blob: 1a632ee6ba73d735e39f2e60bdac5f9d3badecf3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#ifndef AV1_COMMON_ANS_H_
#define AV1_COMMON_ANS_H_
// An implementation of Asymmetric Numeral Systems
#include <assert.h>
#include "./aom_config.h"
#include "aom/aom_integer.h"
#include "aom_dsp/prob.h"
#include "aom_ports/mem_ops.h"
#include "av1/common/divide.h"
#define ANS_DIVREM(quotient, remainder, dividend, divisor) \
do { \
quotient = fastdiv(dividend, divisor); \
remainder = dividend - quotient * divisor; \
} while (0)
#define ANS_DIV(dividend, divisor) fastdiv(dividend, divisor)
#define ANS_DIVREM(quotient, remainder, dividend, divisor) \
do { \
quotient = dividend / divisor; \
remainder = dividend % divisor; \
} while (0)
#define ANS_DIV(dividend, divisor) ((dividend) / (divisor))
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus
struct AnsCoder {
uint8_t *buf;
int buf_offset;
uint32_t state;
struct AnsDecoder {
const uint8_t *buf;
int buf_offset;
uint32_t state;
typedef uint8_t AnsP8;
#define ans_p8_precision 256u
#define ans_p8_shift 8
typedef uint16_t AnsP10;
#define ans_p10_precision 1024u
#define rans_precision ans_p10_precision
#define l_base (ans_p10_precision * 4) // l_base % precision must be 0
#define io_base 256
// Range I = { l_base, l_base + 1, ..., l_base * io_base - 1 }
static INLINE void ans_write_init(struct AnsCoder *const ans,
uint8_t *const buf) {
ans->buf = buf;
ans->buf_offset = 0;
ans->state = l_base;
static INLINE int ans_write_end(struct AnsCoder *const ans) {
uint32_t state;
assert(ans->state >= l_base);
assert(ans->state < l_base * io_base);
state = ans->state - l_base;
if (state < (1 << 6)) {
ans->buf[ans->buf_offset] = (0x00 << 6) + state;
return ans->buf_offset + 1;
} else if (state < (1 << 14)) {
mem_put_le16(ans->buf + ans->buf_offset, (0x01 << 14) + state);
return ans->buf_offset + 2;
} else if (state < (1 << 22)) {
mem_put_le24(ans->buf + ans->buf_offset, (0x02 << 22) + state);
return ans->buf_offset + 3;
} else {
assert(0 && "State is too large to be serialized");
return ans->buf_offset;
// rABS with descending spread
// p or p0 takes the place of l_s from the paper
// ans_p8_precision is m
static INLINE void rabs_desc_write(struct AnsCoder *ans, int val, AnsP8 p0) {
const AnsP8 p = ans_p8_precision - p0;
const unsigned l_s = val ? p : p0;
unsigned quot, rem;
if (ans->state >= l_base / ans_p8_precision * io_base * l_s) {
ans->buf[ans->buf_offset++] = ans->state % io_base;
ans->state /= io_base;
ANS_DIVREM(quot, rem, ans->state, l_s);
ans->state = quot * ans_p8_precision + rem + (val ? 0 : p);
#define ANS_IMPL1 0
#define UNPREDICTABLE(x) x
static INLINE int rabs_desc_read(struct AnsDecoder *ans, AnsP8 p0) {
int val;
unsigned l_s;
unsigned quot, rem, x, xn;
const AnsP8 p = ans_p8_precision - p0;
if (ans->state < l_base) {
ans->state = ans->state * io_base + ans->buf[--ans->buf_offset];
val = ans->state % ans_p8_precision < p;
l_s = val ? p : p0;
ans->state = (ans->state / ans_p8_precision) * l_s +
ans->state % ans_p8_precision - (!val * p);
x = ans->state;
quot = x / ans_p8_precision;
rem = x % ans_p8_precision;
xn = quot * p;
val = rem < p;
ans->state = xn + rem;
} else {
// ans->state = quot * p0 + rem - p;
ans->state = x - xn - p;
return val;
// rABS with ascending spread
// p or p0 takes the place of l_s from the paper
// ans_p8_precision is m
static INLINE void rabs_asc_write(struct AnsCoder *ans, int val, AnsP8 p0) {
const AnsP8 p = ans_p8_precision - p0;
const unsigned l_s = val ? p : p0;
unsigned quot, rem;
if (ans->state >= l_base / ans_p8_precision * io_base * l_s) {
ans->buf[ans->buf_offset++] = ans->state % io_base;
ans->state /= io_base;
ANS_DIVREM(quot, rem, ans->state, l_s);
ans->state = quot * ans_p8_precision + rem + (val ? p0 : 0);
static INLINE int rabs_asc_read(struct AnsDecoder *ans, AnsP8 p0) {
int val;
unsigned l_s;
unsigned quot, rem, x, xn;
const AnsP8 p = ans_p8_precision - p0;
if (ans->state < l_base) {
ans->state = ans->state * io_base + ans->buf[--ans->buf_offset];
val = ans->state % ans_p8_precision < p;
l_s = val ? p : p0;
ans->state = (ans->state / ans_p8_precision) * l_s +
ans->state % ans_p8_precision - (!val * p);
x = ans->state;
quot = x / ans_p8_precision;
rem = x % ans_p8_precision;
xn = quot * p;
val = rem >= p0;
ans->state = xn + rem - p0;
} else {
// ans->state = quot * p0 + rem - p0;
ans->state = x - xn;
return val;
#define rabs_read rabs_desc_read
#define rabs_write rabs_desc_write
// uABS with normalization
static INLINE void uabs_write(struct AnsCoder *ans, int val, AnsP8 p0) {
AnsP8 p = ans_p8_precision - p0;
const unsigned l_s = val ? p : p0;
while (ans->state >= l_base / ans_p8_precision * io_base * l_s) {
ans->buf[ans->buf_offset++] = ans->state % io_base;
ans->state /= io_base;
if (!val)
ans->state = ANS_DIV(ans->state * ans_p8_precision, p0);
ans->state = ANS_DIV((ans->state + 1) * ans_p8_precision + p - 1, p) - 1;
static INLINE int uabs_read(struct AnsDecoder *ans, AnsP8 p0) {
AnsP8 p = ans_p8_precision - p0;
int s;
// unsigned int xp1;
unsigned xp, sp;
unsigned state = ans->state;
while (state < l_base && ans->buf_offset > 0) {
state = state * io_base + ans->buf[--ans->buf_offset];
sp = state * p;
// xp1 = (sp + p) / ans_p8_precision;
xp = sp / ans_p8_precision;
// s = xp1 - xp;
s = (sp & 0xFF) >= p0;
ans->state = xp;
ans->state = state - xp;
return s;
static INLINE int uabs_read_bit(struct AnsDecoder *ans) {
int s;
unsigned state = ans->state;
while (state < l_base && ans->buf_offset > 0) {
state = state * io_base + ans->buf[--ans->buf_offset];
s = (int)(state & 1);
ans->state = state >> 1;
return s;
static INLINE int uabs_read_literal(struct AnsDecoder *ans, int bits) {
int literal = 0, bit;
assert(bits < 31);
// TODO(aconverse): Investigate ways to read/write literals faster,
// e.g. 8-bit chunks.
for (bit = bits - 1; bit >= 0; bit--) literal |= uabs_read_bit(ans) << bit;
return literal;
// TODO(aconverse): Replace trees with tokensets.
static INLINE int uabs_read_tree(struct AnsDecoder *ans,
const aom_tree_index *tree,
const AnsP8 *probs) {
aom_tree_index i = 0;
while ((i = tree[i + uabs_read(ans, probs[i >> 1])]) > 0) continue;
return -i;
struct rans_sym {
AnsP10 prob;
AnsP10 cum_prob; // not-inclusive
struct rans_dec_sym {
uint8_t val;
AnsP10 prob;
AnsP10 cum_prob; // not-inclusive
// This is now just a boring cdf. It starts with an explicit zero.
// TODO(aconverse): Remove starting zero.
typedef uint16_t rans_dec_lut[16];
static INLINE void rans_build_cdf_from_pdf(const AnsP10 token_probs[],
rans_dec_lut cdf_tab) {
int i;
cdf_tab[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; cdf_tab[i - 1] < rans_precision; ++i) {
cdf_tab[i] = cdf_tab[i - 1] + token_probs[i - 1];
assert(cdf_tab[i - 1] == rans_precision);
static INLINE int ans_find_largest(const AnsP10 *const pdf_tab, int num_syms) {
int largest_idx = -1;
int largest_p = -1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_syms; ++i) {
int p = pdf_tab[i];
if (p > largest_p) {
largest_p = p;
largest_idx = i;
return largest_idx;
static INLINE void rans_merge_prob8_pdf(AnsP10 *const out_pdf,
const AnsP8 node_prob,
const AnsP10 *const src_pdf,
int in_syms) {
int i;
int adjustment = rans_precision;
const int round_fact = ans_p8_precision >> 1;
const AnsP8 p1 = ans_p8_precision - node_prob;
const int out_syms = in_syms + 1;
assert(src_pdf != out_pdf);
out_pdf[0] = node_prob << (10 - 8);
adjustment -= out_pdf[0];
for (i = 0; i < in_syms; ++i) {
int p = (p1 * src_pdf[i] + round_fact) >> ans_p8_shift;
p = AOMMIN(p, (int)rans_precision - in_syms);
p = AOMMAX(p, 1);
out_pdf[i + 1] = p;
adjustment -= p;
// Adjust probabilities so they sum to the total probability
if (adjustment > 0) {
i = ans_find_largest(out_pdf, out_syms);
out_pdf[i] += adjustment;
} else {
while (adjustment < 0) {
i = ans_find_largest(out_pdf, out_syms);
assert(out_pdf[i] > 0);
// rANS with normalization
// sym->prob takes the place of l_s from the paper
// ans_p10_precision is m
static INLINE void rans_write(struct AnsCoder *ans,
const struct rans_sym *const sym) {
const AnsP10 p = sym->prob;
while (ans->state >= l_base / rans_precision * io_base * p) {
ans->buf[ans->buf_offset++] = ans->state % io_base;
ans->state /= io_base;
ans->state =
(ans->state / p) * rans_precision + ans->state % p + sym->cum_prob;
static INLINE void fetch_sym(struct rans_dec_sym *out, const rans_dec_lut cdf,
AnsP10 rem) {
int i = 0;
// TODO(skal): if critical, could be a binary search.
// Or, better, an O(1) alias-table.
while (rem >= cdf[i]) {
out->val = i - 1;
out->prob = (AnsP10)(cdf[i] - cdf[i - 1]);
out->cum_prob = (AnsP10)cdf[i - 1];
static INLINE int rans_read(struct AnsDecoder *ans, const rans_dec_lut tab) {
unsigned rem;
unsigned quo;
struct rans_dec_sym sym;
while (ans->state < l_base && ans->buf_offset > 0) {
ans->state = ans->state * io_base + ans->buf[--ans->buf_offset];
quo = ans->state / rans_precision;
rem = ans->state % rans_precision;
fetch_sym(&sym, tab, rem);
ans->state = quo * sym.prob + rem - sym.cum_prob;
return sym.val;
static INLINE int ans_read_init(struct AnsDecoder *const ans,
const uint8_t *const buf, int offset) {
unsigned x;
if (offset < 1) return 1;
ans->buf = buf;
x = buf[offset - 1] >> 6;
if (x == 0) {
ans->buf_offset = offset - 1;
ans->state = buf[offset - 1] & 0x3F;
} else if (x == 1) {
if (offset < 2) return 1;
ans->buf_offset = offset - 2;
ans->state = mem_get_le16(buf + offset - 2) & 0x3FFF;
} else if (x == 2) {
if (offset < 3) return 1;
ans->buf_offset = offset - 3;
ans->state = mem_get_le24(buf + offset - 3) & 0x3FFFFF;
} else {
// x == 3 implies this byte is a superframe marker
return 1;
ans->state += l_base;
if (ans->state >= l_base * io_base) return 1;
return 0;
static INLINE int ans_read_end(struct AnsDecoder *const ans) {
return ans->state == l_base;
static INLINE int ans_reader_has_error(const struct AnsDecoder *const ans) {
return ans->state < l_base && ans->buf_offset == 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // AV1_COMMON_ANS_H_