blob: 4b74c653386a31c23114f2df239dbae50b3d2622 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
#include "config/aom_config.h"
#include "third_party/googletest/src/googletest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "test/codec_factory.h"
#include "test/encode_test_driver.h"
#include "test/i420_video_source.h"
#include "test/util.h"
#include "test/y4m_video_source.h"
#include "aom/aom_codec.h"
namespace datarate_test {
namespace {
class DatarateTest : public ::libaom_test::EncoderTest {
explicit DatarateTest(const ::libaom_test::CodecFactory *codec)
: EncoderTest(codec), set_cpu_used_(0), aq_mode_(0),
speed_change_test_(false) {}
virtual ~DatarateTest() {}
virtual void ResetModel() {
last_pts_ = 0;
bits_in_buffer_model_ = cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * cfg_.rc_buf_initial_sz;
frame_number_ = 0;
tot_frame_number_ = 0;
first_drop_ = 0;
num_drops_ = 0;
// Denoiser is off by default.
denoiser_on_ = 0;
bits_total_ = 0;
denoiser_offon_test_ = 0;
denoiser_offon_period_ = -1;
tile_column_ = 0;
screen_mode_ = false;
max_perc_spike_ = 1.0;
max_perc_spike_high_ = 1.0;
num_spikes_ = 0;
num_spikes_high_ = 0;
frame_update_bitrate_ = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
target_bitrate_update_[i] = 0;
frame_number_dynamic_[i] = 0;
bits_total_dynamic_[i] = 0;
effective_datarate_dynamic_[i] = 0.0;
virtual void PreEncodeFrameHook(::libaom_test::VideoSource *video,
::libaom_test::Encoder *encoder) {
if (video->frame() == 0) {
encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, set_cpu_used_);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_AQ_MODE, aq_mode_);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_TILE_COLUMNS, tile_column_);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ROW_MT, 1);
if (cfg_.g_usage == AOM_USAGE_REALTIME) {
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_GLOBAL_MOTION, 0);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_WARPED_MOTION, 0);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_RESTORATION, 0);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_OBMC, 0);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_DELTAQ_MODE, 0);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_TPL_MODEL, 0);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CDEF, 1);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_COEFF_COST_UPD_FREQ, 2);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_MODE_COST_UPD_FREQ, 2);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_MV_COST_UPD_FREQ, 2);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_DV_COST_UPD_FREQ, 2);
if (screen_mode_) {
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_PALETTE, 1);
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_ENABLE_INTRABC, 0);
if (speed_change_test_) {
if (video->frame() == 0) {
encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, 8);
} else if (video->frame() == 30) {
encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, 7);
} else if (video->frame() == 60) {
encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, 6);
} else if (video->frame() == 90) {
encoder->Control(AOME_SET_CPUUSED, 7);
if (frame_update_bitrate_ > 0) {
if (frame_number_ == frame_update_bitrate_) {
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate_update_[1];
} else if (frame_number_ == 2 * frame_update_bitrate_) {
cfg_.rc_target_bitrate = target_bitrate_update_[2];
if (denoiser_offon_test_) {
ASSERT_GT(denoiser_offon_period_, 0)
<< "denoiser_offon_period_ is not positive.";
if ((video->frame() + 1) % denoiser_offon_period_ == 0) {
// Flip denoiser_on_ periodically
denoiser_on_ ^= 1;
encoder->Control(AV1E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY, denoiser_on_);
const aom_rational_t tb = video->timebase();
timebase_ = static_cast<double>(tb.num) / tb.den;
duration_ = 0;
virtual void FramePktHook(const aom_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt) {
// Time since last timestamp = duration.
aom_codec_pts_t duration = pkt->data.frame.pts - last_pts_;
if (duration > 1) {
// If first drop not set and we have a drop set it to this time.
if (!first_drop_) first_drop_ = last_pts_ + 1;
// Update the number of frame drops.
num_drops_ += static_cast<int>(duration - 1);
// Update counter for total number of frames (#frames input to encoder).
// Needed for setting the proper layer_id below.
tot_frame_number_ += static_cast<int>(duration - 1);
// Add to the buffer the bits we'd expect from a constant bitrate server.
bits_in_buffer_model_ += static_cast<int64_t>(
duration * timebase_ * cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1000);
// Buffer should not go negative.
ASSERT_GE(bits_in_buffer_model_, 0)
<< "Buffer Underrun at frame " << pkt->data.frame.pts;
const size_t frame_size_in_bits = pkt-> * 8;
// Update the total encoded bits.
bits_total_ += frame_size_in_bits;
// Update the most recent pts.
last_pts_ = pkt->data.frame.pts;
const int per_frame_bandwidth = (cfg_.rc_target_bitrate * 1000) / 30;
if (frame_size_in_bits > max_perc_spike_ * per_frame_bandwidth &&
frame_number_ > 1)
if (frame_size_in_bits > max_perc_spike_high_ * per_frame_bandwidth &&
frame_number_ > 1)
if (frame_update_bitrate_ > 0) {
if (frame_number_ < frame_update_bitrate_) {
bits_total_dynamic_[0] += frame_size_in_bits;
} else if (frame_number_ >= frame_update_bitrate_ &&
frame_number_ < 2 * frame_update_bitrate_) {
bits_total_dynamic_[1] += frame_size_in_bits;
} else {
bits_total_dynamic_[2] += frame_size_in_bits;
virtual void EndPassHook() {
duration_ = (last_pts_ + 1) * timebase_;
// Effective file datarate:
effective_datarate_ = (bits_total_ / 1000.0) / duration_;
if (frame_update_bitrate_ > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
effective_datarate_dynamic_[i] =
30 * (bits_total_dynamic_[i] / 1000.0) / frame_number_dynamic_[i];
aom_codec_pts_t last_pts_;
double timebase_;
int frame_number_; // Counter for number of non-dropped/encoded frames.
int tot_frame_number_; // Counter for total number of input frames.
int64_t bits_total_;
double duration_;
double effective_datarate_;
int set_cpu_used_;
int64_t bits_in_buffer_model_;
aom_codec_pts_t first_drop_;
int num_drops_;
int denoiser_on_;
int denoiser_offon_test_;
int denoiser_offon_period_;
unsigned int aq_mode_;
bool speed_change_test_;
int tile_column_;
bool screen_mode_;
double max_perc_spike_;
double max_perc_spike_high_;
int num_spikes_;
int num_spikes_high_;
// These are use for test with dynamic bitrate change.
// Used to verify that the encoder can respond and hit bitrate that is updated
// during the sequence.
int frame_update_bitrate_;
int target_bitrate_update_[3];
double effective_datarate_dynamic_[3];
int64_t bits_total_dynamic_[3];
int frame_number_dynamic_[3];
} // namespace
} // namespace datarate_test