blob: eee8c1aae003b9ce034a18758b204541ece662e6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2019, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved.
* This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
* the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
* was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
* obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
* Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
* PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
// This is an example demonstrating how to implement a multi-layer AOM
// encoding scheme for RTC video applications.
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory>
#include "config/aom_config.h"
#include "aom/aom_decoder.h"
#include "aom/aom_encoder.h"
#include "aom/aom_image.h"
#include "aom/aom_integer.h"
#include "aom/aomcx.h"
#include "aom_dsp/bitwriter_buffer.h"
#include "aom_ports/aom_timer.h"
#include "av1/ratectrl_rtc.h"
#include "common/args.h"
#include "common/tools_common.h"
#include "common/video_writer.h"
#include "examples/encoder_util.h"
#include "examples/multilayer_metadata.h"
typedef struct {
const char *output_filename;
char options[OPTION_BUFFER_SIZE];
struct AvxInputContext input_ctx[MAX_NUM_SPATIAL_LAYERS];
int speed;
int aq_mode;
int layering_mode;
int output_obu;
int decode;
int tune_content;
int show_psnr;
bool use_external_rc;
bool scale_factors_explicitly_set;
const char *multilayer_metadata_file;
} AppInput;
typedef enum {
static const arg_def_t outputfile =
ARG_DEF("o", "output", 1, "Output filename");
static const arg_def_t frames_arg =
ARG_DEF("f", "frames", 1, "Number of frames to encode");
static const arg_def_t threads_arg =
ARG_DEF("th", "threads", 1, "Number of threads to use");
static const arg_def_t width_arg = ARG_DEF("w", "width", 1, "Source width");
static const arg_def_t height_arg = ARG_DEF("h", "height", 1, "Source height");
static const arg_def_t timebase_arg =
ARG_DEF("t", "timebase", 1, "Timebase (num/den)");
static const arg_def_t bitrate_arg = ARG_DEF(
"b", "target-bitrate", 1, "Encoding bitrate, in kilobits per second");
static const arg_def_t spatial_layers_arg =
ARG_DEF("sl", "spatial-layers", 1, "Number of spatial SVC layers");
static const arg_def_t temporal_layers_arg =
ARG_DEF("tl", "temporal-layers", 1, "Number of temporal SVC layers");
static const arg_def_t layering_mode_arg =
ARG_DEF("lm", "layering-mode", 1, "Temporal layering scheme.");
static const arg_def_t kf_dist_arg =
ARG_DEF("k", "kf-dist", 1, "Number of frames between keyframes");
static const arg_def_t scale_factors_arg =
ARG_DEF("r", "scale-factors", 1, "Scale factors (lowest to highest layer)");
static const arg_def_t min_q_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "min-q", 1, "Minimum quantizer");
static const arg_def_t max_q_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "max-q", 1, "Maximum quantizer");
static const arg_def_t speed_arg =
ARG_DEF("sp", "speed", 1, "Speed configuration");
static const arg_def_t aqmode_arg =
ARG_DEF("aq", "aqmode", 1, "AQ mode off/on");
static const arg_def_t bitrates_arg =
ARG_DEF("bl", "bitrates", 1,
"Bitrates[spatial_layer * num_temporal_layer + temporal_layer]");
static const arg_def_t dropframe_thresh_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "drop-frame", 1, "Temporal resampling threshold (buf %)");
static const arg_def_t error_resilient_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "error-resilient", 1, "Error resilient flag");
static const arg_def_t output_obu_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "output-obu", 1,
"Write OBUs when set to 1. Otherwise write IVF files.");
static const arg_def_t test_decode_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "test-decode", 1,
"Attempt to test decoding the output when set to 1. Default is 1.");
static const arg_def_t psnr_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "psnr", -1, "Show PSNR in status line.");
static const arg_def_t ext_rc_arg =
ARG_DEF(NULL, "use-ext-rc", 0, "Use external rate control.");
static const struct arg_enum_list tune_content_enum[] = {
{ "default", AOM_CONTENT_DEFAULT },
{ "screen", AOM_CONTENT_SCREEN },
{ "film", AOM_CONTENT_FILM },
{ NULL, 0 }
static const arg_def_t tune_content_arg = ARG_DEF_ENUM(
NULL, "tune-content", 1, "Tune content type", tune_content_enum);
static const arg_def_t multilayer_metadata_file_arg =
ARG_DEF("ml", "multilayer_metadata_file", 1,
"Experimental: path to multilayer metadata file");
static const struct arg_enum_list bitdepth_enum[] = { { "8", AOM_BITS_8 },
{ "10", AOM_BITS_10 },
{ NULL, 0 } };
static const arg_def_t bitdepth_arg = ARG_DEF_ENUM(
"d", "bit-depth", 1, "Bit depth for codec 8 or 10. ", bitdepth_enum);
static const arg_def_t *svc_args[] = {
#define zero(Dest) memset(&(Dest), 0, sizeof(Dest))
static const char *exec_name;
void usage_exit(void) {
"Usage: %s <options> input_filename [input_filename ...] -o "
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n");
arg_show_usage(stderr, svc_args);
"Input files must be y4m or yuv.\n"
"If multiple input files are specified, they correspond to spatial "
"layers, and there should be as many as there are spatial layers.\n"
"All input files must have the same width, height, frame rate and number "
"of frames.\n"
"If only one file is specified, it is used for all spatial layers.\n");
static int file_is_y4m(const char detect[4]) {
return memcmp(detect, "YUV4", 4) == 0;
static int fourcc_is_ivf(const char detect[4]) {
if (memcmp(detect, "DKIF", 4) == 0) {
return 1;
return 0;
static const int option_max_values[ALL_OPTION_TYPES] = { 63, INT_MAX, INT_MAX,
1 };
static const int option_min_values[ALL_OPTION_TYPES] = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
static void open_input_file(struct AvxInputContext *input,
aom_chroma_sample_position_t csp) {
/* Parse certain options from the input file, if possible */
input->file = strcmp(input->filename, "-") ? fopen(input->filename, "rb")
: set_binary_mode(stdin);
if (!input->file) fatal("Failed to open input file");
if (!fseeko(input->file, 0, SEEK_END)) {
/* Input file is seekable. Figure out how long it is, so we can get
* progress info.
input->length = ftello(input->file);
/* Default to 1:1 pixel aspect ratio. */
input->pixel_aspect_ratio.numerator = 1;
input->pixel_aspect_ratio.denominator = 1;
/* For RAW input sources, these bytes will applied on the first frame
* in read_frame().
input->detect.buf_read = fread(input->detect.buf, 1, 4, input->file);
input->detect.position = 0;
if (input->detect.buf_read == 4 && file_is_y4m(input->detect.buf)) {
if (y4m_input_open(&input->y4m, input->file, input->detect.buf, 4, csp,
input->only_i420) >= 0) {
input->file_type = FILE_TYPE_Y4M;
input->width = input->y4m.pic_w;
input->height = input->y4m.pic_h;
input->pixel_aspect_ratio.numerator = input->y4m.par_n;
input->pixel_aspect_ratio.denominator = input->y4m.par_d;
input->framerate.numerator = input->y4m.fps_n;
input->framerate.denominator = input->y4m.fps_d;
input->fmt = input->y4m.aom_fmt;
input->bit_depth = static_cast<aom_bit_depth_t>(input->y4m.bit_depth);
} else {
fatal("Unsupported Y4M stream.");
} else if (input->detect.buf_read == 4 && fourcc_is_ivf(input->detect.buf)) {
fatal("IVF is not supported as input.");
} else {
input->file_type = FILE_TYPE_RAW;
static aom_codec_err_t extract_option(LAYER_OPTION_TYPE type, char *input,
int *value0, int *value1) {
if (type == SCALE_FACTOR) {
*value0 = (int)strtol(input, &input, 10);
if (*input++ != '/') return AOM_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM;
*value1 = (int)strtol(input, &input, 10);
if (*value0 < option_min_values[SCALE_FACTOR] ||
*value1 < option_min_values[SCALE_FACTOR] ||
*value0 > option_max_values[SCALE_FACTOR] ||
*value1 > option_max_values[SCALE_FACTOR] ||
*value0 > *value1) // num shouldn't be greater than den
} else {
*value0 = atoi(input);
if (*value0 < option_min_values[type] || *value0 > option_max_values[type])
return AOM_CODEC_OK;
static aom_codec_err_t parse_layer_options_from_string(
aom_svc_params_t *svc_params, LAYER_OPTION_TYPE type, const char *input,
int *option0, int *option1) {
aom_codec_err_t res = AOM_CODEC_OK;
char *input_string;
char *token;
const char *delim = ",";
int num_layers = svc_params->number_spatial_layers;
int i = 0;
if (type == BITRATE)
num_layers =
svc_params->number_spatial_layers * svc_params->number_temporal_layers;
if (input == NULL || option0 == NULL ||
(option1 == NULL && type == SCALE_FACTOR))
const size_t input_length = strlen(input);
input_string = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(input_length + 1));
if (input_string == NULL) return AOM_CODEC_MEM_ERROR;
memcpy(input_string, input, input_length + 1);
token = strtok(input_string, delim); // NOLINT
for (i = 0; i < num_layers; ++i) {
if (token != NULL) {
res = extract_option(type, token, option0 + i, option1 + i);
if (res != AOM_CODEC_OK) break;
token = strtok(NULL, delim); // NOLINT
} else {
return res;
static void parse_command_line(int argc, const char **argv_,
AppInput *app_input,
aom_svc_params_t *svc_params,
aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *enc_cfg) {
struct arg arg;
char **argv = NULL;
char **argi = NULL;
char **argj = NULL;
char string_options[1024] = { 0 };
// Default settings
svc_params->number_spatial_layers = 1;
svc_params->number_temporal_layers = 1;
app_input->layering_mode = 0;
app_input->output_obu = 0;
app_input->decode = 1;
enc_cfg->g_threads = 1;
enc_cfg->rc_end_usage = AOM_CBR;
// process command line options
argv = argv_dup(argc - 1, argv_ + 1);
if (!argv) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating argument list\n");
for (argi = argj = argv; (*argj = *argi); argi += arg.argv_step) {
arg.argv_step = 1;
if (arg_match(&arg, &outputfile, argi)) {
app_input->output_filename = arg.val;
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &width_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_w = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &height_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_h = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &timebase_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_timebase = arg_parse_rational(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &bitrate_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->rc_target_bitrate = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &spatial_layers_arg, argi)) {
svc_params->number_spatial_layers = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &temporal_layers_arg, argi)) {
svc_params->number_temporal_layers = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &speed_arg, argi)) {
app_input->speed = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
if (app_input->speed > 11) {
aom_tools_warn("Mapping speed %d to speed 11.\n", app_input->speed);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &aqmode_arg, argi)) {
app_input->aq_mode = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &threads_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_threads = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &layering_mode_arg, argi)) {
app_input->layering_mode = arg_parse_int(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &kf_dist_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->kf_min_dist = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
enc_cfg->kf_max_dist = enc_cfg->kf_min_dist;
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &scale_factors_arg, argi)) {
aom_codec_err_t res = parse_layer_options_from_string(
svc_params, SCALE_FACTOR, arg.val, svc_params->scaling_factor_num,
app_input->scale_factors_explicitly_set = true;
if (res != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
die("Failed to parse scale factors: %s\n",
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &min_q_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->rc_min_quantizer = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &max_q_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->rc_max_quantizer = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &bitdepth_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_bit_depth =
switch (enc_cfg->g_bit_depth) {
case AOM_BITS_8:
enc_cfg->g_input_bit_depth = 8;
enc_cfg->g_profile = 0;
case AOM_BITS_10:
enc_cfg->g_input_bit_depth = 10;
enc_cfg->g_profile = 0;
die("Error: Invalid bit depth selected (%d)\n", enc_cfg->g_bit_depth);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &dropframe_thresh_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->rc_dropframe_thresh = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &error_resilient_arg, argi)) {
enc_cfg->g_error_resilient = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
if (enc_cfg->g_error_resilient != 0 && enc_cfg->g_error_resilient != 1)
die("Invalid value for error resilient (0, 1): %d.",
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &output_obu_arg, argi)) {
app_input->output_obu = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
if (app_input->output_obu != 0 && app_input->output_obu != 1)
die("Invalid value for obu output flag (0, 1): %d.",
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &test_decode_arg, argi)) {
app_input->decode = arg_parse_uint(&arg);
if (app_input->decode != 0 && app_input->decode != 1)
die("Invalid value for test decode flag (0, 1): %d.",
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &tune_content_arg, argi)) {
app_input->tune_content = arg_parse_enum_or_int(&arg);
printf("tune content %d\n", app_input->tune_content);
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &psnr_arg, argi)) {
app_input->show_psnr = 1;
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &ext_rc_arg, argi)) {
app_input->use_external_rc = true;
} else if (arg_match(&arg, &multilayer_metadata_file_arg, argi)) {
app_input->multilayer_metadata_file = arg.val;
} else {
// Total bitrate needs to be parsed after the number of layers.
for (argi = argj = argv; (*argj = *argi); argi += arg.argv_step) {
arg.argv_step = 1;
if (arg_match(&arg, &bitrates_arg, argi)) {
aom_codec_err_t res = parse_layer_options_from_string(
svc_params, BITRATE, arg.val, svc_params->layer_target_bitrate, NULL);
if (res != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
die("Failed to parse bitrates: %s\n", aom_codec_err_to_string(res));
} else {
// There will be a space in front of the string options
if (strlen(string_options) > 0)
strncpy(app_input->options, string_options, OPTION_BUFFER_SIZE);
// Check for unrecognized options
for (argi = argv; *argi; ++argi)
if (argi[0][0] == '-' && strlen(argi[0]) > 1)
die("Error: Unrecognized option %s\n", *argi);
if (argv[0] == NULL) {
int input_count = 0;
while (argv[input_count] != NULL && input_count < MAX_NUM_SPATIAL_LAYERS) {
app_input->input_ctx[input_count].filename = argv[input_count];
if (input_count > 1 && input_count != svc_params->number_spatial_layers) {
die("Error: Number of input files does not match number of spatial layers");
if (argv[input_count] != NULL) {
die("Error: Too many input files specified, there should be at most %d",
for (int i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
open_input_file(&app_input->input_ctx[i], AOM_CSP_UNKNOWN);
if (app_input->input_ctx[i].file_type == FILE_TYPE_Y4M) {
if (enc_cfg->g_w == 0 || enc_cfg->g_h == 0) {
// Override these settings with the info from Y4M file.
enc_cfg->g_w = app_input->input_ctx[i].width;
enc_cfg->g_h = app_input->input_ctx[i].height;
// g_timebase is the reciprocal of frame rate.
enc_cfg->g_timebase.num = app_input->input_ctx[i].framerate.denominator;
enc_cfg->g_timebase.den = app_input->input_ctx[i].framerate.numerator;
} else if (enc_cfg->g_w != app_input->input_ctx[i].width ||
enc_cfg->g_h != app_input->input_ctx[i].height ||
enc_cfg->g_timebase.num !=
app_input->input_ctx[i].framerate.denominator ||
enc_cfg->g_timebase.den !=
app_input->input_ctx[i].framerate.numerator) {
die("Error: Input file dimensions and/or frame rate mismatch");
if (enc_cfg->g_w == 0 || enc_cfg->g_h == 0) {
die("Error: Input file dimensions not set, use -w and -h");
if (enc_cfg->g_w < 16 || enc_cfg->g_w % 2 || enc_cfg->g_h < 16 ||
enc_cfg->g_h % 2)
die("Invalid resolution: %d x %d\n", enc_cfg->g_w, enc_cfg->g_h);
"Codec %s\n"
"layers: %d\n"
"width %u, height: %u\n"
"num: %d, den: %d, bitrate: %u\n"
"gop size: %u\n",
svc_params->number_spatial_layers, enc_cfg->g_w, enc_cfg->g_h,
enc_cfg->g_timebase.num, enc_cfg->g_timebase.den,
enc_cfg->rc_target_bitrate, enc_cfg->kf_max_dist);
static const int mode_to_num_temporal_layers[12] = {
1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
static const int mode_to_num_spatial_layers[12] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3,
// For rate control encoding stats.
struct RateControlMetrics {
// Number of input frames per layer.
int layer_input_frames[AOM_MAX_TS_LAYERS];
// Number of encoded non-key frames per layer.
int layer_enc_frames[AOM_MAX_TS_LAYERS];
// Framerate per layer layer (cumulative).
double layer_framerate[AOM_MAX_TS_LAYERS];
// Target average frame size per layer (per-frame-bandwidth per layer).
double layer_pfb[AOM_MAX_LAYERS];
// Actual average frame size per layer.
double layer_avg_frame_size[AOM_MAX_LAYERS];
// Average rate mismatch per layer (|target - actual| / target).
double layer_avg_rate_mismatch[AOM_MAX_LAYERS];
// Actual encoding bitrate per layer (cumulative across temporal layers).
double layer_encoding_bitrate[AOM_MAX_LAYERS];
// Average of the short-time encoder actual bitrate.
// TODO(marpan): Should we add these short-time stats for each layer?
double avg_st_encoding_bitrate;
// Variance of the short-time encoder actual bitrate.
double variance_st_encoding_bitrate;
// Window (number of frames) for computing short-timee encoding bitrate.
int window_size;
// Number of window measurements.
int window_count;
int layer_target_bitrate[AOM_MAX_LAYERS];
static const int REF_FRAMES = 8;
static const int INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME = 7;
// Reference frames used in this example encoder.
enum {
static int read_frame(struct AvxInputContext *input_ctx, aom_image_t *img) {
FILE *f = input_ctx->file;
y4m_input *y4m = &input_ctx->y4m;
int shortread = 0;
if (input_ctx->file_type == FILE_TYPE_Y4M) {
if (y4m_input_fetch_frame(y4m, f, img) < 1) return 0;
} else {
shortread = read_yuv_frame(input_ctx, img);
return !shortread;
static void close_input_file(struct AvxInputContext *input) {
if (input->file_type == FILE_TYPE_Y4M) y4m_input_close(&input->y4m);
// Note: these rate control metrics assume only 1 key frame in the
// sequence (i.e., first frame only). So for temporal pattern# 7
// (which has key frame for every frame on base layer), the metrics
// computation will be off/wrong.
// TODO(marpan): Update these metrics to account for multiple key frames
// in the stream.
static void set_rate_control_metrics(struct RateControlMetrics *rc,
double framerate, int ss_number_layers,
int ts_number_layers) {
int ts_rate_decimator[AOM_MAX_TS_LAYERS] = { 1 };
ts_rate_decimator[0] = 1;
if (ts_number_layers == 2) {
ts_rate_decimator[0] = 2;
ts_rate_decimator[1] = 1;
if (ts_number_layers == 3) {
ts_rate_decimator[0] = 4;
ts_rate_decimator[1] = 2;
ts_rate_decimator[2] = 1;
// Set the layer (cumulative) framerate and the target layer (non-cumulative)
// per-frame-bandwidth, for the rate control encoding stats below.
for (int sl = 0; sl < ss_number_layers; ++sl) {
int i = sl * ts_number_layers;
rc->layer_framerate[0] = framerate / ts_rate_decimator[0];
rc->layer_pfb[i] =
1000.0 * rc->layer_target_bitrate[i] / rc->layer_framerate[0];
for (int tl = 0; tl < ts_number_layers; ++tl) {
i = sl * ts_number_layers + tl;
if (tl > 0) {
rc->layer_framerate[tl] = framerate / ts_rate_decimator[tl];
rc->layer_pfb[i] =
1000.0 *
(rc->layer_target_bitrate[i] - rc->layer_target_bitrate[i - 1]) /
(rc->layer_framerate[tl] - rc->layer_framerate[tl - 1]);
rc->layer_input_frames[tl] = 0;
rc->layer_enc_frames[tl] = 0;
rc->layer_encoding_bitrate[i] = 0.0;
rc->layer_avg_frame_size[i] = 0.0;
rc->layer_avg_rate_mismatch[i] = 0.0;
rc->window_count = 0;
rc->window_size = 15;
rc->avg_st_encoding_bitrate = 0.0;
rc->variance_st_encoding_bitrate = 0.0;
static void printout_rate_control_summary(struct RateControlMetrics *rc,
int frame_cnt, int ss_number_layers,
int ts_number_layers) {
int tot_num_frames = 0;
double perc_fluctuation = 0.0;
printf("Total number of processed frames: %d\n\n", frame_cnt - 1);
printf("Rate control layer stats for %d layer(s):\n\n", ts_number_layers);
for (int sl = 0; sl < ss_number_layers; ++sl) {
tot_num_frames = 0;
for (int tl = 0; tl < ts_number_layers; ++tl) {
int i = sl * ts_number_layers + tl;
const int num_dropped =
tl > 0 ? rc->layer_input_frames[tl] - rc->layer_enc_frames[tl]
: rc->layer_input_frames[tl] - rc->layer_enc_frames[tl] - 1;
tot_num_frames += rc->layer_input_frames[tl];
rc->layer_encoding_bitrate[i] = 0.001 * rc->layer_framerate[tl] *
rc->layer_encoding_bitrate[i] /
rc->layer_avg_frame_size[i] =
rc->layer_avg_frame_size[i] / rc->layer_enc_frames[tl];
rc->layer_avg_rate_mismatch[i] =
100.0 * rc->layer_avg_rate_mismatch[i] / rc->layer_enc_frames[tl];
printf("For layer#: %d %d \n", sl, tl);
printf("Bitrate (target vs actual): %d %f\n", rc->layer_target_bitrate[i],
printf("Average frame size (target vs actual): %f %f\n", rc->layer_pfb[i],
printf("Average rate_mismatch: %f\n", rc->layer_avg_rate_mismatch[i]);
"Number of input frames, encoded (non-key) frames, "
"and perc dropped frames: %d %d %f\n",
rc->layer_input_frames[tl], rc->layer_enc_frames[tl],
100.0 * num_dropped / rc->layer_input_frames[tl]);
rc->avg_st_encoding_bitrate = rc->avg_st_encoding_bitrate / rc->window_count;
rc->variance_st_encoding_bitrate =
rc->variance_st_encoding_bitrate / rc->window_count -
(rc->avg_st_encoding_bitrate * rc->avg_st_encoding_bitrate);
perc_fluctuation = 100.0 * sqrt(rc->variance_st_encoding_bitrate) /
printf("Short-time stats, for window of %d frames:\n", rc->window_size);
printf("Average, rms-variance, and percent-fluct: %f %f %f\n",
rc->avg_st_encoding_bitrate, sqrt(rc->variance_st_encoding_bitrate),
if (frame_cnt - 1 != tot_num_frames)
die("Error: Number of input frames not equal to output!\n");
// Layer pattern configuration.
static void set_layer_pattern(
int layering_mode, int superframe_cnt, aom_svc_layer_id_t *layer_id,
aom_svc_ref_frame_config_t *ref_frame_config,
aom_svc_ref_frame_comp_pred_t *ref_frame_comp_pred, int *use_svc_control,
int spatial_layer_id, int is_key_frame, int ksvc_mode, int speed) {
// Setting this flag to 1 enables simplex example of
// RPS (Reference Picture Selection) for 1 layer.
int use_rps_example = 0;
int i;
int enable_longterm_temporal_ref = 1;
int shift = (layering_mode == 8) ? 2 : 0;
int simulcast_mode = (layering_mode == 11);
*use_svc_control = 1;
layer_id->spatial_layer_id = spatial_layer_id;
int lag_index = 0;
int base_count = superframe_cnt >> 2;
ref_frame_comp_pred->use_comp_pred[0] = 0; // GOLDEN_LAST
ref_frame_comp_pred->use_comp_pred[1] = 0; // LAST2_LAST
ref_frame_comp_pred->use_comp_pred[2] = 0; // ALTREF_LAST
// Set the reference map buffer idx for the 7 references:
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = i;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++) ref_frame_config->reference[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < REF_FRAMES; i++) ref_frame_config->refresh[i] = 0;
if (ksvc_mode) {
// Same pattern as case 9, but the reference strucutre will be constrained
// below.
layering_mode = 9;
switch (layering_mode) {
case 0:
if (use_rps_example == 0) {
// 1-layer: update LAST on every frame, reference LAST.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
layer_id->spatial_layer_id = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else {
// Pattern of 2 references (ALTREF and GOLDEN) trailing
// LAST by 4 and 8 frames, with some switching logic to
// sometimes only predict from the longer-term reference
//(golden here). This is simple example to test RPS
// (reference picture selection).
int last_idx = 0;
int last_idx_refresh = 0;
int gld_idx = 0;
int alt_ref_idx = 0;
int lag_alt = 4;
int lag_gld = 8;
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
layer_id->spatial_layer_id = 0;
int sh = 8; // slots 0 - 7.
// Moving index slot for last: 0 - (sh - 1)
if (superframe_cnt > 1) last_idx = (superframe_cnt - 1) % sh;
// Moving index for refresh of last: one ahead for next frame.
last_idx_refresh = superframe_cnt % sh;
// Moving index for gld_ref, lag behind current by lag_gld
if (superframe_cnt > lag_gld) gld_idx = (superframe_cnt - lag_gld) % sh;
// Moving index for alt_ref, lag behind LAST by lag_alt frames.
if (superframe_cnt > lag_alt)
alt_ref_idx = (superframe_cnt - lag_alt) % sh;
// Set the ref_idx.
// Default all references to slot for last.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = last_idx;
// Set the ref_idx for the relevant references.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = last_idx;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST2_FRAME] = last_idx_refresh;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = gld_idx;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = alt_ref_idx;
// Refresh this slot, which will become LAST on next frame.
ref_frame_config->refresh[last_idx_refresh] = 1;
// Reference LAST, ALTREF, and GOLDEN
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
// Switch to only GOLDEN every 300 frames.
if (superframe_cnt % 200 == 0 && superframe_cnt > 0) {
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
// Test if the long-term is LAST instead, this is just a renaming
// but its tests if encoder behaves the same, whether its
if (superframe_cnt % 400 == 0 && superframe_cnt > 0) {
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = gld_idx;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 0;
case 1:
// 2-temporal layer.
// 1 3 5
// 0 2 4
// Keep golden fixed at slot 3.
base_count = superframe_cnt >> 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
// Cyclically refresh slots 5, 6, 7, for lag alt ref.
lag_index = 5;
if (base_count > 0) {
lag_index = 5 + (base_count % 3);
if (superframe_cnt % 2 != 0) lag_index = 5 + ((base_count + 1) % 3);
// Set the altref slot to lag_index.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = lag_index;
if (superframe_cnt % 2 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
// Update LAST on layer 0, reference LAST.
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
// Refresh lag_index slot, needed for lagging golen.
ref_frame_config->refresh[lag_index] = 1;
// Refresh GOLDEN every x base layer frames.
if (base_count % 32 == 0) ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
// No updates on layer 1, reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
// Always reference golden and altref on TL0.
if (layer_id->temporal_layer_id == 0) {
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 1;
case 2:
// 3-temporal layer:
// 1 3 5 7
// 2 6
// 0 4 8
if (superframe_cnt % 4 == 0) {
// Base layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
// Update LAST on layer 0, reference LAST.
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 1) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
// First top layer: no updates, only reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
// Middle layer (TL1): update LAST2, only reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 3) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
// Second top layer: no updates, only reference LAST.
// Set buffer idx for LAST to slot 1, since that was the slot
// updated in previous frame. So LAST is TL1 frame.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST2_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
case 3:
// 3 TL, same as above, except allow for predicting
// off 2 more references (GOLDEN and ALTREF), with
// GOLDEN updated periodically, and ALTREF lagging from
// LAST from ~4 frames. Both GOLDEN and ALTREF
// can only be updated on base temporal layer.
// Keep golden fixed at slot 3.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
// Cyclically refresh slots 5, 6, 7, for lag altref.
lag_index = 5;
if (base_count > 0) {
lag_index = 5 + (base_count % 3);
if (superframe_cnt % 4 != 0) lag_index = 5 + ((base_count + 1) % 3);
// Set the altref slot to lag_index.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = lag_index;
if (superframe_cnt % 4 == 0) {
// Base layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
// Update LAST on layer 0, reference LAST.
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
// Refresh GOLDEN every x ~10 base layer frames.
if (base_count % 10 == 0) ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
// Refresh lag_index slot, needed for lagging altref.
ref_frame_config->refresh[lag_index] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 1) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
// First top layer: no updates, only reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
// Middle layer (TL1): update LAST2, only reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 3) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
// Second top layer: no updates, only reference LAST.
// Set buffer idx for LAST to slot 1, since that was the slot
// updated in previous frame. So LAST is TL1 frame.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST2_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
// Every frame can reference GOLDEN AND ALTREF.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 1;
// Allow for compound prediction for LAST-ALTREF and LAST-GOLDEN.
if (speed >= 7) {
ref_frame_comp_pred->use_comp_pred[2] = 1;
ref_frame_comp_pred->use_comp_pred[0] = 1;
case 4:
// 3-temporal layer: but middle layer updates GF, so 2nd TL2 will
// only reference GF (not LAST). Other frames only reference LAST.
// 1 3 5 7
// 2 6
// 0 4 8
if (superframe_cnt % 4 == 0) {
// Base layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
// Update LAST on layer 0, only reference LAST.
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 1) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
// First top layer: no updates, only reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
// Middle layer (TL1): update GF, only reference LAST (TL0).
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 3) % 4 == 0) {
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
// Second top layer: no updates, only reference GF.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
case 5:
// 2 spatial layers, 1 temporal.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST, update LAST.
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1
// and GOLDEN to slot 0. Update slot 1 (LAST).
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
case 6:
// 3 spatial layers, 1 temporal.
// Note for this case, we set the buffer idx for all references to be
// either LAST or GOLDEN, which are always valid references, since decoder
// will check if any of the 7 references is valid scale in
// valid_ref_frame_size().
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST, update LAST. Set all buffer_idx to 0.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1
// and GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 0.
// Update slot 1 (LAST).
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 2
// and GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 1.
// Update slot 2 (LAST).
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
ref_frame_config->refresh[2] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
// For 3 spatial layer case: allow for top spatial layer to use
// additional temporal reference. Update every 10 frames.
if (enable_longterm_temporal_ref) {
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = REF_FRAMES - 1;
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 1;
if (base_count % 10 == 0)
ref_frame_config->refresh[REF_FRAMES - 1] = 1;
case 7:
// 2 spatial and 3 temporal layer.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
if (superframe_cnt % 4 == 0) {
// Base temporal layer
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST, update LAST
// Set all buffer_idx to 0
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 1) % 4 == 0) {
// First top temporal enhancement layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 3.
// No update.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 3;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0) {
// Middle temporal enhancement layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST.
// Set all buffer_idx to 0.
// Set GOLDEN to slot 5 and update slot 5.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 5 - shift;
ref_frame_config->refresh[5 - shift] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 5.
// Set LAST3 to slot 6 and update slot 6.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 5 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST3_FRAME] = 6 - shift;
ref_frame_config->refresh[6 - shift] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 3) % 4 == 0) {
// Second top temporal enhancement layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Set LAST to slot 5 and reference LAST.
// Set GOLDEN to slot 3 and update slot 3.
// Set all other buffer_idx to 0.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 5 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 6,
// GOLDEN to slot 3. No update.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 6 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
case 8:
// 3 spatial and 3 temporal layer.
// Same as case 9 but overalap in the buffer slot updates.
// (shift = 2). The slots 3 and 4 updated by first TL2 are
// reused for update in TL1 superframe.
// Note for this case, frame order hint must be disabled for
// lower resolutios (operating points > 0) to be decoedable.
case 9:
// 3 spatial and 3 temporal layer.
// No overlap in buffer updates between TL2 and TL1.
// TL2 updates slot 3 and 4, TL1 updates 5, 6, 7.
// Set the references via the svc_ref_frame_config control.
// Always reference LAST.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
if (superframe_cnt % 4 == 0) {
// Base temporal layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST, update LAST.
// Set all buffer_idx to 0.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 0.
// Update slot 1 (LAST).
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 2,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 1.
// Update slot 2 (LAST).
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
ref_frame_config->refresh[2] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 1) % 4 == 0) {
// First top temporal enhancement layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST (slot 0).
// Set GOLDEN to slot 3 and update slot 3.
// Set all other buffer_idx to slot 0.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 3.
// Set LAST2 to slot 4 and Update slot 4.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 3;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST2_FRAME] = 4;
ref_frame_config->refresh[4] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 2,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 4.
// No update.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 4;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0) {
// Middle temporal enhancement layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Reference LAST.
// Set all buffer_idx to 0.
// Set GOLDEN to slot 5 and update slot 5.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 5 - shift;
ref_frame_config->refresh[5 - shift] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 1,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 5.
// Set LAST3 to slot 6 and update slot 6.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 5 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST3_FRAME] = 6 - shift;
ref_frame_config->refresh[6 - shift] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 2,
// GOLDEN (and all other refs) to slot 6.
// Set LAST3 to slot 7 and update slot 7.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 6 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST3_FRAME] = 7 - shift;
ref_frame_config->refresh[7 - shift] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 3) % 4 == 0) {
// Second top temporal enhancement layer.
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Set LAST to slot 5 and reference LAST.
// Set GOLDEN to slot 3 and update slot 3.
// Set all other buffer_idx to 0.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 5 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 6,
// GOLDEN to slot 3. Set LAST2 to slot 4 and update slot 4.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 6 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST2_FRAME] = 4;
ref_frame_config->refresh[4] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) {
// Reference LAST and GOLDEN. Set buffer_idx for LAST to slot 7,
// GOLDEN to slot 4. No update.
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 7 - shift;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 4;
case 11:
// Simulcast mode for 3 spatial and 3 temporal layers.
// No inter-layer predicton, only prediction is temporal and single
// reference (LAST).
// No overlap in buffer slots between spatial layers. So for example,
// SL0 only uses slots 0 and 1.
// SL1 only uses slots 2 and 3.
// SL2 only uses slots 4 and 5.
// All 7 references for each inter-frame must only access buffer slots
// for that spatial layer.
// On key (super)frames: SL1 and SL2 must have no references set
// and must refresh all the slots for that layer only (so 2 and 3
// for SL1, 4 and 5 for SL2). The base SL0 will be labelled internally
// as a Key frame (refresh all slots). SL1/SL2 will be labelled
// internally as Intra-only frames that allow that stream to be decoded.
// These conditions will allow for each spatial stream to be
// independently decodeable.
// Initialize all references to 0 (don't use reference).
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->reference[i] = 0;
// Initialize as no refresh/update for all slots.
for (i = 0; i < REF_FRAMES; i++) ref_frame_config->refresh[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
if (is_key_frame) {
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) {
// Assign LAST/GOLDEN to slot 0/1.
// Refesh slots 0 and 1 for SL0.
// SL0: this will get set to KEY frame internally.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) {
// Assign LAST/GOLDEN to slot 2/3.
// Refesh slots 2 and 3 for SL1.
// This will get set to Intra-only frame internally.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 3;
ref_frame_config->refresh[2] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) {
// Assign LAST/GOLDEN to slot 4/5.
// Refresh slots 4 and 5 for SL2.
// This will get set to Intra-only frame internally.
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 4;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 5;
ref_frame_config->refresh[4] = 1;
ref_frame_config->refresh[5] = 1;
} else if (superframe_cnt % 4 == 0) {
// Base temporal layer: TL0
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 0;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) { // SL0
// Reference LAST. Assign all references to either slot
// 0 or 1. Here we assign LAST to slot 0, all others to 1.
// Update slot 0 (LAST).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[0] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) { // SL1
// Reference LAST. Assign all references to either slot
// 2 or 3. Here we assign LAST to slot 2, all others to 3.
// Update slot 2 (LAST).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 3;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
ref_frame_config->refresh[2] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) { // SL2
// Reference LAST. Assign all references to either slot
// 4 or 5. Here we assign LAST to slot 4, all others to 5.
// Update slot 4 (LAST).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 5;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 4;
ref_frame_config->refresh[4] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 1) % 4 == 0) {
// First top temporal enhancement layer: TL2
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) { // SL0
// Reference LAST (slot 0). Assign other references to slot 1.
// No update/refresh on any slots.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 0;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) { // SL1
// Reference LAST (slot 2). Assign other references to slot 3.
// No update/refresh on any slots.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 3;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) { // SL2
// Reference LAST (slot 4). Assign other references to slot 4.
// No update/refresh on any slots.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 5;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 4;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0) {
// Middle temporal enhancement layer: TL1
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 1;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) { // SL0
// Reference LAST (slot 0).
// Set GOLDEN to slot 1 and update slot 1.
// This will be used as reference for next TL2.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 1;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 0;
ref_frame_config->refresh[1] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) { // SL1
// Reference LAST (slot 2).
// Set GOLDEN to slot 3 and update slot 3.
// This will be used as reference for next TL2.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 3;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 2;
ref_frame_config->refresh[3] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) { // SL2
// Reference LAST (slot 4).
// Set GOLDEN to slot 5 and update slot 5.
// This will be used as reference for next TL2.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 5;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 4;
ref_frame_config->refresh[5] = 1;
} else if ((superframe_cnt - 3) % 4 == 0) {
// Second top temporal enhancement layer: TL2
layer_id->temporal_layer_id = 2;
if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 0) { // SL0
// Reference LAST (slot 1). Assign other references to slot 0.
// No update/refresh on any slots.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 0;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 1) { // SL1
// Reference LAST (slot 3). Assign other references to slot 2.
// No update/refresh on any slots.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 2;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 3;
} else if (layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2) { // SL2
// Reference LAST (slot 5). Assign other references to slot 4.
// No update/refresh on any slots.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 1;
for (i = 0; i < INTER_REFS_PER_FRAME; i++)
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[i] = 4;
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 5;
if (!simulcast_mode && layer_id->spatial_layer_id > 0) {
// Always reference GOLDEN (inter-layer prediction).
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 1;
if (ksvc_mode) {
// KSVC: only keep the inter-layer reference (GOLDEN) for
// superframes whose base is key.
if (!is_key_frame) ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_GOLDEN_FRAME] = 0;
if (is_key_frame && layer_id->spatial_layer_id > 1) {
// On superframes whose base is key: remove LAST to avoid prediction
// off layer two levels below.
ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_LAST_FRAME] = 0;
// For 3 spatial layer case 8 (where there is free buffer slot):
// allow for top spatial layer to use additional temporal reference.
// Additional reference is only updated on base temporal layer, every
// 10 TL0 frames here.
if (!simulcast_mode && enable_longterm_temporal_ref &&
layer_id->spatial_layer_id == 2 && layering_mode == 8) {
ref_frame_config->ref_idx[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = REF_FRAMES - 1;
if (!is_key_frame) ref_frame_config->reference[SVC_ALTREF_FRAME] = 1;
if (base_count % 10 == 0 && layer_id->temporal_layer_id == 0)
ref_frame_config->refresh[REF_FRAMES - 1] = 1;
default: assert(0); die("Error: Unsupported temporal layering mode!\n");
static void write_literal(struct aom_write_bit_buffer *wb, uint32_t data,
uint8_t bits, uint32_t offset = 0) {
if (bits > 32) {
die("Invalid bits value %d > 32\n", bits);
const uint32_t max = static_cast<uint32_t>(((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1);
if (data < offset || (data - offset) > max) {
die("Invalid data, value %u out of range [%u, %" PRIu64 "]\n", data, offset,
(uint64_t)max + offset);
aom_wb_write_unsigned_literal(wb, data - offset, bits);
static void write_depth_representation_element(
struct aom_write_bit_buffer *buffer,
const std::pair<libaom_examples::DepthRepresentationElement, bool>
&element) {
if (!element.second) {
write_literal(buffer, element.first.sign_flag, 1);
write_literal(buffer, element.first.exponent, 7);
if (element.first.mantissa_len == 0 || element.first.mantissa_len > 32) {
die("Invalid mantissan_len %d\n", element.first.mantissa_len);
write_literal(buffer, element.first.mantissa_len - 1, 5);
write_literal(buffer, element.first.mantissa, element.first.mantissa_len);
static void write_color_properties(
struct aom_write_bit_buffer *buffer,
const std::pair<libaom_examples::ColorProperties, bool> &color_properties) {
write_literal(buffer, color_properties.second, 1);
if (color_properties.second) {
write_literal(buffer, color_properties.first.color_range, 1);
write_literal(buffer, color_properties.first.color_primaries, 8);
write_literal(buffer, color_properties.first.transfer_characteristics, 8);
write_literal(buffer, color_properties.first.matrix_coefficients, 8);
} else {
write_literal(buffer, 0, 1); // reserved_1bit
static void add_multilayer_metadata(
aom_image_t *frame, const libaom_examples::MultilayerMetadata &multilayer) {
// Large enough buffer for the multilayer metadata.
// Each layer's metadata is less than 100 bytes and there are at most 4
// layers.
std::vector<uint8_t> data(1024);
struct aom_write_bit_buffer buffer = {, 0 };
write_literal(&buffer, multilayer.use_case, 6);
if (multilayer.layers.empty()) {
die("Invalid multilayer metadata, no layers found\n");
} else if (multilayer.layers.size() > MAX_NUM_SPATIAL_LAYERS) {
die("Invalid multilayer metadata, too many layers (max is %d)\n",
write_literal(&buffer, (int)multilayer.layers.size() - 1, 2);
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < multilayer.layers.size(); ++i) {
const libaom_examples::LayerMetadata &layer = multilayer.layers[i];
// Alpha info with segmentation with labels can be up to about 66k bytes,
// which requires 3 bytes to encode in leb128.
const int bytes_reserved_for_size = 3;
// Placeholder for layer_metadata_size which will be written later.
write_literal(&buffer, 0, bytes_reserved_for_size * 8);
const uint32_t metadata_start = buffer.bit_offset;
write_literal(&buffer, (int)i, 2); // ml_spatial_id
write_literal(&buffer, layer.layer_type, 5);
write_literal(&buffer, layer.luma_plane_only_flag, 1);
write_literal(&buffer, layer.layer_view_type, 3);
write_literal(&buffer, layer.group_id, 2);
write_literal(&buffer, layer.layer_dependency_idc, 3);
write_literal(&buffer, layer.layer_metadata_scope, 2);
write_literal(&buffer, 0, 4); // ml_reserved_4bits
if (i > 0) {
write_color_properties(&buffer, layer.layer_color_description);
} else {
write_literal(&buffer, 0, 2); // ml_reserved_2bits
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
if (layer.layer_type == libaom_examples::MULTILAYER_LAYER_TYPE_ALPHA &&
layer.layer_metadata_scope >= libaom_examples::SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
const libaom_examples::AlphaInformation &alpha_info =
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_use_idc, 2);
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_simple_flag, 1);
if (!alpha_info.alpha_simple_flag) {
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_bit_depth, 3, /*offset=*/8);
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_clip_idc, 2);
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_incr_flag, 1);
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_transparent_value,
alpha_info.alpha_bit_depth + 1);
write_literal(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_opaque_value,
alpha_info.alpha_bit_depth + 1);
if (buffer.bit_offset % 8 != 0) {
// ai_byte_alignment_bits
write_literal(&buffer, 0, 8 - (buffer.bit_offset % 8));
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
write_literal(&buffer, 0, 6); // ai_reserved_6bits
write_color_properties(&buffer, alpha_info.alpha_color_description);
} else {
write_literal(&buffer, 0, 5); // ai_reserved_5bits
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
} else if (layer.layer_type ==
layer.layer_metadata_scope >= libaom_examples::SCOPE_GLOBAL) {
const libaom_examples::DepthInformation &depth_info =
write_literal(&buffer, depth_info.z_near.second, 1);
write_literal(&buffer, depth_info.z_far.second, 1);
write_literal(&buffer, depth_info.d_min.second, 1);
write_literal(&buffer, depth_info.d_max.second, 1);
write_literal(&buffer, depth_info.depth_representation_type, 4);
if (depth_info.d_min.second || depth_info.d_max.second) {
write_literal(&buffer, depth_info.disparity_ref_view_id, 2);
write_depth_representation_element(&buffer, depth_info.z_near);
write_depth_representation_element(&buffer, depth_info.z_far);
write_depth_representation_element(&buffer, depth_info.d_min);
write_depth_representation_element(&buffer, depth_info.d_max);
if (buffer.bit_offset % 8 != 0) {
write_literal(&buffer, 0, 8 - (buffer.bit_offset % 8));
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
const int metadata_size_bytes = (buffer.bit_offset - metadata_start) / 8;
const uint8_t size_pos = metadata_start / 8 - bytes_reserved_for_size;
size_t coded_size;
if (aom_uleb_encode_fixed_size(metadata_size_bytes, bytes_reserved_for_size,
&buffer.bit_buffer[size_pos], &coded_size)) {
// Need to increase bytes_reserved_for_size in the code above.
die("Error: Failed to write metadata size\n");
assert(buffer.bit_offset % 8 == 0);
if (aom_img_add_metadata(frame, 33 /*METADATA_TYPE_MULTILAYER*/,
buffer.bit_buffer, buffer.bit_offset / 8,
die("Error: Failed to add metadata\n");
// Returns whether there is a mismatch between the encoder's new frame and the
// decoder's new frame.
static int test_decode(aom_codec_ctx_t *encoder, aom_codec_ctx_t *decoder,
const int frames_out) {
aom_image_t enc_img, dec_img;
int mismatch = 0;
/* Get the internal new frame */
if ((enc_img.fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) !=
(dec_img.fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH)) {
if (enc_img.fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
aom_image_t enc_hbd_img;
static_cast<aom_img_fmt_t>(enc_img.fmt - AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH),
enc_img.d_w, enc_img.d_h, 16);
aom_img_truncate_16_to_8(&enc_hbd_img, &enc_img);
enc_img = enc_hbd_img;
if (dec_img.fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
aom_image_t dec_hbd_img;
static_cast<aom_img_fmt_t>(dec_img.fmt - AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH),
dec_img.d_w, dec_img.d_h, 16);
aom_img_truncate_16_to_8(&dec_hbd_img, &dec_img);
dec_img = dec_hbd_img;
if (!aom_compare_img(&enc_img, &dec_img)) {
int y[4], u[4], v[4];
if (enc_img.fmt & AOM_IMG_FMT_HIGHBITDEPTH) {
aom_find_mismatch_high(&enc_img, &dec_img, y, u, v);
} else {
aom_find_mismatch(&enc_img, &dec_img, y, u, v);
aom_find_mismatch(&enc_img, &dec_img, y, u, v);
"Encode/decode mismatch on frame %d at"
" Y[%d, %d] {%d/%d},"
" U[%d, %d] {%d/%d},"
" V[%d, %d] {%d/%d}\n",
frames_out, y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3], v[0],
v[1], v[2], v[3]);
mismatch = 1;
return mismatch;
struct psnr_stats {
// The second element of these arrays is reserved for high bitdepth.
uint64_t psnr_sse_total[2];
uint64_t psnr_samples_total[2];
double psnr_totals[2][4];
int psnr_count[2];
static void show_psnr(struct psnr_stats *psnr_stream, double peak) {
double ovpsnr;
if (!psnr_stream->psnr_count[0]) return;
fprintf(stderr, "\nPSNR (Overall/Avg/Y/U/V)");
ovpsnr = sse_to_psnr((double)psnr_stream->psnr_samples_total[0], peak,
fprintf(stderr, " %.3f", ovpsnr);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
fprintf(stderr, " %.3f",
psnr_stream->psnr_totals[0][i] / psnr_stream->psnr_count[0]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
static aom::AV1RateControlRtcConfig create_rtc_rc_config(
const aom_codec_enc_cfg_t &cfg, const AppInput &app_input) {
aom::AV1RateControlRtcConfig rc_cfg;
rc_cfg.width = cfg.g_w;
rc_cfg.height = cfg.g_h;
rc_cfg.max_quantizer = cfg.rc_max_quantizer;
rc_cfg.min_quantizer = cfg.rc_min_quantizer;
rc_cfg.target_bandwidth = cfg.rc_target_bitrate;
rc_cfg.buf_initial_sz = cfg.rc_buf_initial_sz;
rc_cfg.buf_optimal_sz = cfg.rc_buf_optimal_sz;
rc_cfg.buf_sz = cfg.rc_buf_sz;
rc_cfg.overshoot_pct = cfg.rc_overshoot_pct;
rc_cfg.undershoot_pct = cfg.rc_undershoot_pct;
// This is hardcoded as AOME_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT
rc_cfg.max_intra_bitrate_pct = 300;
rc_cfg.framerate = cfg.g_timebase.den;
// TODO(jianj): Add suppor for SVC.
rc_cfg.ss_number_layers = 1;
rc_cfg.ts_number_layers = 1;
rc_cfg.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
rc_cfg.scaling_factor_den[0] = 1;
rc_cfg.layer_target_bitrate[0] = static_cast<int>(rc_cfg.target_bandwidth);
rc_cfg.max_quantizers[0] = rc_cfg.max_quantizer;
rc_cfg.min_quantizers[0] = rc_cfg.min_quantizer;
rc_cfg.aq_mode = app_input.aq_mode;
return rc_cfg;
static int qindex_to_quantizer(int qindex) {
// Table that converts 0-63 range Q values passed in outside to the 0-255
// range Qindex used internally.
static const int quantizer_to_qindex[] = {
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48,
52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76, 80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 100,
104, 108, 112, 116, 120, 124, 128, 132, 136, 140, 144, 148, 152,
156, 160, 164, 168, 172, 176, 180, 184, 188, 192, 196, 200, 204,
208, 212, 216, 220, 224, 228, 232, 236, 240, 244, 249, 255,
for (int quantizer = 0; quantizer < 64; ++quantizer)
if (quantizer_to_qindex[quantizer] >= qindex) return quantizer;
return 63;
static void set_active_map(const aom_codec_enc_cfg_t *cfg,
aom_codec_ctx_t *codec, int frame_cnt) {
aom_active_map_t map = { 0, 0, 0 };
map.rows = (cfg->g_h + 15) / 16;
map.cols = (cfg->g_w + 15) / 16;
map.active_map = (uint8_t *)malloc(map.rows * map.cols);
if (!map.active_map) die("Failed to allocate active map");
// Example map for testing.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < map.rows; ++i) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < map.cols; ++j) {
int index = map.cols * i + j;
map.active_map[index] = 1;
if (frame_cnt < 300) {
if (i < map.rows / 2 && j < map.cols / 2) map.active_map[index] = 0;
} else if (frame_cnt >= 300) {
if (i < map.rows / 2 && j >= map.cols / 2) map.active_map[index] = 0;
if (aom_codec_control(codec, AOME_SET_ACTIVEMAP, &map))
die_codec(codec, "Failed to set active map");
int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
AppInput app_input;
AvxVideoWriter *outfile[AOM_MAX_LAYERS] = { NULL };
FILE *obu_files[AOM_MAX_LAYERS] = { NULL };
AvxVideoWriter *total_layer_file = NULL;
FILE *total_layer_obu_file = NULL;
aom_codec_enc_cfg_t cfg;
int frame_cnt = 0;
aom_image_t raw;
int frame_avail;
int got_data = 0;
int flags = 0;
int i;
int pts = 0; // PTS starts at 0.
int frame_duration = 1; // 1 timebase tick per frame.
aom_svc_layer_id_t layer_id;
aom_svc_params_t svc_params;
aom_svc_ref_frame_config_t ref_frame_config;
aom_svc_ref_frame_comp_pred_t ref_frame_comp_pred;
FILE *stats_file = fopen("opsnr.stt", "a");
if (stats_file == NULL) {
die("Cannot open opsnr.stt\n");
aom_codec_ctx_t decoder;
struct RateControlMetrics rc;
int64_t cx_time = 0;
int64_t cx_time_layer[AOM_MAX_LAYERS]; // max number of layers.
int frame_cnt_layer[AOM_MAX_LAYERS];
double sum_bitrate = 0.0;
double sum_bitrate2 = 0.0;
double framerate = 30.0;
int use_svc_control = 1;
int set_err_resil_frame = 0;
int test_changing_bitrate = 0;
memset(&layer_id, 0, sizeof(aom_svc_layer_id_t));
memset(&app_input, 0, sizeof(AppInput));
memset(&svc_params, 0, sizeof(svc_params));
// Flag to test dynamic scaling of source frames for single
// spatial stream, using the scaling_mode control.
const int test_dynamic_scaling_single_layer = 0;
// Flag to test setting speed per layer.
const int test_speed_per_layer = 0;
// Flag for testing active maps.
const int test_active_maps = 0;
/* Setup default input stream settings */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_SPATIAL_LAYERS; ++i) {
app_input.input_ctx[i].framerate.numerator = 30;
app_input.input_ctx[i].framerate.denominator = 1;
app_input.input_ctx[i].only_i420 = 0;
app_input.input_ctx[i].bit_depth = AOM_BITS_8;
app_input.speed = 7;
exec_name = argv[0];
// start with default encoder configuration
aom_codec_err_t res = aom_codec_enc_config_default(aom_codec_av1_cx(), &cfg,
if (res != AOM_CODEC_OK) {
die("Failed to get config: %s\n", aom_codec_err_to_string(res));
// Real time parameters.
cfg.g_usage = AOM_USAGE_REALTIME;
cfg.rc_end_usage = AOM_CBR;
cfg.rc_min_quantizer = 2;
cfg.rc_max_quantizer = 52;
cfg.rc_undershoot_pct = 50;
cfg.rc_overshoot_pct = 50;
cfg.rc_buf_initial_sz = 600;
cfg.rc_buf_optimal_sz = 600;
cfg.rc_buf_sz = 1000;
cfg.rc_resize_mode = 0; // Set to RESIZE_DYNAMIC for dynamic resize.
cfg.g_lag_in_frames = 0;
cfg.kf_mode = AOM_KF_AUTO;
cfg.g_w = 0; // Force user to specify width and height for raw input.
cfg.g_h = 0;
parse_command_line(argc, argv, &app_input, &svc_params, &cfg);
int ts_number_layers = svc_params.number_temporal_layers;
int ss_number_layers = svc_params.number_spatial_layers;
unsigned int width = cfg.g_w;
unsigned int height = cfg.g_h;
if (app_input.layering_mode >= 0) {
if (ts_number_layers !=
mode_to_num_temporal_layers[app_input.layering_mode] ||
ss_number_layers !=
mode_to_num_spatial_layers[app_input.layering_mode]) {
die("Number of layers doesn't match layering mode.");
bool has_non_y4m_input = false;
for (i = 0; i < AOM_MAX_LAYERS; ++i) {
if (app_input.input_ctx[i].file_type != FILE_TYPE_Y4M) {
has_non_y4m_input = true;
// Y4M reader has its own allocation.
if (has_non_y4m_input) {
if (!aom_img_alloc(&raw, AOM_IMG_FMT_I420, width, height, 32)) {
die("Failed to allocate image (%dx%d)", width, height);
aom_codec_iface_t *encoder = aom_codec_av1_cx();
memcpy(&rc.layer_target_bitrate[0], &svc_params.layer_target_bitrate[0],
unsigned int total_rate = 0;
for (i = 0; i < ss_number_layers; i++) {
total_rate +=
.layer_target_bitrate[i * ts_number_layers + ts_number_layers - 1];
if (total_rate != cfg.rc_target_bitrate) {
die("Incorrect total target bitrate, expected: %d", total_rate);
svc_params.framerate_factor[0] = 1;
if (ts_number_layers == 2) {
svc_params.framerate_factor[0] = 2;
svc_params.framerate_factor[1] = 1;
} else if (ts_number_layers == 3) {
svc_params.framerate_factor[0] = 4;
svc_params.framerate_factor[1] = 2;
svc_params.framerate_factor[2] = 1;
libaom_examples::MultilayerMetadata multilayer_metadata;
if (app_input.multilayer_metadata_file != NULL) {
if (!libaom_examples::parse_multilayer_file(
app_input.multilayer_metadata_file, &multilayer_metadata)) {
die("Failed to parse multilayer metadata");
framerate = cfg.g_timebase.den / cfg.g_timebase.num;
set_rate_control_metrics(&rc, framerate, ss_number_layers, ts_number_layers);
AvxVideoInfo info;
info.codec_fourcc = get_fourcc_by_aom_encoder(encoder);
info.frame_width = cfg.g_w;
info.frame_height = cfg.g_h;
info.time_base.numerator = cfg.g_timebase.num;
info.time_base.denominator = cfg.g_timebase.den;
// Open an output file for each stream.
for (int sl = 0; sl < ss_number_layers; ++sl) {
for (int tl = 0; tl < ts_number_layers; ++tl) {
i = sl * ts_number_layers + tl;
char file_name[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s_%d.av1",
app_input.output_filename, i);
if (app_input.output_obu) {
obu_files[i] = fopen(file_name, "wb");
if (!obu_files[i]) die("Failed to open %s for writing", file_name);
} else {
outfile[i] = aom_video_writer_open(file_name, kContainerIVF, &info);
if (!outfile[i]) die("Failed to open %s for writing", file_name);
if (app_input.output_obu) {
total_layer_obu_file = fopen(app_input.output_filename, "wb");
if (!total_layer_obu_file)
die("Failed to open %s for writing", app_input.output_filename);
} else {
total_layer_file =
aom_video_writer_open(app_input.output_filename, kContainerIVF, &info);
if (!total_layer_file)
die("Failed to open %s for writing", app_input.output_filename);
// Initialize codec.
aom_codec_ctx_t codec;
aom_codec_flags_t flag = 0;
flag |= cfg.g_input_bit_depth == AOM_BITS_8 ? 0 : AOM_CODEC_USE_HIGHBITDEPTH;
flag |= app_input.show_psnr ? AOM_CODEC_USE_PSNR : 0;
if (aom_codec_enc_init(&codec, encoder, &cfg, flag))
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to initialize encoder");
if (app_input.decode) {
if (aom_codec_dec_init(&decoder, get_aom_decoder_by_index(0), NULL, 0))
die_codec(&decoder, "Failed to initialize decoder");
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_CPUUSED, app_input.speed);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_AQ_MODE, app_input.aq_mode ? 3 : 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_GF_CBR_BOOST_PCT, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CDEF, 1);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_LOOPFILTER_CONTROL, 1);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_WARPED_MOTION, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_OBMC, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_GLOBAL_MOTION, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_ORDER_HINT, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_TPL_MODEL, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_DELTAQ_MODE, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_COEFF_COST_UPD_FREQ, 3);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_MODE_COST_UPD_FREQ, 3);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_MV_COST_UPD_FREQ, 3);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_DV_COST_UPD_FREQ, 3);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_CDF_UPDATE_MODE, 1);
// Settings to reduce key frame encoding time.
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_CFL_INTRA, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_SMOOTH_INTRA, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_ANGLE_DELTA, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_FILTER_INTRA, 0);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_INTRA_DEFAULT_TX_ONLY, 1);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_AUTO_TILES, 1);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_TUNE_CONTENT, app_input.tune_content);
if (app_input.tune_content == AOM_CONTENT_SCREEN) {
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_PALETTE, 1);
// INTRABC is currently disabled for rt mode, as it's too slow.
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ENABLE_INTRABC, 0);
if (app_input.use_external_rc) {
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_RTC_EXTERNAL_RC, 1);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_MAX_CONSEC_FRAME_DROP_MS_CBR, INT_MAX);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_FRAME_DROP_MODE,
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_POSTENCODE_DROP_RTC, 1);
svc_params.number_spatial_layers = ss_number_layers;
svc_params.number_temporal_layers = ts_number_layers;
for (i = 0; i < ss_number_layers * ts_number_layers; ++i) {
svc_params.max_quantizers[i] = cfg.rc_max_quantizer;
svc_params.min_quantizers[i] = cfg.rc_min_quantizer;
if (!app_input.scale_factors_explicitly_set) {
for (i = 0; i < ss_number_layers; ++i) {
svc_params.scaling_factor_num[i] = 1;
svc_params.scaling_factor_den[i] = 1;
if (ss_number_layers == 2) {
svc_params.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
svc_params.scaling_factor_den[0] = 2;
} else if (ss_number_layers == 3) {
svc_params.scaling_factor_num[0] = 1;
svc_params.scaling_factor_den[0] = 4;
svc_params.scaling_factor_num[1] = 1;
svc_params.scaling_factor_den[1] = 2;
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_PARAMS, &svc_params);
// TODO(aomedia:3032): Configure KSVC in fixed mode.
// This controls the maximum target size of the key frame.
// For generating smaller key frames, use a smaller max_intra_size_pct
// value, like 100 or 200.
const int max_intra_size_pct = 300;
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_MAX_INTRA_BITRATE_PCT,
for (int lx = 0; lx < ts_number_layers * ss_number_layers; lx++) {
cx_time_layer[lx] = 0;
frame_cnt_layer[lx] = 0;
std::unique_ptr<aom::AV1RateControlRTC> rc_api;
if (app_input.use_external_rc) {
const aom::AV1RateControlRtcConfig rc_cfg =
create_rtc_rc_config(cfg, app_input);
rc_api = aom::AV1RateControlRTC::Create(rc_cfg);
frame_avail = 1;
struct psnr_stats psnr_stream;
memset(&psnr_stream, 0, sizeof(psnr_stream));
while (frame_avail || got_data) {
struct aom_usec_timer timer;
frame_avail = read_frame(&(app_input.input_ctx[0]), &raw);
// Loop over spatial layers.
for (int slx = 0; slx < ss_number_layers; slx++) {
if (slx > 0 && app_input.input_ctx[slx].filename != NULL) {
const int previous_layer_frame_avail = frame_avail;
frame_avail = read_frame(&(app_input.input_ctx[slx]), &raw);
if (previous_layer_frame_avail != frame_avail) {
die("Mismatch in number of frames between spatial layer input files");
aom_codec_iter_t iter = NULL;
const aom_codec_cx_pkt_t *pkt;
int layer = 0;
// Flag for superframe whose base is key.
int is_key_frame = (frame_cnt % cfg.kf_max_dist) == 0;
// For flexible mode:
if (app_input.layering_mode >= 0) {
// Set the reference/update flags, layer_id, and reference_map
// buffer index.
set_layer_pattern(app_input.layering_mode, frame_cnt, &layer_id,
&ref_frame_config, &ref_frame_comp_pred,
&use_svc_control, slx, is_key_frame,
(app_input.layering_mode == 10), app_input.speed);
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
if (use_svc_control) {
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_REF_FRAME_CONFIG,
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_REF_FRAME_COMP_PRED,
if (app_input.multilayer_metadata_file != NULL) {
add_multilayer_metadata(&raw, multilayer_metadata);
// Set the speed per layer.
if (test_speed_per_layer) {
int speed_per_layer = 10;
if (layer_id.spatial_layer_id == 0) {
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 0) speed_per_layer = 6;
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 1) speed_per_layer = 7;
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 2) speed_per_layer = 8;
} else if (layer_id.spatial_layer_id == 1) {
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 0) speed_per_layer = 7;
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 1) speed_per_layer = 8;
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 2) speed_per_layer = 9;
} else if (layer_id.spatial_layer_id == 2) {
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 0) speed_per_layer = 8;
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 1) speed_per_layer = 9;
if (layer_id.temporal_layer_id == 2) speed_per_layer = 10;
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_CPUUSED, speed_per_layer);
} else {
// Only up to 3 temporal layers supported in fixed mode.
// Only need to set spatial and temporal layer_id: reference
// prediction, refresh, and buffer_idx are set internally.
layer_id.spatial_layer_id = slx;
layer_id.temporal_layer_id = 0;
if (ts_number_layers == 2) {
layer_id.temporal_layer_id = (frame_cnt % 2) != 0;
} else if (ts_number_layers == 3) {
if (frame_cnt % 2 != 0)
layer_id.temporal_layer_id = 2;
else if ((frame_cnt > 1) && ((frame_cnt - 2) % 4 == 0))
layer_id.temporal_layer_id = 1;
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_LAYER_ID, &layer_id);
if (set_err_resil_frame && cfg.g_error_resilient == 0) {
// Set error_resilient per frame: off/0 for base layer and
// on/1 for enhancement layer frames.
// Note that this is can only be done on the fly/per-frame/layer
// if the config error_resilience is off/0. See the logic for updating
// in set_encoder_config():
// tool_cfg->error_resilient_mode =
// cfg->g_error_resilient | extra_cfg->error_resilient_mode;
const int err_resil_mode =
layer_id.spatial_layer_id > 0 || layer_id.temporal_layer_id > 0;
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_ERROR_RESILIENT_MODE,
layer = slx * ts_number_layers + layer_id.temporal_layer_id;
if (frame_avail && slx == 0) ++rc.layer_input_frames[layer];
if (test_dynamic_scaling_single_layer) {
// Example to scale source down by 2x2, then 4x4, and then back up to
// 2x2, and then back to original.
int frame_2x2 = 200;
int frame_4x4 = 400;
int frame_2x2up = 600;
int frame_orig = 800;
if (frame_cnt >= frame_2x2 && frame_cnt < frame_4x4) {
// Scale source down by 2x2.
struct aom_scaling_mode mode = { AOME_ONETWO, AOME_ONETWO };
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_SCALEMODE, &mode);
} else if (frame_cnt >= frame_4x4 && frame_cnt < frame_2x2up) {
// Scale source down by 4x4.
struct aom_scaling_mode mode = { AOME_ONEFOUR, AOME_ONEFOUR };
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_SCALEMODE, &mode);
} else if (frame_cnt >= frame_2x2up && frame_cnt < frame_orig) {
// Source back up to 2x2.
struct aom_scaling_mode mode = { AOME_ONETWO, AOME_ONETWO };
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_SCALEMODE, &mode);
} else if (frame_cnt >= frame_orig) {
// Source back up to original resolution (no scaling).
struct aom_scaling_mode mode = { AOME_NORMAL, AOME_NORMAL };
aom_codec_control(&codec, AOME_SET_SCALEMODE, &mode);
if (frame_cnt == frame_2x2 || frame_cnt == frame_4x4 ||
frame_cnt == frame_2x2up || frame_cnt == frame_orig) {
// For dynamic resize testing on single layer: refresh all references
// on the resized frame: this is to avoid decode error:
// if resize goes down by >= 4x4 then libaom decoder will throw an
// error that some reference (even though not used) is beyond the
// limit size (must be smaller than 4x4).
for (i = 0; i < REF_FRAMES; i++) ref_frame_config.refresh[i] = 1;
if (use_svc_control) {
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_REF_FRAME_CONFIG,
aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_SVC_REF_FRAME_COMP_PRED,
// Change target_bitrate every other frame.
if (test_changing_bitrate && frame_cnt % 2 == 0) {
if (frame_cnt < 500)
cfg.rc_target_bitrate += 10;
cfg.rc_target_bitrate -= 10;
// Do big increase and decrease.
if (frame_cnt == 100) cfg.rc_target_bitrate <<= 1;
if (frame_cnt == 600) cfg.rc_target_bitrate >>= 1;
if (cfg.rc_target_bitrate < 100) cfg.rc_target_bitrate = 100;
// Call change_config, or bypass with new control.
// res = aom_codec_enc_config_set(&codec, &cfg);
if (aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_BITRATE_ONE_PASS_CBR,
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to SET_BITRATE_ONE_PASS_CBR");
if (rc_api) {
aom::AV1FrameParamsRTC frame_params;
// TODO(jianj): Add support for SVC.
frame_params.spatial_layer_id = 0;
frame_params.temporal_layer_id = 0;
frame_params.frame_type =
is_key_frame ? aom::kKeyFrame : aom::kInterFrame;
const int current_qp = rc_api->GetQP();
if (aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_SET_QUANTIZER_ONE_PASS,
qindex_to_quantizer(current_qp))) {
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to SET_QUANTIZER_ONE_PASS");
if (test_active_maps) set_active_map(&cfg, &codec, frame_cnt);
// Do the layer encode.
if (aom_codec_encode(&codec, frame_avail ? &raw : NULL, pts, 1, flags))
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to encode frame");
cx_time += aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer);
cx_time_layer[layer] += aom_usec_timer_elapsed(&timer);
frame_cnt_layer[layer] += 1;
// Get the high motion content flag.
int content_flag = 0;
if (aom_codec_control(&codec, AV1E_GET_HIGH_MOTION_CONTENT_SCREEN_RTC,
&content_flag)) {
die_codec(&codec, "Failed to GET_HIGH_MOTION_CONTENT_SCREEN_RTC");
got_data = 0;
// For simulcast (mode 11): write out each spatial layer to the file.
int ss_layers_write = (app_input.layering_mode == 11)
? layer_id.spatial_layer_id + 1
: ss_number_layers;
while ((pkt = aom_codec_get_cx_data(&codec, &iter))) {
switch (pkt->kind) {
for (int sl = layer_id.spatial_layer_id; sl < ss_layers_write;
++sl) {
for (int tl = layer_id.temporal_layer_id; tl < ts_number_layers;
++tl) {
int j = sl * ts_number_layers + tl;
if (app_input.output_obu) {
fwrite(pkt->data.frame.buf, 1, pkt->,
} else {
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(pkt->data.frame.buf),
pkt->, pts);
if (sl == layer_id.spatial_layer_id)
rc.layer_encoding_bitrate[j] += 8.0 * pkt->;
got_data = 1;
// Write everything into the top layer.
if (app_input.output_obu) {
fwrite(pkt->data.frame.buf, 1, pkt->,
} else {
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(pkt->data.frame.buf),
pkt->, pts);
// Keep count of rate control stats per layer (for non-key).
if (!(pkt->data.frame.flags & AOM_FRAME_IS_KEY)) {
int j = layer_id.spatial_layer_id * ts_number_layers +
assert(j >= 0);
rc.layer_avg_frame_size[j] += 8.0 * pkt->;
rc.layer_avg_rate_mismatch[j] +=
fabs(8.0 * pkt-> - rc.layer_pfb[j]) /
if (slx == 0) ++rc.layer_enc_frames[layer_id.temporal_layer_id];
if (rc_api) {
// Update for short-time encoding bitrate states, for moving window
// of size rc->window, shifted by rc->window / 2.
// Ignore first window segment, due to key frame.
// For spatial layers: only do this for top/highest SL.
if (frame_cnt > rc.window_size && slx == ss_number_layers - 1) {
sum_bitrate += 0.001 * 8.0 * pkt-> * framerate;
rc.window_size = (rc.window_size <= 0) ? 1 : rc.window_size;
if (frame_cnt % rc.window_size == 0) {
rc.window_count += 1;
rc.avg_st_encoding_bitrate += sum_bitrate / rc.window_size;
rc.variance_st_encoding_bitrate +=
(sum_bitrate / rc.window_size) *
(sum_bitrate / rc.window_size);
sum_bitrate = 0.0;
// Second shifted window.
if (frame_cnt > rc.window_size + rc.window_size / 2 &&
slx == ss_number_layers - 1) {
sum_bitrate2 += 0.001 * 8.0 * pkt-> * framerate;
if (frame_cnt > 2 * rc.window_size &&
frame_cnt % rc.window_size == 0) {
rc.window_count += 1;
rc.avg_st_encoding_bitrate += sum_bitrate2 / rc.window_size;
rc.variance_st_encoding_bitrate +=
(sum_bitrate2 / rc.window_size) *
(sum_bitrate2 / rc.window_size);
sum_bitrate2 = 0.0;
if (app_input.decode) {
if (aom_codec_decode(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(pkt->data.frame.buf),
pkt->, NULL))
die_codec(&decoder, "Failed to decode frame");
if (app_input.show_psnr) {
psnr_stream.psnr_sse_total[0] += pkt->data.psnr.sse[0];
psnr_stream.psnr_samples_total[0] += pkt->data.psnr.samples[0];
for (int plane = 0; plane < 4; plane++) {
psnr_stream.psnr_totals[0][plane] += pkt->data.psnr.psnr[plane];
default: break;
if (got_data && app_input.decode) {
// Don't look for mismatch on top spatial and top temporal layers as
// they are non reference frames.
if ((ss_number_layers > 1 || ts_number_layers > 1) &&
!(layer_id.temporal_layer_id > 0 &&
layer_id.temporal_layer_id == ts_number_layers - 1)) {
if (test_decode(&codec, &decoder, frame_cnt)) {
fprintf(stats_file, "First mismatch occurred in frame %d\n",
fatal("Mismatch seen");
} // loop over spatial layers
pts += frame_duration;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_SPATIAL_LAYERS; ++i) {
if (app_input.input_ctx[i].filename == NULL) {
printout_rate_control_summary(&rc, frame_cnt, ss_number_layers,
for (int slx = 0; slx < ss_number_layers; slx++)
for (int tlx = 0; tlx < ts_number_layers; tlx++) {
int lx = slx * ts_number_layers + tlx;
printf("Per layer encoding time/FPS stats for encoder: %d %d %d %f %f \n",
slx, tlx, frame_cnt_layer[lx],
(float)cx_time_layer[lx] / (double)(frame_cnt_layer[lx] * 1000),
1000000 * (double)frame_cnt_layer[lx] / (double)cx_time_layer[lx]);
printf("Frame cnt and encoding time/FPS stats for encoding: %d %f %f\n",
frame_cnt, 1000 * (float)cx_time / (double)(frame_cnt * 1000000),
1000000 * (double)frame_cnt / (double)cx_time);
if (app_input.show_psnr) {
show_psnr(&psnr_stream, 255.0);
if (aom_codec_destroy(&codec)) die_codec(&codec, "Failed to destroy encoder");
if (app_input.decode) {
if (aom_codec_destroy(&decoder))
die_codec(&decoder, "Failed to destroy decoder");
fprintf(stats_file, "No mismatch detected in recon buffers\n");
// Try to rewrite the output file headers with the actual frame count.
for (i = 0; i < ss_number_layers * ts_number_layers; ++i)
if (has_non_y4m_input) {