blob: 41fde1a76702fba3fddef1c75a5e027a2ee0c5a7 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "aom/aom_integer.h"
// Struct for parameters related to segmentation.
typedef struct {
float sigma; // Parameter used for gaussian smoothing of input image.
float k; // Threshold: larger values result in larger components.
int min_size; // Minimum component size enforced by post-processing.
} Av1SegmentParams;
// Get reasonable defaults for segmentation parameters.
void av1_get_default_segment_params(Av1SegmentParams *params);
// Get image segments.
// Inputs:
// - input: input image (Y plane)
// - width: input image width
// - height: input image height
// - stride: input image stride
// - seg_params: segmentation parameters
// Outputs:
// - output: segmented output image (Y plane)
// - num_components: Number of connected components (segments) in the output.
// Note: Assumes output array is already allocated with size = width * height.
void av1_get_segments(const uint8_t *input, int width, int height, int stride,
const Av1SegmentParams *seg_params, uint8_t *output,
int *num_components);
// Amend mask with values {0,1} to one with values {0,64}.
// Input/output:
// - mask: Binary mask that is modified in-place.
// Inputs:
// - w: mask width and also stride
// - h: mask height
void av1_extend_binary_mask_range(uint8_t *const mask, int w, int h);
// Applies box blur on 'mask' using an averaging filter.
// Input/output:
// - mask: Binary mask with extended range that is modified in-place.
// Inputs:
// - w: mask width and also stride
// - h: mask height
void av1_apply_box_blur(uint8_t *const mask, int w, int h);
// Run-length encodes 'img'.
// Inputs:
// - img: image to be encoded
// - width: image width
// - height: image height
// - stride: image stride
// Outputs:
// - out: run-length encoded image. Assumed to be already allocated.
// - out_size: length of 'out'
void av1_run_length_encode(const uint8_t *const img, int width, int height,
int stride, uint8_t *out, int *out_size);
// Dump raw Y plane to a YUV file.
// Can be viewed as follows, for example:
// ffplay -f rawvideo -pixel_format gray -video_size wxh -i <filename>
void av1_dump_raw_y_plane(const uint8_t *y, int width, int height, int stride,
const char *filename);
#ifdef __cplusplus