blob: 9593c873c8fb8b0126c2bc62cc48868038035117 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
## This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
## the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
## was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
## obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
## Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
## PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
__author__ = ","
from shutil import copyfile
import fileinput
import os
import re
from Utils import GetShortContentName, ExecuteCmd
from Config import BinPath, LogCmdOnly, LoggerName, HDRTool
import logging
subloggername = "HDRToolsRun"
loggername = LoggerName + '.' + '%s' % subloggername
logger = logging.getLogger(loggername)
HDRToolsConfigFileTemplate = os.path.join(BinPath, 'HDRMetricsYUV420_template.cfg')
HDRToolsMetricsFullList = ['PSNR_Y', 'PSNR_U', 'PSNR_V', 'MS-SSIM_Y', 'MS-SSIM_U',
def GenerateCfgFile(orig_file, rec_file, num, w, h, configpath):
filename = GetShortContentName(rec_file, False) + '_hdrtools.cfg'
cfgfile = os.path.join(configpath, filename)
copyfile(HDRToolsConfigFileTemplate, cfgfile)
fp = fileinput.input(cfgfile, inplace=1)
for line in fp:
if 'Input0File=' in line:
line = 'Input0File="%s"\n' % orig_file
if 'Input1File=' in line:
line = 'Input1File="%s"\n' % rec_file
if 'NumberOfFrames=' in line:
line = 'NumberOfFrames=%d\n' % num
if 'Input0Width=' in line:
line = 'Input0Width=%d\n' % w
if 'Input1Width=' in line:
line = 'Input1Width=%d\n' % w
if 'Input0Height=' in line:
line = 'Input0Height=%d\n' % h
if 'Input1Height=' in line:
line = 'Input1Height=%d\n' % h
print(line, end='')
return cfgfile
def ParseHDRToolLogFile(logfile):
flog = open(logfile, 'r')
pattern = re.compile(r'\d+\.?\d*')
floats = len(HDRToolsMetricsFullList) * [0.0]
for line in flog:
if 'D_Avg' in line:
floats = [float(i) for i in pattern.findall(line)]
print_str = "HDRTools qty metrics: "
for metrics, idx in zip(HDRToolsMetricsFullList,
print_str += "%s = %2.5f, " % (metrics, floats[idx])
return floats[0:len(HDRToolsMetricsFullList)]
def GetHDRLogFile(recfile, path):
filename = GetShortContentName(recfile, False) + '_hdrtools.log'
file = os.path.join(path, filename)
return file
##################### Exposed Functions ########################################
def HDRTool_CalQualityMetrics(origfile, recfile, num, w, h, logfilepath,
cfgFile = GenerateCfgFile(origfile, recfile, num, w, h, cfgfilepath)
logfile = GetHDRLogFile(recfile, logfilepath)
args = " -f %s > %s" % (cfgFile, logfile)
cmd = HDRTool + args
ExecuteCmd(cmd, LogCmdOnly)
def HDRTool_GatherQualityMetrics(recfile, logfilepath):
logfile = GetHDRLogFile(recfile, logfilepath)
results = ParseHDRToolLogFile(logfile)
return results