+                                &v_first, &v_second);
+  // Max value here is 2 ** 24 * (9 + 2), so no saturation is needed
+  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, u_first);
+  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, u_second);
+  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, v_first);
+  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, v_second);
+  // Get modifier and store result
+  highbd_average_8(&sum_row_first, &sum_row_second, &sum_row_first,
+                   &sum_row_second, &mul_first, &mul_second, strength, rounding,
+                   weight);
+  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(sum_row_first, sum_row_second, y_pre, y_count,
+                                y_accum);
+  y_src += y_src_stride;
+  y_pre += y_pre_stride;
+  y_count += y_pre_stride;
+  y_accum += y_pre_stride;
+  y_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+  u_src += uv_src_stride;
+  u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+  u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+  v_src += uv_src_stride;
+  v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+  v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+  // Then all the rows except the last one
+  mul_first = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_first[1]);
+  mul_second = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_second[1]);
+  for (h = 1; h < block_height - 1; ++h) {
+    // Move the weight to bottom half
+    if (!use_whole_blk && h == block_height / 2) {
+      weight = bottom_weight;
+    }
+    // Shift the rows up
+    sum_row_1_first = sum_row_2_first;
+    sum_row_1_second = sum_row_2_second;
+    sum_row_2_first = sum_row_3_first;
+    sum_row_2_second = sum_row_3_second;
+    // Add luma values to the modifier
+    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_first, sum_row_2_first);
+    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_second, sum_row_2_second);
+    highbd_get_sum_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &sum_row_3_first, &sum_row_3_second);
+    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, sum_row_3_first);
+    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, sum_row_3_second);
+    // Add chroma values to the modifier
+    if (ss_y == 0 || h % 2 == 0) {
+      // Only calculate the new chroma distortion if we are at a pixel that
+      // corresponds to a new chroma row
+      highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(ss_x, u_dist, v_dist, &u_first, &u_second,
+                                    &v_first, &v_second);
+      u_src += uv_src_stride;
+      u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+      u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+      v_src += uv_src_stride;
+      v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+      v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+    }
+    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, u_first);
+    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, u_second);
+    sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, v_first);
+    sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, v_second);
+    // Get modifier and store result
+    highbd_average_8(&sum_row_first, &sum_row_second, &sum_row_first,
+                     &sum_row_second, &mul_first, &mul_second, strength,
+                     rounding, weight);
+    highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(sum_row_first, sum_row_second, y_pre, y_count,
+                                  y_accum);
+    y_src += y_src_stride;
+    y_pre += y_pre_stride;
+    y_count += y_pre_stride;
+    y_accum += y_pre_stride;
+    y_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+  }
+  // The last row
+  mul_first = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_first[0]);
+  mul_second = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_second[0]);
+  // Shift the rows up
+  sum_row_1_first = sum_row_2_first;
+  sum_row_1_second = sum_row_2_second;
+  sum_row_2_first = sum_row_3_first;
+  sum_row_2_second = sum_row_3_second;
+  // Add luma values to the modifier
+  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_first, sum_row_2_first);
+  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_1_second, sum_row_2_second);
+  // Add chroma values to the modifier
+  if (ss_y == 0) {
+    // Only calculate the new chroma distortion if we are at a pixel that
+    // corresponds to a new chroma row
+    highbd_read_chroma_dist_row_8(ss_x, u_dist, v_dist, &u_first, &u_second,
+                                  &v_first, &v_second);
+  }
+  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, u_first);
+  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, u_second);
+  sum_row_first = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_first, v_first);
+  sum_row_second = _mm_add_epi32(sum_row_second, v_second);
+  // Get modifier and store result
+  highbd_average_8(&sum_row_first, &sum_row_second, &sum_row_first,
+                   &sum_row_second, &mul_first, &mul_second, strength, rounding,
+                   weight);
+  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(sum_row_first, sum_row_second, y_pre, y_count,
+                                y_accum);
+// Perform temporal filter for the luma component.
+static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma(
+    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
+    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
+    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
+    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
+    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *blk_fw, int use_whole_blk,
+    uint32_t *y_accum, uint16_t *y_count, const uint32_t *y_dist,
+    const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist) {
+  unsigned int blk_col = 0, uv_blk_col = 0;
+  const unsigned int blk_col_step = 8, uv_blk_col_step = 8 >> ss_x;
+  const unsigned int mid_width = block_width >> 1,
+                     last_width = block_width - blk_col_step;
+  int top_weight = blk_fw[0],
+      bottom_weight = use_whole_blk ? blk_fw[0] : blk_fw[2];
+  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_first;
+  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_second;
+  // Left
+  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
+      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
+      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step, block_height, ss_x, ss_y,
+      strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col, y_count + blk_col,
+      y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
+      neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight, bottom_weight);
+  blk_col += blk_col_step;
+  uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step;
+  // Middle First
+  for (; blk_col < mid_width;
+       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
+    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
+        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
+        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step,
+        block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col,
+        y_count + blk_col, y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col,
+        v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight,
+        bottom_weight);
+  }
+  if (!use_whole_blk) {
+    top_weight = blk_fw[1];
+    bottom_weight = blk_fw[3];
+  }
+  // Middle Second
+  for (; blk_col < last_width;
+       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
+    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
+        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
+        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step,
+        block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col,
+        y_count + blk_col, y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col,
+        v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight,
+        bottom_weight);
+  }
+  // Right
+  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma_8(
+      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
+      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, blk_col_step, block_height, ss_x, ss_y,
+      strength, use_whole_blk, y_accum + blk_col, y_count + blk_col,
+      y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
+      neighbors_first, neighbors_second, top_weight, bottom_weight);
+// Add a row of luma distortion that corresponds to 8 chroma mods. If we are
+// subsampling in x direction, then we have 16 lumas, else we have 8.
+static INLINE void highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(
+    const uint32_t *y_dist, int ss_x, int ss_y, __m128i *u_mod_fst,
+    __m128i *u_mod_snd, __m128i *v_mod_fst, __m128i *v_mod_snd) {
+  __m128i y_reg_fst, y_reg_snd;
+  if (!ss_x) {
+    highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist, &y_reg_fst, &y_reg_snd);
+    if (ss_y == 1) {
+      __m128i y_tmp_fst, y_tmp_snd;
+      highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &y_tmp_fst, &y_tmp_snd);
+      y_reg_fst = _mm_add_epi32(y_reg_fst, y_tmp_fst);
+      y_reg_snd = _mm_add_epi32(y_reg_snd, y_tmp_snd);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Temporary
+    __m128i y_fst, y_snd;
+    // First 8
+    highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist, &y_fst, &y_snd);
+    if (ss_y == 1) {
+      __m128i y_tmp_fst, y_tmp_snd;
+      highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &y_tmp_fst, &y_tmp_snd);
+      y_fst = _mm_add_epi32(y_fst, y_tmp_fst);
+      y_snd = _mm_add_epi32(y_snd, y_tmp_snd);
+    }
+    y_reg_fst = _mm_hadd_epi32(y_fst, y_snd);
+    // Second 8
+    highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + 8, &y_fst, &y_snd);
+    if (ss_y == 1) {
+      __m128i y_tmp_fst, y_tmp_snd;
+      highbd_read_dist_8(y_dist + 8 + DIST_STRIDE, &y_tmp_fst, &y_tmp_snd);
+      y_fst = _mm_add_epi32(y_fst, y_tmp_fst);
+      y_snd = _mm_add_epi32(y_snd, y_tmp_snd);
+    }
+    y_reg_snd = _mm_hadd_epi32(y_fst, y_snd);
+  }
+  *u_mod_fst = _mm_add_epi32(*u_mod_fst, y_reg_fst);
+  *u_mod_snd = _mm_add_epi32(*u_mod_snd, y_reg_snd);
+  *v_mod_fst = _mm_add_epi32(*v_mod_fst, y_reg_fst);
+  *v_mod_snd = _mm_add_epi32(*v_mod_snd, y_reg_snd);
+// Apply temporal filter to the chroma components. This performs temporal
+// filtering on a chroma block of 8 X uv_height. If blk_fw is not NULL, use
+// blk_fw as an array of size 4 for the weights for each of the 4 subblocks,
+// else use top_weight for top half, and bottom weight for bottom half.
+static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
+    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
+    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
+    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int uv_block_width,
+    unsigned int uv_block_height, int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength,
+    uint32_t *u_accum, uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accum, uint16_t *v_count,
+    const uint32_t *y_dist, const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist,
+    const uint32_t *const *neighbors_fst, const uint32_t *const *neighbors_snd,
+    int top_weight, int bottom_weight, const int *blk_fw) {
+  const int rounding = (1 << strength) >> 1;
+  int weight = top_weight;
+  __m128i mul_fst, mul_snd;
+  __m128i u_sum_row_1_fst, u_sum_row_2_fst, u_sum_row_3_fst;
+  __m128i v_sum_row_1_fst, v_sum_row_2_fst, v_sum_row_3_fst;
+  __m128i u_sum_row_1_snd, u_sum_row_2_snd, u_sum_row_3_snd;
+  __m128i v_sum_row_1_snd, v_sum_row_2_snd, v_sum_row_3_snd;
+  __m128i u_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_fst;
+  __m128i u_sum_row_snd, v_sum_row_snd;
+  // Loop variable
+  unsigned int h;
+  (void)uv_block_width;
+  // First row
+  mul_fst = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_fst[0]);
+  mul_snd = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_snd[0]);
+  // Add chroma values
+  highbd_get_sum_8(u_dist, &u_sum_row_2_fst, &u_sum_row_2_snd);
+  highbd_get_sum_8(u_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &u_sum_row_3_fst, &u_sum_row_3_snd);
+  u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_2_fst, u_sum_row_3_fst);
+  u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_2_snd, u_sum_row_3_snd);
+  highbd_get_sum_8(v_dist, &v_sum_row_2_fst, &v_sum_row_2_snd);
+  highbd_get_sum_8(v_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &v_sum_row_3_fst, &v_sum_row_3_snd);
+  v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_2_fst, v_sum_row_3_fst);
+  v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_2_snd, v_sum_row_3_snd);
+  // Add luma values
+  highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(y_dist, ss_x, ss_y, &u_sum_row_fst,
+                                       &u_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
+                                       &v_sum_row_snd);
+  // Get modifier and store result
+  if (blk_fw) {
+    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
+    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
+    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
+    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
+  } else {
+    highbd_average_8(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_fst,
+                     &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
+                     weight);
+    highbd_average_8(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
+                     &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
+                     weight);
+  }
+  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_snd, u_pre, u_count,
+                                u_accum);
+  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_snd, v_pre, v_count,
+                                v_accum);
+  u_src += uv_src_stride;
+  u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+  u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+  v_src += uv_src_stride;
+  v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+  v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+  u_count += uv_pre_stride;
+  u_accum += uv_pre_stride;
+  v_count += uv_pre_stride;
+  v_accum += uv_pre_stride;
+  y_src += y_src_stride * (1 + ss_y);
+  y_pre += y_pre_stride * (1 + ss_y);
+  y_dist += DIST_STRIDE * (1 + ss_y);
+  // Then all the rows except the last one
+  mul_fst = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_fst[1]);
+  mul_snd = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_snd[1]);
+  for (h = 1; h < uv_block_height - 1; ++h) {
+    // Move the weight pointer to the bottom half of the blocks
+    if (h == uv_block_height / 2) {
+      if (blk_fw) {
+        blk_fw += 2;
+      } else {
+        weight = bottom_weight;
+      }
+    }
+    // Shift the rows up
+    u_sum_row_1_fst = u_sum_row_2_fst;
+    u_sum_row_2_fst = u_sum_row_3_fst;
+    u_sum_row_1_snd = u_sum_row_2_snd;
+    u_sum_row_2_snd = u_sum_row_3_snd;
+    v_sum_row_1_fst = v_sum_row_2_fst;
+    v_sum_row_2_fst = v_sum_row_3_fst;
+    v_sum_row_1_snd = v_sum_row_2_snd;
+    v_sum_row_2_snd = v_sum_row_3_snd;
+    // Add chroma values
+    u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_fst, u_sum_row_2_fst);
+    u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_snd, u_sum_row_2_snd);
+    highbd_get_sum_8(u_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &u_sum_row_3_fst, &u_sum_row_3_snd);
+    u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_3_fst);
+    u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_snd, u_sum_row_3_snd);
+    v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_fst, v_sum_row_2_fst);
+    v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_snd, v_sum_row_2_snd);
+    highbd_get_sum_8(v_dist + DIST_STRIDE, &v_sum_row_3_fst, &v_sum_row_3_snd);
+    v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_3_fst);
+    v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_snd, v_sum_row_3_snd);
+    // Add luma values
+    highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(y_dist, ss_x, ss_y, &u_sum_row_fst,
+                                         &u_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
+                                         &v_sum_row_snd);
+    // Get modifier and store result
+    if (blk_fw) {
+      highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
+                       rounding, blk_fw[0]);
+      highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
+                       rounding, blk_fw[1]);
+      highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
+                       rounding, blk_fw[0]);
+      highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
+                       rounding, blk_fw[1]);
+    } else {
+      highbd_average_8(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_fst,
+                       &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
+                       weight);
+      highbd_average_8(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
+                       &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
+                       weight);
+    }
+    highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_snd, u_pre, u_count,
+                                  u_accum);
+    highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_snd, v_pre, v_count,
+                                  v_accum);
+    u_src += uv_src_stride;
+    u_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+    u_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+    v_src += uv_src_stride;
+    v_pre += uv_pre_stride;
+    v_dist += DIST_STRIDE;
+    u_count += uv_pre_stride;
+    u_accum += uv_pre_stride;
+    v_count += uv_pre_stride;
+    v_accum += uv_pre_stride;
+    y_src += y_src_stride * (1 + ss_y);
+    y_pre += y_pre_stride * (1 + ss_y);
+    y_dist += DIST_STRIDE * (1 + ss_y);
+  }
+  // The last row
+  mul_fst = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_fst[0]);
+  mul_snd = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *)neighbors_snd[0]);
+  // Shift the rows up
+  u_sum_row_1_fst = u_sum_row_2_fst;
+  u_sum_row_2_fst = u_sum_row_3_fst;
+  u_sum_row_1_snd = u_sum_row_2_snd;
+  u_sum_row_2_snd = u_sum_row_3_snd;
+  v_sum_row_1_fst = v_sum_row_2_fst;
+  v_sum_row_2_fst = v_sum_row_3_fst;
+  v_sum_row_1_snd = v_sum_row_2_snd;
+  v_sum_row_2_snd = v_sum_row_3_snd;
+  // Add chroma values
+  u_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_fst, u_sum_row_2_fst);
+  v_sum_row_fst = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_fst, v_sum_row_2_fst);
+  u_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(u_sum_row_1_snd, u_sum_row_2_snd);
+  v_sum_row_snd = _mm_add_epi32(v_sum_row_1_snd, v_sum_row_2_snd);
+  // Add luma values
+  highbd_add_luma_dist_to_8_chroma_mod(y_dist, ss_x, ss_y, &u_sum_row_fst,
+                                       &u_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
+                                       &v_sum_row_snd);
+  // Get modifier and store result
+  if (blk_fw) {
+    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
+    highbd_average_4(&u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
+    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_fst, &mul_fst, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[0]);
+    highbd_average_4(&v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_snd, strength,
+                     rounding, blk_fw[1]);
+  } else {
+    highbd_average_8(&u_sum_row_fst, &u_sum_row_snd, &u_sum_row_fst,
+                     &u_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
+                     weight);
+    highbd_average_8(&v_sum_row_fst, &v_sum_row_snd, &v_sum_row_fst,
+                     &v_sum_row_snd, &mul_fst, &mul_snd, strength, rounding,
+                     weight);
+  }
+  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(u_sum_row_fst, u_sum_row_snd, u_pre, u_count,
+                                u_accum);
+  highbd_accumulate_and_store_8(v_sum_row_fst, v_sum_row_snd, v_pre, v_count,
+                                v_accum);
+// Perform temporal filter for the chroma components.
+static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma(
+    const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
+    int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
+    int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
+    int uv_pre_stride, unsigned int block_width, unsigned int block_height,
+    int ss_x, int ss_y, int strength, const int *blk_fw, int use_whole_blk,
+    uint32_t *u_accum, uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accum, uint16_t *v_count,
+    const uint32_t *y_dist, const uint32_t *u_dist, const uint32_t *v_dist) {
+  const unsigned int uv_width = block_width >> ss_x,
+                     uv_height = block_height >> ss_y;
+  unsigned int blk_col = 0, uv_blk_col = 0;
+  const unsigned int uv_blk_col_step = 8, blk_col_step = 8 << ss_x;
+  const unsigned int uv_mid_width = uv_width >> 1,
+                     uv_last_width = uv_width - uv_blk_col_step;
+  int top_weight = blk_fw[0],
+      bottom_weight = use_whole_blk ? blk_fw[0] : blk_fw[2];
+  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_fst;
+  const uint32_t *const *neighbors_snd;
+  if (uv_width == 8) {
+    // Special Case: We are subsampling in x direction on a 16x16 block. Since
+    // we are operating on a row of 8 chroma pixels, we can't use the usual
+    // left-middle-right pattern.
+    assert(ss_x);
+    if (ss_y) {
+    } else {
+    }
+    if (use_whole_blk) {
+      highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+          y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+          u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
+          u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
+          uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
+          u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
+          y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
+          neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
+    } else {
+      highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+          y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+          u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
+          u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
+          uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
+          u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
+          y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
+          neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, 0, 0, blk_fw);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  // Left
+  if (ss_x && ss_y) {
+  } else if (ss_x || ss_y) {
+  } else {
+  }
+  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
+      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width, uv_height, ss_x, ss_y,
+      strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col, u_count + uv_blk_col,
+      v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col, y_dist + blk_col,
+      u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd,
+      top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
+  blk_col += blk_col_step;
+  uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step;
+  // Middle First
+  if (ss_x && ss_y) {
+  } else if (ss_x || ss_y) {
+  } else {
+  }
+  for (; uv_blk_col < uv_mid_width;
+       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
+    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
+        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
+        uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
+        u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
+        y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
+        neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
+  }
+  if (!use_whole_blk) {
+    top_weight = blk_fw[1];
+    bottom_weight = blk_fw[3];
+  }
+  // Middle Second
+  for (; uv_blk_col < uv_last_width;
+       blk_col += blk_col_step, uv_blk_col += uv_blk_col_step) {
+    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+        y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+        u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride,
+        u_pre + uv_blk_col, v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width,
+        uv_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col,
+        u_count + uv_blk_col, v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col,
+        y_dist + blk_col, u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col,
+        neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd, top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
+  }
+  // Right
+  if (ss_x && ss_y) {
+  } else if (ss_x || ss_y) {
+  } else {
+  }
+  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma_8(
+      y_src + blk_col, y_src_stride, y_pre + blk_col, y_pre_stride,
+      u_src + uv_blk_col, v_src + uv_blk_col, uv_src_stride, u_pre + uv_blk_col,
+      v_pre + uv_blk_col, uv_pre_stride, uv_width, uv_height, ss_x, ss_y,
+      strength, u_accum + uv_blk_col, u_count + uv_blk_col,
+      v_accum + uv_blk_col, v_count + uv_blk_col, y_dist + blk_col,
+      u_dist + uv_blk_col, v_dist + uv_blk_col, neighbors_fst, neighbors_snd,
+      top_weight, bottom_weight, NULL);
+static void highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv(
+    const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ref_frame, const MACROBLOCKD *mbd,
+    const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col,
+    const int strength, const int use_subblock,
+    const int *subblock_filter_weights, const uint8_t *pred, uint32_t *accum,
+    uint16_t *count) {
+  const int use_whole_blk = !use_subblock;
+  const int *blk_fw = subblock_filter_weights;
+  // Block information (Y-plane).
+  const unsigned int block_height = block_size_high[block_size];
+  const unsigned int block_width = block_size_wide[block_size];
+  const int mb_pels = block_height * block_width;
+  const int y_src_stride = ref_frame->y_stride;
+  const int y_pre_stride = block_width;
+  const int mb_y_src_offset =
+      mb_row * block_height * ref_frame->y_stride + mb_col * block_width;
+  // Block information (UV-plane).
+  const int ss_y = mbd->plane[1].subsampling_y;
+  const int ss_x = mbd->plane[1].subsampling_x;
+  const unsigned int uv_height = block_height >> ss_y;
+  const unsigned int uv_width = block_width >> ss_x;
+  const int uv_src_stride = ref_frame->uv_stride;
+  const int uv_pre_stride = block_width >> ss_x;
+  const int mb_uv_src_offset =
+      mb_row * uv_height * ref_frame->uv_stride + mb_col * uv_width;
+  const uint8_t *y_src = ref_frame->y_buffer + mb_y_src_offset;
+  const uint8_t *u_src = ref_frame->u_buffer + mb_uv_src_offset;
+  const uint8_t *v_src = ref_frame->v_buffer + mb_uv_src_offset;
+  const uint8_t *y_pre = pred;
+  const uint8_t *u_pre = pred + mb_pels;
+  const uint8_t *v_pre = pred + mb_pels * 2;
+  uint32_t *y_accum = accum;
+  uint32_t *u_accum = accum + mb_pels;
+  uint32_t *v_accum = accum + mb_pels * 2;
+  uint16_t *y_count = count;
+  uint16_t *u_count = count + mb_pels;
+  uint16_t *v_count = count + mb_pels * 2;
+  const unsigned int chroma_height = block_height >> ss_y,
+                     chroma_width = block_width >> ss_x;
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint32_t, y_dist[BH * DIST_STRIDE]) = { 0 };
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint32_t, u_dist[BH * DIST_STRIDE]) = { 0 };
+  DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, uint32_t, v_dist[BH * DIST_STRIDE]) = { 0 };
+  uint32_t *y_dist_ptr = y_dist + 1, *u_dist_ptr = u_dist + 1,
+           *v_dist_ptr = v_dist + 1;
+  const uint16_t *y_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_src),
+                 *u_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_src),
+                 *v_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_src);
+  const uint16_t *y_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_pre),
+                 *u_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_pre),
+                 *v_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_pre);
+  // Loop variables
+  unsigned int row, blk_col;
+  assert(block_width <= BW && "block width too large");
+  assert(block_height <= BH && "block height too large");
+  assert(block_width % 16 == 0 && "block width must be multiple of 16");
+  assert(block_height % 2 == 0 && "block height must be even");
+  assert((ss_x == 0 || ss_x == 1) && (ss_y == 0 || ss_y == 1) &&
+         "invalid chroma subsampling");
+  assert(strength >= 0 && strength <= 14 &&
+         "invalid adjusted temporal filter strength");
+  assert(blk_fw[0] >= 0 && "filter weight must be positive");
+  assert(
+      (use_whole_blk || (blk_fw[1] >= 0 && blk_fw[2] >= 0 && blk_fw[3] >= 0)) &&
+      "subblock filter weight must be positive");
+  assert(blk_fw[0] <= 2 && "sublock filter weight must be less than 2");
+  assert(
+      (use_whole_blk || (blk_fw[1] <= 2 && blk_fw[2] <= 2 && blk_fw[3] <= 2)) &&
+      "subblock filter weight must be less than 2");
+  // Precompute the difference squared
+  for (row = 0; row < block_height; row++) {
+    for (blk_col = 0; blk_col < block_width; blk_col += 8) {
+      highbd_store_dist_8(y_src_ptr + blk_col, y_pre_ptr + blk_col,
+                          y_dist_ptr + blk_col);
+    }
+    y_src_ptr += y_src_stride;
+    y_pre_ptr += y_pre_stride;
+    y_dist_ptr += DIST_STRIDE;
+  }
+  for (row = 0; row < chroma_height; row++) {
+    for (blk_col = 0; blk_col < chroma_width; blk_col += 8) {
+      highbd_store_dist_8(u_src_ptr + blk_col, u_pre_ptr + blk_col,
+                          u_dist_ptr + blk_col);
+      highbd_store_dist_8(v_src_ptr + blk_col, v_pre_ptr + blk_col,
+                          v_dist_ptr + blk_col);
+    }
+    u_src_ptr += uv_src_stride;
+    u_pre_ptr += uv_pre_stride;
+    u_dist_ptr += DIST_STRIDE;
+    v_src_ptr += uv_src_stride;
+    v_pre_ptr += uv_pre_stride;
+    v_dist_ptr += DIST_STRIDE;
+  }
+  y_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_src),
+  u_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_src),
+  v_src_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_src);
+  y_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(y_pre),
+  u_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(u_pre),
+  v_pre_ptr = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(v_pre);
+  y_dist_ptr = y_dist + 1;
+  u_dist_ptr = u_dist + 1;
+  v_dist_ptr = v_dist + 1;
+  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_luma(
+      y_src_ptr, y_src_stride, y_pre_ptr, y_pre_stride, u_src_ptr, v_src_ptr,
+      uv_src_stride, u_pre_ptr, v_pre_ptr, uv_pre_stride, block_width,
+      block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, blk_fw, use_whole_blk, y_accum,
+      y_count, y_dist_ptr, u_dist_ptr, v_dist_ptr);
+  highbd_apply_temporal_filter_chroma(
+      y_src_ptr, y_src_stride, y_pre_ptr, y_pre_stride, u_src_ptr, v_src_ptr,
+      uv_src_stride, u_pre_ptr, v_pre_ptr, uv_pre_stride, block_width,
+      block_height, ss_x, ss_y, strength, blk_fw, use_whole_blk, u_accum,
+      u_count, v_accum, v_count, y_dist_ptr, u_dist_ptr, v_dist_ptr);
+// High bit-depth Ends //
+void av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1(
+    const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ref_frame, const MACROBLOCKD *mbd,
+    const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col,
+    const int strength, const int use_subblock,
+    const int *subblock_filter_weights, const uint8_t *pred, uint32_t *accum,
+    uint16_t *count) {
+  const int is_high_bitdepth = ref_frame->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH;
+  if (is_high_bitdepth) {
+    highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv(
+        ref_frame, mbd, block_size, mb_row, mb_col, strength, use_subblock,
+        subblock_filter_weights, pred, accum, count);
+  } else {
+    apply_temporal_filter_yuv(ref_frame, mbd, block_size, mb_row, mb_col,
+                              strength, use_subblock, subblock_filter_weights,
+                              pred, accum, count);
+  }
diff --git a/test/yuv_temporal_filter_test.cc b/test/temporal_filter_yuv_test.cc
similarity index 96%
rename from test/yuv_temporal_filter_test.cc
rename to test/temporal_filter_yuv_test.cc
index 319a626..4e2eea2 100644
--- a/test/yuv_temporal_filter_test.cc
+++ b/test/temporal_filter_yuv_test.cc
@@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
 const int MAX_WIDTH = 32;
 const int MAX_HEIGHT = 32;
-typedef void (*YUVTemporalFilterFunc)(
+typedef void (*TemporalFilterYUVFunc)(
     const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *ref_frame, const MACROBLOCKD *mbd,
     const BLOCK_SIZE block_size, const int mb_row, const int mb_col,
     const int strength, const int use_subblock, const int *blk_fw,
     const uint8_t *pred, uint32_t *accum, uint16_t *count);
 struct TemporalFilterWithBd {
-  TemporalFilterWithBd(YUVTemporalFilterFunc func, int bitdepth)
+  TemporalFilterWithBd(TemporalFilterYUVFunc func, int bitdepth)
       : temporal_filter(func), bd(bitdepth) {}
-  YUVTemporalFilterFunc temporal_filter;
+  TemporalFilterYUVFunc temporal_filter;
   int bd;
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
-class YUVTemporalFilterTest
+class TemporalFilterYUVTest
     : public ::testing::TestWithParam<TemporalFilterWithBd> {
   virtual void SetUp() {
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
                        uint32_t *u_accumu, uint16_t *u_count, uint32_t *v_accum,
                        uint16_t *v_count);
-  YUVTemporalFilterFunc filter_func_;
+  TemporalFilterYUVFunc filter_func_;
   ACMRandom rnd_;
   int saturate_test_;
   int num_repeats_;
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
 template <>
-void YUVTemporalFilterTest::ApplyTestFilter<uint8_t>(
+void TemporalFilterYUVTest::ApplyTestFilter<uint8_t>(
     const uint8_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint8_t *y_pre,
     int y_pre_stride, const uint8_t *u_src, const uint8_t *v_src,
     int uv_src_stride, const uint8_t *u_pre, const uint8_t *v_pre,
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
 template <>
-void YUVTemporalFilterTest::ApplyTestFilter<uint16_t>(
+void TemporalFilterYUVTest::ApplyTestFilter<uint16_t>(
     const uint16_t *y_src, int y_src_stride, const uint16_t *y_pre,
     int y_pre_stride, const uint16_t *u_src, const uint16_t *v_src,
     int uv_src_stride, const uint16_t *u_pre, const uint16_t *v_pre,
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
 template <typename PixelType>
-void YUVTemporalFilterTest::CompareTestWithParam(int width, int height,
+void TemporalFilterYUVTest::CompareTestWithParam(int width, int height,
                                                  int ss_x, int ss_y,
                                                  int filter_strength,
                                                  int use_32x32,
@@ -646,7 +646,7 @@
 template <typename PixelType>
-void YUVTemporalFilterTest::RunTestFilterWithParam(int width, int height,
+void TemporalFilterYUVTest::RunTestFilterWithParam(int width, int height,
                                                    int ss_x, int ss_y,
                                                    int filter_strength,
                                                    int use_32x32,
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
-TEST_P(YUVTemporalFilterTest, Use32x32) {
+TEST_P(TemporalFilterYUVTest, Use32x32) {
   const int width = 32, height = 32;
   const int use_32x32 = 1;
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
-TEST_P(YUVTemporalFilterTest, Use16x16) {
+TEST_P(TemporalFilterYUVTest, Use16x16) {
   const int width = 32, height = 32;
   const int use_32x32 = 0;
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@
-TEST_P(YUVTemporalFilterTest, SaturationTest) {
+TEST_P(TemporalFilterYUVTest, SaturationTest) {
   const int width = 32, height = 32;
   const int use_32x32 = 1;
   const int filter_weight = 1;
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
-TEST_P(YUVTemporalFilterTest, DISABLED_Speed) {
+TEST_P(TemporalFilterYUVTest, DISABLED_Speed) {
   const int width = 32, height = 32;
   num_repeats_ = 1000;
@@ -821,20 +821,19 @@
-    C, YUVTemporalFilterTest,
+    C, TemporalFilterYUVTest,
         TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c, 8),
-        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c, 10),
-        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c, 12)));
+        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c, 10),
+        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_c, 12)));
 #if HAVE_SSE4_1
-    SSE4_1, YUVTemporalFilterTest,
+    SSE4_1, TemporalFilterYUVTest,
         TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1, 8),
-        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1, 10),
-        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_highbd_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1,
-                             12)));
+        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1, 10),
+        TemporalFilterWithBd(&av1_apply_temporal_filter_yuv_sse4_1, 12)));
 #endif  // HAVE_SSE4_1
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/test/test.cmake b/test/test.cmake
index eb3f528..ea7c179 100644
--- a/test/test.cmake
+++ b/test/test.cmake
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@
-                "${AOM_ROOT}/test/yuv_temporal_filter_test.cc")
+                "${AOM_ROOT}/test/temporal_filter_yuv_test.cc")
-                       "${AOM_ROOT}/test/yuv_temporal_filter_test.cc")
+                       "${AOM_ROOT}/test/temporal_filter_yuv_test.cc")