blob: 3dd13612c28ddfca4024ebc53aec7065840ffe11 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "av1/encoder/encodemb.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encoder.h"
#include "av1/encoder/encodeframe_utils.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Rectangular partition types.
// This structure contains block size related
// variables for use in rd_pick_partition().
typedef struct {
// Half of block width/height to determine block edge.
int mi_step_w;
int mi_step_h;
// Block row and column indices.
int mi_row;
int mi_col;
// Block width of current partition block.
int width;
BLOCK_SIZE max_sq_part;
BLOCK_SIZE min_sq_part;
// Block width of maximum partition size allowed.
int max_partition_size_1d;
// Block width of minimum partition size allowed.
int min_partition_size_1d;
int is_le_min_sq_part;
int is_gt_max_sq_part;
// Indicates edge blocks in frame.
int has_rows;
int has_cols;
// Block size of current partition.
// Chroma subsampling in x and y directions.
int ss_x;
int ss_y;
} PartitionBlkParams;
// Structure holding state variables for partition search.
typedef struct {
// Parameters related to partition block size.
PartitionBlkParams part_blk_params;
int is_block_splittable;
// // RD cost for the current block of given partition type.
// RD_STATS this_rdc;
// // RD cost summed across all blocks of partition type.
// RD_STATS sum_rdc;
// Array holding partition type cost.
int tmp_partition_cost[PARTITION_TYPES];
int partition_cost_table[EXT_PARTITION_TYPES];
// Pointer to partition cost buffer
int *partition_cost;
// RD costs for different partition types.
int64_t none_rd;
int64_t split_rd[SUB_PARTITIONS_SPLIT];
// RD costs for rectangular partitions.
// rect_part_rd[0][i] is the RD cost of ith partition index of PARTITION_HORZ.
// rect_part_rd[1][i] is the RD cost of ith partition index of PARTITION_VERT.
int64_t rect_part_rd[NUM_RECT_PARTS][SUB_PARTITIONS_RECT];
// New Simple Motion Result for PARTITION_NONE
SMSPartitionStats none_data;
// Flags indicating if the corresponding partition was winner or not.
// Used to bypass similar blocks during AB partition evaluation.
int split_ctx_is_ready[2];
int rect_ctx_is_ready[NUM_RECT_PARTS];
// Flags to prune/skip particular partition size evaluation.
int terminate_partition_search;
int partition_none_allowed;
int partition_rect_allowed[NUM_RECT_PARTS];
int partition_3_allowed[NUM_RECT_PARTS];
int partition_ab_allowed[NUM_RECT_PARTS][NUM_AB_TYPES];
int partition_4_allowed[NUM_RECT_PARTS];
int do_rectangular_split;
int do_square_split;
int prune_rect_part[NUM_RECT_PARTS];
// Partition plane context index.
int pl;
// This flag will be set if best partition is found from the search.
bool found_best_partition;
} PartitionSearchState;
void av1_init_partition_search_state(PartitionSearchState *search_state,
MACROBLOCK *x, AV1_COMP *const cpi,
const PC_TREE *pc_tree, int mi_row,
int mi_col, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
BLOCK_SIZE max_sq_part,
BLOCK_SIZE min_sq_part);
void av1_update_picked_ref_frames_mask(MACROBLOCK *const x, int ref_type,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int mib_size,
int mi_row, int mi_col);
void av1_encode_b(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, TileDataEnc *tile_data,
ThreadData *td, TOKENEXTRA **tp, int mi_row, int mi_col,
RUN_TYPE dry_run, BLOCK_SIZE bsize, PARTITION_TYPE partition,
const PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *const ctx, int *rate);
void av1_encode_sb(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, ThreadData *td,
TileDataEnc *tile_data, TOKENEXTRA **tp, int mi_row,
int mi_col, RUN_TYPE dry_run, BLOCK_SIZE bsize,
PC_TREE *pc_tree, PARTITION_TREE *ptree, int *rate);
// Checks to see if a super block is on a horizontal image edge.
// In most cases this is the "real" edge unless there are formatting
// bars embedded in the stream.
int av1_active_h_edge(const AV1_COMP *cpi, int mi_row, int mi_step);
// Checks to see if a super block is on a vertical image edge.
// In most cases this is the "real" edge unless there are formatting
// bars embedded in the stream.
int av1_active_v_edge(const AV1_COMP *cpi, int mi_row, int mi_step);
void av1_encode_superblock(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, TileDataEnc *tile_data,
ThreadData *td, TOKENEXTRA **t, RUN_TYPE dry_run,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int *rate);
void av1_update_state(const AV1_COMP *const cpi, ThreadData *td,
const PICK_MODE_CONTEXT *const ctx, int mi_row,
int mi_col, BLOCK_SIZE bsize, RUN_TYPE dry_run);
void av1_setup_block_rdmult(const struct AV1_COMP *cpi,
struct macroblock *const x, int mi_row, int mi_col,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, AQ_MODE aq_mode,
MB_MODE_INFO *mbmi);
static INLINE int check_is_chroma_size_valid(PARTITION_TYPE partition,
BLOCK_SIZE bsize, int mi_row,
int mi_col, int ss_x, int ss_y,
const PC_TREE *pc_tree) {
const BLOCK_SIZE subsize = get_partition_subsize(bsize, partition);
int is_valid = 0;
if (subsize < BLOCK_SIZES_ALL) {
CHROMA_REF_INFO tmp_chr_ref_info = { 1, 0, mi_row, mi_col, bsize, bsize };
set_chroma_ref_info(mi_row, mi_col, 0, subsize, &tmp_chr_ref_info,
&pc_tree->chroma_ref_info, bsize, partition, ss_x,
is_valid = get_plane_block_size(tmp_chr_ref_info.bsize_base, ss_x, ss_y) !=
return is_valid;
// If any of the search_state_rd is INT_MAX, set them to 0 for the ML models
static INLINE void clip_partition_search_state_rd(
PartitionSearchState *search_state) {
search_state->rect_part_rd[HORZ][0] =
(search_state->rect_part_rd[HORZ][0] < INT64_MAX
? search_state->rect_part_rd[HORZ][0]
: 0);
search_state->rect_part_rd[HORZ][1] =
(search_state->rect_part_rd[HORZ][1] < INT64_MAX
? search_state->rect_part_rd[HORZ][1]
: 0);
search_state->rect_part_rd[VERT][0] =
(search_state->rect_part_rd[VERT][0] < INT64_MAX
? search_state->rect_part_rd[VERT][0]
: 0);
search_state->rect_part_rd[VERT][1] =
(search_state->rect_part_rd[VERT][1] < INT64_MAX
? search_state->rect_part_rd[VERT][1]
: 0);
search_state->split_rd[0] =
(search_state->split_rd[0] < INT64_MAX ? search_state->split_rd[0] : 0);
search_state->split_rd[1] =
(search_state->split_rd[1] < INT64_MAX ? search_state->split_rd[1] : 0);
search_state->split_rd[2] =
(search_state->split_rd[2] < INT64_MAX ? search_state->split_rd[2] : 0);
search_state->split_rd[3] =
(search_state->split_rd[3] < INT64_MAX ? search_state->split_rd[3] : 0);
static INLINE void init_partition_allowed(PartitionSearchState *search_state,
const AV1_COMP *cpi,
const PC_TREE *pc_tree) {
const PartitionBlkParams *blk_params = &search_state->part_blk_params;
const BLOCK_SIZE bsize = blk_params->bsize;
const int mi_row = blk_params->mi_row, mi_col = blk_params->mi_col;
const int has_rows = blk_params->has_rows, has_cols = blk_params->has_cols;
const int ss_x = blk_params->ss_x, ss_y = blk_params->ss_y;
int is_chroma_size_valid_horz = check_is_chroma_size_valid(
PARTITION_HORZ, bsize, mi_row, mi_col, ss_x, ss_y, pc_tree);
int is_chroma_size_valid_vert = check_is_chroma_size_valid(
PARTITION_VERT, bsize, mi_row, mi_col, ss_x, ss_y, pc_tree);
search_state->terminate_partition_search = 0;
search_state->partition_none_allowed = has_rows && has_cols;
search_state->partition_rect_allowed[HORZ] =
(has_cols || (!has_rows && !has_cols)) &&
is_partition_valid(bsize, PARTITION_HORZ) &&
blk_params->has_cols && is_partition_valid(bsize, PARTITION_HORZ) &&
cpi->oxcf.enable_rect_partitions && is_chroma_size_valid_horz;
search_state->partition_rect_allowed[VERT] =
(has_rows || (!has_rows && !has_cols)) &&
is_partition_valid(bsize, PARTITION_VERT) &&
blk_params->has_rows && is_partition_valid(bsize, PARTITION_VERT) &&
cpi->oxcf.enable_rect_partitions && is_chroma_size_valid_vert;
search_state->do_square_split =
search_state->is_block_splittable && is_square_block(bsize);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"